For Sale, f '>''' A LARGE EtECAWT AMD WZIX Three-story Brick House, I legal / ' f a jj (The late residence of General Walter Stewart) WITH a LOT ©f GROUND thereunto belonging ff'P 1 the weft fide of Third-street, near ynion-flreet ' containing in front 32 Feet, and in depth too feet, to an alley leading into Union-ftrcct. The house is 32 feet front and 50 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it arc . large, commodious, and completely finilhed; the two firft flories are each 13 feet high; there are 20 mahogany doors in the house ; a geometrical staircase, with mahoga ny rail sand a good Iky-light. The kitchen i* in the cell ar, which is spacious and convenient, and finilhed with an oven, ftew j holes and pantries, a fervartts' hall and larg wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which is an f arfea in which there is a pump The yard is vaulted. Scb Communicating with the said building is a neat three-story c brkk ho«fe, on the north fide of Union-street, contain- c ing 30 feet front by 20 feet deep; the lower part of which j is at present occupied as a compting-houfe, and the upptr part divided into wcii-finifhed large chambers. This house t= may at a small expense be converted into a convenient dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the front and back have Venctran \v in do w-fh utters. Adjoining the lift house, upon the lot belonging tq the firft, are erected bathing-rooms, &£.' There are likewise very good coach ho'j'fc and (tables finilhed equal (or nearly so) with apy in the city, on a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, and in depth 011 the weft fide of said alley 5a feet. There arc good cellars unde* the whole of the buildings, and a wiiit room over part of the stable, with a hay-loft over the re mainder. For further particulars enquire of EDWARD BQNS LL* & Co. At their Office No. 64 Dock-street. between Walnut & Pear co ftrfeets. 6th month 24th, 1706. , / To be fold by public sale, ON Wedneflay, the 7th day of Septemb?r* iiext, on the fremiti's in Mount-HoHy,3-.irimgt6rii6unty,by the Subscriber, The- Dwelling-House and Lot Wherton it (lands, having been in part occupied as a (lore , for several years past, and in a good stand lor buficefs,to gether with the store-house, ftatile and buildings „.ereon ereAed, having two large ■ ellarsunder them. Alio, the {hop goods and ficufehold furniture. A clear title will be given to the purchaser on payment of the money or fuf fic'.tnt bondtheiefor, and pofTeflion of the premises will be given in the said month of September. The 2w Mount Holly, August 16, 1796. Samuel Richardet, RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY TAVERN.and MERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE in the city of Philadelphia: The Subfcriprion Rootn will be furnifhed with all the daily papers published in Philadelphia, N:w-York, Bos ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com mercial cities of Europe-—They will be rsgularly filed and none permitted to be taken avstey on any account. Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments, will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the molt approved Malt Liquors-trorr. London and other breweries. The Lanjrr will befupplied with the prime and earliest production? of the Season. Large and fma'.l Farties, or (ingle Gentlemen, may be accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Supper*, at hours most conv nient to themselves—a cold Collation is regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had at the- bar. "The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniflied, acd the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and every other requisite. Simuel R/chardet will be happy to receive, and execute the-commands of his Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfelf that nothing 011 his part (hall be wanting to pre serve that patronage With which he has been so diftinguilh ingly honored. , Philadelphia, April 19. eo 'At a special meeting of the Board of Di rectors for efiabWfh'mg ufeful Manufactures, koldcn at Paitrferi, 'July 8, 1796, RESOLVED, That z special meeting of the Stock holders of the Society be called on the firft Monday, being the third zj of October next, at Paterfon, by ten of the clock of the fame day ; then and there to take into confi&cration the propriety of difTolving the said corporation, agreeably to the law in such cafe made and provided—and the Stockholders are earnestly requcfted to attend the said meeting in person or by proxy. August 27 dt^othO Lands of the United States Trta r ury department, -dugujl 3, 1796. Public Notice is hereby Given, IN pnrfttance of an ait of Coiigrefs, pafjTed on the 18th day of May, P',6, entitled' " Aa a-A providing " for *he fie of the landsbf thi United States, in the Territo ry ECrtli weft of the river Ohio, and above the mouth of Kentucky river," fbat tf>e ft A ion; or land descri bed in the annexed fchedule.lyiug in the seven ranges bf townships, which v.ere'fuFvtyed m pursuance of an ordi nance of Congrefs,p*aiTed on the t" enticth day of May, in th<*: year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, will he expoled forfale at Public vendue, in the town ol rittfburghin Pennsylvania, on the twenty-fourth day of Oclober nest, and tjienceforwaM, from day to <}ay until the firft dav of December eniuing.unlefsthe said lots shall he sooner fold, in the manner,"and on the terms and con ditions here n after mentioned, to wit: ill. The said feSions or lots (ball be fold under the di- Teftion ef the Governor or Secretary of the Western Ter ritory, and such person as. the Prdiden: of the United States may fpeciallv appoint for that purpose. id. The said feiiions or lots shall be frit! to the highest bidcfer'.but no fsle can he made for less than two dollars per acre of the quantity of land comained in fucli lot or leflion. j. The highest bidder as before mentioned, mud depo sit at the time of sale, o:;e twer.;i-eth part of the pure afe , money, in the iiamis bf such person as the Prefidei:t of the UniteilStates fnall appoint to aiteni the tales for that pur pose, which will bo forfeited, if a moiety of the Satr. bid, including the said twentieth part, (hall not be paid within thirtydays from the tim« of sale. 4 tii. Upon payment of a moiety of thepnrchafe monev in thi manner before mentioned, the purchaser wi 1 be entitled to biie ye ir s credit for the remaining moiety ; m.' shall receive from th^Governor «r Secretary of the r Western Terrilory, aa« the person who shall he appointed ly Ihe P refluent of the UhitcdStues, to direct rhe sales a ctrti/icite defcribiug the hit or raion purchafrd, and de claring thefum pakl on account, the balance remaining due the time when such balance becomes payable, and~ that' the whole find therein mtntieoed ,will te foriited. if the > <" ' 1 - fufl baUnce is not then paid ; but if the said balance iWj ] be duly difcharged,+>y paying tfeefinse to the ■.u: : - the United Scutes, the purchaser or his or other le . 1 Stat ° id Range. iSth Townfhtp. 6th Hanoi. incl ift Township. San64o'each iftTownfhip. a 8 65 14 640 17 320 \ 29 i.; 695 17340640 each r8 j?o nf y 30 150 75 153-56 640 each 21 8-50 be ( 34 240 90 BthTownfhip. 2z ji66s 40 and sr '3i a 36 64ofeach 3214 jj '4:7 fhif ad Tewnfhip 17320 64c each j, 24 640 the 19 14° 23 640 ! 27 151 80 bee 20 I/O. 70 25330 64c each :28ato640 eath tior 21 185 ■ 33336 64oieach | !58 P ai < in 22 230 iothTownfhip 34a.16 ! 640 each pay iy 25 488 80 ia2 [640 each 2d Township. tils' 26327 64c each 5314 640 each j 126 28 560 / 17320:640 each 2 440 re 29 551 60 23a3',i64Cfai-k 3 448 3 . 30 564 i2thTowni!iip. 4 + j6 m ' l in '>40 eich ja 14 64: leach 5 464 !' m ie 4thTownfhip. 17226 640|t-ach 6 452 c ' n ' >e *9 fi 4j . 7 343 v , n 4th Range. 26 387 60 lftTownfh ; 17 - ,6 o- /,,/• ,i . if. 31132 64Cy 1 c 221 r o - , 1 rA 55a ;C'4o each 3 / 5 th! ownfhip. * 494; of 5Q A Tm 2 6° , I I * ual o 139 , / 1 6 cio e >4oeach , the 12 479 3*l \ I 7314 640 each 17 3°4 15 0 17320 640 ea^h !; 0 each each — 23 450 7j sthTownfhip. . 24 640 W 1 rlB te 2 9 184 ,14 40 , 2 - a 6 S -c 6ko 14c each 5" ?n 'l r ~, o. 4333? $40 eiifh 3 I.l* Y II lie 3dTownfhip. 4 '" 4 ° J J =' iai4|64oeach o" id Range, I7a2o|64o'each , 2 he iff Township. each >f * 28 ] 71 20 s tbTownfhip. "J 34- ! 615® .31416401 each ?;VT' 64C '' aCh ~ 3d Township. J7a;cJ64o cach ' Township. 2432664 c -ach each 1 28 1499 16 7thTownfhip. a 40 29 : 64C iaz 64oltach 3 e. !th 3 1 a33|64o|cach 5 a7 640' each 4 60 4tii rownfhip. r 44^ ! each 4 , es. it 16 40 18819640 each 601 eft *2 397 5° 25 640 7iM 64c each 13 5 1 30336 640 each 1 7iic 64c iach be 15 27 50. 9 thTownfhip 2333664-each at 16 2,-9 20 iai4]6 4 c|eath ?i h Townfliip. is 17 524 17320 64c each l al 4 40.eacb lad 18 64c 23336 64oleachl ' al ° f>4'^*ach 19 63« 1 itliTownfhip. 2 333_6 640 each ii:d 20 584 80 1314)640 each Ilt "Townfhip. ber 21 '636 21 17120 64b each lal 4 64c each 22836 64c each 23*36 640 each 640 each ind sth'fownfhip. i3thTownfhipJ 23 a -'®' 6 40 each at 5 63( 1 ai 4 64c eachl I 3 tnT ownfhip. K ts 6a7 64c each 17320640 each' 1814 •>4c|e3ch 2332564 ach 13836 J 7 aJO lW " 2731864 ach ~ = 23 a 3&640 each 32a-,6 6 4 c ach 5 i n ? ls thT "«nn»P- L 7thTown(liip. 1 °wnfhip. ia each 3 !640| " z? 4 40 i7a2o'64ojeach BthTo\vnfhip 21 J 3 *3*,«4o.each la J each I] T,l S ° | 71H rTnce. 6 440 26 no IftTownfhip. 7ai4 640cach * ' 30 1 41-o liy ' 17aid640each £ -jaae , t,ip - i;s -o 32 u: so! i 6 4 . fted ' 33 a 36 64c each <>4b eacn , , " j 2d Township. i 9 2 9° 1.,314 14c eatb ioai2 64c each _ i9a2o64ceach *° | , 4 , 0 23a 3 6164P each 3 430 yaiS 640 each 3d Rangf. 5 456 |r9 *4 2d Township. 6 464 80 20 o t , 15.640 7 2n rjeach . a j- e 6 640 17320 640 each^^tbTownfhip. fthe 7 J63 23336 64oeach iai4j64;|each pur- ® a 9 64oeach i4thTownfhip. 17*20 642 each bid, 10 54C 80 I ai4 640ieach 23 a 36 64c each itnin 11 529 70 17320 640 each I'th-Townfhip. I2ai464oeach 231 3 6 64oe4ch lal 4 64o]each oney 17320640 each I l7aio 64ojeach Ibe 43336640 -ach 1 23336 640' each el 7 • NOTE. de- I** US ?bt-Th'j ag- Z, Sn S , . fCVeral t - oW ' r "'- or fraflional that • 3VC btC "r r bv actual fur fthc U? ' ' Particular lot-, or fediot. have b " n no afcert3inad than by cakd.tkT' Lands'of the United States. ' Treasury Department, g Augfi/f <8> 1 5 Public Notice is hereby given, J ; TtJ ourfuance of an ait of Cotigrefs passed on the igth c ' i j ,t... 0 f vlav,. 1796, entitled "an a't pro'. , ling . 1 Jelfe of the Lands of the United State,, in the territory % • the river, Ohio, and above « the mouth of ' Kec : acl;"v" river," that the Quarter To,v*!h.p* or land delcrib-d in the annexed schedule, lying in thefeveu rang -4 •0| townfbips whieh were surveyed in pursuance of a 1" r* nf ronirrefs" nafferi on tne twentieth day of Sfc „ J „I.\ -V tT'h '-/o f Fubrusry enfoing. unlets tne said barter towufr.ip Oiallhe fconsr fold, in the manner and on the tern., a,.d conditions i.cTennfter menuoßed . viz Hi The said quarter townthips shall be fold to he - highlOf bidder, but no sale cm bemade for Jess than two dollars per acre of the quantity of land contained in such ' q "id f bidder as before mentioned, mult de nofit a' the time of sale, one twentieth part of the pur chase monev, in the'hands of the Treasurer of the United. — States, which will be .forfeited if a moiety of the sam bid, including the said twentieth part, fha.ll notb# paid within thirty days from the time -of sale. , J Upon payment of a moiety of the purchase-mo ney in *he manner befor-mentioned, the purci.eier ■ will be entitled to one year's credit for the remaining moiety ; and Ihall receive a certificate describing the quarter town ship purchased, and declaring the sum paid on account, the balance remaining dae, the time when inch oalante becomes payable, and that the whole Land thetein men tioned ivifche forfeited, if the said balance is not then paid : but if the said balance fiiall be duty discharged, by paying the fame to the Trtafurer of the. United State*, the'-pu: chafor or his assignee or other legal, flull be entitled to a,patent for the said land, 011 his pro duciog to the Secretary of State a receipt for l'uch balance, endorfedupon the certificate. But if any purchaser fcaU make payment of the whole of the purchase-money at the time when the payment of the fir ft moiety is dire&ed to be made, lie will be entitled to a deduction of ten* per centum on the part for which a credit is authorized to be given; and hi. patent frail be immediately jffucd. GIVEN under my hand Philadelphia, the day aiiii y ear abovomentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. -SCHEDULE 1 Of Quarter-Townships to be fold at Philadelphia, in-pur fuaiice of the-6th feclion of an ad of Congress pafled on the 18t,h day of May, lyjb > £ • si &■ % > sj- a o |1 £ u. H x . > > o Crf o r° *i >- -5 r_ -h It y the £ 9 South East 5120 y ag T North East ci 20 lional !,, , tIT „ J 1 fur- .South Weft 5120 have iNorth v\ eft s'^° : — 2 483 . | —• »• ... » uj.i vina CO' -13 •.*,!„ o!Cßturr«« . *2 i A m CO • — fd- £ -£ o J3 os £ « •§* * 'o £ ci <£ 9 » E H ii -a U- > O '_» • H I < I! f Z 15 IW O T £-* ' ' ( 1 ! r II ! SpUth East JI2O f N?rth East y 120 South Weft 5 120 North \Veft 5 120 20,480 <3' 13 South East j 120 d Noith East yI 20 t S iuth Welt 5120 ' North Weft 5 120 ; h [20,480 5 4 South EaC 4630 e- North East 4620 r- South Wed 5120 North Weft 5120 if ; —: 1 9.490 6 South East 4730 a- North East 47 15, ;il Sou-h Weft 51201 North Weft 5120' \ I i —! '9.68s cc 8 7?o»t.h East 5120; n- North East 5 120 - c Sou ill Well 5 120 North Weft 5 12C t • | 20,480 o. 10 jSouth East 5120 :e, |North East 5I 20 f, South Wcft'si2o *1 | : North Welt 5 120 cr I ; It — 29,480 bS j I 12 South East 5120 jNdrtfi "Eiff jTF2O * ~"T r~r-r-- a ? iSouth Wt-ft y1 20 ■North W»ft 5120 20,480 14 South East 5 1 20 North East yl2O South Weft y1 20 North Weft jr2o on ' 20,480 7 3 South East 5 120 Noith E a 51,20 South Welt y 120 North Weft 5120 20,480 5 South East J I 20 North East y 120 South*Wfft 5120 North Weit 5 120 <■ 20,480 7 South East 5j 20 North Eaftyl2o South Weft y 120 North Weft c l 20 j 20,480 9 tfouth Etiltj y 120 North KalVy-reo ——_ South Weit. y 120 North Weft yiao 20,480 11 South East y 120 Noith East y 120 Souih Weft $ 120 • North Weft y 1 20 _— 20,480 13 South Ealt 5120 North Eafliji2o South Wc'l y 120 North Weft y 120 • j 20,480 15 South East 5120 :North East y 1 2®' South Wefl yi2o North We ft y 120 20,480 NOTE THE quantities of Lands in the feveraltownfiiips be fore mentioned, are ixclifive of the SeAions reserved by the United States. The aggregate quantities in the seve ral townlhips, have been ascertained i>y actual survey ; but the quantities in the quarter tswnlhips, have been no otherwise afcertaineJ than by calculation. YVafhmgton Canal Lc - NO. I. WHEREAS the State of Maryland h the underwritten, to raise twenty- • '*» two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purp-: -- a Canal through the City of Wafhingtan, from th W; tomacto theEaftern Branch Haruour. The following is ths SCHEME of No. I. Viz 'J Prize 01 20,000 dollars, 20,000 1 ditto 10,000 10,000} 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 i JO ditto 400 4,(500 zo ditto 100 1,000 55 ditto 50 2.75° S7SO ditto Ii 69,008 To be ralfed for the Canal, 26,250 5850 Prizes, 17J>°°° 11650 'Blanks, not two to a prize. 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - I7si°°° The ConuniSioners have taken the Securities re 1 quired by the aforefaid aft for the putidtual payment »f the prizes. The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will*t>e given. Such prizes as are not demanded in fix motitiis after the drawing is finifhed, lhall be coufider. d as relinquifteffbr. the benefit of the Canai, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed j NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, of D LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNCANSON, f'HOMAS LAW, AMES BARKY. City of Washington, Feb. 11. § PRINTED B H N FEN N C —No. 11 9 — CHESNUT-STREET. * [Price Eight Dcl'ars per .♦.nittm.j