Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 07, 1796, Image 1

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* ' ' 'T, 3
oftbe MftltttJ JsittlftS, 6* Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Hams* 1247.] ___ WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 7, .1706. *• •
An entire new veflel, built, finifhed and fitted'
in the bed manner. One hundred and thirty-fix
tons burthen, and will fail remarkably fall. Foi>
term J apply to Mr. N. Sage, at the George tavern,
AuguJ 26, 1796. §10.
For Sale or Charter,
2000 Bbls. of flour—{he may b»- ferrt
to sea at a faiall expence, her fails and rigging being in
very good order—ajjply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
, April 19, 5_
. T ~~ FOR SALE,
fkk. The (hip STAR,
John Vannkma.n, Master,
T YING at Walnut-ftrset wharf, Philadel-
I j phia built, of live oak and cedar, will
carry about 3100 barrels, is two years oid; and in com
rlea order to receive a cargo—For terras apply to
Who have also for sale said vessels cargo—consisting of—
Wine and Porter bottles,
Wind, w Glass, 6 by 8 to j6 by 12.
Pipes in boxes. ,
Earthen-Ware in cratrs.
Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, &c.
Aug. 29
For Sale or Charter,
LYING at Melf. J. & R. Wain's wharf,
two hundred and seventy tons burthen, 3 (lout, ftror.g
vessel. and well found. For terms apply to
Joseph Anthony & Co. ,
Sept. I. j i!l
At South-street wharf,
WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft. August,
by snow, Hope, from Jamaica, and (loop Sally,
from Port-au-Prince, .
joo Hhds. COFI'LE,
70 Hhds. SUG AR.
Also, the cut jo of the Swedijh brig Guflaf Adolphe,
capt. Ramfre, from Gibraltar,
ill and 4th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds.
Hazle Nuts in sacks
Si. Übes SALT, for sale by
. For Charter,
The said brig
Gost'a'f Adolphe,
V A Swede, with a Mediterranean pass,
, -»SSSU)E£ » very fin» »l>"»t ion tons blir
ih f - n . Sue. 18. fiweSiW
7— —
For Sale,
Or for Charter to the Weft-Indies,
C E R si S,
Philadelphia Built,
7~\V Live Oak and Red Cedar, burthen about 3.500 bar-
U re ls, now discharging at Latimer's wharf. 11ns ves
sel is in excellent repair, well fouud and will bear a tho
rough examination, and as soon as difenarged will be rea
dy to take in- a cargo. For terms apply to
John Vaughan.
July 28 ■ IL_
Jamaica Spirits;
The fine, f a ft- iai 1 i boo ncr
Of about 140 tons burthen.
August 2g. dtf
tfpiilip Nickiin & Co.
' Souchong -
ifyfon Skin /
Young Hyson V FRESH TEAS
Hyson and \
' Ghiaa Ware, afiorted in Boxes and Chefls
liandanrio Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in
L -ndon Market } MADEIRA WINE
London particular >- in jripes, hogflseads, &
• New-York Market J quarter calks
Teneriffe Wine in pipes and lioglbeads
Sugar Candy bythe Box
Sail Canvas No. i a 8
Lead in sheets
3 Calks of Cutlery afiorted
A few.cheftsof Manchester Goods, aflbrted thick
sets, cords, iiriped Nankeens, &c.
3 Small packages of black sewing-silks
8 Tierces Virginia Snake-root.
Nails afibrted in calks '
July 18 mw&f
Brokers Office, and
No. 6; South Third ftraet, oppofito the national new Bank.
have entered into co-partnerfnip, under the firm of
FRAUNCES & VAN REED, in th: bulinefs of Brokers,
Conveyancers and Comniiffion merchants. They buy arul
fell on commiflion every species of (lock, notes of hand,
bill* of exchange, houses and lands, &c.
Mostr procured on deposits, &c. &c. all kinds c'
writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatnels and
difpateh ; accounts adjulted, <snd books fettled, in the
moS sorreift manner. Coflftant attendance will be giver:
They foKcit a ftiare of the public favor ; they are deter
mines! to endeavour to defcryc it.
N. B. The litmoft secrecy pbferved.
i'iiilad. August 47, 179°- mAwtf
French Goods.
Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Ha vre-de• J \
Grace, #
20 Trunks'), u
I Cafe j Ladies SHOES of all colors forts-and sizes D<
I Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS
X Ditto Fine LAWN
t Dittobeft fine CAMBRIC
I Ditto Ladies' best ft am my and Grenoble Gloves
*"g' *4 , $ ' r
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old,
in pipes and hogsheads ' . T
Claret, genuine old, in cases
Gin, in pipes, from Holland E
Earthen Ware, in crates
Basket Salt, in hogsheads t t
Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9
I?arLead, Red and white dry lead F
Steel, German and Russia, in barrels
Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpoiin canvas, B
Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by A
J'dy •<> p
A Complete Font of Brevier,
ENtirely new, and yet unopened. The weight of this *"
font is about lb. It is from the rounder/ of
NVilfor. 3i Sons, Glafgow,and will be fold at cost & charges, h
Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes.
Enquire at the Ofllcc of the Gazette of the TJnitde p
States, 119 Chefnut-llreet. Aug. 19 §4w t!
C A B L E S,
From 16 to 9 £ inches, for sale by
Jeremiah Warder, ,
Juty"»J: § llo :jl iiurrhTh-fttrfh-CTt.
A very .valuable Merchant Mill,
QUARRIES to be let'.
I will rent my merchant Mill .at the little Po- v
towmic, for any term not less thanfeven, nor more Than
eleven years, from the firft day of September next. The
mill-house is 42 by 40 feet,. three stories high, built with
Hone, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Stones, tv.v
ovcrlhot 18 feet water wheels, and Evans's macjiinery
> complete, with every other thing proper and ncccffary for
1 carrying on the bufincfs wrjth dilpateh, and at as little e^-
penfe as pofiible, all in good order.—From the mill to my
landing on the Fotomac river, (wherecraft, of any bur
then may deliver graip and take in flour) it is l about 40
yards, and from thence by water to George-Town and
1 the City of Walhingtus, about 3 miles, and to Aicxan-
dria about 11 miles. This fifuation, aided by a fufficient'
capital, will command the produce of a vefy cxtennve
back country, where large quantities of whuat and other 1
grain is annually made, the distance to it being from 8 u
to 10 miles less than to any maikct town up jn the l'lavi
jation of the Pdtonrmaf. Thite are on the ■premises a
large done Coopers'/hj'p, a (lone granary, and '
dious miller's liohfe. At the landing afofd'aid a bridge
is now building over the Potomac, wliich is in great for- -
w»rcViefs and probably will fee finifhed the erifuing fall. si
' T-hsre ate alfg.on the jyemifes, a Brewery and Dittille
fy, built witTi itone, .in them are three stills. two cogper; I
or boilers, with every necelTary article, ail new, and "in a
good order, and fufficiently luge to carry on the Bi ev
ery and Dillillery upon » very cxtehfive plan. This prop- f
erty I will rentier the'fame term of years. ,
Upon my lands adjoining the preniifes, and along the
banks of the l iver, where craft may lead with ease and dif
patcli, is an i illhelife quantity of building and founda
tion-(tones. Four quarries'are now open, and as many
more may be opened with ease : the done taken from these
quarries is better, and has the preference at this macket,
to any other stone brought to it. I will rent these quarries
separately or together as may bed suit. ,
On the top of the hill, and about 200 yards from the
milt, is s stone Dwelling-hoiife, large enough for the ac
commodation of a family.: also, a kitchen, dairy, smoke- I
house, &c. and a garden, enclosed and in cultivation, the <
foiof which is equal in goodness to any in this' (late. I i
will also rent this property. c
Adjoining to the Brewery and Diftillcry is a Smith's I
fliop, in which is a complete set of Blacksmith's tools, t
which 1 will also rent, and if agreeable I wilj hire to the
tenant two negro blacksmiths, one of them is a complete .
It I rent out the stone guarrics, I will fell three crafts,
which were built for the purpose of carrying stone t they
will altogether bring upwards of 90 perch. Immediate
pofTeffion will be given. For terms apply to the fybferib
er in this town.
The Mill, Brewery and Distillery, with their appurten
ances, will b*e deliver ad to the tenant or tenants in good '
repair, and muftbe so returned, at the expiration of the
lease orleafes. t .
Alexandria, Aug. >6— 25
—— t
For Sale, i
Three-ftor.y Brick House,
(The late residence of General Walter Stewart)
R VIJ i l'H a LOT ef GROUND thereunto belonging,
VV the weft fide: of Third-street, near Union-street
containing in front 32 feet, and in depth 100 feet, to an
* alley leading into Union-llrect. The house is J2 feetfront
apd 50 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it arc
large, commodioHS and completely finilhed; the two firft
stories are each 13 feet high; there are 20 mahogany
doors in the house; a geometrical (laircafe, with mahoga
ny rails and a good sky-light. l'he kitchen is in the cell
ar, which is spacious and convenient, and finiftied with an
- oven, (lew-holes and pantries, a servants' hall and large
wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which is an
area in which there is a pump The yard is vaulted.
Communicating with the said buildint is a neat three-ilory
brick horde, on the north fide of Union-street, contain
ing 3° feet front by 20 feet deep; the lower part of which
is at present occupied as a compting-houfe, and the upper ! ]
part divided into well-finiftied large chambers. This house
may at a fntiall expense be converted into a convenient <
dwelling: Theftreetdoor is very handsome, and the front <
• and back have Venetian window-!hutters. Adjoining the (
. last house, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are Veiled 1
f bathing-rooms, &c. There arc Ukewife very good coach- 1
, house and stables finifhed equal (or nearly so) with any in
1 the city, on a lot containing on Union ilreet 30 feet, and
> in deptholl the waft fide of said alley 52 feet. There are
good cellars unde. the whole of the buildings, and a wine
' room over part of the liable, with a hay-loft.over there
I maihder. For further particulars enquire of
; I'D WARD BOXS.-tLL & Co. '
At :h:ir Office No. 64 Dock-street. between Walnut & Pear
' co (Ireets.
6th 84th, 1796,
An APPRENTICE to the Prifting Bufmefs.
at tkis ©dice. Aug. 19
' I ' ■ I '
IS given daily of the drawing of tbe WASHINGTON \
LOTTERY, at the Ofticc /
No. \47 Chafnut Jlrect,
between Fourth an.f Fifth ftreyts." Also, where Tickets
may yet be had. Sept. I. eo ]
The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Days drawing is
' From ,'be tiotiMixz-Hmrf? if RALPH TM F I?,
No. 12, Qrtarry-Jlrcct, on Saturday or Sunday night
the fitlowing Notes, &c.
John Nicholfon, to Moorhoufe; due Nov.
I, 1797, bearing interest, . - - 5000
David AUifon ta James Cramond, due hi
March last, - 407J'
J: W. & W. Gibhs to Ralph Mither, it 70 t
days, August a»th, ... 16SI 98 "
Ferdinand Gourdon to Ralph Mather, at four -
months, Augufl 17th, ... 264 $3
Benjamin Ohamherlain,at 60 days, August 6, 213 53 "
Affleck to Jos. Bufwell, at 6 months, dated k
May - - . * r 180.64
Parker and Greaves to Ralph Mather, on de- I
raand* - - - - too
A bill 'by Harford to Harford, not accepted, 1811. ster
ling. f
Likewise, the Titles of feme Estates, Mortgages, &c.
Whpfoevcr brings the thief or thieves to justice, stall
have a reward of twenty dollars.
As the papers m queliion can be of no use to any other
person, the bills having been (topped payment, request
the perpetrators may be searched after with all imagina
ble care.
September 6. tw&f '
Sales of India Gpods.
The Cargo of the Ihip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal-
Oltr* nc] Dcngul,
A Large and general afiortment of Bengal and Madras
A vanity fine worked and plain Mujlins,
Doreas, t3V. Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
In boxes and bags—anil BLACK PEPPER,
For Sale by
( Willings Francis,
No. 21 Pen n Street.
June 8 §
, qnllAT application wilt b* made for the renewal of
JL the following certificates, iiTuecl by Joseph Nourfe,
Register of the Treafijry, in the name of Roger Gril
wold, Efq._ of Norwich, Connedlicut—
I certificate, fix per cent domestic stock, No. 13,907
—dated the 17thDecember, 179J, bearing interest from
the fir ft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 65-joo dpl
i ditto, thret per cent..domestic flock, No. 10,682
—dated December 16, 1795? bearing interest from the
firft day of January, 1791, for 9,94 30-100 dollars.
1 d;tt , deferred stock, No. 9,166 —dated the 17th
December, 179J, bearing interest from the firft Janu
ary, itoi, For 79E 83-103 dollars.
Said'cenificates are fuppoied to have been loft or
■ fto'en in this citv some tiru? in December or Januaiy
No. 59, North Front-ftrtet.
Philadelphia, July 21, 1796. d6w.
t ■ ■ '
At a special meeting cf the Board of Di
rettrjfs for ejiahl'ijb'ing u/eful Manufactures, holden
1 at Paterfrm. July 8, I79^>
RUSOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stock
. holders of the Society be called on the firft Monday,
. being the third ay of October next, at Paterfon, by ten
; of the clock of the fame-day; then and there to take
[ into consideration the propriety of difTolving the laid
corporation, agreeably to the law in such cafe made and
s provided—and the, Stockholders are earnestly reqiufted
~ to attend the'faid meeting in person or by proxy.
: Augnft 17 dt3othO
: Notice is hereby Given,
THAT agreeably to an aft of Congress of the United
Statesof America, parted at Philadelphia, (he 28th day
' of iviav, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey
ance of persons, and repealing the former as.s for that pur
- pose—TJiat there'(ball bo levied, colle&ed and paid, upon
all carriages for the conveyance of perlons, which shall be
kept by or for any person, for his or her own use, or to let
•out to hire, or for the conveying of pafTengers, the several du»
tie* and rates folio wing, to wit.
For and upon every Coach, 15 dols.
upon every. Chariot, 1 2 dols.
upon every Post Chariot. 12 doll/
every Post Chailc, 12 dols.
upon every Phaeton, with 01 without top, gdols
upon every Coachee, 9 dola.
upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above,
with blinds, glasses or curtains, 9 doll.
n upon four wheel carriages, having framed posts and
t tops with iteel springs, 6 dote.
c upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron
I springs or jacks, 3 dols.
y upon curricles with tops, 3 dols.
upon chai/es with tops, 3 dols.
uuon chairs with tops, 3 dols.
a upon f alkies with tops, 3 dois.
up" other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols.
lYpor. two wheel carriages, with llcel or iron springs,
™ 3 dols.
" For and upon all other two wheel carriages, 2 dols.
upon everyfdflr wheel carriage, having framed polls
and tops, and reiiiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols.
The Coll'tlors of the Revenue ot the firft survey of the
r DiihiCt of Pennsylvania, will attend daily, unt i.lthe 30th day
c! of September next, for the purpose of receiving the duties on
1 Carnages, at No. 117, in Race or Saffafra.? ftrcet, in the City
t! of Philadelphia, at the houie of Daniel S. Clair, E f cj in the
e i County of Montgomery ; and at the houlc of .Abraham Du
d feois, Esq. in the Coubty of Bucks; of which all persons poi
- leifed of such Carriages are deft red to take notice.
n Notice is also given,
J TO all retail dealers in \Vmes, and foreign difliiled fpiri
c: tuous liquor's, thai licences will be.granted to them ; one li 1
c cence for carrying on tbe business of retailing ot Wines, in a
iefs quantityj or in less quantities than 30 gallons—-and one ,
licence for carrying on the business of retailing Spirituous li- (
ouors in lefsquaiVities than 20 gallons, at tbe fame time and
ir at the famfc places, by tUe officers legally authoriaed to grant
fucb licences. . • '
Infpeilor of the Revenue of the 6rft survey
of ih6 dift/ift of";, Ivania.
Office of InfpeOion,at i 3*
PiuladclpbU, 2ift July, 1796. >
" " " FOR SALE,
COFFEE, in hhds. bbls. & bags )
COTTON, of Demerata, and > entitlcdto drawback
BOSTON BEEF, and Mould and Dipt CANDLES.
Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, }■■■ n.
No. 5 south Wat«r-ftreet.
8 mo. in. $? u '
70.000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of Ybe bcjt on reaftmrbh frrrmi,
Philip Nick!in & Co.
August 26. dtf
A Book-Keeper,
OR Clerk's place is wajated by a perfori properly quali*
fied, and w : w >fe will be fqfUnd unexceptioxi*
able." Apply to the Printer.
Aug. II
Landing from on board th«; fchoopcr Little Torn, Capt.
Thomas Dennett, at Racc-ftrcet wharf,
A choice parcel of St. Croix Sugar,
and a few hogsheads of Molafles>
For Sale by
Fragers and Co.
August 30 dio
Just Arrived,
In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li
5000 Bushels SALT ;
too Crates QUEENS WARE; and
An Aflortment of SHIP CHANDLERY ;
fin a s A L E
On board, at Pine-street wharF."—Apply to
fames Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April 29.
Dutch Goods,
Received by the Pennfyivania, front Amjlerdam.
GIN, in pipes
Tickliuluugs C In Bales
Ofnaburgs j
SX } ■ .
Hollands 7 DUCK/'m ditto
Ravels }
Bedticks, in ditto
Briuagiie. j ditto
Platilles )
For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN KET/.,IND.
AUg. IIJ __ S
Carolina Rice,
In tierces—
A few pipes of fourth proof Brandy,
7 by g and 8 by 10 Window Gl'afs,
for Sale by-
Gurney Ssf Smith.
August >31. * d 6
For Sale,
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
facet, between Front and Second ftrsets, in which
MeffVs. James Calbraith &Qo. have for many years (and
now do) carried on bufmds.
j Pofloflion will be given in one month, or fooncr.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
Apsil 21. §
j And for Sale at the A>oj> of WILLIAM COBBEIT,
oppojrte Chriji Church,
* A Print, entitled
The SWAN and, the WICK,
Or the Treaty of Amity and Commerce ftornfully
1 rejedled.
May be hai at'the fame place—
PQRCUPINE, a tirint.
The BLUE SHOP, a pamphlet.
A FILL FOK P. P. uo.
' Sept. # 5 3
; F 0 11 S AL E,
c t A very Valuable Estate,
/■"CALLED TIV/7 T-E tf HA M, situate in the
townfliip of Upper Derby, Sfhd county of Delaware,
7 i-2 miles from Phiiadrlphia, and half a niile from the
new Weflern road: containing 2,1,0 acres of excellent land,
45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood
land, and the reft arable of tha firft quality. There are
011 the predlifes a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms
011 a floor, and cellars under the whole, \yith a pump-well
of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, ftabies,
,1 and other convenient buildings,; a smoke-house and stone,
spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach
n es. The fields are all in clover, except those immediately
tinder tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage
of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con
venient for grazing.
The situation is pleafantandhealthy, and from the high
cultivation of thfjland, the good neighbourhood, and the
vicinity to the city, it is very suitable for a gentleman'*
'1 country feat.
The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman,
deceased, and offered for sale by
l$ Mordecai Lewis,
ie Oft. 9. eo.] Surviving Executor,
y — -——— 1 "
,n Lottery and Broker's Office,
e No. 64, South Second stksst.
i- r-picKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. •», for sale—a
"" X Check. Book for examination —and prizes paid in
the late lottery. . . , ,
Check Books kept for examination and regiftermg, for
the City of Waihington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries,
i both ef which are now drawing—information where
1 tickets are to be had, and prizes'exchange'd for undrawn
ie tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New
i- Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for
d examination. .
lit T hc fubferiker solicits the application of the public
and his friends, who wish to purchase or fell Bank Stock,
Certificate*,' Bills of Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands,
iy gr, or to obtain money on deposit of property.
Wm. Blackbvn.
| Philadelphia, iiupif 18, 179^-