Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 25, 1796, Image 1

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    *. • I .
#a ?ette of the Unites States, Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Number 1236.] THURSDAT EVENING, AUGUST 25, 3796. X,
Pennsylvania District, " "
IN pursuance of a Writ to me dire&ed from the Honour
* able Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the Dill rid
Court of the United States for the Pennsylvania Diftri<9,
Will be exposed to Public Sale,
At the Merchants' Coffee-Houfe, in the City of Philadel
phia, on Mofiday, the ajfchday of August, iaftant, it II
o'clock at noon,
The SLOOP called the
Jgggfr Rebecca,
With all and lingular her tackle, appa
rel und Furniture, as the fame now are ; the said sloop
havice been condemned, to pay Mariners' wages, &c.
Marfhal'B Office, 19th August, 1796.
"This Day commenced Landing,
At 1\ ifflins .wharf, the aargO of the Bfig Lucy and Sloop
St. Jago, from St. J ago de Cuba—confiding of
White and Brown Box SUGAR.
MOLASSES, of an excellent quality.
HIDES and HONEY. Also,
For Sale or Charter.
The brig LUCY,
A flout, strong vessel, will tarry a
ftjy JTx. bout I soo,barrels, and may go to
, «. s e a with a very small enpuife.
The above will be fold, for calh or approved notes.
Samuel Emery,
No. 64, south Second-street.
July 17, 1796. dtf.
For Sale or Charter,
B a S T O N,
BURTHEN about 2000 Bbls. of ficrur—ihe may be sent
to feaat a small expeuce, her fails and rigging being'in
very good order—apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April 39, _§
For Sale or Charter,
LYING at Mess. J. & R Wain's wharf,
two hundred • d seventy tons burthen, a flout, flreng
feflTel, and well feund. For tepms apply t0
Joseph Anthony & Co.
Aug. 14 —
For Sale,
Or for Charter to the Weil-Indies,
Philadelphia Built,
0"l^ Live Oak «nd Red Cedar< burthen about 3500 bar
rels,.now discharging at Latimer's wharf. 1 his ves
sel is in excellent 1 ~ ■ -.-]! m.; will .
rough examination, ar.dasfoon as discharged flfili be rea
dy to take in a cargo. For terms apply to
John Vauchan.
juy .8 -• ' 1.
At South-street wharf,
WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft.
byfnow Hope, from Jamaica, and sloop Sally,
from Port-au-Prince,
300 Hhds. COFFEE,
70 Hhds. SUGAR.
/life, the cargo of the Su edifh brig Gtjftaf /Molphe,
capt. Ramfre, from Gibraltar,
ifl and 4th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds.
Hazlc Nuts in sacks
St. Übes SALT, fer sale by
jj—* For Charter,
}rt~- The said brig
}Jp|Sk Gustaf Adolphe,
£ vtfilA Swede, with a Msditerranean pass,
2 -zwiZe £S- a vcr y fj„ e veflji, about 100 tons bur
then. Aug- 18/ }»wrt»w -
For Sale,
| y- i -r-aa The SLOOP
T>URT:LEN 300 Barrels of »
. bufhjls Coal, an excellent frame,
LiVtOak and Cedar, and well found with cables, aschors
&c. fit for sea—now lying it Almond-street wharf, 1 ho
mas Penrofe's. The terms w.ll be made reasonable.
Apply to the Owner, No 31a south Front-street, next
door to Jonathan Penrofe, F-fq- *ug. 19 :">4 ,
To be fold,
On Twelve Months Credit,
If applied for immediately,
One Hundred Ihouland Dollars,
And one hundred and aghty thousand acres of good
L * N D t
In the slate of Virginia Apply to the Printer.
Aug. 19 i- •
A Cemplet Font of Brevier,
ENtirely new , and ye unopened. The weight of this
font is about 3IZ&. It is from the Founder of
Wiifon & Sons, Ola'fgov, and will be fold at cost &. charges.
Also for Sale, a ]iaijof Super Royal Chafes.
Fnquire at the Oitc of the Gazette of the United
Stat 110 Chefnut-freet. Aug. 19 §4^
From I/to 9 i inches, for sale by
'Jeremiah Warder,
{ulyJI | No 11 norlh Third-street.
~ "A^ook-Keeper,
OR Clerk's plac is wanted by a person properly quali
fied, and w ofe charaflcr will be found'untxception -
able. Apply s o ne I'rinter.
Aug. 11
/» Elephant.
Piblo is iriformed that thisanimal will lfave Plii
-1 on the FIRST of September inilead of the
*6th *ti7 "vvkicK time the Proprietor will continue to cx-
Kibit' W i* "fuali in- High-ftrcet near T«
Au?J» 3
A*b. 76 High Street,
HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and
the East Indies, a well feleftcd aflortrtent of Silk
Merct.y, Lineu Drapery and Haberdaftiery Goods j which
he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms ;
Amongst which are,
Some fine India muftins embroidered <rtth gold and ftlver
Superfine Book, Jaconct, aud Mulitiul ditto
Do ..'o do Handkerchiefs
Some elltra black taftettss,lKUftringsand colored Perfiaas
Bandano Handltcrchi'fs
Look and (hort Nankeens
English Mantuas of the firft quality
Gamaflc table linen and nankins, very fine-
Silk Hosiery, an elegant affortmcnt
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do: and da cloth
French cambrics, very fine
Irilh Linens, do. &c. &c. Jure 14 $
For Sale,
A Three flory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
street, between Front and Second flrtets, in which
Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for min> years (and
now do) carried oh business.
PofieQion will be given in One month, or sooner.
Forterms apply to V/ILLIAM BELL, crl
April 11. §
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 yeats old,
ifi pipes and hogsheads
Claret, genuine old, in cafe!
Gin, in pipes, from Holland
Earthen Ware, in crates
Baflcet Salt, in hogfhearls #
Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9
Ear Lead, Red and white dry lead
Steel, Gernianartd Rufiia, ifl barrels
Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolia canvas,
Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by
July *9 §
This sfnimal it to he seen in High-Street, bttkueen
the Tenth and the Eleventh-Street.
HE will positively leave Philadelphia the tenth of Sep
tember, for Baltimore, in his way to Charlellon,
where he will win'er.
ADMIITANCE Half a Dollar—quartet Of a Dollar
for Children.
The PANORAMA, or the VIEW «f the CITIES of
Is to be <JpeH the loth of September, and the sub
. je.S will then be remoted to Baltimore with the ELE
Oue quarter of a Dollar.
August 3. ... JL-
Tc be fold by public sale,
ON Wednefjay, the 7th day of September next, en
the premises in Mourtt-Holty,Burlington cocnty, by
the SubfcriijEf,
The Divelling-Houfe and Lot
Uavinn- Ween in p>ir4 occupied as a ft pre
for years pad, and ii! ftapdlol bulinc-l's,to
gether with the store-house, stable and buildfags thereoii
ereAed, having two large cellars under then*. Also, the
ftitfp goods and household furniture. A clear title will be
given to the purchaser on payment of the money or fufr,
ficient bond therefor, an£ poffefFion of the premises will
bre given in the said month of September.
The sale is to continue 'till the whole is of.
Mount Holly having become rh« County Town, makes
this property more valuable than heretofore. The condi
tions made known at the time,and place of sale, by
N. B. All perfon^indebted to thefubfcriber,are requeft
to discharge the fame immediately, as he intends soon
to remove out of this state. Any perfen having a just de
mand again (I the fubferiber, is reqtiefted to produce the
fame for iettlement. is w
Mount Holly, August 16, 1796,
Wants Employment,
IN 3 genteel family, refidenl in town or country, a
French lady lately arrived in this city. She has re
ceived a good education and can be well recommend
ed. She wilhts to undertake the tuition of children,
and will teich them to read, write, and speak the
French language, in a fliort time, by principles simple,
but very intelligible. She will also inftruift them in
history, mythologie, &c. and will be careful in paying
ftiitfl attention to their morals ; tier terms will be very
moderate. Apply at No. 15, Lombard-Street, PhiU*
, ladelphia.
August »o. ' lot d.
French Goods.
Received by {he Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-de-
10 Trunks "» Ladies* SHOES of all colors forts and fizts
X Cafe j
I Ditto white and coloredSilfc STOCKINGS
I Ditto Fine LAWN
I Ditto befl fine CAMBRIC
I Ditto Ladies' best shammy and Grenoble Gloves
Aug. 14 *>_
George Dobson,
'TJEGS leave to inform the Store-Kceptu in Town sod
11 Country, that he ha» removed from Market-Street to
N°* 25, south Third-street,
where he is opening a Large and Elegant Affortmcnt of the
undermentioned articles—viz.
Superfine London Cloths and Kerfeymetef,
Yorklbiie feeond Do. Do.
Kiaftic do. do.
Mix'd and Blue Coatings
'Flannrlls, &c.
Mancht (tcr Printed Callicoei,
.London Chintz ditto,
Blue and ditto Furnituies,
India ditto.
Long Cloths, Coffaes, Baftas, Eattillasic 1 Conjevreths,
4-4 g-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine fndia Boek Muilins,
4-4 and g-8 India Book Handketchicfs,
4-4 and g-8 Scotch ditto,
4-4 &6-4 plain do. Miiflins,
4-4 & 6-4 Britilh Jaconets,
6-4 Britilh Checks and Stripes,
4-4 India do. do. do.
4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, Ac.
A large affottment of figur'd and plain Muflinets,
Quillings, Dimities, and Stuped Nankeens,
Fancy Waiflcoatings, .
Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjefl to Drawback, ,
India Nankeens,
Men's White and col«ured Silk Hockmgi.
May 9 Uweoti
'7 J? i ?
Just Arrived,
In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, matter from Li- J f
vefpool, V
Bnfhelj SALT ;
100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and
An Aflbrtnient of SHIP CHANDLERY ;
On board, at Pint-llreet wharf. Apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April 39. § ..
From on board the Schooner Expedition,
St. Croix Rum&Sugar,
For Sale by F. COPPINGER,
Aug. 11 f> 111 South Front-ftreet\
Notice is hereby Given, si
THAT agtecably to an aft of Congrefa of the United
Slates of America, paired at Philadelphia, lh£ aßth day
of Mav, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey
ance of persons, and repealing the former aft* for that pur
pose.—That there (hall be levied, collc&td and paid, upon
all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which Ihtll be
kept by or foi* any person, for his or h«r own use, or to let
Out to hire, or soT the conveying of paffengeri, the several du-
ties and rate* following, to wit.
( For and upon every Coach, 15 dols.
upon every Chariot, 12 dols.
upon every pofl Chariot, 12 dolK
% upon every Post Chaise, 12 doJs. hi
upon every Phaeton, with or wilhoat top, $ doll
uponeVety Coachee, $ dols.
Upon other Carriages, having panne l work, above,
with blinds, gliffes or curtains, 9 dols.
upon four wheel carriages, having Trained posts and
topi with steel springs, 6 doi« t
( upon foCr wheel top Carriages, with wood*® or iron
springs or jacks, 3 dols.
Upon curricles with tops, 3 dols.
upon chaises with tops, 3 dols. Cl
upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. a
upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols.
upon other two wheel top carriagei, 3 dob.
upon two wheel carriage*, with Reel or iron springs, '
3 do!%
For and upon all other two wheel cariiages, a dols. c
upon every four wheel carriage, having fraSned posts n
' *ad tops, and rettiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. a
The Coll-ftors of the Revenue of the firft survey of the 0
Diftrift of Pennsylvania, Will attend daily, until the 30th day v
of September next s , for the purpose of receiving the duties on a
Carnages, at No. 117, in Race or SalTaffai Rreet, in the City t
of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, Efq in the h
County of Montgomery ; and at the hcule of Abraham Du- jj
bois, Esq. in the County of Hucks; of which>all persons pof • j,
(elTed of iuch Carriages are desired to take notiee. p
Notice is also given, n
TO all retail dealers in Wines, aQd foreign distilled fpiri-
tuous liquors, that licences -will be granted to them ; one li a
cence for carrying on the business of retailing of Wines, in a 1 ;
lcfs quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one
licence for carrying od the bufincis of retailing Spirituous li- li
quofs in lelsqjantlties than so gallons, at the fame time and t.
at the fame p wee;, by the officers legally authorized to grant i]
Tuck licences. g
lnfpeftor of the Revenue of the firft,funrey n
— -ef the M l , «niifjptSE*tXLi7 - —
Ofhct of ) 3©
Philadelphia, «ift July, 1796. )
THAT application will be made for the renewal, of
the following certificates, ilTueifby Joseph Nourfe,
Regifttr of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Grii
• wold, Esq. of Norwich, Conntilicut—
1 certificate, fix percent domeltic flock, No. 13,907
—dated ths !7thDecember, 1795, bearing intcreft from I
the firft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 6j-ioo dol-
I ditto, three per cent, doineftic stock, No. 10,68 a
—dated December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the
firft dayof January, 1791, for 994 30-100 dollars.
I ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,l66l—dated the 17th
December, 1795, bearing interest from the firft Janu
ary, 1801, for 798 83-100 dollars.
Said certificates are have been loft or
flolen in this citvfome time in December or Januazy
No. 59, North Front-street.
, Philadelphia,' July 11, 1796. d6w.
. . • j
, Philadelphia, Weft-Che/ler, Strajbiirgh,
1 Lancatler, York and Frederick-tewn
S 1 A G E S.
nPHE proprieters of the above Stages, return their bell I
L thanks to their friends and the public ih general, for
the encouragement received in this line of business, anS beg I
leave to inform the public, that they arc determined to run
their stages through from Philadelphia to Lancaster in
one day, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July instant, "
in the following manfter,—via. A Stage will set out on
that day at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house of
George Weed, Market-street, Philadelphis, and run by
the way of Wcftcncftcr and Strafburgh, 3rrive in Laricaf- "
tcr the fame evening, on Friday morning run to Wright's
ferry and exchange paficngers with the York and Fredej
ick-town ftagc, return and arrive in Philadelphia on Sat
urday, and on Monday morning following, at 4 o'clock,
said stage willfet out from the said George Weed's, Phila
delphia, and arrive at Lancaster the fame evening, on
Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack will set out from the house
of Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, and arrive in Philadelphia
the lame evening, and will commence again on Thursday
' morning following, and continue every week—The price
1 for each passenger from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three •
dollars and a half, to York, four dollars and three quar- '
: tcis, to Frederick town eight dollars, the like sums for
IJO weight baggage, with the usual allowance of 14 lb.
gratis to eachpaffenger, and 5 pence a mi'e for all way
passengers. .30—54*
John Reilly,
George Weed.
Sales of India Goods.
The Cargo of the (hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal
cutta and Bengal, t
A Large and general afTortment of Bengal and Madras t
A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, ;
Doreas, Aifo,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar,
In bones and bags—ar.d BLACK ;
For 3al» by <
Willings y Francis,
No. JI Pecn Street.
June 2 , j
■ — -v... -, .. 1 I 'I >1 fS»«l *■ L II jl M
New-England RUM in Hhds.
COUNTRY GIN in barrels.
Tallow Ditto, Mould and Dipt
White SOAP, in Boxes
Best Boftor. BEEF, in barrels and hilf barrels
CODFISH, in hfcds,
Best Eojion MACK.REL, in barrels, and
A few choice fmoaked SALMON, For Sale by
Also, a small invoice of well jflorted
Aug. 43 $10
COFFEE, in hhds. bbls.{& bags^
COTTON, of Demerara, and > entitled to drawback
BOSTON BEEF, and Mould and Dipt CANDLES.
Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, Jun.
No. $ south Water-street.
8 fno. 20. $3W
IS given daily of the drawing of tbc WASHINGTON
LOTTERY, atthe Office
No. J47 Chef nut jreet,
between Fourth and Fifth ftreots. Also, where Tickets
taay yet be hid. Aug. 15. co
The Thirteenth day's drawing it arrived.
For Sale,
Three-story Brick House,
(Tlx* iAtc residence vt Owwpol Walter Stewart)
WITH a LOT ©f GROUND thcrcuato belonging,
the weft fide of Third-street, near Un'on-ftreet
containing in front 32 feet, and in depth ICO feet, to an
alley leading into Union-ftrcet. The house is 3 a feet front
and 50 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it are
large, commodious, and completely finilhtd; the two fir It.
stories are each 13 feet high; there are 20 mahogany
doors in the house ; a geometrical staircase, with nlshoga
ny rails and a good sky-light. The kitchen is in the cell- ■
ar, which is fpaciou6 andconvehient, and finilhed with an
oven, ftew-holcs and pantries, a servants' hall and large
wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which is an
area in which there is a pump. The yard is vaulted.
Communicating with the said building is a neat three-story
brick house, on the north fide of Union-street, contain
ing 30 feet front by 20 feet deep; the lower part of which
is at present occupied as a compting-houfe, and the Upper
part divided into well-finilhed large chambers. This house
may at a small exgenfe be converted into a convenient
dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the front
and back havfc Venetian wir.dow-Ihutters. Adjeimngthe
last houfc, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are created
bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewise very good coach J
house and stables finifhed equal (or nearly so) with any in
the city, on a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, and
in depth 011 the well fide of said alley 52 feet. There are
good cellars unde. the whole of the buildings, and a wine
room over part of the stable, with a hay-loft over the re
mainder. For further particulars enquire of
' ".•< — hDWARD BONSaLL & Co.
At their Office No. 64 Dotk-iireei. between Walnut & Pear
co . , lireets.
6th month 24th, 1796.
n r ANTE D,
An APPRENTICE to the Printing Bufmefs.
Enquire at this Office. yiug. 19
From on beard the Nancy, William Belcher, mas
ter, from Bourdeaux, a cargo, confuting of—
2*2 Cases of 24 bottles each, Claret,
286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE,
For Sale by
F. Coppingei.
M- 2 3' dtf.
In the Press,
Andfpctdily will be publijhed, hy W. Young, Mills
& Son, Corner of Second and Chefnut-Jlreet*,
An Apology for the Bible,
In a series of letters aJdreffed to Thomas Paine, author
of a hook entitled The Age of P eafon, part the fccond,
being an investigation of true and fabulous t»eo!ozr
Lord Bishop of Llandafl, and Regiu* PrefeiTor of Divin
ity in the University of Cambridge.
Aug. 23.
A STORE and Cellar or Compting house and Cellar,
for the Wholefaile and Dry Good business. Enquire
at No. I2J Arch-street."
For Sale at the ab»ve place,
500 Boxes Window Glass, 8 by 10, 7 bf 9, &c.
500 Cream Cheeses in the best order, imported from
Holland, and entitled to drawback. Enquire of
Peter Borger,
Aug. 16 2aw3w
For sale by the fublcribers,
quarter Chests freih Hyson Tea; .
Iso ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea;
300 Boxes China, containing finall tea setts of 44
400 pieces Bandanees.
Willings Francis.
Tannarv 10 ■ 3taw.
Lottery and Broker's Office,
No. 64, South Second street.
TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for sale a
Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in
the late lottery.
Check Books kept for examination apd r gifternjg, for
tbf City of Washington, No. <1, and.Pattefon Lotteries,
both of which are now drawing—information where
tickets are to be had, and prizes'exchanged fop-uadrawn
tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- 1
Port LonJ,-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for
The fubferiber folirits the application of the public
and his friends, who wish to purchase or fell Bank Stock,
Certificates, Bills »f Exchange of Notes, Hotiies, Lands,
&c. or to obtain theney on deposit of property.
IVm. Blackburn.
Philadelphia. »&; s ;9<. taw