. J Letters Patent, 2 Granted to the Subscriber, for the Cure of th Incurvations and Di/lortions of the Spine, j. e ! By an improvement in Stays and an Apparatus. I^ VERY thing has been studied to render this applica -J tion fife, easy, effeSual, and generally ufeful, and that if necessary, it may be accompanied with any other mode. Th« fuceefs of the Patentee in the cure of .distortions, from Incurvations of the Spine, the Wry Neck, &c. in ' this city and in different parts of the United States, under the infpe&ion of eminent physicians, when every other mode had failed, will, it is hoped, afford the public-fuf ficient testimony of the utility of this application. N. B. He makes an apparatus for restoring diftorteii fiet in children—Bandages in general—Truffcs of various deisriptions, and one in particular on a plan entirely new, S which in feme cases is found to answer better than any other. He returns thanks to those medical gentlemen in differ ent .parts of the United States who have honored him with their-patronage and confidence. gjf* The Ladies are refpe&fully informed, that he has an elegant affortmcnt of Sfys and Corfetsfor Sale, which will be altered if necessary, free of extra chargi. LUNDIN M'KECHNIE, A'lg. 16 lawjw No. "f} Dock-flreet Tp b« fold by public sale, ON tVednefday, the 7th day of September next, on thepremifos in Mount-Holly,Burlington county, by the Subscriber, The Dwelling-House and Lot Whereon it stands, having been in part occupied as a (lore for several years past, and in a good stand ior bufinefs,to gether with the ftore'-houfe, stable and buildings thereon, ere&ed, having two large ' ellars under them. Also, the fliop goods and houfeholcl furniture. A clear title will be given to the purchaser on payment of the money or fuf- • ticient bond therefor, and possession of the premises will be given in the said month of September. The sale is to continue 'till the whole is disposed of. Mount Holly having become rhs County Town, makes this property more valuable than heretofore. The condi tions will be made known at the time and place of sale, by PETER SHIRAS. N. B. All persons indebted to the fubfejiber, are request ed to discharge the fame immediately, as he intends soon to remove out of this Hate. Any yerfon having a jufl de mand againfl the fubferiber, is requested to produce the fame for settlement. • I§2W Mount Holly, AugHft 16,. 1796. Great is Truth and mujt prevail. JUST PUBLISHED, And for sale at No- 41 Ghefnut-fireet by J.ORMROD> An Apology for the Bible, By R. Watson, i>. d. f. r. s. . Bijhop of Landaff, s, or fractional parts of townjhips, to be fold at Pittsburgh, in pur ft nice lin of the 6th fetlion of an aS of Congress, passed on 1=» the 18th day of May, 1796. —. " . ~2 his 0 • • I o . 9 <1° |h § 8 d < 8 5 < M ° P° M|l £5 1 ' ch; ift Range.' 6th Towßfhip. 6th Range. ift Township. Bai2 640 each | iftTownfhip. 28 5 65 14 64S : 17 3 20 *56 95 J7a*®64o,each 18 270 ne 30 250 75 25336 640 each 21 g jo 34 240 90 BthTownfhip. 22 166 40 an 35336640 each 3ai4j64ojeach 23 427 fhi 2d Township. i7a2o 64oeach 24 640 thi 19 140 23 | fi 40 27 15 1 80 be 20 170 70 25a30|640ieach 28330 each t ; c 21 185 33 a 36i640|e3ch 3 j 58 pa 22 2 30 lothTownfhip. 343361640 each pa 25 488 80 ia2 (640 each 2d Township. th< 46a27 640tach sai4:64oe3ch 1 f26 fh: 28 560 17320 640 each a 440 du 29 55 1 60 23336)640 each 3 448 en ' 30 j: 64 i2thiTownfhip. 4 4 ;6 31.136 64c each iai4 64oeach j 464 tin 4thTownfhip. 17320 640 esch 6 472 19 64 23 a each 7•- 340 3 1 * Bai4 640 each S" 26 387 60 lftTown(hi 17120640 each 27 36 . , J 23336 640ieach 3ia 3 t 640 each * 3 5 3d Township. 53 6i6 30 S4O 1 34 445 20 £ 2 478 H 35836 640 each ' nf 36 lo 40 JT ' • 4 404 jthTownfhlp. - z °? j P ' 5 502 r 6 , 3»6 640ph 6 510 rtx il 479 30 0 l 6 , 73X4 640 each _ 17 3°4 15 Q ~0 17320 640 esch ll !to« 9 ai2 esch 6 4 oe3ch 23 450 75 ' s I sthTownfhip. j It 6 *° 14 640 Sf •,0 17*20640 each 2 ~ o 23336 640 each 3 '34 A II o 3dTownfhip. 4 o — 13i4]640.e3ch 5 5* 6 ad Range. 17320 6 4 g each 6 55 6 Z iftTownfhip. 233361640 each 7 a J4o4oeac 28 I 71 20 s thTownfhip. I7«o64°=ach 34 ! 6| 5® iai 4 |64cjeach J 3 % 66^ h ~ 3d Township. 17a2o|64o!each ' fowiifhip. 124326 640 each 233361640 each 1 28 499 16 7thTownfhip. 1 40 29 64c 142 64o[each 3 ij 3Ta33 640 each 537 64c|e3ch 4 "O 4thTownfhip. 12313 640' each 5 593 11 26 40 ißai9 64»'each 0I . 12 397 50 25 640. 7"4 640 each 13 5J 59 30*36 640 each I 7a2o6 4 oeach 15 27 50 9thTownfhip. *3®36 640 each 16 259 20 i3i4|64o|e3ch ' Township. tf 524 17320 64oeach lal 4 640 each 18 640 23a36 ! 640!each r 7 a 2o64oeach 19 635 nth Township. 23836 640.each 20 584 80 i3r4|6 4 o!each 111 °Township. •»i 636 21 i7a2o 64oeach 1314 640|each 22336 64c eaeh 23*36,640 each 17a2 * o4oieach sthT«wnfhip. i3thTownfhip. 23*36 640 teach 5 636 iai4 64ofeach 6a7 64c e3ch 17320640 each I*l4 640 each 43a25 640 each 23336640jeach 17*20640 esch 27318 640 each ,„ == *3*3® 6 4 o|each 136 64c each 5 ftT? AN i- < t 5 ° wn P. ythTownfhip. iai'4|64ojc3ch 3 16401 1 174 40 *7*20!640je3ch BthTownfhip. 21 S? sa 23*366 4 oieach las 640 each * 3 427 50 7 th R™nge. 6 440 , 26 £ Township. 7a I 4 640 cach 7 3 o . 4 | ao 17*20640 each "4 jq 23336640 each , oaio^„„ch 2dTowHfhip. 9 thTownfhip. 'j jg 3 35 A 640 30 640 each 5*6 640 each , 1 2dTownfhip. 9 296 !3ai4 64oe3ch „ r 10312640 each 19320 640 each 1 liio z0 14 3 o n 23336 640 each 3 43° I7 aiß 640 each 3d Range. 5 456 *9 14 2d Townfiiip. 6 464 80 20 15. 640 7 25c *3*24 640 eacl 16 600 S 618 *5 3 gc 20 v 557 50 9ai4 64a esch: 16a 37 640 each 21322 640 each 17 a2o 64c eachi 4th 1 ownfhip. 23 609 23 a 36 64oleach' 1 *141640, each 35*36 640 each 4th Township. "7 *20 04deach 3d Township. iai4 64oeach 2 3 a 3 •^4cieach 9 188 60 17120 64oeach 6tniownJnip. 10 344 i3 a 64o|each iai4 r 11 - 267 6thTown{hip-j 1 7 a2 .12 152 1314640^' s 3 a 36 6 4 o|each 14 202 jo 17320640Uach, ownfhip. 15 630 23336 64cpach 1214640 each l6aiß 640 each BthTownfhip.i '7*20 64c each 19 21750 iai 4 640 each ( *3*36 640 each 1 20 616 75 17220 64c each 1 lo^ Townfhip. Sia36 64o|each 233:36640) each 1214640 each 4thTownfhip. iotHTowpfhip. '7220 640 each 1 170 iai4|64oeach 23*56640 each 1 544 t7a2C 640 each 12 Township. ' $ 320 23a36i64o!each 1 aI 4 64c.each 4 4jo !2thTownfhip. 17*20 640 each 5 12c Ist 4 |64C{each 23*36 6 640 17220 64c each *4thTownfrip. ' 7 563 23336 640 each i*i4|64o|earh Sa 9 640 each i4thTownfhip. 17*20 640«ach 10 j 4 c 80 j I*l4 640ieach 23236 64cfeach , II 529] 70 17320 640 esch i^thTownfhip. i»ai4 640 each ajajd 640 1 each 1 * r 4 640 each ~ 1732 c 640 each j 1 17*20 640 each e 33336)640 each I • I 23336)640 sack ; NOTE. j TH of L*nds in the fcvcral townships be a the Lots "served by the * ; Ln ilea States ard also of those formerly fold—The ag - quantities a the several townfhio, or frsflional ■» pansof townlhipi, have been ascertained by aflual fur- • tK# particular lots or fediotts, have - bun DO otherwise afccrtaiued than by calculation. . Lands of.the Unitoil States. Treasury Department, Augujl 8, 1796. Public Notice is hereby given, ' TN pursuance of an a eft or Congress passed on the 18th 1 day of May, 1796, entitled « an acl providing _ for the sale of the Lands of the United States, in the territory ; north well of the river Ohio, and ahove the mouth of Kentucky river," that the Quarter Tow.lhip. of land d' lc»ibcd in the annexed schedule, lying 111 the seven rang es ot townlhips whieh vyere surveyed 111 purfuapee of an ordinance of Congress, passed on the twent.cth day of \lav in the year one thousand fevsn hundred and g y &villb= r e X pol-edforfale at PUBLIC VENOUs,,» .he Merchants' Cotee-Houfe in Philadelphia, on the 4th day of January next, and thenceforward from day to day, until the'tenth day of February ensuing, unless the said quarter townlhips (hall be foonsr fold, in the manner and on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned : viz. xft. The laid garter townfnips (hall be fold to the • hiffheft bidder, but nofale can be made! for less than nvjj dollars per acre of the quantity of land contained in such '' 2d The hightft bidder as before mentioned, must de posit' a> the time of sale, one twentieth part of the pur chase money, in the hands of the Treafnrcr of the Uni States, which will be ferfeited if a moiety of the turn bid, including the said twentieth part, shall not b« paid within thirty days from the time of sale. 3d. Upon payment of a moiety of the purchate-me ney in »he manner beforementioned, the purchaier will be entitled to one year's credit for the remaining mojety ; and (hall receive a certificate describing the quarter town (hip purchased, and declaring the sum paid on account, the balance remaining due, the time when fuck balancc becomes payable, and that the whole Land therein men tioned will be forfeited, if the said balance is not then paid ; but if the said balance (hall be duly discharged, by paying the fame tevthe Treasurer of the United States, thfcpurchafer or bis affigneeor other legal representative, ihali be entitled to a patent for the said land, on his pro ducing to the Secretary of State a receipt for such balance, endorsed upon the certificate. But if any purchaser shall make payment of the whole of the purchase-money at the time when the payment of the firft moisty is directed to he made, he will be entitled to a deduction of ten per centum on the part for which a credit is authorized to be given ; and his patent (hall be immediately i(Tued. ° GIVEN "under nay hand at Philadelphia, thfl day and year abovementioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. „ .1 I SCHEOULE Of Quarter-Townflrips to be fold at Philadelphia, in pur suance of the 6th feftion of an ait of Cong less passed on the 18th day of May, 1796. ~~~\ " """ 5 oT - s S 4 .5- J* u I bo <£ q = * o ® c S- <*- H k > o ~ O r° » > I- -5 r_~ M U « "o w • u -2 8 U- \t <4+ G 4 a * = - 5 2o * S H 2 Soath East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 3 5 South East ,5120 North East 5120 South Welt 5120 North Weft 5120 ' . ■ 20,480 7 ISouth East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5 120 20,480 9 South East £120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 it South East 5120 North East 5120 Soath Weft 5120 North Wed 5120 [ J 20,480 4 4 South East 5120 North East j 120 ® South Weft ci 20 1 North Weft j 120 I '20,480 c 6 South East £120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North \yett 5 120 j 20,480 8 South East. 5120 ! North East 5120 , South Weft 5 120 North Weft j 12° j 20,480 10 South East 5120 North East 5120 * SonthWeft; 5120 North Weft j 120 20,480 12 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Welt 5120 20,480 5 3 South East 4602 North East 4654 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 j South East 19 ' 49<5 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 „ 2©,480 7 South East 5120 North East 5! 20 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 ' 2©,480 6 9 South East 5120 North Ealt 5120 lr _ South Weft 5120 ve North Weft 5120 i.J 1 20,48® i ¥' .o . cu. 1 t '£ & . 1 3 J- so Eh cd <£ 9 ® J- s \! o -2 y • o «J 120! — 20,480 13 South feft 5 120 North East yt 20 South Weft J 120 North Weft 5120, j 20,480 6 4 South Eafl 4630 North East 4620 South Weft 5120 1 North Weft 5 120 I '9»490 6 South East 4730 North East 471$ I South Weft 5120 ; Nor.th Weft 5120 -— 19,685 \ 8 South East 5 120 North East 5 120 1 South Weft 5 120 North Weft 5120 20,480 ' 10 South Eaft;sl2o , North Eaft;sl2o 1 South Weft 5 120 North Weft 5120 20,480 12 South East y 120 North East 5 120 ' South Weft ST2O' ~~ — North Weft ,5 120 20^480 14 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5 12° 1 NortkWeftyi2c4 ' 20,480 • y .3 South East 51 20 Noith East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 5 South East 51 20 1 , North East 5120 South Weft 5 120 North Well 5120 20,480 7 South East 5120 'North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5 120 20,480 9 South East 5 120 North East yi2o . South WeiT j 120 J North Weft $120 —•— 120,480 ii . South Eaftsl2o North East 5 120 South Weft 5120 North Weft yi 20 20,480 13 South East 5120 North East J l2O South Weft j 120 North Weft j 12° . 20,480 15 South Ea/ 1 yi»o North Eafl 512 a South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 20,480 NOTE, THE quantities of Lands in the several cownfhips b«. fore mentioned, are exclusive of the Sections reserved by the United States. The aggregate quantities iH the seve ral townships, have been ascertained by adtual survey ; but the quantities in the quarter townships, have been no otherwise afeertained than by calculation. _ Washington Canal Lottery, No. I. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, two hundred, and fifty dollars, for,the purpose of cutting a Canal through the City of Walhington, from th ?0 \ tilmac to theEaftern Branch Haruour. The following is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz--j Prize of »0,000 dollars, -j,ooo x ditto 10,000 10,000 7 last drawn 7 > Tickets, each f J>ooo 35,000 6 ditto i,opo 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,000 TO ditto 100 2,000 55 ditto 50 2,750 5750 ditto II 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, 16,250 5850 Prizes, 175,900 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 $j" The Cemmiflioners have taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid aft for the punctual payment of the prizes. • rhe drawing as this Lottery will commence, without delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timeljr notice will be given. Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after th« drawing is finilhed, fliall be confideredas relinquished for the fcensiitof the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signtd) NOT LEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, o/D. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, , JAMES BARRY. City of Waihingtow, Feb. it . $ PKINTED BY JOHN FEN NO, —No. 119 — CHRSNyr-STRES T. \ l p 4ec Eight Dinars per :.nnwn,} - ■ i , 1