Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 29, 1796, Image 1

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    #ajette »/<& Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
i MMSDAr EVENING, AUGUST i 9, 1796. ■ . ■ - -■ f '
Numbzs 1239.] „„ " Tuft Arrived, | ___ For lale
H or Charter
.f** The Snow HOPE, - til
v Rindge, now ready for a cargo, M £ cer
will carry 1000 barrels. If I ' ot e "^ a ß" he will
in five days, will take freight f<*
BoHon and Portland. I Some
»„ I g
For terms apply to . r
Samuel Breck, p*a>. Som(
Rofs's Wharf. •-' Bini ,
Wkffe mav he had, Lonf
A quantity of Bojlon Duck, Engl
'■"g- — 1 Silk .
flfcrgy FOR SALE. The;
The Brig PUNCH, .* Fren
"As entire new v»(Tel, built, finifhcd and fittj -—
j„ the best manner. One hundred and
tons burthen, and will fell remarkably fait. Foj {
terras apply to Mr. N. Sage, at the George tavernl ff
Autufi z6, i 7 9 - • f
Xvr nnrfuaiica of a Writ to me direifted from the Honpur
* able Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the Mrifl
■ Court of the United States for the Pennfylvan.a Diftrift,
/Fi// expo fed to Public Sale,
At the Merchants' Coffee-Houfe, in the City of Philadei
phis, on Monday, the 29th day of August, instant, at f» j
The SLOOP called the J
jßßjgjfe Rebecca, J
With all and Cngular her tackle, appa- J
rel and Furniture, as the fame now are ; the said sloop
fcavine l>een condemned, to pay Mariners- wag«, * c -
Marffial's Office, 19th August, 1796. —-
For Sale or Charter,
B O S T ° N,
BURTHEN about 1000 Bbls. of flour—(he may be sent wher
to feaat a small expence, her fails and rigging being in A 1
very good order—apply to for t!
James Campbell, or Ih . e
George Latimer. is
April 29, . j e ®
For Sale or Charter, 1 a '
LYING at Mess. J. & R Wain's wharf,
two**hundred and seventy tons burthen, a stout, ilrrsng
vessel, and well feund. For terms apply to
Joseph Anthony & Co. w1
A\ig. 84 ,_i-— I C
' For Sale, .. * \
Or' f" " in i fl -llldi CS i - 1 J
vjZM&iSkarL. Philadelphia Built, .
ZrylOiveOak and Red Cedar, burthen about 35°° >ar
( ) fels, now difcharging'at Latimer's wharf llusvcl- A
{el is iu excellent repair, well foetidl and will bear a tho- 11
rough examination, and as soon as difchargea w 11. be tea
dy to take in a cargo. For terms apply to tov
John Vaughan.
July 2 8 ' ; I- fto '
At South-street wharf, ™
WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft A-ugoft, car
by fitow Hope, from Jamaica, and sloop Sally, pel
from Port-au-Prince,
300 Hhds. COFFEE, £
jo Hhds. SUGAR. th
ylja, the cargo of the SmeJtfl: trig Gujlaf Adolphe, dr
capt. Ram/re, from Gibraltar,
• n and ith proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds.
Hazle Nuts in sacks , t0
For Charter, ai
The said brig «>
Gustaf Adolphe,
i- with a Mediterranean pass, r ,
aiSeifei a very fine ve fr e l, about too tons '01
then. Aug. .B.' $ 2we ° 2w S
~~ For Sale, a
Friendship, h
TJURTHEN 300 Barrels or 1400 t j
1 " J ) bufbels Coal, an excUlent frame, n
Live Oak and Cedar, and well found with cables, anchors q
&c. fit for f&a—now lying at Almond-street wharf, 1 ho- t,
mas IVtirofe's. The ttrms will be made reasonable. f,
Apply to the Owner, No. il2 south Front-flreet, next
door to ToH'.ith.m Penrofe, Esq. Aug. 19 I|ef4 c
' I — — — —! c
Prime St. Croix Sugar C5 3 Rum, ' J
Landing at Cliffords Wharf, from on boatd, the brig t
Pragers, Capt. Thpmas Watson—
A ltd for Sale by {
Praters & co. \
"'AuS'ufl 26. dipt. t
A Complete Font of Brevier,
ONtirely new , and yet unopened. The weight of this 1
J_j ftrnt i? about 312 lb. It is from the Fcundery cf i
Wilson & Sons, Glasgow, and w illbe fold at cost & chargei. '
Alio for Sale, a pair of Super Royal. Chafes.
Enquire at the Office of the Gazette el the United '
State,, >19 CUefnut-ftieet. xug. 19 §4W 1
Wants Employment,
YN a genteel family, refide,it 111 town or country, i
A French lady lately ajTrivtd in this city. She has re
ceived a good education and can be well reaommend
ed. She wishes to undertake the tuition of children,
and will teach them to read, write, and fp;ak tie
f rcnch language, in a short time, by principles limple,
lit very i Tfeliigibler. She \*ili also infirufl them in
history, mythologie, &c. and will be careful in paying
f.riil a.teijtion to their morals ; her terms will be very
moderate. Apply at Nc. 15, Lombard-Street, PhiU
iKU-tyhia. Au-Jjuft 20. Jtot d
Wm. HOLD ERN KSSIi, lf the Sl
No . 76 High Street,
TT« received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and 5000
H the r"a IndiM, a well felefted assortment of 100
Mercery Liner) Drapery and Haberdafliery Goods; wine. An A]
he will fell, Wholesale afld Retail, on the lowest term. ,
amongst which A*e, On boar
Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and frlver
Superfine Book,, "^Mulmul^^^^
Some extra bheS,taffeties,lut€ftringsand colored Persians April
"' Bandano Handkerchief . .... t aud Jhort'Nankeeris
English Mantuas of the firfl; quality J
~ Uamalk table linen and napkins, very fine
Silk Hosiery, an elegant assortment O
Thead and cotton do „ g
Umbrellas—g«en .silk, oil d do. and 4° 010111 Au „_
French cambrics, very fine . > I —
, lrifh Linens, do. &e. &c. J""* 14 Jj_
For Sale,
L \ Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
I £\_ street, between Front and Second flreets, in wteich
k MefTrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (ind ,-p HA
1 kiow do) carried onJ«rt(#«#►»■»* ■»*'«• W . 1 Stat
g^ vcn one mont "> or l ot:)ner * #i of Mav
■ afjfly to WILLIAM B&LWwJVJ ancc of
■ - —«• ' -■ '§ lV.ll earn,
— rrr wL \,cptb/
'TORSALE, - » \ 1.1•
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4yeaisold,
' in pipes and hogsheads
Ckret, genuine old, in cases
Gin, in pipes, from Holland
Earthen Ware, in crates
Basket Salt, in hogsheads
Shot, Not. 6, 7, 1 and 9
Ear Lead, Red and/white dry lead
Steeli German and Russia, in barrels
'* Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpohn, canvas,
'P Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by
T 1 '■
July 29 - -J—
7hit Animiil is to be seen in High-Street, between
the Tenth and the Eleventh-Street.
HE will positively leave Philadelphia the tenth of Sep- jr or an
tember, for Baltimore, in his way to Charleiion,
nt where he will tvin er- n H,.
in ADMITTANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar T h<
The C pANORAMA, or the VIEW of the, CITIES of of Sep
It to be Open till the 10th of September, and the sub- of Ph.
jest will then be removed to Baltimore with the LLL- oui
1 HAN div j lttan ce for the FANORAMA, fclle<l
One quarter of a Dollat.
August 3. —5. TC
f, French Goods. «n«
' ng Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-de-
Grace, quor
, ao Trunks *> SHOES of all colors forts and foes at
I Cafe \ n ,uc "
I Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS
I Ditto Fine LAWN
1 fine CAMBRIC
r i)ittoCactTea v tTcfl-fhnnmy nnAOrenoble Gloves
• For Sale by THOMAS IXAJNJ). *
Aug. °<\ : -
, ar - A very valuable Merchant Mill,
vef- A DISTILLERY and fiREWERY, and sundry STONE J.
:ho- fS- (QUARRIES to be let Reg
tea- 1 will rent my merchant Mil! at the little Falls of Po wo ;
towmac, for any term not less than seven, nor mort than - ■ {
eleven years, from the firft day of September next. The _ d
miil-houfe is 41 by 40 feet, three stories high, built with the
§ stone, and has in, it three pairs of French Burr Stones, two }
overil.ot 18 feet water-wheels, and Evans's machinery'
complete, with every other thing proper and necessary for
™ft, carrying on the bulinefs with dispatch, and at as little ex
ally] penfe as poflible, all 111 good order.—From the mill to my
'' landing.on the Potomac river, (whttecrah, of any bur- u (
then may deliver grain and take in fU ar)' it is about 40 ."7,
yards, and. from thence by water M George-Town and
the City of Walhington, about 3 miles, and to Alexan- jto.
Me dria about 11 rhiles. This situation, aided by a fufficient last
' capital, will command the produce of a very extensive
back country, where Urge quantities of wheat and other
grain is annually made, the distance to it being from 8 I
to 10 miles less than to any reaiket town upon the navi- _
gation of the Potowmac. There are on the premises a P)
large stone Coopers' lhap, a (lone granary, and a commo
dious miller's house. At the landing at'orel'aid a bridge
'is now building'over the Potomac, which is in great lor
wardnefs and probably will be finifhed the enffting fail. „
5 There are alio on the premises, a Brewery and Diltille
pafs_, r y ) built with stone, in them are three stills, two coppers
Wi* with every necessary article, aH new, and in
2w ' goo3-e®dsr, and fufii'ciently large to carry ou the Brew-
try and Distillery upon a very extensive plan. This prop- Qn
erty I will rent for the fame term of years, .
Upon my lauds adjoining the premises, and along the h _
banks of the river, where craft may lead witheafe and dil-
patch, is an i.umenfe q-iantity of building and lounda-
1400 tion -llones. Four quarries are now open, and as many
frame, m ore may be opened with ease: the stone taken from _
ichors quarries is better, and has the prescience at tßis market, . j
Tho- to any other stone brought td it. 1 will rent thei'e quarries
separately or together as may best suit.
, next On the top of the hill, and about 200 yards from the
eo 4 mill, is a flone Dwclling-houfe, large enough for the ac
—■■—■ commodation of a family : also, akitchen, dairy, fmokc
. houfc, &c. and a garden, enciOfed and in cultivation, the
1 foi of which U equal in goodness to any in this lkate. I ; j
; br, S will also rent this property. . f 0
Adjoining to the 'Brewery and Distillery is a Sni(th s
(hop, in which is a complete set of Blacksmith's tools, (
which 1 will also rent, and if agreeable I will hire to the f
hot. tenant two negro blacksmiths, one of them is a complete
workman. '
I! I rent out the stone quarries, 1 will fell three cratts,
which were built for thepurpofe of carrying stone they
c ,v- will altogether bring upwards of 90 perch. Immediate
-r cf P offdilon wiU bc g' ven - For terms a Pl fr >' to tke ' übfcrib
~'J er in this town.
aarges. . rh( . Mj[l) Er6wery a r,dDiftillery, with the.r appurten
rT , ances, will bc deliverod to the tenant or -.enacts in good
r repair, and muftbe so returned, at the expiration ot the I
- 4VV -~*> lcafe or icafes, A
Alexandria, Augj. i6 —25
itry, 2. "
To be fold,
Udren, On Twelve Months Credit,
ak tie lf applied for* immediately,
fitnpie, Q ne Hundred Fhouland Dollars,
bem m Ard one hundred and eighty thousand acres of good '
lVr*y L A N D,
I Phi: A- In the Hate of Virginia. Appl) to the Priater.
ot d Aug. 19 $
Just Arrived,
If. the Snow Boston, James ICirkpatrick, master from Li- ,
■ verpool,
d 5000 ISufhels SALT ;
k 100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and 3^
h An Assortment of SHIP CtfANDIiERY ;
FOR sale 4°°
On board, at Pine-llreet wharf. Apply to
;r James Campbell, or jam
George Latimer.
15 Apri! 39; corF
Landing; c&ri
From »n board the Schooner Expedition,
St. Croix Ram & Sugar, bost
For Sale by F. COPPINGER,
Aug... "I S°"th Front-street._ g
duty on carriages.
ut _ From
ch Notice is hereby Given, ter.
HP HAT agreeably to an a£l of Congtefs of the United
1 States of A merica, palled at Philadelphia, the 28th day
-4 of Mav, 1796 i '-y in g dull< " 4 0n .ot the coavcy
kr <n.ce of persons, and repealing the former acts for that
p o le.—- Ihat 1 here (ball bc levied, colleftcd 4nd .P» ld ' "P" a
■ Vail carriages for the conveyauce of persons, wnrch (hall be
~iKept by or for any person, for his or h«r own use, or to let
!l Ait to hire, or for the conveying of passengers, the fcveral du
u ties and rates followirig, to wit. .
' For and upon every Coach, 15 dols. J u
upon every Chariot, 1 2 dols.
upon every Post Chariot, xz dolsi -
every Poll Chaise, 12 dols. 1
upon every Phaetoii, with or without top, 9 dols (-
, upon every Coacliee, 9 dol«.
upon other Carriages, having panne! work above,
with blinds, glasses or curtains, 9 dols.
upon four wheel carriages, having framed polls and
topi with steel springs, 6 dols. '
' 1 "' upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden Or iron SI
springs or jacks, 3 dols. T
'• upofituFrithfi wnh tops, 3 dols. \\
upon chaiseS with tops, 3 dols.
upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. , ■£,
ufon fulities with tops, 3 dsls. jj,
upon other two whi-1 top carriages, 3 dols.
upon two wheel carriages, with steel or iron springs,
3 dols. .
3C P" For and upon ill other two wheel carriages, « dols.
ton, upen every fout whc il carriage, having framed pots
and tops, and reltiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols.
>llar Xhe Collectors of the Revenue of the firft lurvey ot the
Diftrifil of Pcnnfylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th day
Sos of September next, for the purpose of rece ulng the d j"'« °"
Carriages, ai No. 117, in R. ce or Saffafrai,ftreet, in the City
sub- sfPhilaJelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clan, tq in the
;LE- County of Montgomery i and at thj house of Abraham Du
'hois, j.fq. in the CmXity of Bucks; ol whicn all persons pof- By
feffed of fucn Carriages are deii.ed to take nonce.
Notice is also given,
TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign ditlilted spiri
tuous liquors, lhat licences will be granted to them ; one li
cence tu; carrying on.tlve i.ufinef. ol retailing of Wmes, IB »
J,. 1 c ls quantity, or in lcls quantities than 30 gallons—and one ,
licence tor carrying on the buhnels of retailing Spirituous li
quors in lelsqua,. uies than so gallons,at the fame time and rio
r l2es , at the Uine places, by tie officers' legally authored to grant
luck licences. WII LIAM NICHOLS, ~"
Infpeftor of the Revenue of the firft survey J
of the
Office of Infpe£lion,at P "3 3® •
irrr STunaCTpinitrTTff »79 & >
"Take notice, •.
.L, Application will he made for the renewsf'of
"ONE 1 the following certilcates, issued by Jofep»i Nonrlc,
Rcgifrer of the Trcafury, in the name of Roger Gnl
lf Po wold, Esq. of Norwich, Conneilicut—
-'han "Tcertificrfte, si* percent domestic ftcck, I'-o. 13,907 1 - Qi
The _ datcd t he i 7 thPecember, 1795, bearing interest from
' vvlth the si. ft day of January, r?Qt, for 1,597 dol- co
:s, two j ditto, thro per cent, domestic stock, No. 10,652
hint ' 7 —dated Deiember 16, 1795; bearing interell from the. _
! f y firft <hy of January, 1791. for 994 .50-100 dollars.
' Ie I ditto, deferred stock, No. 9 ,i-i6-dated thel7th
,w y December, 1795, bearing interest from the firft Janu-.
L ary, 1801, for 79? 83-100 dollars. N
vn and Sai l certificates are fuppofed-to have been loft or c
.lexan- fto'en in this city some time m December or January ; k
flicient last.
1 other No. 59. North Front-street.
from 8 Philadelphia, July si, d6w - }
nifes a Philadelphia, Weft-Che Her, Strajburgh, f «
ZTz Ldncaflei, Tork and Frederick-town xn .
at for- STAGES.
' a ''" 1 proprie'ers of the above Stages, return their b«fl "
JUTille- tha ' nks tQ their friend , and tht public i n general, for ,
coppers encouragement received in this line of buftnefs, and beg (
a ' Ki ln leave to inform the public, that they arc determined to run
BleW " their"stages through from Philadelphia to Lancaster in
is prop- onc da commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July inftanr,
. in the following manner,—via. A Stage will set out 011
on S ' he t hat da") at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house ol
anddil- 6e Weed, Market-street, Philadelphia, and run by
lounda- wa; , of We ft cn ,.ft er an d Strafliurgh, arrive in Lancaf
s many tcr the fiime evening, on Friday morning run to Wright's
jm j- err „ an j exc hsnge passengers with the York and Fredej- t
market, • iet-tcwrt stage, return and arrive in Philadelphia on Sat- s
quarries ; ir( j a ,„j Monday mornjng following, at 4 o'clock, t
said stage willfet out from the said George Weed's, Phila
rom the d(il hi J aai arri ve at Lancaster' the fame evening, on
the ac- Tuc r di y mo rning at 4 o'clack will set out from the house
, imokt- o( . m,.,;. Errwards, Lancaster, and arrive in Philadelphia
iion, the the fame even ; nK> an d will commence again on Thursday
te- morning; following, and continue every week—The price.
■, , for each passenger from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three
Smith s donarsand a half, to York, four dollars and three q»ar
-1 s tools, t0 p reder ; c k town eight dollars, the like Cams for
re to the t , o ' we ight baggage, with the usual allowance of 14 lb.
:oi«plete „,. at ; s tu eachpallengcr, and 5 pence a n-.ile for all way
f passengers. 3°~§4W
John Reilly,
amediate George Weed.
fubferib- " .
ppurten- Sales of India Goods.
n"of'the The Cargo of thelhip Ganges, Tmgey, from Cal
cutta and Bengal,
' ,v Laree and general assortment of ficngal and Madras
among which are
A variety fine worked and plain Mu/lins,
Dorj»s, tsfe. Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
LARS, In boxes ani brgs—and BLACK PEPPER,
,f good • For Sale by _
Willings Francis,
No. »i P«»n Street.
§ June 8
For sale by the subscribers,
H3O quarter Chests trefti liyfon Tea;
leo ditto do. frclh SoUchong Tea;
3co boxes China, containing fni&ll tea fttts of 4a
400 pieces Bandar.oes.
Willing* Sf Francis*
January .10 ,;taw.
' COFFEE, in hhds. bbls.fc bags}
COTTON, of Demerara, and > eiiUilcdto drawback
BOSTON BEEF, and Mould and Dipt CANDLES.
Apply 10 ISAAC HARVEY, Juw
]No. i south YV atsr-ft: ect.
8 mo. to. ' v '
From on board the' Nancy, William Belcher, mat
ter, fiom Bourdeaux, a cargo, confiding ot
d 360 Hhds. CHOICE C-LAREI,
Y 2Z2 Cases of 24 bottles each, Claret,
286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE,
« For Sale by
■" F. Coppinger.
My * ; „
New-England RUM in Hhds,
COUNTRY GIN in barrels,
nd , COMMON WHALE, and > OIL.
Tallow Ditto* Mould and Dipt
White SOAP,, in Bo*cs
Beft'Bofton BEEF, in barre'.s and half barrels
CODFISH, in hhds, .
Belt Boftoti MACKREL, in barrels, and
A few choice fmoaked SALMON, For Sale by
lgs , A tew enojee JoSE p H ANTHONY & Co.
Also, a fraall invoice gf well assorted
t 11\ T DI /I GOODS,
Aug -" -
lh * 7 bis Day is Publijhed^
ll Bv WILLIAM COBBETT.oppof.te Chtift-
A new Drawing Book,
■T From the Studies of the best Matters,
in a p r \ee 1 Dollar and 25 Cents.
is °"i e With a generous allowance to Drawing Mailers,
'Ld Book Selleis and Staviorters.
jram Aug wit 2/. . *
lrve y N<*t v>irk will be JuhmHUi to public infptf ion,
Of a New Periodical Work entitled
7be United States Magazine,
.|i o f And Repofit'ory of Ufetul in 3 Entertaining Know
ledge ;
'^\ c ' Which will be coadu&ed on.i new, liberal, artd interest
ing plan—each r.umber containing befiijes the usual quan
tity of letter press, two neat engravings ?nd a favourite
fongfit to muiic.—Pfice only one fourth of a dollar ; the
T publication to commence on the ift of Febrnary 1797, and
I*/ o continued monthly.
3,682 ■ Aueuft a 6.
m the "
rS i' 7 thi Brokers Office, and
No. 61 South Third ftnret.oppofite the national new Bank.
iua:y ; O have entered into co-partuerfhip, under the firm ct
'•FRAUNCIS & VAN REED, in the business tjf Broker ,
'Conveyancers and Commiflion merchants. 1 hey buy and
"Tell on commiflion every species of flock, hotes oi hand,
sw. "bills of exchange, houses and lands, &c.
* Money procured on deposits, &c. See. all kinds e
f-crh, 'writings in the conveyancing line, done with neatness and
'f difoatch ; accounts adjusted, and books fettled, in the
>U % mot corrcd manner. Constant attendance will be given.
\ They solicit a share of the public favor 5 they are deter'
• bad nVUed to endeavour te deserve it.
'[ r A B. The utmost secrecy observed.
fter In Au s uft I? 9 6 - m&wtf
out on U/afWton Canal Lottery,
tbt • NO. I.
.ancaf- "\"TIrHEREAS the State of Maryland has authonfed
'right's VY the underwritten, to raise twenty-lu thousand,
Fredej- twoiundred; and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
, n Sat- a Ctnal through the City of Waihingtpn, from th Po
s'dock, torafeto theEaftern Branch Haruour.
Phila- The following is theSCHEME of No. I. 5
ing, on .1 Prize of iO.OTO dollars, io,ooo
: house S I ditto 10,000
delphia * 7 last drawn 3J) c O O
lurfday ? Tickets, each >
ic price ' 6 ditto 1,000 6poo
is three to ditto 406 4,006
e quar- jj 40 ditto 100 »,000
'.ims for . ditto JO s ,"j°
14 lb. f 5750 ditto 6), cob
ill way * jTo be raised sot the Caaal, 26.450
-§4 W -y. " ■ x
• ! 5850 Prizss, 175» c0^
f 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
. r ' 17^00 Tickets, atTenDollars, - 173,000
Xlie Commifuoners have taken the Secui ities re
'• by the aforefaid aft for the punftisal payment «f
>m Cal- the Arizes. * ,
ife cPuwtag of this Lottery wtll commence, without
delay, as loon a; tW Tickets are fold, of which tlmeiy
1 Madras notice will be given. .
Such ■prize* as are not demanded in ux months iter tne
drawing is finifhed, Oial! be considered as relxnqu flie 1 for
t * i JAMES BARR'i •
C § 1 Csv of WaiingtoH, Feb. 11. S
* V
jf ■''! »