. v V ; &FO:IMAfION ! • '•*.'t • ''lii" of the drawing of tbc WASHINGTON dal -' ' i'Er.V', attfttOflic. f c »' ■ ' 'No. 1+ 7 Chefnutjr.-et, fafd'll \ • vri J'ourth arid fifth ftrests. Also, where Tickets . ( ' . • '-e-hjid. Sept. 9. eo The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Days drawing is purc j, ' • : -—. firft it Oity ct Waihingtoti. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, \ T o.II, FOR THE WPROVf.ME.tiT OF THE <■ FEDERAL CITY. A magimicent >20,000 dollars, &> 000 dweiling-houi'e, ) 30,000, ire J ' ' s ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 40,009 Schtc, X ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 , 1 ditto 10,000 & calh 10,000 10,000 J 1 ditto 5,000 fit cash, 5,000 10,000. °J •i ditto 5,000 & cafi; 5,000 10,000 th. r tafis prize of 10,000 ■== 2 do. 5, "000 each,are . ■ 10,000 10 do. 1,006 - - 10,000 so d*i. 50a - - 10,000 00 do. roo - - 10,000 200 do. 50 • • 10,000 4co do. 25 » ■ io,ooo 1,000 do. to • i*739 Prize?. 35,261 Blanks. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollaft, 400,000 N. B. To favour those "who tnay tike a quanuty ot Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars Will be tlie j.aSt drawn ticket, and the 10,003 the last but one : Ar.d approved notes, feciiring payment ineittier nron*y or pri2es, in ten days alter drawing, will b'tf received foi any number not less than JO tickets. This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of' the pri vate buildings to be ereSed in the City of Waihingtoti—- Two beautiful designs are already feleifled for the entire fronts on two of the public squares ; from these prawings 3 itispropofed toerccl twfl centreand fourcomer buildings, A as soon as pollible afteiithis lottery is fold, and to convey them, when complelfc, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of five per cent, will'be made to defray the neteffary expenses of printing, &c. and the surplus 2 will be made a part of the fund intended for the National University, to be erecled withinthe city of Vafhington. * The Drawing Will commence as soon as the tickets are fold off.—The money prizes will be payable ir. thirty days ifter it is finifhsd ; and any priEes for which fortunate numbers aie not produced within twelve months after the drawing is closed, are to be considered as given towards the funi for the University ; it being determined to fettle the whole bufinefs'in a ySar from the ending of the draw ing, and to take up the bonds given as fe&irity. The real fe'curit>es given for the payment of the Prizes, ' ire held by the President arid two Direitors of the Bank of Columbia, and ass valued at more than half the a mount ot the lottery. The twenty four gerltlem£n who by appolntnient 0. the late Commiflioners aflifted in'the management of the Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk 3 fecotid time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient num ter of these having kindly accepted, it the friends to a National University and the other federal ob je<3s may continue to favor the design. By accounts received from the different pat'ts of the Continent as well as from Europe, where the' tickets have been sent for sale, the public ape assured that the drawing will speedily commence, and that the carcand caution unavoidably neceffiry to insure a fate disposal of ; th« tickets, has rendered the lhor- fufpetrtion indispensable. SAMUEL BLODCET. § Tickets may b s O Qi o o » v- *g h H t ¥> g .O V- ° P ° •ta < I o I O U c • — 55 A 3 -a £ o % <2 2 Soath Eali 5120 North East 5120 South Wefr 5110 j North Weft 5120 p % 20,480 I 3 5 South East 51 ZO —-. —: . 1 . ; No-th Ealt I South Weft -JI2O North Weft 5120 j | • 20,480 1 iSouth Enft 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 J North Weft 5120 20,480 j g South East 5120 J North Eatl 5120 I South Weft 5120 I North Weft 5120 — 20.480 I 11 Sftuth Eafl 5120 North East 5120 I South Well 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 1.4 4. Ealt ji;o I North East 5120 South Weft 5120 • North Weft 512° h 20,480 6 South East 5120 |\ North East 5 120 Soujfi Weft 5120 I* North Well 5120 1 20,480 , I 8 South East 5120 I North East 5120 h , j South, Weft 5120 >. I ' North Weft 5120 h j 20,480 h I 10 South East 5120 I North East 5120 ?* j v Sonth Weft' 120 J _ North Well 5120 '1 I .20,480 p. I 12 South East: 5120 h J North Eaftj 5120 ;tl j South Well 5120 k j North Well 5120 ?h . 20.450 L .y, I j 3 South East 4602 ch 1 North East 4654 p. I South Well 5 120 :h j North Well 5 120 -h 19,496 ■ 1 5 South East 5120 'Jjj* I North East 5120 c h South Weft 5120 ch North Weft 5120 ip. [20,480 7 South East 5120 c j* North E,a(t 5120 Cl South Weft 5120 North Weft 5 110 ips be- " j 26,480 by the 6 9 'South East 5 120 "he Worth East 5 1 20 al'fur-1 ' |' 5 .20 have (North Wctt 5120 1 j 20,J-8c I 11 • 12 £ ■ q. j; <£ '<£ » = G BL . . K S « .9* 6 Hr f° si o -o E ' ! £ fe < | 3 •2 I.' ~- f -f-3 . — — Eaftkizo. f North Eift j[2o; - South Weft 51 20-. North Wefi 5120, — 20,480 j 13 South Easts! 20 4 M;it u . E".ftsl2o *• s South Wei' 5120 1C North Weil 5 120 f';/ 20,480 (5 4 South East 4630 c- North East 4SZO; r- South Weft 5 1 20j = d North Weft' y 120 • —| '9.490 6 South East 4.730, a- North Ealt 47.15} South Weft 5120 r; North Wefl 5 i 20 | «, —: ce 8 South Eaftiy 120j n- North Eaftisl2o: t( i South Weftjj 120 b V North Weft'c 120 H', I—*- •0. io South Eaftiy 120 ce, North Eaft|sl2o all South Weft 5 I 20 North WeilUi 20 I 20.480 be 12 South Eaft 5 120 v North East 5I 20 SourtrVy eft ; 126 North Weft .5 120 20,480 14 South East 5120 North East J 12D ur . South Weft 5 120 on North Weft 5 120 J0,480 — 7 3 South East 5120 North East 5120 / South Weft 5120 North Weft 5 120 —- 16,480 j South Ealljl2o North East j 120 South Wed ; 1 20 North Weft j 120 20,480 | 7 South East j 120 North E?fisi23: South Weft ; t 20 North Weft J120; 20,480 9 South Eafijjli© -Mortal v. ■. —rjgjf ~ ' South Wei U 1 20 North Weft ?T2o> II South East ;i2O North East 5120 South Weft 5 120 Jjorth Weft 5120 20,480 13 Sooth East ; 120 North Esfl Jl2O South Weft 5 120 North Weft ; 12c 20,480 15 South East 5120 North East j! 2c 1 South Weft j 120 North Wefi 5120 20,480 NOTE. 1 THE quantities of Lands in the fevcraltownfhips b> fore mcatianed,are exclafiire of the Sections teferved lif the United States. The aggregate quantities is the fcvc ral townftiips, hive been ascertained by a&ual survey ; tut 1 the quantities in the quarter "townftiips, have been no otherwifc afccrtaineJ than by escalation. YYafhmgton Canal Lottery, N°. I. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorifeJ the underwritten, to raise twenty-f.i thoufan , two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpole ot cu ins a Canal through the City of Washington, trom tn tomacto theEaftern Branch Haruour. The following is ihe SCHEME of No. ?• Viz-»l Prize of 20,000 dollars, iO-OQO I ditto 10,000 10,000 7 lull dra«kS 35)000 Tickets, each J 6 ditto 1,000 6,0c0 jo ditto 400 4, cc 3 20 ditto 100 *,000 55 ditto jo 2,75° 5750 ditto 14 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, 26,23° 5850 Prizes,' 175,000 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.' .-i. ,-..1. 17560 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 <£$* The Commiflioners -have taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid a