Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 24, 1796, Image 4
F 0 S S A L E, A very Valuable Estate, CALLED T IVITTENHA M> fittiife in the township oiF Upper Derby, and county of Delaware, 71-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the npw Western road: containing 130 acres of excellent land, 45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood land, and the reft arable of the r.rfl quality. There are on thepreniffesagood two story brick house, with 4 rooms «n a Boor, and cellar? under the whole, with a pump-well of ocellcnt water in front; a large frame barn, (tables, and other convenient buildings 5 a smoke-house and ftopc, ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach es. The fields are all in clover, except those immediately under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage of water in each Of them, which renders it peculiarly con venient for grazing. The situation is pleasant andhcalthy, and froth the high cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and the vicinity to the it is vw;y fukable for a gentleman's country fea^ The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman, ieceafid, and offered for sale bv sMordecai Lewi#, OA. 9. eo.J Surviving Executor. Washington Canal Lottery, NO, I. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has ajithorifed the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand.. two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting a Canal through the City of Wa/hington, from th Po tomacto theEaftern Branch Haruour. The following is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz-.1 Prize of 10,000 dollars, 10/300 1 ditto ,10,060 10,000 v. TiSSS"} 6 ditto 1,000 <5,000 TO ditto 400 -4,00b 10 ditto too »,000 \> 55 ditto 5O *,75° 5750 ditto It 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, *6,250 5850 Prizes, tjjfiOO I 1650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17500 .Tickets, atTen Dollars, - 175,000 $5" The Commissioners have taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid a<sl for the punctual payment «f the prizes. The drawing of this Lottery will comrtence, without delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely notice -will be given. Such prizKs-as are not demanded in fix months after th« drawing is finifhed, (hall be confidercd as relinquished for the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed) MOTLEY YOUNG, x DANIEL CARR OLL, of t> LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M. DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City of Wafcingto*, Feb. n. $ Lottery FOR railing fix thousand fix hundred and £xty-feven dollars and fifty cents, by 4 deduction of fifteen per eentfrom the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz. I Prize of fooo dollars is dollars jooo * I 1000 1030 fr . iOO 500 J »oo xoeo J© too ®oo«s 99 SO 4950 *00 tj jooo »060 to *0,000 .5 Lad draws numbers of 100 a dollars each, 5000 »33J Prizes. 44,450 • 4018 Blanks. f 6350 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44,450 By order of the Directors of the Society for eftib)i(h jng UfefulMamifaStures, the fuperintendants of the Pat erfon Lottery have reguefted the Managers «o offer the foregoing Sehesie to the public, and have directed them to refund the money to those persons who have pur chafed in the former Lottery, or exchange the ickets for tickets ih this Lottery. The lottery has actually commenced drawing, and will continue until finifhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes may be seen at the office of William Blackburn, No. 64 south Second-street, who will give information where tick ets tpay be procured. 17th diy of June, 1796. J. N GUMMING, ") JACOB R. HARBENBEK.G, c Managers. •JONATHAN RHEA, > A R IS TO CRACY, An EPIC POEM, In l Cantes, may be had at B. Davies's Book-Store, No. $B'High-ftreet. Aug. <9 - .. - ,«fc —a ■ ' .Lands'-'of the United States ' Trtufury Departmbil, Augufl 3, 1796. Public Notice is hereby Given, IN of an a&of Congress, p*flfe* on the tfth day of May, 17g6, entitled " An ait providing" for the sale of the lands of the United .States, in the" Territo ry north weft of the rlter Ohio; and above the mouth of Kentucky river," that the fectionso* lots of land'defea ted in the annexed fchechile, lying in'the fcven ranges of townfliips, which were'fur'veyed in porfuance of an ordi nance of Congress, faffed on the twentieth day of May,, in the year one tkoufand fcven hundred and eighty-five, will bt exposed for sale at Public vendue, in the town ol Pittfcurgh MB Pennsylvania, on the twenty-fourth day of October next, and thenceforward, from day to day until the firft day of December ensuing, Unleft the said lots ihall be sooner fold, in the manner, and on the terms and con. ditions herein after mentioned, to wit: ift. The said fofttons or !at s fliall be fold under the di- the Governor or Secretary of theWeftern Ter ritory, -and fuoh, as the President of the United States may fpeciatly appoint for that pmrpote. ~ ad. The said £e£tion« or lots (hall fce fold to the highest biddetjbut no sale can be made for lift than two dollars jer acre of the quantity of l*Hd contained i» such lot or icdHon. 3. The highest bidder as before mentioned, must depo sit at the tune of sale, one twentieth part of thepnrc> afe money, in the liaflds of such person as the President of the United States shall appoint to attend the sales for that *jr pof", which will I>«forfeited,if a moiety Of the fofnbtd, including the paid twentieth part, fliall not be paid within tkirtydays lrfNV> thetiine of sale. 4th. Upo» payment of a moiety of the purchase money i» the mann«r before mentioned, the purcltafer wi l be CWitled to one year s credit fat the remaining moiety; 3(hall rec 'lve from the Governor «r Secretary of the Western l Territory. and the person who (hill be appointed >j the President of the Unit: d.States, to dircd the Ciles.a tgettificate describing th« tot or f.aion puichated.and de cbririg the sum paid on account, the balance remaining due, ilc time when such balance becomes payable, and that «Ik»> hole land therein mentioned, will fee forfeited, if the said balance is not shV» paid but ;f ihe said] i.ulance fliall be duly difch& paying the fame to the Trealurer of the United States, the purchaser or his afligncc or other legal rcprefeiitativc, fliall be entitled to a patent for the said lands, on his producing to the Secretary of State a re ceipt for such balance endorsed upon the certificate. But if any purchaser (fell make payment of the whole of the purchase money, at the time when the payment of the firft moiety is dire&ed to be made, he will be entitled to a dcdudlion of ten per centum on the part for which a cre dit is authorized to be given ; and his patent (hall b<t im mediately iffucd. Given tinder my hand at Philadelphia, the day and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Trcafury Schedule of feßiont of town/hips, or fratiioml parts of to-wnfilps, to be fold at Piltjiurgb. inpurfuanep of the 6th fcßlon of an all of Congress, p&Jfed on the I 8(h day of May , }~ ( 3 u • n j2 >3 g i owt: O 2 o -Jo 0 < § O < 2 -6 < ° ;s a a ift Range. 6thTown(hip. 6th Range. ift To'wnfhip. Ban fi4o|eacb ■ ift-Townfhip. »8 5 65 14 640 17 3 7° 19 156 95 17 aio 640jeach 18 210 30 150 .75 25336 640 each u 850 34 140 90 BthTown(hip. 166 40 35a36 64oeach 3ai4 64ojeach 23 427 2d i?a2o 640,' each 14 646 19 1 40 23 640 27 151 80 10 170 70 45a30640each jßa3o64oeach 31 185 33*36 64o)each 33 58 21 130 iothTownfliip. 34a36 64oeach 25 488 8c ia2 1640 each 2d Township. »6a») 640 each' 5414 640 each I liS 28 560 17420 640 each i 4.",Q 29 551 60 23336(640 eack 3 448 30 564 nthiTownfhip. 4 456 31-36 640 .'Sch xai4 64c each '5 464 4thTownihip. G4O each 6 471 19 64 i3a3B|64o t sch 7 140 , 4 th Range. »6 387 60 lftTown|h; 17420 640 each 27 36 f 23836 640 each 31332 64oeach J° 3 dTowmhip. « 616 % 6 £ so 470, 34 4+ - ? j ° 34 6,5 1 jthfowi (hip. ldlo «'" (h 'P- t ?02 6 '39 » f\ 6 \ 6 510 12 479 30 3 < e lf 7 3i4 6 4 o'e4ch *7 3°4 15 o } X 17320 640 each u Sg »4 640 } . I Jj S & »7»iO each • U* 35 3»80 4 S» ad Range. 17440 640!eath. t Ift Township. 23436 640 each r I" r u 28 | 7I 20 sthTownfhip. 64c each 34 I 6| 50 iai4]64o|each n!- iC .3d Townlhip. r7aio|64oleach ' th r ° w,!flll P* 14326 640 each 23436,640' each * f66 28 499 16 7thTownfhip. . ■ 29 640 lai 640 each 3 64ciach sa? 640 each 4 s * s b0 4thTown(hip. 12313 640 each { [ 93 XI it 40 iß'al 9 640' each ' ® 01 , x» 39? 50 25 640 7"4 64c each 13 51 5© 30836 640 each ' A 4 ® " h *5 »J 50 ?th'Townfhip. a-° 16 »59 20 I3i4|64c|each ? W " P .' 17 Jl4 i7Me;6 4 ceach *" 4 5 4 °r ac J' 18 64c 23 6 4 o|each 19 63.' UthTownlhip. 4°« c h 10 JB4 80 . xai 4 |64o|t3ch '' ' ° wn , P' 11 63621 17 3201640 each 1 64c each i»a3664oleaeh 232^6640each I?a " «40, each jthTownfhip. iJthTownlhip. 6 4 0 each 5 6it iai4|64o)e3ch 6a? 64c each 17420 64deach la ' 4 e ach 23.325 64c each 23a36|64o|each *7>ic 64o|cach 273ZS 64c ;ach ,„ = 23 336 640 each 324-,6'6 4 c ;ach s ii AN ®?' 'J^Towftlhip. 7thTown(hip. '"Township. iai 4 |64olcach 3 16401 18 . J 74 40 i7a2o'64oeach • BthTownftip 11 8 " 5* i3.i3664<>:€ach 135 640 each 4»7 5° 7 th rTnqs. 6 140 26 « ,fl Townftip -7 a 14 640 cach " ,01 10 *7320 640 each 17 394 io ?6 j, 3 CI JO , 43336 64b each 1 * 34 ,2d Tows (hip. ,S 9 thTown(hip. z 9 a 3© 640 each ? 3J 6 640] 3 " • 4 •• '<■>' 3 ° "> 'J"" 1 gass • ■° I v < ;r' ch 43336 <40 each 3 43° 17318 640 each 3d RaTG?. 5 456 '4 2d Township. 6 464 80 10 4^ 15 640 7 25® i3 ai 4 640 each 16 600 -8 618 557 jo 64c each 36 y 3 ' 640 41322 640e3ch 17320 64ceach 4 ownfhip. 23 609 23 336 64oleach la^4|6 4 o|eßeh 25 a 3_6l64oeach 4th township. ; , 7 aj °|°4oe3ch 3d Townlhip. 1314 6-40 each . 2 6 4 c[each 9 18860 17320 6 4 0e3A 6 thTown(hip. 10 344 640 each I lal4 |^4 c t- ac h 11 267 6thTown(hip. r 7 a »o|64C each 1* *5* , lai4|64o|each 64 °'" ch 14 20250 17 320(640 each Bth 15 630 23a36|64cLach 1a1 414c eacft 16318640 each BthTowofhip. ;»7 a ac 6 40 each 19 21750 iai 4 l64o|each , 1343 ~1 64, '* ac1j 20 616 75 17320640 -ach llo,hT"wnftlP -21336 640 each 64c|each I ta *4 &4o|e3ch 4th Township. lothTownfhip. l 7»20 6 40 pch 1 170 1 ai 4 j64ofcach 1 3 a 36164c1e3ch « 544 i7a2cK 4 oLch lr2thT"w"ft,P ---3 320 23a36164p'ea(4i j lal 4 64"ifaeh 4 45° t2thTown(hip. I 7"* r '4cj-3th 5 12* iai 4 16 4 cle3ch 6 4 cjcach 6 640 i7 a 2c 64c eseh i*4thTownlhip. 7 563 23 *36 640 each 1 1 al 4|6 4 c|each Ba9 64c each 'i4thTownfhip. J7a2o ( 64o ( each is 54c 80 i3i 4 l6 4 oieach 1 ." a 3 6 64c each 11 5*F 70 17320 640 each l6 'hTown(hip. I2ai 4 640; each 23336 640 each 1 ai 4 64oleach 17320 640' each 17320 64o|each 23 *36 640 each.) fl3 a 6 4 oieach >TOTE. ° f L ?r S !n th « fcTcra ' townfliips be n,Kw' of the Lot. reserved by the UntedSutesand also of those formerly fold—The .-g ---gregate quantity,» th e feverai town(h^p , #r fraa;<)n g al b aiul fur _ P T iCUlar lota or have been no othciwifc afcertalued than by wlcnlation. Lands of the United States. Treasury Department, vlu&ijl 8, -1796. Public Notice is hereby given, TN pursuance of an a& of Congress pal Ted «ii the 18th day of May. 1796, entitled " an ail providing " for the sale of the Lands of the United Stater., ill the territory north-well of the ri.ver Ohio, and above " the mouth of Kentucky river," that the Quarter T'ownlhips of land dplcribcd in tire annexed schedule, lying in the feve'n rang es of t«wn!hip< v. hieh were furveVed in pursuance of »n ordinance of Congress, pass d on the' twentieth day of May in the fear one thousand seven hundred and . ighty flVc, will be exi.ofcd for sale at PUBLIC VENDUE, at .he Mcrchanfj' CoSeb-Honfc in Philadelphia, on the 4th Jay of January next, and thenceforward from day today, until the tenth day of "Fabnury ensuing, unless the said quarter townships shall be foanar fold, in the manner and on the tewits and conditions hereinafter mentioned : viz. ill. The said quarter tcwnfliips (hall be fold to the bidder, but no sale can,be-roadc for less than two ,4ollars per acre of the quantity of laud contained in such quarter tovvufliip. id. The highest bidder as before mentioned, must de nofit a'the time ef sale, ore twentieth part of the pur chase money, in the hands of the Treafarrrof the United States, which wHI be forfeited if a moiet-of the sum bid, including the said twentieth part, shall r.ot be paid within thirty daysrffrom the time of sale. 3i. Up»n p:iyn>;nt of a moiety of the purchafc-n-.a ---ney in the manner befor-mentioned, the purchaler will be entitled to one year's credit for the remaining moiety ; and Ihall receive a certificate defcribine; the quarter town ship purchased, and declaring the sum paid on account, the balance remaining due, the time when such balance becomes payable, add that tie whole Land therein men tioned will be forfeited, if the said balance is not then paid [ but it the bid shall be duly discharged, by paying the Tome to the Trtafurer of the United States, or his assignee or other legal reprcfentativc, (hall be entitled to a patent for the said land, on his pro ducing to the Secretary of State arecoiptfor such balance, endorsed upon the certificate. But if any purchaser ihall make payment of the whole of the purchase-money at the tiifle when the payment of the fir ft moifty is directed to be made, he "will be tntitledo » dednAjon of ten per centum on the part for which a credit is authorized to be given ; and his patent shall be immediately issued. GIVEN under ray hand at Philadelphia, the day ' and year abovetnentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury, SCHEDULE Of Quarter-Townships to be fold at Philadelphia. in pur suance of the 6th fe&ion of an aft of Congress paficd on the 18th day of May, 1796. "'a, » « <5 . d. .5- Kg & ■£ <S X | C e c p r s> I * • "o H 05 o r° • b A u; h f- K % o _ o •£ v A ; f < !i V 2 0 13.,I 3 ., 2 Soatb East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5 120 North Welt' Ji JO - —; ——! -» ! 20,480 3 j Sooth Eafl 5120 No'th East 5120 South Welt 5120 North Weft 5120 i0,4?0 7 South East j 120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 —< 20,4.80 9 South East 5120 North Eatt j 120 South Weft 5 20 I I North Weft 5120 j — 20,480 11 South East Jl2O Nortli East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft, 5120 ' , , „ 20,480 4 4 .South East 5120 North East 5120 Setrth-Weft ' tiao ■ North Weft 5120 , „ , _ „ 20,480 6 South East 5120 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5,20 8 South East 5120 20,480 North Eatt 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 10 South East j l2o > 20,480 North East Jl4O So nth Wfftj rt jo North Wed 5120 12 South 5120 ' 4 North East. Jl2O South Weft 5x20 North Welt 5120 * 20,480 5 3 »- ou, h East 4.602 North East 4654 5120 North Weft 5120 5 South East' 9 ' 496 North East 5120 South Weft ci 20 North Weft 5120 7 South East 5120 2 °>480 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 6<) South EaftTTT 20 ' 480 North East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 1 '—" 20,48® » .2- S'-S m all c cu § " * n 5 i*. o c 4 £ o j, c H i > w. 5 Hi ir- I • 1 *- <2 € a < ■ ® a> <£ e * 6H£ • ? w 1/ i; ! . fL± ! ! 5 11 South EafijjliO | f North Eaftjyi2o Su>ith Wcfllj i 20 North Welt 5 120 — 20,4 So . | i 13 South East 5120 1 1 Noith Eaft 5120 ' r South Weft j 120 L Nohh Weft f 120 ' J < 3 a 20,480 6 4 South Ealf 4630 - North East 4620 " South W<<fi 5 r2O North Weft c 120 1 19,490 ft South East 4730 North Enft47ij * Souih Weft y 120 ' North Weft 5 120 _ 19.58J e 8 Soilth Eaft 5120 North East j1 20 1 South W,eJ(l t iao North Weft 5 j 20 | ' —1 — 20,480 iq South Eafiji2c > North East j 120 ' South Weft 5 120 • jNorth Weft 5 120 j r ! r —— 20,480 e 12 East 5 120 North East 512° { Soiith Weft 5120 North Weft ji2c . 20,480 14 South Ea/I 51 20 North East 512; South Well -<2C 3 North Weft 5 12 c 10,480 : 7 3 South Eaf 5120 ' Notth East 512 c South Wef; 5120 North Weft 5 120 20,480 j South East 5 120 North East 5 120 , South Weft 5 120 North Weft j 120 i 20,480 r 7 South East 5120 North Ealtji2oi ¥ South Weft j 120' North Weft j 120 . - m 2©,+80 9 Sooth East 5 120 North East 5t 20 South Wefl e 120 North We"l* 1 20 • 20,480 J II South Eaft£l2o > North East j 1 20 I South We'll 5 120 North Weft 5120 20,480 ( 1 13 Sout-h F/afijiio North E»fiji2o " South Weft 5 1 26 North Weft j,20 20,480 15 South East 5 120 North Eaf! 512s I South Weff j 120 Wefl 5120 I 20,480 ; I NOTE THE quantities of Lands in the fevera! townships be. fore mentioned, are exclusive of the Sections reserved by the States. The aggregate quantities in the feve raltownihips, kavc K'CTrafs«rwttl«,lt>y ; ta» 2w'|pl the quantities in the quarter ta'A-nfhips, have been no othorwife afeertainetl than by calculation. Samuel Richardet, 1) ESPECTtfULLY informs the' Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the city »f Philadelphia. The Subscription Room will be furnifted with al! the d*ily papers published in Philadelphia, N;w-Yoik, Bof to'n, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com mercial citi«s of Europe—They will be rsgubrly filed and none permitted to be taken away on any account. rea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety of Frcncii Liquors; together with the usual refrefbments, will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being ateommodated with the choiccft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the mod approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries. The Larder will bcfupplied with the prime and earlicft produ<Jtions of the Season. Large and small Parties, or fmgle Gentlemen, may be accommodated with Breakfafls, Dinners, or .'iuppers, at Honrs moll convenient to themselves—-a cold Collation •' reg ularly kept for cohveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had at tha bar. 1 he Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifiied, and * 'be utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and every other requisite. £5" Samuel will behappy'to rrcdvc, aiw execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public • * large; aMjvith gratitude for their favours, he pledges himielf that nothing ou his part (hall be wanting topre* serve that patronage with which he has been so diftinjui" l " :ngly nonored. Philadelphia, April 19. C* To be diipoled of, npKE time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who J- has between fotlr and five years to lervcr: She Can be recommended for her sobriety andhonefty« F°- r particulars enquire at No. 13a, Chefnut-ftreet. Aiiguft 3. atwtf. PRINTED BY~ JOHN FENJC. 119 — CHECNU T-iTX EFT. fjg'Kt W;r: per io3l*».]