PVoiVi the FißMkß.'s Weekly Muslvm. '* S/itly to lequiet, and to tie your vwn bujinefi." THE Thefldilonians, to whom this rule was giv en, were probably an inquisitive race, and, like the men of Athens, fpe'nt their time in nothing elfebut either to tell or to hear feme new thing. We mull 'frame fume such fuppefition, to excuse St. Paul from the charge of impertinence : for nothing'can appear more a wotkof supererogation, that to teK iko, felfuh by nature, to live in peace, and to pursue his own advantage. Nature, and the pri mary laws of being, have told him so already.— But this epistle, written at Athens, and sent to Thefulonica, that is, from one tattling, idle city ' to another, was feal'onable and proper,-notwithftand ;:!£ all the fine reafoningto the contrary. Formy felf, I can affirm confidently, that I nesd pot turn jver the arehievesof the Thcffalonians to discover a Eiillior. of cases, where men study to be reliefs, and «'o pry into other people's business. Impertinent curiofitv is, however, a vice of the viihge, rather than of the city. I am futprifed • that Paul did not give tM direction in my text, ex pressly to the cauntry people. For, though imper tinence is not To local at sever to be found except in cottages, still it is a fa£t, that the alkers of whys and wherefores are generally villagers, arfd not ciis. In town, strange fights are so. common, and the tongues of fame so numerous, that each inhabitant, diftra&ed with endless variety, thinks it better to mind his own business, than ;e infpeci the acncerns of z thousand neighbours. In the country, /exter nal cirtumftances begin essentially different; hence the manners of the people assume a different colour, There the incidents are so few on whieh glutton curiosity can feed, that even morsel noveltits are seized upon with avidity. A farmer's purchase of a iilk gown for his wife, or the irregular pregnan cy of his daughter, 1 have known. to engross, for weeks, the thoughts and chat of-thofc vacant and meddling neighbourhoods, which disobey the pfe cept of Paul. A certain elegant fabtiHft among the Latins, de. fcribts a race ot the busy-bodies, tunning wildly jibout out of breath with inquiring, prying into every nook, and, by their restless indolence, wea rying tjiemfelves and tormenting, others. This is a strong picture, and some might fay overcharged— a Dariy's caricature of manners, rather than the natural strokes of an Italian. But I wist engage to find the oiiginals of this>portrait in every village 1 visit. Men in the country, no less than in town, have various schemes to execut*, and duties which ought to be discharged. But, negligent of thsrfe, and with the beam in their own eyes, they go'gr'op ing about, to difcorer a ftiote in their neighbour's. It is a mote, in general) that they gaze for most earnestly, and it i 9 a mote that tbey magnify into a mountain. • This weak, if not criminal conduit, is generally the firft begotten of jealousy aad rivallhip. The malignant Inquiries that are then made of a neigh bour'? fortune or fame, are veiled by an affectation of impartiality and candour, But al! may discern, that such insidious queries, 6re like attows discharg ed from a covert, meant to deeply wound, and yet, by their coutfe, not to betjay their archer. What is it to thee, c«nforious woman, if thy frgil filter has lapsed by the way fide ? Doth her fall shake thy foundation I and haft thou to bear the burden of her suckling ? Gaze not at her infirmi ty, nor circulate her reproach. Con over the ca talogue o£ own galantries, and, trust me, thou wilt not have a moment left to read, or to coftpile a scandalous chronicle. What is it to thee, meddling man, if thy«eigh bcur's goods be attached ? haft thou to pay the fee, of the officer ? Keep thy ledger accurately, and peep not into his day-book v Ask not of his ap prentices hew'they fare at their mailer's board, nor hpw many dollars he takes m a year. Study to be quiet, and to mmo thy own business, and thou wilt find that thou haft little leifute to take an inventory of another man's wealth. THE LAY PREACHES. FroM th: N£rr-Tog.K JVeRjUd. NO speculation at prefjnt gives so much satis- HFadtion to the French nation and their fraternity in this jottntry, as the expedted bankruptcy of England. Thomas Paine has published a sixpenny panjphlet to prove, that Great-Britain is "* on the -verge, nay, even in the gulph of bankruptcy;" and all the boyifn disciples of Tcm Paine ars gaping with admiration at hiivrifdom. Indeed, Paine's ta lents for willing for illiterate minds, has neverbeen exceeded ; and his pecaliar expressions and eompa rifons, which are jfdapted to ordinary capacities, and the only merit of his writings, are fubftitutej for gc*>d sense and found wil'dom. Paine is 4 man little reading and erudition; but he m?.kes that little go farther than any man living. In theologi. cal matters, he has colle£ted Ideas about the bible, that have been current among unbelievers for cen mries ; and his objections to its authenticity, have fcllbeen conlidered, by multitudes of philosophical men, ages ago. Paine, so far from being original, has not even the meiit of accuracy; for lie has ■made some gross blunders hi point of hiftarical fadt. With refpeft "to his ideas of the Br»ti£h debt, tie is nothing new, uirlefs it be his rate of progref J :6 » »r._:Uiucreafe. The i_eafon why the expences of every succeeding war ate increased and must incieafc, an obvious one, and afubjed of common renaik! The evils of com ing on war by anticipating the revenues nf a nation, ale well known and umvcrfal \y acknowledged. This fubjeft hag been well un. tleritood and difcuffcd by many writers on political •xonomy, particularly by Ivlt. Hume, in his chap, ter.on public crctfk; Essays, vol. {. where Mr Paine f.iaj had these evils more strongly marked and ele gmtfy tafenbed, than be is capable of doing He also find arguments in that philosophical correci his own opinions iclative to the e<,efl whieh bankruptcy wonld have on the English . uion. That writer whs decidedly of opinion for 'K yearsago, thrt tile nation was hastening to bank iftptcy, and t!iat the event was unavoidable; but i> licad of believing this event would ruin Great . Britain, by deliiojlng her crcdii, he is confident ' that it would ratlin cu%m;ntkcc credit. | '•; ~" ' '' ~ •'* : '•* •/'" '"' ->v.v .• < \ -">- O • \ ' ' ■ , '*-'■■ ii'• ' 'M y The Degree of Bachelorof Arts, was t'lep C j ,i faired on ll'aac Adam's, Poller Alexander, J. .i. !i J !t Bacheldor, Eben. G. Bradford, Wm. L. Bradley, r i, Richard Burroughs, Abraham Buttcrfield, Pinlar-jg i- der Chafe, Abner Cheney, Benjamin Church, Sita - r Currier, Moses Dow, Tihon Ealtnsan. Thomas G. n Porter Foiforn, Randolph Fre-man, Da- ; ,e niel Gilbert, John T. Gilman,£amuel Hale, Wal- ■ e ter Little, W : 'iiam Niles, Parker Noyes, Nailiau . Noyes> Theophilus Packard, Proctor Pearce, B.'.r- 1 :r rett Potter, Lincoln Ripley, John S. Sparhawk, )- Nathaniel Storrs, Benjamin s>towel, John M. Til- j 11 lotfoa, Caleb Tomfon, Henry True, Levi White, ; ; >- Tower Whiton. ■ 1 The Degree of Master of Arts, was conferred , ; on Hyram Paytie, 1787 ; Rufus Auderfo.i, Na- 1 .- than David Hale, 179 1 » Asa 80l- ' 1 Ir lard, Samuel GeirilH, Asa M'Farland, Henry I n Moore, Zephaviah S. Moore, Richard E. New corn ;, Moses P. Payfon, Warner Rogiert, George 1 >, Woodward, Alumni of this College. ' j A Valedi&ory oration, T. G. Feffenden.—/Phe 1 1- whole concluded with order and decency. < r NEW YORK, Semptembdr id. I I." UNHAPPY OCCIDENT. 1 e Last evening, as Mr- M'Gowen, grocer, in Li- ] n berty-lireet, was drawing spirits from a hogshead, j !, a spark accidently fell into the spirits and set it on i f fire. Afarmed at this, he ran to get water, forget- < e ting in bis fright to turn the cock, when the-flow- 1 J ing spirits communicated rhe fire to the hogfheaa. I e Mr. M'Gowan, with his father-in lw, Mr. Welden, - being anxious to extinguish the ftre, persisted in go e ing down, and attempting to tutn the cock, when 1 the hoglhead burst, and set these unfortunate men in Jlamcs, in which situation they continued seVeral mi s nutes before any one dared to (trip them. On I . having'their clothes taken off they were found to 1 e be shockingly burnt. By great exertions the build- j r ing was fayed, , ' 1 1 Such accidents as these (hould operate as i cau- t t tion to grocers n light. t t The fallowing it tqken from a Paris Paper of the %lh of July, which toe received by the (hip Amity, ' CaJ>i. lietiderfanfrom Bourdcaux. 1 [Am. D. Ad."] ; Army of tfye Rhine and Moselle. r The Commander in Chief to the Executive Directory. , Head-Quartets at Offeriburg, 10th Meflidor ( 4th year, Juhc 29, 1796. t Citizen Diredtors, I ■ I have to give you an aceount of the new fuC- e " ccffes, which the army of the Rhine and Moselle 1 > has obtained upon the enemy since the passage of 1 the Rhine. ' 9 The eftablithment of the bridge, which was r compltated on the 17th enabled us, to make the ar ' tillery and cavalry pass. Gen. Ferinot went itn - mediately to tbwards Maeleti and Gold- . t fcher, in order to afcenain the march of the corps of Conde, which after our palling the Rhine pushed very hard towards Offenburg. General Defaix at- < taeked Vleanuhl ; which he carried with the great- i eft bravery ; The loss of the enemy consisted in 200 prisoners ; and the l»fs in killed aud wounded was at least equal to that number. On the Bth, the division of General Ferinot pur sued his march against the corps of Conde ; he crossed .the Shutter and marched towards Houg horft and Langefhiaft. On the fame day General 'Beaupois began his march on the right bank of the Kintzig in order to attack the camp at Wiltftedt': we met the enemy at Goriih, ar.d obliged them to fall back with pre cipitation to tlieir camp ; but when we came out t of this village, the regiment of Cuirafuers of An- < a fpach attacked the column in front with such fury, f that they overthrew all what had patTcd the defiles, s and who had not time yet to form, liotwithftanding t all the efforts made to effect it. The general of division, Beaupois, received 7 or 8 grievous wounds with the broad-sword, as like, wife citizen Drouault, aid-de-camp to general De faix. Two battalions of the 10th half brigade of ' light infantry, placed in the head of the village, by a well airefted fire, soon put a flop to this attack. Our cavalry soon recovered the momect of disorder they ha« been thrown into j they in their turn at tacked the Ouirafksts. wiA the" ~gt£atcii bravery,' drove into.the camp at Wildftadt, and bro't back 150 prisoners, and 60 hoiles. They march ed immediately against the camp, from whence the enemy was diflo with the loss of on; cannon and feveial caifloaiis. The brigade of general Saiute Suaanne marched this day towards Heltzheim and Lingt, the troops behaved with their usual bravery. Enough cannot be said in praise of generals Lafaix and Beaupois, ' and Ihe adjutant general Decamp. The latter, ill 'crossing the Kintiig, feeing a grenadier, ready to s (frown, threw himfelf into the river, and fwimmiag 1 preserved to the Republic, the life of one of her 1 defenders. The chief of brigade, Fouconnet, who f was wounded in this affair, has dillinguifhed hitn - felf in a particular manner. Two pieces of light - artillery, got between the enemy at the time the , Cuirafliers made the attack, but not a single gunner quitted his piece. The drivers distinguished them , selves by the coolness wherewith they remained on - their hoifes, where without the lealt means o! de- 1 1 fence, they were exposed tothe swards of the ene t my, who wounded feveial of them. • ' , 011 the 9th, the division of Feiinot 'marched ' aloiig the left bank of the Kintzig to -et into the j r«)ad from Offenburg to Friburg, in order to threa- '] ten the enemy tp cutoff their retreat in this puint, e and to harrals them on the left by threatening Of , fenburg with an attack. i The red of the army marched.ia 4 columns for 1 the purpole of attacking the catnp at jSolbcl, before - Offenburg. The Si ft commanded by general Le eonrtbe marched by the road of Willladt, and was | l to attack the left of the position in froilt. Adju- J taut general Decamp was to gain the foot of the - mountains, ii> order to turn the right, but befoie he i began to att he was to reconnoitre well 011 his left, '• : in order to be sure that general Wurn»fer's ar'my, 1 wiu& «M-iaewn to be it $ march, might norig. ' *0- -vp - , terwpt '.he march. Gci;cnu baioie iJUis«M'effls;c!i i ! ed With the tbird again!! UrtafTen and Zitliem, In , . unlet to oppose the troops that cams from ths - r J tower Rhine : thtfe three corps were undo- tht i ■command of Gener?.! Defray.. . i The tirll displayed behind, the village of Gr!ef. . i fen within canuon ftiot of the cpir.p oi B:fTel, which . ' was about, fifteeu thoufaivd men strong, coxpofed i of part of the corps of Conde, of the troops of . the Citcie and of some Aullrian corps, which for* . 1 med the Cordon of the Rhinei The second dire&ed its march to Appenwi* , and was to have established itfelf behind the n;ht of the camp, after having fectired their baek : but arriving in rhe village they fuUni tLere the van of . S one of the columns of the artpy of Wwn)C.*r ■ which came on in the-greateft hurry i.-i order to form a junction at QSfentwrg with the corps of i!,» Upper Rhine. Adjlitant-General Decamp at i-k.- : ed the;n wiiti rhe gieateft audacity, and it laipri- * B pulfid them by a cliargc of the cavalry mjd? by : the lixth regiment of dragoons, and p?.rt of ths ,3 eighth t>f Chaffers. The iofs of the e'emy in killed and wounded, was very confiderabie ; «■< took from t hem about 100'horfes aid 150 |>ri« ners. Night coming o», we were obliged to pulj. pone the attack till next morning. j The corps of Geqeral Suzanne fell in likesvife with the enemy at UrtafFen,'drove ihem off with the greatest frigor, and took about one hundred ptifoners. Night prevented him likewile froth pursuing his success. and the array remained on the field of battle daring the most dreadful wea ther; the enemy evacuated the camp at Bihel dur ing the night. Seeing that it was impoiliole for the enemy to form a junction with the corps w£/ Wurmfer, General Ferinot at day break-took pol feffion of Gffenburg, and pursued the enemy, who left, him two pieces of caanin and some oailTons. Adjutant General Bille.venne pursues them in the valley of the Kintstig with the light troops; and the reft of tHe army under the command of Dt faix ie marching towards Appenwii wheic N there will certainly be a leiious engagement with the reinforceiperits coming from the Luwcr Rhntp. I cannot, citizen Dire&ors, fufficiently praise the bravery of t"he troops and the general officers who commanded them 111 all these attacks made one after the other with -iroops not yet organized, but who were nothing but detachments, joined by forced marches Irom the different 4' ri 'ions of the army, who were next to fend them for the passage . of the Rhine. The rapidity of this march and the several at tacks as the neceflary consequences thereof, have prevented the junftian of the two armies which th» ■> enemy had on the Upper and Lower Rhine; and the want of uniformity, which this must occaGoa for some days ia their operations, promises us new fuccelfcg. > MOREAU. For Sale, (Jn an excellent situation for ljufmefs,) A three-story brick House and Lot of Ground, Eighteen feet front and twenty-five feet in depth, on the South fide of Market nefcr Front-street» now iapofftj. Con of Samuel Read. Apply to Israel Pleafants, or Charles & Joleph Pleafants. Sep,t. rj. dtf .F 0 li 6 ALE. A PLANTATION, ABOUT H miles from this City, fituarc in Alhr.g ton Townftiip, Montgomefy-County ; containing 70 acre*, & newlioac house, two ilories high. 2 room* 00 a fljor, fire placcs in each, a itune kitchen 2nd l\one ffring house, over aa excellent spring of water, a barn, itab.'es| sheds, barracks, Sec. A large orchard, and a variety other fruit, about 1 a acres of good meadow well v.jtrrcd t and wood fufficient for fire, and fencing the place* Foffcfii* On may be had the jft of Apnl next. Property in this uiy 1 will betaken in exclange, or MORRIS and NICHOLSONS Notes in payment. Enquire at No. 37, Arch-Strtet. Philadelphia, Scpltmbrr 13, 1796, erod tf A Manufactory FOP SALE. A Valuable SOAP and CANDLE NHnufa&ory, filiate in a convenient part of tkfc--cjty ; the ork.i ; ew» p on an entirely original conilru&ioci and best materials, and may be set to work immediately whowiihto purebafe, arc requested td al South Second Street. . September 13. For the fdloPP>y tc [ he Capt. osl : No.th fide ot JKSSf. and' ROBERT, .v'alrii wharf, or 10 the Subleribcrj, I'/oa bat e now hnding from faii Slocf, P fcv. HHrl...'of high proof Antigua RUM. The NONPAREIL is intended as a conllant tracer, be tween 8 liimoie and.Fhiiacelphia, it fuiiable encoiiragcrofnt it received. \ LEn HOLL INC-SfVQRTH, & SON. . £rptcni.:r 13, i7cs. 55,