Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 13, 1796, Image 4

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    One 'Hundred Dollars Reward. | J*"*
From the Comp ting-House of RALPH j
No. 12, Quarry-Jlreet, an Saturday or Sunday night 1 ce jp t f or
laji, the J lowing Notes, &c. if any pi
collars. I purchase
John Nichclfon, to Moorhbufc, djie N»v. I
I, 1797, bearing interest, - - 5 00 ° - I dedudk
David Ailaoa to James Cramond, due in ldlt isau
March last, ■ - 4°75 I Mediate
W: &W. Gibhs to Ralph Matter, at 70 J Gi
days, Aus;uft 20th, - 1681 |«
Ferdinand Gourdon to Ralph Mather, at four j
months, Augull 17th, - - J
Benjamin Chamberlain,at 60 days, August 6, 53 I
Affleck to toe. Bufwell, at 6 months, dated 0.1.j..
Ma T J - - - 180 641
Parker and Greaves to Ralph Mather, on de- I °J c
mand' ... - - To ° I °J t
A bill by Harford to Harford, not accepted, lßrl. Iter- J
Like wife, the Titles cf some Eftatea, Mortgages, See, I ~
Whosoever brings the thief or* thieves to jaftice, shall J »-
have the above reward. , J t
As the papers in oueftion can be of no life to any other I t
person, the bills having been {lopped payment, re<juell I £
'he perpetrators may be searched after with all knagina- ! —
ble care, I T r.
September 6. ' tw&f6t J
For Sale, 3
Three-story Brick House,
(The late residence of General Walter Stewart) j j
a LOT ef GROUND thereunto belonging:, %
W the weft Tide of Third-street, near Union-street %
containing in front 31 feet, and in depth too fee*, to an J
alley leading into Unioh-ftreet. The house is 32 feet front I
and 50 feet deep ; the federal rooms contained in it are I
large, commodit ds, and completely finifhed; the tr/onrft J
llories are each 13 feet high; there are 20 mahogany j
<loors in the house ; a geometrical flaircafe, with niahoga- j
4iy rails and a good ficy-light. The kitchen is in the cell-I
ar, is spacious and convenient, and uniflied with an I 3
oven, stew-holes and pantries, a servants' hall and large
wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in front of whicn is an I
area in'which there is a The yard is vaulted, j
Communicating with the said building is a neat three-itory j
brick house, on the north fide of Union-flreet, contain- |
ing 30 feet front by aO feet deep; the lower part of which 1 -j
is at present occupied as a ccmpting-houfe, and the upper J
?art divided itito well-finilhed large chambers, a his house j
riay at a small eipenfe be converted into a convenient j
dwelling : The Greet door is very handsome, and the front; J
and back have Venetian window-lhutters. Adjoining the
lafthoufe, upon the lot belonging to the firft,'are ere&td
bathing-rocms, &c. There are likewise very good coach
fcoufe and stables finifhed e<jual (or nearly so) with any :n
the city, on a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, and j
in depth 011 the weft fide 0? said alley 5* fest. There are j
good cellars under tftc whole of the buildirtgs, and a wine
room over part of theflable, with a hay-loft over the re
-ninder. For further particulars enquire of
At their Office No. 6* Dock-street, between Walnut & Pear |
tt&f 1
6th month 1796.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
WHO was committed to the jail of Dauphin county ,on
his coufeffion of having robbed the waggon of a 3
certain John Grace, Coppersmith and Tinman, belonging
to Philadelphia, of Tin, Copper and Pewfter ware, Spoons,
Knives and Forks, some of which wis found e» the said .
Nezro : alfOf was found on him, a Morocco Leather Pocket
Book, in which ts wrote tjie rtime WILLIAM WESTON ;
it contains ftlrldry papers, which corroborate the furp.ciom of
»l(- '.o«k having been stolen ; amongst which are Six Lotte
ry Tickets, one in the Canal Luttery in Charleston, one in
Harvard College, one in the Federal City, two in the Penn
sylvania Canal, inCure*:. and one in Patterfon Lottery, New-
Terfev, all in the poffcflion.of
Harrilburgh, August Jjtll, 17<j6. e°3
(Of the 'New Theatre) '•
TAKES this opportunity of returning thirkt to his I
scholars and to the public. Mr. Francis intends,
on hij return from Maryland, to open a public aca I
dewy fdr dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He I
flatters himfelf that his attention to hit pupils hi
therto renders any premises of conducing his future
fcheraes on the most libera! and ftriileft terms, of pro- j
priety, totally unneeefTary„
jV. B. Private tuition at usual.
June 3 "'aw j
Music PxeFEssox,
~No. Nokth-Sixth Street.
T> EXPECTFULLY informs his Scholars, that he has j
]V re-commenced his attendance after the summer va- ]
cation; and, as usual, teaches Ladies Singing and the
Piano Forte. Sept. 3. *38 j
Lands of the United States
Tresfnry Dtpartrmnt, Aug-ajl 3, 1796. 1
Public Notice is hereby Given,
XN purfcance of an aS of Congress, passed On the 18th I
day of May,1796, entitled " Ah aft providing " for
the faie of the lands of the United States, in the rerrito- I
ry north weft of the river Ohio, and above the motith of 1
Ker.tiltky river," that the fcftion3 or lots of land defcri- I
feed in the ausesed fc'nedule, lying in the seven ranges of j
townships, which Were surveyed in ptsrfuance of an ordi- 1
nance of Congrefa, pafTcd on the twentieth day of May, I
in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, I
will be eipofedfor file at Public vendue, in the town o! j
Fittflmrgh in Pennsylvania, oh the twenty-fourth day of I
OAober Heit, and thenceforward, from day to day until I
the firft day of December ensuing, unless the said lots {hall I
be sooner fold, in the manner, and on th» terms and con. j
ditjons herein after rtientioned, to wit:
ill. The said fcitions or lots shall be fold under the di- I
region ef the Governor or Secretary of the Western Ter- J
-ltory, and such person as the Prefldefct of the United!
States my fpecialk appoint for that purpose.
•id. The said fe<siions or lots shall be fold to the highest J
bidder,but no faie can be made for less thin tvro dolllto J
fer acre of th« cjifcntity of land contained in such lot or J
•eilicm. I
The highcil bidder as before mentioned, mult depo- I
5t at the time of faie, one twentieth part of the purcnafe j
~ tnor.r-. tn si.- hands of fnch person as the Prcfide-it of the I
United States fta!l appoint to attend the fait 3 for that pur- |
pose, which will be forfeited, if a moiety of the film bid,]
ipcln'dxng the faijl twentieth part, lhall cot be paid j
thirtyoays from the time of faie.
4th. Upon p-.yment ofa moiety of the purchase money |
in the manner before mentioned, the pttrchafer wi l be 1
entitled to one year s crcdit for the remaining moiety ; I
an* C»all receive from the Governor «r Secretary of the J
Weftem Territory, and the person who fcall be appointed I
i.j rue Prefidenttrf the United States, to direct the Tales, a j
c describing tho Lot or f.vlion purchased, and de
clarinj thefum raider.iccour.t, the bafaccc remaining due,
iK- lime when <-ch becomes payable, and that
Ait who'e land therrin rn.-nt>»ned /will ke forfeited, if the
Lands of the United States.
Treasury Department, | £
Augxfl 8, I |
| Public Notice is hereby given, J ei
r ( -in of ronzrefs palled on the iSth » 9
thefale of the Lands 9 of the United States, in the territory
nort'h-weftof v^ e »rTowsflJpTof land
jaSS LV lying in the ft- »» £ —
, gHss3#&S£Sife S#£,
i until the tenth day of February enfuiog, unless the said
, 1 rt , r town (Hips toallbefo.nsr fold, in the manner am.
I rerrr. as.d conditions hereinafter Mentioned : viz
I ° lvk The said <Juarter town (hips {hall be fold to the j
Z I hiehe'd bidder, but no sale can be made for less than twe j
dollars per acre of th« quantity of land coStained in such j
I qti j r d tcr Xhe biddtfras before mentioned, mull de-1
oof,t a- the time of sale, one twentieth part .ofthepur
- chaf-, in the hands of the Treasurer of the United
- States which will be forfeited if a moiety of thefu ™ b '£;
inclading the faH twentieth part, shall not be paid j
I thirty day» from the time of sale; I
I td. Upon payment of a moiety of the purehafe-me- I
} ney in the manner beforemcntioned, the purchaler will 1
I be entitled to one y ar's credit for the remaining mo.ety ; I
I and (hall receive a certificate describing the quarter town-
I (hip pur chafed, and declaring the sum paid on account,
J the balance remair-ing doe, the time when such balance
J becomes payable, and that tlte whole Land therein raen-
I tioned will be forfeited, if the said beiance is not then
j paid ; but if the said balance (hall be duly discharged, by
J payin"- the'fime to the Treasurer of the United State?, j
j th«*pur chafer or his sflignee or other legal representative,
1 shall be entitled to a patent for the said land, on his pro
-1 ducing to the Secretary of State a receipt for such balance,
I endorfedupon the cAtificate. But if any porchafer shall
I make payment of the whole of thepurchafe-moneyatthe
I time when the payment of the firft moiety is diredted to
i be made, he will be entitled to a deduction of ten per
I centum on the part for which acredit is authorized to be
I .riven ; and his patent Jhall be immediately issued.
J GIVEN under my hand at Philadelphia, the day
I and year at 0 vtmentioned.
Secretary of <he Trtajufy.
1 Of Quartor-Townfhips to be fold at Philadelphia, "^tar*
fuance of the 6th feSion of en a& of Congress pasTed on
I the xßtli day of May, 179^-
j \ J .9- 7
- <&
& ° l ' *• i
I • Cm •- U $
% i $
!«> > o
04 - S H S . t 1
hHS £ S
„• *0 " < § =
O 1- c • —
z 4 ■ 1 ** 3
O © v " r "
2 Sotth East 5130
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120
3 5 South East ST2Q
Nonh East 5120
l South Weft 5120^
1 North Well 5120
» 3®,480
> 7 South East 5120
1 North East 5120
1 [South Weft 5J20
l North Weft jl2o
h h - 20*80
b 9 South East 512 a
>. North Ealt 5120
h South Weft 5120
iNorthWeft 5120
h | — 20,480
k 11 South East 5120
h North East 5120
h jSoath Well 5r 20
'North Weft 5120
4 4 £•«* East 5,20 1 so]
North East 5120 t!v
South Weft 5120 ra
North Weft 5 120 th
, ——- '20,480 L«
§ |South East 5120 j j
•jj jNorth East 5120 I
jSouthWeft 5120
:h • JNorth Weft 5 120 ,
— 20,480 t ,
8 |Sou»h East 5120 a
c!l jNorth East 5120 j t(
c j, jSouthWeft 5120 i
ip. North Weft 5120 I
ch 20,480
ich io South East 5120
fh North East 5120
"P* Sooth Weft 5120
lc , (Morth Weft 5120
let «.430
,ip. 12 South East 5120
ach {North East 5 120
ach jSoutb Weft 5120 :
ach " North Weft 5120
"?• [20,480
c 3 South East 4602 I
12 North East 4654' '
liip. South Weft 5120
ach jNorth Weft 5 120
ach I _ 19,496
a ph - ISouth-Eaft 5120
*"P' iNorth East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft. 5120
hip. 1 [20,480
:ach -j South East 5120
Each North East; 5 120
tach South Weftj 5120
iNorth Weft 5120
(hip, he- | : 20,480
sd by the 6 9 iSouth East 5 120
-The ag- North East : 5120
'rational South Weft| 5 120
jNorth Weftj 5120
j I I =0.480
—7 '■ 1 '£ • -J
u - a.
rn <55 • — .
a. " =£ i •
&i 8 *
I "= I • ;
6 CS ® to w.
I— f W
*8 1 w 5 rt
Q v <C — w
0 H "E = =
7 rc I *-
& | |J
5 11 South Ealt 5 120
North East J 120
South Weft j 120
North Weft, j 120
13 South East 5 120
Noith Eift 5120,
■South Weft 5-M0; "" *
North Weft 5120'. I
6 4 South Halt 4630;
North East 4620 (
; South Weft 5.1 20
North Weft 5120
: | —19,490
6 South East 4730
- j North Eafl47is;
LSouth Weft 5120;
' North Weft 5120';
f I 9> 68 5
c| 8 Sduth East 5j 20
North East' 5 120 ' \#
n j South Weft' 5 120
I -North Weft j 120
H •— -20,480
>• xo jSouth Eaft 5120
'< j 'North East 5 120
" South Weft 5120
'l\ North Weft.sizo
;r 1 j — 2^,480
>e j 12 South East 5120
North East J 120
iy j South Weftjy L2C „ • v-, z'... _ If
j North Weft ,5 120
! 20,480
14 South East 5120
I North East j 120
x . I South Weft 5120
on . North 5120
=r 3 South East 5 120
I Noith East 5120 jr |
South Weft \ S IM J
j North Weft 5 120
I 20,480
j 5 South East 5120
j North East 5120 j
1 South Weft 5) 20
North Weft 512 c \
j I 20,480 \
7 South East 5 12' I
North East 5 120
] South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120'
! 20,480
9 South East 5120
j North East y 120
South Wed 5 i 20
North Weft
IX South Eaftj# 120
I North East 5120
I South Weft j 120'
North Weft j 120
13 Soath East 5 120
North East j 120
South Weft 5 120
North Weft 5120
j 20yfS0
Ij South East Jl2O
North East 5120
South Weft j 120
North Weft 5120
THE quantities of Lands in the several townfliips be
fore mentioned, are exchiSve of the Sedlions reserved by
the United States. The aggregate quantities in the seve
ral townships, have been afcertair.ed by aiftuai survey ; but
the quantities in the quarter tewnfliips, have been no
otherwise ascertained than by calculation.
Washington Canal Lottery,.
NO. I.
WHEREAS U>e State of Maryland has authored
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thoufacd,
, two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of
a Canal through the City of Walhington, froxi th Poj
tomacto theEaftern Branch Haruour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
Viz •-*! Prize of 20,000 dollars, 20,000
I ditto 10,000 10,000
6 ditto 1,000 6,c00
10 ditto 400 4,000,
30 ditto 100 * " a,coo
j5 ditto 50 ",75°
5750 ditto 12. 69,003
To'be raised for the Canal, 26,250
5850 Prizes, _ I7Si°°o
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.)
' 175C0 Tickets, atTen Dollars, - 175,000
0- The Conimiffioners have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaiu aft for the pun-Sual payment of
the prizes.
The drawing of this Lottery will commence, withcut
delay, as soon Tickets are fold, of which timelf
' notice will be given.
Such priies as are not demanded in Ci months after th«
drawing is finifhed, (ball be confidercd as relinquilhed for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
Wm. m.duncanSon,
0 City «f Wathington, F;b. 11. . §
1 ■.■ ■■rrron—ctj ■m'wn
—No. ; 11 g—
0 (Price Eight Dollars pet Aauv.m.].
• .J