Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 29, 1796, Image 3

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    The Redafteur of the 25th has the following
article fr«tri the Editor.
" N. B. The French. 'Journals of Paris, # who
are disfigured every day by publilhing the ridiculous
relations of the French Journals of Frankfdrt,
which are at the devotion of the Efnigrants,, have
announced as inconceivable defeat of the army of
Italy, in an attempt to pass the Addige. What is
mod remarkable in this news, is its absolute falfe
hood. On the 3d -of June General Buonaparte
announced from Verona, that he was pofffcffed of
all the bridges of the Addige ; his advanced guards
were ten leagues from theftee.' No battle had ta
ken pface on the 20th. The republican army ha<l
advanced almost without a blow far on the other
fide of that river. " Thuan."
/ , . J u, y 2
/ We yesterday received by express Par« journals,
/to the 30th ult. inclusive. By these we leatn that
J "the FreHeh unexpectedly croffedthe Rhine at Straf
/ burgh on ths 23d ult. with a very considerable
I force, and taking the Auftrians by surprise made
themselves matters of the Itrong fort'of Kehl, and
j after making from 6 to 700 prisoners, extended
; their deftruitive into the neighbouring
\ eountty.
'l'he Hambutgh mail due yesterday arrived in
tdwn this morning and brought an aecount of fotne
farther advantages gained by the victorious Auitri
ans over the flying French.
Different Recounts from Frankfort of the jft
mention a second action to have been fought at
Okeroth on the 20th, in which the French were
defeated with the'lofs of 1800 men left dead on
the field, 700 prisoners and several pieces of cannon.
These accounts farther state, that the column of
French retiring from Neuwied is cut off, and must
either surrender or be drowrfed in the Rhine. But
it appears from General Jourdan's letter to the Di
feftory, that they have cffefted their passage over
that river.
The French are retreating with precipitation to
Duffcldorf, and the Auftrians are purfufng them
tt-ithei wit h equal The former are said
tc have loft no kfs than 40 pietcs of artillery in
their retreat.
■ The extraordinary Gazette, published last night,
confirms the account in yesterday's Courier of the
actions that took place on the 15th and 16th, on
the right fide of the Rhine, between part of Ge
neral Jourdan's army and the Archduke Charles.
After the battle on the 16th, General Kleber reti
red firft to Ahenkirchen, and afterwards took.pos
session of the heights of Kirpen near Ahenkirchen.
111 that position he was attacked, on the 19th, by
the Austrian General Kray. After a very obfti
natf a£Ho», the Auftrians (the Gazette Extraordi
nary states) drove the French from the heights, but
did not venture to pursue them.
The loss of the Auftrians is stated at between $
and 600 men. The loss of the French at above
JCo taken.prisoners and several hundred killed, be
sides, " according to all report*,'' a great number
wounded. ,
On the night of the 19th, General Kleber cros
sed the Sieg, and dire&ed his march towards Duf
feldorff. At Duffeldorff he will be reinforced by I
t*ie army tin, 'Muak'Uufei —gttifrCg JSoiiaon^
♦aie." 7
July 7. The Sally of Boston, soT aiders, loft
her anchors and cables 111 the Downs, and is goife
' /er Ramfgate pier. I
On Monday an American vessel took Gre it
Aylt s's Dock, New Crane, Wapping, and bur t
tiearly to the water's edge; but by the timely t f
fiftance of the fireman and engines, the flames e :
tended nd farther.
x~ July 9. By letters received from Jersey, i e
fleam, that General Gordon, the commander n
f chief there, having received intimation that aco -
fiderable French force had been collected in tl e
neighbourhood of St. Maloes and Granville, at d
whkh was daily in'creafwg, and that all the bod s
on the coast had been put in requifnion, was prk
\ paring against an attempt upon that island, whiclv
be had reason ta believe would speedily be m~de.
Capt. Manlove, of the Earl of Derby, pafied
Elfineiir the 24th of June, for Rig's. He writes
therii were then .cruising on the North Sea, the
following French (hips, viz. La CarmagnoJe, of 50
guns ; Republicaine 32; Torche 24 ; Foudroy
ante 24 ; and Brilliante 24.
From the l.ondon Gazette.
Dispatches have been this day received from
Colonel Graham, dated at the head quarters of Ge
neral Be'aulieu, Cagliano near Roverdo, June 13th
and 14th, by which it appears that nothing materi
al had occurred in that quarter since the 31ft May.
The diligence aimed hired cutter arrived here
yesterday ooon, with the (hip Stirling, of Boston,
a prize to the squadron under the command of vice
admiral Macbrrde, bound from Surinam to Am
sterdam, laden with sugar, taken off the Texel.
The Diligent left the fleet on the 17th instant,
the Texel then bearing S. E. about 3 leagues,
where there were lying eight (hips of the line, two
firties, thiee frigates, and some corvettes.
The {hip STAR,
i J OUK Vans '"mam, Master,'
T' YIHG at Walnut-ftr«et whirs, Philadel
«Bt!ii 1 1 i phi* built, of live oak and cedar, will
carry about 3200 barrels, i» two years old, and in com
plex order to receive a cargo—For terms apply to
| Who have also for fait said vclTcls cargo— confiiling of--
Wine and Porter bottles,
WinJViw Glass, 6bj 8 toi6 by 13.
Pipes boxes
Jarthetj-Ware in crat-<-
nrind:toi}£s, Coals, Whiting, &c. |
. §
p given daily cf the draw'ing cf the WASHINGTON
— LOTTERY, at the Office
No. 147 Ghtfnutjlrcct,
between Fourth and Fifth Ureses. Also, where Tickets
, may yet be had. AUg. Jl6. co
('_? The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Days drawing is
arrived. *
R .. —
M Fhladelphia,
rt> MONDAY SVENIWG, Aooost 19.
v ' Accounts by the ftmburgh packet fay, that there were
°* oublic rejoicings at Liverpool, on account of Austrian
is Vifiories on the Rhine ; the papers however do not con
fe. tain any details, which appear to warrant this.
,j e London papers lay, that Stocks fejl on the news of the
, French re-crofling the Rhine The reason afligned is that
. Peace "is thereby rendered less probable,
ds ?
!a- " *,* Many interetting foreign articles are necessarily
a( J »mhted this day—is is also the speculation signed " Ob
The Sun of July Ir, contains Morcau's official
difpafches to the. Dirrfftory, dated Kehl, June
s * 24, 25, by which it appears that he had efFe&ed -
the passage of the Rhine at Kehl, and e(labH(jjfetr
himfelf there. He concludes a Jong letter of ya,
e tail by informing the bridge between Kehl
* the Isle of the Rhine was- jull completed, »nd thaf 1
' the remainder of his ariViy was palling it.
The army of Italy had taken the caltle of Urbi
no, Fort Ferara, and Bolegna, in Ferata
. ces of cannon. The details of the above fucceillj-.
:n arc given in letters from Buonaparte and Saliflcict _
'. e Paris accounts to the lit July from the fame '
'• p#f*r mention tf>at some difturhances had tak.en ,
place, but that tranquility was restored. -It was'l
reported that the Pope had obtained' a ceffttioo '
of arms at the price of 50 millions of livres, pifttjres
e &c. Sec.
Paris dates of the 3d July mention that audientic
letters announce a frefti victory gained byMorcaiy'
on the right fide of the Rhin?, and that the Empe
ror's cuirafiers were almost cpt to pieces that th| ,
' liege of Mantua, is carried 011 by 60,000 men.— '
r The king of Naples had obtained a cessation
arms on condition of withdrawing his forces, land
and Naval from the coalition. L'Eclair of the 3d
° July fays ; that the French had gained a figrialvic
d tory, entered Fribourg in the Brifgaw ; this ap
pears to allude to the victory firft mentioned in this
paragraph. It was reported, that Pichcgru had
t taken part df Moreau's army and was marching
' by Conftanee to cut off Beaulieu, enter the Tyro
e lefe by the way of Germany and shake hands with
Buonaparte. Moi'eau in his letter dated Kehl, talks
of (halting with Buonaparte.
A Muuich head of June 26, mentions, that acouJ
J.* rier frorrt Infpruck bro't news of th'e Frejich havira*
taken Polzen, fecartd the passage of Schultz and adV
vanced into the vallies of Friifter and Munfttr.
I A Bruff-ls head of July 1, states the Archduke
!" Charles to be near Duffeldorf. The French weic*
' in poffeffioti of the citadel of Ancoua before the 26
II of June.
Paris date* of tie £th July, f»yj we have certai*-'
J ly taken possession of Leghorn, Ancona and Civit
Vecchia. It is said, that at Leghorn, we tooP
' from the English (hipping &c. to the amount of
r millions. The Ministers of the King of Napki and
j. the Pope had arrived at Paris.
J' l*he French attained tiie intrrnrti»/l ****.?
"IV>nc Mundehcim, wittl niinicrous forccs, this morn
/ ing. The firft attack was made on the HBe of
dach, at halfpafts o'clock, and sft fix theit princi
e pal «ttack was dire&ed against the extremity of the
entrenched camp, between Rheingenheim and Mun
-11 denheim. The cannonade and was very
'' terrible ; and, after having iacrificed a great many
people, they got possession of Rheingenheim, They
also made several attacks towards Opgetfheim, and
the car/a! of Frankenthal, but Were repulsed. At
e nine o'clock they appeared to direst their principal
n forces against three redoubts that are in the second
line before Mundenheim j but the fire of the Austri
an baffries probably made them gye up their ob
cl At joo'ejoek we no longer heard the found
of cannon. It if now tw<> in the afternoon, an/
\ all is quiet. / j
'• Strasbourg, 10th Meffidor, (June 28.) \|
Our army on the other fide of the Rhine maktl
;s some piogrels ;it attacked the enemy the day be!
Ie fore yesterday (Sunday) at halfpaft 6in the evenlJ
0 ing ; they defended themselves obstinately,
standing which, they were driven from all t
litions, into which our troops entered yefferday
moining ; the field of battle was found covered with)
their dead bodies.
j- BANKS OF THE MEIN, June 15.
According to letters frotti the left bank of the
'* Rhine, the French were not at Worms on the 14th.
r " On the 14th, one of theit patroles (hewed them
selves on the Pfedderlheim rc_J.
e MANHEIM, June i 5.
'» The attack of yesterday lasted untils o'clock in
e the evening. It appears to have been very serious ;
the cacncm and the mufquetry, the sabre and the
bayonet were all employed, and the cavalry were
'' waimly engaged. The French took, loft, and re
*' took a redoubt upon the Rheeback ; they must
0 haveloft many men, for the soldiers were obliged
to pass the water with their guns over their heads,
1 and under the fire of the Auftrians. The attack
extended to the whole Hoe from Rhein, Gerheim,
and Lipffein, opposite Oggerftleim. The French
inthe morning dislodged the Auftrians from Franc
, kenthai, but in the afternoon the poll was retaken'
'][ from them.
1- This morning every thing is quiet ; the Auftri
ans have concentred their position behind Mandach
to the old redoubt df the Rhine. The French have
it in contemplation to employ the Imperialists in
fuchca manner here as to prevent their detaching
troops to the Lahn.
June 16.
Last night a variety of flcirmiflies took place a
tnong the out pods, on the fide of Mandach, in
which the Auftrians werefuccefsful.
The following article is official :
,J " The intrenchmsnts in front of Manhcim and
Mundcnheim being completed, Gen. Wurmfer in
j the night ot the 15th ftationcd a fuffieient number
of troops in them for their defence. The remain
s der of the detachment which occupied the p'ofition
from Rheingeohcim to Frankenthal have passed
. _ . '•> _ ' -
' the Rhine to take polTcfliait of the ground that it
marked out for theij cncampment. * f
June 17. j
"1 bs aftioft.on the 14th June wu very bloody. -
Ofteach fidS the greatett obition-'y was evinced, t
■ e kft *' ie '°^ s French wis infinitely more con
n fideribie than ours; for after having been driven ;
from feveial redoubts, which they scaled 3 differ
ent times, our cavalry purfucd them to a. great dif- '
>e tance. In the environs of the Rhehutte the ground
i£ is covered yvith dead bodies.
The head quarters of Gen. Wurmfer are at
[y Schvvetzingen. The troops 'which, on the night
s- of the 15th, repafftd the Rhine are going to fechwet- <
zingea. f he-intrenched camp upon the left bank 1
of frhs Rhiiie is defended by 150 pieces of cannon,
atid'SV'a great nutfiher of troops extended from 1
to Rheingenheim. The French since J
!( jf have occupied Qggerfheim and Franckeu (
7>) >t / MENTZ, <Junc 16.
Every thing is quiet in our environs. Theenemy 1
• a re not fee 11 within three leagues from us. It is :
fide of Bingen that they have approached '
K Fheir detachments advance beyond J
L r? the T levy contributions ort the villages
V •pidyhen return. <
SCHWALBACH, June 18. J 1
n morning the Imperial troops who were
-s "**^ e^:nv ' ron3 Dimburg, were put in motion
for the purpose of proceeding to the other fid* of
the Lahn. The Auflrians proceeded dire&ly to ]
MfflSaubar, to pursue the enemy, who were in full
l*etreatvn that fide. They soon came up with the
rear gutrd, and a very bloody battle ensued, in
1 Mie French were roughly handled,.
also retired yesterday morning from
j f l(i Naffou, and were pursued by General j
, Fincki
J ,
r BY THIS DAY's mail.
g ' NEW-YORK, August 27.
5. [Bytha Mary, Capt. Logan, in 45 days from I ,
[j Cork, we have received a Cork paper, of July
:s 4> containing the following London accounts to
the 28th June; five days later than our former
, / adviccsj—
LONDON, June 28.
Prince of Wales came yesterday to Carle
•e a reconciliation took place between
XfJ'd 'he frinccft. They dined together with
£ party. The pew arrangement of the houf
hold will fake place immediately. Lady Jersey re
' -fens her filiation as Miflrefs of the Robes, and
K Ifjl her refpeAs iotneir majesties the firtt court
l ps Jiulter. Their Royal Highnesses will go to the
o" $™' ,n E room on Tfiurfday,- and there will be a fe
|(j riesof fetes given by the principal nobility on the
happy occanon.
Orders have been sent to Brightbelmfione for the
Marine fav ilion to be got ready for the summer I
,I. of •1 " P-..-■• a ..«<! r ( of WaießTnnt"
).■ theif infant daughter.
PL Naples, May 2 j.
Belnuxite, who had been sent to
the French envoy Faypoult,
y °i '^ arn of the French government,
,y Irelative peace with Naples, is returned after
y a grand council of ilate was held, in the pre
dJlfcnce of the king, the queen, and the prime mi
kt (rniftfr Action, at which the proposition of a nego
al jjciation with France was rejeSed, and it was refolv
d led to continue tht,ivar with the utinoft rigour,
i-1 Every preparation is therefore making for the
>-1 defence of the country, and 40,000 men are imcne
dl diately to be railed in Naples and Sicily, to be ad
ds ded to the 10,000 vvealready have. The nobility
I and clergy have been required to contributed the
k utmjjt of their power to the defenee of the kfng-
I \ HAGUE, June tl.
jMTThc greavqueflion which has been so frequently
JBcbated m the Convention, vi*. whether the Na
r?jl'ional Cpnventioii shall have the entire of
yr the armed citizens, and the finances of the whole
hJ Republic 5 was determined in the fitting of l«ft
Taefday, by the majority of a single rote. The
decree only fays, that all farther debate pn the fub
je£l shall cease ; l>ut this may certainly be coafider
e ed asa reje&ion of the proposition.
PHILADELPHIA, Auguji t 9 .
pf '/
; ARRIVED. days.
c Ship Hamburg Packet, Clay, Liverpool 42
e Voltaira, Bowen, Hamburg 54
Brig Pennsylvania, Moody, Amsterdam 63
~ Schooner Sjlly, Stevens, Londonderry, 45
Swallow, Moore, Norfolk 3
Kitty, Hngene, ditto 3
, Prudttice, Deming, Hartford 6
k Sloop Lark, CroweH, New-York 3
L Brrg Rebecca, Divine, Madeira 35
h Pun«h, Tombe, New-York 5
- Schooncr Little Tom, Dennet, St. Croix 13
n Ship R*erbuek, Shewell, Bristol 56
The Vjoltaire left Hambutgh June 30, and
i- CrUchaven July 5, in company with Ship Maria,
h Ferris, of New York, bound to Rochfort, and the
e Snow Two Friends, for Boston. «
n The Schooner Sally, left Londonderry 12th
g July. The Deborah failed 3 weeks before, with
550 passengers, and the Adojphe 2 weeks before
with the fame number. Tie Eliza for New-Caf
!- tie and New-York; with 180, and William and
0 Henry for do. with 280, were ready to faij. In
the Sally eafne 83 pa'lTengers, all in health, well
J The Ship John Bulktly, failed from Madeira
n the 17th July, for the Isle of May.
r The Ship Concord, Thompson, from PhilMel*
1- phia, arrived at Amsterdam, June 15. ,
n 22 Ships and brigs are advertised in the Liver
-1 pool papers for the United States.