.FOR SALE, V' A very Valuable Eft ate, \\ /~IALLED TWITTEN HAM, fityate rath* fc townlhip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware, '■ i-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the f Weft-m road: containing 230 acres of excellent land, ! "o[ which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood- P land, and the reft arable of th« firft quality. There are the preroifes a good two story brick honfe, with 4 rooms :i a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well 1 "t excellent water in front; a large frame barn, (labia, r ' • ! other convenient buildings; a smoke-house and (lore, -ic£-houfe ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach <V He fields are ill in clover, except those immediately "" ' r W4«gr, and are so laid out as to have the advantage c w;: rin each of them, which renders it peculiarly con vent for grazing. & : 1" ftnation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high 1 ' '- ' zt'.oi' of the land, the good neighbourhood, and the s i tv ro the city, it is «rv suitable for a gentleman's '~<-'.r.tr* feat. ' he foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman, - --.fed, and offered for sale br Mordecai Lewis, o<sl. 9. eo»J Surviving Executor. Washington Canal Lottery, NO. 1.. WHEREAS the State 'of Maryland has authorised the underwritten, to raise twenty-Cx thousand. two: undred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose ' f cutting a Canal through the City of Waihington, from th Po ionize to the Eastern Branch Haruour. The followiog ! is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz --1 Prize of 10,000 dollars, 00,000 1 ditto 10,000 10,000 7 last drawn 7 Tickets, each jf s '°°° - 35.000 6 ditto ' 1,000 6,000 to ditto 40a 4,c00 •20 ditto 100 1,000 '55 50 1,750 J 750 ditto 12 69,00? To be raised for the Canal, 26,150 5850 Prizss, 175,000 -: —• • •—Pt■ |w 11 ti> ■ r~ ■— 1753° Tickets, atTen Dollars, • 175,000 The Commissioners have uken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid a<st for the pssdt&l payment of the prizes. The drawing of this Lottery wfil commence, vithout delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, oTwhich timely notice will be given. as are not demafided in fix months after thf drawing is fimlhed, shall be conSdered as'relinijtiifced for the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed J NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL-CARROLI, »/D. LEWIS DEBtOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City of Walhingtoß, Feb. 11. $ , Lottery FOR raffing fix thousand fix hundred and fixty-ftvea dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen per cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to-a prize, viz. I Prize of 5000 dollars is dollars 5000 I 1000 lOCO 1 SO3 500 J 200 ' - loco so 100 icoo 59 30 4950 »co 45 - 5000 loco 10 20,000 5 Last drawn numbers of 100© dollars each, 5000 3332 Prizes. 44,450 4018 Elaoks. 6350 Tijltets at Seven Dollars each, 44,450 By order of the Dire&ors of the Society for eftablifh ingUfeful Manufactures, the fuperintendants of the P-.t« erfoo Lottery hive rcquefted the Managers to offer the foregcing Seheme to'the public, and have dire&ed them ,ta refund the money ta thofif per'fons who have purchased in the fotmer Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets in "this Lottery. The lottery has adually commenced drawing, snd will continue until finished. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes may be feat at the office ol William Blackburn, No. 64 south Second street, who will give information where tick ets may be procured. Dated this 17th day of June, 1756. J. N GUMMING, •) JACOB R. HARDENBERG, £ Manage. JONATHAN RHEA, } ARISTOCRACY, An EPIC POEM, In 2 Cantos, njay bt had at B. Davies's Book-Store > No. 68 High-street. Aug. 19 £6t Lands of the United States Treaftcry Department, Augujl 3, 1796. Public Notice is hereby Given, IN pursuance of an afi'crCongrefs, passed on the 18th daybt May, 1796, entitled " Am adt providing " Yot the fa!c of the lands of the United State*, in the Territo ry north weft of the river Ohio, and above the mouth of Kentucky river," that the fcSion3 or lots of laud descri bed >n the annexed fchedule,lyieg in the seven range, of Uiwr.ffiips, which were furveytd in pursuance of an ordi nance of Congref*, paffed-en the twentieth day of May, in the year one thoufind f ven hundred and eighty-five, v. ill be eipofed forfale at Public vendue, in the town ot Pittsburgh in Pennfvlvania, or. the t*enty-fourth day of Octoh .r next, and thenceforward, from day to day until the firft day ofDecember enfuarg, unless the laid lots shall be foonet fold, in the manner, and OB the tehns and con ditions herein after mentioned, to wit t 1 ft. The said fedMons or tots (hall be fold snder rhe di reitinn ef thcXidveTnor or Secretary of the Western Ter ritory, ".nd such person as the President of the United State* inayfpeciaHy appoint soT that purpose. The said fedions or lots (ball be fold to the hieheft brt 110 sale can be made for lcffr thau 'wo dollars •"jr acre 6f the quantity of land Contained in such lot or ic&ion. 3. The high eft bidder a« before menticoed, must depo fii at the time «f sale. one twentieth part ef the purc iaie money, in the hands of fach person as the President of the United States ftia. l appoint to attend the sales for that pur ]>ofe, which will be forfeited,if a moiety of the sum bid, ir 'ading the said twentieth part, shall not be paid wittiin ihiitydays from the time of sale. 4th. Upon payment of a moiety of the purchase money in the manner before mentioned, the purchaser will be entitled to one year s credit for the remaoing moiety ; an« (hall receive from the Governor er Secretary of the Wcfterti Territory, and the person who ftiall be appointed by the President of the United States, to dirr'ti the fale»,a > ri tificite describing the lot or frclion purchased, and de l larinir the sum paid on account, the balance remaining due, time when such balance becomes payable, and thai the whole land therein mentioned, will be forfaited, if the _?k! belance i« r.<rt th-n paid ; bat if the fai'lj fa'ance "lial) be duly difcharged,by paying the faree tt» the Treafurcr of the U»ited States, the purchaser orhisaflignce or otner legal reprefentativc, Shall be entitled to a patent for the said bnds, on his producing to the Secretary of State a re ceipt for such balance endorsed upon the certificate. But if any purchaser lb all make payment of the whole of the _ purchase money, at the time when the payment of the firft moiety is directed to bemad*, he w:n be entitled to a deduction of ten per centum on th.; part for which a ere- I dit is authorized to be given ; and his patent {hail be iin- y mediately issued. Given under my hand at Philadelphia, the day and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary »f the Treasury , Schedule of feß'imt of town/dps, or fraP.ional' pans of to-wnjlipt, to he fold at Piltjiirrgi, inpurftar.ee vi of the 6tb fedion of an aA cf Congress, puffed on 1 the 18th day of May, 1796. 0 >5 - i i w a 0 -- V ~ r o . O 2 S , g ■» 1 ia -iz: ' ift Range. 6'.hTowj«ihip. 6th Range. , < ill Townlhip. 89i2 64o.eack iftTovnthip. i 28 |5 65 14 640, ;17 3j ia 1 19 J 5 6 95 17a20 640' each 18 270 30 250 75 25136 640 each 41- 8| 50 34 240 90 BthTou'no.ip. 22 166 40 - 35136 64o|each 3114 64oieich *3 427 < id Township. iyiio 64oleatb 14 640 19 140 23 6401 27 151 80 20 170 7© 25330 64cjeach ; ;Ba3o 640 each 11 185 33136 64ojtach 33 !58 . ' 42 230 icthTowmbip. j^'ajS^cyeich 25 80 112 j64oeich 2d TownsHip- 26127 64c eacTi 5114 54c each I I *26 i~ < 56c 17110:640 caA .. 2 440 19 SSI 60 t3a36j64oleach 3 448 e 3c nthiTowcfhip. 4 456 '' c JT-jS itqeath 1114 64c each J 4fy t 4thTow'nfh»p. 17120 640 each 4 472 b 19 64 23*36,640 each 7 ,-4C c Xllt 4thRANGE. B»4«4oieach g 34 44J 34 S a "8j 5 A »lil 15136 64c each J * S6 jthT a« tifnip. 4 4 » 4 ! 0 6 1139 *0 » ?S 6 gco' 5 11 479 30 316 7114 640 each I? 3 Cv 4 15 / o i7aio64ccach I$ 638 30 640 each MS 45= 75 9 A < 4C sth Townlhip. *4 f «« I IjlfJ ' 29 IS4 4 . 1 30 64c ,7 *^< 4oeac i j « 35 3*l to 440 each - S 6aa 3dTownlhtp „ = 1314 64oeich jt / ' ad Range. 17110 64o!each -' 5 . * ift Townlhip. 13136 640|each ? II4 ' 4 ° ;,C J 28 ,7] 10 sthTow,W ;"?* 4C ; l £ J4 ' 6)56 1114)640]eich JL4 4C ~. 3d Townlhip. t 7 a20|640 e»cl. ' , n , P ' 14126 640 each 23336 640 each J 566 28 499 >6 7thTewnJhip., ' 40 19 64c iaa 64c each 3 , 3*133 64deich si 7 640 eich 4 jBS 60 4thTownfliip. 12113 640 eich { 11 2640 18H9 640 each ■*. . « 39; 50 25640 I*** J 4O eac^ 51 50 30136 6 4 oeich ''»^^ 4C " C k 15 17 SO 9thTownlhip. 13 V5 64 - " £h ■16 259 10 lii4|64cleach T °wnfl»p. 17 514 17120 64ceach ,al 464oeach 18 64c 13136 6 4 3 each I7 "°^=i eac^ 19 63.? nth Townlhip. 2S .?i*£ 40 so 584 80 Hl4l64o!each 21 6315 21 <7a20 640eich lal 4 640 each ■22i366401eaeh 23a;6 64oeach 'T 32 ® 640 each SthTownfhip. r 3 tfcTown(hip. 13^ 640 " ch 5 ">3' ni4 64ceac'ni I3fhT " wn . fc, P- 6 a7 64c each i7d2o64oeach iai 4464cleach 23125 6+: each 13136640 each I ?' 64oleich .*ach •r» = 23 a 3^^40jeach 3213664 c ach 5^ AN ®®- «5 th Townftip. 7ih Townlhip. I« Townlhip. m 4« 4 o'each 3 (640! 1 174 40 1 7H0'6 4 0 each SthTownfhip 21 8 ' -5° *3ft^oesch 115 640-eich ** V[l SC ' 7 th rTnGS. 6 440 A ° Township. 71 14 640 cach * /S 30 I 4:10 17a2o l 64?eich | 7 394 10 132 50 i3i3«6 4 oeich 34 . 2dTow»lhip. fb i 1« m SSSBS: TV* 13436 64Qleich 3 43 ° 17118 640 esch r.To,. ; ■< id Tovrflihip. 6 464 80 1 20 '4' . tj 6 4 e 7 25® i3«4 64c each 16 6ac 8 618 '~ s } , *0 SS7 i° 9»4 64oeich 4 °r h 41 an 64© each 17120 64c each 4 , 13 609 13 236 64oleach -I,' 4 ]^ 640eich, 4th townlhip. 1 ai4|64o|cach " 3< 1 3 ~ 4 cleach 9 IR 60 i7M46 4 o!each « thT °wnlh.p. , 10 344 l3i36|64o|eacfc ai 267 6thTown(hip. eich .1 151 iai 4 ;64cieach I 54 ao: 50 i7aio64c|e*ch ? ,T/ WI ! 15 630 23i3«!64o|eaci . 4C ea " »6aiß 64oWch BthTownlhip. 7 X 4C 3 ? 19 a." 50 ia,4l64c!each ;23 a 3^40le a ch 10 616 75 I7i-=,64c|eich (lo,hTnv.'n(hip -11136 640 each, 23i36;6401each ' ,al4 1 4tnTownfhip- iothTownfhip. :i7a2 s , l^ 4P j eac I 170J iai4i6 4 oleach . 23a3 £! 64c '; a . cil 1 1 544 !7i2c|64o(eacli i*!^ 1 Townlhip. 1 3 23a36<640teach,! lal4 l^' 4 'l eac [' r 4 450 t2thTown(hip>7«c. 5 4C each 3 '»2 i J , 4 |64cie«l, 6 I7a2c]s4caeac!i | 1 4 , hTnwnfhip. ' 7 563 1 1 al 4j^4 c j far J| 819 64c each !i4thTownlnip. l l ? a 2° each " 10 54c So i . lii4js4oieach , 13 ® 3^ 6 4 C • n ' II 319 JO 1712 c 64cleach l6tll Tow"ft'P liat4 64# eacl 23i36?64cjeacb ; 1 aI 4 pleach lyzir 64c eich " ,17120 640 each each} [23136 640 eech XOTE. d forl» E T ,Jltl / :CS I ' 2 , n<i , S ln rcrcnl towrfhips be d fore meiitK>«ed, are ciclufive of the Lots reserved by the L n ted States and also of those formerly fold—Th- ae e" seVeral oe fraSionai i ascertained br aSual fur • ' MU have ' CH 00 o»haT7i£erfccrtamed than bv colcebtion. Lands of the United States. Treasury Department, Augufi 8, 1796. Public Notice is hereby given, IJI pnifnance of an aS of Congress passed »n the 18th day rf Mav, 1796, entitled " an a& providing " for the fai of the I.an Is of the Unite.! States, in the territory < nor't-weilof the river Ohio, addaWi " the mouth of Kentucky river," that the C&Vter Tow".{hips of land described in the auntxcd fchrduic, lying in the seven rang es c! township? v.-hieb were furveveii in purfuar:ce of an ordinance of Congress, pa (Ted on the twentieth day of May in the vear ..ne thoufamiTevec hnndred and eighty fiv<J will be-erf ofcd for sale at PUBLIC VENDUE, at .he Merchants' Coffee-Houfe in Philadelphia, on the 4th day of January ceit, and thenceforward from day today, until the tenth day of February ensuing, unlcfs the said quarter towr.fhip* (hall be faoner fold, in the manner and or th« terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned : viz. ift. The said quarter tawnihips {hall be fold to the hi»heft bidder, but no sale c*n be made for less than two dollar;"peracre of thequanti: j of land contained in such quarter towsihip. l&. The highefl bidder as before mentioned, must de poGt a' the time of sale, one twentieth part of the pur chife money, m the hands of the Trcifarerof the United Sties, which will be forfeited if a moiety of the fun bid, incltdicgthe said twentieth part, ball notb* j>aid within (hirt/ days from the time of sale. 3d. Upon payment of a moiety of the purchaft-me iieyinthe ir.sap.tr befor'mentioned, the purchaier will be entideSto one year's credit for the remaining moiety ; snd lhail receive a certificate describing the qearter town (hip purchased, and declaring the Taai paid on account, the balance remaiKingdue, the time when such balance becomes payable, and that tee whole Land therein men* tior.ed will be "forfeited, if the said balance is not then paid ; but if the said balance (hall be duty difekarged, by paying the fame to th£ Trtafurer of the United States, ! th*purchafer or his aUigneeor other legal reprcfentative, i {hall be entitled ts a patent for the (aid land, on hil pro* ducicg to the Secretary of State a receipt for such balance, endorsed upon the certificate But if any p«Tchafer shaH make payment ef the whoie ef the purcjiafe-tnoney at the time When the payment of the firil mcinty is directed to be made, he will be entitled to a deduction of ten per centum on the part for which a credit it authorised to be gives ; and his patent shall be immediately iiTucC. 'GIVEN trader my V.ar.J 3; Philadelphia, the <isy aadyear abovementioced. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury, SCHE DULE OF Quarttr-Townfhips to be fold at Philadelphia. :r. p-jr faar.ee cf the 6th feftion ef an ail of C-cngnfj paiTed on the iSth day of May, 1796. Jj .?■ * *■ S «£ •.£.£> X = t, « -f at « f i *5 OC 5 o • 0 - . t_ {*« v few u« r* *■ V. • ft n O 0 c 3 .5 «£ " "3 — £o ~ a .... . , H 2 Sootli East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120. North Weft 51*20 " — - iOrfSc 2 J Souvh East jiio Nonh East 5140 South Welt 5120 North Weft 5120 ■ 1 20,480 7 South £sft 5120 North East 1 120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5 120 50,480 9 South East Jl2O North East 1 1 so South Weft J4 2 j North Weft yi2o 20.480 H South East 5120 North East e\ 20- South Well 5120 North Weft 5120 J 20,480 4 4 South Ealf 5120 North East Jl2O , f; South Weft 5120 • North Weft r 120 T , 3 1 tl 20,4&0 u 6 South East j 120 Nortn fiaft jj-20 ] South Weft ri2o I 1 North Weft 5120 ! J . 2»,480 1 •S South East 5120 c North East ei2o • South Well 5j 20 C North Weft 5,20 , «0,48 c 2 10 South East 5120 North East' 5120 ' SonthWeft 5 , 20 North Weft 5120 1 I 10,480 12 South East 5120 North East 5 120 South Weft 5120 North We.si 5 1 20 20,4^0 5 3 Soutii East; 4602 North East 4654 ; Soutii Well 5120 Norsk Welt 5120 .Cut- a l *& 6 5 South Er.ft 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 120 • North Weft 5120 30,450 7 South East 5120 • North East 5120 Sotlth Weft 5120 North Weft 5 120 I J — 20.45 C = < 9 South East 5120 ~ North East 5120 South Weft| 5120 e 5120 I i I 20,48 c - - a - i Q. J U "5 t re i 5 .£• * ' - 3 fij <2 « i ?r ---— I fr 1 t I J; - T • *- *■* I 'J r ° « < 1 £ »3 o E- r - a ' J • 25 § : ii 5 ,11 'South Ea:1!5I2o! : ~~ North Eaftjyi2o' j South Wcfljfi2o . vVeft - 5t20 ! ' 20,480 I 13 :South Ea r ?|ji2o I .Noith Ejit's:2o | .South YVefl;s 120, North Weft,sl2o 6 4 South £3^,4630 North Eaf1 : 4523 South Weftiji 20 1 North Weft'j 120 ; 19,490 6 South Eaft|473o • North Earthly ' South Weft.j 120 ' North Weft'sl2o ~ i ' 19,685 : 8 jSouth Eaftji2oi iNorth Eaft|ci2o South Weft|5 120 North Weft 5120 , ! 20,480 10 ,'South Ealt juc .'North Eaft;si2o ;Souih Weftj 120 ; jNcrth Weft, 5120 r 1 20,480 : 12 iSonth Eaftsi2o North Eaftjraa-j" — —— — S . r South Wcft 5120 North Weft 5 120 i 20,480 14 Sooth Eafljy 12C North Ezftji2o South Weft j 120 North Weft 512 c! J 20,480 7 J South Eafi 5120 Noith East j 120 South Well j 120 North Weft 5 (2° j 20,480 5 South Eafi 5 120 North Eafi 5120 South Weft 5 r2fc North Weft 5120 20,480 J South East 51 20 North East 5 120 South Weft 5 120 North Weft 5 «2oj I j ■ 20,4.80 ; j y South Eailjiso North East 5120 • South Wefl 5 120 ,'i North Weft ? 120 -—j 20,480 ti South East 5120! Noith East 5 120' South Weft 5 120 North Weft 5120 ' 29,480 13 South East y 120! North Eafi 5 1201 South Wefi 5 12£>! North Wefl ji2c 20,480 15 South Eafi 5120 North East 5129 ! South Weft 5 120 iNorth lyefl 5 I 2 C 1 i — 20,483 NOTF.. 1 THE quantities of Lands in the several townlhips be* Tore mentioned, are exclifive of the SeSions reserved by Che Unit-d States. The aggregate quantities in the seve ral town&ips, have been aioertair.td by -Aaal Curve* : bat tbe quantities in the quarter tawnlhTps, have beez ns otharwjfe afccrtaiced than by calculation. Samuel Richardet, O informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE in the city of Philadeh&a: The Subfcripcion Room will be forniihed with all the daily papers publHhcd in Philadelphia, N:\v-York, Bof 'ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com mensal cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed and none permitted to be taken away on any account- Tea, Coffee, Srrnpes, Jellies, lee Creams,-and a variety of Frcnch Liquors; together with the usual refrelhments, will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the thoiccfl of VCine*, Spirituous Liquors, and the mod approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries. The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earlieil produ&ions of the Season. Large and small Parties, or Sngle Gentlemen, may b* accommodated with Breakfafls, Dinners, or Suppers, at hours m#ll convenient to themfclves—a cold Collation is Tflgv.larly k«pt for conveniency, the 3 ill of Fare to be had at tha bar. The Lbdging Rooms will be completely formfeed, ar - tfce utmofl attention paid to cleanliness, and every other requisite. Skmvil Ejchardlt will be happy to receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public it large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfell" that nothing on his part fhali be wanting topre fcrve that patronage withwiich he has been so d'ftwg l "® 1 * ingly honored. I Philadelphia, April 19. c 0 i'o be dilpoi'ed of', THE time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who has between four and five years to serve: She ja can be recommended for her fobritiy and honesty. l' o ' particulars enquire at No. 132, Chrfiuit-ilrect. August 3. aawtf. ' —' mijiu-uw rnc_n»j 1 1111 PRINTED BY JOHN FENKO. J —No. 119— CHFiSI'T-SItEtT. f-Prlec E^p v .t Dollars per .4nn*ic.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers