' Tr-ie Dircflory have Tent away a part cf the troops that were stationed in the metropolis, aJ have ordered others to replace them. Prince Henry of Pruflia eorrefpoads with the Academyjf Arts and Sciences eftabliftied at Pa ris", to which he offered to fend a M. S. of Dide rot, in his peffeffiop, entitled, Jacques le Fataliiie. _ The Ottoman Amnaftador is arrived in France. He pnffed through Chamberry on the 25th of June and may be expe&ed at Paris in a few days. The Cardinals of Bologna and Ferrara were made prisoners; but Buonaparte, after he had (hewn them to the army, sent them back to Rome, oil their parole faying, " Go and tell your mailer \ what you have seen." The following are the conditions of a suspension of humilities, which has been agreed upon between Gen. Buonaparte and Piince Belmonte Pfgnattelli, f 1 envoy ftom the Court of Naples to the Court of Madiii?. f' Art. I. All hoftilitiesjjiall cease between the tVoops of the French Republic and those of the King of Naples, on the day on whTclvtjie following r.rt v i:s (hall be executed, until ten days truer the official annunciation of *he conclusion of the ciation for peace, which shall be opened between the refpe&iA: jjleriipotentiaries, at a place to be ap pointed by the executive directory. 11. The body of Neapolitan troops now aftmg with those of the Emperor, (hall be withdrawn, and cantoned, in the places hereafter fpecified. 111. This Corps being comprised in the suspen sion of arms, (hall go into cantonments in the Ve netian territory of Brescia, Cretnaand Bergamo. IV. The said suspension of arms (hall extend to thefleetsof the two powers ; and meanwhile, the ships of the King of Naples (hall be withdrawn, as soon as poffibls, from the English fleet. V. A free passage, as well through the French territories, as through the country occupjed by the French troops, and through the Neapolitan do minions, (hall be granted to the Couriers of both powers. Signed at Brescia, 13 Prairial. feu&NAPARTE & Belmonte Piqn atew, The army of the Rhine and Moselle has gained a fre(h viftery beyond the Rhine. ' It has entered Fribosrg, in the Brifgau, after a long and bloody a£lion, maintained by the Imperial regiment of Cu irassiers. It is said, that there is scarcely one of the Cuirassiers who is not covered with wounds. Prodigies of valour have been .performed on both fides. Official details arc, no doubt,' about to be published. L'Eclair. July 5. , f Letter from General Buonaparte to the Executive Dire&»ry, Head Quarttrs at Pifloja, June 26. Prince Pignatelli, citizen Directors, is just ar rived at this place, with'inftrutiiona from his court, who has accepted the armillice. An order will be sent off this day, to the commander in .chief of the Neapolitan cavalry, to leave the Aultrian army. Tliis frjiiinpoKntfrrtry-nr i*j £».'■ imt-tor Furi» row. r Buonaparte. letter from General Buonaparte to the Executive Dire&ory. Head Quarters at Pijleti, June 26. ' I hare enclosed, Citizenß Direflors, a copy of the armistice concluded with the Pope. The legation of B.ojogna is one of the riehe'ft rm ■ of the papal territories, you cannot have an idea of the hatred which prevails here against the oiii'"ion of the pipe. ). heCitadfl of Ancona gives us a command over Vdiialic Giilph ; we have taken in the forts " I ilO Ferraia and Bologna nearly 200 pieces of t'.. cannon, from 7to Bcoo fufees and a certain ity of ammOnnion and provisions. BUONAPARTE, MADRID, June 1. re Prince of Peace has declared to lord Bute ■if "if the Englifli government fhonld persist in in'' all proportions for tlit conclusion of a ee. •p,-,... .;.t 1L.1.), <rp»m"w«wiKr in . | -atron of his cause Jo join those -\*>wers who • 1 determine to compel them to it by force of , I■ ' " EcLir. , MILAN, June 12. I t'li.e resolution passed by the .municipality of , Milan, with the approbation of the Agent of the , French goverrment, for the abolition of nobility is j the commencement of ir new order of things. 1 c No pains are spared to gain over the people by , redueing the price of different articles of confump- r J tion, a»id to enlighten them on the fuhjeft of their v nghts. The proclamations of the municipality, ] and the books circulated by the popular club, have j , squally contributed to forward this purpose. v PARIS, June 30. t The Duke ps Parma has been comprised in the treaty of peace between France and Spain, - 1 The Chevalier lias already signed the prelitnina- a ties of peace in the Pope's name. The citizens Gallazzo Perbelloni, Tidelli Pop- 0 f'onfi, and Charles f.icholas, deputies of the n>u« n nicipijlity of Milan, have arrived at Paris, and , presented rb the Diieftoiy an ir.ftrument in behalf of the Milanese people, who therein solicited the c ' proteflion of the French nation in forming them- - c ; fcives i|ito an independent Republic. ' The Executive Dii flory to the Commander in Chief of the Arn?y of the Rhine and Moselle. 0 " The Executive Diiedtory gives you notice, '' Citizen General, that tljey have acceded to the ; ftcmand of the Spanirti Geneial, Solanb, and his biother Stanislaus, to repair to the army which w you command, to perfect their military knowledge. "As footr as they amve, you will infotm the . army oT the eircumftarice, who will doubtless be 13 flattered by this preference ; and, sensible of the homage rendered to the Frenoh nation, in the per foisuf its defenders, will consider it as a fubjeft for t mala tion, which will stimulate them to frclh effurta te Ulv .. Philadelphia, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1796. Je- Dempfey Burgess, Nathan Bryan, aftd James Gil lefpie, Efq'r«, are re-?le«fked members of Cougyefs, by their refpeflive diftriAs. ee. The have informed the people, ine °f France, that the retrogade movements of genera) Jourdan were—preconcerted. •re Tlie British Parliament is prorogued to the 16th of ad August. ,e. Icr Philad. August l(itb, 1796. AT a numerous meeting of Citizens of Philadelphia, on a' Dun woody'# tavern, it was unanimously agreed f> en recommend EDWARD TILGHMAN, as a suitable .. person to be voted for at the next eleislioi\ to reprefjnt the City of Philadelphia in the Congress of the United J o» States. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, Chairman. BENJ. R. MORGAN, Sac'ry. he Tranflatedfor the Gjizettk of the United States. he From Hamburgh Papers, received by the (hip Voltaire. en _ London; June i 7. P We learn by"te«er» fj-om Falmouth, that Sir Ed ward Pellew in the frigate Concorde, has taken ;he Fronch- frigate La Cocarde Nafionale, of 54 guns and 600 men, (he is now on her way to Ply mouth. On board of her, there were 10 Member# r n of the last French Convention. S[)e failed in com pany with four others, on a secret expedition. The to r 'g ate had one lieuteniint and 17 seamen killed. The English squadron is now in puriuit of the other four frigates of the enemy. V E Z E L, June 9. At Cologne the French commander has issued a Proclamation, refpefting a plot laid to be formed, to affaflinate the French garrison, but the Muqici " pality gave fatisfaiflary explanations on that fubjeft. l ' Extra£l of a letter from Wetzlar, June 17. Herewith you will receive some details of the battles fought, on the 14th, 15th and 16th, near our city, and at Altemberg. On the 14th there wete only (kirmifhes, withbut ed 3 ny formal attack; yet the French were repulsed ed from Wehrdorf, Betghaufen. Dillheim and Ketz iy enfont ; all those places fuffered greatly by their u- retreat. of On the 15th, affairs be)?an to wear a more serious In- afpedt. The French !#jrmed of the reinforce th ments, arrived for the Imperialists on the Lahri and be Dill,' intended to force the centre of the Jmpbria j lifts, which expedition Gen. Le Fehvrc undertook, with 2j,000 men. He is the fame who comman ded the expedition of laftyaar in this quarter, «nd is perfectly acquainted with the country. On th<- 15thin the foienoon, he attacked v the Imperialists lr . at Berghaufen, Wehrdorf, and pushed his forces ■ t> forwards through the woods near those places.' The 3e Austrian Grenadiers, the regiment of Hufiars, be Veczay, and the Saxos Chaffeuis, just arrived, at, y. tacked thr enemy ; but the French annoyed these [- ttajopa by tnad<cd baHcriej crcfted from Leon to Altenftetten, firing grape shot, where by the Saxon Cbafleurs fuffered fcverely. t icld Ma rtial, Lieutenant de Werheck advanced with v ' e the remainder of his troops, polled behind our ci ty '.he cannonade betame frightful, the Imperi 'alifts on fevcral points were obliged to give way, the of rain and weather not being in their favour. We lived in anxiety, and a retreat appealed to be una Voidable ; so matters at 7 in the evening, ,n when unexpectedly and like a saviour from Heaven, atrired the Archduke CharleSj and hattened i'ft full gallop to the field of battle. During the most terri er ble fire *of (hot, he rode through the ranks Is and encouraged the troops, by affming them that reinforcements weie drawing near. The Imperia ls liiti now persevered with unexampled bravery. A few "moments past Imperial troops arrived from WeiJn-'Uenfter and Nucmheim, filing off to Konigf berg. At the fame time the brave Saxon ttoops marched by Rechtenbach to the field of battle, and te more cannon airived, which the Imperialists ftood-ia ln need of. Now they attempted to-decoy the enemy ?• fym. his woods : in vain. Then the lmpeii m al'ft* ercAtd two batteries in opposition, and com -10 menced a violent canonade. The Imperial and Sax °f on cavalry turned the woods, the infantry charged the batteries with bayonets and stormed the gaval ry ranged in the woods, when the French were obliged to retiie; and by jo at night vhftory : decided ,for the Auftrians. On both fides many ie were killed and wou-vded. The grape (hot did 18 great execution among the Imperialists. The Sax | ons performed prodigies of valor, to them the T j victory is principilly owing. Many prisoners are not brQßght in yet, amongst them is a colonel of ca. lr valry wounded. Twelve cannon jvere taken. A '1 lieutenant of the Saxon chaffenrs, the -firft who c 1 penetrated in the woods, was taken prisoner, and was found afterwards with his throat cut. Yesterday the t6th the attack wae renewed and the French driven from Leun, Stockhoufe, and e Wcilbourgh. The huflais of Blankenftein crossed j the' Lahn near Overbuehl, made many prisoners,' i ana took a cannon. General Lefebvre had his hand cut off by a Sax- ] on horseman, and his brother was killed by the mufquetry. j The prisoners from Jourdan's assure us, that 3 f thev were protnifed to plunder Frankfort, if they | e could penetratv' to place. This at firft oc calioned great alarm amongst the inhabitants. Thus ] V/e:zlar, Franckfort and their environs were-faved. 3 It was necessary to hasten the arrival of 9,000 Saxons, by an express ; the Archduke led them c himfelf to the battle. ! From Dillcnburg the brought in yefter j day a French commissary and seven upon j whom they found 2Cp louis d'ors. This-day the whole Imperial army passes the c . Lahn in pursuit o'f the enemy, the loss of which is said to be 3000 men. FRANCKFORT, June 18. c This day we are informed that the Auftriansaf 1 ter the most obstinate refiltance »veithrew the lefj 2 - whetr-upwards ef iooo prifone'3 were taken, tVje left wing having already reciolied the Rhine at Neuwied. / r a l r. 1- ROVE REDO, June io. s > rhe.garrifon of Mantua by a sally made from the tortrefi, blockaded by the Ftrnch, killed 600 l e of the French. >l' ' r ' > GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES MARINE LIST. PHILADELPHIA, eg. ARRIVED. days. Brij> New York Packet, Strong, ' Cltarlefton IO '' Ship Mary, Fatten, . JacquemeKw 2 Sloop Driver, Gardner, Alexandria 14 |t Catharine, Nortk-Carolina 4 d Schr, Jack, Bass, * Camden 5 Brig GeSVge, Marn'ner, arrived at Kingston from this port on the 24th July, and was to fail 6th of August from vhcnce. A letter from the Havannah of 10th Augft. fayi, p " Capt. Barney With 2 frigatesof 44 and I 0t"32 guns, anchored at the Ponto 'the* Bth inft. from Cape Francois. |_ On his passage from France he captured j5 vef* n fels— 5 or 6of them filing under certificates of properly, Those he set firt to has publicly de clared he will do so m every instance, which is poor 4 eneouragemerkt for Americans to purchase prizes of them. One of them was a brig belonging to P. e and T. Mackie, from Malaga, Andrew Paden n matter, who was murdered the feeond day after ,£■ they failed, by the mate and crew, a*d a consider able sum of money that was on board divided a mongthem. 'Phefe people capt. Barney deliveied a up to the government at the Cape." | f * Lift of American Vessels lying at. Hamburgh ; . communicated by Capt. Bowen, of the ship Voltaire : c Ship Amiable, Tillinghaft, Philadelphrs ; Entef r prize, Norris, d». Camilla, WiMamfon, do. Ann & Mary, Bcllis, do. Two Friends, Hathaway, ditto j Diana, Piles, do. Bacchus, George, do. snow In t ouftry,. Ruflel, do. brig Eliza, Yardflcy, do. fcip d Uncle Toby, Reynolds, N. York r Cygnet, Johnflon, do. Offego, Morris, do. Sanfom, Smith, do. from r India ; General Lincoln, Lawrence* do. from the J3ay of Honduras; Hairy, Dunn, ditto, from London j Charlotte, Neale, do. George, Ramfdel, ditto, from " Bordeaux; Felicity. Coffin, Boftop | Eliza, Swain, do. from Calcutu ; Aurora, Funnell, do. brie Sifters! u Cdggerfhall, ditto. , lhe Franklin, Walter, from Boston, arrived at Dover July 2. d Gravefend.June 26. Passed by, the Harriot, * Thtimpfon, fiom Newpprt, and Henrietta, Craig, s /rom Sun bury, America. The Paragon, Cufhing, s and Eliza, Davis,/rom Boston. e Deal, July 8. Arrived, the Two. Brothers, , Mendum, from New York for orders. The To .ias, Pepper, from Builo'a pafled Grave e fend July 7. , - The Thomas frorti'Pottfmouth, N. H. arrived at Poole, July 6 ( and the Hope, Hobby,from New" a York pissed Gravtfend the sth. 1 The DoniiniYk Terry, De Hart, for Philadel phia, chin td at Kingston Jtilv 26. The brig George, Glen, failed the 25th. e The Peace, from Philadelphia arrived the 26th. e Charleston, Avgujl 19. Yettevday arrived the fcftoon-i Neptune, Dickin 1 son, Savannah, 3 days; brig Commerce, Bowers, . Aux-Cayes, 22 days ; brig Molly, Dryburgh 1 Demerara, 24 days ; schooner Lark, Hand, Jere * mie, 21 days; schooner Three-Friends, Spencer, s LiftM River. 3 days. 1 Capt. Dalton, of the ship Lucy, from London, - on the 26th of June, spoke the ship Amity, Capt.. L Campbell, of Philadelphia, from Barcelona bound } to Hamburgh, out 45 days, all well; Capt. Camp - bell informed that the Algerines had declared war s againll the Turks. 3 On the 3d of August, capt. Dalton spoke the ' ship Golden Ag«, of Philadelphia, bound to 1 Jamaica, out 7 days, all well. On the 12th of August, capt. Dalton spoke the * ship Fame, from the Havannah, bound to Phila- ■ *delphia, out 6 days, all -well. Norfolk, Augujl 22. Yesterday arrived the sloop Martha, Capt. Fol : ger, 30 days frcm Madeira. The Captain fays r ' American produce is remarkably low there. The ' following is taken from her log-book— ' Lift of vessels left at Madeira the 20th of July. c The ship Hope, of New-York, to fail for ditto I : in a few days. 1 ; ' Brig Fame, of Philadelphia, for Charleston, to ' fail in tw& days. Brig Rebecca, for Philadelphia, to fail that af ternoon. - l Ship Favorite, of New-York, to fail in a few days for the Cape-de-Verds.. Schooner Olive, of Boston, for St. Michaels. On the 7th August ipuke the (loop Dolphin, r , from New-York, bound to St. Bartholomews, out 23 days. 1< August 18, spoke the sloop Two Brothers, from New-York to Turk's Island. Atiguft 20, was boarded by the British ship lie- u folutioo, in company with another ship of the line and s frigate, 7 leagues E. by S. from the light house. Arrivals at Baltimore—Augujl 12. Brig Dispatch, JDonnaldfon, Jeremie r George, Bartlett, Port-au-Pnnce Ann, Beatty, . do. Schooner laclipff, Kilbtfrn, St. Bartholomews Rackel, Pannell, J cquenacl I Maria, Keen, Grenada b! -Edward and William, Davies, Port-de- of Paix. Fl Sloop Dolphin, Almy, Cape-Francois 01 Hiram, Ryan, Philadelphia Arrivais.at New-York—Augyjl 29. _ Days. Ship Fa ft or, Kemp, Cadiz 43 Minerva, Eldridge, St. Übes 26 Br>g Hector, Drake, „ ierniuda 10 r %rei H ' ie NEW-YORK, August 27. it Extract of a let-ter from Capt. Jaftes Neil!, of the brig Mary Ann, dated Cadiz, Juiy 12, 1796,10 hisowneis in New-York, received per thip FiC tor, Capt, Kemp, just arrived fitjm thence. " Thank Goo, I am here .'"for I had a very for n tunate cfcaape from two Altferkei 1 fell in with, off 0 Cape Pa!o=, coming down from Barcelona. They endeavored to board me, knowing Wc 1 wh..t I war, by stewing my colors, aa alio by a Spai ilh (hip which wan't Salon with me ; tin: lucki ly I wtsnear the land, and 1 got under one f ;he totvers and let g* my anchor, which pro eiud n;f, s. When the Algerities fount! 1 w3s thus fx tut Vl,a 0 they filed a ;;ur to windward and made f;;il t<- the 1 wellwltrd.— I considered it would be impruilc'nf 1 .! 4 dangerous immediately to follow them, lo I put inn. 4. theport of Carthagena, whi.h detained me fix d ys. 5 " I fhali not be surprised to hear'in afewdms, n of many of our velfels being captured and earn. ,1 if into Algiers—there are feyetal of them in tIW Mc- . ditprtaiKan, and out* truce expired on the 6th it; t. and no hopes of its renewal, or any other favca 1, ble circumttance taking place. There 1 ; ireat talk 2 of war commencing between Great-Britain and n Spain shortly, which I believe will be the cafe. All the English vciTels that are in this port at prefei.t, - are ordered to Gibraltar, and they are to fail from if hence to-morrow, at all events." > When Capt. Kemp, of the Faflor, left Cadiz, fevert r trench Jhips of the line and three frigates l.ty in that if H ort ' Ab ' ,lJ '' 5° fail of Spanifii (hip.- of war, nuny of >. '" frn °- the line, were-a1,,) Jy; ny titer**-, ma it.-• prepa ration for war which they dailyexpefted. Mhe En ' glifii merchant fliips had been ordci.-d by the Gover- T nor of Cibraltar to quit Cadiz— they, accordingly faikd -• for the port of under convoy of aa i ngliih - rrigate : Capt. Kemp faiied out in company with them. ■ J Adm. Rithtfry was still hlo ka<ied in the port of Ca diz. Dull market for produce—dour 10 to i* dolors, N beef 18, pork io to j}l. By a Halifax paper of August I*l th, we learn ' that the British ihip A<Sive, having on board Lord P Dotcheller and family, was call; away on the Ifl.ind .. °.' Anticufti. The of his Idrdfhip is r.ot men tioned. • - ' » « P Great is Tsuth and miiji prevail\ * JUST PUBLISHED, . And forfait at No- 41 Chefnut-Jireet by J. ORMJ'QD, >> An Apology for the Bible, By R. Watson, d. d. 'f. j?. s. lt Bif/.op of Landaffi &~c. Being a complete refutation of Paiae's r| t, - y {S e °f Reason, r> And the only anf»ver to i,he Second Part. Augutt 30. dtf Just Published, , From the Prcf? of MOREaU DE ST. MERY, and to be ii *d at the principal Booltfellers 'in town, 1 one quarter of a dollar) J P/IMPHLEJ ENTITLED The Blue Shop; 1- Or Impartial and Humorous Obfcrva^cns on th~ Life and sjuvsntures of Piliß PokCUPINS. >- With the rtd motives which gave rife to h:iabufe of' our diftinginftied patriotic characters. 1 t together vvit« 1, A full and fair Review of his late * Scare-Crow. €? This produtftibn is interesting to all parties. August 30. dtf 1, St. Croix SUGAR and MOLASSES^ d Laiidiug from on board thr lchooht-r Little Tom, Capt. Thomas Dennett, at feace-tlrtet wharf, r A choice parcel of St. Croix Sugar, and a few hogsheads of Molaffcl c For Sale by 3 Praters and Co. Au E uft 3° din e ~ " — ——•— — - At a fpscial meeting of the Board of Di re3ors far eJialYfhwg ujiful Manufactures, hulden at Paterfon, 'Jidy 8, 1796, ' R E^ LVED ' ' hat a Ipe-exal meeting of the Stock ) . f f' of thc Society be called on the firlt MoPday, . b " n g th = third ay of Odlober next, at Pjterfon, by ten oj the clock of the fame day j then and there to tiki into ccr.fidcration the prbpriety of diflblving the said corporation, agreeably to the law in such cafe made and > provided—and the Stockholders are earnestly i tquefted ' to attend the said meeting in person or by proxy , Au g" ft a > dt 3 o"thO •TO BE SOLD, A pair of black Coach Horses. For terms inquire at No. It Quarry-street August 30. tf notice. 'T'HE fubferiber intends to make application for a re- Ift "T al °!r thC follow "g certificate, supposed to be 101 lon the paflag® to England in April 1704 • Certificate No. 10335, dated 15th November, 179,, for 2830 dollars and 91 cents—Si* per cent, domestic debt, on the books of the Treasury of the United States m the name oi the Hon. John Trevor. ,• . 1 -BKR 1 BIRD, at John Warder's. Philadelpnia, August 30th, 1796. §(5 W For Fredericksburg, Oy any port on Rappahannock river, The fact failing SCHOONER Nelson Hugene, maftcr; a remarks bk velici, nst one year old, the moft,material part of her frame being locuil, mulberry, and black walnut F»r further particulars apply to laid mailer or the owner on board at Sjna's wharf. To fail on Friday next. August 3 Q . - 4t - —i A Handsome,- well-broke SADDLE HORSE, v For Sale, enquire at the Concftogo Stable's, the owner
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers