■" r , Que Hundred Dollars Reward. tod h.. STOLE N, thcu l , Fran the Compttng-Hovfe of RALPH MATHER, i i. 12, Quarry-Jlreet, en Saturday Si-Sunday n'rjht ■ c hji, the fcllo'wing Not is, e7c/ DOLLARS. urch . John Nicholfon, to Moorhoufe, <&lie Nov. m . I. 1797, bearing interest, . - - jooo , !edu . a David Allifon to James Cramond, due in j;, • , March last, .... 4075 ™ J. W. & W. Gibbs to Ralph Msthcr, it 70 ( days, Außuftsoth, - . . 1681 98 Ferdinand Gourdon to Ralph Mather, at four months, August 17th, ... 364 Benjamin Chamherlsin, at 60 days, Augull 6, 513 53 Affleck to Jos. Bufwell, at 6 months, dated „ . . May . ... . ISO 64 > checl Parker and Greaves to Ralph Mather, on de- of mand* ..... 100 of A bill by Harford to Harford, not accepted, till, ftir bog. _ LJkewife, the Titles of some ElUtes, Mortgages, &e. Whosoever brings the thief or thieves to justice, fliall 1 have the above reward. t ' As the papers in question can be of no use to any other person, the bills having, been flopped payment, requelt ] the perpetrators may be searched after with all miagina- ■ ble care September 6. tw&f6t 1 DifTolution of Partnership. 1 THE Partnerlhip between ROBERT ANDREWS and : DAVID MF.REDfTH, under the firm of ANDREWS ; and MPREDITH. being didolved Ail persons who arc ( 35 indebted to, or who have claims against the laid house, are 2 , requcfted to apply for fettleinent to the fuhferiber. 3 1 ' ' ROBERT ANDREWS, 5 No. 86, So. Wharves. : Sept. 6, 1796. d tf Treasury of the United States. *6 NOTICE is hereby given to all persons whd *are or may be Creditors of the United States, for any.fnms ' ' of the Funded Debt, or Stock, bearing a prefenl interef of fx per centum, per annum. 3 1 i ft. That pursuant to an Act of Congress passed on the '4 1 iSih day of April, 1796, intitled an ait in addition to an »&, intituled ■' An a, States Treasury Department, August 3, 1796. Public Notice is hereby Given, purfuahce of an ait of Congress, parted on the 18th JL of May, 1796, entitled "As ail providing" for thefale of th; lands of .the United States, in the Territo ry north weft of the river Ohiid, and above the mouth of Kentucky river," that the fcitions or lots of land defcri- . bed in the anneiedi'thedule, lying in the seven ranges of townlhips, which were Purveyed in pursuance of an ordi nance- of Congrefs,paOTed on the twentieth day of May, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, will be exposed for file at Public vendue, in the town ot rittfburgh in Pennsylvania, 011 the twenty-fourth day of O&oberse-tt, and thenceforward, from day'to day until the firft day of Decembej enl'uiiig, anlefs the fajd lots shall be looner fold, in the manner, and on the terms and con ditionsherein ufter menlicned, to wit: ' -ft. 1 he said fevTi'ons or fct- (hall be fold undar the di re&ion ef the Governor or Secretary of the Western Ter ritory, and such person ?.i the Prclident of the United States n'.ay specially ;ippoint for that purpofa. » id. The faitiieoiious or lots (hall be fold to the highest biac'er,but no lale can be made for less than two dollars (ier aire of the quantity of land contained in such lot or legion. 3. The highest bidder as before mentioned, must depo sit iit the time o'f (ale, one twentieth part of tfcefxirchafe r 'Tiey. in the lir nds ofVuch psrfon as the President of the I'-nited States (hall appoint to attend the sales for that pur pole, which will be forfeited, if a moiety of the sum bid, including the said twentieth part, (hall not be paid wimin tlii.-tyd.iys from the time of sale. 4th. Upon payment of a moiety of the purchase money in the manner before mentioned, the purchaser wi 1 be entitled to one yelr s credit for the remaining moiety ; aa* (hall reieive from the' Governor .r Secretary of the V.'< stern Territory, imo the person' who shall be appointed fc !-v-he Prefider.t of the United States, to direct the fales,a (J rtificate describing tha lot orf-dtion purchased, and de elanng theium paidor. account, the balancereraaining due, p the time when such Valance becomes payable, and that v th>t hole laifd therein mentk-ned ,will be forfeited, if the b f,M baUrer not then paid ; but if the faid}ifel«Bce (hall ] he duly paying fame to the 1 reafurer of the United States, the purchaser or his aflignce'or other i legal representative, thill he entitled to a patent for- the ' faTd lands, on his prod»cing to the Secretary of State a re ' ceipt for such balance endorsed upon the certificate. But J if any purchaser (hall make payment of the whole of the purchase money, at the time when the payment of the ! P firft moiety is directed to be made, he will be entitled to a deduition of ten per centum on the part for which a ere- ' dit is authorized to be given; and his patent (hall be im- "P mediately issued. defcri Given under my hand at Philadelphfa, the day and , year above mentioned. C 6 OLIVER WOLCOTT, 3 Secretary ef the Treasury , he:v 4 Schedule of feSions of or fraP.ianal parts day c of town/hips, to be fold at Piltfburgh, in pursuance until of the 6th fetltnn of an ail of Congress, pajfed on quart the 18th day of May, i 1796. : . —r": high< IT $ » i' 5 i | i£ i S"r r ' o I t '"I 8 • I I Jo 2 ° " 3 " po/it . . . c[iaf< ift Range. 6thTowisfhip. 6th Range. State ift Townlhip. f?ai2 64oeacli iftTownthip. '"f' u 28 5 65 14 640 17 3 io 49 156 95 17310 640 each 18 2jo , 30 250 75 25336 640'eaeh 21 850. s 34 240 90 BthTown(hip. 25 166 40 ■ e 35 a 64ofeach 3314 64aeach 43 427 re ' 2d Townlhip 17a20 640«ach 24 640 t j le 1 19 140 23 640 17 151 80 beco 20 170 70 25830 640 each 28a3o64oeach t-i on . 21 185 33236 640 each 58 'paid 2 30 iothTownfhip 344361640 each payi 25 488 80 ia2 640 each ad Townlhip. thej 56a27 640 each sai464oeach 1 126 (hall )r izß 560 I7a2o64oeach 2 440 duci , 5 < 29 55 1 6° 23a36j64pleach 3 448 endc ix- 3° i2thiTown(hip. 4 456 malt 31.136 640 each iai4 64c|each 5 464 time ie .4thTown(hip. 17320 640eaeh 6 472 be a n 19 64 23336(640 each 7 340 centl IS , 6 *° , 8ai 4 640 each give, ie 26 387 60 lftTownflli I 7 a2o6 4o each id 27 30 , , v 23336 640 each Is jra32 d4otich * 6-6 to 3dToWhip. ?a 33 616 30 640 1 id 34 44J 20 3 4 4 4 , g 35 50 3 ; If ea , 3 486 ° f 36 16 JO 4 494 Of( i sthTov.n(hlp. + W of 6 i 39 \] 6 i 6d , 6 JIO the) ie .. 336 640 each * , 12 479 30 - I 7314 640 each 17 304 15 L , ; »7a2o64o;each 5 I! JS IT 9^ 12 each 43 640'eaeh lft 23 450 75 j s sthTownlhip. 0 h. «4 640 , J5 1 518 - M ,s, *4 40 . a e * ,! < A t X7a2o 5 4 0 each 2 5 P" 3 o Q 23336 640 each 3 534 , 3dTownlhip. 4 54 ° 0 3 — iai4 640 each j, Q * ad RANGE. t7a2o64ceach -f , iftTownfhip. 13*36 640 each 7>i4 64o?ac 28 1 7120 ' s thTown(hip. each 34 I 6| 50 ia,4|64o|each * 3 *j6 — j }c 3d Townfiiip. 17320(640'each ? wn(h P* 243,26 640 -ach 23*361640 each 1 ,6 L. f 28 499 16 7thTownfhip. % 57' 4° *? n 29 64c laz 6 4 ofeach 35 ?6 31833640 each 537 640 each 4 SXJ5 X J 60 4thTown(hip. 640 each 593 , 11 26 40 ißai9 A 4 o'each ' . he 13 397 50 25 640 7«14 «40«ch the 13 5i 50 30336 640 each '^*°«4oeach ns, 15 2 7 50 9thTown(hip. 3 .. 3 rr. 4 m- 16 259 20 rai4l6 4 ole3ch ■of 17 SZ 173201640 each »l 4 6 4^each - 18 64c 23a 3 6'64oeach r 7"o6 4 o|each , all 19 635 nthTownlhip. 1 3 a 36 64oeach and ao 584 80 iai 4 6 4 o : each "thTown^.p ft*l- al 636 21 I7a2o64oeach lal4 5 40 | eac ° 22336 64c eaeh 23336 64o'each 17220 640 each sthT«wnftiip, *°f a . C 1 5 636 1314640 each i3thTown(h,p. 6a7 each i7aao64oeach iai4 eac 53325640 each 23 336 640 each 17 s 2c64oeac 'Xt jthTownihip. ■ I ; T -' W "»"P' , 16401 ,8 174 40 I 7 a 2 < eac h JthTownfhip 8 ' »323^640,each 135 3 * 2/ s ° 7th!IANGE. £ 563 23236 6 4 o|each lal # 4 cjeach Bas 64ct»cli i4thTown(hip. 17 a 20640kac i ,P"' 10 54c 80 iai 4 640)e3ch 2 3a36 6 4 c|e3ch II 5 1 ? 7° 17220 640 e3ch '6thTownlhip. I2ai4 640 each 23a36 64oeach 12141640 each lon „ t 7 «.c 640 each 17320 640 e-ach 1 (,e 23836 64c .eachl ?3a36|64o|eaeh iety, NOTE. >f the THEou?.ntities of Lands in the fcveral towolhips be 'lnted fore cientiooed, are exclusive of the Lots reserved by the ' Up ted States and also of those formerly fold —The ag d de- gregate quantities in th» several townfhirs or fraaional ?due, parts of tow nfhips, have been ascertained* by aflual fur that vey ; the quantities in particular lots or fedior,#, have it the Lcen no othetwifeafcertained than by calculation. Lands of the Uiiited States. Treasury Department, Aitguft 8, 1796. Public Notice is hereby given, J IN pursuance of an a& of Congress pasTed an the 18 th das of May. 1796. entitled « an a&,providing "for the sale of the tends of the United States, in the territory ; north-well of the river Ohio, and above " the mouth oj Kentucky river," that the Quarter Towsfhipa of land I delcribed in the annexed schedule, lying in the seven rang es of towafhips whieh were surveyed in pursuance of an ordinance of Congress, pasTed on the twentieth day of May. in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, will be exposed for sale at PUBLIC VEND JE, at he Merchants'Coffee-Houfe in Philadelphia, on the 4th 1 day of January next, and thenceforward from day to day, r until the tenth day of Fabruary ensuing unless the said 1 quarter townships (hall be foe.ner fold, in the manner and „on the terras and conditions hereinafter mentioned : viz ift. The said (fiarter townships (hall be fold to the " highest bidder, but bo sale. can be made for Ids than two dollars per acre of the quantity of land contained in such quarter township. - 1 2d. "The highest bidder as before mentioned, mutt de pofit'a* the time of sale, one twentieth part of the pur _ chafe money, in the hands of the Treasurer of the United " States, which will be forfeited if a moiety of the sum bid, including the said twentieth part, shall not be paid within thirty days from the time of sale. 3d. Upon payment of a moiety of the purchaie-ma ney in the manner the purchaler will be entitled to one year's credit for the remaining moiety ; and shall receive a certificate describing the quarter rem (hip purchased, and declaring the sum paid on account, the balance remaining due, the time when such balance becomes payable, and that the whole Land therein men tioned will be forfeited, if the said balance is not then "paid ; but if the said balance shall be duly dlfcharged, by paying the fame to the Treasurer of the United States, the purchaser or his afligneeor other legal reprefeotative, {hall be entitled to a patent for the said land, on his pro ducing to the Secretary of State a receipt for such balance, endorfedupon the certificate. But if any purchaser shall make payment of th« whole of the purchase-money at the time when the payment of the firft moisty is directed t„ be made, he will be ' entitled to a deduAion of ten per centum on the part for which a credit is authorized to he given ; and his patent Hi all be immediately ifFucd. GIVEN under ray hand at Philadelphia, tho day aodycar airovemciuipned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. SCH EDULE Of Quarter-Townships to be fold at Philadelphia, in pur suance of the 6th feftiou of an ad of Congress palled on thelßthdayof May, 1796. .0 ix co CO c: • cu 0 c cu .ir Y > U * — _c * > tx *£ o I% I h t £ H s fc I ' U-. " k V- p eg •-s £ e u o" 0 ' £ < =.£ ZO2 * v * O a.S H 2 Sooth East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 3 5 South Eafl 5120 - ... NortK EqA , South Weft 51-20 North Weft 5120 20,480 7 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 — -50,480 9 South Eafl 5129 North East 5 120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 —: ?0;480 11 South East 5120 North Eafl 5120 South Weft 51.20 North Weft 5120 —— 20,480 4 4 Ssuth Ea(t 5120 North East 5120 , South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 >0,480 South East 5120 North East 5 120 — South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 8 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Well 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 10 South East -5120 North East 5120 Sonth Weft 5120 North Weft 1 5120 : 20,480 12 South East 5120 * North East 5120 South Weft' 5120 Noitb Weft 5 120 | [20,480 5 3 South East 4602 North East 4654 South Weft 5 120 North Weft 5120 19,49 6 5 South East 5120 Nortlv.Eaft 5 120 South Well 5120 North Weft 5' 20 [20,480 7 South Ea(t 5120 I North 5120 II South Weft 5120 North Weft 5 120 ' is be- V 20,480' iythe" 6 9 South East 5120 e a S~ iNorth East 5120 (South Weft 5 120 h" ve [North Weft 5120 J j 20,480 1 t - ' S '«§ ! £ o C I . 5 cu s i— .3 sfc -- S *0- —( <* "= U " 5 - 1 *• i u ji "c ,-j j■ -® 2 < 3 " - or* c js I ; 55 # ' *t| I ' 1 h -I , . y n South Eart!yi2o: | f Nart.b Eaftjy 120 South Weft y f 2oj j North Weft 5 120 I 1 | 20,480 j 13 South East .5 120: d . _ Noith Eaftyi2o| ' < g -" &muh Well :ci2p; ' North Weft 5 I 20' h I i 20,480 '6 4 South EaH 14630 N.orth- Ead 14620 • South 20 ■ , d North.Weft| JI 20 ' I 9A9° 6 South East 4730; s- North E*ft!47is iSou'h'Weft s"i 20 I ; North Weft 5120}' v, ! — rsvrn :e 8 [South East yj2to ,:jNor-th Bart 15 MO.-:. ;n iSoulh Wcltjy 1 20 J y , i.Noiith Weft y 12c l' t '1— — 20,480 0- 10 South East ,y 120 ;e, North Eaft!yi2o ' . ' - lU S&uth Weft U'l 20 g North' Well yl2O ?r - 20,480 be 12 South East 5120 , Nbrth East 5 120 a y South Weft 5120 . f North Weft .5 120 : 20,480 14 South East 5120 x Nprth East '5.120 South Wr I! J 1 20 on Nof.'h Weft 5120 20,480 — 73 South Eafl yil-9 Notth East y 12c South Wed 5 I 20 North Weft y 120 •T 20,480 5 South East 5120 V Nbrth Eafl 5120 South Weft y 120 North Weft 5120 ' 20,480 7' -South East 5120 North East yi2o South Weft 5120 Nfcrth Weft Jl2O 20,480 9 South Eafl 5120 __ 'North East 5120 _L- North Weft y 120 {20,480 s ,11 South EaS yi2o North Eafl y 120 South Weft y i2O North Weft y 120! 20,480 13 South East yt 20 North East yt 20 South - Wefi yi2o NorthWest yi2o 20,480 1J South Eafl y 120 North Eafl y 120 South Weft y 120 NorthWest yi2o I 4 20,480 NOTE. THE quantities of Lands in the feveraltownfhips he fore mentioned,are exckfive of the Sedtions reserved by the United States. The aggregate quantities is the seve ral town [hips, have been afcertair.ed by adtual survey ; but the quantities in the quarter tewnfhips, have .been no otherwise ascertained than by calculation. Wafhmgtoyi C.nnnU^ott^rVj— NO. I. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting a Canal through the City of Wathington, from th I'o; tomacto theEaftem Branch Hari.our. The following is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz -1 Prize of 20,000 dollars, 10,000 X ditto 10,000 io,qpo 7 last drawn") Tickets, each £ 3S>-°o9 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,0 SO ditto 100 a,OOO 55 ditto JO • 2,750 j 5750 ditto 12 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, 16,250 5850 Prizes, 175,000 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.' 17500 Tickets, atTen Dollars, - <175,000 The Commiflioners have the Securities cc quired by the aforefaid aA for the punAual payment ©f the prizes. The. drawing ef this Lottery will commence, without delay* as soon as tt* Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will be given. Such prizes are not demanded in months alter th« drawing is finiihed, ihall be as relinquished for the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated (S, S ned j NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, p/D ---LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wsfc M.JJQNCAN*r>V THOIvLiS LAW, JAMES BARRY Cky of Walhingtom, Feb. 11. PRINTED BY JOHN —No. xio- CH E S SWT-STF . >t [Price Eight Dollars f>er f.nruta.]