j# ■ J yC C^v #a?ette o/' the Unites States, & Philadelphia Daily Advert} Number 1237.] FRID AT EVENING, AUGUST 26, _ - UNITED STATES, ? Pennsylvania District, 5 IS pursuance of a Writ to m; dire&ed from the Honour able Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the DiilriA Court of the United States far the Pennsylvania Diftrift, Will be exposed to Public Sale, At the Merchants' Coffee-Houfe, in the City of Philadel phia, on Monday, the 29th day of August, instant, at 12 o'clock at noon, The SLOOP called the .JPKaSEo? Re Ee C C A-, .V 'S>r- _ With all and Angular her tackle, appa rel ar.d Furniture, as the fame now are ; the said (loop having Been condemned, to pay Mariners' wages, &c. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marshal. Marftial's Office, 19th August, 1796. For Sale or Charter, 2000 Bbls. of flour—lke may be sent to sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in very good order—apply to "James Campbell, or George Latimer. April 89, $ For Sale or Charter, r-;£"*£~Vw ™ E A6TrS AILI NG SHIP LIGHT-HORSE, LYING at Mess. J. & R Wain's wharf, two hundred and seventy tons burthen, a flout, strong vessel, aad well feund. For terms apply to Joseph Anthony & Co. *ug-34 $6_ rofsatc, Or for Charter to the Well-Indies, c E™R.""r; S, Philadelphia Built, OF Live Oak and Red Cedar, burthen about 3506 bar rels, now discharging at Latimer's wharf, i'his ves sel is in excellent repaii*, well fouad and will bear a tho rough eiamrsation, andasfoon as discharged will be rea dy to take in a cargo. For terms apply to John Vaughan. July a 8 §_ At Sbiith-ftreet wharf, XT/ILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft. August, VV by snow Hope, from Jamaica, and flosp Sally, from Port-au-Prince, !* 300 Hhds. COFFEE, 70 Hhds. SUGAR. Also, the cargo of the Sivedijh brig Gujlaf Adolpht, cost. Ratnfre, from Gibraltar, jft 2nd 4th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds. Hazle Nuts in sacks St. Übes SALT, for sale by PFTPR BLIGHT. ; - z —~~ '' \ Gustaf Adolphe, V \iA Swede, with a Mediterranean pass, a very fine yeffel, about 100 tons bur then. Aug- '8. ffzweozw For Sale, jlyfgjjfr Friendship, DURTHEN .100 Barrels or r4OO *" Jj buihels Coal, an excellent frame, Live Oak and Cedar, and well found with cables, anchors &c. fit for sea—new lying at Almand-ftreet wharf, Tho mas Penrofe's. The terms will be made reasonable. Apply to the Owner, No. 311 south Front-street, next door to Jonathan Penrofe, Efq AUg.l9 Ifc°4 To be fold, On Twelve Months Credit, If applied for immediately, One Hundred Thousand Dollars, And one hundred and eighty thousand acres of good LAND, In the state of Virginia. Applj to the Printer. AUg. 19 § * " FOR SALE,. A Complete Font of Brevier, ENtirely new, and yet unopened. The weight of this font is about 312 lb. 'It is from the Foundery of I Wilson & Sons, Glasgow, rod will be fold at cost & charges. Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette ef the United States, 119 Chefnut-ftreet. Aug 19 §4'w CABLES, From |6 to 9 J inches, for sale by Jeremiah Warder, July II § No 11 north Third-street. A Book-Keeper, OR Clerk's place is wanted by a person properly quali fi«d, and whose character will be found unexception able. Apply to the Printer. Aug. 11 tf In the Press, Andfpeedily will bepubli/ked, by W. Young, M>lls & Son, Cornet of Second and Chef nut flrcet, An Apology for the Bible, In a feriesof letters addrefled to Thomas Paine, author as a book entitled The Age of P eafon, part the second, being an invefligaticn of true and fabulous theology. By RICHARD WATSON, D. D. F. R. S. Lord Bishop of Llanda", and Regius Profeffor of Divin ity in the Uciverfity of Cambridge. Aug. 23. ! Wants Employment, IN a gent<el family, town or country, a French lady lately arrived in this city. She has re ceived 'a good education and can be well recommend ed. She withes to undertake the tuition of children, ' and will teach them to read, write, and speak the < French language, in a short time, by principles simple, • Hut very intelligible. She will also inflrucl thetn in hiftcjry r rnythoicgie, &c. and will be careful in paying ' ftriil attention to their morals ; her terms will be very moderate. Artply at No. 15, Lombard-Street, Phila- Itdeiphia. Aujjuft to. lot <3 Wm. HOLDERNESSE, No. 76 High Street, T ~ T TAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and n the East Indies, n well felc<sted assortment of Silk "» Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which he will fell, Wholcfale and Retail, on the lowefl terms ; AMONGST WHICH ARE, 12 Some fine India muslins emoroi Jered with go!d and friver Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad Mulinul iuto Do do da do Haudkerchiefs Some entri WatV taftVtie?,lut«ftringßand colored Perfiao* bandaoo Handkirchiefs ■- " >• ■«-* Long and short Nankeens - • Englilh Mantuas of the firft quality Damalk table linen and napkins, very fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant assortment Thead and cotton do Umbrellas—grien silk, oil'd de. and do doth French cambrics, very, fine Irith Linens, do. See. See. June 14 J For Sale, A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Front and Second ftrsets, in which Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and ln now do) carried on business. Poffeflion will be given in one month, or sooner. For ternjs apply t»i WILLIAM BELL, or? HECTOR CALBRAITH. April 21. § FOR SALE,~ WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, in pip" and hoglheads Claret, genuine old, in cases Gin, in pipes', from Holland • Earthen Ware, in crates £ Baiket Salt, in hogsheads Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead Steel, German and Ruflia, in barrels - Awfe>n, cufaigfl. bunting* tarpolin e&nvas, Tin plates —An invoice Stationary, by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. July 19 $ ELEPHANT. ~ This Ar.'tmal is to be seen in High-Street, between r- the f e "th and the Eleventh-Street. f- TTE will positively leave Philadelphia the tenth of Sep -- JQ tember, for Baltimore, in his way to Charleston, a- where he will win' er. ADMi ITANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar for Children. The PANORAMA, or the VIEW ef the CITIES.of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, Is to be open till the 10th of September, and the fub je<£i will then be removed to Baltimore with the ELE 1, PHANT. r, ADMITTANCE for the PANORAMA, One quarter of a Dollar. August 3. French Goods. '' Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-de- Grace, 2 ° Cafe"'" j Ladies' SHOES of all colors forts and sizes I Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS I Duto Fir* LAWN , =~ • "1" nTtr/1 «■ a UW W I Ditto Ladies' bell ihainmy and Grenoble Gloves For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. Aug. 14 $ • » — ■ 1 ' " '* ' " - ' 1 " A very valuable Merchant Mill, \ DISTILLERY and BREWERY, and furidry STONE il QUARRIES to be let I will rent my merchant Mill at the little Falls of Po t'owmac, for aoy term not l«fs than seven, nur more than eleven years, from the firft day of September next. The mill-noufe is 41 by 46 feet, three stories high, built with stone, and has in it three pairs of French Burr Stones, two J overshot 18 feet water-wheels, and Evans's machinery complete, with every other thing proper and necessary for carrying on the business with dilpatch. and at as little ex t penle as possible, all in good order.—From the mill to my landing 011 the Potemac river, (wheris craft, of any bur - then may deliver grain and take in flour) it is about 40 yards, and from thence by water tn George-Town and the City of Walhingtoa, about 3 miles, and to Alexan dria about 11 miles. This situation, aided by a fufficient capital, will command the produce of a very extensive back country, where large quantities of wheat and other » grain is annually made, the distance to it being from 8 to 10 miles less than to any market town upon the navi gation of the Potowmac. There are on the premises a large ft#ne Coopers' ih«p, a stone granary, and a commo dious miller's house. At the landing alorefaid a bridge is now building over the Potomac, which is in great for wardriefs and probably will be finilhed the ensuing fall. There are also on the premises, a Brewery and Distille ry, built with stone, in them are three stills, two coppers or boilers, with every ncceflary article, all new, and in good order, and fufficiently large to carry on the Brew ery and Distillery upon a very extenfivi plan. This prop-' erty I will rent for the fame term of years. Upon my laHds adjoining the premises, and along the - banks of the river, where cr'aft may lead with eal'e and dil patch, is an i-nmenfe quantity ol building and lounda tion-ftonet. Four quarries are now open, and as many more may be opened with eafc : the stone taken from thele quarries is better, and has the preference at this market, to any other stone brought to it. I will rent these quarries . separately or together as may best suit. On the top of the hill, and about aoo yards from the mill, is a stone Dwelling-hoyfe, large enough for the ac - commodatioa of a family : also, a kitchen, dairy, fiuoke - house, 4cc. and a garden, enclosed aad in cultivation, the foi of which is equal in goodness to any in this state. I will also reat this property. Adjoining to the Brewery and Distillery is a Smith's lhop, in which is a complete set of Blacksmith's tools, S which 1 will also rent, and if agreeable I will hire to the tenant two negro blacklxniths, one of them is a complete workman. Ii I rent out the stone quarries', I will fell three crafts, which wei e built for the pUrp®fe of carrying stone : they , will altogether bring upwards of 90 perch. Immediate poffcfTion will be given. For terms apply to the l'ubfcrib er in this town. The Mill, Brewery and Distillery, with their appurten ances, will be delivered to the tenant or tenants in good repair, and mutt be so returned, at the expiration of the Icale or leases. PHILIP RICHARD FENDALL., Alexandria, Aug. 16 — _____ COFFEE, in hhds. bb!s.;& bags COTTON, of Dcmerara, anu >entitlrdto drawback SOAL-LEATHER ) Airo, BOSTON BEEF, and Mould and Dipt CANDLES. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun. No. 5 south Wat«r-ftreet. Smf.io. § 3W Just Arrived, In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master' from Li verpool, d 5000 Bushels SALT ; k ico Crates QUEENS WARE ; and h An Assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY; FOR SALE Ob board, at Pinc-fireet wharf. -Apply to fames Campbell, or George Latimer.' s *9 $ Landing, From on board the Schooner Expedition, St. Croix Rum&Sugar, For Sale by F. COPPINGER, Aug. 11 $ ail South Front-street. DUTY OiN CARRIAGES, h Notice is hereby Given, d agreeably to an of Congref* of the United X States of America, pafled at Philadelphia, the 281b day of May, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey ance of persons, and repealing Ihe former a£ta for that pur- f pose.—Thai there shall be levied, collected and paid, upon all carriages for the/conveyance of persons, which Ihall be kept by or for any perfort, for his or hsr own use, or to let out to hire, or for the conveying of pafTengers, the several du ties and rates following, to wit. y For and upon every Coach, isdols. upon every Chariot, 12 dols. hpon every Post Chariot, i« dols* upon every Pott Chaise, 12 dols. upon every Phaeton, with or without top, gdols upon every Coachee, 9 dols. upon other Carriages, having panne i work above, with blinds, glaifes or cuTtains, 9 dols. upon four wheel carriages, having framed posts and . topi With fpiiags, si four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron fpriugs or jacks, 3 dols. upon curricles with tops, 3 dols. upon chaise* with tops, 3 dols. upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. Upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols. * upou other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. upon two wheel cariiages, with Heel or iron springs, 3 dols. For and upon all other two wheel cariiages, « dols. upon everyfour wheel carriage, having framed posts r and tops, and reliiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. The Colicftors of rhe Revenue of the firft survey of the £ Diftri&of Pennfylvat:ia, w ill attend daily, until the 30th day of September next, for the purpose of receiving the duties on Carriages, ai No. 117, in Ri.ce or Saflafrai street, in the City of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, Efq in the County ot Montgomery ; and at the house of Abraham Du bois, Esq. in the Coutity of Bucks; of which all persons p.of • felled of such Carriages are defnedtu take notrce. Notice is alio given, TO all retail dealers in Wir.es, aijd foreign distilled spiri tuous liquors,that licences will be granted to them ; one li ccnce for carrying on the business of retailing of Wines, in a iefs quantity, or in lels quantities than 30 gallons—and one licence f'o< carrying on the business of retailing Spirituous li quors in left quantities than ao gallons, at the fame time and at the fame places, by tlie ofHccrs legally authorised to grant fuck licenccs. * WILLIAM NICHOLS, 1 nfoe/Hnr ps lly"Revenue of the firft survey -4. r— —rrrr . of the diliricfc 01 rerun;ivania. Oificeof InfpcOion.at ) S3® g Philadelphia, 21ft July, 1796. ) TAKE NOTICE, ''T'HAT application will be made for the renewal of L the follpwing certificates, ifiueJby Joseph Nourfe, KegiAer of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Gril wold, Elq. of .Norwich, Cor.neilicut— i I certificate, fix per cent domestic ftoc\, No. . —dated the 17th December, 1795, bearing interest from 1 the firft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 6J-100 dol -1 1 ditto, thre" per cent, domestic flock, No. 10,682 —dated December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the firft day of January, 179 j, for 994 30-100 dollars. 1 ditto, deferred ftocV, No. 9,166 —dated the 17th December, 1795, bearing interest, from the firft Janu ary, 1801, for 798 83-i®o dollars. Said certificates are have. been loft or stolen in this citvfome time in December or January last. JOSEPH THOMAS, No. 59, North front-ftreet. Philadelphia, July 11, 1796. d6w. Philadelphia, West-Chester, Strajburgh, Lancafler, York and Frederick-town STAGES. ' I 'HE proprieters of the above Stages, return their b«!l X thanks to their friends and the public in general, for the encouragement received in this line of business, and beg leave to inform the public, that they arc determined to run . their stages through from Philadelphia to Lancafler in one day, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July instant, in the following manner, —viz. A Stage will set out on that day at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house of George Weed, Market-street, Philadelphia, and run by the way of Weftencfter and Strajburgh, arrive in Liuicaf ter the fame evening, on Friday morning run to Wright's ferry and exchange passengers with the York and Fredej ick-town stage, return ar.d arrive in Philadelphia on Sat urday, -and on Monday morning following, at 4 o'clock, said stage willfet out from the said George Weed's, Philaf delphia, and arrive at Lancafler the lame evening, Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack will set out from the honi'e jlf Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, and arrive in Philadelphia the fame evening, and will commence again on Thurfjay morning following, and continue every week—The price ' for each palfcnger from Philadelphia to Lancaster dollars and a half, to York, four dollars and three'quar ters, to Frederick town eight dollars, the like /urns for 150 weight baggage, with the tifcial allowance bf 14 lb. gratis to each paiTenger, and 5 pence a mil« i6r ah way palfengers. 30 —§4w John Rejiiy, George Weed. Sales of India Goods. The Cargo »f she ship Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, CONSISTING OP A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONO WHICH ARE | A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, Doreas, tsV. Alio, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, For Sale by Willings Francis, No. 11 Penn Street. June 8 5 New-England Rl- ?n iiiids. Li- /COUNTRY GJNirt barrels, JUNIPER BERRIES in Cases, SPERMACETI, ) COMMON WHALE, and V OIL. TANNERS > SPERMACETI CANDLES, Talldw Ditto, Mould and Dipt White SOAP, in Boxes | Best Boston BEEF, hi barrels and half barrels CODFISH, in hhds, | , Jseft Bolton MACKREL, in barrels, and , A few choice fmo'iked SALMON, For Sale by JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. Also, a small invoice of well aflorted INDIA GOODS, JUST ARRIVED. Aug. 33 ffro Landing From on board the Nancy, William Belcher, maf tet, from Bourdeaux, a cargo, confiftir.g of— ,ed 360 Hhds. CHOICE CLARET, l av 232 Cases of 24 bottles each, Claret, ry. 286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE, BRANDY, SWEET OIL, and Z 1 TRUNK of RIBBONS, let For Sale by lu " .Jv,:/Coppinger. July zj. dtf. City of Washington. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. j A magnificent } 10,000 dollars, & 1 dwelling-house, i calh 40,090, are i 50,00* ■on I ditto 15,000 & caih 15,009 40,00# I ditto 15,000 & oalh 15,000 30,-000 1 ditto' 10,000 & ciQi 10,000 30,a0» x ditto 5,000 & cafe 5,000 10,000 I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,00 a 10,008 I cash prize of >0,000 I a do. 5,000 each, are - 10,000 ° ' ro do. 1,000 - - 10,000 ao do. 5-00 - - 10,000 >(h 00 do. 100 - - 10,000 >is. 400 do. 50 - - 10,000 the 400 do. 15 - lo,ooG 'ay 1,000 do. ao J »0,000 , on 15,000 do. 10 w « 150,000 "y )u . *6,739 Prizes. jf. Blanks. 50,000 Tickets, it Eight Dollars, 400,000 N. B. To favour those who may take a quantity of '' Tickcts, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the !. Ast drawn 1 ' ticket, and the 30,ooothe last but one : '° c And approved notes, securing payment ineither money nd or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received fct lllt any number not lefb than jo tickets. This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the pri vate buildings to be cre<2cd in the City of Washington— ■ey Two beautiful defitjiis are already {elected for the ejit . fronts <m ivvo ot the puolic Iquares tfonj these praw it ispropofed to erect two centre and fourcorner l>ui!.-' as soon as possible after this lottery is fold, and to ' them, when complete, to the fortunate adventi the manner described in the fchemc for the Hotel nt ■ of A nett deduction of five per cent, will be mad' fe, the peceffary expenses of printing, &c. and tin; frp ril will be made a part of the fund intended for '-in-; Upiverlity, to be erei£led within the city of ' ;n?.. q.j The Drawing will commence a. soon a" <■>•. tic* ' im fold off.—The money prizes will be jnyj";!, vC-rt- . u l_ after it is finilhsd ; and any prizes for hich foi- ja'te numbers ate not produced within twe'r u ' . thj drawing is closed, are to be consider... ~ crt ird» thefunjfor the University ; it beit g v t-ffai, td :o fettle ,u the whole b\ifmefsin a year from th? tiding of the dra- 7- ing, and to take up the bonds g' in a, fecunty. The real securities given for .hyp» ymer.t of the Pr are held by the President and -vo 1 -eifto ;ot tL. Bank or of Columbia, and are vah -.d i: r han fc:> (ie a ■y mount ot the lattery. The twenty four gentlemen v y i[.;. meat of the late Commissioners • tliste inf.- . ;'ag m nt of the Hotel Lottery are requested to -are this '.rdiious talk a second time on bcb ilf 0! the . ■ ; luiucient num« — ber of these having ki.jiy a.-t' '.i is; ,ped that the ') t friends to a Natio ■ I ■ ' the c-ier federal ob jects may continv to f: at i'te deit^n By accounts 'c ■' rent parts of the Continent as wel a' for ', e f .vhcre the tickets have been frni io i re assured that the or drawing w* if t ! .: ■ ■, id that the care and caation ur.a : ' ,c ifure a fafe disposal of " th«tickets,has ; .nderi-it : ia<r: suspension mdifpenfable. ■" ' lUEL BLODGET. lt Tickets may be had a. the Eank of Columbia ; o on ' James Weft \ Co. Baltimore ;of Peter Gilman, Boston G f of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells . ( y. Cooper's Ferry. eo Plans of the city of Philadelphia, 'f Including theNoaTHERN Liberti&s and dillria of J" SOOTHWARK, Published, and fold by a/ BENJAMIN DAVIES, "J No. 68, High street, » e (Price one dollar.) (5a THIS plan is 26 inches square, and-has been en dy graved by one of the fiTft artists in the city, from a late LC and accurate survey. Purchal'ers are entitled to a pam ee phlet with each plan, giving " some account of the city, its population, Trade, government, &c. Ib ■ To be fold by ptiblic sale, 1 y /~\N Wednesday, the 7tih day of September next, on Vy the premises in Mount-Holly,Burlington county, by the Sublcfiber, The Dwelling-House and Lot Whereon it {lands, having been in part occupied as a store for several years pafl, and in a good stand lot business, to gether with the ftore-honfe, stable and buildings thereon ertiied, having two large ccllars under them. Aifo, the ' " (hop goodsand houlchold furniture. A clear title will be given to the purchaser on payment of the money or fuf (icient bond therefor, and possession of the premises will be given in the faiii month of September. The sale is to continue 'till the whole is disposed of. Mount Holly having become rhc County Town, makes ■fj this property more valuable than heretofore. The condi tions will be made known at the time and place of sale, by PETER SH'RAS. N. B. All persons indebted to the fubfcriber,are rebell ed to difchargcthe fame immediately, as he intends /bob to remove out of this Hate. Any person having a jull de mand against the fubferiber, is requested to produce thr « lame for settlement. 3» Momt Holly, Augvift 16, 1796.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers