Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 01, 1796, Image 1

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    & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
PfuMBES 1242."] - THURSDAY EVENIKG, SEPTEMBER 1, 1796. ' <V fVozr/MsX.
J T -J
For Fredericksburg,
Or any port on Rappahannock liver,
The fall failing SCHOONER
«®.»<<* - ■ Nelson Hugene, mailer; a remarka
ble good vessel, not one year old, the mod material part
of her frame being loeuft, mulberry, and black waln'j),
K®r furtfkKparrjEi^ri.apply to laid snstfter or the owr.-r
onboard at Nina's wharf:
■Jj" To fail on Friday next.
Xuglirt 3° 4t
Jamaica Spirits;
The fine, fad-failing febooner
-«vV-.. j-SiiJr-a* Of Baltimore, about 140 tons burthen.
August 29. alf
For Sale or Charter,
TKE fast.sailikg ship
at Me/T. J. & R Wain's wharf &
two hundred and seventy tons bnrthen, a ftcut, firon
vessel, and well feund. For terms apply to
Jcjfeph Anthorty & Co-
Sept. I. dtf
At South-fireet wharf,
TTHLL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft. Au-uft, 1
xl '•y-JjjX' -hl«ipi., .Ij
from Port-au-Prince,
300 Hhds. COFFEE,
>0 Hhds. SUGAR.
Also, the cargo of the Swedish brig Guflaf Adolphe,
capt. Ramfre, from Gibraltar,
ift and 4th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds.
Hazle Nuts in sacks
St. Übes SALT, for sale by
For Charter,
* The said brig
|Gustaf Adolphe,
'■? > A Swede, a Msditerranean pjfs,
"a very fine vefiil, about zoo tons bur
'lien. Aug. 18.
rou SALE,
&X The (hip STAR,
John Vanxeman, M-after,
T Y,NG at Walnut-A.rset wharf, Philadel-
JLj phia built, cf live oak and cedar, will
carry about 3200 parrels, is two years old, and in corn
plea-' order to receive a cargo —For terras apply to
Who have also for sale said vcffels cargo—confiding of—
\vi:«l..w GTais, 6 by ? to 16 by .11.
Pipes in boxes '
Earthen-Ware in crates.
Grindflonei, Coals, Whiting, &c.
a 9 §
For Sale,
Or for Charter to the Weft-Indies,
C E R r: s,
Philadelphia Built,
OF Live Oak and Red Cedar, burthen about 3500 bar
rels, now discharging at Latihicr's wharf. This vel
fel is in excellent repair, well fouud and will bear a tho
rojglu-x mination, andasfoon as discharged will be rea
dy to take in a cargo. For terms apply to \
John Vaughaa.
J"'y 20 f_
The Bri s punch,-
An entire new veflel, built, finifhed and fitted
in the bed msnoef. One hundred and thirty-fix
tons burthen, and will fail remarkably fall. For
terms apply to Mr. N. Sage, at the George tavern,
AuguJ 26, 1796. jlO.
For Sale or Charter,
B O S T O N,
BURTHEN about 7-000 Bbls. of flour—fhe may be sent
to lea at a final! cxpence, her fails and rigging being in
very good order—apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
■April 39, ' 5
From 16 to 5 j inches* for sale by
f jeremiah Warder,
July § No 1 z north Th-flirdreet.
A pair of black Coach Horses.
For terms inquire at No. u Quirry-ftrcet.
Auguil 30. • tf
Hex} luill bf fuhmit!.-d to public infpeHion,
Of a New Periodical .Work entitled
»7he United. States Magazine,
And Repository of.Ufeful and Entertaining Kifow
Which will be conduced on a new, liberal, and interest-
number containing belidcs the ulual quan
'ity of letter press, two neat engraviijjje, Soda favourite
fongfet to r.-.ufio.—Priec only one fourth Qfa dollar ; the
publication wtommerict on the ifl of'Febrnary i;y7, and
continued monthly.
26. d.
iv a A' r s jy,
■/>" APPI\L ?• 71C to'the- Printing Bujimfs.
at tiiia Office. rtvg. 59
French Goods.
Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-de-
j £ a s„ Ladies' SHOES of all colors forts and Gzts
I Ditto white arjd colored Silk STOCKINGS
I Ditto Tine LAWN
I Ditto heft fir.* CAMBRIC
I Ditto Laiies' beil fiwnmy and Gre> <*b!e Gloves
AUg. ,®4
70,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of the bejl quality and on reafenable terms,
Philip Nicklin 'Iff Co.
August 26. dtf
.— r
St. Croix SUGAR and MOLASSES. |
Landing from 011 board the schooner Little Tom, Capt.
Thomas Dennett, at wharf,
A choice parcel of St. Croix Sugar, <
* and a few hogsheads of Molasses.
For Sale by ,
Pragers and Co.
Av'uft 30 die ]
«. , 1
Fdr Sale,
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut j
ftrcet, between Front and Second streets, i ll which
Mefirs. James Calbriith & Co. have for many yea rs < ant '
now do) carried on business.
Possession will be given i n one mont h, or sooner.
ror ijerms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
hecTor calbraith.
~FOR sale;
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years eld, ,
in pipes and hogsheads
Claret, genuine old, in cases
Gin, in pipes, from Holland 1
Earthen Ware, in crates
Basket Salt, in hoglhcads
Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9
Bar Lead, Red and wJiite dry lead
Steel, German and Russia, in barrels
Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas,
Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by
J»'y 29 ,
A Book-Keeper,
OR Clerk's place is wanted by a person properly quali
fied, and whose character will be found unexception
able. Apply to the Printer.
Aug. 11 tf
No. 76 High Street j
HAS received, by tlie latest arrivals from Euro and
the Kaft Indies, a well ,fele<fled afi'ortment of Silk 1
Metcery, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods ; which
he will fell, Wholesale Setai], tficLlsafreiLteraas ;
Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and frtver '
Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad ditto (
Do do do do Handkerchiefs
Some extra black taffeties,lut«ftringsand colored Persians
Long and (hort Nankeens
Englilh Mantuasof the sis ft quality
Damalk: table linen and napkins, very fine
Silk Hosiery, an elegant allprtnient
! and cotton do
Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do doth
French cambrics, very fine
Iriili Linenss do. &c. &c. June 14 §
A very valuable Merchant Mill,
QUARRIES to -be let
I will rent my merchant Mill at the little Falls of Po
towmac, for any term not less than seven, nor more than
elcTen years, from the firft' day of September next. The
mili-houfe is 42 by 40 feet, three flories high, built with
stone, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Stonesi two
oVcr'lhot 18 water-wheels, and Evans's machinery
complete, with every other thing proper and necessary for
carrying on the business with difnatch, and at as little ex
pense as poffi'ok, all in good order—Frem the mill to my 1
landing on the Potomac river, (whs re craft, of any bur
then may deliver grain and take in flour) it is about 4c '
yards, and from thenc-- by water to George-Town and '
the City of Wafnington, about 3 miles, t and to Alexan- '
dria about nmiles. This situation, aided by a fuflicient 1
capital,' will command the produce of a very extensive '
back country, where large quantities'of whearand other '
grain is annually'made, the diAance to it being from 8 ■
to 10 miles leL than to any market town upun the navi- '
gation of the Potown ac. There are 011 the preruifes a '
large stone Coopers* Ih jp, a ftone'granary, and acommo- 1
dioui miller's house. At the landing aforefaid a bridge , i
is now building over the Potomac, which is in great for- j '
wardnels and probably will be finilhed the ensuing fail. I 1
There are also on the premises, a Brewery md DilUlle- j '
ry.' built with itone, in them are three stills, two coppers
or boilers, with every necessary article, all new, and in 1
good ordsr, and fufftcicntly large to carry on the Brew- '
ery and Diftillei y upon a very extenlive plan. This prop- '
erty I vl'ill rent for the fame term of years. *
Upon my lauds, achoining the premises, and along the '
banks of the river, where craft may lead with cafeand dif- 1
patch, is an immense quantity of building and fou'nda
tion-ftones. Four quarries are now Open, and ,as *liany 1 '
more may be opehed with ease : the stone taken from these 1
quarries is better, and has the preference ■at this market , !
II an/"ether stone brought to it. I will rent t,hefe-quarries i
separately or together as may bell suit.
On the top of the hill, and about 200 yards from the j
; mill, is a stone Dwelling-house, large enough for rhe ac- '
commodation of a family ; also, a kitchen, dairy, (moke- M
house, &c. and a garden, enc»ofed and ip cuttivancfa, the
foi of. whieh is equal in goodness to any in this Hate, i
will also rent this property.
Adjoining to the Brewery and Diftiilery is a Smith's
ill op, in which is a complste set of Blacksmith's tools,
which 1 will also tent, and if agrgeabie 1 will hire to the I
tenant two negro blacki'miths, onc.of them is a complete j
If I rent out the Hons quarries, 1 wiil fell three crafts,
which were built for the purpose of carrying ftnsJe : they
will altogether bring upwards of 90 perch. Immediate
pofCeilion will be given. For terms apply to thefiibicrtb
er in this town.
ThcMitl, Brewery and Diflillety. with their appurten
ances, will be deliver«d to the tenant or tenants 1:1 good
repair, and mull be so returned, at the df the
lsafe or ieafc9. x
"Alexi.etirij, —3} ■
Sa ! es of India Goods.
Cargo »f the (hip Gi nges, ca]3t. from Cai
cutta and Bengal,
coNsisriNO or
ALirg« generalalTortment of Bengal and Madra.'
A variety fine worked and plain
DoreaSj 'cfc. Also, »
A of Excellent 'Sugar j
Ii; boxesi and b^gs-—and 81-ACK PEPPER,
For Sale by
Willing's y Francis,
h No. ai Penn Street.
jUtic • §
-"THAT application will be made for rfie renewal of
J- the follnwine certificates, iffuetTby Joseph Nonrfe.
• Rcgifter of the Treasury, in the nanie of Roger Gril
wold,, Esq. of Norwich, Conneil icut—
1 centifieate, fix per cent stock, No. 13,90';
—dated the 17thDecember,1795, bearing intcreft from
the firft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 65-100 doi
-1 ditto, thrc? per cent, domestic stock, No. i0,68>
—d ited December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the
firft day cf January, 1791, for 994 30-100 dolktrs.
1 ditto, deferred flock, No. 9,166 —dated the 17th
December, 179J, bearing interest from the firfl Janu
ary, 1801, for 798 83-100 dollars.
Said certificates are fuppofed-t9 have been loft or
ftoien in this citvTome time in December-or Janua:y
h W
No. 59, Nor-J: Front-street.
Philadelphia, July »i, 1796. d6w.
Notice"ts hereby Given,
TH AT agreeably to an aft of Congress of the United
Staffs of America, pasTed at Philadelphia, the zßthr day
of May, 1 7g6 ; laying/duties on Carriages, for the 'convey
ance of persons, and repealing the former ads for that' pur
pose.—That there lhail be levied, «Jll,e6led and paid, upon
all carriage* for the conveyance of persons, which shall be
kept by or for anyperton, for .his cr bc'r own use, or to let
-out to hire, or for the conveying of passengers, the several du
ties and rates following, to wit.
For and upon every Coach, 15 dols.
« upon every Chariot, 12 dols.
upon every Post Chariot, 12 dols;
! ; upon every Pofi Chaise, 12 dols,.
upon every Phaeton, with or without top, gdols
upon every Coachee, 9 dols.
upon other Carriages- having panne 1 work above,
with blinds, glailes or curtains, 9 dols.
upon four wheel carriages, having frafned polls and
topi with steel springs, 6 dols. *
upon four whe?l top Carriages, with wooden or iron
springs or jacks, 3 dols.
upon curricles with tops, 3 dols.
upon cliaifes with tops, ,3 dols.
upon chairs with tops, 31 dols.
upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols.
upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols.
upon two wheel carjiages, with steel or iron springs ;
I 3 dols.
c For and upon all other two wheel carnages, 2 dols.
upon every four wheel carriage, having framed ports
-»nd fopfc, an. Z.T wooden fpaxs, 2jiols.
The Collectors of the Kcvenue of the firft, survey of the
Diftrift-of Pennsylvania, will attend daily, day
of next, for the purpose of receiving the duties on
C linages, at No. 117, in Race or Salfafras street, in the City
of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S, Cliir, t r q in the
9 County of Montgomery ; and at the house of Abraham Du
bois,- Esq. in ijbe County of Bucks; of which all persons poi
feffed of such Carriages ai'e desired to take notiee.
Notice is also given,
TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign diftilled.fpiri
hjous liquors, that licences will be granted to them ; one li
ccnce for carrying on the business of retailing of Wines, in 2
iefs quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one
licence for carrying on the business of retailing Spirituous li
qu-rs in less quantities than 20 gallons, at the fame time and
at the fame places, by the officers legally authorized to grant
Tuck licences.
Infpe£tor of the Revenue: of the firft furvo-y
1 - of the dilhift of Pennsylvania.
n Office of Infpeftion,at >
c Philadelphia, 21ft July, 1796. {
I' Philadelphia, Weft-Cbetter, Strajburgh,
y Lancatier, Tork and Frederick-town
y r T"'HE proprieOrs of the above Stages, return their b.ft
JL thanks to their friends and the public in general, for
0 the encouragement received in this line of 'business, and beg
d lf ive to inform the public, that tl'iey are determined to run
_ their stages through from Philadelphia to Lancaster in
lt day, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July instant,
e in the following manner,—viz, A Stage will set out on
, that da; at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house of
;> George Weed, Market-street, Philadelphia, and run by
~ th Mv.iy-of W.eftcnafter and Strafo'urgh, arrive inLancaf
a ter the fame evening, on Friday, morning run to Wright's
ferry and exchange paffenjers with the York and
e : ick-town it age, return and arrive in Philadelphia on Sat
. | urday, and on Monday morning following, at 4 o'clock,
j said stage willfet out from the; faid'Gaorge Weed's, PJiila
.. ; lislphil, and arrive at I.ancafter the fartie evening, on
Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack will set out from the house
n of Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, and arrive in Philadelphia
_ the fame evening, and will commence again' on Thursday
morning following, and continue every week—The price
tor each paffingtr from Philadelghii. to Lancaster is three
e dollars and a halT, to York, four dollars and three qHar
_ tei-s, to Frederick town eight dollars, the like funis for
150 weight baggage, with the Hl'ua! allowance of 14 lb.
y gratis to each passenger, and 5 pence » mile for all way
,• . paiitngers. 30—§4w
John Reijly,
, George Weed.
J ult Arrived,
. 'In the Snow Boston, jame .JCivkpatrick, master from Li
c \ verpool,
1 5000 Bnfliels jgALT ;
100 Craies QUEENS WARE ;■ and
s An AfTortment of SHII' CHANDLERY;
i, F O P. S A L E
c On board, at Pine-ftreei wharf.—l —Apply to
"James Campbell, or
■ - George Latimer.
y Apsis 10.-
® for sale,
A Complete Fort of Brevier,
T7Ntirely nev , and yet unopened. The weight of this
d X'.j lent is ahbuc 1 11 ib. 1., is from the Foundery of
e Wilfou f<Sop>,oh|jjoiw,and willbe I'oid r.t eoft & charges.
• Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes.'
l'ntuure at the Otlke of the Gf.ieUe 0# the United
'!'■■■■ itj <i;.f • -'rset. Aug. 19 j-jw
1. ,
Prime St. Croix Sugjtr & R\r-i,
Lairing at Cliffords Wharf, 1 ' from on boaid the brig
'Pngtir, Ctyt. Thomas Wation —
And i ( or Sale by
Praters £5? ce*.
. _ In>-.
A few flip's of fourth proof L. a'tidy,
7 by g and 8 by 10 Window Guf,
Pot S.iie by
Gurnej & Smith.
Augaft 31. ■ d 6
New-»Englan\l RUM in KhJ.s.
COUNTRY GIN in barrels,
COMMON WIIALE, and [- 01 L.
Tallow. Ditto, Mould and Dipt
White SOAP, in Bc.ies
Best Boston BEEF, in barrels and half barrels
CODFISH, in hk;h,
Best Boston MACKREL, in barrels, and
A few choice fmoaked SALMON, For ' *'' '• 1 y
Also, a small invoice of well aflorted
Aug. a; §to
Dutch Goods,
Becchped L f the Penr'ylvania, Jroin /trhflcvclam.
GIN, in pipes
Morlaix f
Ticklaoburgs > In Bales
German 7 c ..
Haeriem j St "P es ' ,n " fcS
Hollands "> DUCK,'in c-itto
Ravens j '•*
Bedticks, in ditto
Brfttaffries ) . t
Platillcs j ,Ddltto
For Sale by f.iQMAS ts 1 JOHN KETL/LND.
Aug. 29 5
COFFEE, in hhds. bbU. & bags
COTTON, or Deraerara, and drawback
BOSTON BEEF, and Moulc and Dipt CANDLES.
Apply to ISA .C HARVEY, Jtini
No. 5 fauth \ , iter-ftrcet.
8 mo. jo. saw
Juit Pabiii ici,
From tlie Press of MORE A U DE ST..MERY,
and to be jV'tf at the .principal Bookfdlers in town,
(price one quarter of a dollar) vV,
The Blue* Shop;
Or Jntpafjiiaf and Huniorouf Oiferv^iious
on the Life and Aaminturcs of
Peter Pokcupine.
With the real motives which gave rife to his abuse of
our diftingjiifhei} patriotic characters.
A full and fair Review of his late
£5" This production is in'erelling to alt parties.
August 30. atf
Great is Truth and mufi prevail.
And for sals at Nr 41 Chefnut-Jlre/rt iy % ORMROD,
An Apology for the Bible,
By R. JVatscn, d. d. f. r. s.
Btjhap of Landajf, "Sfc.
Being a complete refutation of Paine's
Age of Reason,
A>id the, only answer to the Second Part.
Avguit 33. dtf
Published by T. STEPHENS, A T o. 60, Siovth Second
freet. v
The Group ;
Embellilhed with a beautiful head of
THE publisher t'ninlis it a mark of refpeftj due to a
liberal and'enljghtened public, to inform them that
this is the Poem for the publishing of which he hat been
twice dragged from his house, and is now laboring under
a vexatious 'prosecution. He is conscious that the piece
contains nothing either criminal or offenfive, unl?fs ori
ginal wit v decorated in elegant language, be criminal or
dlfgufting to the prevalent tafie ; and, as he trusts that
neither of these is the cafe, he submits the work to the
public with a full affuraijcc of its meeting with a favora
ble reception.
He would beg his prosecutors to call to mind (if they
have ever read it) the following apologue to a w«ll known
romanre—" A young painter, indulging a vein of plea
lantry, iketched a kind of Conversation Piece, refpeiting a*
bear, fin owl, a monkey, and an ass; and to render it
inoVe striking, humourous, and moral, dillinguifhed eve
ry figure by some emblem of human life. Bruin was
exhibited in the garb and attitude of a'n old, toothless,.
drunken soldier; the owl perched upon the handle of a
coffee-pot, with fpedtacles 011 his nose, feelned to contem
plate i newspaper ; and tha ass ornamented with a huge
tye-wig (which, howeyer, could not conceal his long
ears) fat for his piiluTe to the mojikey, who appeared '
with the implements of painting. This wL'mJuaigroup
afforded some mirth, and met with general approb..tiqu,
until iome mil'chievous wag hinted the whole was a lam
poon upon an old officer, a physician, and a member of
Parliament; an insinuation which w:s no feontr circulat
ed, than these people began to be ajarmed, and even to
fancy themselves fignified by the several figures in the
piece. The rurious 'group fell npon who de
clared Ifcat he had no design to jjive offence, or tp cha
raderiz® B T'.icular perfom. They affirmed, tic rcfcmllance
was too patp:iblc to tc overlooked—afcd their clamottrs bcin'T
overheard by the public, the Captain was a bear, the
Dodtor ill al's, and the Senator an owl, to their dying
day." If a Cmilar late ihould attend.the persons who
will infill upon being the members of this group, iic
public will do the pub'iflisr the to renumber that
; t is ho fault of his.
AWguft d'.f