Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 13, 1796, Image 1

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    ajette »/,& ptUtCilfmtfS, ir Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
1 1 ——— J«\ n r>r pi rt r T : (I. r, 4* 1 J A T C>\l7l O
—The Schooner LARK,
One Hundred and twenty tons burthen. 8.
A new vessel well found, well built, & P"®' 1
-" < '4' _ fails extremely fact. For terms apply w
to the matter on board, or to Wl "'
Joseph Anthony & Co. '
If the above vessel is not fold in a few days, (He will
take freight on very low terms for Boston.
■'. S ' pt ' °~ — . ■ - L»n<
The capital (hip CERES, -
M foe»: —For freight or passage
pplv to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or
John Vaughan,
September 10. Front-street.
For Sale or Charter,
BURTHEN tTbout 20Q0 Bbls. of ({our—(he may be sent
to sea at a .final! expeuce, her fails and rigging being in
■very good order—apply to
James Campbell, or
Gesrge Latimer.
April 19, 1 r
' FOR SALS, """
The {hip STAR, j
John Vannikan, Mailer, * *
ttjM T YING at Walnut-ftruet wharf, Philadel- '
JL-J phia built, of live oak and cedar, will *
» tarry about 3100 barrels, is two years-old, and in com- £
plea- order to receive 1 cargo—For tortus apply to
Who have ilfo'i'or Sle said vtffels cargo—conOfting of—
Wine and Porter bottles,
Window Glass, 6 by 8 to ;6 by J*. ]
Pipes in boSes. ( j
Earthen-Ware ir. crates.
Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, &«.
Aug. 19 ,
At South-street wharf,
WILL BE LANDED, Friday, iQth inft. Aoguft, —
by snow Hope, from Jamaica, and fl°®P Salty, A
from Port-au-Prince,
300 Hhds, COFFEE,
70 Hhds. SUGAR.
Also, the cargo of the Swedijh brig Gujfaf Adolpht, 1-
capt. Ram/re, from Gibraltar, he'
ift and /,th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds. ™
Hazle Nuts in sacks
St. Übes SALT, for file by c
Jr- a For Charter,
* The,faidbrig
GUSTAF Adolphe,
A Swede, with a Mediterranean pa'fs,
. very f me velTtl, about soo tons bur- L
'then. '» We ° 2W W
For Sale or Charter,
LYING at Meir. J. & R. Wain's wharf,
■{K&and seventy tons burthen, a (lout, ftreng y
vessel, and well fOt.lL For terms apply to
Tofeoh Anthony & Co. t0
' Sept. I. , dtf ... «1
ON ThurMay the aid inft. at 10 o'clock, A. M-wil, c
be fold at the (lores of Willing, and francs, a large «
quantity of INDIA GOODS, imported :n the Ganges, a
■ from Bengal, confiding of
3000 pieces Gurrahs ;]
•2000 do. Baftas, different kinds y
3500 do Coffas, do. t ]
450 do. Humhums, do. d
600 do. Patna hdkfs. for women c
100 ho- ' Addaties ' v.
fjo- da Table cloths ' „
, ~,;j60 do. Emerties
80 do Punjums .
300 do. Fine Mulmuls
200 do. Fine Dacca hdkfs. c
100-'1" nrnrkfd MnfljlU - —j.
100 do. Doreas ,
100 do. BAok Muslin
joo do. black and colored Perfuns or Tiffeties t
uoo do. Bandahnoes, chocolate, red and blue (
ieo do. Choppa Romals ,
40 quarter cafics of Hyson Tea of goed qeality (
40 ' Souchong (
The coarse goods v/ill be fold by the bale, the taffetas
and bandannoes in lots to suit the purchasers, the teas by ,
the chest. The whole is entitled tr the drawback, and will
be fold for approved notes, on a liberal crrdit. (
The goodsmsy be fcen from the 15% inft. to the day |
previous to thefale. (
September 8.
Dissolution of Partnerfliip.
THE Partnerfbip between ROBtRI ANDREWS and
D AVID MEREDI TH. under the firm of ANDREWS
and MEREDITH, btin R dissolved All persons who are
indebted to, or who have claims agatnft the laid houle, are
jcquclted to apply for fettlemcrt to the fubfenber.
No. 86, So. Wharves.
Sept. 6,1 706. ~
That Neat and Convenient House,
tt THEREIN the now lives. There are lour
VV rooms on a floor v-the house is two (lories high
with a soodgarret above *. under the whole is fin exc-.'l
cpt cejlar, With a dry well, .in which is a convenient
framed chamber for preftrvir." meat, butter, &c. in warm
weather. Attached to the house is a Stable for three
horses, hay-los , granary, and carriage-house, a wood
yard paved with (lone, ar.'J a garden with loil of a nne
quality. An indisputable title will be made to the pur
chaser. For particulars apply to the (uhfenber in
Princeton, or. in her ablenie ctj Thomas D. johnfon, t. r q.
•or the rev. Samnel S. Smith.
Princctos, Aug 14. SawtO
A Hand fame, well-broke
For Sale enquire at the Coneftcgo Stable's, the owner
having no use for him.
Aug. as n&tw
Evening School, 7
S. LEWIS refpeAfulty infsrms 'us friends and the
public, that his Evening School for Younc Gentlemen
will commence on Monday, Ilth September, for t<ie
winter season.
Sept. 8. I i 4
'"»• Sept
1 St. Croix SUGAR and MOLASSES.
— Landing from on board the fcliooncr Little Tom, Capt.
Thomas Dennett, at Rice-street wharf, Inc l -
A choice parcel of St. Croix Sugar,
and a. few hogsheads of Molasses. A i
\ For Sale by rX
Pragers and Co.
August 30 1Q
Just Arrived,
In tht Snow Boston, James KirkpatrUk, master from Li
cooo Bnlhels SALT ;
100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and
~ An Assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY; Jur
forsale '
Onboard, at Pinc-ftreet wharf. Apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April 19. $
Washington Lottery.
THE Eighteenth and Nineteenth Days' Drawing of t D
the Wa(hi»gton Lottery, No. s, are received at the office t D
.1 No. 154, Market-flreet, where tickets may be examined. p 0
•jj B. Information given where tickets in all the othev All
lotteries may be procured. . „ —
September 9, 1796.
_ For sale by the fublcribers,
IN PlNt)-STREfeT, j
130 quarter Chests fre(h Hyson Tea;
joo ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea;
300 Boxes China, containing final! tea fettt of 4» 1
400 pieces Bandanoes.
~ Willings Sis Francis. -
January * tt&f
lyi At a special meeting of the Board of Di
reßu*s sos eflabli/hing ufeful Manufactures, ho/den Fq
at Paterfon, July 8, 1796, au
RESOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stack
holders of the Society be called on the firft Monday,
being the third ay of O&ober next, at PaCrfer., by wn *
of the clock of the fame day; then and there to take £\
into consideration the propriety of dissolving the said
corporation, agreeably to the law Ih such cafe made and ,v
provided—and the Stockholders are eameftiy requjfted p,
to attend the said meeting in person or by proxy.
August 17 dt3QthO
,f s A Complete Font of Brevier,
ur- TTNtirely new, and yet unopened. The weight of this „
XL font is about 311 lb. It is from the'Foundtry of , }
— Wilson & Sons, Glasgow, and will be fold at cod & charges ", ,
Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. 1 " A
Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the Unitde
States, 119 Chefnut-ftreet. Aug. 19 ]
„ f A very valaable Merchant Mill, Inc
' a DISTILLERY and BREWERY, and sundry STONE
il QUARRIES to be let.
I will rent my merchant Mill at the little Falls of Po
towroac, for any term not lift thanfeven, nor more than
eleven years, from the firft day of September next. The
mill-house is 42 by 40 feet, three stories high, built with
(lone, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Stones, two gra
will overshot 18 feet water-wheels, and Evans's machinery arK
irg e complete, with «very other thing proper and neceSary for h!
ges, carrying on thebufinefs with dispatch, and at as little cx
' penfe as pofiible, all in good order. —From the mill to my
anding on the Potomac river, (wher« craft, of any bur
then may deliver grain and take in flour) it is about 40 ~"
yards, and from thence by water to George-Town and
the City cf Wafliington, abeut 3 miles, and to Alexan
dria about ft miles. This fuuation, aided by a fuflicient
capital, will command the produce o(j a very extensive
back country, where large quantities us wheat and other -r
' grain is annually made, the diftante to it,being from 8 I
to 10 miles less than to any matket town up »n the navi- 0 f
gation of the Potowmac. There are on the premiles a a nc
large (lone Coopers'.(h Jp, a (lone granary, and a commo- put
dious miller's .house. At the landing aforefoid a bridge all
i& uo w_ iiiihJing aver the Potomac, which is in irreat for- kef
wardnefs and probably will be finiihed the erifuing fall. oui
There are also on the premises, a Brewery and Diftille- ~e'
ry, built with (lone, in tjiem are three dills, two copper#
or boilers, with every necessary article, all new, and in
good order, arid fufficiently Urge to carry on the Brew
's ery and Distillery upon a very cxteilfive plan. This pr»p
erty I wilt rent for the fame term of years.
C , 3S Upon my lands adjoining the premifes,'and along the
| s X banks of tlte river, where craft may lead with ease and difr
W1 patch, is an iaimenfe quantity of building and foilnda
„ , tion -stones. Four quarries are now open, and as many
" more may be opened with ease : the done taken from thefc
quarries is better, and has the preference at this market,
er ' to any other (lose brought to it. I will rent these quarries
— separately or together as may best suit.
On the top of the hill, and about 200 yards from the
mill, is a done Dwelling-house, large enough for the ac
-5 and commodation of a family : v also, a kitchen, dairy, smoke-
E W S house, &c. and a garden, ene'ofed and in cultivation, the
10 are f 0 ; 0 f w hicH is equal in goodness to any in this (late. 1
e ' are will also rent this property.
Adjoining to the Brewery and Didillery is a Smith's
(hop, in which is a complete set of Blacksmith's tools,
j'' t f which 1 will also rent, and if agreeable I will hire to the
—- tenant two negro blacklmiths, one of them is a complete q(
workman. C
E If I rent out the done quarries', I will fell three crafts, c(
' which were ljuilt for the purpose of carrying stone : they c
e :? 1 will altogether bring upwards of 90 perch Immediate fa.
-ctfl P°ff c "'. on he given. For terms apply to the fubferib- f {
er in this town.
The Mill, Brewery r.nd Didillery, with their appurten
varm anee9j w ;n (, e deliverad *0 the tenant or tenants in good
.voo" repair, and muil be so returned, at the expiration of the ''
r lease orleafts, .
Al««ndti», Aug. 16— 25
ber j.n . . c
5N- COFFEE, in hhds. bbls. & bags}
COTTON, of Demerara, and > entitled to drawback
BOSTON BEEF, and Mould and Dipt CANDLES,
owner App'y to ISAAC HAPvVEY, Jun.
No. 5 south YYatv-fireet.
f-jw 8 mo. 89. $3W
JUST A R RIVE D, from Lijbon,
Altd for Sale by the Subferiberi,
e Lisbon Wine, nai
•< lo pipes and quarter-caflfs;
5000 Bushels Lisbon Salt. nTa'per
Jcffe & Robert Wain. Baftas.
- J •" Art Coffas.
' Sq»t- ">• Bandan
Sa'es of India Goods. Sept.
The Cargo of thefhip Ganges, capt. Tingejr, from Cal- '
cutta and Bengal,
A Large and general aflbrtment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fine -worked and plain MuJlins,
Doreas, l!fc. Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, -
; In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER*
l ~ For Sale by TJ A!
Willlngs & Francis,
J Mercei
No. »I Penn Street. he will
June S S
French Gqods. sup,
Rcceivid by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-df So{n
Grace, ' Ban
20 TrunVs ") Lad ; es . SHOES of all colors forts and Gzes
->- I Cafe j Eng
I Ditto white ar.d colored Silk STOCKINGS Dsn
I Ditto Fine LAWN Silk
. I Dittobefik fine CAMBRIC The
ICC I Ditto Ladies* best ihammy and Crenoble Gloves Um
' d - For Sale by THOMAS ic JOHN KETLAND. Fre i
ef au# 14 5 Irill
— Dutch Goods,
Rcc/iwd by the Pennfyhanu., fr*m Amjlcrdarr.^
GIN, in pipes in p»r
Morlaix 1 .
Ticklenburgs > In Bales
41 Ofnaburgs J
SS™ - } «"*- »" fa
Hollands ") DVCKJin ditto <
f P.avens i y
Bedticks, in ditto J
)i. Brittagne. ? in ditto
j Platilles j N
den For Sale by THOMAS JOHN ZETLAND. Jul
AUg. 29 5
ily, For Sale, /
wn . T h r ee story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
ake / street, between Front and Second streets, in which ,
fai(i MeiTrs. James Calbraith & Co. have fQT many years (and
ant ' now do) carried on bulinefs. A*r
lied Poffefeon will he given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or 1 £
April 21. 1 1 '
A Book-Keeper, An t
tf "f r\R Clerk's placc is wasited by a pjrfon properly quali- J
r v_ ) sic d, and whofc clura&er will be found uneiception- I
able. Aprly to the Printer. |
itde " -■ ~ Bei
L_ Phns of the city of Philadelphia,
Including the Northesn Liberties and diltridl of I .
' Southwark, I A
Published, and fold by
shan No. 68, High ftrect,
The (Price one dollar.)
THIS plan is 26 inches square, and has been en I
two graved by one of the firft artists In the city, from a Itote 1
nei T and accurate survey. Purchasers arc entitled to a pam- I p
:or phlet with each plan, giving " some account of the I
: cx * city, its population, trade, government, &c. tof ,
w y . Ju»r 19 tuf&ftf *| dua
- — *" I .at
and duty on carriages. U«
:xan- .
nfive Notice is hereby Given, I f c
jther 'T-'H AT agreeably to an aft of Congress of the United t he
am 8 i, Siaiet of America, passed at Philadelphia, the «Bth day 1
navi- of Mav, 1796 i laying duties on Carriages, for the convey- „
le« a ance of persons, and repealing the former acts tor that pur- mal
nmo- pufe.—That there (hall be levied, collefttd and paid, upon j
ridge all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which (hall be g
for- kept by or for any person, for his or her own use, or to let _
ill. oui to hire, or for the conveying ot paifeogers, the (everal du- I
ftille- '»« aa d rates following, to wit.
oners For and upon every Coach, 15 dols. I -r-i
up>n every Charioi, la dols. I
, upon every Post Chariot, se dols< J
' " upon every Poll Chaise, 12 dols.
f' rB P" upon every Phaeton, with or without top, g dols
, upon every C®aciiee, g dols. I
s 'f 6 upon other Carriages, having panne/ work above, I
1( 1 dif' w ith blinds, glaftes or curtains, 9 dols.
"nda- upon four wheel carriages, having tramed polls and I \
many topi with steel springs, 6 dols. I <
1 these -upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron | j,
arket, , fpriugs or jacks, 3 dole. 1 icx
arries upon curricles witn tops, 3 dols/ I
upon chaises with tops, 3 dols. |_
n the upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. |
Ie ac- upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols. I 0
rnolie- upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. I
n t j ie upon two wheel carriages, with steel or iron springs, I
te I 3 <^°' s " I
For and upon all other two wheel csrriages, a-dols. I
. , , upon every four wheel carriage, having framed pods I mj
and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. | erl
tools, The Coll. ftors of the Revenue ot the 6r(l lurvev of the I so:
10 . j Diftrift of Pennsylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th day Ito
Jiplete of September nt?xt, for the purpose of recr % tug the duties on j; n
Carriages, at No. »s7, in Race or SafTafras street, in the City I; n
crafts, 0 f philjdelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, E'q in the I
: they County of Montgomery ; and at the house of Abraham Du- I£o
tediate hois, the County of Bucks; of wt ch all perfonspoi- I m
bfcrib- fefltd of f«ch Carriages are desired to If Q
Notice is also giVen, «
,Urte fj TO all retail dealers t in Wines, and foreign distilled fpiri- I
' tuous liquors, that licences will be granted to them ; one li I
0 ie cencefor carrying on the bufmefs ot retailing of Wines, in a I
, . iels quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one j
l " licence for carrying OD the bufinets of retailing Spirituous li- I
' w quors in le(s quantities than 20 gallons, at the fame time and j _
at the fame placcs, by the officers legally authoriaed to graut
fuck licences.
Infpeftor of the Revenue of tlie ftrft Turvey 1
twback of the dillnft of Pennsylvania. If
Office of Infpe£lion,at / i 3'
Philadelphia, 21ft J[uly, 1796. ) If
DLES. — j <
Jun. W ANTED, j i
treet. An APPRENTICE to the Prirting Bufmefs, 1
$3* Enquire at thi» Office. Aug. 19 i,
' I - ■
Mordecai Lewis
NANKEENS, long M A 1 0"-
China, well alTortcd.
Bandano Handkerchiefs-
Roll Brinsftone. „ ,
Sept. 6.
c A B L E S,
From 16 to 9£ inches, for faieby
Jeremiah Warder,
July II § No l» north Third-ftreefti
tto. 76 High Street,
HAS received, by the latefi arrivals from Europe and
the East Indies « well fele<slcd afTortment of Suk
Mercery, Linen D'raperyand Hat>erdifhery Goods ; whict*
he will fell," WJiolefale and Retail, on the lowest terms ;
Some fine India muslins embroidered With gold andfliver
Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulnvul ditto
Do do <jo do Handkerchiefs
Some extra black taffeties,lut«ftringsand oolored Periianf
Bandano Handkerchiefs j
Long and short Nafcltctns
English Mantuas of the firft quality
Dsmafk fable linen and napkins, very Cne
Silk HoGrry, an elegant affbrtment
Thead and cotton do '
Umbrellas—green silk, oil'dde. and do deth
French cambrics, very fine
Irish Linens, do. &e. June 14 5
» • —— /
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old,
In pijwt and hoglheads
Claret, genuine old, in cases
Gin, in pipes, from Holland
Earthen Ware, in crates
Balket Salt, in hogsheads
Shot, Not. 6, 7, 1 and 9
Earl/ead, Red and white dry lead
Steel, German and Rufjia. i'.;-barrels
Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpohn canvae,
"SiTi plates?—An invoice Stationary, by
'• July 19 -
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of the bejl quality and en reajonable terms,
l } Ton saii B?
d ' - Philip Nicklin £3° Co.
A«guft «6. **tf
Great is Tsum and mutt prevail.
And for fttk at No- 4! Chef n-jt-ft reel by J. ORMROD,
1; . An Apology for the Bible,
°* By R- Watson, d. d. f. x. s.
Bijhop of Landaff, trf*. ,__ f
Being a complete refutation of Paine s
Age if Reason,
oft . And the only anfrver to the Second Part.
I August 30.
By-H.&P- RICE, No. 16, Second-street, and No.
50, Market street.
"el Philadelphia Prison;
7* I BEING an accurate and particular Description of the
I wife and humane Administration adopted in every part
I of that building ; containing also an account of -the gra*
I dual reformation and present improved state ot the Penal
Laws of Penofylvania ; with Observations on the injtif- '
I tice and impolicy of capital punilhmcnts.
Together with an Appendix,
I Containing tables of crimes, and quarterly flitements
of the expenditures of the Prison, with the amount of
ted t he labour of the convifls.
lay By a Gentleman of South-Carolina.
e >" « L a y the are to the loot and teach,governments hui»
ur " inanity. It is their fanguinarv punilhments which cor
rupt mankind." W" 'f **»•]
let Sept. 7.
dl " Lottery
I railing fix thousand fix hundred and fi*ty-feve!l
I A dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen, per
I cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz «
I I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000
J 1000 IOO»
■ aoo roeo
and I 20 100 3000
99 SO 4950
iron I j 0 ® %S / J oo °
j 1000 IC,OCO
I j Last drawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, scoo
j 1334 Prizes. 44,4Jt>
I 4018 Blanks.
nES ' I 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44>4J®
I By order of the Directors of the' Society for eftablilh
pofts I mg Ufeful Manufaflures, the fuperintendaats of the Pat
iols. erfon Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the
f the foregoing Saheme to the public, and have diredled them
1 day I to refund the money to those persons who have purchased
■' on t hc former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets
City I in this Lottery.
n the phe lottery hasafiually commenced drawing, and will
Du " I continue until ficilhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prize*
P oi * I ma y befeenat the office o! William Blackburn, No. 64
south Second street, who wili give information where tick-
I ets may be procured.
fori. Dated this 17th day of June,
1C li J. N- CUMMINS, 7
, in a I JACOB R. HARDENBERG, ? Mansgers.
ius li- I dtf eo
e and j , ' - ■ m
1 1 THE fubferiber intends to make application for aA>
[urvey j L newal of the following certificate, supposed to ke
1 loft on the yaffage to England in April 1794 ;
I Certificate No. 10335, dated 15th November, 1793,
i for 2830 dollars and 91 cents—Sir per cent, domcitic
—— j debt, on the books of the Treafujy of the United State*.
I in the name of the Hon. John Trevor. 1
,r u 1 ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder's.
v " I Philadelphia, August 50th, 1796. *w*f6w