Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 14, 1796, Image 1

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    tte tEßtteDStates, Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Numbes 1253. J —; — — -
■■ 1 ' <v. rr r% r*~ ar%nr rr T? JT\ f & a T"> T T?
1' - J%J -X
,- ' "
For Norfolk and Baltimore, v |
'T/;? Sloot> hONPAREIL, J q
JO US HAMLYN, Matter,-
V. ill fail in all this week- For freight
kiVIJMjBK and pafoee ; apply te the Capt. on beard,
North Mc of JESSE and ROBERT, A "g"
SSckJaUaKWains wharf, or to the Subferibers,
Who have »oiu landing f rom said Sloop,
A few Hhds. of hi h proof Antigua RUM. u | °
The NONP AREIL is intended as a conftint trader, be
tween i-Vi-nore and Pniladclpnia.'if suitable encourage.?cut SQCC
„ reeled • jrn LLI xo S uroRTH, & SOX. J An;
September 13, 1796. 1
'^ ie ea P ,ta ' CERES,
To fail fopn :—For freight or palfage I Apr
- to DAVY, ROBLRTS &Co or _ -r __
John Vaughan,
September ut. Front-flteet. JH
FOR SAL E, N y ;
JCK« The Schooner bA H IC, lotte ' r
One Hundred and twenty tons burthen. £ t p
A new vessel well found, well built, & I
fails extremely fail. For terms apply £
to the rindcr on board, or t0 c, n I rt i
Joseph Anthony & Co.
Tf the above vessel is not fold in a few days, fee will
. take fre ght on very low terms for Bolton. I R
S 'P'- -°- , being
For Sale or Charter,
J into
THE SNOW | corpc
5nR IItEN about 1000 Bhls. of flour—fhe may be Cent I
to sea at" a BFstt explicit, "fariWts Trad rigging being in t
• very good order—apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer. j*4
April 3?, I Al
~ FOR SALE, i Er
tfek The {hip STAR, p
John Vanmeman, Master, I
T Y NO at Walnut-ftruet wharf, Philadel-
L phia built, of live oak and cedar, will • '
carry .-.tout V°° barrels, is two years old. and m com
plea* order to
Who have also for sale feid v.ffels cargo—confiding of—
Wine and Porter ' ottles,
Window G ass, 6 by 8 to t6 by 11»
Pipes in boxes
' Earthen-Ware in crates
Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, Sec.
Aug. 29
At t-outh-ftreet wharf, Li!
WILL BE LANDEP, Friday, 19th inll August.
by snow Hope, from Jamaica, and flo»p Sally, I f ro
from Port-au-Prince. I
300 Hhds. COFFEE, .v—- I
70 Hhds. SUG V R. I
A Iso, the cargo of the Sweiii/h brig Gufiaf Adolphe, 1
capt. Ramfre, frum Gibraltar, j
. jfl and /,th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds. j
Hazle Nuts in Tack-; j pq
St.Ubes SALT, fsrtyehy rn
For Charter,
v The said brig QC
* SdSf A Swede, with a Msiiiterranean p'afs,
a very fi n e vessel, about too ton bur- «r.
then. Aug .8 ]
For Sale or Charter, *
' LYING at Mess J. &R- Wain's wharf, e j t
two' 1 hundred and feven-y tons burthen, a (lout, strong id
Vessel, and well found. For terms apply to ftc
Joseph Anthony & Co. ™
Sept. x. / 1 ir ca
ON ThurUav the lid infl. at 10 o'clock, A. M. wil[ th
be fold ut the stores of WiUings and F«ntis a Urge y:
quantity of INDIA GOODS, imported in the Ganges, th
from Bengal, con filling of dl
piece 6 Gurrahs J 3
iooo do Baftas, different kmd* 1*
3500 do Coffas, do. o
15 0 do Humhums do. tc
600 do. Patna hdkfs. for women g
XQO ho. Addaties ia
80 do. Tabic cloths °
300 do. Emerties
go do Punjums . w
100 do. Fine Mulmuls
"00 do. Fine Dacca hdkft. r
ioo do. worked MuQins o
100 do. Doreas K
100 do. Book Muslin _, «. .
too do. black and colored Periians or Tiffetie. e
1200 do. Bandannoee, choc®late, red and blue
ISO' do. Choppa Romals "
40 quarter calks of Hyson Tea of gotd qoality r
?r> Souchong t
The coarse eoods will te fold by the bale, the taffetas n
„] iLU in lots to fait the purchalers, the teas by
the chetl. I'he whole is entitled to the drawback, and will f
bt fold for approved notes, on a libcia. credit.
The.goods nny be fcen from the 15th tnft. to the daj
previous to '••• • CONNELLY, Alienee l "- c
Seftcmbfr 8.- |
" Diifofuucn of Partnership.
r-pHF P, • n-.i, ROBt.R C DREWS and
I'D 'V!DMRRKolTH,«Bderil.efirmot ASDRIWi .
Ml- RKtoll'H bei»» dtllolvrd All p.-i(ons who are
f t t haufe,arc '
apply | o rfeu.~ .the
No 86 s . Wnaivej.
<ept.6, 17 b.
Musrc PiteFtsso/!,
No. 96, North-S»XT-H STR-eT.
y> informs his Schel.'-rs, th*t he .ia« .
&/1 his att-ndanfe alter the summer W- |
ca*ipn; and, as v.iuai, teuchr Slngmg and the J
r-'dp Fort*. Se P u 3 ' . J
I 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, J us
1 Of the befi quality and on rcajonabk terms,
Philip Nicklin & Co.
I lb-
—— 'if'r ; '
Just Arrived, Sept
j In the SnoW Boston, James Kirkpatrick, matter from L+
J coco Bushels SALT ; &
lob Crites QUEENS WARE; an« - I The Car f
1 An Afifrtment of SHIP CHANDLEK t ;
I korsalb
On board, at Pine-street wharf.—-Apply to * La:
Javies Campbell, or Ijl
&«•« Latimer. ,
; April 1?. ' *
Washington Lottery.
I THE Eighteenth and Nineteenth Days' Drawing of
the Waihißgton Lottery, No. t, are received at the office
1 No. IJ4, Markes-ftrcet, where tickets may be examined*
I N. 15. Information given where tickets in all the other
lotteries may be procured. Jnne !
•| September 9, dt
r. I •
A At a fpccuzl meeting of the Board of Di
reS os for eflabllfhing ufefu! Manufacture!, holJen
~ at Pat erf on, July 8, 1796, ,oTmi
IT> ESOLVED, That a special meeting; of the ifcodk- , Cafe
ItV holders of the Society be called on the firft Monday, x Ditti
- being the third ay of OAober rfi«, at Paterfon, by »en , Dittl
"I of the clock of the fame day; then and there to take l D; tt ,
1 into consideration the propriety of dissolving tne said 1 Di;t
I corporation, agreeably to the law te such cafe ma< i= For S
1 provided and the Stockholders are earnestly requelUd
I to attend the said meeting in person or by P<"o*y- -u""'
AuguftaT dt?°thQ
in - ' ' J FOR sale;" : Pect
I A Complete Font of Brevier, _ Gl
I T7Ntirely new, and yet unopened. The weight of this M
•I Hi font is about 31jlb. It is from the Foundery ol T ,
j Wilfen St. Sons, Glasgow,and will be fold at cofl & charges. .Ol
- 1 Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. Gl
1 Enquire at the Office of the Gazette ol the tmitde
] States, 119 Chefnut-ftreet. Aug. 19 $4W j j
I .♦ •-.•J.-.' -.«».«■" •»" ' , T Rl
for sale, b<
s! * I WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 yearsold,
II !n pipes and hogfr.eads
n * Claret,' genuine old, in cases ■
Gin, in pipes, from Holland
I Earthen Wfre, in crates
Basket Salt, in hoglheads
I Shot, Nos. 6, 7> 1 alld 9 " A 1
Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead I V :
I Steel, German in barrels Messrs
Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, now d
I Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by • c '-'
J»'y *9. — A pr
"y- From on board the /hip STAR, Capt. Fanneman,
About 50,000 bottles, Q R
; from Brtftol—For by able.
• F. Coppinger. au
{ Au ? a(V 31' _ _ j 7
COFFEE, in hhds. bb!s. & bags
1 COTTON, of Deraerara, and > entitledto drawbacu And^
Alio, 1 x
30ST0N BEEF, and Mould and Dipt CANDLES.
Apply to ISA HARVEY J,n.
r S south Water-street. .
3ar . 8 mo. ?o. v\
* A very Merchant Mill,
QUARRIES to be let
I will rent my merchawt Mill at the liitle Falls of Po
towinac, for any term not l«fs thanfeven, ijpr more than
harf, e [,. vcn ye ars, from the firft day of S,eptußber next. The
rong m fil-houfe is 41 by 40 feet, three (lories high, built with
(lone, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Stones, two J I
overfhet 18 feet wat r wheels, and Evans's machinery _
complete, with every other thing proper and necessary for ot w
. carrying on the bulinefs with dispatch, and at as little es
penfe as possible, all in good order.--From the miU to my •Pj c j
landing on the l'otpraac river, (whtre craft, of any bur- (
will then may deliver grain arid take in flour) it is about 40 Qut (
large ya rc!s, and from thence by water frf George Town and . lfc3 .
nges, t }, e City of Washington, about J miles, and to Alexan- j j.- Q[
dria about 11 miles. This situation, aided by a fufficient
capital, will command the produce of a very detenuve
back country, where Urge quantitiss of whrfat a.nd other
"rain is annually made, the distance to it being from 8
to 10 miles less than to any naziket town up in the navi
gation of the Potow ac. There al-e on the premises a
far<re (lone Coopers' (h 3p, a (lone granary, and a coramo
dio'us miller's house. At the landing aforefaid a bridge
is now building overthe Potomac, which is in great for
wardnefs and probably will be ftnithed the er.fumg fall.
There are also on the premises, a Brewery and Distille
ry, built with stone, in them are three stills, two coppers |
' or toilers, with every necessary artickj all new, and in
good order, and f*fficiently large to carry on the Brew- - .
ery and Distillery upon a very extcnfive plan. This prop
» erty I will rent for the fame term of years.
Upon my lauds adjoining the premises, and along the
banks of the river, 'where craft may lead withe'afe anddif- , p or
y piitch, is aii inmenfe quantity of building and fbunda- j
tion Hones. Four quarries are now open, and as many
affetas niore may be opened with ease : the done taken f rom theie 1
;as by quarries is beuet, and has the preference at this market, Dd
id will to any other flone brought to it. I will rent fhefe quarries 01":
feparatcly or together as may bell suit.
IC day On the top of the hill, and about aoo yards from the ot 1
mill, i» a stone Dwegpg-Jwrtfe.-ferge enough for the ac- Co
eer. commod.i'.iiii of a family : also, a kitchen, dairy, smoke- • »°j
d— hrtMre, See. and a gardes, enc ofed and in cultivation, the
ibi of 'which is equal in goodness to any in this 1
will alio rent this property. . . ,
/S and Adjoining to the BreSvery r*nd Diftialcry a Smith s IIK
ws (hop, in which is a complete set of Blacksmith's tools, | C c,
'bo are j ~Y ; n a, ,and if agreeable I will hire to the i C I
ife, ate tenant two negro black&r.iths, one of them is a complete lie
workman. _ 1 u
' H I rent out the stone qtiarries, I will fell three, at
f which were built for the purpose of carrying stone : they to
willTaltogsther bring wpwartis of 90 p"rch Immediate
poffeiTion will be given' For terms apply to the fubfcrib
'' er in this town. - |
The Mill, Brewery and Distillery, with the> appurten
ances, will be delivered to the tenant or tenants in good
he has repair, and must be so returned, at the cxpiratibfi of the
ner V - 6 leate Or leases t _
* dm, As»j, :&r"5,5 W
JUS T A RR iVE D, from Lijbon,
And for Sato by the Subfcribcw,
Lisbon Wine,
la pipes an quarter-ca&s;
<*000 Bushels Lilbon Salt. ylt
Jefi V Robert Wdru
Sept. 19. 4f f VV ]
Sacs of India Gqocls. sI^ Sr
1 The Cargo ef tka(hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from C«l
---cutta and Bengal, he will fc
ALaree and general assortment of Bengal and Madras _ c
A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins,
>ome e
Doreas, ttfc. Also, Bandar
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
lf In boxes ami bags-and PEPPER,
I WilHngs y Francis,
r No. si Penn Street. Umhrt
Tone & 5 French
■ Irilh L
•_ French Goods.
Received, by thl Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-de-
Grace, From oi
10 Truiks") Ladies , SHO E S D f a u colors forts and. £*ea
"■ I Cafe \ SmDJG,
y. i Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS Lon
en x Ditto Fine 1 AWN r
* te 1 Dittobeft fine CAMBRIC "Ther
■id I Ditto Ladies' best ftiammy and Grenoble Gloves J
nd For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN (t£TLA>D. OLD v
e<l Aug
yiy.*. ft.'t. > . Sept.
Dutch Goods,
Etceh'd by the Pcnnfylvania, from Amjlirdam.
~ GIN, in pipes p
" Morlaix ~
01 Ticklenburgs <> In Bales
c! ' -Ofmburgs J
; de -hS } Strl?M ' I"
— Hollands \ DUCK,Jin ditto
Ravens }
Bedlicks, is ditto Q
Id, Brirtagne* 7 lo ditt o ./'
Platilles ) . _, -a chell'
■. . *
For Sale, t
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and' Lot, in Chefnut S ,
street, between Froniaiid Second streets, in which g.
Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many year, (and L
■as, now do) carried on buliftefs. , » 3
Poffellion will be given in one month, or looser.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or -
r r 3
April at. ——— — — ti
•an, A IVook-Keeper, j«iy i
OR Clerk's place is wanted by a person properly quail-
6si, and whoft- cb r-a* willbe foaad-unexceftion
able. Apply to the Printer.
' Aug ' n iv" ..jj-r SGI
— Great is Truth and must prevail.
3ack 4„d for fait at A r o- 41 Chef hut-put by J. QRMROD, ttwt
An Apology for the Bible,
>ES. Jsy [I. Watson, B. D. F. P.' S.
"* Bi'hop of Landaff, 13c. ,
w' Being a complete refutation of Paine s
—• ° Age tf Aeafon,
L, A'id the only anf«er to the Second
ONE Augu!' "o. ■— ; —-
than 1 , j
Notice is hereby Given, r 5 ;
; two T'H AT agreeably to an aft of Congtcfs of the United
in"rv 1 Slates ot Vmt rica, pissed at Philadelphia, the aß'.h diy lsi
ell of Mav, i7t}S'; laying-duties on Carnages, for the convey#
\l ance of perlons, and repealing the former ash for that pur-
pole. — Ihai ,he.e ll»all be levied, colleQed .
. all carriage, for the conveyance of perlons, which (hall be
bUf * kepi by or tor any perlon, for his or h«r own use, or to let
M out to hire, or for the conveying of passengers, the feVcral d«-
n and I tics and rales folio .viw, to wit.
lexan- I jr or 4nd upon every Coaen, ij dols. tiei.f
Scient open every Cliatiot, 1 a dols. A
enflve uponevery Foft Chanot, it dols< or p
other .upon every Polt Chaise, 12 doll. any
rom 8 upon every Phac.on, with or without top, $fIoIS T
navi- upon every C»achee,g dol». rate
,if cs a -upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work, above, Ty|ri
nmo. with blinds, glasses or cunains, 9 dels. freE
brii-ltrc opcmopcm four wheel carriages, having fcaraed potts ana
frU. top! with tleel Ipiidgs, 6 dols. . /■
— n npon four wheel top Carriages,' with wooden or iron
springs or jicks, 3 dole. ,
upon curricles with top«, 3 doll/
oppers j upon chaises with topi, 3 dols.
lEd m upon chairs wilh topi, 3 dols. .
Brew- .. u{ . 011 sulkies tops, 3 dols.
■prop' * Upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. Un:
upon two wheel carriages, with steel or iron fpfings, r J
ng the 3 d„i,. folc
nddif- ; r or an a upon all other two wheel carnages, a dols a f te
junda- | upon every four whe 1 carriage, having tramra polts nvir
many 1 -. nd tops; and reltiug uppn'rs, aflols. t ( , [&
«these The Colltftots of iheHevcnur ot the firft lurvev otjhc th< _
narket, Diltrift ps Pennsylvania, will attend daily, un. lithe 30th flay
uarries of Septcrrriser nf«,fcr th« purpose of rece log the dunes on
Carriages, at No. , if, in Race or SafTafrW ftrcet, h. the wuy 8
im tSe ot PtnUdelphia at the houlc ol Daniel S. Clair, tlq[in
.h" ac- County ot Montgomery; and at the houlc of Abraham Du
fn , p hois, Esq. in the County of Bucks; of which all perfoas pot - c
"¥* frded of'Uch Carriages, -re deft red to take notice, n>«
S. 1 Notice is also gi'ren, th ,
TO all retail dealers' ip Wines, and foreign di (tilled fptri-
Smith's tuous liquon.-thai-Ucerrces will be granted to lijera ; one li j(
's tools, cencc for carrying on the hufineis ot retailing of \\ inei, in a b£]
sto the lefiquantity, iir in less quantities than 30 8""°"' *"
omplete licenre for carrying on tirebufinetsof itni.ling pt " i c ;
F .quors in letsqnintities than ,= gallons at the a«d i
: crafts, at the lame places, by the officers legally authorised to grant c<
■ they fucU licenccj. WILLI - M NICHOLS, ha
n , , a ! C Infpeftor of the Rcvenue«t the firft survey dr
übtcr ! of ihediltn£lot Pennf)lvarua. ca
SDurten- Off-e of > .3* lh
P ". philadcl Jiia, till Julv, 1796. S
in gooci - -• t
1 ,hc WANT E 1),
1 . 11. An APPRENTICE ta tbr Prlrting Bafweft. °
Enquire at this Ofli:r. : 9 c
c A B L• E s,
Prom >6 to q i inches, for fate by
fcr.tmiab Warder,
July H § n north Thud-ftfert*
, "> ' " "" \
Nv. 76 High Strftt,
HAS by "the latcft arrivals from Europe »f»A
the forft Indies, a well (Hefted atfortmf nt of Stl*
Mercery, Linen Dupery and H«Ae<daOwry <J *' ds^, . cfl
he will fell, Whole We and Retail, an the lowest terms ,
amongst which ak.*,
Some Ene India muslins embroidered with geld and fflver
Superfiueßook, JUi*. aad .
Some extra blaclt taffeties,lu«ftrie S sand s«sor.i Pcifians
Bandano Handkerchiefs
Long and Ihort Nankeens 1
Englilh Mantuas of the firft quality
Damaflc table linen and napkins, Very Me
Silk Hoflery, an elegant aifortnunt-
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas —green silk, oil d do. and do cl#ta
French cambrics-, Very fine
Irish LiJlens, do. &f- &t. Jv»n e 14 §
1 —9-? —r* l "- «'■' I '■**
From nntod the Brig UEBFX-CA. D.rr.inxDavnie,
Master, at Philip Care's Wharf, and for Salt by thd
London ' Particular Madeira. WINE,
In Pipes, Hogth ads Quarter Casts
f here are in the above pan-.-i in Hhds. oi CIIOiCL
OLD WINE*, fit for immediate use.
Robert Andrews,
- Sept. 6. IfcW NO. 86, So Wharves,
Philip . Co, '
Souchong >
?£ngH?fon i *W* TEAS
Hyson and \
Yellow Nankeens . .
Chi»a Ware, aborted in Bofe» and Ctifßs
cf ' excciknt l ualit ?
- fcFSsffft ■
Tener'ffe Wine in pipe* and hoglUa<J»
ut Sugar Canxlv by t he Box
cb Sad Canvas *No. 1 a 8
nd Lead in sheets .
A*?ew chllb ps' MancWfler Goods, affortpi
*"• .iSkWtfS &•*
« Tierces Virginw Sr.ake-root.
Nails aiTortcd in casts
... « • rewifer
July 18
ili- , ■ ! '
Offry cf Wa'.hington.
r SCHEME of the LOTT ERY, \ T o. 11,
federal city.
A magnificent ) 30,000 doliars, & > jo l<)eo
)D, Jiwtlling-houfe, 5 cash 3°- G ° 0 ' are >
j ditto i\S,Q°° * 25> 00( ? 40,000
') I ditto 15,000 & calh I5)G00 30,000
1 ditto 10,000 & cash 10.000 10,090
1 ditto 5,000 £<■ cash 5,000 so,ooo
, 1 ditto & caii 5,000 >0,000
e § 1 cash prize of >°*°°
ado. 5,000 each,.\re '• 10,000
10 do. 1,000 - » 10,00®
,0 do: s°* - - J 0 ' 000
CO do. WO * JO,OOO
91 ,0 do. 50
.too do. • • I0 > 00< >
l.ooodo. *° i ' »>°°°
15)000 do. 10 - - W5»
lited r
day i 5,739 Pr-ces.
f p b° Tickets, it Eight Dollars, 400,000
i°j'" "w B To favour those who may tafcc a quantity of
"* Tickets, the prize 0r'40,000 dollars will be thfe i< »T drawn
ticket, and the 30,000 £he last but oHt :
And approved nous, securing payment m either monoy
or, in ten days alter drawing, be retewed foe
any number not Itfs than 30 tickets. ,
Is This Lottery «ill afford an etegantfpeeimen of the pri
vate buildings to be ereaedin the City of Wafiungton—
bovc, T bcauciiul dfcfigns are already for the entire
, frents on two of the public squires; from these praw.ngs
' ind it is proposed to ereA two centre and four .corner bmldings,
as Toon as possible after this lottery is fold, and to convey
them, when complete, to the fortanate adventurers, in
the manner defcribcd in the fchemc for the Hotel Lottery.
A nett dedo&ion of five per cent, wdlbe fflsdett defray
the neccflary eipenfes of printing, &c. and the surplus
will he made a part of intended for the National
University, to be erefled within the city of Washington.
Jfings, The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are
fold ofiU -The money prizes will be pay able inthirty days
after it 15 finHhad 4 and any pr«es for which fortunate
1 P osts numbers ate not produced within twelve months after th«
awin closed, are to be considered a- g.yen toward*
of the the rani for the University •, It being determined to fettle
th day the whole buftnefs in a year from the e -.ding of the draw
'et^°n ine and to take up the bonds given as feciirity.
,e "XI rh, real fecurit.esgiven for .he payment ot thePnzes,
m the , PrcSdent afid two D,irc<stdrß of the Banfc
;£ rSLS'Sii— *««"• -
tVeaty^o"/gomiemen •»<•" •>' .ppoiotnuin ot
the late Ofcmmiilioners assisted .n the r.iana|emeu Of Che
1 ( P" U Hotel Lo'tcry are requested to undertake this arduous taQc
- " f£nd Sen behalf cf the pu«ie ; a fufficießt,
m a hc . theft: havirg is hoped that the
nrf T Wends to a National University and the other federal oo
lousli- - con .; BU e'to favor the design. .
mc aßd i By accounts received from the dtferent parts of the
0® r Continent as well as from Europe, where the ticket.
c have been Tent fcr fair, the public are allured that th*
'nefi. of' John 'HagU., Richmond ; »r.i o£ RicbaM W .
. ' Cooper's