Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 17, 1796, Image 3

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    •*? 1 .. — - ■- — - ' " 1 Ir«
Foreign Intelligence.
. ' LONDON, June 7. ™
The following extraordinary circumflance is re
ported to have recently occurred at Anghrim, on jn
th; bordere'of the county of Wexford, in Ireland : p l,
A young woman employed in the field fell asleep, vi)
and as (he lay on the grass, an jfp crept down her ft:
throat; on awaking die became vety ink, and for
some time continued very ill, with all the lymptom,
of a rapid decay : a surgeon was as length applied a ,
to, and on communicating to him these eircum f u |
(lances, he gave Iter medicine, and ordered that fhtf ex
should be fttfpended from the cieling, with her head m:
down, as lang as she could bear to remain In that "n
petition j the confeqnence was, the repiile, of a
greenilh yellow colour, about four inches long,
and one and a half in circumference, came from ed
her mouth, attended by eleven young ones. The m
young woman i« uow perfe&ly recovered.
June 8.
Capt. Haley, of the Hope, arrived in the Downs
on she 23d of May, in lat 46. 11. long. >2. 30,
saw seven line of battle ships, a frigate and * cutlet
brig (leering about W. S. W. the cutter brig ly
ing to windward, burning and dellroying several
vessels, one of which blew up a league or two ahead so
of us ; by the explosion I supposed her to be bad
cued with gun-poVer. In lat. 40, 30, .long. 8.
was boarded by a lugger privateer of logons, who fl|
examined our papers (American) and fufFered us ail
to pass. From the number of En'glithmen on board hs
they mull have taken a great many prizes.
Received at ClMrleflon, by the Federalijl, capt. Pratt.
LONDON, June 9. £
Wc are now enabled to Hate some particulars re- ta
fpedling the disagreeable news from India. We in
are not yet in poff-flion of the detaiJ, although we
hive received the Madras Gazettes down to the 9th p
of January-lad, which probably may be precluded
fruiTJ ptrbJt+Hing 6n y fucb (je'ves.
According to private letters received from a jjen- B
tleman high in the company's service in India, we
learn, that the 25th battalion of Sjjpoys, com
minded by Capt. Grant, having been ordered to },;
Batavia, the troops refufed ta embark ; on which oi
the governor-general and council ordered this corps
to be disbanded. The troops refufed to deliver up tr
their arms; the 29th battalion ot Sepoys was or- ct
dered againll them, and at length filed on them, m
by which several men were killed. ' m
Some days after, four other battalions of native if
troops were ordered to Ganjam, on the coast, bat R
refufed to proceed., until the 2Q»h battalion was pu
■ ifhed for having firad on theircompanions. The ; r
native troops remained in this Hate of mutiny when j 0
the latest accounts left Bengal; audit is even re- p
ported, thA the governor had ordered all the 1
Jlery from Dum-Dum (not far diflant from Calcut v '
ta, and where a great quantity of ordnance isuus- al
ally kept) into the fort ef Calcutta, as a place of al
fafety. But we cannot vouch for the tiuth of this v»
latter intelligence. 31
Private advices from India also mention, that 6
feveral^of the Brilifli office™ of 'he company's efta
blifhment wete in a Hate of mutiny ; that an offi
cer of high rank a&s as their president,. and that 4
they have a regular chain of corrcfpondence "
throughout India. We (hall be very happy to be
tocontradidl these rumors, which are truly
alarming, but there is some confutation in know
ing," that the (hip which earned out the regulati a
onsot our government, for placing 'he company's n
officers on the fame footing as the king's, was seen
going up the Bengal tiver, as the Major Pinckney
(American (hip) was coming away. n
June 10. ■ F
The funds, on account of the supposed termina- c.
tton 01 the armistice on the Rhine, of which we I
entertain no doubt, continue to fuffer a daily de
prcllion. Some'bargains were yesterday done at j
one time so low as 60 for the consols in July ; and
the India (lock fell to 195, some odds. .
Ihe Insurgents, by the of Sir Gilbert i
Elhot, have been completely subdued. ■
I he rumors of an engagement on the Rhine, in
which the Auflrinns are said to Inve been defeated,
have greatly contributed to affecl the interest of the
(tockholdejs ; but there is no authority for the de
feat which had been so indurtrionfly circulated ;
and we hope, that the next news conti
nent will present a very different afpeft of affairs.
S T 0 C.K S.
Six per Cent. - - .... . jjjy
Three per Cent . 10/7
4 i per Cetjt. - - none for fair. - - 1
Si perCent - . 16,6
Ueferred Six per Cent. ... - to 7
BANK United - - -24 pr. cent.
— Ptniifylvania, ... - 30
— North. America, ... 46 x
Insurance Comp. North-America, 40 per cent. adv.
—— — Pennsylvania, 5 per cent.
Excuance, at 60 days, ... 165 to 166 1-3
[We take pleasure in publishing the following
Decree of the Crown of Poitugal, tianfmitted by
a commercial hottfe ia LKbon, to their correipond
entsin this city, in a letter dated the 7th of June
last, and congratulate our merchants on the advan
tages which are likely to result to the United
Slates, from the ellabliihnvcnt ot a free trade with t
the port of Lisbon."] Daily Adv. t
"I am pleased to eftabliOi Lisbon a sice port, from {
the ift January, 1797, for which purpose 1 haveaa- t
pointed the waie houses and fort of Janquei.a with
the adjacent grounds to make therein the neqe.Tary ac
commodations, for the receiving and depofuing all *
merchandizes and goods whaifoever (excepting for '
. the present sugar and tobacco) as well from foreign I 1
ports as from the national ports on the other fide of I \
the Cape-os-Good-Hope : and such goods, having (aw- c
ful entry, may, at the will of tlx; proprietors, be dif- t
. 'patched for the consumption of the kingdom, on pay- x
ing the competent duties, or may be exported to fo
reign ports, and to national ports on the other fide of
, the Cape-os-Good-Hope, on paying in benefit of ir.y
royal tresfary, and under-the title of prote<flion ind s
de 4 ofit one per cent, of their value according to their t
invoices, signed and f-.vo-n by the mailers cf vefiels or f
their coniigjiees; and there ih-II be free liberty for £lf f,
Ihips to come in and fail again with their cargoes on j
observing the eflablifhed forms: and Ibe eby suppress
all duties, and revoke ail diipofitions, which oppose
and confine the libeity & which constitute the
advantage of the present ellab'ifhmtnt. ''
" In order to animate and promote an
and concurrence of grain of the firft necessity, I am ri
pleased to declare that every quality of grain atid pro- -
visions which are free from duties on entry, not only |
fhal! enjoy the privilege of exportation, but (hail be
free from the afoi%faid dntv, on making the proper en-'
tries at the refpf dlHve boirds. ''
'■ In cafe the Crown of Portugal fbonlil enter into (
a war (which God forbid) with any power whose I
fubjeifls have property in the said free port, without a
exception of grain or provisions, there fball not be
made on it any arrefl, embargo, fcqueftsr or rep ifal ;
on the contrary, it shall be as free and a": if it
were in their own houses, and they may dilpofeof the
fame as they may judge convenient."
The letter ioclofing the above, fays "it is imagin- ti
ed that the reftri<flion*on «id tobacco will be re- t
moved." e
1.11 111 I
NEW YORK, Augufl 16. , j
There were 16 arrivals at this port yeiterday. j
| Thd Sarah, from Barcelona, ought to have given us
| something new, but nothing has been obtained.
Traijlated for the Aigus '
Continual Victories on the Rhine. c
A paflenger in the Dispatch, capt. from
Bourdeaux, kas politely handed in the t'Courrier KepitbUc* t
5 a/«**, of June 19 an<i xo, printed at Paris, from which we t
1 have hastily trar.flated the following t
PARIS, 29 Prairial, June 18
It is generally reported in the Council of 500, that a c
courier is arrived who in the natne of the Emperor re- <
quests an ARMISTICE, and proposes that several iqipor- j
- tant places, such as MENTZ fhali be held as pledges dur- t
? ing the negociatlons. I
It is further added, that the principal difficulties were
obviated this night, and that the PRELIMINARY OP 1
J PEACE is signed betwe.n the Dire&ory and the Envoys
' of *rf~Vn,nna at Pari*.
McJNSJER, (Muynfeld) June 7. ,
Bulletin of the Armies of the Sambre and Meufe, ps Prairial'l9,
. June 7. j
Th« principal part of the division under general Le Fe
vrehas pajfedthe LAHN^ t the remainder is.upon the right J
1 bank, with that of gen. Colaud, as well,as almoit all that <
t of Grenicr.
s Gen Bonnard, with part of this lafl division, and other
-j troops, forming a body of 7to 8000 men, will this night
encircle Ehrenbreitfiein j which he is goirjg to blockade.
Gen. Championnet this night passes the Rhine at the
> mouth of the river Lahn* with his division; by which
means, besides the troops employed before Ehrenbreir- ,
itein, there will be to-morrow oh the other fide oi the
Rhine, 50,000 men, ready to a&.
The divjfions of general Marceau, Poncet, and Ber
nardot, continue to occupy the Hundidruck; they -keep
in check the army of prince Charles, which it is said ha?
just fentconfiderable reinforcements ro that commanded by
prince Wirtemburg, •which is ENURE LY" ROUTED.
The headquarters of the division of Hundfdruck are ad
A coiifidcrable body of Auftrians have retreated to Kirn
" and have taken a very advantageous,'pofition ; but they are
f absolutely cut off from the reft of the Aufcrian army, with
s which they can have no further communication. The}
are so far surrounded that they will soon be obliged to lay
down their arms for want of iuccours and provif.o s. „
Gen. Ernouf, who from NieuXyied, returns to
morrow (June 8) to eftablilh himfelf. In the dffaur near
- Nicuwied. I informed you that he took from the wierray
t 4 pieces; I was mi ftak'en, for there were 12 ; besides this
c wc have found in the \vhich have fallen in ou*
hinds 13,000 quintals of flour, 300,000 bundles of hay,
and 30,000 bufhelsof oats.
y BONN, June 9.
General Bonnard, who has the command of >he block
ade of received counter orders the mo
-8 merit he arrived at Huningu m.
Tlie flefign ©f his expedition was, to seize upon all
the enemy's posts on the banks of the Rhine, and he
y has fulfilled it with as much presence as bravery, Hf
now returns -to his cantonments in the environs ot
Bt>nn and Cologne, while the two battalions which he
*- commanded have joined the division of GrenieT near
r e Ehrenbrcitltein..
p June 10.
at are informed, that head-quarters are to be tranf- I
, ferred to Neuwied.
IU We have taken at Neuwied a very considerable ma
gazine of forage ; another of every kind of provisions
at Hackenbourg—a third of flour at Montaubauer j
rt in (bort, a fourth and the bed furnilhed of the whole,
at Limburg.
j n This moment the news arrives, that the army of the
J R! ine and Mefelle hasbegun its operation with no less
' vigour than that of the 3ambre and Meufe, and that it
had advanced as far as the heigths of Frakenthal.
e " JARDIN, Editor.
ti- PARIS, Jdne 20.
The council of 500 waited yesterday for ttte melTage
- from the Direcflory, which was expedfed would h.we
announced peace with the Emperor. The mellage did
not come ; but this expectation was not without cause.
Every thing induces us to believe, that we (hall not
long be miltaken.
By the schooner Difpa'ch, Capt. Dndfworth, in 48 da< »
from Bordeaux, we have received Paris papers to the fi'.h
June, four days than before received. They contain
no aitic'es of impcrtance.
We have translated a few articles, haying received papers
at a i»te hour.
The Austrian accounts of on the Rhine, arc
among the moll material.
'• The artny of Gen. Klrber is advanced as far as Lahn. It
is said that Ehrenbreitllein is already blockaded.
From the Gazette Francaife — and
ig 16th June, 1796.
<y Tianflated for the Daily Advfrtiser.
d- Extradl of a letter from the Head-Quarters of the
ie Archduke Charles, at Mayence, the sixth of
n- June.
:d " The battles which were fought yesterday and
:h the day before,in the environs of Lanteriek, a (Irong
town about eight leagues ftom Dctix Pont, will,
m form an epoch in the annals of warfare, on account
?' of the bravery and obstinacy displayed by our troops,
'k General Jourdan attacked us upon our centre
jj with a boldness which seemed to aflure him vitlory.
3r Our troops repulsed him twice with considerable
•n I loss ; he retufned a third time to the charge and
as I with such impetuoufity, that our troops, in spite
v- of their lirm'refiftance were obliged to retieat ; this
' they effedted with good orderto Oppenheim, V7in
waller, and Mayence in order to preserve a commu
o£ nication with Field Mardial Coui t Wurmfer.
y We le irn at this moment, that the centre of his
id army has been attacked by three Itrong ipoluiuns of
ir the French, who have marched from the valley of
Rupetfweflfc* Anvei!l--r, e -numan-W hv Ge*- SI
Murtau, in pcrfon ;hut a« the principal pofrion i
Kaiferlautern, Itat'iics from Worms defended
by the brave General Merzaro*. appear 1 ! imprcgn .
!>V, we believe they will not there have the fame
fnceeii. v
The number of prisoners and wounded which ar
rive here, prove, that in the affairs of the 4th and J"
sth, thelols has been eopfidtrable on both tides. B)
the tirlt opportuniry you (hall have the-detaiU. '
, The French not content v\ i h having made them- Bi
selves malters of Lantern, McfTeiiheim, 1 Creutfnach, thl
G-mmerlheim & Kimmerem, a city upon the Su
H', ai-.nCt 5 le agues from Ehrenbreitfteii.
and the pofitiona have advanced by a ou
forced march,and >;tve out that they will again
round opr attty."
BONN, Jime 6. ' W
" As I ir.fotroed you yclterdiy the French have
made thiltifelves mafieis of Aldenkirchen, and, the
tormidable intrenchments which the Auftria»s had
ere£ted on the heights. They were attacked the o
4th of June by the divifionaiy General Colaud.—
The enemy fought wit h the greatest obstinacy, and C j
the 1 vi£tory was liifputed from nine in ihe morning
till one in the afteinous. In the mean time the dc
Prince de Wurtemburg had feat an officer of the
huflars with orders to abandon that poliuon, but
the officer and dii'pat Jics fell into the hands of the
French. The enemy fought in conltant expeftati of
on of receiving a reinforcement, till they found them A
selves furroundej by the republican troops, then
they attempted to open themselves a pafTage, and
twice they were repulsed with immense slaughter— Li
they finally surrendered after having seen a vafl
number of their comrades fall. Among the slain tl
are a lieutenant colonel and two captains. Yelter- at
day afternoon there arrived here near two thousand
prrfoners, among them are 39 officers, the mod of G
them of the regiment of Jordes. The Colonel of n
tl*t regiment iscxpedted to arrive today with the B
relt of tli/ prisoners. P
COLOGNE, tßth Prairial.
A courier" an ived this morning informs us, that ~
the left wing of the army of the Sambie and the 1
Meufe, pursued its victorious march to the right G
bank of the Rhine. The following is the official [j
account' which confirms the capture of the Autuian f c
entrenchments at Aldeskirchen.
Head Quarters at Lin/., 17th Prairial, F
4th year of the Republic.
Bonnarde, General of D'vilion, to the General of
Brigade, DaviTnot, at Cologne*
" I hallen to a> quaint you my dear comrade with v
the contents of a letter which 1 have rti is moment n
received from the Etat Major »>f General Klebtr, c
that ill the engagement of yeflerday the heights o( b
Aldenkirchen were turned with Inch rapidity, that
all the artillery wkn h defended them were taken, "
together with a battalion of Jordis 1500 ttrong, as
also its colours, the colonel and many other prison j
ers, and »hat the route of the enemy, was unexam t
pled. We know very well that our brave army will i
in its turn gain as brilliant viiiories as thole of *
Italy. *" 1
Vive la Repuliiqne. f
An armiftief ;s to be concluded with the
King of Naples, who has sent the Duke de Pigna- C
lelli, as an enyoy to Paris, to obtain peace. It is t
not fai 1 how much the armiilice will colt the King '
of Naples.
We are affined that two millions in gold, had ar- 1
'ived from Italy, and that in forwarding them, j
Gen. Buonaparte has written, that he will take u
pOn hirufelf to pay all the bills of exchange of the 1
'overnment. , " 1
They write from Er,gland of the ift of June, that
they are preparing for the Pretender of France, the '
Royal Palace of Kensington, about 4 leagues from '
London. t
Ship Camilla, Williarnfon, from Philadelphia, is ar
rived at Dover.
The ship not loft on the Nore, as stated"
in a Charleflon paper*" ihe drove ashore in the Downs,
but got off agais.
A fliip was in fight of the Fori this morning.
A latter I rum Cape Francois dated July 29, mentions
the arrival there of a fraall fquadrpn from Rochefort, un
der the commafed of capt. Barney. Alio the arrival of
the brig Sally, Jackson from this port.
Captain Barney failed 48 hoars aher hit arrival.—This
news may be depended on.
>he brig Neutrality, King, is arrived at Hifpaniola
from this poi t.
Schooner Greyhound, Daniel, North Carolina j
Sally, Williarnfon, Currituck 5
Commerce, Faucett, North Carolina 5
Gardner, Wilmington N. C. 13
Betfi?y, Lawfon, St. Thomas 17
Industry, Green, Virginia 13
Sloop Fanny & Catharine, Slack, do. 4
Lydia & Betsey , Ward, do. 17
Salem, Elkins. ~ do. 5
Morning Star, Sunbridge, do. j
Brig Fame, Churn fide, Jcrem-e j
Florida, Woodmaif, Havanna I
Seven Brothers, Herring, Jamaica
r Commerce, Reynolds, Jacquemel
Betsey, Hunt, Port-au-Prince
Schooner Minerva, Coltu, ' Havanna
Polly, Cronan, Dominique
3edty, Paddock, St. Thomas
Chaining Betsey, Lark, Antigua
Sloop Eliza, Nicbolfon, St. Croix
Mary, Taiem, do.
Sally, Watts, Port-au-Prince I
Arrivals at' New-Tori—sluguji 16. 1
Ship Plato, Buck, Jamaica '
Brig Sarah, Douglas, Barcelona
Two Sillers, Stran, St. Bartholomews
Eliza, Mil er, I St. Croix 1
James, Trowbridge, do.
Fox, Flower, Jeremie '
Industry, Smith, Jamaica '
Eox, Colden, do.
Marietta and Huldir, Savage, Anguilla-
Hull Packet, Defbon, Oporto
Schooner Nymph, Clark, Lancevaux
Vulpes, Dillingharn» Curracoa
, Dlfpatch, Dodfworth, Beurdeaux
Hiram, Beekman, St. Bartholomew s
Lucretia, Betts, Hifpaniola
Americana, , Charleston
Betsey, Clark, Gonaivei
/ J /
Sloop , Clr-leftoii
Trimmer, Bclfoia, V -& vrg
Courtney, Peterfkridge, Newfcuuoiand
Ship M'Gilvra is life arrived at Auitterdam* from
Snbw, Camilla, is arrived fafe at Halifax.
Brig Freeman is at St. Thomas's.
Capt Dudfvvorth failed from Bourdeaux on the 28th of
June. 10 puffer gsrs came in theDifj ateh. Is* lat. 40, ao>
long 62, 30, spoke ship .Columbia, *?earfe, from thin
j-Crtfor Amftcid rA, oVit 8 days—-all well
Arrived last evening, the febooner Hiram, Captain J.
Buchanan, in 13 days from St, B*rtholemews, and fpokft
the following vMfMs or* his paflfirge :
Auguit 3 Bjißetky, belonging to New-London, from
Surinam, * 2 day* afc't, aU
August 6 HngU;tifus, ijom New* York to Hifpantola,
out 20 days.
Augutt 9. Hrie Unit*', froitfi St Uarfcholernews, bound to
New-York, q day's olit.
"Capt. B»>char\an Jetc from 10 to 12 fail of American vef
feis at St Bartholomews.
3 he it.ip Si illy of was at St. Baitholemews taking
in a cargo for Europe; Ca,,t. B could not recoiled her par
ticular port of deftmation.
Captain Dcfhoo, ol th<* HuTl Packet, ,68 days from
Of «ito> (pftkr the foHowing or* his paYTzge :
Junr 59. ft, oke the biig Jofcph, Caprain Babcock., from
Chatlcfton, bund to the coast of Guin.ea, 20 days out, lat.-
,38, long. c 5.
July ii. A Swedish brig from Gibraltar, bound to Phila>
deiohia, 30 days out, long. 53, 30 *
July 30. Schooncr Urn, Cap ain Lylley, from Kenne
beck to the Weft-Indians, out 10 clays lat. 39, 32, long
6a> 30.
Capt. Doddfworth left at Bordeaux, the ftiio Small wood,
of Philadelphia, Captain Johnson, and a number of other
American vcflels, nafnes not rec»lle&sd.
1 he Ruby, Capt- Lloyd Jones, of a-nd for Philadelphia,
failed in company witty Capt. Daddlworih.
Captain Beth, cI the fchoo.ier Lucre ia, 21 days from
Leoganc, left there the following American veflels :
£N. B. Those marked with the letter i are for trial, bein£
sent in by French privaieos, or their barges they aie au
tr»orifed t take all Americans bound toil. Mack's or Poit
an-Pi 1 nee J
Names of Vrffeh and Majliri, and these for Trial. , •
Sch'r Regulator, Standwood, from New-Y.,(k; brig
Glasgow, Codwife, from do. 1 ; Chariot.e, King, do.
lliup Nancy, Small, Phi adelphia, T ; fl*op sincerity.
Boyd, do. T; fljop Huggins, do. T( fl op Dol
phin, Moray, do. Triton, Flinn. do T;. brig Expe
rience, Houfiftn. do. Tj fct.oonrr Bfice, Robeir, ,jo» Ts
Ichnoner FeiicuyT7"®' ce > do - brig Indullry, MifTcy, fial
limore, T; tchooner Hannah, Philips, do. fcnooiicr Nancy,
1 uttle, Charlcftoft'; 'cti'i , Andrews, do. Aictae, Mann,
George-l own, b. C. T; brig Eli/a, VVhitefield, WiUning
ton, N. C." T; fioop Joanna Hunt, Providence, R.I. . I
fl'op Sally, Smith, do. Tj feb'r Ann, G lbs B -Its Tj
feb'r Jano, do. T; fl Britannia, Young, N. Yarmoutn, f.
From the log book of the ship Atalanta, Capt. Iloi
brook, arrived here on Sunday, 8o days from Li
AugiJt 5. —Saw a (hip, having a signal of distress—
bore away for her. We hodted out our yawl, and
went on board - (he proved to be'the 'Htue, of Bultj
more, that failed from Amsterdam May 7, undtr the
command of St. John Farrier, with- 350 palTrngers,
bound to Baltimore.
v\ hen they had been a few week l ; a? fca, a number
of them was attacked with ACQiitagicus diftetrcper, of
which the Captain died in a few ilavs. <it the time
we boarded her, there were i'even ie'ad, the firifc and
second mate, and many of the palfengers confiued to
(heir birth?, and only three har.rls left capable of work
ing the veifel ; tbey had then loft by this fuknefs up
wards of 100 persons, and every thing exhibited the
utmost *li|trel«.' —Captain H. a man on board, to
3 Tift j n f akirg her into the most convenient port, and
fuppliedthem with some stores, which they were much
in need of
• July 29. —Spoke the brig Peggy and Polly, from
Cadiz to Boston, 4odaysojt, lat. 40, 24, long. 67 —
two days before, carried away her main- matt, foretop
mafl, boats, &c. in a squall. r
Augult 4. At 10, A. fpbke the ship Governor
Mifflin, John Love, master, from Philadelphia, bound
to Leghorn, la-. 39, 38, long. 64, 30, out 6 days,
bound to Leghorn 2 —all well.
August 9. - Spoke the ship Fame, of and from Phi
ladelphia, bound .0 London, 6 days out, lat. 38, 5,
long. 7«.
Atrguft 13.—Spoke the ship Ganges, Capt. Green,
from Philadelphia, bound to Bengal, 4 days out, lat.
lat. 38, 46; lon». 72— Ml '.veil.
Arrivals at Bnjlon, dugufl Igl
Ship Goverm.r Bowdom, Oaks", "L.fbon, 47 days.
July 24, lat. 38, 27, leng. 52, spoke schooner Eliza,
Arnold, 11 days from Philadelphia, for Malaga. Aue;.
5, hit. 41, 43, I >ng. 64, lpoke fh'p President, Boynton,
3 days from Wifcaffct for Liverpool.
Brig Columbia, Lovell, Liverpool, 68 June
7, offScilly, spoke the Hunter, Nye, 40 days from
■ New-York,for Gliernfey. June 15, lat. 48, 23, long.
18,13, spoke the Joseph Stone, of Portland, 11 dayn
from Liverpool for Philadelphia. July 25, off Isle of
Sables, spoke Diana, Brown, 35 day 3 from Marble
; head ; had carried away her top mafls—but lud erec
. ted new ones. Aug. 4, spoke brig Jane, 24 hours from
Portland for Liverpool.
Ship Minerva, Eldndge, St. Übes, 49 days. Left
1 there, just arrived, brig Dolphin, Kipley, of Boston.
BngKaty Rider, St. Übes,-47 days. Left there,
ship Sarah, Doggett, of Boston, to fail foan. July 23,
lat. 40, 30, long. 51, 29, spoke ship Lury, Smith/; days
from Salem, for. Madeira. July 24, lat. 41, 5, long.
S3> *5> spoke ship Virginia Packet, 7 diys out, for
n- fU c y 3 r' ljt ' 42) 5 " 6 ' lon ?- 6l ' r ftip
Wilcaflet, Stetson, ? days from WifcaCTet for Liver
pool. Sailed in company with brig , Voax, for
. Aug "'V Arrived b'rig Hope, Voax,'St. Übes, jo
days. The Fortitude Cl.ft, for Boston, to fail soon af
te)-. July 2J, lat. 41, 12, long. 54 , ,6. lpoke fliip Polly
and Harriet, Abrams, 35 days from Cadiz for Boston.
Ju.y 24, fell in wirh the wreck of a vgflll, «hich from
. many preceding circumstance» they judged had blown
op. J u [y 2 7> lat. 43, long.'6o, 45, spoke ship Mary,
Jones, of ;i days from St. Übes. July -i,
[»'• 43 >, J, long. 62, to, spoke fchr. Pro /idence, a Mar
blehead fifterman ; had fprunk her foremaft danger
ously. 0
CMAULESI ON, August 9.
A gentleman in this citv received bv yefierday's port
a remittance of four thousand dollars', from the com
mittee of the citizens of who opened a sub
scription in that city for the relief of the fufferers here
bv the fire of the 13th of June
- - " .i-m
india Goods at Auction.
ON Friday next, at 10 o'clock in the morning, will be
fold at auction, at No. 56 South Front-street, about
to bales of India white Goods, entitled to the drawback,
consisting of—
Lo»g Cloths
Hum hums
Mfill Mulls.
Edward Fox, Au&V.