Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 10, 1796, Image 1

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    „ v ... *"■ "vffF
of the Hmtets States , &» Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
NVMBF.* 1250,] _ SATURDAY* EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1796. [Volume X.
Will be Landed To-morrow,
From on board the Schooner \Tollv, Capt. Mullet, /J/
Morton's Wbn f, }
jI Pipes of Coq-niac Brandy, 4th proof, . p.*
15 Hhds 4tb proof Ja-naica Rnm, ( entitled to " J
16 Barrels and 14 Bags of Coffee, ar.d f drawback.
24 Boxes of Aloes, J
Wharton & Lewis.
JVho hff've also for. fah, Ro
40 Half pipes Madeira Wine, _i
And the fatd-Schooner, in
s s came f rom fa » burthen about 500
bjarreks if not fold in a >ew days {he will
take in fovif freight for SaL*m
Sept 8, 1796, . <*3
For Sale, Oi
Or for Charter to the We/i-lndies,
vfifc C E™R."'rt ,S,
Philadelphia Built,
OFJL,ive Oak r.nd Red Ce lar, burthin about 3500 bar
rels, now discharging at Latimer's wharf. Iliis ves
sel is in excellent repair, well fouud and will bear a tho- T
rough examination, andasfoon as dlfcharged will be iea- I
<Jy to take in a cargo. For term# apply to M
John Vaughan. he
■Jnly2B §
£ga.- The (hip STAR,
" John Vanneman, Maler,
T YtNG a * Walntu-ft'.et wharf, Philadel
i_j phia built, of. live oak and cedar, will
carry about 3200 barrels, is two years old, and in com
plea order to receive a cargo—For terras apply to
Who have also for sale fjinT v .itets cargo—conilliiiis —
Wine and Porter bottles,
W«ndow ass, 6byßto 16 by Xl*
Pipes in hoxfs ~
F.artben-;' are in crates
, Coals, Whiting, &c.-
Aug. *9 $ : n
HAV Y Y f>R s LE,
Jamaica Spirits;
And to difpufe of.
The fine, fafl. failing fehooner
WK<miP' S « ALIO IV,
Of'Bal imore, about 140 tons bnttVen.
29. d '
■ For Sale or Charter, |
BURTHEN about 2000 Bbls. of flour—(be may be sent I
to f'ea at a iStall cxpence, her fails and tigging being in bi
very good order—apply to ci
- ' ■ r.' i' l I'if\£"_ . ill
Geerge Latimer. ■ p ,
April 2g, — tc
At - outh-ftreet wharf,
WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft \uguft,
by snow Hope, from Jamaica, and , sloop Sally, ■
from Port-au-Prince, 1
300 Hhds. COFFEE, v
70 Hhds. SUGAR.
Also, the cargo ef the SweJiJh brig Gttflaf Adoiphe,
capt. from Gibraltar,
tft and 4th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds. sacks
St. Übes SALT) for sale by ,
j —For Charter, •
feiiT't" Thefaid brig
I Gustaf Adolphe, I
£ v A Swede, with a Mediterranean pass, f
"" a very fine vessel, about 20A tons bur- c
then. Aug- 18. r
For Sale or Charter, i
LYING at Mess. J. &R. Wain's wharf, <
huijared and seventy torn, burthen, a stout, strong
vessel, and weU feund. For terms apply to
Joseph Anthony k Co.
Sept. I. ' dtf
ON Tburfday the sad inft. at 10 o'clock. A. M. wil[
be fold at the (lores of Willing! and Francis, a large
quantity of INDIA GOODS, imported in the Ganges,
from Bengal, con lifting of
3POO'picces Gurrahs
3000 do. Baftas, different kinds'
3500 do Coffas, do,
430' do- Humhums, do.
600 do. Patna hdkfs. for women
100 ho. Addatie6
to do. Table cloths
too do. Emerties
go do. Punjums
300 do. Fine Mulnuils
200 do. Fine Dacca bdkft.
1,00 <Jo- worked Muslins
100 do. Dereas
100 do. Book MuQin
joo do, btack and colored Perfiansor Taffeties
j 200, do. Bandaiitioes, chocolate, red and blue
quarter Hyson Tea of goed qaality
A o Souchong
The coarse goods will be fold by ti>c bale, the taffet-s
jfnd tandarinoes in lots to suit the purchasers, the teas by
the chest. The whole is er.titkd to the drawback,and will
be'fold for approved liotos, on a liberal credit.
•i-lie goods may befcen from the Ij thinft. to the day
trevicuti to the sale.
Sip tember 8, , d '
C A B L E S,
f loin 1(1 to 9 £ inches, for sale by
'Jeremiah Warder,
§ Nc 11 north Th-flirdteet.
Mordecai Lewis ,
ms "OK SALE, ro
NANKEENS, Ion; and short. , r .
China, well assorted.
Baftas. A
Bandano Handkert'oiefs. ,
Roll Brimilone.
Sept. 6. ' trStfim
Jift Arrived,
Id the Snow Boston, James Kirk pat rick, master from Li
-1 verpool, A
I jooo Bufbels SALT ; /]
100 Crate 9 QUEENS WARE; and
An AfTortment of SHIP CHANDLERY; J
On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to
'James Campbell, or
Gebrge Latimer.
April 19. $
. Wm. HOLDERNKSbb, ,
No. 76 High Street,
' T TAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and
11 the Ead Indies, a well feleifted assortment of Silk
Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which
he vhll fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; w
Some fine India muslins em'oroidered with goldandfrlver
Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto
Do do do do Handkerchiefs
Some extra black taffeties,lut«ftrings and colorsd Persians i
Bandano Handkerchiefs j
Cong and (host Nankeens
I Englilh Mantuas of the firft quality
Damaflc table linen and napkins, very fine.
Silk Hosiery, an cleg int assortment
Thead and cotton do
TJnArcltas—oil'dde. and dp cloth ,
French cambrics, verjrfihc - : *-
li-ifh' Linens, do. &c. Sec. June 14- §
WINE, Lif" 1 "," particular Mideira, 4 years old,
•n pipes and hogsheads
Claret, genuine old, in cases
in pipes, from Holland
Eafthen Ware', in crates
Baficet Salt, in hogsheads
Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9
Ear Lead, Red and white dry lead
.'Steel, German and R«ffia, in barrels
Anchor®, cables, junk, bunting, tarpoliti canvas,
Tin plates—An invoice Stationary.' by >
July 19 > r 1 ' • M
.• - no
At a special meeting 'f the Board of Di
redors for eflabl'tfhing.ufiful Manufactures, holden
at Paterfon, July 8. 179^'
RESOI VED, That a fp-cial meering of the Stock- ~
holders of the Society be called on the firfl Monday,
in being the third ay of Odober n« r.t, at P ..terfon, by Kn
of the clock of the fame day •, "then and there to t ike
inlo_confi'dcration the propriety of dissolving th' laid 1
corporation, sgL££ aiJ T~* ,v 'k.- I*w in fijeh cafe made and
provided—ami—the btnckivjlder* arc r .tn-.-Alr
to attend the said maeting in person or by pfoay.. ,
~ August 17 dtjpthO
y j A Complete Font of Brevier,
TT'Ntirely new , and yet unopened. The weight.of this ■
J2j font is about 31a lb. It is from the Foundery of
Will'on & Sons,Glafgow,atld will be fold at cost & charges.
Also for Sfile, i.pair of Super Royal Chafes.
, e Enquire at the Ofiice of the Gazette ol th< Unitde j
States, 119 Chefnut-ftreet. Aug 19 §4\v .
C. — r ... le
A very valuable Meh chant Mill, if
qUARRIES to be let
I will rent my met chant Mill at the little Fails of Po
towmac, for any term not less than leven, nor mora than
eleven from the firft day of Septetrtber nest. The
mill-houf is 42 by 40 feet, three (lories high, built with
ft, (lone, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Stones, two
ir- over (hot 18 feet water wheels, and Evans's machinery
complete, with every other thing proper and necessary for
~ carrying on the business with dispatch, and at as little ex
pense as pofliblc, all io good order.—From the mill to my '
landing on the Fotomac river, (wherecraft, of any bur
then may deliver grain and take in flour) it is about 40 ol
yards, and from thence by water to George-Town and ai
arf, the City of Washington, about 3 mi|es, and to Alexan- p<
, n g dria about r 1 miles, This situation, aided by a fufficient al
capital, will command the produce of a very extenfivt k
back country, where large quantities of wheat and other 0
grain is annually made, the distance to it being from 8 ''
to 10 milts less than to any naatket town upun the navi- *
— ga'tion of the Potow ac. There on the premises a
large (lone Coopers' (hap, a (lone granary, and a commo
dious milltr's bouse. At the landing aforcfaid a bridge
I is now building nver the Potomac, which is in great for
rSc wardnefs and probably will be finifhed the enfuing,fall.
5 C3 ' There are also on the premises,' a Brewery and Distille
ry, built with Hone, in them are three stills, two coppers
or boilers, with every necessary article, all new, and in
good order, and fufliciently large to carry on the Brew
ery and Diflillery upon a very extensive plan. This prop
erty I will rent for the fame term of years.
Upon my laads adjoining the premises, and along the
bank; of the river, where craft may load with cafe and dis
patch, is an i nmcnfc q lantity of building and founda
tion Hones. Four quarries are now open, and as many
mote may be opened with cafe: the stone taken from these
quarries is better, and has the preference at this market,
to any other stone brought to it- I will rent these quarries
separately or together as may btft suit.
On the top oi the hill, and about 200 yards from the
mill, is a stone Dwelling-house, large enough for the ac- ,
comoiodation of a family : also, a kitchen, dairy, smoke- ,
house, &c and a garden, enC ofed and in cultivation, the <
foi of which is equal in goodness to any in this Hate. I j,
will also rent this property. (
Adjoining to the Brewery and Diflillery is a Smith's 1
etr.s (hop, in which is a complete set of BlaikfiAith's tools, I
by which 1 will also rent, and if agreeable I will hire to the
will tenant two negro blacksmiths, one sf them is a complete
day I: I rent out the stone quarries, I will fell three crafts,
which were built for the purpose of carrying stone : they
r. will altogether bring ilpwards- of 90 perch Immediate
poffefiion will be given; For terms apply to the fublcrib-
or in this town.
The Mill, Brewery and DiftiiMy, withtheir appurten
ances, will be delivered to the tenant or tenants in good
repair', and muftbe so returned, at the expiration of the
lease orleafes, ,
t. Alexandtiti, Aug". iS—25
r 7 // ■- -
p O/? sjle, G
COFFEE, in hhds. hb's. & bagO
COTTON, of Demerara, and > entitled to dnwback
Also, „ A 1
BOSTON BEEP, and Mould and Dipt CANDLES.
Apply to ISAAC HARVEY. ['n.
No. 5 south Water-street.
8 rtio.zo. Beii
Sa' es of India Goods.
The Cargo the ship Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- r
and Bengal,
l * consisting « - -
ALaTge and general assortment of feengal afl« Madras gy J
A variety fine worked and plain Muslins,
, Doreas, Isfc. Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, bi
In tiosfes and bags—and BLAG& PEPPER., wife
For Sale by of th
WUlrngs V Francis,
No. ai Penn Street. tice a
lune 8 *
a French Goods.
Received by the Sally, Miltheß, frofa Havre-Je* the l
;!l Grace, x
1 1 C™" kS } I ' ad:cS ' SHOJES ® f aII co,ofs forts and nse ' mini
* x Ditto whitfirild colored Silk STOCKINGS rupt
I Ditto Fine I AWN be
I Ditto best fine CAMBR.IC
ns 1 Ditto Ladies'beft fnammy and Gre oble Gloves
*" g - - * Th
Dutch Goods> bj
Received by the Per.nfylvcinia, pom Amjlerdam* j
-r---*" Gtxr lapses -j" . : uca
Morla.ix ) aarr
Ticklenburgs > In Bales pj av
Ofnaburgs j a
Id £ er T n t Stripes, incafi*
G » Hacrlcm J , true
Hollands ") jDUCK.tin ditto
Ravens J
Bedtic ks, in ditto
Brittle, > iD dhto Beir
Platilles j
AUg. 29 5
as. For Sale, can
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefem dl^ c
street, between Front and Seco'-.d (Iriets, in which
MeffrSi James Calbraith M Co. have for man} yean (and
now do) carried on bulinels. j„ t
PoiLllioii Viil be gicen in one month, or sooner.
; For terms apply to WILLIAM BEI.L, or
■April 21. §
;k- ' Or
A Book-Keeper, (
kt /AR Clerk'splace is wanted by a person properly quali
a ;d \ ) fii/d, and whose th irafler will be fotind uneiception- '
ujd able. Apply to the Printer. ,
ted Aug.-II - lf
•_ ' " To be Sold, —
A valuable Lot of Ground,
A T the fsu-.h-eaft corner of .Market and Front-streets,
, . \ extending on Vlakr.t-ilreet one hundred feet, to the S
tlu ' house occupied by R. Aitkin and Son, and twenty-five put
feet on FrOnt-street, with the buildings thereon—The wil
> es " corner houfe,-no.v in poffefiion ofjlimcs Stokes, is Well wii
known, having been many years occupied as the mer- J
chants coffee house. It is propoftd to divide the ground —
into convenient lots for (lores, for which, from its excel- o.
— lent fituatioft for business, it seems particularly suited; or,
if mod agreeable to pnrchafers, it will be fold together.
7,-. For terms- apply to
Israel Pleafants, or
Po Charles & Joseph Pleafants.
rhe s *pt- 8- dtf _
two , d\jty on carriages.
lcry _
'ex- Notice is hereby Given,
my. AT agreeably to an aft of Cong.refs of the United
3ur- # Slates of America, passed at Philadelphia, the 28th day
40 of Mav, 179S'; laying duties 00 Carriages, for the convey
and ance of perions, and repealing the former ads for that'pur
can- poie.—That (heiefhaN be levied, colleaed and paid, upon j
ient all carnages for the conveyance of perions, which thall be —
iftve kept ty or for any person, for his or h«r own ufc, or to let
ther ) oui to hire, or for,the conveying ot passengers, the Icveral du.
m g ties and rates following, to wit. »
a V i- ®" or u P on every Coach, 15 dols. *•
upon eve-y Chariot, 12 dols. cei
CS 2 tipon every Post Chariot, 12 dols^
upon every Poll Chaifey 12 dols.
upon every Phaeton, with or without top, 9 dols
" upon every Cwachee, 9 dols.
upon other Carriages, having panne/ work, above,
ille- with blinds, glasses or curtains, 9 dols.
pers upon four wheel cariiages, having framed posts and
iin top: wth lleel fp'ings, 6 ciols. , ac
e\v- upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron
rop- fpnngs or jacks. 3 dols. _
upoii curi irles with tops, 3 aols«
• the upon chaises wjth tops, 3 dols.
[(jif. upon thairs with tops, 3 dols. , 4 C
nda- uj-on alkies with tops, § dols. —
iany upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. 6^
upon two wheel carriages, with steel or iron fpfings,
-kct 3 dols. jn
• 1 For and upon all other two wheel can ia#es, 2 aols. ef
rnts 1 upon every four whe<. I carriage, having iiamed posts
j and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols.
the The Coll. florS of the Revenue of the ti Ift lurvev of the
' ac " DiftntVof Pennsylvania, will attend daily, one il the goth day
°^ e '" of September next, for the purpole o' rece ing >he dunes on
j the Carnages, a:No. 117, in Race or Saffafrai street, in iheCity
-• J !of Philadelphia, at the houtf ol'Daniel S. Clair, Efq in the cc
County of Montgomery; and at ihe homeoi Abraham Du- m
lith's bois, Esq. in the County of Bucks; of w ich all persons poi- 10
:00k, fetfed ol*f«ch Carriages are detircd to<ake notiee. et
3 the Not'ce is also given,
pletC TO all retail dealers in, and forego distilled fpiri
r tuous liquors, that licences will be granted to them ; one li
r V tS ' ceoce for carrying on the business ot retailing of Wines, in a
they | e f s q, :a niity, or in less quantises than go g^llens—and one
, te licence for carrying on the business of ietailing Spirituous li
[crib- qiiot, in le(squan'-Uies than ?0 gallons, at the lame time and
at the lame places, by the officers legally authori*ed to grant
irten- (ucw licences. ,
f the Infpefior of the Revenue of the firft lutrey -
cf the difttiflof Pennfjlvania.
LL. Office of Infpeftion,at J V 3®
i Philadelphia, eift July, 1796. J
, ,1 I ■ , * ■ . ■—
Great is Truth and mu/t prevail.
_.. . j tr
Andftr fate at No- 41 Gkefnut-Jlrc. tby J. bRMP.ODf
An \po!o->y for the'bible,
By R. Watson, o. x>. f. h. s.
Bifl-bp of Latuiaff, I'Jc
Being a complete refutation of Paine's
Jlge cf Re of on,
Afl<i th<- only »nf«er to the Second Part.
Augufi .30. dtf
~ rffls -DAY IS i'VJ&i IsHkH,
* By H. it P. RICE, No. 16,. an* No.
50, Market ffreet.
* Philadelphia Prison;
BEING an accurate and jiarti ular Description of thfe
wife 2nd' humane AdminiiVration adopt d in every part
of that building ; containing also an account of the gra
dual reformation and prelcnt improved ft ate o| the Penal
Laws of Penofylvania ; with Oblfrvations on the iujuf
tice and impolicy of Capital pttnifhtrit nts. *
Together with an Appendix,
Containing tables of crimes, and'ijiKi tcrly ftarements
of the expenditures of the Prison, with the amount of
the labour of the cflnvidls.
By a Gentleman tf South-Carolina '
" Lay the axe to the mot and teach goverum-'nts hu
manity It is their fauguinary punifhm nts which cor
nipt mankind." °f
Sept. 7. d f*
[Price one quarter of a dollar]
tmbelliflud with a curious Prcnti sp i fCE, -
- The Adventufes of a Porcupine ;
BETNG the Memoirs of a not» iou* Rogue lately in
the Britilh army, and ci-devant .iv-pi .or ot ai. e •• iJIR?
light nNCtRPO affcciation. in fcdglatflf Lonta. ng a
narrative of the i*ioir xtraorditHry -na unexanysl. ■ de
pravity of con uft p.rh .ps ever exhibited to the world,
n a Letter f> a yourik; geftflemai. in Ne -York.
* Thcfc are ilrange, but not more ltruftge than
To which ts added,
A Bbftfcript to Peter Porcupine :
Being remarks on a Pam'phkt v lately pufelhtwd by him*
entitled, his." We and. Adventures.'
u I'll tell the bold fae'd villain that he lies."
Sold by A. &J. G HekUersom;' corner of Relief and
Carter's Alley, back of No 77, Dock ftreet,'and by th«
different booksellers in this city.
ch Sept. 7- my,&l -■
And for Suit at the /hop of LVJLJLIAM CQBBETT*
Cppcfn-c Chfiji Church,
A PaINT, entitled
7ht SWAN and the WICK,
~ Or the Treaty of Amity and Commerce fcefnfully
.. May it haJ 4 tbrfame flact~~
The BLUE S OP, a pamphlet.
A PILL FOR P. P. do.
Sept. 5 3' '
Evening School,
, ts No. 201, ARCH S7 A' i\ET.
the S. LEWIS refpeelfully inferms his friends and the
ive public, that his Evening School for Yoong Qentj-IMem
'he will commence on Monday, September, for ths
'ell winter feafoß.
er- Sept. 8. ' V °4 1
md —
Landing from on board the fchooncr Little 1 An, Capt» 1
Thomas Dennett, at Racp-lir.-et wharf,
A choice parcel of St. Croix Sugar,
and a few hoglheads of MolalTes.
_ For Sale by 7
Praters and Co.
Augnft 3<S> ||[n . . . . dl ° ..
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
j ed Of the beji quality and on reajonable terms,
la y v fOR sale BV
iur- Philip Nicklin & Co.
P™ Atigtift 46. dtf
d '« Lottery
F U " OR railing fixthoufind foe hundr«d and fixty-fevea
dollars and fifty cents, by a dedudion of fifteen per
ccntfrcm the prizes, and not twO blanks to a prize, viz 1
I Prize of 5000 d«llanis dollars 5000
1000 1000
t ,500
ove, JO 100 acoo
, 99 jo 49J0
and goo ' i° co
zoo® fto,ooo
s Last drawn numbers cf 1000 dollars each, 5&00
Z33® Prizes. 44,4JO j
4018 Blanks.
63J0 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,4 JO
ings, By order of the Directors of the Society for eftabiiih
•ng LMeful Manulaflurcs, the fuperintendants of the Pat
er.on Lottery hive requtfted the .Managers to offer the
p® os foregoing S«h;me to tne public, and have directed them
' to reiund the money to thoie perions who havj purchased
: '^ c in the tormer Lottery, or exchange the tickets for ticket*,
,'I ln this Lottery. , , • . ■„
' , riie lottery has actually commenced d. awing, and will
A,e continue until finilhed. ■. hit o. the Blanks and frizes
O U . may be seen at the office ol William Blackburn, No. 64
pot - I outh Second street, who will give information where tick-,
ets may be procured.
Dated this 17th day of June, 1796.
J. N- GUMMING, ~) '
>in- JACOB X. cIAiioEXBERG, > "lanagers.
» n « J N dtf eo
r J _~j 1 1 ~
t»nd Waftiingtoii Lottery.
Brsnt8 rsnt TH£ Eighteenth and Nin.te nth Days' Diawing of
the W fhington Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office
No 2t4. Market-street, where tickets may be examined.
si, lnlormation given where titketi in ill the other
lotteries may be procure*.
Septen>hfr 8.