Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 26, 1796, Image 4

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    FOR S A t B„ M
A. very Valuable Estate,
CALLED 'TWITTENHA M, lituatr in the > P K
townlhip of Upper Derby, andcountyof Delaware,
7 i-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the cei Western road: containing 230 acres of excellent land, :
1S of which are £00d watered meadow, 90 of prime wood- P u
bn ), and the reft arable of tha firit quality. There are r!
on the premises a good two story brickhoufe, with 4 rooms de<
on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well dit
t'f excellent water in front; a large frame tirji, ftablcs, mc
and other convenient buildings ; a fmohe-houfe and stone,
spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach
es. The fields are all in clovat, except those immediately
•under tillage, and are l"o laid nut as to have the advantage
of water in each of them, whick renders it peculiarly con
venient for grazing. Sc
The filiation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high
ei- Mvntionof the land, the good neighbourhood, and the
vicinity to the city, it. is wry suitable for a getitleman's
country feat.
The foregoing is part of the eflate of Jacob Harman, ~~
and offered for sale bv
Mordecai Lewis,
Oft. 9. eo-3 Surviving Executor.
Wafhmgton Canal Lottery,
N°. ,1.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
the underwritten, (;o raise twenty-fix thousand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Walhington, from th Po
tornado theEaftern BranchHaruour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
V Viz --1 Prize of 40,000 dollars, 20,000
I ditto 10,000 10,000
*££££} «<»•
6 ditto 1,000 6,050
16 ijitto 400 4,000
30 ditto 100 3,000
55 ditto 50 4,75°
,57,50 ditto is 69,008
To be raised for the Canal, 46,350
5850 Prizes, , 175,000
llfito'Blanks, not tw® to a prize.
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
£5" The Commissioners have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid aft for the punctual payment si
the prizes.
The drawing of tliij Lottery will commence, without
delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice tv\!l be given.
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is finilhed, Avail be considered as reliuquilhed for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
City of Wathingtoß, Tib. 11. $
FOR raifingfis thousand fix hundred ahd Cxty-fevc*
dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen per
cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz.
I of 5000 dollars is doHsrs 5000
1 1000 1000
i 500 500
5 300 toco
je 100 3coo
99 jo 49J°
400 35 jooo
»000 10 40,000
5 Last drawn numbers of 1000 dollars each, 5000
*333 Prizes. +4.450
4018 Blanks.
6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,450
By order of the Directors of the Society For eftablilh
ingUfrful Manufactures, the fliperintendants of the Pat.
erfon Lottery hive xequefted the Managers to offer the
foregoing Ssheme to the public, and have directed them
to refund the money to those persons who have purohafed
in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets
in this Lottery.
I'he lottery has actually commenced dfawing, and will
continue until finilhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes
may be fcen at the office ol William Blackburn, No. 64 '
south Second street, who will give information where tick
ets may be procured.
Dated this 17th day of June, 1796.
In 2 Cantos, may beTiad at B. Davies's Book-Store, No.
68 High-ftrcet. Aug. 19 §6t
Lands of the United States
Treasury Department, Augufl 3, 1796.
Public Notice is hereby Given,
IN pursuance of an ail of Congress, $>alTed on the 18th
day of May, 1796, entitled " An aft providing" for
thefale of the lands of the United States, in the I"errito-
Ty north weft of the river Ohio, and above the mouth of
Kentucky river," that the feftions or lots of land defen
ded in the annexed fcheclule, lying in the seven ranges of
townlhips, which were furueyed in pursuance of an ordi
nance; of Congress, patted on the twentieth day of May,
in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five,
■will be exposed for sale at Pv.blic the town Or
Pittlburghin Pennsylvania, on the twenty-fourth day of
October next, and thenceforward, from day to day until
the ftrft day of December enfuiag, unlet s the said lots lhall
be sooner fold, in the manner, and on the terms a-nd con.
ditions herein after mentioned, to wit: ,
ift. The said feftions or lots lhall be fold under the di
rection ef the Governor or Secretary' of the Weltern Ter
ritory, and such person as the President of the United
States may specially appoint for that purpose.
id. The said fetftioiis or lots lhall be fold to the highest
bidder, but no sale can be made for less than two dollars acre of the quantity of land cop.tained in such lot or
3. The highest bidder as before mentioned, lnuft depo
sit at the time of file, one twentieth part of the purer afe
money, in the hauds of fnch person as the President of the
United States fnall appoint to attend the fa! es for that pur
pose, which will he forfeited, if a moiJty of thefumbid,
including the said twentieth part, lhall not be paid wittiin
thirtydays from the time of sale.
4ih. Upon payment of a moiety of the purchase money
in the manner before mentioned, the pin-chafer wi l be
entitled to ooe year s credit for the remaining moiety ;
an>l lhall receive from the Governor #r Secretary of, the
Wtftern Territory, and the person wh6 shall be appointed
by the President of the United States, to direct the falcs.a
certificate describing tha lot or f;6tion purchased, and de
claring thefum paidonaccount, the balancc remaining due,
the time when such balance becomes payable, and that
the whole land therein mentioned, will be forfeited, if the
v.';' 1 ' > '
said balance is rjo' then paid ; but ivhe said i'dance shall
be duly paying the fume to the Trrafurcr of
th- United States, the purchaser or his affiance or other
le K sl representative, fiiall be entitled to a patent lor the
said lands, on his producing to the, Secretary of State a re
ceipt for such balance endorsed upon the certi r ate. But
if any purchaser (hall make payn«nt or the of the
purchase money, at the time wh:n the payment o! the |
; firft moiety is directed to be mad.-, he will be entitled to a
dedudtion of ten per Centum on th ' part for which a ere-
[ dit is authorized to be given; and his patent lhall be iro
mediately iflfued.
Given under my hand at Philadelphia, the day and
rear above mentmned. 1
Secretary of the Treasury
" . .he
Schedule cf fetlions of townjhips, or fractional parts day
I of townflips, to be fold at Pfitjburgb, un!
0/ the 6th fcflton of an aB of Congress, pvjfed on
the 18th day of May, 1796. r ' n ,
■ 5 t i : i~ hig
« s ■ J i £ J i; i dol
<3 | -s -a j ° I v :
% 2 I » 55 __ P°
* ■ --— chz
ift Range, 6thTownfhip. 6th Rangk. g ;a
ift Townlhip. Bai2 64oeacli iftTownlhip. j nc
48 5 65 14 640 17 3 20 thi
' 49 256 95 i7aso 64oJeach 18^170
30 350 75 35a36 64oeach 41 8 50 ne;
34 340 90 BthTownlhip. 23 166 40 be
35a36 640 each 3ai4J64o!each '43 427 am
4d Townlhip. 17120 640 eacli 24 640 ft l '
19 I 40 23 640 37 151 80
40-170 70 25a30640each 38a3o64oeach ' ,e
31 185 33136 64oeach 33 58 tlO
33 3 30 iothTownlhip. 34336 640|each P a '
25 488 80 ia2 640 each 2d Townlhip. P a '
s6ai7 640, each sai 4 640 each 1 126
28 560 17320640 each 2 440
29 551 60 23336 640 each 3 448
30 564 i2th,Townfhip. 4 < 456 ma
640 each 131464 c each 5 464 tin
4thTown(hip. 17 330640 each 6 471 be
19 64 233361640 each 7 340 ten
*1 H° n B al *64oeach giv
46 ,87 60 lftTownfll! 17 a40 640 each
37 36 , , £ 640 each
31332 640 each 4 3 6 3 dToWr.i ? .
33 616 30 440 1 47 °
34 445 10 34 5i 5 2 478
\ 5 , 35336 640 each 3 455
ttbTnu (li'n 4dTown(hip.'- 4 Of
jthTow. Hup. a 2( , P 5 J0 » fu>
6 135 SQ 3a6 640 each 6 . th*
14 479 3° . J- 7 ai4 640 eaeh
17 15 o , I 17320 64oeach —
18 638 50 , 23336 640 each
450 75 h *VtowW ,
24 640 3 , . x 8 «
! , 2 526 a
5;: to ' <» Z
Jl I3dTi a-nftiip. %
iai4 64oeach , 5 . o
ad Range. 17330 64c!e3ch . , v
IftTownlhip. 23336 640 each 7a14 40 ,
»o , -I .ut '«.■ *7140640 each
38 720 s thTownfhip ' a ;ath _
34 ' 650 1314640 each «.•
3d Townlhip. 17 120 640 each 2
24126640 each 233361640 each 1
J 38 499 *6 7thTownfhip. 1
■*' 49 64c la 2 64o[each 3
3 Ta 537 640 each 4 sr
-4thTown(hip. I2a*3 640 e3ch i ,
0 *1, ' T 71*4 640 elch
0 " 397 50 , 640 , 17120640 each
13 *I s * 640 64c each
*5 37 50 gthTownfhip. 3 (} ; To tnfhi P .
16 259 20 1114 64oleich 14640eac P h
3 is a i t
-0 20 80 lai4 , , r ,
° 31 63641 17 320 64ojeich " I 4
44136 640 eaeh 23136 640 eich I7iU z / - 40,e1C ;,
. jthTownfhip. tjthTownlhip.
R 5 63c iai4 640 each r .
d 6a7 eich i73io64oeach * al 4 4C en
ts 23125 W each 23136640 nch
3 7 it8 64c each = a \ a , 3 ' 640 " cll
II 33336 6 4 0 each 5^ XA "I ,J,hT r" ft 'l'
7thTownlhip. n 14 640 each
4 ' 16401 18 274 40 1 7 ai °!6 4 0|each
SrhTownfhip. " 87 JO 2 3 a 36 6^,each
135 64oeach 23 27 7th RanCE.
6 440 24 ift Townlhip.
7 ai4 64ocich _ 30 1 420
5 * 1 7 a20 640 each l 3 ' 4 20 36 1*33150*
" *»»3o«Seach -dTownlhip.
9th Town Blip. ' 4 3 35
6 64c I „ „ 4 645
, ** 64c 30 64c Jh sf
, u adT. ownlhip. y ,
Ijai4 64c each i i loan 64c «?acn
/ v- 1 150 20
19120640 each ; 14 30
43a36 64oeach 3 17318640 each
3d Range. 5 456 19 14
ad Townlhip. 6 464 80 "° ,
. * 43a24 640 each
*5 640 7 15s J ,,
b 16 600 8 618 J'.}* v
)r 40 50 9ai4 640each 1 fi 3 -! nf C
3 " a*32 x 640 each 17 120 64c each j4 " °, wn "'^,'
* 43 609 6 4 oleachi I ," 4 H"^
45136 640 each 4th lownlliip. 7 -I, 4 | ;
s St it
9 60 17a20 640eadi tiitii , K
Y» ; c ■ * v iai4 640.each
e, " 1 44 J3 i 3 4 64 °e ch 1 7 a40 6 4 oL'acfh
,i, .01 JO 1 7 >,05«01,d,
ill x 5 630 23336 6 4 cpach 4
n . i6atß 640 each BthTownlhip. ' 4 '
19 217 50 13i4j64o|eath A, 4 ~" „ .
li- 30 6*6 75 *7120 64c eich Iothl " W " hip /
:r- 41136 6 4 oeach 23»36!640|each * aI 4 04ceic
ed 4 thTownlhip. iothTownlhip. *7 a 40 640 each
1 170 i2i4|64oi=achi! 2 3a36 6 4 oeach
eft i 544 -ich Townlhip.
lrs S 320 23a36li 4 oleach *a* 4 6 4 c|«tck
<"• 4 450 T2thTov.nlhip.! 6 4 c eath
j 12c iai4|64<-leachi 27,336 fc.,c|<^ch
6 64c I7S2C 6 4 cl'3ch| UthTownftip
f 7 563 23a36|64o|each| *«4j6 4 o|eich
S-d9 64c each 'i4thTowafnip.| (l ' a2 °'^°!
u *;- ro 54c So | iai 4 |64ojcach 2 6 4 c|each
' J ; ' 11 529 70 i7a2cK>4o]eachj ownfhip.
' 14H4 64c eich 53i361640 *a*4 640 each
1712 c 640 each 1 17120 640 each
be 23»3t|640 ;ach 1 6 40
■f i NOTE.
the THEquantities of Lands in the several townlhips be
ted fore mentioned, are exclusive of the Lots reserved bv the
:s,a Un ted States and. also of those formerly fold.—The ag
de- gregate quantiri.-s m the several townlhins or fractional
lue, parts of town&ips, have been ascertained by actual fur-
Jvat vey; the quaattties in particular lots or fedions, have
tHe been no o:iitr>yifc afccrtaiuad than by calculation.
Lands of the United i
Treasury Department, ,
jl'ngufi .8,1 796. c
Public Notice is hereby given,
IM -purfiianCe of anaA of Congrcfs paflTed on the 18th ' j
thy of May, 1796, entitled " an aft providing " for
the fall: of the Lands of t lie United States, in th- territory £
north-weftof the river Ohio, and above " the mouth of
' Kentucky river," that the Quarter TovWShips of land
delcribed in the annexed schedule, lying in the seven rang
es ot townships which were lurveyed in purfuanee of an
ordinance of Congrcfs, passed on the twefttieth day of
Mav in th- Year one tkoufand seven hundred and eighty
fivc''will b-''<-oofed for file at PUBLIC VENDUE, at
he Merchants' Colfee-Houre in Philadelphia, on the 4th
! day of January next, and thenceforward from May today,
t until the tenth day of February ensuing, unless the said
1 quarter townlhip» fhallbe foonsr foM, in the manner and
on the terms and Condition^hereinafter mentioned: viz.
ift. The said quarter townlhips (hall be fold to the
highest bidder,' but 110 sale can be made for less than two
dollars per acre of the quantity of .land contained in such
quarter tawsfhip.
2d. The hightft bidder as before mentioned, mult de
posit a* the time of idle, one twentieth part of the pur
~ chafe money, in the hands cf the Treasurer of the United
States, which will be forfeited if a moiety of the sum bid,
including the said twentieth part, (hall net be paid within
thirty days from the time of sale.
3d. Upon payment of a moiety of (he purchafe-me
ney in »he manner befor-imentioned, the purchaler will
be entitled to one year's- credit for the remaining moiety ;
and Ihall receive a certificate describing the quarter toivn
fhip purchafcd, and declaring the sum paid on account,
the balance remaising due, the time when such balance
becomes par/able, and that the whole Land therein men
tioned will be forfeiced, if the said balance is net then
paid ; but if the said balance Ihall be duly discharged, by
paying the fame to the Treasurer of the United States,
the-pvrchafer or his or other legal representative,
ihall be entitled to a patent for the said land, on hu pro
ducing to the Secretary of State a receipt for such balance,
endorsed upon the certificate. But if any purchafcr shall
make payment of the whole of the purchase-money at the
time V/hen the payment of the firil moi«ty is direeled to
be made, he will be entitled to a deduction <jf ten per
centum on the part for which a credit is authorized to be
given ;, aad his patent shall be immediately ilTued.
GIVEN under my hand at the daj ___
and year abov'ementioheff.
Secretary of the Treasury.
Of Quarter-Towndlips to be fold at Philadelphia. ♦-pur
fuancc of the 6thfeftion of'an aft of Congrcfs palled on
the 18th day of May, 1796.
,o *&.
u u> kz
6. .5- t =
„ - OS
fct rS ~ O
£ F > «- E- 1
k & O
d C r ° « v. J*
U-. r - L u rj re
O ». c a v
o c Z ® ,=
2 o 5 Z *,
zO 2 3
/_ E
-2 I Softth East 5120
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120
3 "j [South Eafl 5120
[Hu'ili L.HI 5 I2U r-|
(South Welt 5120
North Weft JI2O
—— 20,480
7 South' East 5120
North East 5120
South Welt 5120
North 5120
— 40,480
9 Sourh East jiz'o
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
' North Weft 5 1 20 I
- ■ — 20,480
11 South Eafl 5120
North East j 120
South Weft 5 120
North Weft 5120
I' 4 4 Sauth East 5120
North East j 120 so
South Weft 5120 th
North Weft ci2o ra
D th
6 South East 5120
North East 5120 {
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120 ■
15 South East 5120 J
North East 5120
Soil th Weft 5120 ! "j
North Weft
5 120 I J
— 20,480 t!
10 South East 5120 ' "
Ncith East 5120 f,
Sonlh Weft; 5 120 | t
North Weft 5120 t
! 20,480 | «
12 South East 5120
Novtft Eall 5120 f
South Weft j 120 c
Nortb Welt, 5120 >
20,480 c
5 3 Soutfy East 4602
' North East 4654 J
! Sooth Welt 5120
North Welt 5120 | 1 .
* 9,496
5 South East 5120
North East $120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120
7 South East J l2O
North East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 51^0
be- 20,480
the 6 South East 5 120
North East 5 120 1
fur. South Weft 5120
lave North Weft' 5 120 I II
! ; *0,42® J
'• ! u£ •
1 ,• °-
.5- ! s "<£
'3 « £
b£ . 'S " f
= a. 5 u* o
c 2 <si J* « ■ >- M
c £-« XL
is o -g U
p° £ < I s
ok* £ G C
f * h ri
, ii Sotfth East 5 120
f North East 5.1 20
South Weft 5 120
North Weft 5120
* 20,480
1 13 South East 5 120
d North East 5120
South Weft J 1 20
e North Weft 5 120
P 20,480
6 4 South East 4630
North East 4620
South Weft 5120
j 1 North Weft 5120
• 19,490
6 South East 4730
1- North East 4715
'1 South Weft 5120
' North Weft 5 120
£ * 1 9.68J
c 8 South Eaft]sJ2o
- Nqrth East 5120
n South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120
1. 10 South East 5 120
North East. 5 120
*' South Weft 5120
North Weft 5120
;r 20,480
ie 12 South East 5120
North East 5120
y "-jg|
North 5120
14. South Eafl 5120
North, East 5120
r . v South Weft 5 120
n North Weft 5 120
~ 7 .3 Soufh jjiaft 5120
Notth East 5120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5 120
5 South East 5120
North Eafl y 120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5 120
20,48 a 0
= 1 South East 5 120
Notth East 5 120
South Weft 5120
North Weft 5 120! I 1
9 South East 5 120
__ North East < 120 1 I
South WeH 5 120
North Weft <; 120
M South East 5.1 20
North East 5 1 20
South Weft 5 1 20
North Weft 5 1 zo
13 South East 5120
North East 5120
South Well 5120
North Weft .j 120
15 South East 5120
North Eali ji2ii
South Weft 5120
North Wcfi 5120 K
I 20,480
THE quantities of Lands in the several town(hip6 be
fore mentioned,are exclafive of the Sections reserved by
the United States. The aggregate quantities i« the seve
ral townlhips, have been afcertair.ed by actual survey ; but
the quantities iD the quarter tewnlhips, have been no
j otherwise aicertainej than by calculation.
— ■ ■ t
Letters Patent,
Granted to the Subscriber, for the Cure of
Incurvations and Dijlortion: of the Spinet
By an improvement in Stays and an. Apparatus.
I VERY thing-has been studied to render this appliea
_i tion fafe, cafy, effectual, and generally ufeful, and
that if ceceflary, it may be accompanied with any other
mode. '
Thv success of the Patentee in the cure of di (Portions,
from Incurvation* of the Spine, the Wry Neck, &c. in
this city and in different parts of the United States, under
the infpeiftion of eminent phylicians, when every other
mode had failed, will, it is hoped, afford the public fuf
ficient teflimony of the utility of this application.
N. B. He makes an apparatus for restoring diflortcd
feet in children—Bandages in general—Trusses of various
dekriptions, and one in particular on a plan entirely new,
which in fume cases is found *0 answer better than any
He returns thanks to thafe medical gentlemen in ■diffcrj
ent parts «f the United States who hive honored him with
their patronage and confidence.
The Ladies are lefpe&fully informed, that he has
an elegant assortment of Stpys and Corsets for Salr, wliick
v/ill "be altered if necessary, free of extra charge. _
Ang. 16 iiwjw No. 17 Bock-street»
,' I ""HE Public is informed that this animal will leave Phi
i 1-iJclphia on the FIRST of September instead of the
xoth, 'till which time the Proprietor will continue to ex
hibit him as usual, in High-street near Tenth-street.
Aug. n 3
mmm.mjLmjmmu.u 1,1 I...JJL IMJI, —BWW—w——
—No. 119 —
[Pricc Bight Dollars per Ann«K.]