Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 03, 1796, Image 1
' • . \ • v ; v » XJ . ©ajette »/,& it Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. /Li*. , 2+4 .l . ' SATURDAT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 3, .-li- „ £ — *' ■ ROSS & SIMS ON, St. < HAVE F«R SALE, EXCELLENT FOURTH PROOF I.and Jamaica Spirits; A And to dispose of, . The fine, fact.failing fehooner SHALLOW, Of Baltimore, about 140 tons burthen. - August 29. ' dtf ■-> For Sale-oFCharter, * THE FAST-SAILING SVIP LIGHT-HORSE, LYING at MelT. J. & R Wain's wharfS two hundred and seventy tons burthen, a flout, ft'ran Av *cflel, and well found. For terms apply to Joseph Anthony & Co. Sept. t. v dtf At South-street wharf, e w fl WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inil. August, p, by snow Hope, from Jamaica, and floep Sally, from Port-au-Prince, ZOO Hhds. COFFEE, a, 70 Hhds. SUGAR. Also, the cargo of the Swedijh brig Guftaf Adolphe, rapt. Ramfre, from Gibraltar, ifl and 4th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds. H Hazle Nuts in Tacks **~ St. Übes SALT, for file by PETER BLIGHT. he v For Charter, s r JfeJvVvt""' The said brig S I Gitstaf Adolphe, J fl -*J Slzpglj* ASirede, with a Mediterranean pass, j . a very fiae veflel, abont_4oo sons bur- j Aug. 18. w J FOR SALE, S The ship STAR, / I John Vanneman, Matter, I T YING at Walnut-ftr«et wharf, Philadel- I gg_| J p|-,; a built, „f li»e oak and cedar, will — tarry about 3200 barrels, is two years old, and in com-. elea- order to receive a cargo—For terras apply to • , P THQS. & JOHN KETLAND. R Who have also for sale said vessels cargo—confiding of— Wine and Porter bottles, to' Window G ass, ibyßto 16 by 14. I Pipes in boxes I Earthen-Ware in crates. I Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, See. I Aug. 29 - - ■ j * For Sale, Or for Charter to the Weft-Indies, C ERR S, C Philadelphia Built, OF Live Oak and Red Cedar, burthen about 350 a bar- _ rels, now- discharging at Latimer's wharf, l'his vel rough examination, will bciea- , dy to take in a cargo. For terms apply to £ John Vaughan. Toiy »8- -L- 11 FOR SALE. I The Brig PUNCH, £ new veffd,, built, finiflted and fitted ca in the best manner. One hundred and t>iirty-fix P £ tons burthen, and -will fail remarkably fall. For (h terms apply to Mr. N. Sage, at the George tavern, or to JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. tl AuguJ 26, 1796. § io - .. For Sale or Charter, b iJ<Kfobv THESNOW 2 BOSTON, I SotU HEN Aout 2000 Bbls. of flout—fhe may be sent d to fe* at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in « very good order —'apply to James Campbell, or r George Latimer. c April 2<?. L. * CABLES, From 16 to 9 i inches, for sale by < 1 Jeremiah Warder, 1 j u ]y jj § 'No 12 north Th-ftirdreet. ( TO BE SOLD, I A pair of black Coach Horses. 1 For terms inquire at Ne. 12 Quarry-street. i August 30- L _ J Next <w:ek will be fuhmitted to public inspection, j The PROSPECTUS Of a New Periodical Wofk entitled 7he United States Magazine, 1 : And Repository of Ufet'ul and Entertaining Know- 1 ledge ; Which will be conduced on a new. liberal, and mtereft ;ng plan—each number tontaining besides the usual quan tity of letter firefs, two neat engravings, and a favourite fongfet to mtific. —Price only one fourth of a dsllar ; the publication to commence on thelft ofFebrnary 1797, and continued monthly. August 26. d. FOR SALE, WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, in pipes and hogsheads Claret, genuine old, in cases Gin, in pipes, from Holland Earthen Ware, in crates Balket Salt, in hogsheads Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead Steel, German and Russia, in barrels Anchor?, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. LJuly *9 / $- IV A .V TED, Sfn APPRENTICE to the. Prirting Bnjimfs. ■ at this Office. v au^jjo St. Croix SUGAR and MOLASSES. . . ' COx 1 J Landing .'from on board th« febooner Little Tom, C&pt. COT Thomas Dcftnett, at wharf, SOAJ A choice parcel of St. Croix Sugar, and a few hogsheads of Molasses. As For Sale by Pragers and Co. 8 f August 30 dia 70,000 Pieces Nankeews, Of the he ft quality end on reasonable terms, - c ° FOR SAJ.E BV , 5 Philip Nicklin Ess Co. Aaguft 26. dtf Q n { • For Sale, A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut A] street, between Front and Second ftrscts, in which Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and how do) cirtied on business. i The Polfeflion wilLbe given in one month, or sooner. f, For ternls apply to WILLIAM BELL, ot HECTOR CALBRAITH. . ' April 21. . § Wra. HOLDERNKSSF, A . ' No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and the East Indies, ,a well fcleftcd assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdalhery Goods; which he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on theloweft terms ; AMONSST WHICH ARE, Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and Iflver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto J\ p 0 do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black tafFeties,lut«ftringsand colored Persians s ' Bandanb Handkerchieft r " Long and short Nankeens J IT.A q-nlity — Damask table linen and napkins, very fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant aifortmsnt Thead and cotton do . Umbrellas —green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth ° French cambrics, «-ery fine :1- Irish-Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 S J Uc n - French Goods. oJ Received by the Sally, Mitchcll, from Havre-Je- — Grace, 20 Trunks "> Ladies' SHOES of atl colors forts and sizes I Cafe j 1 Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS I Ditto Fine I,AWN I Ditto best fine CAMBRIC i Ditto Ladies' best shammy and Grenoble Glomes For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. AHg.24 ■ - JL A Book-Keeper, OR ClerkVplace is Wanted by a person properly quali fied, and vfhofe chara<9er will be found unexception able. Apply to the Prictar. at- Aug. II ■ ; «£_ reft ho- A very valuable Merchant Mill. Fo. jt\ QUARRIED to be let. I will rent my merchant Mill at the little Falls of Po 5 tov.'mac, for any term not 1 .'IV than fever., nor more than ' -— eleven years, frorii the firft day of September nexi. ; miil-houfe is 42 by 40 feet ; three ftorjes high, built w«h stone, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Stones, two Q n overihot 18 feet water-wheels, and Evans's machinery j, Q complete, with every other thing proper and nece.fury for ( r j: ted carrying on the business with dispatch, and at as little ex f]X penle as possible, all in good ordtr.—f rorr\ the mill to my P landing on'the Fstomac river, (where craft, of any bur or then may deliver grain and take in flour) it is about 40 ,u< -rf !» yarii, and from thepce by water t» George-Town and cel tlie City of Walhington, about 3 miles, and to Alexan- .' e! dria about 11 miles. This situation, aided by a fufficient capital, will command the produce of a very extensive, back country, where large quantities of wheat and other grain is annually made, the distance to ft being from 8 to 10 miles less than to any market town upon the navi gation of the Potowmac. There are on the premises a largeftoneCoopers' ihap, a stone granary, and acommo fent dious miiler's house. At the landing aforefaid a bridge P| ; u is now building over the Potomac, which is in great'for waVdnefs and probably will be finifhed the enfutng fall, There are also on the premises, a Brewery andDiftllle ry, built with stone, in them are three stills, two coppers *~ or boilers, with cVery necefTary article, all new, and in 5 good ordsr, and futEciently large to carry on the Brew- R •—- ery and Distillery upon a very extensive plan. This prop- w crty I will rent for the fame term of years. / Upon my lands adjoining the premises, and along the - banks of the river, where craft may lead with ease and dif- tl patch, is an inmenfe q iantity of building and fotinda tion-ftones. Four quarries are now open, and as mftny _ more may be opened-with eafethe stone taken from thel'e g quarries is better, arid has the preference at this market, to any other stone brought to it. I will rent these quarries j feparately or together as may best suit. es. On he top of the hill, about 200 yards from the I a mill, is a stone Dwelling-house, lr,rge enough fer the ac 7 „ commpdatioii of a fani'ly : also, a kitchen, dairy, fmpke ~ house, &c. and a garden, enc'ofed and in cultivation, the '*> foiof which is equal in goodness to any in this' state. I will also rent thi» property. Adjoining to the Brewery *nd Distillery is a Smith's j Hi op, in which is a complete set of Blacksmith's tbbls, which 1 will also rent, and if agreeable I will hire to the now- tenant two negro blacksmiths, one of them is a complete i . workman. sreft- II I rent out the stone quarries, I will fell three crafts, ' juan- which were built for the purpose of carrying stone : they t lurite will altogether bring upwards of 90 perch. Immediate ] ; the pofTefTiou will be given. For terms apply to thefubicnb- ] , and cr in this town. j] . The Mill, Brewery and Distillery, with their appurten- i ances, will be delivered to the tenant or tenants in good t repair, and muftbe so returned, at the expiration of the 1 1 lease orleafes, 1 so!d PHILIP RICHARD FENDALL. ' Alexandria, Aug. 16— 25 §3W FOR SALE, A Complete Font of Brevier, ENtirely new , and yet un,opened. The weight of this font is about 3121b. It is from the Foundery of Wilson 3c Sons,Glafgow.and willbe fold at cost & cliarges. Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the Unitde nVSS ' States, IX9 Chrfrut-ftreet. Aug 19 $4w Porcupine, a print, To be had at MORF.AU DE ST. Mf.RY's, Book-Store, No 84. Corner of Front and Walhut-ftrects, and ft. at the principal Eookfellers oi this city. 11 »7 . " FOR SALE, Gt COFFEE, in hhds. bbls. & bags') . COTTON, of Deraerara, and Ventitledtodrawback SOAL-LEATHER J Jdjl BOSTON BEEF, and Mou'ld and Dipt CANDLES. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun. No. } south Wator-ftrect. 8 mo. 20. - Bein Just Arrived, - In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, rnafter from Li- i verpool, Aug 5000 Bnfhcls SALT ; 100 Urates QUEENS WARE ; and An Assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY; forsale A ft On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to ' J Jdmes Campbell, or 7 b "f George Latimer. £ A P ril a,? - ' _i_ Auj d Sales of India Goods. . The Cargo of the ship Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- 'i cutta and Bengal, consisting of OIT A Large r.nd general assortment of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE • A variety fine worked and plain Muslins, f ur fke Doreas, tfc. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, i In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER* —►— c ' For.Sale by Willings & Ffancis, /~ic 'er No. at Penn Street. June 8 § SP . < — CC DUTY ON CARRIAGES. & 155 T? Circrtj —--- —■ —^ THAT agreeably to an aft of Congress of the United States of America, passed at Philadelphia, the 28'h day v* of May* *796 i feyiag duties on Carriages, for the convey- Be ance of perions, and repealing the former a&S for that pur- , pose.—That there (hall be levied, collected and paid, upon * all carriages For the conveyance of persons, >vhich (hall he kept by or for any person, for his or her own use, or to let out to hire, or for the conveying of paiteogers, the fevwral du- ] ties and rates following, to w>c- For and upon every Coach, 15 dob. . upon Chariqt, iz dols- upon every Post Chariot, 12 dols< es uoon every Port Chaifc, 12 dols. upon every Phae;ou, with or without tdp, upon every Coachee, gdoJs. 1 upon other having panne 1 work, above, with blir/ds, glaltes or curtains, 9 dols. upon four wheel carriages, having framed polls and tops with llcel springs, 6 dols. Upon foiir wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron springs or jacks, 3 dols. upon curricles with tops, 3 dols. ali- ctiaifes with tops, 3 dols. [ on . voort chairs with tops, 3 dols. upon sulkies witlhtops, 3 dols. c upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. upon two wheel carriages, with steel or iron springs, p » 3 dol* a For and upoa ail other two wheel can iages, 2 dols. — ""Upi'JlT v-'Tti'y •' k"-** d DOlls and tops, and rclliug upon woOtTfn fpary, 2 p r( p Tbe Collcftors of the Revenue of the firft lurvey of the . Diftridof Pennsylvania, wilf attend daily, until the 30th day 3 .? n of September next, for the purpose of receiving the dunes on J 5 at No. 1 j til Race or Saffafrai street, in- the City Vith 0 f Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, E'sj in the two County of Montgomery ; and at the house of Abraham Du ?ei7 bois, Esq. in the Couc.ty of Bucks; which all persons pof- Q t f for leired/Of such Carriages are defued to take notice. Notice is also given, bur- TO all retail in Wines, and foreign distilledsspirit , 0 tuous liquors,that licences will be granted to them •, one li Qur an j far carrying on the business of retailing of Wines, in a , _ less quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one I licence for cari'.'ing on the business of letailing Spirituous li quors in less quantities than ao gallons, at the fame time and I , ve at the fame place*,.by the officers legally authorized to grant lC le l such licences. > m .B WII.LIAM NICHOLS, J luv '" InfpeSor of the Revenue of the firfl survey les a Q f ,he diftrrfl of Pennfylvaftia. j imo- Office of Infpeflion, at ) p r: ridge Philadetpb", 21ft July, 1796. j 1 for- —■ ■ ■»?«' J lre . TAKE NOTICE, ppers npHAT' application will be made for the renewal of — : .d in JL the following certificates,afiueafcy Joseph Nourfe, ru rew- Register of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Gril' jrop- wold, Esq. of Norwich, Conne<slicut 1 certificate, fix per cent domestic flock, No. 13,907 g the —dated the 17thDecember, 1.795, bearing interest from Ur ddif- the firft day of January, I79i> for 1,597 65-100 dol anda- '1 ditto, thre* per cent, domestic stock, No. 10,624 mnny —dated December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the these grftjayof January, 1791, for 994 30-iac dollars. irket, 1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166— dated the 17th arnes D eCtn ,ber, 1795, bearing interest fronl the firft Janil- t J , aryv 1201, for 798 83-160 dollars. a , n Said certificates are fuppol'ed to have been loft Or co c , aC7 flolen in this citv tome time in December pr January ■ last. .' JOSEPH IHOMAS, % te ' j No. 59, North Front-street. ne e ' Philadelphia, July 41, 1796. <J6w. pv lllltfl's T r ; . . _ - ' " ' bl tbbls, Commamveahh of Pennsylvania, to the Versus NED CATON, a MAN. ! t r TfiO was committed tothe jail of Dauphin county, on ! VV his confeffion of having robbed the w<-gg n of a , crafts, 1 cena i n ] o hn Grace, Coppeifmith aud Tinman, belonging K to f o{ Tin, Copper and Pewter ware, Spoons* m ediate Knives and Forks, some of which was found ©n the said >fcrib- , ; alf»>, was found on him, a Morocco Leather Pocket cy j Book, in which is wrote the name WILLI V/E8 TON ; urten- .it contains sundry .papers, which corroborate tnefu'p.cion of c * good the book having been stolen ; amount which are Six Lotte- p of the |ry Tickets, one in the Canal Lottery in Charleston, one in t) Harvard College, one in the Federal Cify> : wo'in the Penn- e« Lt,. lylvania Canal, insured, and one ia Patterfon Lottery, New- w w Jer(jcy, all in the poflefliGja of ai ALEX. BERRYHILL. Harrifourgh, August 27th, 1796. eo3 p p of this & a special meeting rf the Board of Di- c ery of reftnrs for ejlalhjhing ufeful fllanufaSures, balden " karges. a / Paterfon, July' 8, 1796, J Unitde I) ESOI.VED, That a meeting of the Stock- r s (i , w iv. holders of the Society be called on the firft Monday, •> '■ ; — being ths third ay of Odo'oer nest, at Paterfon, by ten 0 of the clock of the fame day j then and there to take I into confideratioft the propriety of diffolviog the said c -Store, corporation, agreeably to the law in such cale made and ind provided—and the Stockholders are earnefUy requcfted I to attend the said mseting in parson or by proxy. 1 •j Auijuft' 11 dt'OthO - - - — ■■ — - - Great is Truth and r.iujt prevail. JUST PUBLISHED, And for fate at No- 41 Chefnut-Jireet by J. ORMROP, An Apology for the Bible, By R., JVatson, d. r>. p. s. s. , Ri/l-op of Lcv.itlajf, r dc. Being a complete refutation of Fame's Age of Renfon, Ami the only anfuer to the Second Part. August 30. dtf Carolina Rice, tn tierces— A few pipes of fourth proof Brandy, 7 bv Q and 8 iy 10 Window Glass, For Sale by Gurney f Smith. Augmft 3»- *^6 A Valuable PAPER-MILL, FOR SALE. SITUATE in Lower Merion Tpfrnrti!}*, Montgomery County, between ten ans eleven miles from the City of Philadelphia ; with sixty acies ef Land. The Mill is }n good order,and on a never failing llream of water. For. further particulars ; enquire of ihe Subfciiber on the pre miftt. .GEORGE HELMBOLD. September lft, 1796. . *eo 3 New-England RUM in Hhds. COUNTRY GIN in barrels, JUNIPER BERRIES in Calks, SPERMACETI, } COMMON WHALE, and V OIL. TANNERS ) SPERMACETI CANDLES, Tallow Ditto, Mould and Dipt iv-i.:— grt» o I Best fefton BEEFpm UAuvra , r CODFISH, in, Best Bdlon MACKR EL, in barrels, and A few chpice SALivION, For Saie by n JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. c Also, a ftftall invoke of well afiorted * INDIA GOODS, JUST ARRIVED. ■ Ane.n £-L d _- Dutch Goods, Received ly the Pcnnfyfozrtia, from Amjlerdam. c GIN, in pipes ./ Morlalx id Ticklijfiburgs V Ir. Bales Oftahfargs j >n I Gejman 7 Strips, in cases I Harlem j 1 HoUatsds \ DUCK,"in ditto- Ravens J T | Bedticks, in ditto Brittagne. V ia ditto I Plattlles 5 5 s - For Sale by THOMAS Is" JOHN KETLAVT). I AUg. 29 . ,a s 1 lull I'ublifhed, ~ is From the Prels oT MORITAU DITST. KTEKT, !lt I and to be hd at the principal Booksellers in town, I (price one quarter of a clbll A PAMPHLET ENTITLED H The Blue Shop; >f - Or Impartial and Humorous Gbfervations I on the Life and Aavtntures of I P&TEt PotiCCPINE. lr !" I With the rtrl motives which gave rife to his abuse of '' I our diftiagfuifhed patriotic chara&ers. 1 2 I TOGETHER WITH A full and fair Review of his late '" d Scare-Crow. a " f This produaion is interesting to all parties. I Augufl 30. >«y Prirtie Si. Croix' Skgflr & Rum, ' Landing at Cliffords Wharf, from on boat d she brig I PragoT6, Capt. Thomas Watfop— I And For Sale by / Pragers $5* co. /• /.f.SuftiS. — r —_— r ruLli/hed by T. STEPHENS, No. bo, Second ' ' A>*&- '"1 ' The oroup ; W Or, An ELEGANT REPRESENTATION h? 1 ILL US T RAT E IX Emhellilhed with a beautiful head of I" S. URGES, C. S. r-pHE publisher thinks it a mark of dtte to a ' I liberal and enlightened public, to inform them that 7 i this is the Poem for the pjibfiihing of which _he_ has been j twice dragged frorri his ho ( ufe, and is now la coring I a vexatious prosecution. He is confcieus that the piece 0r j contains nothing either criminal or offcnfive, unleis ori a T i ginal wit, decorated in elegant language, be criminal or j dlfgufting to the prevalent taste ; and, as he trr.lls that I neither of thel'e is the cafe, he submits the work to the r - public with a full assurance of its meeting with a l'avora —• | ble reception. . He would beg his prosecutors to call to mind (if they M j aave ever read it) the following apologue to a w#ll known ' ! romance—" A young painter, indulging a vein of plea ''son I fantry, sketched a kind of Car.v. rfctkn Pic*, rcfpetfling a/ a {bear, an owl, a monkey, and an als; aiid to render it ®' n ° ! more striking, humourom, and moral, distinguished evc- Td 'ry figure by some emblem of human life. Bruin was ?' t ! exhibited in garb and attitude of an old, Wothlefs, >v . j drunken Soldier ; the owl perched upon the handle of a no f coflce-pot, with fpea»cles cn his nose, seemed to contem atte. plate a newspaper ; and the ass ornamented with a huge ie in tve-wig (which, however, could not conceal his loi.g enn- ears) fat for Ws phfture to the monkey, who appeared lew- with the implements of painting. This -whrnf .-l I afforded some mirth, and met with general approbation, until (omc mischievous wag hinted the whole was a lam- I poon upon an old officer, a physician, and a member of ■' I Parliament; an insinuation which was no iaoner Di- ed, than these people began to be alarmed, and «ven to ~ fancy themselves figpified by the several hgures m tire piece. ' Ihe fur ou, grcuf fell upon the painter, who de clared that he had no design to give offence, or to cha tock- j raSerize particular petfon?. 'l hey affirmed, tit reliance iday t» it nerlM,—and their clamour L - Tig r ten overheard 'by the public, the Captain was a bear, the take Doaor an 'Is, and the Senator m owl, to their ,uy ng said day." If a iimilar fate ffiould attend the' persons who e and I will inlift upon being the members of this group, ths j icftec \ public w.ll do the publiih«r the juries te remember that, litis no tault of hi». ~~&t hO 1 37- "