Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 12, 1796, Image 3

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'■6 t:\m- cff!*it- —tfiii annihilation of the raonS'-chy.
i'hat a material change has been already produced
in themindsof the Spaniards appear* ccrtain, from
the new regulaiio. s adopted for the fupprcfiion of
convents ; a circumltance which, to any man who
knows the geniu* and chara&er of the nation, will,
probacy, be deemed dccifive.
The present fafhion arfiong the ladies in London,
is f id to be a glaring violation of the decorous
prccept of the fdiyrift,
" Let not cach beauty every where be fpy'd,
" Where half the (kill is decently to hide."
The Montezuma, captain Chafe, failed froth
London four days before the Charleltc*i, but put
into Beachy Head, which they left the fame day
io company,. *
Mr Wignellof the Philadelph a and Baltimore
Theatres, arrived in London the day the Chariefton
11 the Montezuma came the following palTen
Mr. R. H. Wilcocks, of Philadelphia,
M'mfieur Fonier,
Mr. James Wi!fon,.of Alexandria, and
Mr. W. Y. Lewis, of" this town.
The Montezuma failed in company with the fol
lowing vefTels;
Ships Charleston, for Baltimore ; Henry, Stan
ton, for Alexandria ; Indian Citi f, Skinner, for
Madeird and the East Indies} Tamany, Ward, of
New York, for Liverpool—Btig Harmony,
for Savannah.
July 12, below Gravefend, spoke (hip William
Penn, captain Jofiah, of and from Philadelphia,
bound to London.
July 14, spoke (hip Friendftiip of N'-wYork,
Jafi from Savam ah, inside the Downs, for London.
The (hip Friendship, raptatn Smith, was to
leave London on the 20th July, for Baltimore.
1 ■ 1111 1 1 I ' "Ml
Married, on Thursday hft, at New-Castle, Mr.
"WiLLrAH Clav to M'fr Sarah M'Wjlliam.
• f
oil Saturday evening last, by the Rev. Dr.
Rogers. Mr Stephen C. Ustick, printer, to Miss Re
becca Shields, daughter of the late Capt. Jobs Shields
of this chy.
£xtra<£l of 3 lettei frop Bordeaux, July s—received5 —received
by Capt. Boys.
" The French tarry all befoi* tbem in Italy and oij
the Khine. The Citizen Pope has decreed that all the
plate not immediately rie. tflary for the worfllip of the
Supreme Being, may be employed in carrying on the
holy war against the French. So you may fee he quakes
" violently, or he wohld not make use of such a re
" Flour a drug—7 1-1 to S dollars per barrel—and
?tl kinds of provision in proportion."
Jlxtraft of a letter 3ated Bourdeaux, July 12. f
" Numerous corps oftroops arecontinually march
ing froi* La' Vendee to Italy. Buonaparte's army
will, soon metr ftronff. The left wing
of that army, commanded by General Maffcna, had
on the ift inft. already pushed 20 leagues into Ty
rol, and Was marching against Brixen and Lientz.
A column of the army of the Alps is advancing a
longjthe bants of the Inn, against Infpi uck, the
capital of Tyrol, and.we eXpect that by this time
the army of Italy, and that of the Rhine and Mo
felle will have effedied their jnnftiou on the frontiers
of Bavaria. The corps of 60. O Neapolitan hnrfe,
who had escaped with the Auftrisnt after the battle
•of Borghetto, have furr'endered to the republicans,
and were sent to Bre/cia, Loctf, and Cremona.—
Their horses, faddles< &c. were delivered up to the
Republirans agreeably to treaty. It is also gene
rally believed that an article of our treaty with Na
ples ft ipulates, that the king (hall lend us five (hips
of the line and eight frigates.
" The fuccrfles of our armies in Germany atjd I
taly are so decisive, that the Emperor will soon
lhare.ihe fatr of the kisg of Sardinia. It isexpeft
ed that England will at last pay the price of all the
countries which the French Republic may agree t»
reftoretothe Pope, the Emperor and the German
Princes st the comlufion of a general peace.
" There is plenty of all kinds of provisions in
France ; and the tlop of this year is richer yet than
that of last year."
WE often read in yotir paper, and scarcely in
any other printed in the city, of persons amongst
us who seek to degrade the American name and
character. and of persons who seek to involve us
in war, conjured up, I suppose, like hobgoblins in
terrorum The fact is, the reign of terror is past,
and these things will probably soon grow entirely
put of use by the abuse made of them.
Mr. Maclay's proposition explains the meaning
of the oppofers of the treaty; for it was unques
tionably brought forth and intended to be relied
upon by thtm. By it will be seen, that those
charged with seeking war, would in fa&, for peace
- fake, have probably vo'ed for the appropriation,
had the (late of our eomrcerce warranted it 5 but
• with daily and aggravated impediments and spolia
tions before tfctir eyes, they were desirous to fuj
, fend appropriations until fatisfa&ion for pad, and
fecuri'ties against future injuries was obtained.
Mr. Dearborn, in fact, made even a motion to
agtee to the appropriations conditicnally, with a
reliance on the executive interference in behalf of
our commerce. Even this was denied, and th«n
it was when the vote was forced unconditionally on
the members—that many voted against jt who
might have voted for it, had the proposed condi
tion of the vote been agreed to. A reference to
the debates, as'publifhed by Mr. Bache, will fully
prove ami explain this. As to the (hameful wffte
of time and public money iu cife lilting im
p'ortancp of the occasion certainly warranted Jhe
btdligation it met with, and impartial poftcfity j
will judge cf the force and wildc ni cf ' the argus
rtients adduced os en aef fide j but if too milch oub>
lie time hath be»i»-already fpetit about it, it Wf»uld t
perhaps be best, Mr. Fenno, not to' increaftr that f
evil by extending it. I
A. B. c
This is not the firft Instance, in which the 3
politeness and urbanity of this writer has fed him I
to stigmatize the Gazette of the United States, «
when he has seen proper to make it t!je vehicle of t
his remarks to the public. It may be true that this v
Gazette is aimoft the only one in this Gity, (and it '
is an honorable peculiarity) which contains obfer
various similar to those A. B. objects to—lt is not
however diilingtiifhcd for circulating those detesta
ble profluftions in which it is attempted to 1 degrade 1
f.* the American name and charafler" below those 1
of any other nation which ever ex'tt<"d. Nor is it
distinguished by a pretended Veneration for out re- (
publican government, and at the fame time reviling ,f
the majority #f the people. It is not diftinguifiled
by abufe'of the Government for not pursuing meat
fores that would involve the country in war, and at
the fame time deprecating war as the greatest of e
evils. What is the honorable chsratferiftic of (
other paper*printed in the city.—l» the Philadel- 1
phia Gazette of Friday, there ic an article copied t
from the Kentucky Gazette, (which originally ap f
peaied in an paper,) and is as follows.—„ c
" LEXiNCTftN, Aliguft 6.
" If the French should fuccee*! in their negoci
ation with Spain, and obtain poffeflion »f Louisia
na, we shall be bound by a much stronger tie of in
terelt to observe a good undcrftanding with her go
vernment. The proximity of Gtuation will give
them greater opportunity of annoying us, fliould a
continued couife of unfriendly condudl towards
them render fifch a vefolution necelTary.—Every '
American should be filled with corfufion at rtflee
ting on our deportment to this nation to whom we '
owe so much. Wliilft on the one hand,we have- '
meanly crouphed to Britain whenever (he pleased to '
adopt the stile of a braggadocia, we have behaved
to France.with an infalence aimoft incredibl*. It
is in vain that we seek for"tTie motives of this con
duct ; theyare hidden beyond the ken of the com
mon eye. Reason-, gratitude, justice, all oppose it:
the frie idfhip displayed by Britain could not allure
us 1 for (he has treated us in a manner so base that
the pirates of Algiers themfclves would blush to
avow ptaflices so contrary to the laws of nature and
nations. And yet we have tamely home it all !
" How natural-was the warm enthufiaitic ex- 1
preflions of Genet, when a manly indignation led
him to cryout, " if your ftllow-citizeYii have been
deceived, if you are not in a condition to maintain ]
the sovereignty iff the people, speak : we have 1
guaranteed ir when slaves ; Vfe know how to render I
it rt'fpe&able, having become free." If this lan- 1
guage was applicable when it was used, how mu*h
more so is it new.—Truly it appears that it is Wat
ter, it is Milk which creeps thtoiigh the veins of »
Americans." [Kentucky Gaz.J 1
That the abore is a falfe reprefentatron, so far as c
ij refpedls the Government' of the United States, '
and the people of this country, no one will deny— 1
Is it not then an infamous attempt to degrade the
American name and character ? And tlio' this re
mavk may be confined to this Gazette only, it dc.cs
not follow, that the greater jufiice is done to the
people of the Unitrd StA«'s, by not publrlhing si- -
milar remarks in any other paper of the city. It
is hoped A. B. will feel the propriety ot taking his
own hint at the conclufiori of his effsy. It v.ill
certainly be advantageous to the public if they
should be influenced by it or. a future occasion.
NEWBURYPORT, September 6.
Monday Evening, September _j, *796.
Since our last publication-os the 3d inft. three per
sons only have died ot a malignant fever, and one
child ot a quincy—none have been tsker. lick with the •
above fever since last Thursday, and three only are
now fitk, and we hav« great real'on to hope from the
present appearances to be able to give a more favoura- '
blc account of the disorder.
By the Committee of Health,
Captain Lunt, arrived yesterday in 13 .days from
Gnidaloupe, informs, that the plague had broke out 1
3t St. Thomas's, which carries off numbers daily.
SALEM, (Mass) September 6.
By the best accounts we can obtain refpefling the '
fever at Npwhury Port, it appears th t Capt, Mul- :'
berry arrived at that port from Jamaica, the 31ft of j
May, and loft two of his men on his homeward i I
passage, by the fever prevalent in Jamaica. On the
Ift of June he discharged his cargo, which was rum, (
at a wharf near to a place in which the offals of fifh, j ;
in a highly putrid state, had been laid for the pur
pose of manure. On the 15th of June, the health i
Committee begun the lift of deaths from the fever, .
which has prevailed only ; upon this spot. It has
continued in this place to the present time, apd 26
pfrfons have died, either upon this spot, of after
having been refideftt upon it—-15 of each sex, of'
the following ages, none below 12 years of age, 6
between 12 and 20 years, 6 between 26 and 30, 5
between.' 30 and 40, 4 between 40 and 50, 1 be
tween 50 and 60, and 4 between 60 and 70. The
physicians have not yet reported to the public the
charafler arid treatment of the fever, Do&. Swett :
died on the 16th of August, with the symptoms of
the yellrfw fever after 4 days illness. He had no
success while he attended the fever. By some, the
fever has been called the jail, and by others the yel
low' fever. The patients are seized with delirium, <
with vomiting, and with drowfinefg. The Do&or t
was seized witlvvotijiting, and inftantlv pronounced 1
upon his owji fate. Upon inquiry from the Health '
Committee, and from reports of the physicians I
inhabitants, it is generally attributed to the putrid
fifh, which has not been removed, but coverpd up. I
It isfaidno persons have fuffered who had connec
j ".ions with the vessel, if thev have net lived Or eon
| tifiUeirear the putrid ftlh. " »
' ' ...
The fever lias not been so (uglily contapious aa
to have been conveyed from this spot. The per- t!
tons who have fur various purpofesattended the lick,
have all escaped. Only $ were reported 00 Satur- C
day a/ fickby the Health Ccramittee. Great con- I
Iternation has been difcovertd by the i:,«abitants ; f
and many have removed. Water ftrect has been b
(hat Up, but the fever certainly haunts the spot in • 1.
which the filth was laid, and is in 110 other part os l o
the town. The late tains give usreafon to hope, k
with, other ci'rcumftam es, that it will foot) cease.-— tl
Newburyport in all other re'iptfts is very healthy, «
■BOSTON, September 7. *
Accounts from L'fboo mention the artival there j,
of a Brazil fleet of 80 fail ; several of whom were f s
Indiamen. E v
By Capt. Plummer, from Cette, Barcelona and ! a ,
Gibraltar, we have much the la;eft'news from the
4 sooth of Europe.
At Barcelona, July if, the following was given 0
by a gentleman as the current news of the place.
" We had an account yesterday, that an event,
expefteJ For so one time pail, had at length taken ®
place, namely, the occupation of Leghorn by the
French. About Joo irten, chiefly cavalry, having p
come to Piftoya, and on thy road towards Sienna, 0
struck down suddenly on the morning of the 27th
of June, and tookpoffeffion of Leghorn, evident
ly with the expectation of furpiifing the Englifli, ®
and plutdering their property. Aa the Englifli
were, hewever, appriled of their visit, every thing
moveable was carried off, even to the last Jpar or
coil of r«pe, belonging to the fguadron, a swell as
the <ffets and furniture of Twenty
three fqtare rigged veflels, with fixteeh Tartans, 1
! laden, f;iled out of the harbor the morning that
tire enenly entered the town. The news that we
hsVe froti Genoa, in five days, confirm the defeat "
and daughter of the French at Chiufa, and give n
_ reason toexpert, that the Ailltrians may have forced
them by this time to rcCrdfs the Po." l<
Gibraltar, war with Spain was talked of. P
Off Cndiz gafleij through the English fl:et cruizing '
for Richery. 6
It is no ill e«mp]iment On the federalifm of the
western dillrifti That among the electioneering ar- »
tides* are as many as half a dozen cel-tificateS and f
depositions on oath, all certifying and depofirfg to
the federalifm of General Skinnei ; who is a can- 1
didate. His cordial acquiescence in the meafureg of
th? memorialists of this town, is coniidered as a a
powerful recommendation.
Capt. Freeman arrived on Monday, from St. ?
Bartholomew*, inForifisfthat on Jill Aug. lat. 38, j
12, long. 70, 30, he fell in with an Eriglifh 54 gun
(liip, part of Admiral Murray's squadron, having a
French 44 gut) ship in tow ; who informed (hat the j
French vefTel sV;.s part of Capt. Barney's squadron,
that they had three days before ; at' which j
time they parted from Admital Murray, and lef
the red in the foferioon, in pursuit of the remain ,
derof Capt, Barney's squadron ; and that about 8 j
o clock, P, M. they hesid a heavy 1 annonade, from i
which they supposed Admiral Murray and Capt. j
Barntfy h,Sd met, and weve giving battle.
Flii.s Hafltet Derby, Esq. of Salem, has late!; ,
mndo a liberal donation to the tnufupm of Dsrt
inouth College. Amo l g- other, valuable and rare
■ curiosities he has preferred the JJ.bra, an Africa. 1
aiiinial, a valuable acquisition to the cuiiotis in na f
ttirai hiifory, befi'des.fturty other rai itiesifrom Alia,
rHiXthe Weft coast of America. -i—it is a happy
circumstance, tbat commerce may become the road 1
(o pliiloioptiy as well as wealth ; and tlut ihofe who.
■are increasing the refpe&ability of their country Ly »
enlarging its commercial intcrefts, have inclination |
and faite to incre»fe the interdt of science at home f
~— : I
PHILADELPHIA, Seftcmtcr ta. j
Ship Amity, Bordeaux 54 *
Prudence, Miller, Hull 70
"Deborah, Palmer, Londonderry 70 '
" Brig Friendship, Cl:.»ke, Bremert 75 '
Bet fey, Alibot, Lisbon 63
Schooner Olive, Drinkwatet, Portland 10 I
Gipfey, BtowH, N.Carolina 12 1
; Sk>op Harriet, Navarro, New Yoik 7 ' t
Nancy, Barker, Nrntucket jo
liunteC, Lock wood, N. Carolina 14 J
The (hip Dominick Terry, Dehart, fioaj Ja j
tnaica, .was seen aground on the Pea Patch yeller (
;<lay morning. J
r ; The brig Partition, capt, Suter with paSeigers (
[ , from Ireland, is arrived at New-Callle.
: The fhip'Kit.ty, Captain Weft-, arid brig Betsey, t
1 capt. White, are m rived at the isle of Fran-e. The 1
* account is brought bv,a vessel arrived «t Salem.
Capt. Clarke from Bremen On the 43d July, spoke
; Clip Venut of Baltimore, SciUy bearing E. N. E. dift.
f ,17 leagues—all well. ,?Oth, lat. 48, 30, long. 17, •
, spoke ship Tryal of New-Bedford, out 30 days—ail
■ v ell. August 28, lat. 43, long. 54, 40, ipoke barque <
William, frcm Salem to Copenhagen, out 5 days. The •
captain mdifpofed for several days before.
j jirri<ved tit the Fort. <
BrijJ Brahdywine Miller, Culver, St. Croix '
Elizabeth, I'ullerton, Jan.aica
George, Glen, do.
Sally, Jackson, Cape-Francois
Two Sifters, Eag'efon, do.
SchK Gen. Peale do.
Salem, September 6.
Capt. C'.oiitman, lately ar.iived at Marblehead» ,
spoke on the Grand Banks, cap{. Triage, 16 days
, out from Boston—also June g, cap<. Thomas Ma
■ crea botlnd for Liverpool. Aug. 27, lat. 42 ( 39 |
' on K< 74' 4°' '' ie ft'p Deborah, capt. Robert
Palmer, from Londonderry with 800 pafiengers on
board, all well.
Aug. 3, lat. 43, 42, long. 50, Was spoke the
schooner Gofham, Woodbefty, from Pcteifburg,
Ruflia, obt 45 dajs, bound for Cspe Ann.
Capt. Batr in the Neptuue, of this ptirt/wa» at
Lisbon, 64 Bays ago.
X v -«»
Ajig. 25, lat. 42, i4,!otip. 57, 30-, tfw ff'-k-,.
the brig Sally, Smith, f rom Salem, for Boilrde x.
Yefterdai morning arrived here, the fotw. ' i!,
C:fJ>t. Daniel Rnpes, in 27 days from St. P: rres.
Left theie capts Ketit aKtl Giee'n, of Boft ■■ ; th;
LhrS. Sukey, Sftvth, and Union, Go '!hn , f
Newburypcytthe Charlotte, F trem n, «( !" rt*
land, and a bri belonging H> Mr. N. Kiel at 'fotij
los ditto. Caps. S. ln.rrrfoii, 01 Saltm, 1 in tlt u
key and Beifey/.rapt. Wallace, of 801 l n, ar \ed
the day eapt. R. failed. C p'' Baker cf iyfwich»
was 'o fail the day afte* c3pi. Ropes.
Capt. John Brown, of the f hr. D dpbin, r>f •f•
port, and'capt. Win. Henry, ol the (hi;/ V Ute ris of
New York, were at St. Fietres, Wai ing> for a pas
sage to go over to St. Lucia, to take charge of heir
velfcls, being. acquitted by the Court of Adttiira'tf
at Dominica, and paying chaigcsi.
j The br'g Boone,-of New-York, flopped the 2 lit
.of April by the B itifh La Pi,que, ar the
entrance of the rivtr I* tncrara was not yet i: helled.
The Capt. was at St. Ficrres, and the' v.'ffel at £},c
> jDiJII ia of Satem nr<( jScvcr/y.
Ship Belifarius, Crowinfbield, Me oTFratttif
Biig Salciii, Qher, Bilbo*
Six Biothetj, Seldonj Philadelphia
Schr. Trial, Ropes, Ma>tiniquf
Polly, DevtreuK, Guadaloupe
Beifey, Bickford> Notth-Carojina.
BostojJ, Septem' 2.
Arrived, sloop John, Capt. Lewisr St. Th >mas's
JO days. Lert theie schooner Harriot,
' Alexandria j Hannah, Califf, Norfolk"; Beifey,
j Tailor, Baltimore j Irtduftry» RufTel, Saletji,
to the leeward, also, 12 other American yefTels,
nsmes ui k owm Lat. 30, long. 70, 25, spoke
fchr. Be fey and Kitty, fuom Philadelphia, bound
to the Mole, ig days out, all well. American
product very low, and Wfli-lndia produce high*
The £ngii(h Beet is laying up at Port' Royal Bay>
Brig Haiinah, Capt. Lord, 84 dayt ft'fit St.
Vincent. Left there Capt/Hubbard, and Capt.
Hill in a brig, both of Salem.
Brig John, Wadlworth, 6b days rfort* Lifconj
spoke nothing. Left thert (hips> Alfred,
Bolton } Thofflaß Pinckney, Folfotti, do ; Ales*
ander, Sheffield, do 5 Union, Defhell, Salilfcury ;
RuHia, Tfcom|fon, Plovidpr.ce M.flVcliufettJj
Rofleter, do; Betsey, Wiilis, New-Y>'k 5 inde*
pendence, Caihcart, do. Liberty, Gardner, do.
Brigs Beifey, Abbott, Philadelphia 5 Neptune,
Barr, Salem
LJI of VeJJsh, left at St. Uhu
Ships Minerva, Eldridge ; Leonard, j
Little Mary, Benner, Philadelphia ; Andrew, Ma»
liitja 5 Sa;dli, Dagget $ Bri s Hope, Wtmen j
Kitty, Rider } Iris, Root, New York ; Expert:
'ncn't, Clarke, Philadelphia ; Active, Rdbertfoii,
10. Maiy, Rowland ; Jones, Portland; Adiona,
Piefcott ; D< lphin, Ripley, Bolton. ; Si hrs. John
and. Mary, RufTel j Beifey, Stoddard • Merrnaid.
Schr. Cyntlilt, Cyrtis, HlfpanJola, 25 days ;it
is.very fukly tnere.
Schr. Lucy, Capt. Eeatley, 30daysfiD?n Gjia*
lalonpe, theie S hooner Poily, Capt. Dc#
verick of Salem ; Capt. Lindfey of Welfs, in a
f. ha.oner ; also a flopp belonging to Rhode
and Capt. Cunningham, in a sloop of Bsiton.
Schooner Isabella, Jones, plavannah, io days;-*.
Spt ke nothing;
Brig Theti6, Baker, 22 days ftom Tobago.- Left
h*re, Sthr. — , Homer, of Boston, also
.Bowyer, in a fioop, who was feifced the day be
fore Capt. B. failed, for what rea/on he could
not learrJ.
Schr. Mary, Capt. Hall, |o days from Got.
tenburgh. Sailed in company with .capt. E'fter
hrooks, in. the ?ihr. Rapger. Left there .brig
Hannah, Philips, of Boston 5 Eiifca,
Capt. Burton of New-Yorfe.
September 4'. Anived (hip Thomas and Sarafl»
Capt. Nichols, 66 days from S-i Petcrfburgh.
Spoke in lat. 47, long.' 43, (hip Jason, fro n New
, York, 14 days out, bound to Hamburgh. The
vessels palled EUitieur/rom fuly I to ip„
Names Captains if from to
, HiberSia, Eliiat, Salem, Pet rffcuig, Saltnj,
Wafhingtotl Bailey, Marblehead, do. L:fkon
Sonhiaj Willing, Baltimore, Hamburgh, Pe(ei(b .rg
Belfer, Salem Peicifbuig Saleov
Union, Johnson, Baiunsore, do. Amlt'idam
Eleonora, Seward, Kollon, Jo. Londsni
Swallow, .MCornick, do. do. Lilbo.t
Marv, * G. Mary, N-Yorky dn.- New Vork
Charlrftbwp, Oliver, Boston, dd. B iloil
Bvfleld. ParloHj, Boston, tondon, Pc r ifourg
[In the Charleftown, i; John" Miller KySsztt,
Cooful at Huilia 00 his p:lTa e home J
Ship Union, Jones, 57 days from Got
teabtitgi Spoke brig Two Friends, froip Ham
burg for Boston, 42 days oiit. >-
sfrrivals at Bofion—Scptemler 7.
Ships Thomas & Sarah, Nichols, Rujlia ; Union r
Jones, Gottenburg j tu'. y, Wildes, Haml.urgh ;
I Barbara, Holland, Cape-Francois ; Minefva, Cults,
Cadiz ; Sally, Lambertj Bourdeatix j brig Almi
■*a, Wait, of Poitland frorn Hamburgh ; fchooneri
Rebecca, Nicholfon, Cape Francois ; Mary, Lin.
colhj Detnerara ; Dehonair, Plummcr, Gibraltar ;
: Charlotte, Freeman, St. Birtholemews.
Arrivals at New-Tort—September 10.
Ship Jay, Dyre, Liverpool, 74 days.
Capt. Dyre, of the (hip Jay, fiom Liyerpol, 16th
July, spoke (hip James, Conklin, of New York;
23 days out, lat. 47, 4:, Ibng. tQ. 1
29, spoke the brig Ceres, of New-York
j bound to Cork, 5 days out, *ety leaky, lat. 40,
16, long. 62.
Sept. 4, spoke the fhtp John, from Philadelphia
; bound to H.imburgh, lat. 64, long. 40.
■ 1 -.1 —
To be disposed of,
THF. time <if a healthy WOMAN",
has between four and five years Jo serve:
can be r ecommcuded for her fofcricty and honesty; Foi 1
1 particulars enquire at Ne. 132, Chefnut-flreet;
Jiuguft 3.