Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 16, 1796, Image 1

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    of the MtlltetJ States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser,
- r NuMBER 1255 . FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER \6, 1796. . X
For Norfolk and Baltimore, | Th<
yjp*, £L JOHN HAMLYN, Matter,
jV^~v-■ Will fail in all this week- F6r freignt
£ arid passage ; apply te the Capt. ori board,
Nortr, fide of JESSE and ROBERT,
Wains wharf, or to the Subscribers, 70
Who, have i&w landing from [aid Sloof,
A few H'nds. of proof Antigua ROM. Ft
The NONPAREIL is intended as a constant trader, be
tween Baltimore and Philadelphia, it fuiuble encoaragemerit ,g f
-jSff C ef vvi WOT T.TXfiSWORTH. & SON. j
September 13,179 s - 5 " i
The capital (hip CERES, I J
To fail soon:—For freight or passage J
f•-^£s-, r plv to DAVY, ROBERTS Sc Co. or I
°Jotm Vaughan,
September io. Front-street. J
F 0 R-S A L E, s<
The Schooner LAX K,
yifjf One Hundred and twenty tons burthen. I
nSjviSr A new Vessel well found, well built, & J
fails extremely fad. For terms apply! FOl
to the matter on board, or to I j
joseph Anthony & Co. u
If the above vessel is not fold in a few days, Ihe will j i
take freight on very low t,ernls for Boston. j
Se V l - , i Ab
For Sale or Charter, j£|
boston, 1*
BURTHEN .ibout 1000 3bls. of flour—fWe may be sent Ch
to fca at a fmj.ll expence, her fails and rigging being in j Cir
very good order—apply*® l_C=)
'f 8 flic's. LuriiptTen, or
George Latimer. F "
At>ril to, 5_ I' 9
—— — I Ga
jrj-X The {hip. STAR, £
John Vanseman, Mailer, Gr
T YING at wharf, Philadel- |
V ' phia built, ps live oak and cedar, will 1
e „ry »bo *3190 barrels, is two years old, and in com- «•*<
olea order to receive a cargo—For terms apply to
plea orue THOS. 5c JOHN KETLAND. |
Who have also forfale said voffels cargo—confuting of—
Wine and Porter be * %
Window G ass, 6 by 'S to 16 by H.
Pipes ir. boxes , j —
Earthen-Ware in crates.
Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, &c. I
2 9 _ S thi
At bouth-ftreet wharf, Nc
WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft. August, lot
by snow Hope, from Jamaica, and Hoop Sally,
7co Hhds. COFFEE,
70—Hhtiex •STTCS-.'cß..
Also, the cargo of the Swtdi/h brig Guflaf Adolphe, in
cap!. Ramfre. from Gibraltar,
ift and 4th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhdj.
Hazle >" lacks
St ui ci iALT, for faleuy
< >—a For Charter,
The said brig
Gustaf Adolphe,
s- A Swede, with a Msditerranean pass,
very fine veficl> about 200 tons bur
then. Aug. tB. ffawcozw
For Sale or Charter,
th-e fast-sailing sh»p J_
LYING at Mess. J. & R. Wain's wharf,
two* hundred and seventy tons burthen, a stout, strong
vessel, and well found. For terms apply to ft
Joseph Anthony & Co. o
Sept. t. ' dtf ,—. '!
ON '1 hurfdaT Ttie IXU n'fl. Jflu u'ukiLK, A. -t<
be fold at the stores of Willings and Frane.s, a large tl
quantity of INDIA GOODS, impoited in the Ganges, y
from Bengal, conflfting of
toco picces Gurrahs
ICC3 do. Baftas, different kinds £
3500 do Coffas, <I°*
450 do Humhumt, do. 6
600 do. Patna hdkfs. for women
rco ho. Addaties 1 ®
£0 do Table clo'Jis ,
joo do. Emerties • .
'80 do. Panjums T
300 do. Fine Mutmuls
%oo do. Fine Ducca hdkf*.
100 do. worked Muslins
too do. Dorcas ,
I<jo do. Book Mullin
TOO do. bbek and colored Perfiam or
I2CO do. bandar.nocs, chocolate, red and blue
lao do. Choppa RomaK .
40 quarter ca&s of Hyson Tea of go«d quality
An Souchqng '
The coarfc goods wiU be (old by th 3 bale, the taffetas
ir.d banaaniHies in lots to fait tn P u ,he " 3S
the chofl. The whole is entitled to the drawback,and .
he fold for approved notes on a hbcralxred...
The gcodi iiuy be fcefi irom the 15th mft. to the da, 1
previous to the lale. CONNELLY, ASionecr. 1
September 8- — [
Dissolution of Partnerthip.
T HE «».ner(hio between ROUERT ANDREWS.and '
-* D»V 1D MF.REDI IH, under ihe firm of AN DREWS
ad m: Reditu, being difloived /JJ, m ■
.. r, -a to, or who have chums 'V* ho " fc ' ,
e,celled to apply for lettie.ent, .he ,»
No. "86, So. Wha.ves.
, • d .f .
stpt.6,1 7QQ. —•
A>lete Font of Brevier,
. and yet unopened. The weight o ~m
1L tontLbout " i- from thc IT CZ rl
Wilson & willbe :old at cost & charge .
Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal C.-.afes.
Squire at the Olfice of the Gazette ol the Lmtde
Stats;* ixjChefnut-ftreet. Aug. 19
1 The Cargo of the Polacre Independent,
APT AIN CATHCART, from Alicint and Lif-
VJ bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf — .
,t I 28 Pipes of Brandy -
A, 18 Bales of wool
r, I 3 do. ol Annifeed . 5;
I 7000 BuQieis of best Lilbon Salt the £
80 Boxes of Lemons {ion
For sale by WILLINGS ic FRANCIS. a
e- I ALSO,
nt I Seventy Hogfheadsof prince JAMAICA SUGARS,
j received by the fiiip Dominick Terry, Capt. DeHart,
from King^t-n.
_ I Sept. 13. d
\ JUST ARRIVED, frvmLiJbon, A
e J And for Sale by the Subscribers, Mefl
Lisbon Wine, no ™
111 pipe« and quarter-calks;
5000 Buihels Lisbon Salt.
— JeJJi iff Robert Wain. —^
i Sept. 10. dtf
j 1 ,
ply I For the following Pojl Offices, will be closed at . A
I Philadelphia ON Friday afternoon at sun-set :— "
j Mails from the fame Pofl-Offices mill arrive on
fill I Friday morning— Ji
j Abbotftown, P. Hanover, P. PITTSBt'p.G, P.
— I Abingdon, Va. Hagerftown, Md. Rockingham c.h.v
I Bardftown, K. Harrodfburg, K. Sharpfbursh, Mdi
I Bedford, P. Hancock, Md. Shepherdfbwn,Va
j Bathc.h. Va. Jonefboro', Ten. Springßeld, K.
j Bourbon, K. iCnoxville, Ten. Stever.fbursh, Va.
1 Brownsville, P. Lancaller, P. Stralburg, Va.
I Carlisle, P. Leefourg, Va. Staunton,Va.
rent J Chamberfburg, P Ltxiagt«n, K. Sweet Spring?, Va.
lin I Cincinnati, c. w. t. Lexington, Va. I'aney-Town, Md.
I C ".) K. TTinr^::, 11.I 1 .
" ;:.3 WarfeftS. n.w t." Wilhington,' P,
I Dcnv^inglown, P. Millerftown, P. Washington, K. '
I Frankfort, K. \Jartit.foarg, Va. Williamsport, Md.
5 1 Kredericktn. Md. Montgomery, c. v. \'.'inchefter, Va.
1 Gallipolis, n. w. t. Moigantown, Va. Weft Liberty, Va. Th
J Grecnfburg.'P. Nashville, K. Wheeling, Va.
1 Gettilburg, P. New-Market, Va. Woodllock, Va,
1 Greenbrier c.h. v. Oldtown, d. Wythe c; h. Va. A
I Green eville, Ten. Peterfburgh, P. York P. L
acl» I •
will.! Tlie MAIL from Lancaster, P. arrives at Philadelphia,
om- I every Monday, Wednefd y and Friday, at 6 P.M. and A
1 closes at Philadelphia the fame days, at 7 P.M.
) [ The MAIL for Potffgrove, Reading, Lebanon, and
[ Harrilburg, wilt close at Philadelphia, every Tuesday,
I Thunday and Saturday, at 7 P. M.
I General Poft-Olfice, September 13,1796. d 4t.
Washington Lottery.
r I THE Twentieth and Twenty-firft Days' Drawing of -
I the Washington Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office
No. aj4, Marker-ftrcet, where tickets may be examined.
N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other
511 ft, lotteries may be procured.
ally, I September 15, J"
— — £
WINE, London particular i.ladeira, 4 years old, , n:
'pbr, in pipes and hogsheads co
I Claret, genuine old, in cases .
Gin, in pipes, from Holland to
Earthen Ware, in crates
Basket Salt, in hogsheads
1 Shot, Not. 6, 7, 1 and 9
Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead •
Steel, German and Rviffia, in barrels /
Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, '■
Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by v '
!£: L
— A very valuable Merchant Mill> p ,
£V QJJARIUES to be let.
I will rent my merchant Mill at the little Falls of Po
tow mac, for any term rot less thanfeven, nor more than
' eleven years, from the firft day of September next. The
tron K mill-house Is 4Z by 40 feet, three stories high, built with ! -
stone, and hasin it three pairs of French Burr Stones, two j
). overshot l 8 feet water-wheels, and Evans's machinery 1 ol
f complete, with every other thing proper and necessary for ar
——• carryingon thebulinefs with dispatch, and-at as little ex- p<
penfe as possible, all 111 good order.—From the mill to my al
u I■ ■! tii-g ■-» .tV>a P-*-,— -- ( >f any bur- |k<
large then may deliver grain and tike in flour) it is about 40 i
mges, yards, and from thence by water to George-Town and "
° the City of Walhingtos, about 3 miles, and to Alexan-
dria about It miles. This situation, aided by a fufficient
capital, will command the produce of a very extensive
back country, where large quantities of wheat,and other
grain is annually made, the diSance to it being from 8
to to miles less than to any raaiket town up in the navi
gation of the Potowmac. There are on the preniifes a
large-ftotie Coopers' fh .ip, a stone granary, and a commo
dious miller's house. At the -landing aforefaid a bridge
is now building over the Potomac, which is in great for-
and probably will be finifhed the ensuing fall.
There are also on the premises, a Brtwery and Distille
ry, built with stone, in them are three stills, two coppers
or boilers, with every necessary article, all new, and in
good order, and fufficiently large to carry on the Brew
s try and DiftiHery upon a very extensive plan. This prop
erty I will rent for the fame term of years.
Upon my lands adjoining the premises, and along the '
y ■ banks of the river, where craft may lead with eafeand dis
patch, is an i nmehfe q-iantity of building and founda- j
iffetas tion-ftones. Four quarries are now open, and as many
■ as by -more may be opened with cafe : the stone taken from these j
d will 'piarries* is better, and has, the preference at this market, c
to any other stone brOHght to it. I will rent these quarries (
le day fcparately or together as may best suit. ' _ c
On the top of the hill, and about too yards from the 1 (
ccr . mill, is a stone Dwelling-house, large enough for the nc- 1
j' comniorktion of a family : also, a kitchen, dairy, smoke- 1
house, &c. and a garden, enc ofed and in cultivation, the
foiof which is equal in goodness to any in this slate. I
'Sand will property. > ,
lEWS Adjoining to the Brewery and Diflillery is a Smith's
ho a r e (hop, in which is a complete set of Blackf.nith's tools,
fc jic which 1 will also rent, and if agreeable I will hire to the
tenant two negro blacksmiths, one of them is a complete
et . 1 I rent out the stone quarries, I will fell three crafts,
lif which were built for the purpose of .carrying stone : they
will altogether bring upwards of 90 perch Immediate!
possession will be given. For terms apply to the Mifcrib
cr in this town.
of this The Mill, Brewery and DiftiHery, withthe'.r apptirtcn
erv of ances, will be delivered to the tepant or tenants in good
i»rges. repair, and muftbe sb returned, at the expiiation of the
leafs orleafes.
54W Alexandria, Aug. «6 —
For Sale,
(In an excellent situation far bulinefs,) O (
A three-story brick House and Lot of
Eighteen feet front and twenty-five feet in depth, on £
the South fide of Market near Front-street, now in posses
sion of Samuel Read.
Apply to KtC
Israel Pleafants, or
Charles & Joseph Pleafants. 4 °^
dtf I Di
For Sale, Id!
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut IDi
street, between Front and Second streets, in which Foi
1 Messrs. James Calbraith ScCo. have for many years (and -au;
now do) carried on business.
Poflefuon will be given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or -Of
. April *1. y §_ Front
A Book-Keeper, C
OR Clerk's place is wanted by a pcrfon properly quali
fied, and whose chara&er will be found unexception
able. Apply to the Pointer. A?:d
, Aug. 11
Dutch Goods,
Received by the Pennsylvania, from Amjlerdam.
GIN, in pipes Bei
„ Moriaix
Ticklenburgs > In Bales
4 Ofnaburgs J
pt' } «*<■— —
Hollands \ DUCK, in ditto And
Ravens 3
Bedticks, in ditto
:: asr } "» Lai
UorSahHry TSGMAf JOHN XfftW.
2 <> ' ' §
d ' Sales of India Goods. Bioc
a. The Cargo of the Ihip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal
cutta and Bengal,
A Large and general afTortment of Bengal and Madras
id' A variety fine worked and plain Mu/lihs,
Doreas, Is'c. Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, JL
In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER,
For Sale by
_ Willings Francis,
No. II Penn Street. TJ
of ' T""e 8 _i_ Me
At a special netting- of the Board of Di- be i
; ' reclt H for ejlablijhing ujeful ManufoSures, ho/den g
at Paterfon, July 8, 1 E
RESOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stock- I
holder of the Society be called on the finl Monday,
heing the thi/d ay of at Paterfon, by,t-en 1
: f -the clock of the feme day ; then and there to t ,ke I
d > r.lto w Tctir i tide ration the propriety of diffolvjng the said
corporation, agreeably to the law ki such cafe made and |
■provided—and the Stockholders are earnestly requested ;
to attend the said meeting in person or by pre icy. _
August 27 dtjathO
A QUARTERLY MEETIHG of the Hibernian
S'ictsT y for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland,
"* will bs held at Mr. M'Shar.e's tavern, in Third-street, on
Saturday the 17th inft. at seven o'clock in tl* Evening.
Maiurw Caret, Sec'ry.
— 1796. J.
P. S: It is particularly requested the members will be
> punctual in their attendance.
NE duty on carriages.
•1" Notice is hereby Given,
'ith i ~pHAT agreeably to aft of Congress of the United
wo i 1 States ot Amerjca, paiTed at Philadelphia, the 28th day
ery 'of Mav, 1796; laying duties on Carriages, for me convey
for ance ot persons, and repealing the former a Sis for that pur
ex- pofc.—'That there (haltbe levied, collected and paid, upon
my air carriages for the conveyance oi otrlons, which shall be
ur _ ; kepi by or for any perlon, for his or h«r own use. or to let
, 3 out tQ hire, or for the conveying of palfengers, the several du
ties and rates followi&g, to wit.
For and apon every Coac?h, 15 dols.
upon Chariot, la dols.
Nt upon every Post 12 doln 1
lve upon every Poll Chaise, 12 dole.
" er • upon every Phaeton, with or without 9 doll
n upon every Coachee, 9 dols.
»vi- upon other Carriages, having panne i work above,
ts a with blinds, glaifes curtains, 9 dols.
mo- upon four wheel carnages, having framed posts and X
dge topi with steel fpriugs, 6 dols. cc
for- upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron
springs or jacks. 3 dob- *
ilJ e . upon curricles with tops, 3 dols.-
p ers upon chaises with tops, 3 dols.
i ; n uDOn chairs with tops, 3 dols.
' ew _ upon lulkies with tops, 3 dols.
_ upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols.
°P" upon two wheel carriage*, with steel or iron springs,
1 , 3 dols.
~.e For and upon all other two wheel caniages, 2 dols.
upon every four wheel carriage, havir.g framed posts
| ao< j tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. ®
ian T The Collectors of the Revenue of the firft survey of the 4
hefe Diftrift of Pennsylvania. will attcud daily, until the 30th day -
of September next, for the purpose of receiving the duties on
rries at No. 117, in Rlcc or Saffofrai street, in iheCttv
of Philadelphia, at the house ot Daniel S. ia ' hc 11
the > Countv of Montgomery ; and at the house of Abraham Due
: r.c- bois, Esq. in the Co»>nty of Burks; of which all persons pol- |
oke- fefTed of Uch Carriages are defned to take nouee. t
. the Not'ce is also given, j
' TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign distilled fpiri- ■
. , tuous ice nee, will be granted 10 .hem ; One 1.
: ;*' Cence for carrying on the_ business ot retailing ol Wines, in a £
°°' s > iefsauantity, or in lels quantities than 30 gallons —and one 1
» the licence for carrying 00 the bu&nefs of retailing Spirituous li- 1
plete quors in lefsquan ities than «o thelame time and ,
at the fame places, by the officers legally authoriaed to grant
fucii licences.
(iiatef Infpcftor of the Rt venue o! the fifil farvey
cr ib- of the d?drift»t Pennf)lvmoia.
Office of Infpeflion, at { ,3®
rtcn- Philadelphia, 21ft July, 1796- J
good — 1
1 tne wants L,
X. An APPRENTICE to ihe Prirti6g Buf.ncfs.
Enquire at this-05ue. Aug. 19
1 ■ f Jt' ■' "* m • -
Just Landed,
96 Bags of Prime Coffee,
Entitled to drawback,
For Sale at 117, South Second-street.
Sept. 15. ' * d 3 ,
French Goods. ,
Received by the Seily, Mitchell, from Havredc
zo Trunk. ■) La( . ies } SHOES of ail colors fopts and Cze»
I Cafe 3 •/
I Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGo
1 Ditto Fine LAWN 1
I Ditto befi: nnetjAMEWG"
I Ditto'La3ies* befl (hammy and Grenoble Glores / '■
•tug- *4 -
A Single Woman,
<• Of a good charafler, that would take part of a
Houfc, may hear of one by applying at No. 110, North
Front-street Sept. £4. dj
Great is Truth and mult prevail.
And for fate at No- 41 Chefr.ut-flrett by J.ORK :: ODi
An Apology for the Bible,
2sy R. JVATSON, D. D. F. *>'
Bijkop of Laniiaff, dc. . ,
Being a Complete refutation of Paine 3
Age of Re a fen,
A"sd thfr only anf»er to the Second Part
August 30. ■ . *
And fold by WJL I.IAM COBBE VT, opposite .
C'hrift Church,
Last' LefTon to the Admirers of French
S Liberty. |
Let thbfe who doubt of the Lifts fiated in Porcupine's
Bloody Suoy, read here and be convinced-
At the fame place may be had,
Watson's Apology for the Bible ;
Being a complete refutation of that hLfphttOous work
is falfely called the " Age of Reason."
As Alfi
All the Grub-flreet Pamphlets, vomited forth from
, the lungs bf filth and falsehood, against
Peter Porcupine.
Sept. 14.
No. 76 High Street,
HAS received, by the latest arrivals four. Europe and
the East Indies, a well feleScd assortment of Silk
— Mercery, Linen Drapery and Habcrclafhery Goods ; w.uch
jf_ he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, en the lowcft terms ;
amongst which are,
°' n Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold ana L.ver
Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad Mulmul ditto
D / do do do Handkerchiefs
SomeeXtrablacktaffetics,lut«ftringsand colored Peruana
en EanJano Handkerchiefs
ke Long aud short Nankeens
id Enjlifb Mantuas of the firft quality
n d Damaflc table linen and napkins, very fine
ed Silk Hosiery, an elegant affortm-mt
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas —green silk, oil'd do. and do cleth
— French cambrics, very fine
friih Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 §
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
3d, QJ- the bejl quality and or. retfonable terms,
°g- Philip Nieklin- & Co.
Auguf: 16. 111
he Just Arrived,
In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li
cooo Bushels SALT ;
100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and
An Assortment ot SHIP CHANDLER ;
F O ft S A L E
j ed On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to
%l James Campbell, or
ur - Gear re Latimer.
>°n " c
be April 19* I
•' From 16 to 9 £ inched, for salt by
Jeremiah Warder,
July 41 § No 15 north Third-ureet.
• N Lottery
5¥t ' T7OR ra'iCng fixthoufand fix hundred and sixty-seven
and Jf dollars and fifty cents,, by a deduction of fifteen per
cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz
iron 1 Prize of 5000 dollars it dollars 500.0
loco 1000
t 500 J°°
40.0 icto
A 100 1000
99 S ° 49^
200 s°°°
inßs ' 1000 10 . „ *o'ooo0 ' 000
5 Last drawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, jooo
f the .4018 Blanks.
1 day —
■son 6, ro Tickets at Seven Dollar? each, 44.4J0
City By order of the Diredors of the Society for eftabnfh
-1 the lrl „ ufefulManufa&ures, the fuperkitendants of the 1 at-
Du- erion Lottery hive requested the Managers to offer the
P of " foregoing Selicme to the public, and have direAed theni
to reiund the money to thofc person. who have purchased
in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets
£'!!" n o'ietoueT/has dually commenced drawing, and will
in . continue until fin.lhed. a lift of the Blanks and Prize.
I one may be seen at the office ot William Blackburn, No. 64
usli- south Second street, who wiU give information where
e and ets may be procured.
grant Dated this 17th day of June, 1796
f. N- CUMMIXG, 7
dtf eo
A Handsome, well-broke
For Sale , enquire at the Omeftogo Stable's, the ownet
ft. having no nfe for hits. „,3cfjW
Aug. »»