Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 12, 1796, Image 4

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    Cargo of the fliip Union Fraterna,; J
from Leghorn. raid 1
ON Friday next, at ro o'clock in the morning, on "'P'
Messrs. Rofs li Sim foil's wharf, will be fold by auc- "an V
tier, (and continued from day to day, 'till the whole is j! u I
fo'd) the cargo of the Venetian Ihip Union Fratera, front 1
Lrghrn, confifling of the following ?rticies.
Florence Oil in cases of la bottles, and flalks of 50
Caflile Soap in cases niedi.
Tallow Candles'
Juniper Berries in bales
Manna, Flukey Scbei
x Ditto, in forts • /
Almonds J
Perir.efan Cheese oj
French Claret, in casks ,
Ditto, in bottles *
The conditions of sale will be—ill funis under scol.
tote paid in calh; from 500 to 100 dollars in approved
nptes at 60 days : from 1000 dollars upwards, in ap- —-—
proved endcrfed notes at 90 and tio days.
Edward Fox, Auctioneer. 1
Aaguft9 (
A Book-Keeper,
OR Clerk's place is wanted by aperfon properly quali
fltd, and whose character will bt found unexteption
»ble. Apply to the Printer.
jAdg- I' • -
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, 1(
is pipes and hogsheads
Claret, genuine old, in cases
Gin, in pipes, from Holland
Earthen "Ware, in crates y
Basket Salt, in hogsheads 4
Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9
•Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead
Steel, German and Russia, in barrels
Anchor?, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas,
Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by ,
July 19 §
For Sale,
A Three (lory BRICK HOUSE-and Lot, in Ohefnut
street, between Front and Second streets, in which
Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and
now do) carried on bufmefs.
PofTeflion will be given in one month, or sooner.
•For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
■\pril 21. '■ • ' ■§
From 16 to 9 J inches, for sale by
Jeremiah Warder,
July II § No is north Third-street.
This Animal is to te seen in High-Street, between 1
the Tenth and the Eleventh-Street.
HE will pofttively leave Philadelphia the tenth of Sep
tember, for Baltimore, in his way to Charleston, I 3
•where he will win'er -
ADMITTANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of 1 Dollar
for Children
The PANORAMA, or the VIEW of the CITIES of
' Is to be open till the 10th of September, and the sub- |
jest will then be removed to Baltimore with the ELE- I
PHANT. . ;{
One quarter «>f a Dollar.
A'Jguft 3. H J
•> »■ i> ■ 1 i' "* " " I
Sales of India Goods.
The Cargo of the flrip Ganges, capt. Tirnjay, from Cal- J
cutta and Bengal,
A Large and general afTortment of Bengal and Madras I
A variety fine worked and'plain MuJlimA
Doreas, ts*«. Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, J
In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER,
For Sal? by I
Willing® fcf Francis, I
No. M-Penn Street. J
Jtme 8 , . S I
Lands of the' United States.
Treasury Department, dugufl 3, 1796.
Public No t ice is hereby Given,
IN pursuance of an ait of Congress, patfed on Uie 18th |
day of May, 1796, entitled "An ad providing" for I
thefateof the lands of the United States, in the Turrito- I
ry north weft us the river Ohio, and above the mouth of I
Kentucky river," that the fcfHons or lots of land defcri- I
bed in the annexed schedule, lying in the Teven ranges of J
townftiips, which »/ere furveyedmpurfuance of an ordi- I
nance nf'-Congrcft, passed on the twentieth day of May, I
in the year one thoiifand seven hundred and eighty-five, I
will be e*pofed for sale at Public vendue, in the town ol I
pittsburgh in Petinfylvar.ia, on the twenty-fourth day of I
OSobernext, and thenceforward, from day to day until I
the firft day of December ensuing/unless the said lots (hall I
be foones fold, in the manner, and on the terms and: con- I
» ditions herein after mentioned, to wit:
lit. The said ft&ions of lots fhaß be fold under the di- 1
re&ion ef the Governor or Secretary of the Western Ter- 1
Titory, and such person as the President of the United]
States may specially appoint for that purpose.
id. The said fe&ions or lots shall be fold to the highest I
Vidder.but 00 sale can be made for less than two dollars |
per acre of th« quantity of land contained in such" lot or I
fs<slicn. I
3. Tie highest bidder as before mentioned, must depo- I
so at the time of {al~, one twentieth part of tlie jure afe I
money in the hands of fac&jperfco as the President of the 1
United States Iha!l appoint to attend the sales for that pur- J
pose, which will bef<.rf*ited, of the sum bid, I
including the said t\"*fltieth pnrvfhall not be paid witniu J
thirty days fwsni thetiae of sale. 1
s 4th. Upon payment of a moiety of the pcrchafe money 1
p the manner befote mentioned, the purchaser wi.l be |
entitled to one year s credit for the remaining- moiety ; |
and Cull receive from the Governor «r Secretary of the j
Western Territory, ana the person who shall be appointed I
by the President of the United States, to direct the fales,a I
certificate the lot or f -Clion purchaffd, and de- 11 j-aid on account, the balance remaining due, I
the time v. hen such balance becomes payable, and that
the whole land therein mentioned, will be forfeited, if the
said balance is not then paid ; but if the said balance ihall
be dalr difcharged,by paying tic fann. to the Treasurer of
the United States, the purcliafer or his 3* ether pJ n
1 legal representative, shall be entitled to a patent for t -
said lands, on his producing to the .Secretary of State a
ceipt for such balance endorsed upon the certificate. u.
if any purchaser Ihall make payment of t>e whole of the
' purchase money, at the time when the payment of the
t firft moiety is dire&ed to be mad<", he will he entitled to a e:
dedu&ion of ten per centum on the part for which a ere
) dit is authorized to be given; and his patent uia.l be 1m- t jj e j r
mediately issued. one <
Given under my hand at Philadelphia, the day t j
year above mentioned. t hat
Secretary ©f the Treasury
ter ti
Schedule of feSions of townjhips, or /rational parts
of toivnjh'tpt, to be fold at Piitjhurgk, inpurfuave urda
of the 6th frflion of an aft of Congress, pajpd on
, the 18th day of May, 1796. T , u( r
* •— : —r- or J>
S 60 ® . • thei
" « -1 if ? I - r r
o S O 1 5 o 0 O for<
°<■ 280 < 2 6 < S doll:
1 ||' jz Z ters,
ift Ranch. 6thTown(hip. 6th RanG£.
ift Township. Ban|64o each ift Townlhip. S
a 8 565 14 640] 1? 3*o
29 ij6 95 i7aaos4° afo
30 150 75 640 each »i 850
34 240 90 BthTownlhip. sa 166 40
35336 640 each 3ai4164° eac l 123
id Townlhip i7aio,64oeach 24 540
19 140 23 640 27 15 1 80
»o 170 70 15330 640 each 28330 640 eac "
it 185 33336 64ofeach | 3,3 5 s
*2 230 lOthTownfbip. 34136 *40 each Keg
15 488 80 ia2 640 each; id Township. wol
> »6a»? 640 each 5 314640 each 1 is' 6 1
28 560 17320640 each % 440 —d
29 551 60 13336 640 e3ch 3 44S the
■30 564 iithlTownfhip. 4 456 1
31-36 640 each 1314 64-leach S 464 —d
4thTown(hip. 17320 640 cach 4 471 f' r ®
19 64 i3336|64o|each 7 .v 4° 1
2 1 640 , ,, = 8814640 each Dei
, t 3 11 60 ar *
34 445» 3 ° it, - 478
35 »» 50 3 3 a 4 6 s^each 3 486
t ,6 /° adTownfhip. 4
, t . jthfownlhtp. j6 J 502 _
6 1 39j 20 ja6 5 4 0 each \
d 12 479 30 3 6 7314 64c each \
17 304 15 I l.i 17320 640 each
18 638 50 Z , 23336 640 each T ,
23 45C 75 'tV 1 51°™ jthTownlhip.
24 6 4° ! j i 0 1 ;I ?
29 184 1 7 a20 14c each ■ * a c
10 4 ° , 23336'.40 e„ch I HI ton
15 312 Bfi J • 4 54°
36 640 3dTownfh.p. g
J Z_ 1314 640 each 6 fJ 6
2d Range. 1732 c 4c, each ?aI4 640 rtc j,
Ift Townlhip. 23336 54 o|each I7aJO 64C ttach
28 , 7120 sth Township. 13a , 6 64ceach
3f J 6| 5° 1314640 each , thTownfbip .
3d Towwfhip 17320640 each
n 24326 ach 23336 640 each %
28 *6 7thTownfhip. y .
29 64c 132 640 each 6o
a, 3 T a33 64c each 537 640 esch > 0
4thTowndiip. 12313640 each J
ir XI 40 18319 640 each x 6 oeJch
12 397 .J® 25 640 lc 6 h
oi\ 13 5' 50 3033 pleach 7
15 2; 5® 9th rownfhip. | tl^c t n/hip . I
- it «JS »o "'4 640 each qu
t- 17 524 i 7320 6 4e each , Q 6 ach th.
1 18 64c 23336 64oeach ' ,r" ,
,9 63' uthTownlhip. a .3« <*°W h de
20 584 80 1314 640e3ch ,° wn ''V nc
21 63* 2. 173-20 6 4 oe a ch , 'J
22a3664ce3eh 23336640 each ,^*J A 4 °) ea V
sthTownfhip. i3thTownfhip. . ,l 3 t th
, 5 63 iai 4 640|each
| 6a7 64: each 17320,640 each lal 4i>4< each
2 7 318 64 "ach 23336164 J eaCh
ra, l 3233664 c ;3ch S n4 <A *V' , -s thT ° wnihi P
ythTownfhip. lf^ Tow "f h,p - i3i4|6 4 o|each
I ig. 0 i >8 274 4® 17320 64o[each
j SthTownfhip " f; 50 3 6 64o;each
135 640 each 5° Range .
6 44c gift Township.
7314 640 csch ' 2q 30 j 4 ; 20
17320 6 4 oeach 36 1132 50
each o^ceach ad Township.
• I 9 I 7, P V "'S 3. 35
- j , 8 r 30 64 ; , each
i,a»o 640 each *. 4!0 Z 14 30 S
I 23836 640 sach !7aiß 6joe3£h k
J 3d Rangf. 5 456 *9 '4 o
3th I 2d Township. 6 464 80 10 . "J
for I 15 640 7 25® *3324 640 esch
to- I 16 6qo 8 618 *5 ■® c
los I 20 557 50 9ai4 64oeach ' '37 each
cri-I 21312 640 each 17 320 64c eachl 4th Township.
'°f I 23 609 23336 640 each 1 o4olcach
•di-I 25 640 each 4th I ownfhip. I 7 a a' "40leach
a y> I 3dTownfhip. Ia 14 640jeach | 1 3 a - I^,^ 4 <r ' eac ' 1
' ve ; I 9 188 60 17a20|640 e3ch I * ownfhip.
°' I 10 344 23336t640|eac1i lal 4|64ojeach
1 II 267 6thTownfhip. : 1 7320j64c e3ch
I 12 152 1 ai 4 i6401e3ch a^a^i^o'each
„ j 14 20250 17320)640 each BthTownfhip.
15 630 23336164 C l-ach la M*4oe3ch
jj_ J 16318 6 4 ofach BthTownfhip. 1'7 32c e3ch
Per-! ®9 2, 7 -5° 1 ai 4 640 each 2 3 a each
ited I 10 616 75 17320)64.0 each | lO,h 1 ow >Hhip.
21336 64oe3ch 23336)640 each I lal 4 64c e3ch
heft I 4th Township. iothl ownfhip. ! 7 a 20 640 each
liars 1 I 170 iai4 64oleach a 3 a 3® 6 4o|each
it or I » 544 17aac'i 4 o each 1 ath Townlhip.
3 320 23336 5 4 olaach lar 4 «4Pieach
epo- I 4 450 12thTownfhip. '7 a a< J4cl*ach
afe I 5 120 (314164; teach)i a 3'33^ 6 4 c|cach
fthe I 6 640 I7a2cl64c|cach!i 1 4'" '"wnjhip.
P ur -| 7 563 23?36|640!each I 1 ai 4 640|each
bid, I 839 64c each i4thTownfliip.l I 7 IJO °40|«ach
itnin JIO g 0 iai 4 16/,oieach. a 3 a 64.-[each
11 jar. 70 1732 c 5 4 oeich! '^'hTba-nfliip.
° n ®y J 1231464 c each 23336 640 each' lal 4 640 each
I 1732064r .ach 117 a 2° each
' 1 23336 640 each ' 23 a 3® 640 eack
)i the j 1
inted I NOTE.
d"'e- f. ™ E 1. uaat l ti£! of th« federal townlhip, bc-
Tduc t lofled Qf thc refervcd I
,h C ' Cd UtCT and also o{ th ° rc formertv fold - The ae
that grfgate quantities in tfcc several townftivs or
SS townships, hare been ascertained by adual fur
elball vcy ; the quantities ,n particular lots or feclions, have
us n <> other wale atetaincd than by calculation.
Philadelphia, Witt-Che far, Stnflurgh
Lancaflei, York and Frederick-town
stages. .
THE proprietors of the above S:ages, return their bell
thanks to their friends and the public in general for
the encouragement received in this line of btifinefs.and beg
leave to imormthe public, that they arc determined to rtta
their flakes throui*!i from Philadelphia to LancaSer in
one day, commencing on Tuesday, the r4th July mftant, P £)|
in the'following manner,-viz. A Stage will f«t out on
that dav at 4 "'clock in the morning, from the houf- of PP
Geo—e Weed, Market-street, Philadelphia, and run by
th"wav of Weftc/iefter and Strafburgh, arrive 111 Lancas
ter the'fame evening, on Friday morning run to Wright s —
ferry and cxchjnge passengers with the \ ork and Fredcj
ick-town tlage, retur.i and arrive in Philadelphia on bat- , n
urday, and on Monday morning following, at 4 o 'lock,
said ft age will set out from the said George Weed s, P.iila- 5
delphia, and arrive at I.attcatler, the fame evening, on 600
Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack will set out from the house And
of Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, and arrive 111 Philadelphia
the fame evening, and will commence again on 7 hwrfday
morning following, and continue every week-Thc price
for each palTengcr from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three
dollars and a half, to York, four dollars and three qaar- 1
ters, to Frederick town eight dollars, the liAe funis for
I? 0 weight baggage, with the tifual allowance of 14 1 -
gratis to each paifenger, and 5 pencc a ir.ile for all way oa k
passengers. 3°-§4W For
John Reilly,
George Weed.
THAT application will be made for the renewal of
the following certificates, ifiued by Joseph Nourfe, ■*
Register of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Grif TH
wold, Esq. of Norwich, Conneflicut— dat
1 certificate, fix per cent domestic stock, No. 13,907
—dated the 17thDecember, 1795, bearing interest from
the fir 11 day of January, 1791. for 1.597 65-100 dol
-1 ditto, thre* pet cent, domestic stock, No. 10,682 —
—dated December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the
firft day of January, mgi, for 994 30-100 dollars.
1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166' —dated the 17th
December, 179J, bearing interest from the firftjauu
ary, 1801, for 798 83-100 dalU™. , . „ fctj
Ba»4 are fupjrofcH »o have been 101 lor Jjj
flo'eit in this city fomtf time in December or January
1 ft
No. 59, North Front-ftVeet.
Philadelphia, July ai> 1796- dfiw.
• — (i — * ■ ■' -
Walhington Canal Lottery,
N°. I.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised J
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, <C
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting jj
a Canal through the City of Walhington, from th Po Bt
tomac to the Eastern Branch Haruour. to
The following is the-SCHEME of No. I. vc]
Viz '1 Prize of 20,000 dollars, 10,000
1 ditto 10,00 a 10,000
7 last drawn T
Tickets, each i J ' '
6 ditto 1,000 6,000 —
10 ditto 400 4,000
jo ditto 100 »,000 Al
JS 'ditto SO 1,750
5750 ditto 12 69,008
To be raised for the Canal, 26,250
5850 Prizes, 175,000
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
£5* Commiflioners have taken the Securities re
I quired by the aforefaid a<ft for the puniftual payment of
the prizes.
I'he drawing of this Lottery will commence, without —
I delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
1 notice will be given.
j Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is finiihed, (hall be considered as relmquifhed for
! tha benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. —
City of Walhington, Feb. ir. J r
Notice is hereby Given,
THAT agreeably to an n£l of Congress of the United
States of America, pal Ted at Philadelphia, the 28th day a
of Mav, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convcy
, ance of per ions, and repealing the former atts for that pur- *
pose.—That there shall be levied, coftetted and paid, upon
all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which shall be "
kept by or lor any person, for his or hfir own use, or to let
out to hire, or for Ihe conveying of palfcngcrs, the several du- r
ties and rates following, to wit. d
For and upon every Coach, 15 dols.
upon every Chariot, 12 dols.
upon every Post Chariot, 12 dols;
upon every Post Chaise, 1 a dols.
upon every Phaeton, with or without top, 9 dols
upon every Coachee, 9 dols.
upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above, •
with blinds, glasses or cut tains, 9 dols. (
upon four wheel carriages, having framed polls and <
topi with tieel springs, 6 dols. 1
upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron j
springs or jacks, 3 dols.
upon curricles with tops, 3 dols* '
upon chaises with tops, 3 dols. <
upon chairs with tops, 3 dols.
upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols.
upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols.
upon two wheel carriage*, with Heel or iron springs,
for and upon all other two wheel carriages, a dols.
upon every Tour wheel carriage, having frathed polls
and tops, and relliug upon wooden spars, 2 aots.
The Colle&ors of the Revenue of the firft lurvcy of the
Diftri£tof Pennsylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th day
of September next, for the purpole of receiving the diuies on
Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or Saffafrai llreet, in tne Cit>
ot Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, Efq in the
Countv of Montgomery ; and at the house of Abraham Du
-1 bois, Esq. in the County of ltucks; of which all persons pof
1 feffed of such Carriages are defrred to take noiiee.
Notice is also given,
TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign diflilled Ipiri
-1 tuous liquors, that licences will be granted to them ; one li
cence for carrying on the business ot retailing of Wines, in a
Icls quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one
liceucc for carrying on thebufirtcfs of retailing Spirituous l'.-
<be n^ D ' ers quaniicies than 20 gallons, &t the fame time and I
V the r L i . me by the officers legally authorized to grant
I fucli licences.
j- 1 Infpe£lor of the Revenue of the firft survey
i,, u . I of thediltrifiiof Penufvlvania.
| Office of lofpcOicn,at ) "(.•>»
J Philadelphia, 2ift JuJv, 1796. J
' ' '• ' ~ • I
For Rotterdam,
The ikip
•'J 01 *" Faraday, Maflir,
'??£*«& thirds as he: cargo will be on
" ' A board this weelc. The remamip.
third ttftrt be taken on freight if offered-foon-, a? fhc wit l
positively fail in all ftextweek. A few paflenarers can br
well accommodated. For terms of freight or pafTage,
apply to the captain on board at Mr. HucHVt wh;iff. \> v
Aug. 8 § No. ia Dock-ftreirt.
Just Arrived,
In the fhio John F ofl. Master, from Liverpool,
5000 Bushels Best fine ftovedSAi/T
600 Bulhels HOU">>i CO *. L,
And nSCrateS of QUEF.MS W.4RE aflorlfU,,
Philip Nicklin & Co.
*3- N. B. THE S/»1D
W -f, TS for SALE or CHARTER, (he is 5
1» 1 years old, Philadelphia built, o? while
oak, wsswell salted and carrics about 4400 barrels of flour.
For terms apply as above.
J u 'y '3 d<f_
schooner Hope,
Brig Betiey.
THEY are fail-failing vefTels, and have elegant accommo.
dations. For palTage only, apply ta
Richard & James Potter,
Aug. j § No. 8 north Frant L ftrect.
For Madeira,
James WicumM.
JJ' 'Wt.. ■« - Expe«ftedto fail'in all'irext w'e3s~~
WII ,L take a few barrels on freight. Apply'to the maf
teron board at Stamper's wharf, or to
Johti Donnaldftjh,
No. 25 Walnut-street.
AUg. 6 §7
i For Sale or Charter,
BURTHEN about 1000 Bbls. of flour—(lie jr y be sent
to sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in
very good order—apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April 29, 5
This Day commenced Landing,
At N ifflins wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy andSleap
St. Jajio, from St. JagodeCuba—conCilingof
White and Brown Box SUGAR.
MOLASSES, of an excellent quality.
HIDES and HONEY. Also,
For Sale or Charter, w
A 0Ut > ft roll g vessel, will carry, a
'l xV bout 1200 barrels, and may go to
with a very small expense.
" The above will be fold for calh or approved notes.
y Samuel Emery,
No. 64, south Second-ilreet.
! r July »7, 1796- _ dtf '
0F ® OSTON '
Joseph Master,
Aftout, staunch vefTel—will positively fail on Satur
day ueit, and will taker treight on very low terms-
Enfuit'e of the mailer on board at Hodgv's wharf,.
" A "S-8 1
For Sale,
Or for Charter to the Well- Indies y
i c e"r a s,
V " Ph'aaielpb'Ki
and Red Cedar, burthen ahmit. 3500 car-
S U re'U, now discharging at Latimer's wharf.. rhl *™;
l ct fei is in excellent repair, well fouud-and will hear ath
u . rough examination, andasfoon as will be it
dy to take iaftt cargo. For terms apply to
John Vaughan.
July 28 i-
Diftritt of Pennsylvania : to wit :.
BE it remembered, that 011 the sth day of.Augufl, m
the twentietl year of the independence o- the
ed States of America:, Cobsett, o
ind diftria, hath depofitod ill this office the title o a ,
the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in
ron following: to wit. jA
" The life and adventures of Peter Porcupine ,
" full and fair account of alt his authoring tran a
« being a sure and infallible guide lor all
" young men who wish to make a fartaoe. y
" by Feter Porcupine himfelf. ,•
" Now, you lying varlets, you shall fee ,I t .
1 ® S ' " tale will put you down." „ iiniteA:
in conformity to theail of the Congress 0 learo
„fl States, entitled "an for the encouragemen
:" S ' n g> by securing the copies of m
the the authors and proprietors, during th! w£Ll ,
day mentioned. -n » f ivmifvlvania.
i on Clerk of the Diftrid of Pemily^au^
Z\l) AUg; 8
D h u ! For sale by the fubferibers,
130 quarter Chests frefh Hyf° n
100 ditto do. frelh Souchong sea '' r, t
■ . 300 Boxes China, containing small tel
>tn- J
. u pieces;
; n , 400 pieces Bandanoes. .
Willing* & hrancts.
&r~ T staw.
, January 30 J
rvcy —No. 119—
[Pricc Eight Dollars per Anuarai:.
. 0 . .*