For sale bv the ftibfcribers* f 4id i b J - " i>e du IN PENK-STH F.ETj , .. 130 quarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea; j jeo ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea; * j- a j1 Prize of 10,000 dollars, 20,000 I ditto 10,000 IQ,ooo I 1 *2KSS"} 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 3 IO ditto 400 4,00 c 20 ditto 100 2,000 jj ditto jo 2,750 I 5750 ditto l* 69,008 \ I To be raised for tin Canal, a6,2j0 I 5850 Prizes, I7JPOO 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 I gy- The Cemmiffioners have taken the Securities re I quired by the aforefaid for the pun&ual payment ol I , the prizes. | The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without I delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely j notice will be given. 1 Such prizesas are not demanded in fix months after the I drawing is finifhed, shall be considered as rdinquilhed for I the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. I (Signed J NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, s/D LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M.DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City of WafhingtoH, Yeb.-tf. $ J ARISTOCRACY, An EPIC POEM, Tn i Cantos, may he had at B. Davies's Book-Store, No. I 68 High-street. Aug. 19 §6t Lands of the United States Treasury Department, Jlugufl 3, 1796. j Public Notice is hereby Given, IN pursuance of an aft of Congress, pasTed on the 18th j day of May, 1796, entitled " A« aiSt providing " for I the file of the lands of the United States, in the Tej-rito- I ry north welt of the river Ohio, and above the mouth of I Kentucky river," that the ft&ionscr lots of land defcri- 1 hed in the annexed schedule, lying in the seven ranges of I townlhips, which were surveyed in pursuance of an ordi- I nance of Congress, passed on the twentieth day of May, I in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, j will be expefed for sale at Public vendue, in oil Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, on the twenty-fourth day of 1 O&oher next, and thenceforward, fiftm day to day until I f the firft day ofDeeember enfuing.Tinlefsthe said lots-(hall J be foone» fold, in the manner, and on the terms and con -1 ditions herein after mentioned, to wit: ift, The said feAions or lots shall be fold under the di- I rc&ion of the Governor or Secretary of the Western Ter- I ritory, and foch person as the President of rhe United 1 States mayfpeeiaity appoint for that purpose. id. The said feflions or lots shall be fold to the highefi: I bidder,but no sale can be made for less than two dollars J yer acre of the quantity of land contained in such lot or 1 lection. 3. Thehigheft bidder as before mentioned, must depo- 1 fit at the time of sale, one twentieth part of the ptsrciiafe I money, in the hands of such person as the President of the I United States fha'.l appoint to attend the sales for that pur- I pose, which will be forfeited, if a moiety of the sum bid, J including the said twentieth part, shall not be-paid within I thirtydays from the time of sale. 4th. Upon payment of a moiety of thb purchase money in the manner before mentioned, the purchaser will be entitled to one year 9 credit for the remaining moiety ; and shall receive from the Governor er Secretary of the Western Territory, and the person who shall be appointed 1 by the President of the United States, to direct the fales,a certificate describing the lot or fjition purchased, and de claring thefum paidonaccount, the balance remaining due, the time when such balance becomes payable, and that the whole land therein mentioned, will it forfeited, if the said babnee is n«t thei paid ; but if the said' acc he duly dilcharge'u,t>y paying the fame to the 1 restorer ei the United States, the purchaser or his aflignce or o. ci-, legal rcprefentative, fliall be a patent nr e said lands, on his producing t'i the Secretary of State a re ceipt for such balance endorsed upon the u if any purchaser shall make payment of the whole ot the _ N f purchase money, at the time when the payment o t e | firft moiety is directed to he made, he will be entitled to a deduiftion of ten per centum on the part fdr which a ere- nort j, dit is authorized to be given; and his patent shan b« 1 n jj entl mediately iffned. . ■ , . „„j defer Given under my hand at Philadelphia, the day . cs 0 f year abovt mentioned. ordin ' OLIVKR WOLCOTT, M Secretary as the Treifury —— . he ft Schedule of feSions of to th,r! 19 256 95 17320640 each 18 i7O : 30 250 75 2/336640 each 21 850 ney 34 240 90 BthTownfhip. 21 166 40 35336 640 each 3ai4|64oeach 23 4^7 2d Township 17320 640?3ch 24 640 19 140 23 [640 27 Jsl »o 170 7® 25 a 3 0 j640eacii 640 each 21 185 33336 640 each ai14 640 each , thTownfhip . 2 3d Township. 17320 640 each T I 24326 640 each 233361640 each S I 28 499 16 7thTownfhip. 29 640 ' 132 640 e 3ch g 6o 37333 64c each 537 640 each, 5 J I 4ownfliip. TTtfrj each i _ I 5 I, 26 40 ißai 9 64© eachj ?ai4^each » 397 50 25 640 l ao 640 each 13 51 50 30a 3 6 640 each 6 6 ach . j 15 27 50 9thTownfhip. thTown(hi 16 259 20 iai 4 64c each , 640 each 17 524 i 7 32o|64ee3ch , 7 „ 06 eleh I A 4" 4 L i l 3 a 3«64oeach" 19 635 1 «hTownfhip. irthTownfhi 20 584 80 i ar 4 640 each 6 2! 636 21 , 7 3»0|640[«ch f „. 640, each 22336 640 each 23336 640 epch ' 6 I ach ! JthTownfhip. i^thTcwnfhip. T it v lal4 M i3i 4 6 4 c|each «*7 64«e3th 17 4206 4 0 each c6 M ch ie 23325 64c cach 7. 3 a36|6401e2ch ir I 27at JthTownfhip. J 1 ~iT„™„n.- C iftTownfhtp. iai4!6i}o|each I JthTownfhip. ig j?4 .P 1?M0640 L h > SthTownfhip. " g ' -5® 3 6 64o!each I J35 64oeach 13 417 50 7th Range. I 6 440 w 40 ift Township. 7314 640csch 2 30 1 4! 20 I a I 17120 640 each 1 io 36 J132150 j 33 ,bT 64 °r h each *aTow,fhip. _ I 9thTownfhip. ' * 3 35 I 6 640 „ ,9. s n 4 6il: 1 8 312 30 ' . 640 each I II 64c 33136 640 " Ch 9 0.l 13314 640 each v ou n^ l 'P- ieai2 640 each I 19320640 each 4 18010 14 30 I 23336 640 each 3 43« ijaiS 640 each I — 445 ~ I 3d Ranch. 5 456 ' 5 2d Township. 6 46480 6^cleh 15 640 7 2 e *8c or ' 6 600 8 6 ' B So each " »° 557 50 9 ai4 640 each 4th 3 | ownflllu . "«*« 4 *«ch 17 >20 64c each ri- 13 , 6 ,° 9 . J3i36 64 l e . ich 1 7 320 6 4 oeach of I' 4 23136 64c!each li- 3d Township. 1 ai4 6 4 o|each 9 ,8860 i 7 a2o6 4 oeaA . 'e, I 1° 344 13 336 640 each elch 0( « 267 6thTownfhip. 2,336'640 each of 12 152 1314640 each jjthTWnftup. itil !4 202 JO 17320 6 4 oUach K allj J 5 630 13336 6 4 cp3ch 4 4 , I , n .} 16318 64c e3ch BthTownfhip. 17a " 4C eac^ j 19 21750 13.4 640 each 640 each di- 10 6*6 75 17320 64c each LothTownfhip. I er-I 21a36 640e3ch 13336 640 e3ch ! lal 4 040 each 1 ted j 4thTownfhip. lothTownfhip. I7a2 ° 40 eac J l I 1 170 la.4f64oleachi J 3»3^ 4 oleach 2 544 17 a2cp4o|ea-ch 1 Township. lar ' , | 3 32° 23 a 36'64oienh i 1314 '4<"ieaeh I -I 4 450 nth Township. |I7"< ->4 c -a 43 fA r I P 0 "! 6 64c i7a2cH 4 c|each JthTownfhip. 1 iafc 7 563 J3»36|64o|each! lal #4o|each c I Ba9 64c each '14th! ownfhip. 640 eacn ! u '"| 10 54c 80 iai 4 |64o|each 23336 6 4 c each •"?'! II 529 70 17aic 640 each "thTownfhip. laai4 64G .;ach 23336*640 each ial 4 64o|each 1 7 32 c 64° ;ach 17120 640 each j [be 22136 640 each 1 1 I -ty; NOTE. j f the THE-quantities of Lands in the fereral townships be- I nted fore mcnt.oned, are exclusive of the Lots reserved by the | es,a Un ted States and also of those formerly fold.—The ag. | gregate quantities in the several townfhins or fractional I due, parts of townships, have been ascertained by adlual fur that vey ; the quantitiasin particular lots or fed ions, hive . the been no otbtrwife »fcertai H «i than by calculation. Lands of the United States. Treasury Department, Augujl 8, 1796. = Public Notice is hereby given, e* TN purfuanceof an ajveil rang- - , s „t townlhips which were furvcyed in pursuance ol an ordinance -f Congress, faffed on the twentieth day of Mav in the rear one thousand sevan hundred and eighty fivZ'will he expefed for sale at PUBLIC VENDUE, at he Merchant?' Coffee-Houfe in Philadelphia, on the 4th day of January next, and thenceforward from day to day, • until the tenth day of February entiling, unless the fmd . quarter townlhips shall be'fooner fold, in the manner and on th« terras and conditions hereinafter muitiowed : viz. lit. The laid quarter townlhips shall be fold to the ' hifrheft bidder, but no sale can be made for less than two dollars per acre-os the quantity of land contained in such quarter towwfkip. , id. The bidder as beforS mentioned, mult de oofit a' the time of sale, one twentieth part of the pur " chafe tnon«y, in the hands of the Treafttrerof the' United States, which will be forfeited if a moiety of thefumbid, including the said twentieth part, (hall notbs paid within thirty days from'the time ttf sale. id. Übon payment of a moiety of the purchafc-mo ney in the manner beformientioned, the purchaser will be entitled to one year's credit for the remaining moiery ; and (hall receive a certificate describing the quartar town- Hip purchased, and declaring the sum paid on account, the balance remaining due, the time when such balance becomes payable, and that the whole Land therein men tioned will be forfeited, if the said balance is not then paid ; but if the said balance shall be duly discharged, by paying the fame to the Treasurer of the United States, tljrf-purchafer or his aflignee or other legal representative, lhall be entitled to a patent for the said land, on his- pro ducing to the Secretary of State a receipt for such balance, endorfedupon the certificate. But if any purchaser shall make payment of the whole of the purchafe-raoney at the time when the payment of the firft moiety i« directed to be made, he will be entitled to a deduiftion of ten per centum on the part for which a credit is authorized to be give« ; and his patent (hall be immediately i(Tiled. QWF.N under ray hand at Philadelphia, the._iay and year abovementioned." OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary vf the SCHEDULE Of Quarter-Town (hips to be fold at Philadelphia, in pur suance of the 6th feftion of an aft of Congress palled on the 18th day of May, 1796. 5 'eu » g £ 6 -.s* K | bC r° s c 5 u. ft St > o « o 3 u z-= c_ H u n " *8 Z - Z 8 3 U- =': j 11 South East 5 120 ~~ ~ North East 5120 South Wefl 5120 North Weft 5120! i 20,480 13 South Eaftjwoj North East 5 12Q' South Weft 5 1 zcy North Weft 5 1 20! f 20,480 6 4 South East 4630 North East 4620) South Weft 5120 North Weft 5120 19,490 6 (South East 4730 North East 4715 South Weft 5 120 North Weft j 120 191685 8 South East 5120 iNorth East j 120 South Weft 5 120 North Weft 5 120 20,480 10 South Eaftjiiol North East 5 120 South Weft j 120 North Weft 5 120 20,480 12 South East 5120 North East 5 120 ~ - £ „ _____ South Welt 5 rw» . North Weft 5 120 110,480 14 South East 5120 Nwth East 5 120 South Weft 512 c 1 Norik Weft 5120 | 20,48® •7 3 South East 5120 Noith East 5120 South Weft 5120 North Weft 5 12° I 40,480 5 South East 5120 North East 5120 ' South Weft 512° North Weft j 120 10,480 » South East 5 130 North East 5 120 South Wefi 5 120 North Weft 5 120 20,480 9 South East 5120 North East South Welt 5120 — jjs* L^: " North Weft ? 120 20,480 11 South East 5 120 North East 5T 20 South Weft 5 720 North Weft 5 120 i 20,480 13 South East 5120 North East j 120 South Well 5 120 • North Weft 5120 20,480 15 South East 512s North East y1 2® ISouth Weft 5 120 (North Wefi 5120 | 20,480 NO|TE. THE quantities of 'Lands in the several towtifbips be fore mentioned, are cxcluGve of the Sections reserved by the United States The aggregate quantities in the feve ral-townlhips, have been ascertained by a&ual survey ; but the quantities in the quarter tewnlbipj, have been 00 otherwise ascertained than by calculation. For Sale, A LARGE ELEGANT AND WELL FINISHED Three-story Brick Houfc, (The late residence of General Walter Stewart) WITH a LOT ef GROONl) thereunto belonging, the weft fide of Third-street, near Union-street containing in front 31 feet, and in depth 109 feet, to an alley leading into Union-ftrcet. The houfa is 31 feet front and 50 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it are large, commodious, and completely finilhcd; the two firft ' stories are each 13 feet high; there are 10 mahogany doors in the house j a geometrical flaircafe, with mahoga ny rails and a g»od Iky-light. The kitchen is in the cell ar, which is spacious and convenient, and finilhed with aa oven, stew-holes and pantries, a servants' hall and large winc-cdllar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which is an area in which there is a pump. The yard is vaulted. Communicating with the said building is a neat three-story brick house, on the north fide of Union-street, contain ing 30 feet front by feet deep; the lower part of which is at pfefent occupied as a compting-houfe, and the uppef part divided into wall-finilhed large chambers. This house may at a small expense be converted into a convenient dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the front and back have Venetian window-lb utters. Adjoining the Jaft house, upon the lot belonging to the fir ft, are erected bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewise very good coach house and ftablesfinifhed equal [or nearly lo) with any '« the city, On a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, and in depth 011 the wait fide of said alley ja feet. There are good cellars undei the whole of the buildings, and a wine room over part of theftable, with a hay-loitover there mainder. For further particulars enquire of EDWARD BONS.M-L & Co. At their Office No. 64 Doek-ftreet. between Walnut Sc Pcir co llrccu. 6th month 24th, 1796. ' ' • 1 PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, —No. 119-— CHE S NUT-STREET* [Price Eigkt per Ansmr.,] 5