Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 11, 1796, Image 1

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    1 !&>/
J - • * 'c i •' 'J* *
/' * i
#a|ette States, Philadelphia Dally Advertiser.
Nvmbe* 1524-1 THURSDAY EVENING; AUGUST u, 3796. . X.
. T~ . r* r» , » T-. rA » » 1 • . T?At* .QflfFa
Marshal of the Pennsylvania DiUnd,—
WHEREAS the Congress of the United States, at S!
the firfl fefton of the fourth to wit, on I!
- „,mh,lav of May last part, palled all "aAJ to repral Si
, ne " an ,& to < IHbl.fli the A
tdkScourt,<rf the United States", as direds that the i
alternate feflions of the C&cu.t Court for the Diftr.a of
PennfWvania, (hall be holder at Yorktown ; and for other Ju]
;• ■„ fV,,. fnllov ins words, to wit. .
purposes, Congrcfs of the United States :
I ■
fetlnthol"December, one thousand seven hundred and
l'n Aft 6 "repeal so mucb of an aft, intituled " an ad to
el >aWi£h the judicial courts of the United State, ,as di- ancc q|
.1. fh -, alternate teffions of the said circuit court 'or ft __
the diftriit of Pennsylvania (hill be holden at York- all c#n
town ■ and for other purposes. .keDt b
«e(ft. J be it enatfed by the Senate and House of Re. oot tr)
of the United States of America, in Con- ties 311
refs assembled, That so much of the -fifth fcAron-of the for an
fcl intitu ed "an ad to eftabltihr the judicial courts of
United State*", asdireds that alternate l'eflions of the
circuit court for the diftritf of Vennfylvania foall be hold
en at Yorktown, be, and the fame is hereby repealed;
and'that all the sessions of the said circuit court (hall, from
and alter the paffirfg of this aft, be holder- at the city of
Philadelphia, excepting only, when at aire session of the
(u;a. ths judges thereof fliall direift" uie-next ieilien
to be iiolden at Yorktown , which, they are hereby autho
rized and empowered to do, whenever it (hall ajjpear to
them to be neceffiry.
Sr&; 11. it further enacted, That all such pro*
a»fs ofc the said. court, as may have ifTued before the pafc
of this and all recognizances returnable, and all
fcts other t».th.
fcid circuit court for tKE diTiria of Pennsylvania, on the
eleventh of Oaober next, in Yorktown, fliall now be re
toHied, and held continued, to the fame court, on the Tor at
fame day, at Philadelphia. And to the end that suitors, _
witnefles, and all others concerned, may have notice of
the alteration hereby made, the Marshal of the said dil- Th.
ta& is hereby required- to make the fame known* by pro- WW
cJaniation, on or b«£ore the firfl day of Aeguft next. « "I
Jonathan-Dayton, '
Speaker ®f the House of P eprefentatives. p oun
Samuel Livermore, bojj
President of the Senate, pro tempore. feffe j
Approved, May-the twelfth, 1796,
Georoe Washington,
Prelideat of the United States. T<
Deppfited among the Rolls, in the Office of 'the Depart- tuoui
incut of State, . .«•
Timothy Pickering, ?' s 9
Secretary of State. hcen
I DO HEREBY MAKE KNOWN, that all' such
process of the fsid court as has, or may be iffucd, and all (^h
recognizances returnable at Yorktown aforefaid, on the elc j
1 ve»lb day of Offrber ntxt, will be returned to the Circuit of
the United States, at the City Hall, in the city ol Phila
delphia, onTuefday, the claUcnth day of oaober next, at Q
cloven o'clock in the forenoon, Asd that all foits and other p^jj
proceedings that! were continued ta-the said courts York-
town, will be held and continued at the said Circuit :
.Court, at Philadelphia, on the fame Eleventh day of °^ LO
ber next, of which ail rtjfe## |
take notice, and give their attendance thereat. _
GIVEN under my hand, at my office, in the Diftrioe
of Pannfylvania, the twenty-seventh day of July,
in the year of our Lord one thousand ieven hun- .
dred and.»inety-ux, and of ouc lndapendfnce .the A
' twsnty-firft. |
t MarJkaL
My >7 L- r
Just Arrived'
In th brig Betsey, and for fak by I
the ftbicriliers. . _ I anr
Forty thousand wti of very prime Coiree !y ,
in hogffieads and bags I as 1
"And, in the schooner Hoye, from New Orleans. e<i
BEEF tv> '
IiIDES and lh
liberal credit will be given for Approved Notes, t
Richard, and James Potter. |_
July 27. I
A number of Shares of the Stock of-the Bank of the !X.
United States, for sale. |
Enquire of theCalhier of thefwd Bank. J IV!
Aug> 9 3* Ihe
From on board the Nancy,-William Belcher, mas- I
ter, from Bourcieaux, a carpo, confining
3 60 Hhds. CHOICE CLARET,^
27.2 Cases of 24bottles each CLARET, I
2*86 do. of 24 do. WHI TE WINE, I
For Sale by
P. Coppingei.
July 23. t!: :
just Arrived, I
In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li- I
i verpool,
5000 Bulhels SALT ;
100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and
An Aflbrtment of SHIP CHANDLEWY ;
On board, at Pine-street wharf.-—Apply to I n
"James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April 19. I
A Partner with a small capital to unite in the businesS I
of a Mill and Distillery in Virginia. Inquire oi 1
the Printer. Aug. 9 S IW J
lufurance comp. of the state of L
The Dire&ors have declared a dividend of fixtcen dol
lars on each lhare of the capital of said company, for the J
lad fix months which wiH be paid to the (lockiiolders or I
f heii legal rcprcfcntatives on every day the jotl. |
iiiflirt. y I
S. W. Ftjher,
, \ Seprei ;.ry. ' !
•Aiguft 1. liict- !
WINE, London particular"Madeira, r years old, y,
in pipes and hoglhtads
Claret, genuine old, in cases jjaQapS
Giu. in pines, ftom Holland \j3pWj
Eartb-n are, in crates --HSSsh
Basket Salt, in hogftieads WII L
Shot, Nds. 6, 7, 1 and 9 ter on b
li»r Red and white dry lead
Steel, German and Russia, in barrels
Authors, caWes, junk, bunting, tiryxilin canvasj A^g.
Tin plates—An invoice Stationavv. by -—-—
July 7i) §
Notice is hereby Given, j I%^
TH AT agreeablv to an aft of Congress of the United !
States of Amcrica, pasTed at Philadelphia, the 28th'day v r*
of Mav, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey- , third w
ance of perions, ?nd repealing the former afta for that pur- pofijivi
poft.—'l'hat there'{hill be levied, and paid, up#p W ell ac
all carriages for the conveyance of perions, which 1 Ihall be
kept by or for any person, for his or her own use, or to let '
out to hire, or for the conveying of passengers, the several du- 0
ties and rates following, to wit.
- For and upon every Coach,.ls dois.
l upon every Chariot, 1 a dols. p
upon.every Pofl: Chariot, i« doss; , .
upon every Post Chaise, 12 dols.
; upon every Phaeton, with or without top, 9 dols
t upon every Coachee, 9 dols.
f upon other Carriages, having pannei work above,
, with blinds* gaffes or * tains, 9 dols.
J upon four wheel carriages, naving framed posts and built,
tops with steel springs, 6 dolsi found
upon sow wheefr top Carriages, with wooden or iron
jacks, 3 dol?. On!
upon cumcles with tops, g dols. wharf,
upon chaises with tops, 3 dols.
" upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. j
uft>n Tulkies with tops,
1 upon oiher two v.TifTTtop.carriages, 3 dols. Juh, 1
e upon two wheel carriage*, with tteel of irbn springs,
3 dols r-y
c For and upon all other two whfcel caniages, 2 dols, 1
i, _ upon every four wheel having framed posts
if . and tops, and reftiug.upon wooden spars, 2 dols.
['- The Colli ftors of the Revenue of the firfl lurvey ot the
1- Dtftrift-of Pennsylvania. will attend'daily, unliithe 30th day
of September next, for the purpose oi receiving the dunes on
« Carriages, at No. ti?, in Race or Saflafrai flrcetrthe-City
of Philadelphia, at the house of DaniefS. Ciaiij fc'fl ni the
County of Montgomery ; and at the house of Abiaham Du
bois, Esq. in the Uucks; of which all perfons»poi
such Carriages are defiredto take-notiee.
Notice is also given,
TO allVetail dealers Mn, and foreigf» diiUlfed fp.ii
t- tuous liquors, thit licences will be granted 10 them ; one li
for carrying on the business 01 retailing.oi Wine a, in a
less quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gjijlons—--and orrt
licence for carrying on thl bufinefi of retailing Spirituous Ij
l j qucrs in lelsquanii&ies than 20 gallons,at time and j u
j at th&fame places, by the-oJftcera legally authorized tograut
. (uch licences. «
Infpe&dr of the Revenue of t'ne
\ «f.thedillrVftt)f PepnlyWaAia.
at OSjceof InfpeOion,at ) S 3'
ltr Philadelphia, 21ft July, J
k- 1 - - Petrc. . /j;
** l~ .V'ATow t«nsof"eKeilent a
! 0t ro« SAtE 3 Y y
til I Samuel Breck, jun.
-he J AUg« 9. eo6 Rofs s Wharf j
A well-finiflled, commodious Jj
For Sale, and immediate pojjiffion given, Q
, pi ITUATE on the north fide of Spruce llreet, No. ni,
' ' I between Fourth and Fifth streets. The-houfe, piazza rou
I and back buildings are three stories in height, and pel fefi«
€£ I iy well adapted for the accommodation of a large family,
I as they contain tv/elve good rooms, exelufive of two ciel
-led parrets. In the yard, which'is neatly paved, there are ' ]
I two pumps ; one in a rain cistern, the other of as good —
1 water as any iatke city i The cellars are dry and large.
1 The terms of payment will be easy : a great part of the
I purchase-money in all probability may lay for years on in- In
> 5 I tefeft. Apply at Nd. 109, next dsor ealtward. r(
1 J«lr 3° § lw 6o<
I ' An
' No. 76 High Street,
she j TTAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and
j JTi the East Indies, a well feleifted assortment of Silk
j Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdathery Goods; which *
3t he will fell, Whokfale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; J
"v -1 I ' AMONaST WHICH ABE,' ( „,|
Some fine India muffins embroidered with gold and fflver Fc
mas- I Superfiue Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto
I p 0 do do do Handlverchiefs _
j Some extra black, taffeties,lu«ftrings and colored Persians
I Bandano Handkerchiefs
I Long,and short Nankeens
I Englilb Mantuas of the firft quality
! Damaik table linen and napkins, very fine j
I Silk Hosiery, an elegant a£fortm«nt f
I Tliead and cotton do
Umbrellas—green Clk, oil'd dpi and do cloth **
. j French cambrics, very fine g S
(l.f 1- Irish Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 §
nLri " Pennsylvania District, j
" Notice is hereby given,
I pursuant to a Writ so me dire<9:ed, from the ho
-1 norable Richard Peters, Efquirc, Judge of the Di-
I ftridl Court ot the United States in and for the Pennfylva-
I nia Diftrifl,
ir I Will be rxpofeil to Sale, \
I at thie Custom-House, on Monday, the 15th day of Au
. gust, 3 Bags of COFFEE
S I 1 Bbl. SUGAR \
1 Half do. do.
ifinefs I 3 Kegs do.
re 01 I a Bags of Sugar and
iw 1 3 Do. Coffee .
7- The fame having tees libelled a 150 in ft. prosecuted, and
I Oi I condemned .as forfeited, in the said court-
j Marlhal's Office, 30th Jul}-, 1796.
n dol- I ~ ~~
Prime Rice. i
erß or I t
One Hundred Tierces of Prime Rice,
, 1 ltrtl arrived in thebr-ig W'e'.come Return, from Savan
ry. I JUforftlebT FOOTMAN ,3c CO
lit. I iQS/S 4
| For T}
James Wiokham> M«*er,
Ex|ujcled to fail in all next week, 1 °£ el
WILL take 3. few barrels on freight'. Appjy td the mas- 01
ter on board a' Stamper's wharf, or to ► m 1
John jDonnaldfon,
No. 25 Wolnut-llr'eet. Jrhjlfl
i. 4 57 J^a
For Rotterdam, . w .
The ftip, X th
i John Farraixav, Majier, their ft
d 1 npwo thirds «f iter cargo w'ill'be on. •f D ®
iy - board this week. THc'remaining j t '\ e
j third will be taken on freight it offcVed foonj will: 1
r " positively fail in all next week A few patfengers can be <^eo^£ c
n well accommodated. F«r terms of . freight or paflage,
jC apply to the captain on board at Mr. Huddle's wharf, or I cr * e
ct to JOHN CRAIG, | fecry ar
J * , aup. 8 § -No. li Dock-ftreeti ick-tow
* j ■ I urday,
For Sale, Freight, or Charter, 1 atfphia
The Schooner 1 Tusfda
ANGELICA, 1 the fair
' c> NE hundred aud twenty ton»-biri-th'er»— I " 10rmr
' fix a ftkunch,'-faah^iliy-I j cr ., ea . c
id built, fact-failing vessel, handsomely finifhed off, and well j Irs
found inevejy particular. For terms apply to I tels ' 11
OT B. RHODES, j Is °' w
On board said schooner, lying at Bifqkley and Bohien's I
wharf, the<Markct-ftreet. jF' -
A .fern half-bbls. Prime Mejfr Beef. .
— Jufy li>. ' ' S. 1 —
gs, , I, Sft
This Day commenced Landing
'^ s At ifflitas whkrf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy and Sloop 1
' St. Jago, from-St. Jago de Cuba—conlffting of j: » '
J White and Brown Box SUGAR. twohi
a " MOLASfvES, of'an excellent quality. | a *-- ar
COFFEE. ' Itomac
th c HIDi.3 and HONEY. Alfoi
For Sale or Charter.
' A 011 f ' ftrohg vessel, will carry a-I
• 100 barrels, and may go to I
sea with a very small expense.
ln ' a The alsuve will be fold for calh cr approved notes.
onp Samuel Emery,
s li- No. 64, south Second-street.
July 27, 1796. r dtf- J
rjiit ' . - - 1 —— I-
For Boston,
rvey The Schooner
Friendlhip, £
.. \ 1 qmri
Joseph Mathews, Master, j
\ ftoHt) staunch vessel—will, fofiMvely faii on Satnr- I ' ,j.
/ > day next, and will take lreig)it on very, low terms. 1
i "I' t*" miftrr rn hn ird-at,Hj
AV.g.B _ tF _ | S -
— I
For Sale, f e
rfj Or for Charter to the Wefl'-Indics, 1
ius C E R S,
Philadelphia built,
GELive Gait and Red Cedar, burthen ahout 3500 bar- I
rels, how discharging at I.atimer's wharf, l'hisvei- I
111, fel, is-in excellent repair, well fouud-and will bear a tho- j
lazza rough examination-, andflsfoon as difcharged-will be ica
dy to take in'a cargo. For.terms apply to jf/
John- Vaughan.
reare § |J
go°d — " w i
J f ar t s h e e Just Arrived,
'in- In the (hip Molly, John F.oft, Master, from Liverpool, loi
5000 Bushels Best fine ftoved SALT, 11
2VV 600 Bulhels HOUSE COAL, 1
And 118 Crates of QUEENS WARE affortcd,, •
'» .Philip Nicklin & Co.
, . - N. B. THE ID
f ® ilk Ship MOLLY,
which TS for SALE or CHARTER, Ihe is j
mt ; 1 years old, Philadelphia built, of white 1
, iX, and carries about 4.00 barrels of Flour. r_
1 fflver Fo: terms applfas above. I -
July ' dLt I R
iefs — I w
crfians For HAMBURGH,
John, _
Robert Jackson, Master, I si
'■}■> To fail in fifteen days,
HAVING two-thirds of her cargo en- I j
gaged and ready to J-o on board. For freight or paflage a
' 5 apply to the master on board at Wain's wharf, or to
John Donnaldfon, Ifi
Ne. 24 Walnut-fticet. I' l
Jult it- ■ §6eotf
£ c k For jEREMIE,
infylva- The schooner Hope,
of au- Brig Betley.
THEY are fact-failing vessels, and have elegant accommo- j
dations. For pafiage only, apply to
Richard James Potter, |
AU g. 5 § No. 8 north Fr^nt-ftreet.
; ed, and p or g a ] e 0 r Charter,
BURTHEN about aooo Bbls.'of flour—lke may be sent i
to fca at a small exppnee, her fails and rigg?»g beingim J
„ . very good order—apply to |
Rice, James Campbell, or
1 £ a ™ n " ; George Latimer. 1
> April 19, .
For Sale,
A Three story BRICK. HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
street, between Front and Second [triers, in which
MeflVs. JSmcs Calbraith & G6. hare for many fears (and
now do) carried on bbfinefs.
Poffeffian will he given, in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply ta WILLIAM BELL, or
April'ai. 5
Philadc!phia> Weft- Chettcr>, Strajlntrgh,
Lancmltr, Tork atid Frederick•tev.m
S 7 A G E S.
THEptoprie'ors of the,above Stages, return their bed
thanks to their friend* and the public in general, for
the encouragement received in this line of bofinefs, and beg
leuTe to inform the public, tlKit rtity are determined to run
their stage? thhitrgh fr»m Philadelphia to Lartcafter in
n cne-day, commencing on Tmtfday, ,the 14th July inllant,
lr . in the following manner, —via. A Stage will set. ou: on
[l that day. at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the houl'e- o£ t
e 'George Weed, Market-Greet, Philadelphia, and run by ,
the vray of-Weftcnefter and Straftmrgh, arrive irj LaHcaf
ter. the fame evening, on Friday morning run to Wrighr'i
fenry and'exehimgc paflengers with the York and Fredej
ickrtown flag«, return andatrive in Philadelphia on Sit- j
urday, and on Monday morning following, at 4 o'clock, \
fa id stage vtillTet out fiom the said Ceorge Weed's, Phila
delphia, and' arrive at' I.ancaft£r the fame evening, 00
Toefday mornin«fat 4 o'claek wtll fee out from the hoiil'e
oiiMns.ExHvards, Lancaftar, and arrive in Philadelphia
the fame evening., and will commence again on Thurlday
morning .following, and continue overy week—The price
for each paflenger from Philadelphia to Lancaster is, three
im dollira arrd a half, to York, font dollars and three qsar-
I dftif to Frederick town eight dollars, the like sums for
I Jsoiweigbc baggage, with thrf afual alVowance of 14 lb.
. j gratis to each pauaugtr, and pepce a. irjle. sol all way
1 S j oaffengers. 39 —54 w
John Ti.eiUy,
j • George Weed.
Mr VVrairntTgton Canal .Lottery,
NO. I.
op I '"JET HERE AS the State of. Maryland has authorifcd
W the. underwritten, to rajfe-.yventy-fw thoufci*d,
I two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpofa of cutcing
I a Canal through, the Washington, from th tfo
I 'tbmacto theEaft'ern Branch Harbour.
I' ThSiToUowing is UieSCttEME.of No. I.
I Vie .i;lVizeiof2o,ooo dollars, 20,000
j 1 ditto xo,ooo 10,000.
j rUSisn»»'
( !* o I 6 ditto I,OQO 6,000
' J 10-ditto 400' 4,0t3"
I 20 ditto 100 »,coia
55 . ditto 50 2,7J£*;
5750 ditto H CjijOoS,
I To be raised for the Canal,. a6,25p
585 a Prizes, > 175.9°°"
1. 11650 Bldnks, nat tw« ttJ a priie.
17_500-Tickets l atTen,Do]Jar», -
j' Commiflioners have taken the Securities ,r«'
j q«ired"by the aforefaid aft for the punctual payment of
j the prizes.
j The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without
rlns ' I delay, as soon as the Tickets axe fold, of which.timely
p j notice will he given.
1 Such pr izes ! as are not demanded in fix months after the
I drawing is finifhed, Ulall be confidercd as reliriquifhed for
I 'the-bencfit (A the Canal; and appropriated accordingly.
: (Signed j NOTLEY YOUNG,
isvef- City of WalMntrtom, Fib. ll'. 5
This Animal is to .br seen in High-Street, between
1. j the Tenth and the Eleventh-Street.
§ IT TE will positively leave Philadelphia the tend) of Sep-
I J""l. temher, for Baltiiuere, in his way to Charleston,
I where he will win er
I ADMITTANCEHaIf a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar
3001, I for Children
TT 1 The-'PANORAMAj or, the VIEW of the CITIES o{
1 Is to be opes till the loth ess September, and the fub
-1 je<St will then be removed to Baltimore with the ELE
I One quarter of a Dollar.
j August 3. f
F Flour. I r T"'HAT application will be made for the renewal of
I X the following certificates, iffiied by Joseph Nourfei
dlf I Register of the Treatyry, in thr name of Roger GriC
I wold, Esq. of Norwich, Conneiflicut—
I 1 certificate, fix per cent domestic flock, No. 13,907
—dated the 17th December, (795, bearing interest from,
the firft day of January, 1591, for 1,597 65-100 d°l-
I 1 ditto, cent, domestic ftock> No. i 0,68*
5 —dated December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the
> firft day of January, 17.91, for 994 30-100 dollars.
1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9^166 —dated'the 17th
r-gp en- I D ecem bef, 1795, bearing interest from the firft Janu
paflage I ig 01) f or 7 gß gj-joo dollars.
0 I Said -certificates are supposed to have been loft of
in, I flo'.en in this city feme time in December or Janua:y
» Icet I last.
No. 59, Ndrth Front-street.
Philadelphia, July 21, 1796. d6«r.
* 'I From ifrto 9 i-inches, for faleby
Jtramah Warder,
f u ]ylj 5 No ii northThird-llrect.
common J 1 **
!Cr I Sales of ladia Goods.
flreet.. j The Cargo ef the (hip.Ganges, capt. Tingcy, from Cal
iCutu and Bengal,
j y» Ij3rge-aiid general afiortment of Bengal and Madra»
! A variety jine. worked and plain MuJlinSy
Nj A Iso,
r -be sent ■ A Quantity of Kxedlevt Sugar,
beingtin 1 ln*boit» and bags'—and BfcACK PEEPER,
For Sale by
or J Willing* & Francis*
J . No. %l Pe4o Sowtt.
§i June 8 5