-2.47 of the 6" Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. Nvmbe* 1-48-] THURSDAT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1706. IT X. FOR SALE. The Brig PUNCH, An entire new vefTtl, built, finiflied and fitted in the bed manner. One hundred and thirty-fix' tons burthen, and will fail remarkably fall. For terms apply to Mr. N. Sa£re, at the George tavern, or to JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. jfuguJ! 26, 1796. $10. For Sale or Charter, BOSTON, BURTHEN a'>out aooo Bbls. of flour—(he may be sent to fca at a OnalL expence, her faks and rigging being in very good order—-apply to James Campbell, or Geerge Latimer. April 19, § FOR SALE, The {hip STAR, JKK John Vanneman, Master, T YING at Walnut-street wharf, Philadel- ' \.J Lj phia Imilt, of live oak and cedar, will carry ?. barrels, is two years old, and in com plea order to receive a car^o —For terras Jpply to THOS.&J->HN KETLAND. Who have also for sale said vffels cargo—eonfifting of— Wine and Porter bottles, W'nd -w G'afs, 6by 8 to t6 by u. Pipes in boxes ' Earthen-Ware in crates. Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, &c. aus:. 29 For Sale or Charter, r*ir"2"Vw THE FAST SAIL,NG ship JLIGHT-HORSF, yj; LYING at Mess. J. & R. Wain's wharf, two hundred and seventy tons burthen, a (lout, strong veifel, and well faund. For term- apply to Joseph Anthony & Co. Sept. T. dtf ROSS & SI-MS ON, HAVE FOR S LE, EXCELLENT FOURTH PROOF Jamaica Spirits; f to difprfe °f» ' > ~ The fine, .fan- r ai!iig %W?W SV A LLO W, Of SUUimfre, about 146 tons borthen. August 29. dtf At Fouth-'ftreet wharf, WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft Vyip.ol, by snow Hope, from Jamaica, and flo*p Sally, from Port-au-Prince. 300 Hhds. COFFEE, so Hhds. SJIGAEL ■Also, the cargo of' the SiDediJh brig Guflaf Actolpbt, capt. Ranifre, from Gibraltar, rft and 4th proof Brjndy, in pipes and hhds. Hazle Nuts in sacks St. L'bes SALT, for sale by PETER BLIGHT. For Charter, fcSfljxt—' The said brig Gustaf Adolphe,, 1 Y Swede, with a Mediterranean pass, a very Spe vessel, about jootons bur then. Aug. 18. $2weo2w For Sale, Or for Charter to the Weft-Indies, c e t "r" s, Philadelphia Built, ' OF Live Oak and Red Cedar, burthen about 3500 bar- j rels, now discharging at Latimer's wharf. I'his vef* fel is in excellent repair, well fouud and will bear a tho- ' rough examination, andnsfoori as discharged will be rea- 1 dy to take in a cargo. For terms apply to John Vaughan. j July ?3 ' 5_ ' F 0 R S A L E, A very Valuable CArXF.D 77fIrT E.V H a ,vr, situate in tht 1 township of UpnerDerby, andcountyof Delaware, j 7 1-2 miles from Phiiad lphia, and half a mite from the t new Wefltrn road ■ containing 230 acres of excellent land, j 45 of Which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood ! land, and the reft arable of thu fir'V quality. There are t on thepremifesago'od two story brickhoufe, with 4 room- i on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well . of excellent water in front; a large frame bam, '• ahl s and other convenient buildings ; a smoke-house and (tone r spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach- c es. The fields are all in clover, except those immediately f under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the e of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con- e venient for prizing. The Gtuation it pleafantandhcalthy, and frpm the high b eultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and th. p vicinity to the city, it is very suitable for a gentleman's t country-sent. ' n The foregoing is part of the estate of J acob Harman, q ieceafed and offered for sale by t> Mordecai Lewis, OA. 9. eo.J Surviving Executor. Lottery and Broker's Office, h iVo. 64V South Sfccnd stkket. TICKETS m the Lottery, No. 2, for sale— Cbeck Book for examination—arid prizes paid in the late lottery. Check Books kept for exan#natior* and raftering, for the City of No. 1, and.Pattefou Lotteries, c ' both of which are now drawing—information where w tickets are to be had, and .prizes exchanged for undrawn . tickets. A complete.lift of ail the prizes in the late New- Port Hotel and PuUlic School Lottery, for v examination. P' The fubferiber solicits the applicatidn of the public CI and his friends, wbo wilb to pur chafe or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of JSxchahge or Notes, Houses, Lands, aT 3cc. or to Obtain money on depoilt of property Wni, Elad;b: r.. FliiUdslphia, Augujl ;8, 1796. t%» Just Arrived, In th. Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li verpool, J 5000 Bulhels SALT ; x A lO »s rltM QUEENS WARE; and , r An AlTortment of SHIP CHANDLERY; n forsale ' ° n board, at Pine-flrjet wharf. Apply to James Campbell, of George "Latimer. April 29. , . French Goods. keceived by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havrc-dc- Grace, 2oTrunks>, ~ in 1 Cafe J I-adies SHOES of all colors forts and Gz«s i Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS I Ditto Fine I.AWN X Dittobeft fine CAMBRIC I Ditto Ladies' best (lummy and Gre .oblr Gloves For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. M $ FOR SALE, WINE, London particular Mideira, 4 years old, 1. n pipes and hogfheadt 11 Claret, genuine old, in cases 1- Gin, in pipes, from Holland Earthen Ware, in crates ~ Basket Salt, in hogsheads — Shot, Nos. 6', 1, 1 and 9 Par Lead, Red and white dry lead Steel, German and Raffia, in barrels Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by THOM AS & JOHN KETLAND. • July 29 • a »■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FOK SALE, Cepiplete Font of Brevier, TT Nti rely uev and yet unopened. The weight of this f, I_j font is ((bout 312 lb. It >s from the Foun'dsry of ig Wilson & Sons, Glafgorw. and will be fold at cod & charges, Alio for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette ol the Unitde States, 119 Chefnut street. Aug 19 §4%v At a special meeting the Board of Di reCl rs for eftabYijhing ufeful Manufactures, balden ' At Paterfon, July 8, 1796, RESOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stock holders of the Society be called on the firft Monday being the third ay of Oclobef next, at Piterfon, by ten >f the clock of tl>e fame day ; then and there to tnkc into Consideration the propriety of diflolving the said corpoi Ption, agreeably to the law in such cafe >nade and provided—and the Stockholders are earnestly requeued to attend the said meeting in perfo.n or by proxy. August 27 ' dt^othO ~ TAKE NOTICE, application will be made for the renewal of, X the following certificates, ilTueJby Joseph NouVfe, Register of the Treasury, in the name of R'ojjtr Oris wold, Esq. of Norwich, Councilicut— — per rtj&t .HAirtelUr flrtt-Ic, -dated the !7tliDecf:raber, 179 bearing interest froni the firft day of Jariuary, 1791, for 1,597 6/-100 dol -1 ditto, thre-per cent, domeflic stock, No. 10,682 —dated December 16, 1795, bearing mtereft from the firft dayof Januiry, 1791, for 994 30100 dollars. 1 ditto, deferred ftoek, No. 9,l66—dated the 17th December, 1795, bearing in-tereft.from the firft Janti ary, 1801, for 83-100 dollars. Said certificates are fuppoled to have been loft or fto'en in this sitvfome time in December or Janua y , last. ' _ JOSEPH IHOMAS, No. 59, North Friont-ftreet. Philadelphia, July 21, 1796. d6w. A very valuable Merchant Mill, A DISTILLERY and BREWERY, and funelry STONE QUARRIES to be let I will rent my merchant Mill at the little Falls of Po towmac, for any term not less than seven, nor more than eleven years, from the firft day of September next. The _ mill-houf •is42by 40 feet, three stories high, built with i stone, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Stones, two . overflrot 18 feet wat r wheels, and Evans's machinery . complete, with every other thing proper and neceflary for carrying on the business with dispatch. and at as little ex ptnfc as poflible, all in good order.—From the mill to my landing o» the I'dtbmac river, (wh-recraft, of any bur 'hen mai-deliver grain and take in flour) it is a' out 40 aids, and from thence by water to George Town and the'Clty of Washington, about X miles, and to Alexan dria about 11 miles. This S.uation, aided by a fufficient capital, will command the produce of a very extensive : ' back country, where large quantities of wheat and other , grain is annually made, the distance to it being from 8 to 10 miles less than to any nsatket town up m the navi , gation of the Potow ac. There are on the premises a !arge stone CoopeiV ihjp, a stone granary, and aconimo : dious miller's hoUse At the landing aforefaid a bridge is now building over the Potomac, whfch is in treat for -1 wardnefs and probabiy will be finifhed the enfif-Ing fall. ' There ate also on the premises, a Brewery and Distille ry, built with stone, in them are three stills, two coppers — or boilers, with everv necessary article, all new, and in gc»d order, and fufficiently large to carry on the Brew cry and Distillery upon a very extensive plan. This prop ■ erty I will rent for the fame term of years. Upon my laads adjoining the? premises, and along the banks of the river, wherp craft may lead with ease and dis patch, is an i nmenfe q iantity of building and iounda -1 tion-ftones. Four quarries are now open, and as many more may be opened with ease : the stone taken from these , quarries is better, and has the preference at this market, to any other stone brought to it. I willrent these 3w Saies of India Goods. The Cargo •£ thelhip'G nges, capt. Tin'gey, froin Cal cutta and B.ngal, CONSISTING OF A Large an J general assortment cf Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, Dorcas, iffc. /M o, A Quantity of ExCe'ient Sugar, ty boxc3 and bags—and BLACK. PEPPER, —F-„ r sjre by Willings & Francis, No. Pcnr. 9trc£t. J'Mie 8 § .FOR SALE, COFFEE, in hhds. bbls..& baps^ COTTON, if Deroerara, and > entitled to drawback SOAL-LEATUER ) Also, BOSTON REEF, and Mould and Dipt CANDLES. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY. Jim. No. 5 south Water-street. 8 mo. 10. j&3 w C A. B L E S, From 16 to 9 \ inches, for sale by Jeremiah Warder, ■ July a I § No 12 north 1 h-tlirdreet. Carolina Rice, , ' In tierces—- A few pipes of fourth proof Brandy, 7 by 9 and 8 by io Window Glass, For Sale by Gurney £5° Smith,, Ait :r an 3, ' ,16 f Dutch Goods, Received by the J torn Amjltrdafa* GIN, in pipes e Morlaix } Ticklenburgs C In Bales Ofnalmrgs j . German t Hacrlem \ Stripes, m cafe« Hollands ") Ravens, } DLCK,?tn duto Ecdticks, in ditto Brittifrnes ) Piatilks \ ,nd,tto ' For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN Ktr-L/iNb. 1 A "g- 2 9 ; JUST PUBLISHED, And for Salt at the '/hop of WILLIAM COBBEfT, opposite Cbrift Churchy \ Print, entitled The SWAN and the WICK, Or the Treaty of Amity and Commerce ftornfully > reje&ed. May if - b.i / ut the fcbie pbte**- PORCUPINE, a print. TJu "WE SHOP, a pamphlet. 4 PILL FOR P. P. do. The IMPOSTOR DETECTED, do. Sept. 5 " ■ 3 For Sale, \ Three story BRICK HOUSE a of Mav, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey i : ance Of pertfcns, -»nd repealing the former a£h for that pur . there shall be'levied, coile&cd and paid, upon all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which shall be kept by ir for any person, for his or har ownHife. or to let out to hre, or for the conveying of paifengers, the seVeral da ties and rates fallo wing, to wit. • For and upon every Coach, 15 dols. upon every Chariot, 12 dois. upon every Poll Chariot, 12 dols; Unon every Port Coaife, 12 dols. upon every Phae on, with or without top, g dols upon everv-Cpachee, 9dob. upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above, with bliods, glaffesor curtains, 9 dols, upon four wheel carriages, having framed posts anß topi with steel lprings, 6 dols. upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron fpriugs or jacks, 3 dofc. upon curricles with tops, 3 dols. ' upohchaifes with tops, 3 dols. upon chairs with tops. 3 dols. upon fuikies with tops, 3 dols. upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. up *: two wheel with Heel or iron springs, 3 dols. For and upon all other two wheel carnages, 2 dols, upon every lour wheel carriage, having framed potts and tops r '«nd reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. The Collr&ors of the Revenue of the firll survey of the Diftnftof Pennsylvania. will attend daily, u/ui]the 30th day of September ivext, for the purpose of repe v. J.ig the duties on Carriages. 2t No. 117, in Race hi*, ?.ill July, 1796. } 70,»d0p Pieces aip.keens, Of the bejl quality and » reajonuble ta >m, * FOR SALE SY P'uiiip Kicklin sis Co. AugiiP j/>. Uk Merc*: y,Linen Drapery and Halvtdpt. Thomas Waion— And For Sale by Pragers & co. AuSuft 26. diet. Great is Truth and mud prevail. JUST published, Andfor sale at No- 41 Chif/fut-ftreet by J. ORMROD, An Apology lor the Bible, By R. Watson, d. d. e. r. s. q/ Landajf, ifj-c. Being a complete refutation of Paine's yige of Re a/on, ■ A>-.d the only anfner to the Second Part. Auguit 30. dtf JUST PUBLISHED, And for Sale 'by WILLIAM CO BBU TT, oppoftte Chrijl Church, WATSON' S A pole gy for the Bible ; Being -a complete Refutation of that blaf phemoui work-falfely called the " Age of Reason." Thismofl cicel ent performance is now in the octavo size, 011 foe paper, and at so low a price as thrn-chitls of a daltar. which', it is will be a riean of giving 1 it an extenove currency among readers of every class. I September 7. *3t. THIS DAT /i l UijLISHUD, By H. k P. RICE, No. 16, Second-Ttoliiit, and No. 50, Maiketftrfd?. A VISIT TO THE Philadelphia Prison; »BEING an accurate a id. parti, uhr D'cfcription of th? tvife and humane Adminiilration adopted in every part of that building; containifig also an account of the gra dual reformation and present improved state oi the Penal I;aw9 of Pennfylvatiia ; with Obi"ervation6 on the injuf ti«e and impolicy of capital punishments. with an Appendix, Containing tables of crimes, and quarterly statements of the. expenditures of the Prison, with the amount of the labour of the convifls. By a Gentleman of « Lay the axe to the root and-teach governments hu manity. It is their i'jnguinary ponifhm.nts which cor rupt mankind." {R'jbts of Jlfan.] Sept. 7. drf ''' ■ ■ - Dissolution of Partnerlliip. THE Purinerthip between ROBER i" ANUKL'.VS and DAVID MEREDITH,under inc fir.n ANDREWS and MKREDITrf, being diilolved. Ali pci sons who are indebted 10, or whohave claims against the said houle, ire rcoucfted to jpply lor settlement lo the fublenber. ROKEKT - NDR^WS» No. 86, i>u. Whaivei. c ept. 6,1796. dtf To be Sold, At No. iaß, North Second-Street, and by federal of tie AfotJxcaries in this City. T'R ot tbe right to remove pains and inflzmma* 1 tions from the human body, •ifecured to Dr .ELISH A. PERKINS, by patent, with inltruments and dtreitions ne . effarv tor the i radice. Tbit mode of treatment is ptriist. 'arly ufelul in rehettog pains inthe head; face, teeth, breast, ude, stomach. back, rheumatisms, recen: gouts, &c. &c. Nolwitfcft»ndi"g the utility of this practice, !t is not prc fumed but there are cases I*l which