'I S " ' ♦ ' l - | . , f ' •' » ette of the Unites Philadelphia Dally Advertiser. ' > • SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 27, 3796. £Pozwi« X. Number 1238-] ■ 1 V n ~r~- "" T • : ~ HfH.DF.RNKSSE. i. . , . •'"? Ar " ved '. FOR SAt$L for Charter T0 THE X'EST-INDIES, ® The Snow HOP*-, |-T t JVEKJ— Capt. Rindge, now ready for a cargo, ]v[ercg will «"? 1000 barr ,^ ls - , If " 0t - e ." g f!' he wil in five day- will take freight tor *. Boston and Portland. Som " For terms apply to .. S"P Samuel Breck, |utu Son \ v Where may be had, Lm ; A qtmrrfSf Bopn DOtr, Ntot or a, En, AUg. 2<4- • tr- Sill: FOR SALE. Th, The Brig PUNCH ' h iew vessel, built, finjfliedl and fitted «r appiy to r: August ib, 1796. ,— T $ 10 V- Po , UNITED STATES, ? Sa> Pennsylvania District, j Ap tn pur fiance of a Writ to me directed frota the Hono«r ---\ able Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the DiAriA Tnurt of the United States for the Pennfylvama Diftrnft, Will be exposed to Public Sale, m P 1 At the Merchants' Coffee-Houfe, in the City of Pluladel- J phia, on Monday, the 29th day of August, instant, at li ThcSS L Op0p caHed the Rebecca, I ?11 and singular her tackle, appa rel and Furniture, as the fame now are ; the fait! sloop having been condemned, to pay Mai in"' wages, &c. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marfhah Marlhal's Office, 19th August, 179 f- — For Sale *or Charter, I 'wWy BOSTON, H ' BURTHEN about aooo Bbls. of flour—fhe may be sent to sea at a fraall expellee, her fails and rigging being In ( 'cry good order—apply to The James Campbell, or I George Latimer. . Is | April *9, _ L- y H For Sale or Charter, ij™"?— l THE fast-sailing ship LIGHT-HORSE, — LYING at M#ff. J. & R Wain's wharf, hundred and seventy tons burthen, a stout, strong vtflel, and well found. For terms apply to Joseph Anthony & Co. I ao" I AV S-'t 1 £L— -\' I , —- baie, j Or for Charter to th&We/l-Indies, ~ I' •' Built, Live Oak and Red Cedar, burthen.about 350 C bar- CJ rels, now discharging at Latimer's wharf. ThisVel- JS, ft fel is in excellent repair, well fouud and will bear a tho- ( rough examination, andas'foon as discharged will be tea- dy to take in a cargo. For terms apply to ek Tohn Vaughan. m! 3 u 'y» s . ——— ov At South-ftreet.wharl, "VTT"ILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft. August, W by snow Hope, from Jamaica, and sloop bally, from Port-au-Prince, , . ' th 300 Hhds. COFFEE, ya 70 Hhds. SUGAR. * Jiljo, the cargo of the Sioedi/h brig Gujlaf Adolphe, ; capt. Rcimfre, from Gibraltar, bs ift and /.th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds. gi Hazle Nuts in sacks tc St. Ufces SALT, for sale by %■ PETER BLIGHT. la j-ws, For Charter, — The faid'brig ' " j Gustaf Adolphe, ' '4 A, Swede, with a Mediterranean pass, r A SCScliii «-? a ver y vessel, about 200 tons bur- 0 then. Aug. i8:~ §z W tOW R For Sale, e The SLOOP Friendship,. rjURTHEN 300 Barrels or 1400 t £5 bufliels Coal, an excellent frame, r Live Oak and Cedar, and well-found with cables, an &c. fit for fea —now lying at Al>nond-llreet wnart, 1 ho mas {"enrofe's. The terms will be made reasonable. Aoply to the Owner, No. U» f°uth Front-street, next door to Jonathan Penrofe, Efq - Aug. >9 I[e°4 — FOR SALE, j A Complete Font of Brewer, „ . , I7Ntirely new , and yet unopened. The weight of this 1, font is about 3" lb. It is from the Foundery of ; Wilson 5c Sons, Glasgow, and will be,fold at coll & charges. Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chales. , Encjuire at the Otfice of the Gazette of the L nited Stated, 119 Chefnut-ftreet. Aug. 19 §4 W Wants Employment, TN a genteel-family, resident in town or country, a 1 i French lady lately arrived in this city. Shchasre- , ce'ived a andean be well recommend ed. She wishes to undertake the tuition of children, i and will teach them to read, write, and speak the_ 1 Fcencii language, in a Ihort time, by principles fitnple. but viry intelligible. She will also ins!ru<ft them in history, ravthologie, &c. and will be careful in' paying llriA attention tcr their morals ; her terms will be very moderate. Apply at No. 15* Lombard-Street, Phi ladelphia. Au£uft r °t Prime St. Croix Sugar & Rum, Landing at Cliffords Wharf, from on board the brig Pra'gtrs, tspt. Thomas Watson— And For Sale-by Praters & co. Aa3ul?i6. diot. Wm. HOLDERNKSSH, |ntlei No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and 5000 the.East Indies, a well feleftcd assortment of Silk j<-. 0 Mercery, Linea Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which An A he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on theloweffc terms ; AMONGST WHICH ARK, Qjj Some fine India muslins em'oroidered with ji(old and Giver Superfine Book, Jaconet, afltEMulmul ditto Do do d.» do Handkerchiefs Some extrablack'taffeties,luteftringsand colored Persians Apr ;] Batidano Handkerchiefs ihort Naakegp | ~ English Mantyas of the firft quality Damalk table linen and napkins, very fine - Silk Hosiery, ail elegant adortmsnt _ > Tbead and cotton do ( Umbrella* —green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth For i French cambrics, very fine - Au »' Irtfli Linens, do. &c. See. June 14 § t For Sale, r A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut ±\ flreet, between Front and Second streets, in which '' Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and now do) carried on bufmefs. A PofTeflion will be given in one month, or footer. of Mav For terms apply to , WILLIAM BELL, or aiice ol HECTOR CALBRAITH. pole.— .... & all cam ' A P nI 41 " r S kept by ; ■ FOR SALE, SSI j WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, For sn , ' in pipes and hogsheads , ' Chret, gennin« old, in cases 2 Gin, in pipes, from Holland Earthen Ware, in crates , Balket Salt, in hngfheads Shot. Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 Ear Lead, Red and white dry lead Steel, German and Rullia, in barrels a " Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, J P Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by P THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND- Inly tp I—- ELEPHANT. this Animal is to be seen in High-Street, between 1 the Tenth and the Eleventh-Street. HE will positively leave Philadelphia thc-tenth of Sep- p Qr gn| tember, for Baltimore, in his way to Clurlelton, where he will winder. „ ADMIFTANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar TtK for Children. oiticc f H'o"' The PANORAMA, or the VIEW of the CITIES oi 0 f Sep LONDON and WESTMINSTER, Carria Is to be tilt the. loth of Scptbmber, and the sub- oi Ph. ; jest will then be removed to Baltimore with the ELE- fount IH A """ for the PANORAMA, leffed One quarter of a Dpllar. , August 3- _? - TO f> French Goods. ,n 'g Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-de- Grace, qu»,rs 20 Trunks "> T al jies' SHOES of all colors forts and sizes a' the J I Cafe j iucli 1 1 Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS I Ditto Fine LAWN IE _ Biu..tift (w-wwiiit _ —18-. ifei at I Ditto Ladies'beft lhammy and GreiiobletJ roves Cff For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN KETLANQ. , PniU AUg. 34 A very valuabi: Merchant Mill, r-p """" A DISTILLERY and BREWERY, and sundry STONE 1 V K e fx (QUARRIES to be let Reg 1 will rent my merchant Mill at the little Falls of Po- wb j ( tCa " towmac, for any term. not less thanfeven, nor more than 1 eleven years, from the firft day of September next. The ir.ill-ftouf ' is 41 by 40 feet, three stories high, built with § stone, and has in it tluie pairs of French Burr Stones, two — overshot 18 feet water-wheels, and Evans's machinery complete, with every other thing proper and necelfary for m. carrying on the bufmefs with dispatch, and at as little ex- mll =?, ' penfc as pofiible, all in good order.—From the mill to my l y ' landing 011 the Potomac river, (wherecraft, of any bur- L,cc then may deliver grain and take in flour) it is about 40 aI T' yards, and from thence by water to Geoi'ge-Town and b the City of Washington, about 3, miles, and to Alexan- fto ( , , dria about 11 miles. This situation, aided by a fufficient last. P ' capital, will command the produce of a very extensive back country, where large quantities of wheat and other "rain is annually made, the diilance to it being from 8 F to 10 mile? let than to any raaiket town upon the navi- — gation of the Potowmac. There are on the premises a p) large stone Coopers' 01 Dp, a stone granary, and a commo dious miller's house. At the landing aiorefaid a bridge is now building over the Potomac, which is in great for wardnels and probably will be finiihed the e'nfuing fall. , There aie alio on the premises,. a Brewery and Dittille- | pass ry, built with, stone, in them are three stills, two coppers A bur- or boilers,'with every neceitary article, all ngw, and in | e , w jrood order, and fufficiently large to carry on the Brew- f'' 1 ery and Distillery upon a very extensive plan. This prop- 1 e erty 1 will rent for the fame term of years. Upon my lands adjoining the premises, and along'the banks of the river, where craft may lsa4 with ease aiid dil- * a * patch, is an iaimenfe quantity of building and lounda- " 1400 tion-ftoF.es. Four quarries are now open, and as many *" le rame more may be opened with ease : the stone taken from these er ichors quarries is better, and has the preference at this market, " Tho- to any other stone brought to it. I will reni these quarries IL separately or together as may best suit. | next On thc top of the hill, and about 260 yards from the ; eo 4 mili, is a stone Dwelling-house, large enough for the ac- I^' t commodation of a family: also, a kitchen, dairy, fmbke- j ? houle, &e. and a garden, enclosed and in cultivation, the ® foi of which is equal in goodness tojmy in this state. I • r . • will also rent this property. . f Adjoining to the Brewery and Distillery is a Smith's A y 0 Jhop, in which is a compUte set of Blacksmith's tools, 0 urges, j a [j o rentj an d if agreekble I will hire to the ? 'nited tenant two negro blacksmiths, one of them is a complete • , w workman. LZ It 1 rent out the stone quarries, I will fell three crafts , » which were built for the purpose of carrying stone : they will altogether bring, upwards of 90 perch. Immediate try, a poffeflion will be For terms apply to the fublcrib- _ las re- er in this towp. mend- The Mill, Brewery and Distillery, with their appurten ildren, ances, will be deliverod to the tenant or tenants in good T ik the repair, and muftbe so returned, at the expiration of the imole ' lease or Icafes, en s ; n PHILIP RICHARD FENDALL. 3a yi n? lexandria, Aug. 16—a; W J 'l"y lobe fold,, Phi! a- j t d On Twelve Months' Credit, If applied for immediately, ' br . One Hundred Thousand Dollars, And one hundred aiid eights thousand acres of g'ood LAND, , In the state of Virginia! Appl) to the Printer. diot. Aug. 15* 5 ' , Just Arrived, In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, ltiaffer from Li- (iQEp; verpool, 10 COTT 5000 Rufhel. SALT ; .--i SOAL ICO Cr<te OUgENSWARP, an 4 An Afloil. lie; _of SHIPGHANCLE«Y; BOST FOR S A 1- E App (Jo board, at 'me-ftreet tfltarr. Apply to James Campbell, or Bmc George Latimer. April 19. ' f Landing, w» From on board the Schooner Expedition, 3' 00 St. Croix Rum&Sugar, 400 For Sale by F. COPPINGER, Aug. 11 Front-street._ j am DUTY ON CARRIAGES. Flo 1 Notice is hereby Given, I «"pHAT agreeably to an aft of Congrels of the United JL plates of Amcrica, pailed at Philadelphia, the 28th day of Ma-4 1796 ; laving duues on Carriages, tor the convey- *2. ance of persons, and repealing the former a&s fpr that pur pose.—That there.(hall be levied, collected and paid, upon 1 1 all carriages lor the conveyance of pewons, whi,ch shall be kept by or for any person, for his or her own use, or to let out to hire, or for the conveying of passengers* the several du- Frdm tics and rates following, to wit. teTi j For and upon every Coach, 15 dols. upon etfery Chariot, 12 dols. uponeveiy Poll. Chariot, dols.- upon every Post Chaise, 12 dols. upon every Phaeton, with or without top, 9 dols upon every Coachee, 9 dols. upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above, with blinds, glallesor curtains, 9 dols. opon four wheel carriages, having framed polls and roj,i witblteel lprings, 6 dols. i> U r <>.< tour'vhcel top Carnages, with wooden 01 iron j\] grafc * * . ; W; . •• ; - ". fs UpV® • icitrt with aols. t upon chwies with tops, 3 doU. C uponjhaiis with tops, 3 dols. Vj upon fuKvies with tops, 3 dols. gf upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. „ , upon two wheel carriages, with steel or iron fpnngs, • 3 dols. op '* For and upon »H other two wheel carnages, 2 dols. .or I I u pon every four whe»] carriage, having framed po.ts Ij and topi, and reftiug upon wooden spars, e dols. Vv ,r The Collcflon of the Revenue qf the firft iurvey of the Q c Diftriflof Pennfylvanij, v. ill attend daily, until the 30th day as of September next, for Lhe purpose oi receiving ihe duties 011 g ( Carriages, at No. j 17, in Rece or Saff«fras street, in the City . b- ol Philadelphia, at tlie houle of Dar.icl S. Clan , Kfa. in the i- County of Montgomery; 2nd at the houfc of Abraham Du bois, Esq. in the County of Bucks; of which all perlons pol ieffed ol luch Carriages aie defued to take noiiee. Notice is also given, TO all retail dealers i;i Wines, and foreign drftilled fpii i- tuouciiquort, that licences will be granted to theta ; one li cence'for carrying 011 the business of retailing of Wines, in a ft less quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one licence for carrying qi> the business of retailing Spirituous li quors in less quantities than 20 gallons, at the fame time and :3 at the fame places, by thc olßccrs legally authorized to grant fuck ltcences. .WILLIAM NICHOLS, And Infpeflor of the Revenue of the firft survey of thc dillnft of Pennsylvania. V — r " V o* ing Philadelphia, 21ft July, ) . |rt tity "taken OTICE, 5 , rpHAT application-wilfbe made for '.he renewal of C on NE 1 t be following' certificates, iffuetTby Joseph Nourfe, '_J Register Of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Gril' Po " woid, Esq. of Norwich, Conneaicut— ran ! ccftificnte, fix per cent domeflic (lock, Tso. 1.3,907 ! l ' he —dat.vl the 17th December, 1795. bearing intcreft from V 1 lth the firft day of January, 1791, for 1,59.7 65-100 dol ,vo 1 ditto, three per cent, domestic Itock, No. 10,682 er y —dated December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the W1 firft day of Janu-iry, 1791, l° r 994 30-100 dollars. for CX I ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166r dated the 17th get December, 1795, bearing interest from thc firll Jann- ere AO ary, 1801, .for 798 83-100 dollars. anc j Said certificates are fuppofed»to have been loft or can- ftblen in this city some tinje in December or January »<;■ .Ave hft ' JOSEPH THOMAS, M ' ther No. 59, North Front-street. th; m 8 Philadelphia, July 11, 1796. d6w. tio avi- — — — ~~Z Y~ « a Philadelphia, WeH-Cheler, Strajburgb, Xe LancaHer, York and Frederkk-tewn ed for- STAGES. ™ '""T'HE proprietsrs of the above Stages, return their b«ft fai 1 thanks to their friends and the public in general, for * ' the encouragement received in this line of business, and beg leave to inform the public, that they arc determined to run ,ew " their tlages through from Philadelphia to Lancaster m ' r<l P one" day, commencing on Tuesday, tne 14th July Infb.nt, in the following manner,—via. A Stage will set out on ?7? that da- at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house of , George Weed, Market-street, Philadelphia, and run by Tf " t he way of Weftcneller and Strafturgh, arrive in Lancaf- T7 ter the fame evening, on Friday Iv.orning.tun to Wright's cc •w ferry and exchange passengers with the York and predej- a ) r • j ick-town stage, return and arriyfi in Philadelphia' on Sat- al aines urday, and 011 .Monday mornmg following, at 4 o'clock, l a .. ! said stage will set out'from the said Gaorge Weed's, Phila- 'ft " r thifphia; and arrive at Lancaster the fame evening, on d 16 ? C " ! Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack will set out from the house n , e " !of Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, and arrive in Philadelphia a . !' J the fame evening, and will commence again on ThOrfday 0 lC " morning following, and continue every week—The pricc v •., for each paifenger from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three a , s dollars and a half, to York, four doll-ars and threeqqua-t too ' s ' terS) to Frederick town tight dollUrs, the like sums so* b I s o'weight baggage, with the »fual allowance of 14 lb. nplete grat ; s t<J " eac h paifenger, and 5 pencc a mi'e for all way ; :rafts, 3°~§4w , they jona Reilly, 1 edi^ c George Weed. ' Jicrxo- & j urtcn- Sales of India Goods. ] good oi rgod f the flup Ganges, Tingey, from Cai t"e cutta and Bengal, CONSISTING OF . A Large and general'affortment of Bengal and Madras SE A CO 1 TON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARK A variety fine worked and plain Muslins, Doreas, X&c. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, i.RS» |joxes and bags—and BLACK. PEPPER, rood For Sale by Willings Sff Francis, No. il Pei.n Street. 5 ' June S FOR S'ALE, COFFEE, in (lV.ds. hbls.'& bigs") COTTON, of Demerara, .ami v—- T -' * SOAL-LEATHK" AMb, BOSTON BEEF, and Mould and Dipt CANDLES. Applv to ISAAC HARVEY, Jur.. No. j south Water-street. B.mo. 10. _____ ■ """" For sale by the fublcrjbers, IN PtN»-STRF ; £T,"' 130 quarter Chcits frsto Hyton Tea.i loa ditto' do. tiefil Souchong Tea ; 300 Boxes China, containing small tea setts of 4* pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoes. Willings & Francis. January ,"?o - ■ 3taw. INFORMATION TS given daily of the drawing of «b<- WASHINGTON 1 LOTTERY, at the Office No. 147 Chefnutjlrccl, I between Fourth and Fifth'ftreets. Also,. where Tickets ' may yet be had. *»g- , .eo . 0- The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Days drawing « a arrived. | , e t Landing • From on b®ard the Nancy, William Belcher, mas ter, from Bourdeaux, a cargo, confitting of 360 Hhds. CHOICE CLARET, 232 Cases of 24 bottles each, Claret, 286 do. of 24 do- WHITE WINE, BRANDY, SWEET OIL, aod e i TRU&K of RIBBONS, For Sale by ld F. Coppinger. >n .lyty 23" ■ —•— • Nev;-England tvlHvi 1-n iIU3 s« COUNTRY GIN in barrels, JUNIPER BERRIES in Calks, SPERMACETI, } COMMON WHALE, and V OIL. " ' TANNER'S ) SPERMACETI CANDLES, .[ls Tallow Ditto, Mould and Dipt Is. White SOAP, in Boxes ' ;h ' Boil Boston BEEF, in barrels and half barrel* la V CODFISH, in hhds, °" Best Boston MACKREL, in barrels, and V A few choice frnoaked SALMON, For Sale by lhc • JOSEPH ANTHONY & £0. jf' Also, a small invoice of well ailorted • INDIA GOODS, JUST ARRIVED. J Aug. 23 ■ P°— II a week iui!l be fuhm tted to public inJjbef?k)P> The PROSPECTUS and Of a New Periodical Work entitled rain lbs United States Magazine, And Rcpofitorv of Ufetul and Entertaining Knov vey , ' ledge ; k Which will be,conduced on a new, liberal,and intfreft- Itig —e..ch number containing i" efu.es the usual quati* tity of letter press, two npat erigravings, and* favourite song set to music.—Price only one fourth of a doltar ; the publication to commence on the ift of February 1797. lof continued monthly. irfe, August 3rif ' i ie fold by public sale, ' Wedriefday, the 7th day of September next, on U the premises in Mount-Holly,Burlington county, by j-i. the Subscriber', . ,682 Tbe Dwelling-house and Lot 1 the Whereon it ftar.ds, having been in part occupied as a store 5 for fever a 1 years past, and in a goodftand for bufiaefs,to 17th gether with the store-house, (table and buildings thereon ami- ereAed, having two large cellars under them. Also, the shop (roods and household furniture. A clear title will be > or given to the purchaser on payment of the money or iuf ' ficLnt bond therefor, and possession of the premises will be given in the said month of September. The sale is to continue 'till the whole is disposed of. Mount Holly having become rh« County Town, makes this property more valuable than heretofore. Ihe condi w - tions iilbe made known at the time and place of sale, by —7- PETER SHIR AS. -gb, N. B. All pcrfons indebted to the subscriber.are requeft tj ed to dilcharge the lame immediately, as he intehds scon to remove out of .this (late, Any perfen having a just de mand againil th& fubferiber, it requcfled to produce the rhtfl fame !cr settlement. H§»w 1, for I Mount Holly, Augufl. x 6, 1796. 0 run For Sale, :er in a large elegant and well finished Three-story Brick House, ife of ' (The late residence of General Walter Stewart) in by TT7TTH a X.OT ef GROUND thereunto belonging, ancaf- \'V the weft fide of.,Third-flreet, near Unicn-ftreet • -ight's | containing in front 32 feet, and in depth 100 feet, to an redej- I alley .leading into Union-street. The house is 32 feetfront 1 Sat- and sc! feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it are 'clock, ' lai-o-e, commodious, and completely finifhed; the tyvofirfl: Phila- stories are each. 13 feet .high; 'hereare 20 mahogany lg, on doors in the house ; a geometrical staircase,. with mahoga houfe jny r .ails and a g«od flcy-light. The kitchen is in the ccll lelphia I ar) which isfpaciou6 and convenient, and finifhed With an urfday j oven, slew-holes and pantries, a servants' hall and large S pricc | wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which is an s three area in which there is a pump. The yard is vaulted. qvrar- j Communicating with the said building is a neat thrcc-ltory ,ms Co.\ [ brick house, on the north fide of Union-street, contaiii -14 lb. 30 feet front by 20 feet deep; thelower part of which |1 way j ; s at urefent occupied as a compting-houfe, and the upper §4w p ar t divided into well-firii(hed large chambers. 1 his houie 1 may at a small expense be converted into a convenient I dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the front I and back have Venetian window-shutters. Adjoimngthe last house, upon the lot belonging to the fir ft, are ereded bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewise very good coach hc«fe and flablcs finifhed equal (or nearly so) w.th any in. u Cal-I c ; ty Ol ialot containing on Union street 3°'"'' Bn in depth oil the waft fide of said alley s*f«t. There are good cellars unde, the whole of the buildings, aiidawine Madras j room p art of the Cable, with a hay-loft over the re , I niuindfr- For further particulars enquire of — SONS .IX & Co. iflins, rAt their No. I CO I 6th mpiAh 24th, 179 6 ' I \ Handsome, well-broke 5R * SADDLE HORSE, ;is, For Sals : enquire at the Cozeftago S:able s, '.he own Street. I having no use for hisa. mfcfivv | Aug. 2»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers