Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 24, 1796, Image 2

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    I'oreign Intelligence. Qr c
LONDON, June 7.
From the London Gazelle, june 4, 179.6- a Cap
His Majedy having been pleated to appoint W.l
liam Campbell, Esq. to be Governor and Com- of
mander in Chief of his MUjedys Bermada or So- ;§ f(Jr
mess .Islands, in Ameiica, he this day took the t0 tra
Oaths appointed to be taken by the Governors of o( g ,
His Majedy's'Plantationa. - bafen
-■ and n
MR. LOVEDEH. deeds
There is no one man in this kingdom, to whom Blacl
the public arc more obliged than to this gentleman, a He
During thepropofed" regency, it was all but fixed cffetl
that the Prince of Wales (hould take upon him feel
thzi high office.—At this inttHit, Mr. Loveden, prifo
with the created propriety and manlincfs, stood up inoui
in the House, and moved that a farther snqniry Jeffu
might take place before a step of such confequen- it w(
«s (hould be rifqued. Fortunately for the coun- to fe
try his proposition was approved ; and.during this drip
enquiry, our invaluable and amiable Sovereign was the I
completely restored. J lO
Eicluiiveof theHjREB Asued Vessels, which are g r ; t
chiefly employed in proteaing the coasting-trade of c j aj j
_ ; n j:
Line. 5 o» Fgts- . Sps. Tot lncn .
In pert and fitting . *8. » 31 43 IS 4 vind
Guard-thips, Hospital-(hips,") R.o]
and Prison-ships, at the >it 1 11 16' W J,J
several Ports, j a fit
In the English and Iri(h chan- 716 t 33 31 83 r i C a
ne l'> •* o
In the Downs and North sea» 6 3 11 3°
At the Weil-India iCands and") g 3o l 0
on the passage 5 . . _ are
At Jamaica 60 4 9 IS an d
InArr-erieaand at 1 I , 13 7 »3 nea
land S Pio
Ea(Wndies and on the paff-| It 1 * 9 7 19 !■, *
ag«, 3 -
Coast of Africa I t 11 J Mr
Gibraltar and Mediterranean 43 o 33 9 6 S to
T«tal in Commiffios ito |19 (169 [ er
I c
Thfte if, perhaps, no Naval Officer who has rlcl
seen so much real service as Sir Alan Gardner: he anc
Vas on bdard the Dortfetfliire in the year 1759» ° u 5
when Sir Edward Hawke obtained the famous vie- Ar
tory over Marshal Conflant—ln 1778, h« took ma
the Lion, -of 40 guns, whan he commanded the aru
Maiddore. of z8 gun«.—He wag in the engage- 38
nient off Grenada, between Admiral Byron and am
the Comte D'Eftaing.—He signalized himfelf par
ticularly on board the J)uke, on the 12th April, nal
1782, when SirG. Rodney obtained the viflory oei
over the Erc.ich fleet commanded by the Comte e "
de Graffe. It i« unnecessary to fay what he did 6n wl
the Ift June, 1794, in the Fleet commanded by or
Lord Howe.—The recolletlion of hit brilliant fer- P<
vicet in the Queen,,l4 frelh in the mind of <very
British Tubjcft, and he received as the reward of 'br
hit valour, a didinguilhed mark of the approbation
of his sovereign. In the vl&ory of Lord Brid- p
port, in 1795, he also had V\«» (hare: we do not
mean this as an enumeration of the different afti ar
ons in. which he has borne a confpicnous part, but w
as some of the mod driking 4 for, besides what Ave
liave tnentioned,he has lhewn the mod dirtingui(h-. "
ed courage and ability as kn officer in many other g'
engagements. In the year 1761, he was particu
larly noticed for-his activity and bravery, as a lieu- el
tenant on board the Bellfina, when (he took the c
Couragsux, of 74 guiiH : in this action, the Coil- P
rageux had 240 raen killed and Hi wounded, h
Such services, we trust, will not be forgotten,
■when such a mail deps forward for public favour.— "
Our Countrymen have never been backward to P
reward merit—they never had a fairer opportusi- n
ty tofhew that disposition.'
Mr. Fox is so weded to Coalitions, that -h« muS
stew his partiality for them in every situation. —
Hence, rather than not ca-alefce at all, has he for
med a jun&ion with Parson Home, the mao who,
all his life, has been lavish in his ahufe of Wr. Fox.
A letter from Leei's, dated M*y 29, contains
the folloiying melancholy intelligence :—" This
morning 4 number of persons were assembled at a t
lerge, in Union dreet, to hear a t
er of the Mefhodift persuasion, when, the floor ]
giviog way, 16 women, a man and a child were j
erulhed to death, and between 70 and Boperforts
of both sexes were -either dreadfully bruised, or
r scad some of their limbs broke. The Women killed
tvere cljieflj old and poor.
DOVER, June 5.
Yederday arrived from Charleston, the Gadf
den, Captahi Hayward, in thirty-three days.
The effects of erithufiafm were seldom mora
whimsically pourtrayed than in ah exhibition which
took place hereon noon —One Futch
ti, carter to a firmer in Fitherton, by ruminating on
the obfeured doctrines of some fanatical preachers,
whom he it in the habit of attending, at length
worked his imagination up to such a pitch, that he
•ftually dripped himfelf totally naked in bis maf
ttt's barn, and running through Fifhettnn-dreet,
god over the bridge, fcampfrsd through mod of
tht ftreettof the city, " in pursuit (as be
God Almighty T" returned at length by Ciane
bridge to the place where he had undrefTed, He
afterwards declared that he (hould certainly have
gone to the Devil, if he had not pet formed this
Angular feat \
In the Press,
JniffceA'tly will bepullifhtd, by W. Yoong, Mills '
& Son, Corner of Second and Cbefnut-fireet,
An Apology for the Bible,
In a {erics of Utters adJreffed to Thomas Paine, author
of a book entitled The Age of Ueafon, part the second,
being an inveftig.uion of true anrf fabukus theology.
Lord Bilhop of Llandi", and Regius i'refeffor of Divin
ity in the Univefcfity of Cambridge.
Jiug. ij.
- - *— en vu
from the Cohwhtan numi
Or Ca?T. PI GOT and Ca?t. JESS UP. t i nue
Mr. Russell, . . * ir : fe '
HAVING read with inexpreflible indignation vfcic
the (hamePul treatment of an American citizer- by
a Captain Pigot, of the Brit till frigate Success, 1
(hould wilh to be informed-, the chanm tQ 1)t
of vour paper, who this Captain Pigot u; for it r?e tl
is fdmetimes doing foeiety almost as much service VO nr
to trace the particulars of a fconndrel as it « that
of « man of worth and honor. The Rations to faj£
b&fetiefs, as well as to honor, ought to be known,
and mankind may be benefited by a rectal of the K
deeds of a Nero, a Robespierre, aid the pirate ed -,
Black'oeard, almost as much as bv that of a 1 itusx jf j,
a Howard, or a RttffeH. The gibbet has it» good ~m
cffeft as well as the ftatjie. Every man does not who
feel alike—lor my part, nothing since the Jer.ey
prison (hip has roufe'd my indignation like this inta
tnous deed of Capt. Pigot's. Had he (hot Capt. gr »
JefTup, or even (tifled him in the hold ot his mip, n3rc
it would not to my feelings been equal in atrocity of r
• to seizing an American citizen, ordering him *p be The
i dripped and whipped like a thief. Had 1 teen
s the fnfferer, and could have fcivlved themdignity, —
no distance, court or danger, (hould deter me from
infliaing the fame punilhment of rlie cat o'mnt tail: ]
. on this dastardly villain, who is a scandal to the ma ,
c British navy and a disgrace to'his conunifliorn Ye
f classical men can belt tell in what feTvid drains of s on
, t indignation the mod eloquent of orators roused the p O J
4 vindicative judiee of his countrymen againfl a Vice a[
Roy who caused a Roman citizen to be publicly ■ the
6 ' whipped—and (hall a paltry captain of a frigate do
B similar deed, and high (pirited, independent Ame
-3 rican submit to it with the daitardly feelings of a the
3 negro to his overseer .' on!
There fc no country where the matters of veflels Ti
are from so refpes«ble a class of people as ours, die
and there are a few of us but what have brothers or rc ]
-J near conne&ionswhomayfalliiUo the hands of your -j„f
Plgott, if this fdatidakjus aft (hould pass over in Jif
19 filenfce. 1 know as little of Mr. Pigot as Ido of of
5 Mr. Jeffup. 1 know net to what town, or even th:
'•S to what state, the latter belongs. I view the mat- t !n
~ "ter perfectly unbiassed as it regards the two men.
' I coafider William JeiTup as a deeply injured Ame- ro
as rican citizen who oaght to be redressed feme where, hi:
, e and I consider Capt. Pigot as a guilty tyrant who re ,
q ought to be punilhe? 1 . somewhere. Were all the (JJ,
c! American ship maders of my toind, they would
>k make the fufTerings of Capt. Jeffup a joint eoscern, ; t
[j e and address the Supreme Executive on the fubjeft, hs
e . as a matter far, -very far, beyond that of property, I
and with many men beyond that of life itfelf. ar
, r . I have, Mr. Russell, a ftiendfhip for the British i„
;i nation, and a r«fpedf for their navy, which to my fl,
r y certain knowledge, contains gentlemen ofthe drift- f r
lte eft honor and humanity. Nor am I one: of those m
j n who believe half what is printed in the Chronicle j {
by or Aurora, refpedting Britilh infolcnce, and im e(
(.f. pteffment of Ameriean citiiens, for 1 know it is t)
■ry one of the dishonorable tools with which the Jaco- tf
of rbins labour in their glorious work of vilification, p,
0B disorganization, confufiori, and final bloodflied.— jf
id. We (hould separate thefc lies and exaggerations
, Q[ from the ease before us, a cafe well authenti ated, tc
and which inspires but one sentiment, and which a
3Ut were it a general practice in the Britifa navy as it n
■ ve is a rare and solitary instance, I would once more
jfl,, j stake life and fortune to repel a tyranny more de- a
h er grading than that of Tunis or Algier*. c
j cu _ I I therefore hope that some of your correspond- v
I ents will give some account'of Captain Pigot, t
the commander of the Britilh irigate Success. It is \
■ ou . probable he will be found some daring fallow who a
led. | has been promoted merely for his severity ; or eKc
ten ' t j some drunken, cowardly fea-monder, who owes his <
■_! I dation to powerful connections, who were able to ]
I to pur chafe with money a commiffton which he could 1
ual-1 not obtain by his merit. A YANKEE. 1
(l From the Columbian Centinel.
'j 'ATRIO riSM.
I ' " " I love my country, good Horatio;
for- I
" And were it but a ni-ft of vip'rbus serpents, j
vho, I «• I'd'Hraw my tongue ferih, reeking from iuroot,
I " Ere I would fpcik one word to her dlfgrace."
p .*• Akon.
s Mr. Rossei-l,
t nis I HAVING lately returned from Europe, and having
at a j travelled from the feat of the Federal Government to
ach-j this *o«rn, I cannot bvit express my agreeable difap
fjoor I ppintment at the vast improvements, the flouriftiing
were commerce, prolpersus towns, and happy country, i
r ' have beheld. I had been taught to believe by th<> pe
nt rufal of some American papers at the Coffee-honies,
or I in London, that the contrary of what I have experi
tillcd j eiiced, was the afiual situation of affairs ; and I have
I frequently felt t,he mod pointed chagrin, when I have
I beheld foreijiners reading the articles, which have thus
I degraded our country, and which 1 now know to be
Jadf-1 falfe.
1 It will readily be admitted, that there are yonr grnm-
I bling philosophers, who are continually railing at the
J times, in every country j who fee every I hing through
moral t ' ,e me^'um their own peeviflj optics ; and because
, . , I they happen to be cursed with feelings whieh will not
v. I P crm '' them to enjoy the comforts of life is they pass,
utch- I eternally endeavoring to make the reft of the world
ng On I is -wretched a 6 themselves. —But I have ever thought
:hers, J it vas the attribute of Patrioti/m. to- appreciate its
» n gth j own country, When truth and candor would permit it.
lat he 1 How tben can we account for the calamitous tales
r | which our pretended Patriots are continually publish
' j ing to the world, and wV.ich are all as falfe as hell ?
if By no other rule, than that they are fecrct enemies,
■oft I under the garb 0/ friends !
id) of I fn India r the Aaxrican charafler (lands as high as
Ciane I that of any nation of> earth.— All the papers are luS of |
£| e j -compliments on the wisdom, prudence ind rr.ignini- j
have 1 m *y °f o ur rulers. In Europe, I never heard a (en- !
d "his I ottered which tended in the least. to. disparage
I Anierica, exceptfrom thole wko brought certain Ame-
I rit-an papers in proof of their insinuations ; and wh'ofe
I objeit was tc deter emigrations. The t-elebrated
I Dr. Winterbotham, in the preface of a vork lately
| printed, speaking of America, (ays, " The United
J States «f America, as a rising etjipire, open a vast field
Wilis 1 for the cohtcmplative philofopber and man of feience,
'«(, ' the adventurous merchant, the lkilful masufailurer,
the ingenious mechanic, and industrious labourer—
while the found policy and benign influence el its go
author vernmertf, seem to invite each from the different parts
second, , 0 f the old world, to reap those advantages which a
ty- fertile foiland an encreafihg commerce must ever en
g. iure, when uniiicumbered with impolitic (hackles and
Dinin- hca»y duties and-irapofts.
'• The inhabitants of Europe have not been infenfi
-56 hie cf tiicfe circumftanecs, so fayorable to the tnjoy
n>«'it-of • 'tuppiaefs and be j* Uo ?" t,e ™ i
ed to form a judgment of -hftil/eon- ?
numbers whith have emigrated, W d wVU Ibfl eon f 0 ne
tinue to emigrate from iu faofoin—numbers which it. ,
nr. sent eonvulfed fixation will ccrtamly tnc#k> ««J ing
which nuift add to;he riches and iUb,iity, a s wc
prove higMy advantageous to the corame.ce and .
riufatfures of the American empire.
r' an E'i"lilhman could write, thus, what ought not ladel
to be rctc.umc.nts of ah American public, when they
fee th'ofe Who aflame the name of Americans, endea- eren
vor'mc to degrade their country m the eyes of all the a( c
Xwi and whose -hole time seems H
service of (hole who would wife to make the world
believe, America to be as barren as a sand plain,
that it. commerce was annihilated, that it contained .n th
no men either of genius or; mat ihe "chord- refp
ed it over the poor ; that ingratitude was BraftAd as exp(
if it were the fir ft of virtues: that the government on ,
Ure the hirelings of a Britifli Ministry ; tha. that pan
whom the world confide,* as "-s the pomt of the CQn ,
ramid of I'atriotifm, Integrity and Pub he V'tue,
was a traitor ; that a Jay had been bribed by the kf- yen
On" of a hand; and that his illuflnous compeer t,ie the[
great Adams, was an advocate for hereditary Mo- not
narchy i What I repeat ought not to be the resentment an( ]
of real Americans of a conduit so base and degrading . p a ,* r
The most marked detestation. am£rlcan . . ball
■ — "I 'I I IMHI""""" — j mA
From the CthneßicHt Gazette- tho
EVERY friend to t!te general happincts of j
■ mankind must intercfl himielf, in a greater or lets j ra ci
' decree, in all measures which have so. their objett to c
f some ufeful'improvemMtj either as they refpeci j ]
: political welfare of society, or the more immediate un y
: advantages resulting from important difcovenes in f or
f • the ufeful arts. . t0 '
5 Under the influence of this sentiment, 1 nave
- lately attended to a fubjeft which hag become a no!
» theme of conf.derable controversy «'ith many not mc
only in this but several other States of the Union. c j
> The fubjeft to which I refer, is a vote of the Me- Jma
• dical Convention of the State of Connefticul, I t [ l(
r relative to a new mode of removing paint and \for
r inflammations frcm the human fcody, which was ra ;
n discovered and introduced into pra&ice by a fellow j .„g
if of that focieiy. Being personally acquainted with 1 ne!
n that gentleman, I feel the more disposed at this m{
- time to submit a few candid remarks on that sub- J t h,
'• je£l to the public, as I am informed that dange- j r Jg
roU3 sickness, in one branch of his family, called J p a
him loon after his return from Philadelphia to the I
10 remote parts of a neighboring State, to afford me- an
ic dical »fijdance to thoff who were dear to lum. j j;,
!d Sensible of the importance of this fubjeft, as joU
n > it refpefts not only the gentleman whose character J
has been wantonly traduced, but also the public, i
y» I have endeavored to inform myfelf as to the origin i
and cause of that attack; and after an impJitial JU(
ft* investigation, I dill am more surprised when I re- |e j
iy fleft that such a pub!icati<m could possibly proceed ; t
:t- f rcm a society established for the purpose of pro- pc
ife moting medical knowledge. From the abusive Jar
: ' e terms in which it is couch<s from beginning to cc
n end, one would naturally be led to conclude, that D f
'« the gentleman alluded to was far from being among j,,
o- the refpeftablc of his profeflion. He is accused of ler
ny propagating f/tl/lonotls obt/imfng a patent to aid tlelu• 1
- five quackery, disgracing that society, daPiv 'mrfth'icf I
ns abroad, pnaSifing a bare-faced impo/ition difgraceful jj.
J, to the Faculty arid delufivc to ihe ignarant. Can j w
ch a ny but the vilcft impofttir, the basest felon, the
*' most worthless ont-calt of society, whose crimes
)re lud long finee doomed him to perpetual iiifamy I
Je- and fcotn, deserve such cenfntes, efpecialty when L
eotning from a body where candor and liberality j 0
id- would become them as fhimng ornaments. That Q
Qt > this gentleman's charaftei (hoJld be confideted in j
' s this point of view, is what 1 prtfume neither his
'ho acquaintance nor a candid public will be willing to | r
"He acknowledge. If his refpeciabiiity in his profeflion i
h'« can be eftimateil by his ihare the practice of I
Ito physic, by the number of (Indents whom he has 1
uld taught the theory of medicine,, or by the promo I
lion his brethren of the faculty liave conferred up- I
on him, I belioVe we fliall! meet with difficulty I
in determining from what source those epithets I
mentioned above originated. Has he not, on every I
occasion, for neaily twenty yeari past, when the I
t, physicians of the county of Windham to which he t
belongs, have convened to make appointments of | f
N " delegates or officers for former afiemblies of Doe- 1
,j n g tors, teeeived from his brethren some promotion ?
to Ever since the ettablilhmeut of the present me
fap- dical society of this (late, has be not beeh invari
hing ably appointed a reprelentative from. Windham
y> 1 county, to the several conventions? Has he no{ '
been repeatedly their firft representative, and even
j' ]at this time is he not their chairman ? TUofe per- ;
h ave sons who will tioublc thcmfelves to afeertain the
have tr\ith of facts will find those queftious answered in
thus the. affirmative. Whence then flows that torrent
0 be of abuse, which is aimed withfo much at the
tendered pa.t, t!® reputation of that gentleman,
t'the * ara unw '"' n ß believe that so rcfpeftable a bo
augh a ® convention ought to le, could be
:aufe influenced by interested motives, pr others not'fo
1 not honorable as to convert their records into a repofi
pafs, tory of spleen and malevolence, and make their
fee ret ary the public organ of private (lander.
ut > l hat falfe reprelentations, or some particular
i!t it! c ' rcumaanc « E might exist which (hould cauK the
tales paffingand puhhfoing such a vote, is possible. And
blifti- vet that a vote, of that importance, (houlj be pilb
helllifted to the world, without the moll mature delibe
inies, ration, seems to be incompatible with that ftabih
ty which would well become an honourable inftitu
ullot f"®" » a "d in my opiuion, may derogate from the
[nmi- her records m3y have on a candid and en
fen- lightened publick. It is said that this vote wai
arage the result of party, and obtained through the ex-
Ame- eTtions of one er two individuals. By one of them
whose that a motion was made that the discoverer (hould
bH* 1 k* imraeiiiatc ly e *pclled the Society i
' ot * meßl ber from Windham County was at
I field t^le ' r or any one person acquainted in the
lence, ' degree, with the practice from candid cxperi
lurer, ments. 1
lrer Of course there was so possibility of obtaining
1 go- any jest statement of the real importance-os the
discover y' aa djhe accused person being absent, and
x er * Having not the lead information that this ungene
:s and rou ' cabal was #atrying on against him at this junc
ture, afforded a fair opportunity for his enemies, to
lfeiiG- all edge charges agaiali him, as falfe as they were
enjoy-j base. At thsir meeting in OSober lad, that gen-
tleman openly introduced the fuljea of Uisdifctfy--'
ry before the convention, and the piaftice bti,.g (1 r
To new and exttaordioary a nature, he* was »psi>
ted to deliver a le&ure on tha'. at the en'.a.
ing meeting, with which appointment, he V?.s
himUf affared me, he fhowW have complied, !«i
not unavoidable engagements defaced V n ?t P,,!.
ladelphia unii! after the society h*d Lu;
that society instead of waiting for insecure, of
even affording him an opportunity of defending hi;
practice, by giving them fpeornens of its eSi acy.
have stigmatize, thus ung-eneroufly, ::
his absence, not only his pra&ice, but his c'haraftej
in the inoft opprobrious and abulive term?. Wit it
r e fpe£t to the otefuhvefs of this discovery, Ida not
expedt that my adept ions will have much influence
on the public lentiment, but if prefer may it
ascertain its merits,'are adopted, the public will be
convinced of its ultimate importance, a have gi-.
'ven it a candid trial, have relied on faftt, and nave,
ihereby fatfsfied myfelf as to its efficacy. It will
not raise the dead nor turn icd hair black, but wiii
and has, to my pertain knowledge, removed many
pains in a furpi ifing manner, which have for years
baffled the efforts of medecine. ll'hen the wqrld
•will divejl them/elves of their prejudices, and be infor
mid as to the mode of operation by calling on the au
thor of the discovery, and feeing his experinier.ts,
or the written testimonies of many refpeftablc cha
racters in the United States, they wilt thSn bs able
to determine, as to its merits.
In coufequenee of th!s cxtiaordinary vote, many
unhappy proceedings mull unavoidably take place,
1 for as the Convention have dir4&ed their Secretary
to cite any member of their Society before the.v. at
' their next meeting, and give reasons, why be fttould
1 not be expelled the Society, for even using the
1 meatjs ;no iuconftderable number rtitift be arraign*
• ed before that medical tribunal, and hazard the flig
* ma of a difgraceful expulsion J Several memberl of
> the Society, I ana informed, notwithstanding that
forh dden uatc have turned lh»ir 3tte»rtiai>-to deut.
5 mine the real importanee of the pra&ice, and b -
" fnp convinced of its efficacy, have through an ea>
1 tie It desire, of furnidiing themselves with every
! means, which could render them ufeftil to
'■ their profeffion, become purchasers of the patent
" rights, and are now iicentiouily removing human
pains at the hazard of the awful drfpleafure of
e that inquifitionaltribunal. When their dreadful fiat
! * arrives, it'is hoped the world will not, with the me
dical convention, consider them as the refufe aid
18 outcasts of society, but take pity on their doom,' -.d
: f elteem them as the unhappy vidtims of unwarram*
■» able duplicity and their own unfortunate cretlul ty.
B But not to trifle or treat this fubjeft with levity or
unfairnefs, at which *bfer»ance 1 have ftriftty yjm
ed in thecourfe of these remarks, I earne.fily hope
it may be considered by the Public ot i..fficier,t im
portance to claim a candid and impattial attent< jti ;
' e and that it may not like manyvvery important dif
;o coveries, which have been introduced in the times
at of ignorance and fuperilition, be raftly condemned,
'% but treated with that candour whifch becoeies an
D * enlightened people, in an age of fcrenfic improve
«• pent. A« OBSERVER
e f IT. B. It is prefurned tha.t the Printers, vtio
u have publiflied the vote of the medicil convention,
will have the candour to give the above a p!at:t t»
c their papers.
es _
1 y Windham County, j4uj. 16, 1796.
en " WE the fubferiberi certify, that from a variety
'5" of cases, which iirtve occurred, not only in our
at own pra&ice, but in that of our neighbouring pity-
[ n ficians, we are fully convinced of the uti 1 cf
113 Dodtor Perkins's patent metallic inilrumcnu, :u
t0 removing various pains, spasms and inflammatory
on affections from the human body, and that the dif
-0 covety is of importance to the healing art.
u > * JOHN BREWSTER, J contention.
Lr y Member of the Medical Society,
the * Doffors Biker, HjII, Lord and Brcwfter, with
he the author of the metallic discovery, are the five repre
of fentitives from Windham county t» the Conneflicut
oc- Medical Convention. ,
,n ? Doctor JAJLEB DYXR.
ne- Member of the Medical Society of the Start of
ari Connecticut, and Surgeon to the 21 ft Regt.
am I CERTIFY, that for leven years past 1 have
no{ been'troubled with almost a cunftant rheumaticpa-i
ven in my »cft (houlder. For the two last vears it has
>er- gradually iocreafed till it became" very dil'.rclßng»
tbe and has been at #ided with a ftiffnefi to such a de
3in gree that 1 could not raise myhand to the'iop ot
en t my head without gieat difficulty. On or about
the the 18th of Jnne Lft, I myfelf operated or my
)an , (houlder, when it was in extreme pain, with Dr.
bo- Perkins's patent trailers—The pain, to mj threat
1 be futprife, wholly left me within fix minutes, a.-J
tfo my (houldet; was soon freed from its former :ti&-
)ofi- oeft, so that I could move that aim and th'juiiltf
heir with the fame ease that I could the other. T ; (
pain ha? but o: ce returned, and then very Hgnt'jr,
ular in consequence of severe cxercife: it was immerii
the ately removed by applying the tra&ors.
find 1 further certify* (hat 1 have been affliftet! wiiH
pijh- a pain in my head for twenty" years pad. It
libe- usually come on in the fore part of the day, w.l
bill- continued tea or twelve houts. Has often bera
titu- very distressing. Abx>ut the time cf the above
the operation, I applied 'hi* "7
1 en- when in severe pain. I was in a few minutes ca&di
wa» and the pain has not yet returned. Fot three yea™
r ex. before this operation, I do not think I have been
hem three weeks at a time free from this corrjphin'. —
ould I'rom what 1 have experienced, and heard, of lne
efficacy of Doctor Perkins's inftnjfnente, I dec sl
s at not but they will prove of great utility to mankind
-1 the JAREB DYER, Phynciw.
peri Canterbury, /lugujl 11, 1796.'
ining -^ or by the fubicribers,
, 130 Quarter Ciiefts fr«th Hyson.Tea ;)
'an 100 ditto do. Freih Souchong Tea;
?? ne ' 300 Boxes China, containing fmail tea filtts
jaac- pieces;
;e, to pieces Baadsnoef.
were fVikingp Ss 3 Trancu
gen- January ie ' £ li!