■- - borde BY- THIS DAY's MAIL. NORFOLK, June 20. l™ l e \ WEST-INDIA INTELLIGENCE, a Received by the brig■ Abigail, Capt. Elliott, arrived w hem here from St. Vincent's. that t — Engli St. VINCENT'S JuW 16. coafii On Monday last orders- arrived here the turne' Comttiander in Chief at Martinique, for the imme Or diate removal of the Caraibs from this Island. in wit In confequeufcws of the orders above dated, the ec j ( a[ Caraib chiefs v&i immediately required by Majsr J The : Ceneral Hunter to attend him, and several were | t h e ir accordiagtyefcorted into town yerterday by a party •£( of troops ; when they were informed of the Island va g U , of Balhfeau being appropriated for their temporary that < TeWStrre, in which fitbation fhey would be fnpplied t (, e a with fufficient provisions and water'for their tubfift- Q f tl ence, and in their ultimate removal, be furnilhed w^;c | with every article that could either be necessary or jug ti U feful for their existence. They were also forcibly 0 f t h, given to underftatid by the General, that if they t { 9n did not surrender by Tuesday morning, hostilities e< j. would 'then inllantly commence against them. in th saijvt riNCENT, difpo PROCLAMATION. w hii, Sy Hh Excellency James Seton,'Efq. Captain got , General and Governor in 'Chief, in and over bis w £tli Msjejly's JJlands of St. Vincent, Dequia, and an o] such other the IJlands commonly e tiled the Gretia- an( j dines, as. lie to the Northward of Carriacou, Chan- retui cellar, Ordinary, and Vice Admiral of the fume, £ He. &C. . of tl WHEREAS there still exists a great demand R a b for many articles of rhe growth produce, and ma- {^ac nufa£ture of the United States of America, and of wou the Southern Continent, and of the Islands in the certl Weft-Indies under the dominion of foreign powers -] in amity with Great-Britain (of which there is no Cha prospect of receiving supplies in British bottoms) b ratl 1 have therefore thought it fit and expedient, by u s j! and vyith the advic? and consent of his Majesty's by ( council, to issue this my Proclamatran, hereby per- rebe mitting and allowing for the use of the inhabitants, pn'f the free importation into this island, in any vessels whatever belonging to the fufcje&s of any power or f or date in amity with hjs majesty ; tar, turpen- fih j ( tine, masts, yards, bowsprits.slaves, heading, boards, w jj| timber, shingles, and lumber of any fort ; live stock j ron of all kinds, bread, biscuit; flour, pease, beans, po- , def tatoes, wheat, rice, oats, barley, and grain of any jj )a , fort, such commodities refpeftively being the per growth and production of any of thi territories of the United States of America, or of the sou- be them continent and islands in the Weft-Indus as aforefaid, for the space of fix months from the date fur hereof. , do[ And it is further permitted that sugar, molafks, sou runl, coffee, and cocoa, be bartered for any of the ; f j aforefaid commodities, and exported in such yefTeU within the time limited. col Given under my hand and seal at arms, at a , KingUown, this 19th day of July* m i and the 36th . 0 / ( . soy aSceUency'* command, "j I Jamei Seton, Sec'ry. Cod save .the. King. KINGSTOWN, My 23- f On Saturday and Sunday last a considerable ntim- he ber of Caraibs, exceeding 600, came from their camp in the heights, and took position between our gr ; ports and the sea, at about half a mile diftanc*.— £! r; The chiefs and heads of families were dispatched to '- r inform us, that in consequence of their being daily th; harraffed by parties of the Rangers and other mi troops, they wilhed to ,place themselves under our foi ' protcdion, until they could comply with the orders ou of the commander in chief, which they all repeat- fci cdly promised to do. On Monday, thefon of Cha- lal toye, in the prcfence of Lieut. Col. Haffey and fe- ed veral other officers,addrefled himfelf to the attendant di Caraibs to the following efft£l. " It is 110 disgrace as to us CaraiHs to fufrender to a great nation. The w fubje&s of France and all great nations, even of at England, are obliged to fubrnit to each other, cl when there no longer remains the means of refill- al ance. What else is now left for us ? Have we in powet to continue the war ? No, we have not the w powers —To-morrow morning I will set you the 11 example of fnbmifiion, by bringing my family to 1 Col. Haffey, that he may fend us immediately to the General. You may do as you please, 1 can on- ii ly be accountable for family and myfelf." a Young Chatoye'sobfervation6 seemingly had the & effect he pretended to defiie, and the Cataibs uni- e verfally promised with the devouteft afTeverations, t! to accompany him. But being too well acquainted i< with their perfidy, not to entertain strong doubts f; of their compliance with these promises, Col. Has C fey on Tuesday morning, at 3 o'clock, oidered his a carps under arms, and feit Captaiji Lauder with d two companies to line the deep ravine to the north- p ward of them j Capt. M.uriro, with two other com- n panics, to line the ridge ta the fonth ward ; and the u Col. himfelf, with a company qf Louvenftein's e (wnich was attaehed to his corps) polled himfelf to the yveftward of them ; the sea being to the eafl- 1 ward. Captain Lauder, when he had made the j nccefTary arrangements, proceeded alone, topievent 1 alarm apd to persuade the Caraibs to resort imme- j «3iately to Col. Haffey, but he found their number 1 very much reduced, for upwards of 300 had fled to t tlieir retreat in the woode, and among the number ] -was the orator Chatoye himfelf, and-all of those 1 who had been the moil liberal in their promises of ' fubmiflion. Capt. Munro in closing in with the 1 enemy's campy took 102 of them who were re- 1 treating towards Colonarie, who, with others that w<#e that day made prisoners, amounted to 280. These were the people who were on Wednesday conduced to Calhaqua, and afterwards transported to Ballifeau. .But instead of being voluntary cap tives, it appears that they owe their present fitua tton more to the judicious precautions that were taken against them than to any regard for their treaties cr promises of surrender. 'n< ate atylifhment of the promised surrender *>( lh« Grand Sable Caraibs, v.as left to Lieut. La- I I borde of Major French's Rangers, who proceeded media to Du Vallc's anJ Dufon's, with a party to efeort -*4-& a them and the people of that diftri£t to Mount fufFet Young, agreeable to their piomife on the preceed ing evening ; but he found their houses abandoned, and tl and about 200 of them armed on a hill, from were i ' whence their chiefs called to him and'affured him, fitting that they would never surrender,. for the knew the day tl Englilh.intended to deceive them. As our party 11 coniiftej only of 30 men, they very piudently re '• turned to their poll. Oling On Tuesday no&n also, Lieut. Mackenzie fell Dreai in with a few othtr Caraibs, one of whom he kill- negro ; ed, anothergwas |taken, and three others escaped. : The Rangers had then - dtftroyed about 1000 of ; I their huts. < The accounts we have Tircc Tuesday, are very St. ! vague and cpntradidlory. It however, n ] f that on Wednesday morning the greater part of ' the army marched in different directions in feareh '" ai * of the enemy. Lieut. Col. Graham's d' v fio n , 1 wjiich took the route of Colonarie river, after hav r jng traversed it a great way up, fell in with a party Y of the enemy on Thursday, who had taken 3 pofi- Y ti»n at a strong pass or fall, which they had fortih s ed. They invited him to advance, which the Cal. in the fulleft confidence of their fineerity and good difpo'lition did, followed by his party, holding 3 g t t white handkerchief in his hand ; btR when he hfd " got within a few yards of the enemy, he was saluted ,J with a heavy and well directed fire, which killed j d an ofßcer ofSanteur's corps, wounded the Colonel, ■' and many others. Our party, after this accident, .returned. f > Lieut. Col. HafFeys Rangers fell in with acamp of the enemy's about 4 miles from the Sea above Rabaca, which they carried with some loss. Lieut. J " Mackenzie is said ou this occasion to be mortally jy wounded. The loss of the enemy could not be as- ie certained. re " The perfidious and artful condudl of young 10 Chatoye, will perhaps vety easily call up the remetn s) brance (at least of every inhabitant of this colony) q of the limilar mode of deceitful elocution, exercifet) ,j t( . ' s by his countrymen at the commencement of their :r " rebellion : when they so strongly teftilied theirfur !8 ' prise at our fufpieion of their fidelit", and x airurcd . : ' s us, in the most solemn mannei, that their gratitude or for our forgivenefs and kiadnefs, rendered it imffcf- j n " fible for them to adopt views at once so iticonfiltent j^j a 5 ' with their own interests and out tranquility, and NAI c k immediately afterwards sealed their faith, by mur lo* der, plunder, and devaltation. It is to be hoped, £Q "y that the present instances of their iniincerity ansi J ie perfidy, will impress those more deeply with their ,es former atrocities, who had not the unhappirtefs to ( >u " be witness of them. That they (houlri again at. as tempt to use the -fame modes of deception is not ,) el! 3te surprising, when _we know they ha/e so often a- Q f , dopted them with success. Now, if it should tie ~y - 8 ' found necessary to lift the sword of the destroyer, it is happy for us that we are so well juftihed in the eyes of the world, by having done every thing that could- pofflbly be done to avoid it ; and through we at have been led to complain of this lenity to our ene- Q f mice, we eiK-em it a happy circumftancc, since the - order of their expulsion has come at lalt frors the g] ( man, so muchdiitinguiflied for his tenderness and >4 !> tiumanity. bii GRENADA, July 2. On Monday a court of oyer and terminer, and ha genetal jail delivery, was held at tlie Court-house M im- here. _ . . !< - lf j,. The lift of jurors being called over, and the bu our grand jury sworn in, the chief justice addrefTed the grand jury in a pathetir speech of conf/derable in 3to length, describing the distresses and misfortunes an aily that have befallen this colony since the commence- th ,hcr meat of the infttrredtion, a copy of which, we are M our sorry to fay,.we have it not in our power to gratify tiers our readeis with; after which the prifouers de- T cat- scribed in the aft of attainder pasTed by the Legif VS latureof this island last year, and who were confin- b< J fe. Ed in jail, were brought to the bar, in different of dant diviftons, in number forty-nine, where they were race asked by the Bench what reason they "had to plead The why execution should not be pasTed ; 1 of at the fame time they were informed that if they her, chose they should have Counsel afiigned them, and efift- all of them requtfting Counsel, the Bench accord- g r we ingly appointed the Hon. Thomas Turner Wife, the who craving forty eight hours to prepare for enter- 5 the ing 011 their defence, the Couit allowed him until ly to Tiiurfday mottling at nine o'clock for that purpose. Iy to The Court being again met on Thursday morn- S n on- ing, his Majesty's Solicitor.Geneiel opened the tri al with great ability on the j».irt of the Crown, dthe Mr, Wife proceeded on the defence of the prifoß uni- ere, in a speech which did equal justice to them and ions, the laws of the country ; but their petfqns being J inted identified by the witnefles who were called to the jubts fatisfa&ion of the Court and the petty Jury ; the I Has Chief Justice then addrefTed them in a most feeling 1 d his and pathetic manner, recommending them, to en with deavour to make their peace with God, in whyfe orth- prefencethey must very soon appear; he then pro com- nounced the sentence usual .in cases of high treason, 1 d the upon the prisoners, after which the Court adjauin lein's ed until this morning. ?lf to .Early yesterday morning a strong guard of his I east- Majesty's troops, yart of the St. George's militia, e the and Uie constables, attended at the jail, and a little ; event hjfore nine o'clock conduced seven of tli-ofe mife- 1 mme- fablq wretches from thence to the place of execii imbcr tion ob the parade, where they were launched into led to eternity without (hewing the lmalleft ligns of re.- lmber pentance j and after hanging until they were t!ead,_ those they were taken down and their heads cut off, his fes of Honor the Lieutenant-Governor having been ple.i'f h the ed to remit the remainder of the sentence.—The re re- constables, with a guard of soldiers, went back to s that jail, and soon after returwed with eight more, who 1 280. were all tied up and the mallet lifted to knock off refday the drop board, when Mr. Oliver, one of the tram sorted ber, addrefTed the furronnding fpe&Sfcars, in a y cap- speech, the substance of which we forbear mention fitua ing, as no doubt it will be the fuhjeft of public ir.- were veftigation, but in consequence of which an appli their cation was immediately made to the Governor tor a respite foi Oliver, which was granted for the render space of forty-eight hours, he was then taken down t. La- and conduced bask to jail, and the reft were im- . mediately exetuted. Tisii ftTpite fias been enlarg- Cap?, ■*" —oi only to him, but to al! those vondemaed tn fionj St fufFei deatluuntiTSatwday ihe gth inft. failed si Th; Court m*t at nine a'elock this morning, on the i and there being little buGnefs before it, the juries joined b were difchareed at noon, but the bench continued and proi fitting until half past ohV, adjourned to Tuef- Chriftop day the 12th. t:fh frig: The names of those hung are as ♦oliow— La Penl De Suze, Pascal Mandcl, Pierre Guadalc Olingre, Battarell, Charpentier, Clozier d'Ajcuil, ; Dreaux, Centimel (a mulatto) and Hippolite degro) Mataufte, Boudbn, and Barbaroux. >*cee, t The following thirteen whites and two mulattoes vercly (1 " were executed on the 9th July— mas. Louis Frahcois Bontems, Gtiillaume, Boncaud,. Anot St. Marie Clozier, Louis Delifle, Gerbert Du- The ' mont, L. M. Ladonceau, Bernard Labaftide, Pie Thomas L ne Lafcat, Joseph Ralph, Marc Sibitiet, Piene cargo ol , Villard, Alexandre Delabaille, Jean Forteau. tender c Edmund Rapier, Charles Forgerie, Tortola tefldti^- FAYETTEVILLE, August 13, () f f w iv We announce with pleasure the re-ele&ion of the f a Q . hon. B. Grove, to represent the division of Fay- c j erSj w etteville in the ensuing Congress,' by a very great ca ptain J majority of the fuffrages in the counties eompofiag f rgm si, the division. J to keep State of the polls for a member of Congres, for neccfTai Fayetteville Division. I cannon IV. & Grove. D' M'Farlan. | ammun 1 Richmond county, 890 227 ti(h col ' Anfon county, 701 1 I Hope': ' CurtiberlansTdo. 640 21 3 j might Moore do. 358 under f Robefon do. 361 3® 1 can (hi * — intoSl 2,050 1,068 1 J Majority for W. B. Grove. 1,882 I Brig I & Philadelphia, August 27. ' A — I Thi On the 4th and sth inft. eleflions throughout 1 KntH , : . b the state of NOl th-Carolina were held for Members I pnvati ir of Congress. We have heard the result of Diftri£t I Ari '* No. 9, for which Mr. Thomas Blount was ele&ed I Dexte f by a majority ok more than two to ohe. J rinam Married lall evening by the Rev. Dpftor Samuel j nt Magaw. Mr. Robert Gili.es?ie, to Miss Han-I nah Estey, both of this city. I Brig 1 d > CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. I?r »« In SENATE, Jilhe \JI, 1796. I F \ lr On moiioi by Mr. Mart in, that it be j to fl R e f o ] v ed, That the han. William Blount and j r 0 f C p lN William Cocke, efqtiires, who have produced ere-I g ue j lot dentials of being duly elected Senators for the (late J a^ou( of Tenngffee, be admitted to take the oath necelfa- I j n f ()r| k e ry fcjr their v qualitication, and their teats according-1 , he K , - v flood ne It was in the negative, jeas 10,1 j^ oa _ ,flt Nays 11. _ I hove we The yeas and nays being required by one fifth I at j s le ' of the Senators present, . I p Tfiofe who voted in the affirmative, are Mr I , y Blaodworth, Mr. Brown, Mr. Burr, Mr. Butler, I y Mr., Mr. Langdon, Mr. Martin, Mr. 11 o I binfon, Mr. Tattnall, and Mr. Tazewell. • j £cr j. Those who voted in the negative, are Mr. Bing ,1 tnd ham, Mr. Bradford, M l '- Foster, Mr Latime', I as uft Mr. Livermore, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Potts, Mr. I Read, Mr. Rofs, Mr. Rutherford, and Mr. Turn-1 the bull, so the motion was 1011, the The reaibn given by the Members who debated I ible in the negative, was, that- the credentials of Willi-1 nes am Blount and William Cocke, bore date prior to I Brig ice- the a& of Congress, which admitted Tenneflee, a I & are Member of the Union. I . tify At a General Assembly held for tha date o f | m j de Tenne(fee, lince the above refelution was passed ; J east gif. William Blount and William Cocke haVe again I pan ifin- been elected, to represent that state, in the Senate I bou rent of the United States. joft^ vere —bbbii»ii» ■■ | „ , . «ait leao GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STJTES MARINE LIST. I J, OU ed ; —j ■hey PHILADELPHIA, August ij. Jul; ar ' d ARRIVED. " p ord " Snow Eliza, l en - Lucretia, . Hnbbs, Portland FR ,h « fe Nancy, James, Norfolk , Co P ro Ship Star, Vantieman, 80 days from London, is ar- fgji afon, rived at the Fort. _ bii sum- The (hip Richmond, from Surinam for this porf, and the (hip John of Philadelphia, from Surinam wi ,f his for Amsterdam, are taker, by a Brilifh frigate and d.i ilitia, carried into Martinique. The Richmend and car little go are insured in this c»ty, to the amoimt of 90,000 m j mife- dollais. _ xecu Copy of a lejter from Capt. Smith, of the (tup 1 into Harmony, to his owner in this Ci; y. >f On board the (hip Harmony, Aug. 8, 1796. _ t;«ad, Bear Sir, . F, his' lam sorry to inform you, that on the 6th of this pWf instant, I was brought to and boarded by the Bn -The tifh (hip La Raifon, Capt. Beresford, and after a ick to detention of fix hours, they put an officer and crew , who on board and ordered rre for Halifax. They ni k olf examined my papers, ana broke open all the letters i num- On my arrival at- Halifax I (hall cond.ua myfetTin in a every refpedt for your interest, as lam fenfib ei ntion- kave no plea againlt either (hip or cargo, it bemj, ilic ir.- all American property, as 1 can prove, I (ha enu, appli- a regular protest againlt-their proceedings. :: ; h °l 1 am ' & robert smith i down c 3* The Harmony was laden entirely with cotiee, :re im- < and bound to Amsterdam. ' 1 [ Capt.Charoock, in the brig Lavioia, 12 days fiom St. Chriltopher's informs, that a large fleet failed from that island with a very ftrorg o>r»oy, on the 27th ult. bound for Engjand ; they were , joined by a number of merchantmen at Tortola, and proseeded for Europe on the Ift ifift. At St. Christopher's Capt. Charnock saw I/Aimable Bri tish frigate of 32 guns, that had been engaged with La Penfee a French frigate of 44 »■•-- Guadeloupe : thev f-s 1 -. *»*' K la(T f> v '' he ;' Britift. frigate attempting to board, which the French frigate avoided by (heerißg off a (hort dii» Taase, the a£iion ended, both the (hips beinjj fe i vercly (flattered. -L&-P*afe? went into St. Tho mßS' . t , Another frigste is crmfiflg out of Gualaloupc. - . The fhip'Hope of this port is arrived at Thomas On her' passage a : cargo of wine and brainy, (he was chafed by the tesdsr of the Bull Dog Britilh sloop of war, off Tortola; ss tii* ££upst continued hetxowrfe, the tend«r—talked under her quarter, 2nd began a firing of swivels fleet s her to fhortcA e fail; the Hope being armed with two four poun " ders, which Hie has carried for several voyages, the * captain spoke the cutter, and desired them to desist £ from firing; at an American vessel, and warned them to keep off, which being disregarded, he found it ir neeeffary to aft on the defenfive, and pointing hi® cannon over the ftern,he made so liberal a use of his »• ammunition, that the tender's crew struck the Bri -7 tifh colors and called for quarters ; whereupon the I Hope's crew gave three cheers, and told them they 3 might depart. At this time the sloop of war got 16 under way from Tortola and purfupd the Ameri- II can (hip, but ifie very fortunately made her escape ~ into Thomas. •8 Arrivals at Norfolk —Augujl 20. ' 2 Brig Democrat, Chapman, Jamaica ■ - Bell, Jeffery, Cape-Nichola-Molc Schooner Swallow, Moore, do. , Providence, August 20. The sloop Joanna, Hunt, and sloop Sally, Smith* lit Utk of iW poit, have been taken by a_ French :rs privateer, and carried into Leogane far trial & Arrived yeflerday, (hip General Washington, B< l Dexter, and (hip Mary, Jaekfon, both from Su rinam ; biig Dolphin, Brown, Turks-Island. PORT of BALTIMORE, August 25. N " ENTERED. Brig Charlotse, Steer, ' Madeira Snow General, Wrangle, St. Übes ' ' Sloop Union, Bryce, Bollon Federal George, Arnold,' do. The Ship Euplnafia, De Butts ; Snow John & nd Joseph Clark j Brigs Rover, Smith, and Harmoey, re " Buel ; went out of the capes early on Monday last, ®. te about 3 leagues to the Southward of the cspes our (i * informaht saw three large (hips lying to, supposed to be Englilh frigates, about t 2 o'clock one of them flood iu,for the cape and went up to Hampton 10 ' Roads, another at tile fame time flood after the a . bovemerttioned veflels, the third remained at hep ,ftl< ftatian. The brig John, Stdry wns lying in Severn I r on Monday last, botiftd to fca. ' ct ' The Thetis frigate hns not been into Hampton Roads wi h an American prize as pablifhed in yes? terday's Journal. ' The (hip Dolphin of Boilon from St. Croix, rT' was spoke on Tuesday, a little below the mouth of Potomak. bound to Baltimore. UUl * Afquare rigged vessel was seen (landing in for rhe Capes 011 Monday morning last. ft 111- Arrivals at New York—Augujl 25. ir to Brig Fox, Nichols, Jamaica a» ee a Irig Hind, Hodges, fr»l* Calcutta, last from Salem. Feb. 29, past the ship Rob-uft, of New-York, in the f river Hogley, bound up to Calcutta. £,° May 10, tpoke the British sloop of war Finks, to the . ; east ward of the Cape of Good Hope. She had in com >gal" pany with her the (hip Elizji, of Bofton.from Batavia mate bound to H Hand. They captured her to the eafiward of the Hie of France. August 23, spoke the William and Mary, to the «aftward of Nantucket shoals, of and from Norfolk, ST * bound to Liverpool. Brig Fox, capt. Nichols, 29 days from Jamaica.— July 31, was boarded by two French privateers off cape \ntonio, one a sloop, and theother a lchooner who overhauled his papers a.,d difmifl'ed him politely. 17 August 3, law the Englilh fleet, 1at.43, 27, long. 1 21 83, about three hundred tail, under convoy Of a 74's> \ l " j 64'!, 2 frigates and 2(loops of war J 21 " Augult ji, capt. Nichols put into Havannah for water The fame morning capt. N. fays three ! 19 French frigates went in search of the Engjifti fleet j which failed from Jamaica Auuruft 21. Capt. Nichol* ! 3 loft one man overboard in a fqualh 1 7 — 11 ; .--r*... ■ M, =e ■York Brokers Office, and - COMMISSION STORE. Vmce* g gouth Third street.opposite the national new Bank. "d OAMUEL MFR iUNCIS.and JOHN VAN REED, > Rico j Jave eßtefe d into co partnership, under the firm of rtland : & VAN RF.ED.in the business of Brokers, Orfolk ! Conveyancers and Commifiion merchants. They buy and is ar- j f e n on'commiflion every species of flock, notes of hand, bills of exchange, houses and lands, &c. i port", Money procured on deposits, &c. &c. all rioam writings in the I'V": e and d.fpatch ; ißfultcd, and book, fettfcd, in the , nioft correa manner. Coaftant attendance will be given, d car- They solicit a fliare of the public favor; they are deter-. 0,000 ra i, lc d to endeavour to deserve it. N. B. The utmolt secrecy observed. /.• SAMUEL M. FRANNCES, ie lnl P . JOHN VAN REED - Philad. August 27. I?9 6 - m&wtf 90. — L . . 7bis Day is Publified, tT- 3 Bv WILLIAM COBBETT, opposite Cbrift aftera Church, dcrew Anew Drawing Book, e y firt! From the Studies of the best Ma tiers. letters Price 1 Dollar and 25 Cents. y felf in to Drawing Mailer#, >le they g eok Sel!c „ an( j Stationers. — ~ ; being August 27: 5t ill enter S — ARISTOCRACY, TH. An EPIC POEM, 1 coffee, In j Cantos, may W had at B. Dais's Bookstore- In. 68 High-ftre«t. A*g- 3