■ ' of the UniteQ&tatt*,- <&* Philadelphia Dally Advertiser. . Number 1234.] TUESDAT EVENING, AUGUST 23, 1796. \VPLUMS. X. fjjj&r The brig Mary \ FOR SALE > AND may be fecn at Abiah and William Byown's wharf. STie is about 800 barrels *- burthen, strong built, and* well but-bolted, has elegant Merc* accommodations, is a good sailer, only 10 months old, Wl ' .and may be sent to fca immediately. Apply to James Brown, No. 119 South Sedond-ftreet. 1 j) Q Who has for sale, | few puncheons high proof I . g or Jamaica Spirits. Jjj AND A FEW BARRELS SHAD.- En] Aug. IJ f}lo Da: __ Sill UNITED STATES, \ „ Th Pennsylvania District, 5 f« Tfl purluance of a Writ to me directed from the Honour- I Iril 1 able Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the Diftrift I "" Court of the United States for the Peanfylvania Dulritft, I Will it exposed to Public Sale, I A At the Merchants* Coflfee-Houfe, in the City of Philadel- ] *- _ ehia, on Monday, the 19th day of August, instant, at 12 I Melfi •'flock at noon, | no^ The SLOOP called the Fo Rebecca, j Ap _ '■g&.siiiJzCi- With all and lingular her tackle, appa- ■ rcl and Furniture, as the fame now are ; the said iloop I having been condemned, to pay Mariners' wages, &c. ! WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marshal. ; n p ; Marshal's Office, 19th August, 179 ft. I For Sale or Charter, 1000 Bbls. of flour-—fhr may be fen* | to sea at a small ctpence,-~h«» fiilt and rigging fieufg nrt—ss; tcry good order—apply to j "Jama Campbell, or J" George Latimer. April 19, rhh This Day commenced Landing, At V iflins wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy and Sloop TJ "St. Jago, from St. JagodeCuba—confiding of 1 White and Brown Box SUGAR. I w f* MOLASSES, of an excellent quality. 1 A ( COFFEE. iST 1 HIDES and HONEY. Also, Ihe For Salo or Charter. j - ts The brig LUCY, A (lout, strong vessel, will carry a- ''' /\ bout jsoo barrels,and way go to I | f«a with a very small expense. j Theabove will be fold for cash or approved notes. Samuel Emery, No. 64, south Second-flreet. j July 7.7, 179 6 - dtf- — U For Sale, the! Or for Charter to the Well-Indies, wR c & 7H R-k g Philadelphia Built, Tftio J and Red Cedar, burthen about _ 3 joa.bar- giv£ C ) rck now discharging at Latimer s what f. I his el g j Wis in excelled repai?, well fouud and will bear a tho- be rough examination, and as soon a, discharged will be tea- \ dv to take in a cargo. For terms apply to Mo John Vaughan. this July 18 — — J At South-street wharf, L* WILL BE LANDED, Friday, 19th inft August, tOl by snow Hope, from Jamaica, a»d sloop Sally, mJ] from Port-au-Prince, I fan . ?oo Hhds. COFFEE, J 7 o Hhds. SUGAR. Also, the cargo of the Swedi/h trig Gufaf Adolphe, capt. Ram/re, from Gibraltar, J ift and 4th proof Brandy, in pipes and hhds. j — Haile Nuts in sacks St.ULesSALT, ferfaleby _ PETER BLIGHT. j] For Charter, . * ' The said brig I . Gustaf Adolphe, ' n * itith a Mediterranean pass, I p r ' very fiae vefTel, about 200 tons bur- I then. Aug. '8. ' j»weo»w hij For Sale Wp m' Friendship, TJURTHF.N 300 Barrels or 140" l, u fl,els Coal, an excellent frame, Liw Oak. and Cedar, and well found with cables, anchors 1 itc. fit for sea—now lying at Almono-ftreet wharf, 1 ho- I ma, Penrofe's. The terms w.ll be made reasonable. Apply to the Owner, No. 311 south Front-flreet, next door to Jpnatha* Penrofe, Esq. AU S- T 9 '° 4 J To~be"fold, " Qn Twelve Months Credit, I If applied for immediately, I | One Hundred Thousand Dollars, I And one hundred and eighty thousand acres of good w LAND, In the (late of Virginia. Apply to the Printer. I Aug. 19 I ~ FOR SALE, A Complete Font of Brevier, • J ENtir«ly r.ew, and yet unopened. The weight of this font is about 31a lb. It is from the Foundery of Wilfon&Sons,Glafgow,and willbtlold at cost & charges. I Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette ol the United States. 119 Chefndt-flreet. *»g 19 |4W__ CABLES, From 16 to 9 i inches, for sale by 1 "Jeremiah Warder, fulv II S No.ia northThird-ltrert. " "a"Book-Keeper, 1 /no Clerk's place i» wanted by a perfoii properly qmli- O fii'd, and whose character will be found unexception able. Apply to the Printer. J Aug. ii | Wm. HOLDERNESSE, , Btl No. 76 High' Street y HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and 50 the Eafl Indies, a well fele&ed assortment of Silk 1 Mercery,, Linen Drapery and Haberda(h£ry Gopds \ which he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; AMONGST WHICH ARE, Q n \ Some fine India muslins with gold and stiver I Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto Do do d« do Handkerchiefs I - Some extra hlack colorctd Persians I Bandano Handkerchiefs — I Long and (hort Nankeens.^ Englifti Mantoas of the firft quality I Damaflc table linen and napkins, very fine I Silk Ht>fiery, an elegant aflortmcnt j Thead and cotton do I Umbrellas—green "silk, oil'ddo. and do cloth I French cambrics, very fine ( - J Iriih Linens, do. &c. 3cc. June 14 $ For Sale, I A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut I j[\ street, between Front and Second streets, in which j I MefTrs. James Calbraith Sc. Co. have for many years (and T" I now do) carried on bufmefs. , , I PolTeffion will be giver, in one month, or foonet. 0 1 j For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or? * ncc HECTOR CALBRAITH. April 11. i k- pt f . FOR SALE, j WINB, London particular Midtira, 4 years old, f or I in pipes and hogsheads Ckret, gennine old, in cases Gin, in pipes, from Holland Earthen Ware, in crates Balket Salt, in hogsheads Shot, Nos. 6, 7, I and 9 Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead Steel, German and Russia, in barrels ( ■vt J Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, THOMAS Jc - . I July t«) ELEPHANT. ■ This Animal is to beffe n in High-Street, betwten the Tenth and the Eleventh-Street. TJE will positively leave Philadelphia the tenth of Sep- Fot j irl tember, for Baltimore, in his way to Charlcl'ton, I where he will win'er. J ADMITTANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar D;ft I for Children. s ot S The PANORAMA, or the VIEW of the CITIES of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, „ f F ) * Is to be open till theToth of September, and the sub- Cou j jea will then be removed to Baltimore with the ELE- boj . , PHANT. feffi ADMITTANCE for the PANORAMA, One quarter of a Dollar. AlJ g uit 3- : — tuo, Tc be fold by public sale, I Wednesday, the ?th day of September next, on lice j the premises in Mount-Holly, Burlington county, by q UC I the Subscriber, at t The Dwelling-Uoufe and Lot fucl Whereon it stands, having been in part occupied as a store I and in a good (land lot I (J-ether with the store-house, liable and buildings thereon , - Linuct I (hop goods and houfebold furniture. A clear title wiil be*j - lr " j riven to the on payment of the money or fuf ef" j ficitnt bond therefor, and polTeffion of the premises will 1 10 " be given in the said month of September. J I The sale is to continue 'till the whole is disposed of. Rc Mount Holly having become rhe County Town, makes w£ this property more valuable than heretofore. The condi -1 tions will be made known at the time and place of sale, by L PETER SHIRAS. ;h I N. All persons indebted tolhefubfcriber,are reqmeft- I cd to discharge the fame immediately, as he intends soon jto remove out of this state. Any person having a jult do "y. maud against the fubferiber, is requested to produce the I fame for settlement. 11 § lw j, I Mount Flolly, August 16, 1796. ar WANTED, ' h '> An APPRENTICE to the Printing Bufmefs. «< Enquire at this Office, auj». 19 a Wants Employment, ITN a genteel family, reriSnt in town or country, a - I 1 French lady lately arrived in this city. She has re- £ ceived a good education and can be well recommend ed. She wifties to undertake the tuition of children, and will teach them to read, write, and speak the lifs > j French language, in A short time, by principles ample, r " | but very intelligible. She will also inftru6t in " 1 history, rnythologie, &c. and will be careful in paying tl stria attention to their morals ; her terms will be very le I moderate. Apply at No. 15, Lombard-Street, Pliiia- - I ladelphia. ° August go. 10t d -1400 I C Elephant. rhn S I T'HE Public is informed thaf this animal will leave Phi- '' 1 ladelphia on the FIRST of September instead ot the n . Y . joth, 'till which time the Proprietor will continue te ex ,4 I hibit him a 6 usual, in High-street near Tenth-street. j-, I Aug. 14 3 J I— " 1 George Dobson, « r> EGS leave to inform the Store-Keeper, in Town and ' D Countrv. that he has removed from to { RS, n°* 25, south Third-street, c od where he is opening a Large and Elegant Assortment of the t J undermentioned articles—viz. ] Superfine London Cloths and Kerfeymeret, j - 1 'YorklhiTe lecond Do. Do. j JL- I Elastic do. do. Mix'd and Blue Coatings j Flannells, &c. L . 1 Manchester Printed Callicoes, ' t " l< London Chintz ditto, r T 01 Blue and ditto Furnituies, lr g es - India ditto, „ „ Lonp Cloths, ColTaes, Baftas, Battilla;& Conjevrems, nited ... a-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Bo„k Muslins, 4W j 4-4 and g-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, I 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, I 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Muslins, I 4-4 & 6-4 Britilh Jaconets, I 6-4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, I 4-4 India do. do. do. , T 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, &c. I a affoitment of figur'd arid plain Mufliaets, Quiltings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy Waitlcoatings, quali- Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback, ption- India Nankeens, . Men's Whiteand^oloured Silk stockings. tf May 9 wecl * Just Arrived, I In the Snow Bolton, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li- ( verpool, Vj 5000 BufheU SALT ; SF 100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and C( An Aflbrtment ot SHIP CHANDLERY ; T. FORSALE SF On at Pine-street wharf.——Apply to T; James Campbell, or vv George Latimer. c \ : April X?. 5_ Landing, A From on board the Schooner Exptrlition, St. Croix Rum&Sugar, ] For Bale by F. COPPINGER, Aog. ti S an South Frent-flreet. Ai DUTY ON CARRIAGES. ~ Notice is hereby Given, co: THAT agreeably to an aft of Congrefa of the United State* ot America, palled at Philadelphia, the *Btb day of May, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey- B'OS ance of persons, and repealing the former acts for that par- \ pose.—That there (Kail be levied, collected and paid, upon all catriagcs for the conveyance of persons, which fHali be g kept by or for any person, for hi* or h«r own use, or to let ■ .. out to hire, or for the conveying of puiTcngers, the feverai du ties and rates following, to wit. For and upon every Coach, 15 dols. upon every Chariot, 12 dols. « upon every Post Chariot, l* dols; " upon every Port Chaise, 12 dols. Con> upon every Phaeton, with or without top, 9 dols lie* upon every Coacbee, 9 dols. mat upon other Carriages, having panne 1 abov«, with bliods, glasses or curtains, 9 dols. O _ upon four wheel cairiages, having framed posts and ? \ tops with iteelipiings, 6 dols. upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron of Spoti chaises with top*, 3 dols. " anK upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. rjj> * us on fulkics with tops, 3 dols. upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. upon two wheel with Aeel or iron springs, 5 3 dols, taw For and upon all other two wheel carriages, 2 dols. upon every four wheel carriage, having framed posts fur\ and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. as V The Coll'&ors of the Revenue of rt>e firft survey of the Diftriftof Pennsylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th day of September next, for the purpose of receiving the duties on Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or Safiafras street, in Oity « of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, Efq in the — Countv ot Montgomery j and at the house of Abraham Du " bois, Eiq. in the County of Bucks; of wnich all perfoni pof IcfTed ot such Carriages are defned to take notiee. oC- Notice is also given, TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign distilled fpiri " tuous liquors, that licences will be granted to them ; one li cence for carrying on the buTinefs of retailing ot Wines, in a . less quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallon*—and one I licence tor carrying on the bufinels of retailing Spirituous li i quors in lelsquan.ities than 20 gallons, at the fame time and at the places, by the officers legally authorized to grant such licences. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Infpe&or of the Revenue of the fiift survey of the dirtriftof Pennsylvania. — - - .1 Take notice, II application will be made for the renewal of I I t he following certificates, ilTued by Joseph Nourfe, | r - Register of tI(E Trcafury, ill the name of Roger Gril 1 : 5 wok!, Esq. of Norwich, Connetficut— j i certificate, fix per cent domestic stock, N«. 13,907 j 7 —dated the i7thDecernber, 1795, bearing interest from I > the firlt day of January, 1791, for 1,597 65-100 dol- j 1 ditto, thres per cent, domestic stock, No. 10,682 I T —dated December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the ,» firft day of January, 1791, for 994 30-100 dollars. 1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166 —dated the 17th I December, 1795, bearing interest from the firit Janu- tk - ary, 1801, for 798 83-iao dollars? , „ | Said certificates are supposed to have been loit or of flolen in this city feme time in December or Janui;y #n _ lafL JOSEPH THOMAS, va No. 59, North Frontrftreet. I 1 Philadelphia, July 21, i79<>' d6w. I sri ■e- Philadelphia, West-Chester, StraJburghA as d " Lane after, Tork and Frederick-town \[ h ZSIAG E S. * U le, HPHE proprietors of the above Stages, return their bed ■ in X thanks to their friends and the public in general, for I ng the encouragement received in this line of bufrnefs, and T>eg I ry leave to inform the public, that they are determined to run u tf;eir stages through from Philadelphia to Lancaster in J one day, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July inllant, I in the following manner, —vi?. A Stage will set out on I L_ that day at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house of Gcofge Weed, Market-ftrect/Philadclphia, and run by I the way of Wtilcnefter and Stralburgh, arrive in Lancaf , . ter the fame evening, on Friday morning run to Wright's I 1 f c rry and exchange passengers with the York and Fredej ick-town stage, return and arrive in Philadelphia on Sat- 1 1 eX " iurday, and on Monday morning tollovving, at 4 o'clock, I ° said stage willfet out from the said George Weed's, Phila | ddphia, and arrive at I.ancafter the fame evening, on Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack will set out from the house tl of Mrs. Edwards," Lancaster, and arrive in Philadelphia I f the f3me evening, and will commence again on Thursday | ■ morning following, and continue every week—The price j? ''° for each passenger from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three j'■ dollars and a half, to York, four'dollars and thtee qHar- ]' the teis, to Frederick town eight dollars, the like funis for l 1 jo'weight baggage, With the usual allowance of 14 lb. 1 J gratis to each pafl'cnger, and j pence a mile for all way I passengers. 3°-s4w ' John Reilly, L George Weed. j Sales of India Goods. V The Cargo ef the (hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- j 1 cutta and Bengal, CONJISTINO OF X A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras I COTTON and SIUC GOODS. among which axk A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, I Doreas, isfc. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, | In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, For Sale by Willings fc? Francis, No. Penn Strict 1 :lf June 8 5 I New-England RUM in Hhds. i- /COUNTRY GIN in barrel*, JUNIPER BERRIES in Cases, SPERMACETI, > COMMON WHALE, and > OIL. TANNERS } SPERMACETI CANDLES, Tallow Ditto, Mould and Dipt White SOAP, in Bcxes Best Boston BEEF, ia barrets anil half barrel* CODFISH, in hhds, Best Boston MACKREL, in barrels, and A few choice fnioakcd SALMON, tor Sale bV JOSEPH ANTHONY & Co. Also, a fraall invoice of well afibrted INDIA GOODS, JUST ARRIVED. Aug. »3 § »o FOR SJIE, COFFEE, in hhds. bbls.(& bags COTTON, of Deraerara, and > entitled to drawback •d SOAL-LEATHER 3 ly Also, >- BOSTON BEEF, and.Mould and Dipt CANDLES. r - Apply ta 1 ISAAC HARVEY, Jun. >n I No. 5 south Water-street. "i 8 mo. 30. $3W et i ..— i — .. L Valuable Manufactory. FOR SALE, I A Saap and Candle Manufactory, standing in a I convenient part of she city. The works are almost I new—on an entire new conftruflion—built of the belt I materials; and ready to set to work immediately. *> I Also, ld 8,000 acres of the firft quality of Land, Lying on the Buchanan and Big Sandy waters, state on jof Virginia This traift of Land is highly recommtnd | ed by dilinterefted peifons—further proofs of its good- T -*v oy app 1 yiXljut SiTlTc'«i*txCC. nr - cVr*' J amount of sales will be exposed in cafh—MefTrs. Mor { rii oc Nicholfon's Notes will be received in payment of I the residue. I 5,a00 acres of Land on Baldwin's creek, Cheming ' I township, Tioga county, state of New-York. This I traiS lies hear the county Court-house, waft originally ids I surveyed to Judge Piatt of New-York, and conlidersd Is- I as valuable propc-rtv. 'he Apply to FRAUNCES & VAN REED, ' a y I Brokers, No. 63 south 3d street. on I Who discount approved Notes of hand at the ftiort j eft notice. Aug. 20 st&s 'j" Cit) cf Walhington. J SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, FOR THE. MPROPIMENT OF THE r|- FEDERAL CITY. 1 I A magnificent i 20,000 dollars, & > mc 1 dweHing-houfe, ) cash 30,000, are ) S©,°°o lj. I 1 ditto ij.ooo & cash 15,000 40,000 mc I 1 ditto 15,000 & c;i#i 15,000 30,000 aut I 1 ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 20,000 I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 io,oo« 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 to,uoo ,s y I I cash prize of 10,000 a do. 5,000 each, are • . 10,000 _j- IQ-i.e- . it§ss> - - 104oaa 00 do. 100 • - 10,000 [0f I »oo do. 50 >• - 10,000 r f ej I 400 do. 25 - - 10,000 j r i| I 1,000 do. 20. - ao,ooo I 15,000 do. 10 • - 150,009 307 1 ~ _ . om Prizes: iol- 1 Blanks. the I 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 7th I B. To favour those who may take a quantity of inn- I Tickcts,the prize of 40,000 dollars willbe the last drawn 1 ticket, and the 30,000 tha last J>ut ost : I And approved notes, securing payment in either monsy I or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received for ia *y any number not less than 30 tickets. This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the pri- I vate buildings to be eredled in the City of Wafhington-- I Two beautiful defijns are already fele&ed for the entire I fronts on two of the public squares ; from these prawings ' it is proposed to ere<3 two centre and four corner buildings, as soon as poflible after this lottery is fold, and to convey I them, when complete, to the fortunate adventur«rs, in I the manner described in the fchemefor the Hotel Lottery. * I A nett dedu&ion of five per cent, will be made to defray I the necessary expenses of pruning, &c. and the surplus j or I will be made a part of the fund intended for the tvutioilai I Teg I University, to be erefled within the city of Washington. The Drawing will'commence as soon as the tickets are cr in J °®- he money prizes will be payable in thirty days jnt 1 after it is finilhad; and any prizes for which fortunate lt on ' j numbers aie not produced within twelve months after the fe of I drawing is closed, are to be considered as given toward* Q C bv the funi for the Univcrlity ; it being determined to fettle nc f- I w^°'c bufinefsin a year from the ending of the draw ght's ' n S> and t( > take up the bonds given as security. edea- I The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, Sat- I ire held t^ie President and two Diredors of the Bank lock I 01 " Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a 'hila- 1 mount ot the lottery. yon The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of noufe the late Commiflioners assisted in the management of the ! p hia I Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous task rfday 1 a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient num. price 1 ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the three friends to a National University and the other federal ob quar- I je&smay continue to favor the design. 11s for I B y accounts received from the different parts of the lb. I Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets way I have been sent for Tale, the public are affurcd that th* , w I drawing will speedily commcn»e, and that the carc and | caution unavoidably neceflary to insure a fafe disposal of I th» tickets,has rendered the laor; fufpenGon indifpcnl'able. SAMUEL BLODGET. J # §. Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia.; o£ 1 James Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of Peter Gilman, Boston ; 1 of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells, Cal- j Cooper's! Ferry. eo Landing ladras j From on board th« Nancy, William Belcher, mas. I ter, from Bourdeaux, a cargo, confiding of— 360 Hhds. CHOICE CLARET, lins, j 2 , 2 Cases of 24 bottles each, Clatet, 286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE, BRANDY, SWEET OIL, acd l > I 1 TRUNK of RIBBONS, For Sale by ~ F - Coppingcr. . j 1 July 23- 1 *