Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 02, 1796, Image 1

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(gazette 0 /^'lEiltteU States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
NVMBE* 1241-1 FRID AT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1796. . [VoLrMt X.
. — ■ ■ . _ —" _. _ . ' ~ ~ , _ .. 1 1 r!v/)/rf it 'T"Dn<ru sivd must >.
For Fredericksburg |$t.<
Or any port.on Rappahannociv river, Land:
I The fa.t Tailing SCHOONER
, N?fiort Hugene, matter; a remarVa
brTgood vJRI. not one year old, the most ma erial part
- of her frame being loeuft, mulHerry, and black walnut.
F»r farther particulars apply to said mailer *r the owner /<
on lurnii'''''™'' wharf. / 1
gj" TofaTl on Friday next. h
\uguft 30 *t /
Jamaica Spirits;
And td dispose of,
The fine, fact-failing *
K* Of Baltimore, about 140 tons burthen. 20
August 2g. dii *
For Sale or Charter, " It
LYING at M*efT J. & R Wain's wharfs
two hundred and seventy tons burthen, a flout, ftren
•vessel, and well feund. For terms apply to A
Tofeph Anthony & Co. T\
Sept. I. ' dtf Me!
r ____ now
— ■ : : p
At South-street wharf,
WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th t.-ift -Atignft,
by snow Hope, from Jamaica, and iloop Sally,
from Port-au-Prince, . t f I
300 Hhds. COFFEE,
70 Hhds. SUGAR. ,
Alfa, the cargo of the Sivrthjh- brig Gufiaf Adolphe,
copt. Rnmfrc, from Gibraltar,
ift and 4th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds.
Hazle Nuts in faeks
St. Übes SALT, for faleby
jj—s For Charter,
JbdwvJ""" The said brig
} fesv Gustaf Adolphe,
ft A Swede, with a Mediterranean pass, ]
J a ver y fiuc velTei, about 200 tons bur
•he*. Aug-. 18. §*weoi*r
, £&l The (hip STAR,
John Vanneman, Mailer, —
T VINO at Walnut-street wharf, Philadel-
I 1 phia built, of live oak and cedar, will
L, tarry about 3200 barrels, is two years -
i plea: order to receive a car;o— ,; or terms apply to TJ
Who have alfc forfek ikidjuJDds-C^^—conGftipg cf,_- Me
fe- wu«aTi'u?rTterhottles, he
Window G ass, 6 by 8 to «6 by 13.
Pipes in botes j
Earthen-Ware in crates. <
Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, Set. ~ ]
Aug. 29 ...... !
For Sale,
Or for Charter to the Weft-Indies,
c e"r "'li S,
Philadelphia Built, '
/\F Live Oak and Red Cedar, burthen about 3JOO Iter- J
' r els, now Latimer's whavf. X'his vef- _
fel is in excellent repair, well fouud and will hear a tho
rough examination, andasfoon as discharged will be rea
dy to take in a cargo. For terms apply to 1
John" Vaughan.
1 July g8 5 to
The Brig PUNCH, t
~"*An entire new vefTtlf finifhed an<3 fitted
in the best manner. Oienundred and thirty fix p
tons burthen, and will f«"il rercmkaMy fall. For u
terms applyto Mr N. Sao;e, at the Oonre tavern, tt
or to JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. >;
26, 1790- v r °: d
For Sale or Charter,
2000 Bbls. of flour-—fhe may lie f&nt
to fca at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in ;
■very good order —apply to r
James Campbell, or
Gesrge Latimer.
& C
April 29, j
From 16 to 9 i inches, for sale by
Jeremiah Warder, , ,
j u ]y lr § No 12 north Th-(lirdr«et. t
A pair of black Coach Hoi-fes. <
For terras inquire at N®. 12 Quarry-lireet. ,
Angnft 30. -tf ;
Next iveek wilt be fvhmitted to public infpeßion,
Of a New Periodical Work entitled
7be United States Magazine,
And Repository of Ufeful and Entertaining Know-
■ 1 ledge;
Which willbe conduced on a new, liberal,and interest
ing clan—each number containing besides 1 the usual quan
tity of letter press, two neat engravings, and a iavouriie
foiig set to mafic. —Price only one fourth ofa d»llar ; the
publication to commence on th 6 ift of Febrnary >797)
continued monthly.
, August 26. d.
-—— —
,/fn APPRENTICE to the Pririing Bvfwcfs.
Enquire at this Offiie. At'.g.»9
. St. Croix SUGAR and MOLASSES.
i Landing from onboard th j fchooncr Little Tom, Capt.
Thomas Dennett, Race-street wharf,
A choice parcel of St. Croix Sugar,
and a few hogsheads of Moiaffes.
' For Sale by -
Pragcrs arid Cot
r /rfijuft »3 dio
-■■ ■ ' t , :—I
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
~ Of tbs beji quality and on reasonable terms,
Philip Nicklin Ef? Co.
Auguti 26. dtf
French Goods.
Received ty the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre. dc-
1. 20 T r !? r ' ks 1-Ladies' SHOES of all colors forts and sizes
I Cale j
1 Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS
I Ditto Fine LAWN
I Ditto best fine CAMBRIC
I Ditto Ladies' best shammy and Grenoble Gloves
For Sale by THOMAS & JofrN KETLAND.
■*»g- *4 _i_
, For Sale,
A Three story BRICK HOtJSE and Lot, in Chefnut :
x\. street, between Front and Second ftrsets, in which
Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and
now do) carried on business.
PolTeffion will be given in one month, or footer.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
April 21. §
y» _ — ..
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old,
: n pipes and hoglheads
Claret, gennine old, in cases
Gin, in pipes, from Holland
Earthen Ware, in crates
Basket Salt, in hoglheads
Shot, Nos. 6, 7, I and 9
Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead
Steel, German and Rudia, in barrels
Anchor c , cables, junk, bunting, tarpolfn car.vas,
Tin plates —An invoice Stationary, by
July 29
A Book-Keeper,
. /"Vfc Clerk's place is wanted by aperfon properly quali-
Vj lied, and whoTe chvaAer will be found unexception'-
abK- Apply to the Pririter.
Aug. 11 * tf_
— A - mA U'.nlx Street-
HAS rec.ived, by the latell arrivals 'rom Europe and
the Eatl Indie*, a w. II fdeAed affortmen't of Silk
■**"Mercsry, Linen Drapery and Hahsrdafherv Goods ; wliicfli
he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on theloweft terms ; v
Some fine India muslins em*ot"idered with gold and friver
Siperfintßoofi, Jacnatt.'aad M-jlmul ditto
Do do do do Handkerchiefs
Some extra black taffeties juttflringsand colored Perf'ahs
Bandar.o Handkerchiefs
Long and short Nankeens
Engliih Mantuas of the fir ft quality
D.»malk table linen and napkins, very fine
Silk Hosiery, an efcgant aiTortment
Tlieadand cotton do
Umbrellas —green ftlk, oil'd do. and do 'cloth
French cathbrics, very fine
trr". i.iiieiis, do. &e. i&c. June 14 §
vef- -
i'e> A very Valuable Merchant Mill,
qUARRIES to be let
1 will rent my merchant Mill at the little Falls of Po
J towmac, for any term not I*6 than seven, nor more thai
eleven years, from the firft day of September next. Th
mill-houf" is 42 by 40 feet, three ilories high, built wit!
Hone, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Stones, tw
overshot i% feet water wheels, and Evans's machiner
• complete, with every other thing proper and necessary so
tte carrying on the business with tfifpatch, and at as little ea
' x perfc as possible, all in good order.—From the mill to m
For 1 iiiding on the Fetomac river, (whi re craft, of any bui
ern then may deliver grain and take in flour) it is about 4
vards, and from thence by water t«> George-Town an
the Ck) ahoilT J roiles, and to Alexar
dria about 11 miles. This situation, aided by a fufficier
capital, will command the produce of a Very cxtenfu
back country, w-here Urge quantities of wheat and oth<
grain is annually made, the distance to it being from
to 10 miles left, than to any reaiker town up.m the nav
I gation of the totowmac. There are on the premises
large stone Coopers' fh jp, a stone granary, an 4 a commi
' fvit jj; ous nufier's house. At the landing afprefaid a bridj
m i s now building over the Potomac, which is in great so
wardiiefsand probably will be finifhed thc ensuing fall,
r There'are aJfo on the premises, a Brewery and Diftill
ry, built with stone, in them are thru stills, two coppe
or boilers, with every necessary article, all new, ami
5 good order, and fufficicntly large to carry on the Irei
er'y and Distillery upon a very extenSve plan.
erty I will rent for the fame term of years.
Upon my laads adjoining the pre '.ifes, and along t'
banks of the river, where craft may lead with ease and d
• patch, is an iwnenfe quantity of building and lound
ret. tion-ftones. Four quarries are now open, and as ma:
more may be opened with ease: the stone taken from th<
quarries'is better, and has the preference at this mark'
to any other stone brought to it. i will rent these quart:
GSf separately or together 3; may best suit.
• On the top of the hill, and about 200 yards from t
mill, is a stone Dwelling-house, large enough far the e
' coicmodation of a family : also, a kitchen, dairy, frnol;
house, &c and a garden, enc ofed and in cultivation, t
, foi of which is equal in goodness to any in this state.
will also 1 ent th is pre r erty.
Adjoining to the Brewery and Distillery is a Sciitl
{hop, in which is a complete fat of Blacksmith's toe
whith 1 will also rent, and if agreeabfe I will hire to t
n0 ' r tenant two negro blacksmiths, one of them is a concpli
n. workman.
erel " it I rent out the llor.e quarries, I will fell three era!
qr-a.n- were built for the purpose o£ carrying stone : tfc
" >ur '/ e wdl altogether bring upwards of 90 perch Imme'd;
' peffeflion will be given. For terms apply to the fublcr
m wDd cr t own.
The Mill, Brewery and Distillery, withthe r appurti
ances, will be delivered to the tenant or tenants in gc
repair, and mult be so returned, at the expii-atiou of
lease ©r leases.
Alexandria, Aug. jc—9s
Sa es of- India Goods.
The Cargo ©f the Ihip Ganges, capt. Ting?y, frt>m Cal
cutta and Bengal*
OF .
Aj Large and generail affbrtment of Bengal and Madras
A vanity fine worked and plain Muslins, .
.Doreas, Vtc. AL r o, ael
A Quantity of Excdkni Sugar,
In boxes and bags-*-and BLACK PEPPKR,
For Sale by . Ai
* WiHings Francis,
No. ai Penn Street.
June. 8 •'
THAT application will be made for the renetval or rj [
the following certificates, iiTuecTby-Jofeph Nourfe,
Regifier of the Treasury, in the name cf Roger Grii
wold, Esq. of Norwich, Connefiic'Jt —»
1 certificate, fix per cent domestic flock, Iso. 15,907
—dated die 17thDecember, 1795, bearing inter-eft from
the firft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 6.5-100 doi- '
1 c.itto, thre? per cent, domestic flock, No. 105682 f'
—dated December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the
firft day of January, 1791, for 994 JO-JOO dollars. S
1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166 —dated the 17th C
December, 1795, bearing interest from the firft Janu- I
i arv, 1801, for 798 83-100 dollars.
Said certificates fuppoled to hive been loft or I
stolen in this citv some time in December or Janua;y
last. ®
No. 59, North Front-street.
Philadelphia, July »i, d6w. ,
Notice is hereby Given,
THAT agreeably to an aft of Congress of the United j
Statesoi America, passed at Philadelphia, the 28th day
of May, 17g6 ; laying duties on Carriages, for tbe convey
ance of persons, and repealing the former a£ls for that pur
pose.—That there shall be levied, colle&ed and paid, upon J
3" carriages for the conveyance of persons, which Ihall be
kept by or for any person, .for his or h«r own use, or to let
out to hire, or for the conveying of passengers, the several du
lies and rates following, to wit.
For and upon every Coach, 15 dols.
upon eveiv Chariot, le dols.
upon every Pod Chariot, 12 dols;
upon every Pott 12 dols.
Upon every Phaeton, with or without top, 9 dais
upon every Coachee, 9 dols.
upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above
with b'lnds. glalfeso'r curtains, 9 dols.
upon four wheel carriages, having framed posts and
tops with steel fptings,' 6 dols. _
unon fouT wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron
' springs orjicks. 3 dols. _
upon curricles with tops', 3 dols.
uponchaifes with lops, 3 dols.
upon chairs with tops. 3 dols. . SC
upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols.
upon oiher two wheel top carriages, 3 dolJ. _ g(
: * Hr.on two wheel carriages, with fleel or iron fpnngs.
1 3doh» ""-
Fo' and up n all otfTcYTwO
1 upon every four whe 1 carriage, having framed pofls
and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 d »ls.
The Gollrftors of the Revenue of ttve firft <ur?ey of tbe p
r Periftfylvania, will attend until the 30th day
of September next, for the purpose of rcce ; v»lg the dm les on
C arriages", at No. 117, in Race or SafTafrai street, in the City
v, !of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, K in the
County of Montgomery; and ai the house of Abraham Du
bois, Esq. in ihe'County of Bucks; of \ich all persons pof
felled o: such Carriages are desired to take notiee. Q
Notice is also gi'vTen,
TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign distilled spiri
tuous "iquors,that licences will be grafted to ihem ; one li
cencv fer carrying on the business of retailing ol Wines, in a
lefsquantity, or in less quantities >han 30 gallons—and one 01
licence for carrying on the business of retailing Spirituous li
quors in less quantities than >0 gallons at the fame time and
at the fame places, by thf,officers legally authorised to grant
fuck licences.
Infpeftor of the Revenue of the' firft furvef
> . of the diftriftof Pennfjlvania.
n Office of InfpeOion, at >
ie Philadelphia, 21ft July, r 70^.)
Philadelphia, Weft-Che/ler, Strajburgh, p
■y Lane after, Tork and Frederick-town
r-pHE proprietors of the above Stages, return their befl.
r- X thanks to their friends and the public in general, for
to the encouragement received in this line of business, and beg
,d leave to inform the public, that they are determined to run
n- their ftage= through from Philadelphia to Lancaster in
nt one day, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July instant, ~
ve ; n the following manner, —via. A Stage will set out on
ev (that day at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house of
8 George Weed, Market street, Philadelphia, and run by
r i- the way of WeiVcnefter and Strafburgh, arrive in l.ancaf- r
a ter the fatrie evening, on Friday morning-run to Wright'.s
o- ferry and exchange passengers with the York and Fredea- t
zc ick-town stage, return and arrive in Philadelphia on Sat- t
)r . urday, and on Monday morning following, at 4 o'clock, a
said Itage will set ou from the laid George Weed' , P' la- c
l e _ delpliia, and arrive at I.ancafter the fame cveniii on i
r . Tuesday morning at 4 p'clack will set out from the , jSfo c
m of Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, and arrive in Philadelphia 1
w- the fame evening, and will again on Thursday ]
,p_ , morning following, and continue every week—The price ' 1
' : {or each passenger from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three |
he dollars and a half, to York, four dollars and three quar
[y. ters, to Frederick town eight dollars, the like sums for
la- i 150 weight baggage, with the usual allowance of 14 lb. (■
nT gratis to each paifenger, and 5 pence a« for all way
e f e passengers. 3° —£ 4 W
et, John Reiily,
Geprge Weed.
I ~ just Arrived,
te. In the Snow Boiten, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li
the verpool, ,
I s"-~ Bnfhels SALT ; .. ,
& lOC Cri'tei QUEENSTTARE ; ani
h's An AlTortment of SHIP CHANDLEK Y;
jJ s FOR |4Lj6
the On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to
ete James Campbell, Ot „
rts t George Latimer.
iev A.oril 29 ■ - J
A Complete Font of Brevier, '. ' j
en- T?Ntirely new, and yet unopened. The weight of th.»
ood Lj font is about Jl2 lb. It i* from the Foundery ei
"the Wilson & Sons,Glafgow, and will be fold at cost & charges.
Also for Sale, jt p«.;r of Super Royal Chafes. ...
Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the br.i«d_
States, 119 Chefnut-ftreet. Aug 19 S* w
Great is Truth and mujt prevail.
And for fait at AV 41 Cbejnut-jlreet by J. ORMROD,
A a Apology for the Bible,
By R.-Watson, d. d. f. r. s.
Bi/bip of Ldridaff, &c..
Being a complete refutation of Paine's
Age of Rs.ifon,
A*d tffe only ct to the Seccnd Parr.^
Anguft jo. dtf
Carolina Rice,
In tierces—
A few pipes of fourth proof Brandy,
7 by Q and Bby xo ' iddoui Glass y
For Sale by
Gurney iff Smith.
August 3>.
New-England RUM in Hhds.
COUNTRY gVN in barrtls,
spermaceti, 7
Tallow Ditto, Mould and Dipt
White SOAP, in Boxes
BeA-Bolton BIEF, in'carrels and half barrelt
CODFISH, in hhds,
Best Boston MACKREL, in barrels, and
A few choice fmoaked SALMON, For ?ale by
Also, a small invoice of wellafibrted
Aiig. y; .
Dutch Goods,
i Received by the Pennfyhunia, from Amjlerdam.
■ GIN, in pipes
1 Morlaix
Ticl-.ioiburgs S- In Bales
Ofnaburgs J
German Stripes, in cases .
Hacrlem 3
Hollands 1 DUCK," in ditto
Ravens J .
Bedtiiks, in ditto ,
pi'trf-" } in dino
j For Sa':e"by THOMAS tsf JOHN ZETLAND.
AUg. $
COFFEE, in hhds. bbls, & bag! }
COTTON", of Demerara, and > entitled to drawback
BOSTON BEEF, and Mould and Dipt CANDLES.
s ' Apply to ISAAC HARVEY. J,in.
No. j south Watar-ftreet.
Is S mo, in. » - .
" Ju(t Pablifhed,
£ From tlie Trvf-i of MOItEKTTJJ£ ST.'MERY,
)n and to be h d at the principal BookfelUrs in town,
tv (price one quarter of a dollar)
fl * The Blue Shop;
Or Impartial and Humorous Observations
on Life and Adventures of
j!" Peter Porcupine.
1 With the real motives which gave rife to his abuse of
nc our diftinguilhed patriotic fharaflers.
|j_ TOOtTllEr. WITH
id A full and fair Review of his late
This produ&ion is iaterefticg to all parties.
cf August 30.
Prime St. Croix Sugar & Rum,
Landing at Cliffords Wharf, from on boaid the brig
L~ Pragtrs, Capt. Thomas Watson—
' ABd For Sale by
Pragers & co.
AuSuH 16. d'sot.
e(l Published h T. STEPHENS, No. bo, South Second
° r ftretu
un The Group;
of Embeiliftied with a beautiful head of
by S. VERGES, C.S.
as- publiihex thinks it a mark of refpefl, due to a.
it's I liberal and enlightened public, tb inform them that
ej. this is the Poem for,th. pablifliing of which he has beea
at- twice dragged from his house, and is now laboring under
ck, a vexatious prosecution He is confcioi'.s that the piece
ta- contains nothing either criminal or offenfive, unlels ori-. -
on g ial wit, decorated in elegant language, be criminal or
ife diffusing -to the prevalent tade ; and, as he trusts that
hia neitof tV- r e is the cafe, he futnhits the work to the
lay* pußic wit'll a full aflarance of its meeting-with a favora- *
rice ble reception. •_ '*■
ree | He would prosecutors to call t-o mind (if thsy
iar " iave ever read it) the following apologue to a wi>lJ known
for -omance "A young painter, indulging a vein of plea
lb. pYintry, fitetched a kind of Ccirvirfiiiin Piece, tefpe&ing a
vay bear, r.n owl, a monkey, and an ass', and to render it
* ■ fjort striking, humourous, and moral, diftingailhed eve
•gwre by some emblem of human life. Bruin was
.bited in the garb and attitude of an old, too; kiefs,
ken soldier; the owl perched npon the handle of a
fee-pot, with fpeilacles on his nose, fl:emed to contem
■ ' ite a newspaper; and the ass ornamented with a huge
Li- s-wig (which, however, could not conceal his iong
rs) fat lor his piilure to the monkey, who appeared
J ' ith the implements of painting. This vibimju-al group
ibrded some mirth, and met with general approbation,
j ntil lome mischievous wag hinted tiie whole was a lam
! II n Upon an old oiheer, a physician, and a member of
Jl I- .iiamentan inGr.umion which was no leoner circulxt
-4; than ihefc people began to be larmtd, and even to
H ancy themselves (ignifitd by the feverai tigures in the
\\ piice. The firitvt gnus fell upon the' air.ter, who do-
U ,-., d that he had no design to give c£fencc, or to cha-
i ] riAerisc par;icular peifons. They affirmed, thr r.f.:.~..'.L-nce
j ims sot ictfa'ik to be .nerlcihei.—and their clamourt 1 ting
si'] overheard by the public, the Captain was a bar, the
t^l " ; L) o £tor an »t'», and "the Senator an owl, to their dying
T ®M: ( j av "__lf-a Cmilar fate lhouid attend the persons wh.o
r S cs - j | wil' insist -upon being the t-.iembers o£. tbit group, the-
j t'ubiic wiil do the pubiifssr the juiiiV tc rwnember that