Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 30, 1796, Image 1

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    I (iajettt »/<& Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
- ' , XVOLVMR X.
I. 3 m£SDjr — r TT^^^WR^r,
— /vxt Tirvr » J uu AIT . ' _ r.-T,,„«T;J Lindine at Cliffords Wharf, from on board the brig
*■ J .
Jamaica Spirits; M rc
And to drfpofe br, j ie w j
The fine, faft-fai ing fchooaer
iMzW&r S W ALLOW, so,
JSlaßal!E-i> Of Baltimore, about 140 .oni burtTien. ®"
! . - — - —- So"
fU. The Ihip STAR, £
1* John Vanneman, Matter, Da
T TING at Wahnrt-ftr«et wharf, Phila*el- Sil
I 1 phiihuUt, of oak and cedar, will Ti
farry about 3wo barrels, is two years old, and in com- Ui
ulca- ordef to receive a cargo—For terras apply t0 y
pica orpcr THOS. & JOHN KETLAND. In
Who have also for sale said vessels cargo—confiding of—
Wine and Porter bottles,
Wind.,w G'.afs, 6by 8 to 16 by la.
Pipes in boxes. Mef]
Earthen-Ware in crates.
Grindstones, Coala. Whiting, tu. p (
Aug. »9 __— —
t or Charter *;
j—a The Snow HOPE,
Capt. Rindge, row ready for a eargo,
will carry 2000 barrel. If not engag
cd in five da V ! > will take frei g ht for
Boston and Portland.
For terms apply to
Samuel Breck, jun.»
Rofs's Wharf.
• 4> & Where may be had,
A quantity of 80/ ion D,uck, Nos. i Iff 2.
AUg. 26.
The Brig PUNCH,
entire new veflel, built, 'finifhed and fitted
in the bell manner. One hundred and thirty fiy -p
tons burthen, and will fail remarkably fact. For I
terms apply to Mr. N. Sage, at the Geor S e tavern, wh
. or t0 JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co.
j4ugufli6, i?9 6 - £"?'... Th
Pennsylvania Drsrsicr, 3 J'-'
XN pursuance of a Writ to me dircited from the Honour- l'f
able Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the Dlftrift
I ' ' Court of the United States for the Pcnnfylvama Diftria,
Will be exposed to Public Sale, _
At the Merchants'Coffee-Houfe, in the City if Philadel
phia, on Monday, the 29th day of August, instant, at 1 i
The SLOOP called the
Rebecca, #
With lingular her tackle, appa- I
rel and Furniture, as the fame now are ; the said sloop 1
ha vino- been condemned, to pay Mariners' xvages, &c. I
Marshal's Office, 19th August, 1796- . . .
For Sale or Charter, * -
% [R'l HEN "bout iooo Bbls. of flour—(he may be fer.t to
sea jt a small expence, her Ms and rigging being in el
j cry good order—apply to
fames Campbell, or o ;
Gesrge Latimer. t>
April 29, T
For Sale or Charter, ['
. LYING at Mess. J. & R Wain's wharf, {
t hundred and seventy tons burthen, a (lout, strong t
vi *<-1, and well found. For terms apply to i
Joseph Anthony & J
Fpr Sale, <
Or for Charter to the Weft-Indies,
THE 511 IP
Philadelphia Built,
~F Live Oat and Red Cedar, burthen about 3500 baj'- ,
* re l s> now discharging at Latimer's wharf. I'his vel- ,
«in excellent repair, well fouud and will bear a tho
■ r'.rh examination, andasfoon as discharged will be lea
o take in a cargo. For terms apply to
lohn Vauehan.
ily 28 §
At South-ftr.cet wharf,
WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft. August,
by Cnow Hope, from Jamaica, and sloop Sally,
from Port-au-Prince,
300 Hhds. COFFEE,
70 Hhds. SUGAR.
■Also, the cargo of the Swedish brig Gujlaf Adolphe
cupt. Rarrfre, from Gibraltar,
tfl and 4tij proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds.
Hazle Nuts in sacks
St. Übes SALT, far sale by
-J— 6 * For Charter,
T he said brig
j Gugtaf Adolphe,
t? A Swede, with a Mediterranean pass,
a very fine vefiel, about 200 tons bur
then. . Aug. 18. $2weo2w
A STORE and Cellar or Compting houCt and Cellar,
for the Wholcfale and Dry Good bufineCf. Enquire
at No. 129 Arch-street. < ,
For Sale at the above place-,
$00 Boxes Window Glass, 8 by 10, 7 by 9, See.
SCo Cream Cheefo in the bed order, imported from
Holland, and entitled to drawback. Enquire of
Peter Borger,
Aug 16 2»V3 w
No. 76 High Street,
' T TAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and 501
rl the Indies, a well felefted assortment of Silk n
Mercery, Linen Drapery and Goods; which An
he will fell, Wholcfale and Retail, 011 theloweft terms ;
amongst which are, On b
Some fine India muslins embrou'-Ered with gold and lflver
Siiperfi&f Bocijt, Jaconet, aad Mulmul ditto
Do do . . do Handkerchiefs
Some extra colored Ay
Bandano Handkerchiefs
Long and (hort Nmkeens
EogfiOi Mantuas of the firft quality
Damask table linen and napkins, very fine
I- SilkHofiery, an elegant alTortment
11 Thead and cotton do _
i- Umbrellas silk, oil'd do. and do cloth
French cambrics, very fine
Iriih Linens, do. &c. June T 4 ;>
For Sale, /
A Three story BRICK HptTSE and Lot, in Chefnut
street, between Front and Second streets, in which
MeiTra. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and f -pj
now do) carried on business. \ 5
PolTeflion will be given in one month, of fooncr.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, <>r§
April ai. V c?
WINE, London particular Mddeira, 4 years old,
0> in pipes and hogfhead'.
Ciaret, genuine old, in cases
° r Gin> in pipes, from Holland
Earthen Ware, in orates
Balket Salt, in hogfheada
Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9
BarLeadi Red and white dry lead
Steel, German and Russia, in barrels
2 Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tai polin canvas,
Tin olatcs—An invoice Stationary, by
Inly 19 y —
This Animal is to be seen in High-Street, between
ed ( j ]e c f en t) ] a nd the Eleventh-Street.
f'y TTE willpofitively leave Philadelphia the tenthot Sep- j or
'or XI tember, for Baltimare, in his way to Ch irleftori,
rn. where he will vvin-er.
ADMIITANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar "1
The PANORAMA, or the VIEW of the CIUES of ofS
Is to be open till the 10th of September, afld the sub- ol I
ject will then be removed tp Baltimore with the EL*--
1 HAN DMn . rANCE for the PANORAMA, ,f n '
One quarter of a Dollar.
Augrnt 3. - ? .
French Goods.
Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre d e -
Grace, qu
20 Trunks 7 Ll(iies ' SHOES of all colors forts-and sizes
I Cafe j
•>na- 1 Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS
loop I TJlttoTjie I.AWN
r t I Dittobtfft fine CAMBRIC
1 t Ditto Ladies' befl ftiammy and Grenoble Gloves
AUg. 24 ' ()
A very valuable Merchant Mill, r-
QUARRIES .0 be let K
I will rent my mei chant Mill at the little Falls Of Po w
sent towmac, for'any term not Ufs than seven, nor more than
i',i elefcu years, from thejfirll day of September next. The _
mi'il-faoufo i»42 by 40 'eet, three ftorics high, built with t}
ftnne, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Stones, tw6
1 overshot 18 feet water-wheels, and Evans's machinery _
tomplcte, with every otl)er thing prop«r and necessary for
§ carrying on the business with dispatch, and at as little ex-
penfc as poflible, all in good order.—From the mill to my
landing cr.i the Potomac river, (whtre craft, of any bur
then deliver grain and take in flour) it is about 40 31
yards, and from thence by water ti> George-Town and
the City ps Washington, about 3 miles, and to Alexan- »
dria about 11 miles. This aided,by a fufficient Is
larf ' capital, will command the produce of a very cxtonfive
trong back country, where large quantities of wheat and other
grain is annually made, the. distance to it being from 8
), to so miles less than to any market town upon the navi
', rS the Potowmac. Tbete are on the yrcmifcs a J
■ large ltonS iip.TTtone granary, and a commo
dious miller's house. At the landing aforefaid a bridge
is now building over the Potomac, yrhich is in great for
' wardncfs and probably will be finilhcd the ensuing fall. r
There are alfij on the prcmifes, a Brewery and Distille
ry, built with Hone, in them are three Hills, two coppers
or boilers, with every necessary article, all new, and in ,
good order, and fufficiently large to carry on the Brew- '
0 baj - c ry and Distillery upon a very extensive plan. This prap
is vel- erty I will rent for the fame term of years.
1 tho- Upon my lands adjoining the premiies, and along the '
e lea- banks of the river, where craft may lead with cafe and dis
patch, is an immense qiantny of building and icunda
. tion-ftones. F our quarries are now open, and as many J
* more'may be opened with ease : the stone taken from these J
§ quarries is'better, and has the preference at this market, .
' to any other stone brought to it. I will rent these quarries '
separately or together as may btft suit.
On the top of the hill, and about 200 yards fron* the
uguft, mill, is a stone Dwelling-house, large enough for the ac- !
Sally, commodation of a family : also, akitcheA, daity, smoke
house, &c. and a garden, enc:ofed and in cultivation, the J
1 foi of which is equal in goodness to any in this state. I ;
will also rcßt this property. (
Adjoining to the Brewery and Distillery is a Smith's
olphe (bop, in which is a complete set of Biackfmith's tools, \
which 1 will also rent, and if agreeable I will hire to the
s. tenant two negro blacksmiths, one of them is a complete
workman. • \
11 I rent out the stone quarries, I will fell three crafts,
which were built for the purpose of carrying stone : they
will altogether bring upwards of 90 perch. Immediate
poficflion will be given. For terms apply to thefublcrib
er in this town.
J The Mill, Brewery and Distillery, with their appurten
'- - ances, will be daliverad to the tenant or tenants in good
' repair, and must be so returned, at the expiration of -the
U "" lease or leases.
Alcmodria, Aug. 16—
>nar. • To befojd,
squire Q n Twelve Months Credit,
• If applied for immediately,
One Hundred Thouland Dollars,
I from An,d one hundred and eighty thousand acres of good
•f ' LAND,
r, !r, the state of Virginia. ApplJ to the Printer.
'3 w A-J. 19 s
J " ——- ■■
. Just Arrived, 1
l» the Snow Bofto'n, James Kirkpatrick^mafter.from Li- p
verpool, £
coeo BnOiels SALT ;
Am AlTortment of SHIP CHANDLEK Y , Außi
r o R SALS
On board,' at Pine-street wharf. Apply to
"James Campbell, or
George Latimer. g
Apn. , - '.y rm T T~. ■». y T
Landing, g
From on beard the Schoonsr Expedition, H
St. Croix £
For Sale by F. COPPINGER, Bi
Aug. ii 221 South g,
' AUg
h Notice is hereby Given,
TPHAT afreeallly to an aft ol Congicls of the United
I States of America, palled at Philadelphia, the 28th day TN a
of Mav, 1706 ; laying duties, on Carriages, for the convey- X Fri
ance of prrlons, and repealing tke former acts for that pur- ce ; vcc J
pol'e.—' That there (hall be levied, collected and paid, upon c j > c
all carriages for the convcyance of persons, which lhall be and w
~ kept by or for any perlon, for his or h«r own use, or to e p renc ]
out to hire, or for the conveying of pitTengers, the several du-
J ties and rates following, to wit.
' For and upon every Coach, 15 doU. .
upon every Chariot, 12 dols. l.nct
upon every Pod Chariot, i i dol«< mode:
upon every Poll Chaise, 12 dols. , ladeK'
upon every Phaeion, with or without top, g doll
upon every Coaehee, 9 dole.
; 1 upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above,
with blinds, glalies or curtains, 9 dols. COT
upon four wheel carriages, having framed polls and
lopiwithfteel springs, 6 dols.
lS ' ul xjn four wheel lip Carnages, with wooden or iron
springs Or jacks, 3 dols. ' _ ow
upon cu-ricles with tops, 3 dols. Aj
uponchaifes with tops, 3 dols.
upon ehairs with tops. 3 dols. 81
upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols. _
upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols.
e " upon two wheel carnages, with steel or iron springs,
3 dols. By
P" For and upon all otfcer two wheel carnages, 2 dols.
>n, apon c\ery four wheel carriage, having traded polts
=nd tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 ools.
iar The Collcfiors of the Revenutf of trve firft lurvey of the
Diltrtftof will attend daily, unt 1) the 30th day
of of September next, for the purpose of receiving the duW <W
Carriages, atNo./i7>in Race or SaCfafras ftreet,in rtieCity
ib- of Philadelphia, at the house of D.mel S. Clan, Efa . in tl.
i _ County of Montgomery; and at the house of Abraham Du- Boc
tfq. in t" e Co.-rtity of Bucks; of which all perfonspul- £
if fled of such Carnages are defucd to take notice.
Notice is alia given,
I TO all retail dealers .in Wines, a«d foreign distilled spiri
tuous liquors, that licences will be granted to them ; one Ii /
cence for carrying on the business ot retailing of Wipes, in a
' lels quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one S
liccnccfoi carrying 00 the business of, retailing Spirituous ll- C
nuors in IcfsOuantUies than-20 gallons,at the fame time and -j
, es at" the fame places, by the officers legally authotiaed to gran g
fuck licences, WILLIAM NICHOLS, !?
Infpeftor-of the of the fitft survey
of the dillrifkof Pennfjlvania. (
Office of Itifpe<Uon,at f '1 3°
). Philadelphia, 21ft July, '79 6 - S — J
-5 r fHAT application will be made for the renewal of
INE 1. the following certificates, ifTueJby Joseph Nourfe,
Krgifter of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Gril
Po wojd, £fq. of Norwich, Conneflicut —
fhair , certificate, fix per cent domestic liock, No. 13,907 J
The _ date d t he i7thDecember, 179.5, bearing interest from _
wllh the firft'day of January, 1791, for 1,597 65-100 dol
-1 ditto, thre* per cent, doineft'.c stock, No. 10,682 -
!K ' r y —dated December 16, 1795> bearing interest from the
y firft day of January, I 79 1 ' for 994 30-100 dollars.
cx " 1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166. dated the 17th
December, 1795, bearing interest from the firft Jann
, *r ary> 1801, for 798 83-100 dollars. .
and Said certificates are have been loft or m
:xan- fto'en in this city some time in December or Janua:y
"five hft ' JOSEPH THOMAS,
3 ther No. 59, North Front-street. f<ji
om 8 Philadelphia, July ai, 1796- pu
navi- — T " "T r COl
res a Philadelphia, Weft-Cheller, Strafburgh,
IX Lanca/ler, Tork and Frederick-town
for- STAGES.
il' n nnHE proprietors of the above Stages, return their befl
JL thanks to their friends and the public in general, for T
ppei s encouragement received in this line ot business, and beg *
, m leave to inform the public, that they arc determined to run
,IL ' W " their flages through frem Philadelphia to Lancafler in a
P 10 P" one <, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July instant, tQ
, in the following manner, —viz. A Stage will fct out on
'? J r that dav at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house of
, George Weed, Market-street, Philadelphia, and run by
a " the way of Weftcncfter and Strafburgh, arrive in Lancaf
m/*!7 t cr the fame evening, on Friday morning run to Wright's
1 ' ferry and exchange pafTengers with the York and Fredej
-1 ' iek-town stage, return and arrive in Philadelphia on Sat
arrieS urday, and 011 Monday morning following, at 4 o'clock,
said stage willfet out from the said George Weed's, Phila
-1? delp'ia, and arrive at Lancafler the fame evening, on
16 , aC " Ttofday,morning at 4 o'clack will fct out from the house
110 of Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, and arrive in Philadelphia
a ' , the fame evening, and will commence again on Thursday
te- morning following, and continue i-very week—The price
~, for each passenger from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three
™' , S dollars and a half, to York, four'dollars and three quar
tools, tcI ._ t0 p-jdetick town eight dollars, the like funis for
to , 150 s weight baggage, with the aAial allowance of 14 lb. q1
° p ' te o-ratis to'cach pallcnger, and 5 pence a jnile for all way ,j
, pafTengers. 3 0-§4w
: "w John Reilly, J
ediate George Weed.
ilcrib- 0 — j
arten- Sales of India Goods. j' 1
good The Cargo of the {hip Gahges, capt. Tingey, from Cal
the cutta ar.d Bengal,
I-1" * Laree and general aftortment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fine worked and plain Miflins,
Doreas, 15'r. .Also,'
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
IRS> In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER,
ood Fpr Sale by
WiUings Francis,
ji Penn Street.
§ June 8 j .
Prime St. Croix Sugar & Rum,
Landing at Cliffords Wharf, from on board the brig
Praecrs. Capt. Thomas Watson—
6 And For Sale by
Praters & to.
Au3u(U6. dlot -
Retimed by the Pennsylvania, from /lmjltrdam.
GIN, in pipes
Morlaix >
» y sPi<Kte«l?i-rgi > In &" es
O&it'vj? g» J
. Optma" 1 Stripes, in crf-»
Hyrlem J
Hollands 1 DUCK,Jin ditto
Ravens J ~ ■
Bedticks, in ditto
Brittagnes > in d ; Uo
PliflllrS » * • >
AUg. 29 *
Wants Employment,
IN a gentiel family, resident in town or country, i
French lady lately arrived in this city, She has re
ceived a good education and can be well recommenc
ed. She wishes to undertake the tuition of children,
and will teach them to 'read, write, aftd speak the
French laneuaae, ih a ftort time, by principles simple,
but v e ; y intelligible.- She will also inM them .a
history, mythologie, &c. and will be carefui in paying
stria attention to their morals ; her terms will be very
moderate, fftptily at No. 15, Lombard-Street, I hila-
August ao. lot
' COFFEE, in lihds. bagO
j COTTON, of Demerara, and > cntitledto driwbacK
" I BOSTON BEEF, and Mo«ld and Dipt CANDLES,
i Apply to ISAAC HARVEV. J- ti.
J yV ) No. 5 south Water-street.
I 8 mo. 10.
S| I This Day is Publijhtd
i By WILLIAM COBBETT, oppofjte Cluift
ls j i Church,
A new Drawing Book,
'Y I From the Studies of the bed Matters.
)n Price 1 Dollar and 25 Cents.
% With a generous allowance to Dtawing Mailers,
u- I Book Sellers and Statiohers.
f" I Augwit 27.
J New-England RUM in Hhds.
"j* GIN In barrels,
1<- COMMON WHALE, and > OIL..
I Tallow Ditto, Mould and-Dipt
White SOAP, in Boxes
y Best Boston HEEF, in barrel; and half barrels
CODTISH, in hhds,
Best Boston MACKREL, in barrels, and
- A few choice fmoaked SALMON, For Sale by
of Also, a fmail invoice of well assorted
>07 Aug. 23 ? 10
om I r
10l- I
58i Next week will be Juhmitted to public inff dhon,
7 th Of a New Periodical Work entitled
mi " The United States Magazine,
And Repository of Ufeful Hid Entertaining Know
0f I ledge ;
a ; y Which will be conduced on a new, liberal, and intereft
inff plan—each number containing befidcs the usual quan
tityof letter prrffs, two neat engravings, and a favourite
so to music.—Price only one fourth of a dollar ; the
publication to commence on the Ift of Febrnary >797, *nd
, I continued monthly.
I August 26.
Waftnngton Canal Lottery,
best N°. I.
for T-rrHERBAS the State of Maryland has authorised
beg W 1 the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thovfand,
™n two hundred, and fifty dollars, fer the purpose of cutting
x in j a Canal through the City of Wafhingtor), from th Po;
tant, tomacto theEaftern Branch Harbour.
ton The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
e of Viz -1 Prize of 10,000 dollars, 20,000
1 by ' X ditto 10,000 10,000
'l last drawn "J 3JSOOO
ghts Tickets, each $ .
:dej- 6 ditto 1,000 6,000
Sat- jq ditto 400 4,000
lock, 10 ditto 100 5,000
hila- ditto ®>75°
on J7JO ditto 12 69,008
louse To be raised for the Canal, 26,2 50
Iphia _____
rfday 5850 Prizes, 1 fe,ooo
price 11610 Blanks, not two to a prize.
three *
l«ar- 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - T?j,coo
is for gy xhc Commiflioners have taken the Securities re'
4 lb> quired by the aforefaid aft for the puudual payment o( t
wa s' the ririzes. .
t w The drawing ef this Lottery will commence, without
delay, as foo'n "as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not demanded : ■
drawing is finiihed, iball be confidc i»i
the benefitof the Canal, and appr. ; T
(Signed) NOTLI .
Cal- < « danie
■ 4dras Wm.M I . - <
' inS> Crty «f Walhingtoß, Feb. 11^
Wanted, immt
■» 1 ivo Journeymen
TO go a fmatl distance fiom th -ci
S, wa K „ will be given—their wo.
tet. Caic arrd Prtft. £nq»"« lt 3'
5 Aug. »9-