/ of the &> Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. KUMBF.X 1227.] , MONDAY EVENING, Mjr]UST 15, 1796. \ \Volvmf. Jjjjjfclr The brig Mary MWh FOR SALE, F AND may be seen at Abiah and Wiliiani irou*** Brown's wharf. She is about 800 barrels burthen, strong built, and well but-bolted y has elegant accommodations, is a good sailer. only 10 months old, and may be ferjt to Tea immediately. Apply to James Brown, No. 119 South Second-ftreeC. Who has for sale, a few punchcons l.ign pr.oot - Jamaica Spirits AND A FEW BARRELS SHAD. Aug. if For JEREMIE, • tej||^^Thefchooner Hope, I Brig Betley. h< THEY are fact-failing veflels, xnd-ha.ve elegant accommo dations. For passage only, apply to Richard & James Potter, Aug. 5 § No 8 north Frqnt-fireet For Rotterdam, „ y The fl»ip Cat K A KIN E , Jfcy'fi John Farraday. Mafltr, S&ViiSsSafc ' I WO thirds of he: cargo will be On . 1 board this week. The remainrr.'j third wi'l he taken on freight if offered soon, as she will ~ positively fail.in all next week. A few palfengers can he ■we'll accommodated F»r terms of freight or p iffa^e L apply to the captain gn board at Mr. Hud tie's wharf, or to jnHN CRAG, * - Aug. 8 J No., ii Dodc-iireet. For Sale or Charter, THE SNOW BOSTON, BURTHEN about 2000 Bbls. of flour—(he may be f--ii f to sea at a fnwll expence, her fails and rigging ii , vciy good order—apply to James Campbell, or , | George Latimer. April 29, § For Madeira, V-'-*:;.V*"• James Wickham . Mi.Vr, * —Expeaed to fail m all n xt week, •WILL take a tew barrels on freight Apply to the mifl ter on board at Stamper's wh rf, or to John Donnaldfon, No. 25 Walimc-ltreet. *ug. 6 §7 Just rrived, In the fhio MMly» John F'o»t. \Jafter, f»nm Livero >o? % 5000 Bushels Bell fine (loved SALT, «CO BulVls HOls h rI >1., And 118 Crates of hhVsW ARK aIT rt; J ' ;R sale by Philip Niekiin & Co. 3-., M. «. THE SMD Ship M OILY, T S for s n» CH RT* R. the' is S * yea»sold. Philadelphia built, of white •Sk, was well 'aVd and-carries about 4SOO bartels of Fifcu< ' Tor term® apply as aboVe. July 23. d f This Day commenced Landi- g, At Vifflins wharf, tit. cargo of the Brig Lu.y and Sloop St. Jago, from St. J ago de Cuba—conliitingof White and Brown Box SUGAR. MOLASSES, of an excellent quality. . COFFEE. HIDES and HONEY. Also, For Sale or Charter. \ flout, strong vefl'el, will carry a x\ bout 1200 barrel'", and may go to - f«a with a very small exptnfe. .The $b9Ve_will be fold for calh or approved notes. Samuel Emery, " « . :———— No 64, south Second*ftreet |uly 17, 1796. dtf; Formal e, Or for Charter to the Well-Indies, jfjjfe c e'r'h; s, OF Live Oak and Red Cedar, bdrthen about 3?03 bar rels, now discharging Latimer's wharf ■ 1 his ves sel is in excellent well fouud and will bear a tho rough examination, and as soon a* discharged will be tea dy to take in a cargo. For terms apply to John Vaughan. July 28 § Just Arrived In th brig Betsey, from Jeremie, and for sale hy 360 Hhds. CHOICE CLARET, ta Cases of 24. bottles each, Claret, cit; 286 do. of ; 4 do. WHITE W 7 INE, BRANDY, SWEET OlL.aud , da ' 1 TRUNK of RIBBONS, „° r FOl Sale tv au< F. Coppinget. Wm. HOLhKKNKS>r, • A r o. 7iS ///r» Street, j HAS received hy the Lt-ft arrivals from Europe and p r( the Eatl Irdies. a well fetched aflortm'snt of Silk ' j Mercery, Linen I>rjp?ry and Haber+dtliery rtoods: which acc he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; AMONOST WHICH ARE, f r ,g Some fine India mufllns embroitfered with gold and fflver +• Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad Mulmul ditto | Do do do do Hculkcrchiefs ' j the Some extra black taffetics,l>it«&rings and colored Ptrfiins rc ,- Bandano Handkerchiefs' 1 Long and (hort Nankeens exc Englilh Mantuas of the firfl quality J ar Daniafk table linen and napkins, very fine hi; Silk Hosiery, an elegant aflui'tmant f-r Thead and cotton do {no tjmhrella^—green silk. oil'ddo. and do cloth .i 1 French cambrics, very fine — r Irish Linensj do. &c. Sac. Jufie 14 '■ § i — ; — ——■ V* anted, r r'\ Tarttter with a fma'l capital to unite in the hufmefs i . <• \ • till and . pitiillfrj. in Virginia. Inquire of ~ the Priu'-r Aug j {iw J-V.r 1 . '' ''••• 1 * Th»ee' thry cWirK HOUSE -n* Lot, in Chefnot 11~\. flr .et, between r ::r an Second streets, ii which ■MeiTrs. James Calbrai'li 3> Co. have for manj years (and • now on hulncis. '• ./ Poffefiior- willie givu in one r. nnth, or sooner. - * lor pe]) t° WJLI lAM BELL, >*~ HECTOR CALBRAIffI April 41. * § FOR SALE, WINE, Lon j>ll particular Madeira, 4 years old, in pipet and hrgfhiads x Claret, •gemiire old, in cases f e , Oi" in p'oes, from Holland * ' n Ware, in crates I BV. e Salt, inhogfheads ; >. ■•>s. 6, 7, 1 'j'id 9 W F r Lea:!, F.sd and white dry lead — Steel, Gertna' and Rufiia, in irrels Anchors, cubles, junk, bunting, tarpolin Canvas, W Tin plates—Ah invoice Stationarv hv W i ItOM VS & JOHN KETLAND. fit July .$ : !V C A, B L E S, Fron j 6 to 0 \ inches, for sale by ' jfcr-ef&Mk Hr rfrt l _ - , July.Ji ,f No 12 northThird-flxcet. "E L PII ANT. Th fl d the Eleventh-Street. A H- will eof ively leave Philadelphia the tenth of Sep. t( h - for Baitimere, in his way to Charleston, 1 where he vviii *'in er , ADM' 1 vNCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar for Children 1 Ihe PANORAMA, or the VJF " of the CITIES of ± LONDON and WF.S MINSTER, in Is to.he open tili the lOth of September, and the sub- t ii >p jefi will then be removed to Baltimore with the ELE- g ( PHANT 'ti. ADMITTANCE for the PANORAMA, O One quarter of a Dollar-.- w y. , ■ t_ th . ~~ : .. 4i< >a es of Inf will be regularly filed 1 an<£ none pcryjtie \ to be taken away on any accrvunt. •.v toilet, Sj3upe«, j-liie-, lee Creams, and a variety 1 of Tr n'c> i .rqiiof.: roi/. 'ber with rhe ufaal refreihmems. r will .vr al'. '.im« b rrocierert at the !»r. . ' j Gentlemen may depen lon being accommodated with | th. "lioieMt el Wine*, Spirituous Liquors, and the moil - | approved Milt Liquors f r»ir Loi; lon anil o'her breweries. The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest productions oi the Srafon. Large and small Parties, or fmgle Gentlemen, may be j accommodated with Break fills, Dinnrt, or Suppers, at j hours mo l conv nient •o themfelves—- ( n ld Collation is regularly kept lor coijveriency, the B.iidf Fare to be had ' , at the, bar I The Lodging Rooms will be compl te'y lurnifhed, and the utmofl attention paid to cleanliness, aud v very other 1 j requifjje. j gj" S.*Muct Richardet will behappyto receive, and i execate the commands of his Friends, and the Public at . . large; and vj,th graritude for their favours, he pledges hitnfel 1 ' that nqthiig on his part Ibalibe wanting to pre- _ serve that patronage with which he has been so diflinguilh ingly honored. Philadelphia, April 19. eo T -..via.l. ~1.11. .1. .«... . —_ ' PiiUJp' NicKiin LO. Hjrs FOR a ALB, Ct Souch6tip _ hi s Hyfoij Skin ) { w Young Hyson > FRESH TEAS | w Hyfo? 2nd \ |l« Irapef.al ■* i ■ ' Yellow Nankeens ;, . ; Wftna . Vare, assorted in Boxes and Chefls v " | Ouir'.filver 13 nc' an no Handkerchiefs of excellent qiality iu cherts L adon Market 1 MADEIRA WINE London.particular >in pipes, hoetfheads, & New-York Market J quarter caiks TenerifFe \Vi;.e in pip-s and hog&eads Sugar Candy by the Box Sail Canvas No. 1 a 8 Lead ip sheets . » 3 Casks rif i utlery afTortetl c A few cherts of Mancheiler Goods, aflbrted.thiek- a sets, cords, striped Nankeens, &c. ia 3 Small packages of black sewing-silks 1, 8 Tierces Virginia Snake-root. 'I Nails alTortcd in caflis d Julv t'B ' mwSif n O i Vlonday next, (July,) * j Will be landed at South llreet wln.-J, ihe cargoes o\ Superb v Wrft Indian and Isabella, from Jamaica and Havanna, con a filling of C Molasses in Hogsheads, Col Fee in hogsheads, barrels & baa;s, " FGR SALR BY p PETER BLIGHT, ;; — - -Who hamlio (9* - A quantity of Jamaica GINGER, ; cr:° & j - i And 150 boxes Kambro* GL ASS, )by 9, will ' ! be foid cheap. S July eo diot & tuth & s »ot r r To be fold, ( A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, coun ty of Gloutertvr, and state of New-Jersey, contain ing about one hundred and fifty acres ; a suitable propor '■ tion o which is woodland and improved meadow. A •- great part of th« arable land is in a high state of cultiva tion, and very natural to the production of Red Clo.yer. On frid plantation there is a genteel two-story brick house, . with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cellar under 1 the whole» together with a barn, corn-cribs and carriage- 1 -heufe I he'g rden is large, and contains a good collec ' tion of the bell kinds of gristed and inoculated fruit trees ; ' ■ the orchard confilL of about three hundred grafted app 1 I trees. Any person m lined to purchase said premiles, may ' !be informed ef the terms by applying to • ' aJ Andrew Hunter. , _Jtiy_29 : F ( Asjheton an I James Humphreys, ' r J CONVEYANCER S, , HAVE removed their office to No. 6i, Walnut-street, next door but two to the corner of Dock-flrcet, , where all INSTRUMENTS IN WRITING art drawn at a moderate charge with care, accuracy and dispatch.— Thi>y KLewife buy and fell Real Estates upon commis sions, and procure Vtoney upon Loan on good security.— The business of an A FTORNEY AT LAW and NO I'A RY PUBLIC is also tranfailed at the said office as usual _ by . ASSHETON HUMPHREYS. N. tl. Good Notes discounted. July 5. eo6w nl For Sale, A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill, IN New Jeifey, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour. Fhe Grift Millis sixty by forty feet, two water wheels, and calculated for four run of Stones, with screen, fans and boultir.g-cloths, &c. The Saw-Mill has two capable of cutting five to 6 100 thousand feet of Boards per year. A valuable piece ef Cedar Swamp within a mile . 2 \ and a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile jof a Landing The Lumber, &c. may be taken by water from the mill tail. ALSO rOR SALE, Several Valuable Tra&sof Land, _ In Pennsylvania, for all of which payment will be ~ ed in the notes of Messrs. Morris and Nicholfo'a, or in Cash. jFor further information apply to the Printer. ;a- May 17. aaw 00 Plans of the city of Philadelphia, or Including the Northern Liberties and diftrifl of :k, Southwark; ds, Published, and fold by ey BENJAMIN DAVIES, No. 68, High street, i(Priee one dollar.) THIS plan is s6 inches fauare, and has been en ng graved by one of the firft artists in the city, from a bt' ;a and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a parrv st phlet with each plat), giving " some account of the citv, its population, trade, government, &c. July 19 tafcftf George Dobson, BFGS leave to inform the Store Keepers in Town a u* .Countrv, that he has removed fro n M*rke*-S;rc<.i * N°* 25, south Third-street, where he is opening a Large and Elegant AlTorcment the undermcniiorftd article*-—-via. Superfine LondonC!r>thsand KLerlevmcret, York*hiie U cond Do. Do. Ehftic do. do. Uix'd'and tflue Coatings - Fhnp.cL's, &c. Manchc-flfe* Wnted CajticOe*, Xon4<"/tTChint dfito, c'uto fur\i!:uTes, India \ data. Lo«j C ffd'es, Raftas, Baiti!)as& ronj«vteilM> 4-4 5"1 Superfine India Book ttdtlinH and 9-8 !«d a ><>h Kandkercnurfa, 4-4 artel 9- 8 • 4-4 6-4 n'ain cio M.i&tns, 4-4 & 6 4 B-icilh Jac(>ne«s f 6-4 H> ftilh Checks and brripea, 4-4 nUa do. do do. 4 T 4dt'?r> ChiH'>es, Madras Handkerchiefs. Sec. i A tarije aff»ntsimt ot figur'd a:»d lain Musti neU, Q i'ltings, Dimities, and *triped Nankeens, Fancy vVatUcoatings [ Gin- hams ot the 6yll Quality, fubjeft to Drawbacks India Nankeens, i Mc-n'S Whirtaiwi coloured Si?k tiockings. M'a> <) Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN awajtthi morning from the Subscriber* ftffag in the county of Mosnrouth Nev/-J.rfey, a rem > v»biy black Negri) M?.n, r.a:i;ed BEN— 46 years age, 5 leet <> or 10 inches high, stout made, bald on the crown of his head ; had on and took with him a grey Ihomcfpun coating coat and jacket, a brown cloth coat* with a black collar/homsfpun tow shirts trowfers; with other shirts aad lma-1 clo»athti wb ch cannot be ei U mevated. He is a coinplaifar«t, artful and deceitFul fellow- r Whoever will take up and fecare the said Runaway ,'so that his owner m y him a>aiw, fliall have the w'ardf and rcafouabie charges if homtr. Eljba Lawrance. u Tiity 28—Atig-s 3 i '.V , For Sale, A LARGE ELEGANT AMD WELL fINISSEO Th:ec-ftory Brick House, (The late refideilce of General Walter Stewart) WITH a LOt' ef GROL'ND thereuntobelor.ginj;, the weft fide ef Third-street, near Unidu- .et containing in front 31 feet, ahd in 100 feet, to ..ft alley leading into Union-ftrcet. The houle is 32 feet front 1 and 50 feet djep ; rhe several rooms conttiined in it ars large commodious, andconipletely'fimfhed; the tyvo B, A lories.are each 13 feet high; here are los f doors in the hotfe 5 a geometrical ilaircale, withmahega* ny rails and a g«od Jky-ligiit. Thel Tfchen is in the eeil» ■■ ar, which is fpaciou*. and convenient, and finifhed with us J oven, itew-holes and pantrits, a fervanti' haVl and larpt > wine-cellar, adjoining the kitchen, in front of which i- »» 1 area in which there is a pump The yard is vaulted. Communicating with the said building isa neat three-dory brick hoi/fe, on the north fide of Union-street, cennm ing 30 feet front by 10 feet deep; the lower p3-t of whiclx ') is at present. occupied as a "and the upper part divided into well-fini(hed large chambers. Thishcu r o may at a small expense be converted into a conver.i. Nt dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the front and back have Venetian wihdow-ihutters. Adjoining the last hftufe, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are < reeled bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewise very go"d coach* house and ftable6 finifhed equal (or nearly so) with anv the city, on a lot containing on Union llreet 30 feet, and jj in depth on the wall fide of said alley 52 feet. There are good cellars ortdei the whole of the buildings, and a wine room over part < c," the grta iv _ masterpiece of the kind ever publilhed, and by K't " Philosophy of Rhetoric," and to the roeri: ui* the present work, the rcfult of nearly forty year# ilody and application, and the fubilance at i is e-ourfe of leftutes in hi, official capacity, jfift icvieweishave given ample testimony, but their r.c j. eount, however hdnorable to the wotk, is too looy for a place in this advertifeni-ut, the wotk hotvrv er is now presented in an American edition at ro move than half the price of rhe London copy. July 20. itv Landing, atr From on board the Schooner Expedition, Z St. Croix. Rum&Sngar, For Sale by F. COPPINGHR, f Asg.»« S *Si Soutb Fic»nt-ltr»'.'. 1