Treasury of the United States. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are er may be Creditors of the United States, for any funs» of the Funded Debt, or Sio-k, fairing a prfeni intereji of Jtx per centum per annum. • ft, That purfuanf to an Act ot Congress passed on the »Bth day of April, 1796, in titled an aiJt in addition to an intituled " An ad making further provision for tha support of public cradit, and for the redemption of the - public debr." the laid debt or ftoek will be reimbursed and Paid in manner following, to wit. " First, by dividends " to be qjade ori (he lad dayj of March, June and Septcm " ber for tie present year, and from the year one thousand " seven hundred~and niliety-feven, to the year one thou " sand tight hundred & eighteen inclusive, at the rate of " Hoc and One half per centum upon the original capital. " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the lafl. day of * Deccmbar for the present year, and from the year one " thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year '' one thousand eight hundred and seventeen inclufivo, at *' the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori " gitfal capital; and by 3 dividend to bt ma'c on the hft " <Uy of December, in the year one thousand eight hun " Wred and eighteen, of such l'um, as will be then aile '' quate, according to the contrail, for the final redemp •• tion of the {aid stock." , 2d. All diftin&ion between payments on account of Interef and Principal keipg thus aboliihed by the establish ment ot the permanent rule of reimbursement aboy« de scribed, it ha« become necellary to vary accordingly the powers of attorney for receiving dividends; the public creditors will therefore observe that the following form is eftabtilhed for all powers of attorney which may be granted aftpr the due pramolgation ol this notice, viz. KNOir ALL MEN BT THESE PRESENTS, that I of in v da make, conjlitute and appoint ilf my true and lavrful At' tomey,for me, and in my to receive tbr dividends •which 'are, \ or fb.ill be payable aesording'to law, on the (here describing the stock) Jlanding in my name in the boots of (he-re describing the books of the Treasury or the Commissioner of Loans, where the stock is credited) from (here insert the com mencement and expiration of time for which the power of / attorney is to continue) with pcrjjgr also an attorney or attor- Hics under him, for that purpofc to make andfubfiitittc,andto do aU lawful a£is rcqiiifttefor cffeiling the premises, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said Attorney or bisfubjlitutc ,Jball lawful ly. do, by virtue hereof. In Witness hereof, I bepue hereunto set my Hand and Seal the day of in the year Sealed and Delivered in presence of, BE IT KNOWN, that on the Hay of before me personally came ■within named and ackrlovledgci the above letter of attorney to be kil aft and ditd. ■In tejlintony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and affix ed Seal the day ■ and year last afbrefaid.. Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen tieth day of July 1796, pUrsuant to directions from the Secretary of the T rdSifury. ' SAMUEL MEREDITH, Treasurer of'the United States. July*!. w & st Z J. War-Office of the United States, May 4th, 1796. THE following Rules, explanatory of those published the 15th February, 1789, are to be observed by all persons entitled to Lands, in purfuanee of resolves of Congress. Every certificate of the acknowledgment of a deei -er power of attorney, either before a notary public or other magistrate, milt, in addition to -what is usual, set fortji that the purfon making the acknowledgment is known to the notary or other magistrate ; for which purpose words of the following import must be inlcrtad in the certificate. " And I do moreover certify that the said A B making this acknowledgment has been for personally known to me.". If the notary or other magistrate has reason to believe that he is the person he raprefents himfelf to be, he wil also certify it. Andifthe proof be made by a witnefsorwitneffes,h« or theymuft swear to some general ftateof their knowledge of him, which matter mult be set forth in the certificate ; and the notary -public, or other magistrate, before whom acknowledgment is made, must also set forth that the wit nelsor wituelffeshas or have been for upwards of penonally known to him. If a jufticC of the peace is employed, the clerk «rf the court of the corporation or county must certify that such person is a justice of the peace of the county or corpora tion as the cafe may be, and that full faith is due to his ads as such. JAMES M'HENRY, Secretary of W*r- May 12. ta<u/3m INFORMATION IS given daily of the drawing of tbe WASHINGTON LOTTERY, at th« Office No. 147 Cbefnut Jireet, between Fourth and Fifth ftreots. Also, where Tickets may "yet be had. Aug. 5. eo The Ninth day's drawing is arrived. Samuel Richardet, RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlwner Merchants, that he has this day opened Che CITY TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE in the city of Philadelphia The Stibfcription Room will be furniftied with all the daily "papers publithed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com mercial 'eitits of Europe—They will be regularly filed and nor.e permitted to be taken away on any account. Tea, Coffee, Soupes, JeHies, Ice Creams, and a variety of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments, will at all times be procurod'at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the cWoiccft of "Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the 'most approved Malt Liquors froaiLondon and other breweries. The Larder will befupplied with the prime and eaflieft produdtionsef the Season. Large and small Parties, tn- (ingle Gentlempn, may be accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at hoitrsnsoft convenient to thamfelves—a cold Collation is regularly kopt for coiweniency, the Billof Fare to be had at the bar. The Lodging Rooms win he completely furnifhed, and the utmost attention paid to deanlinefs, and every other reqtrifile. gf S*Mt)EL Rich audet will be happy to receive, and execute the commands of his Priends, and the Public at large; and with for their favours, ■he pledget himfeK that nothing 011 His part lhallbe wanting topre fervc that patronage with which lie has been to di£tingel(h ingly :'»onored. Philadelphia, April 19. . . eo Insurance comp. of the state of Pennsylvania. The Directors have declared a dividend of fixtcen dol lars on each (bare of the capital of said company, for ths lalt fix months whicl. will bepaidtothe ftnckholders 01 then legal reprcfentaiivcs on every day after the JMt iadant. S. W. Fijher, Secretary. August 1. «iiet. \ . Sales c India Goods. The Cargo of ths ihCanges, capt. Tingcf, from Cal > j«ta and Bengal, «SISTINC. OF A Large and of Bcr.gJ and Madras CO TTOand SILK. GOODS. AM ip WHICH ARE ' A variety fine wked andplain Mujlins, l Dore, &c. Also, — A Quantity f Excellent Sugar, . J In boxes ?mi bags-and BLACK HLPPE3., ForSaltby f Wiings y Francis, ce, No. 21 fenn Street, f June R .[ $ r The Nw World. ' SAMUEUi. SMITH, t TNFORMS the public, thaencou raged by a liberal pa- 1 A tronage, and in complijtc with nuirarous rcquefts Jc from Subscribers, he has detmined to antidpate the pub lication of The New World/The firft »imbcr will ap- pear on Monday, the I jth A tuft. Thofiwho have seen 2 C his proposals are fuflieiently aeiainted will the plan and terms on which it is designed t conduit Bis _ _ For the information of those peons who ire not acquaint- , e ed, it is neceflary to obfervithat it"vill be publilh-d twice a day, in the morring an cvininsr that the price n is only Eight Dollars, being tlwfame wi» that of news- c papers pfinted but once a day ;ind thatts plan will be com*rehenfwe and liberal. to it £T The Puhlifher offers a hbial compnfation to any l(j person well qualified to make a cirefl ai full report of " the Debates of the Federal and Site Lejflatures, whiah it is his intention to puhlilb in th(New Vorld. C 8 c *,* Apvertifements will be int-ted; km the appear- m ie ' anccof the firft number until fulher mice, lvhen Dot exceediag a square, for forty centsor thmrft, and twen ty cents for every subsequent inferion ; ad a confidcra t' kle abatement will ba made when tey ar fteadi 1 y infert j ed. Those gentkmen who have esreffe their intention r _ of fending Advertisements, as welhj the who have such U an intention without having exprtfed are informed that the paper of Monday, August 15, rill be open for their admiflion until the evening of jatuiay preceding. — N. B. It isearneftly requested thit aliiibfcriptionfa !je pers not yet returned, may be feat to ti prists before the day of publication. A faithful Pressman wanted. Aug. 6 eot j ;th City cf Waliingttn. SCHEME of the LO"TEIY, No. 11, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT C THE FEDERAL CITT. v A magnificent 20,000 hollas, & J i 8 dwclDng-houfe, j cafli 30,000, ire J s*> G#a j I ditto is,ooo & cafli 13000 40,000 I .ditto 15,000 & cash 15000 50,000 I ditto 10,000 & ca(h iqooo '20,000 I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10..000 1 ditto 5„ooo & cask 5,00s 10,000 n 1 calU prize of jo,ooo n a do. 5,000 each, are, • 10,000 " 10 do. 1,000 - . io,oo» tl jl 20 do. 500 - - 10,000 si 00 do. 100 - , . je, 000 c aoo da. 50 - - 10,000 9r .400 do. »j - • 10,000 er *,000 do. 20 • * 20,000 c 15,000 do. IO - 150,000 '' to < is 16,739 Prizes. B e. 3i,26l Blanks. ly 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 >e N. B. To favour those who may tjcei quant icy of y, il Tickets,the prize of 40,000 dollars will betfct,*sT dra\vn ticket, and the 30,000 the LyiST but one: v »r And approved notes, securing payment ilither money of -or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will treceived for v id any number not less than 30 tickets. a This Lottery will affordan elegant fpecina of the pri- - it* vate buildings to be ere&ed in the City of Vlhington— Two beautiful designs are already felcAed r the entire fronts on two of the public, fquares;'from tie prawings he it is proposed to erect two centre and four coifr buildings, ch a3 soon as poilible aftpr thi? lottery is fold, dto convey a- them, when complete, to the fortunate aenturars, in ] lis the maimer described in the scheme for the h:el Lottery. A nett dedu<ftio*i of five per cent, will beetle to defray tJie necessary expenses of printing, &c. an<thc surplus 8 will be made a part of the fund iritendei} foabeNatianal — University, to be eredled within the city of Vlhington. The Drawing will commence as soon as thickets are fold off.—The money prizes will be payable ithirty days 'N after it is finifhsd ; and any prizes for whi fortunate numbers ate not produced within twelve mohs after the drawing is closed, are to be confideredls gin towards ■ Ets the funJ for the .University ; it being determed to fettle the whole business in a year from the eidiog , the draw ing, and to take up the bonds given as fec'uri. — The real fepjirities given for the .payment otbePfiees, : are held by the President and two Directors' the Bank qf Columbia, and are valued at more than :alf the a ( fp mount ot the lottery. *Y The twenty Biur gentlemen who by app'ntmeftt of he Ae late Commilfioners a (lifted in the manageent of the Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake thisduoui taflc he a second time on behalf of the public; a fuffient num of. ber of these having kmdly accrued, it is hopl that the m . friends to a National University and the otherederal ob ied je<ftsmay continue to favor the design. By accounts received from the different |rts of the jty Continetit as well as from Europe, where he tickets , tSi have been sent for sale, the public are assure that th« drawing will speedily commenoe, and that tl care and ith caution unavoidably necessary to infurfe a fafe ifpofai of oft tha tickets, has rendered the fnor ftifpeufion indpenfable. es. SAMUEL BLODJIT. ieft .5. Tickets may be had at the Bank of Colmhia ;of James Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of Peter Gilma, Boston ; be of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richsd Wells, at Ferry. ;o ■»' FOR SALE, **"" A very Valuable . her P ALLED . T WITT EN H Alts, fit U! e in the VJ townlhip of Upper Derby, andcountyof lelaware, , 7 *-* "I'les from Philadelphia, and half a miltfrom the' new Western road! containing 230 acres df exctk'nt land, ; 45 of which are good watered meadow, 90" priie wood £ land, and themft arable o£ t4w -firft- <fuaKty. I lcse are on the premises a good two story brick house, wit 4 «ooms on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pmfi-well of excellent water in front; a large frame bar, (tables, and Other convenient buildings-, a smoke-house ndione' — fpring-hotrfe ; two orchwds snd one f^each-. QJ The n eids ire all in-clever, except those immediately under tillage, and are so laid out as to havtrfhrtvantage of water in each of them, which renders it pecui irly con venient for grazing. dol- The Ctuatiop is plca&m and healthy, aad frorrthe high the euhrvnfcon of the laud, the good neighbourhood and the sor vicinity to the city, «is very suitable for a gerlesnan's r*Rh country feat. The foregoing is yart of the estate of Jacob larman, deccaicd, and offered for fcde By ?■ Mordecai Levis» " OA. 9. *0 ] Exeaitor. For sale by tht fubfcnbers» d IN UN* * f REF.T, . * n tso quarter Chests f.'efli Kyfon sea; 100 ditto do; fVelh Souchong -ea ! 390 Bores China, containing small te- letts o 4» pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoes. Hillings y Fffincis. January 30 " taw- Lottery FOR railing fix thousand fix hundred and sixty-seven dollar* a/id fifty cents, by a deduction of ''Keen per cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz. I Prize of 500 O dollars ; i« dollars 5000 I 1000 1000 1 500 s°° j 200 lOCQ 20 100 » & .°® - 99 jo 495° *5 , S°°° 2000 1 0 10,000 ■5 Lad drawn numbers of 1000 dollar* each, 5000 2331 Prizes. 44>4SP 4018 Blanks. I • 6350 Tic Vets at Seven Dollars each, 44.45° By order of the Dirc&oVs of tjie Society for eftablifh mg Ufeful ManufaiStures, the fuperintendayts of the Pat-, erion Lottery have requested the Managers to offer the foregoing S«heme to the publi®, and have direiSted them to refund the money to those persons who have purchased in the farmer Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tickets in thisT.ottery. The lottery has a&ually commenced drawing, arvd wiil contiuuenntil fmilhed. A lift of the Blanks and Prizes may be seen at the office ol William Blackburn, No. 64 sooth Second street, who will giv« information where tick i ets may be procured. Dated this 17th day of June, 1796. J. N- GUMMING, 7 JACOB R. HARDENBERG, £ Managers. JONATHAN RHEA-, J June 18 eo Just Published, BY THOMAS DOBSON, At the Stoat HouJl, N#- J1 South Sccond Street, neatly printed in one volume quarto, price fix dollars the fine paper, or five dollars the com mon: The Four Gospels, TRANI ATED FROM THE QREEK; With preliminary DifTerta ions, and Notes critical and eXT planatory. By GEORGE CAMPBELL, D. D. F. R. S. Isfc. Principal tf Marifchul College, Aberdeen. %* Th» chara&er of the author, for acutenefs and erudition has been cftablifhed by his essay an' . miracles in aofwer to David Hume," the greatest masterpiece of the kind ever published, and by his " Philosophy of Rhetoric," and to the merit of the prefeot work, the result of nearly forty years study and application, and the fubitance of his course of le&ures in his official capacity, the reviewers have given ample tettimony, but their ac * count, however honorable to the work, is too for a place in this advertifemeht, the work howev er is now presented in an American edition at not more than half the price of the London copy. July 29. 4W2W LANDS, ~~ In Harrifop. county, Virginia, for Sale, f TT'ttUR iVaSs containing 5000 acres each, and a moiety a JL of one other tradt of 5000 acres, all fitusted on the waters of Elk and Hughes's river. J For further particulars enquire at No. 70 Chefnut-S reet, r where the Pater.ts may be seen. Aug. 6 . - . . fw& This Day is Pnblilhed, e By WILLIAM COBBETT, 3 Ni>rt% Second-Jlrcet, eppoftte ChriJPt Church, y The Life and Adventures of "PETER PORCUPINE; With a full and exa&. account of all his authoring tranf a&ions in America. By Peter Porcupine himfelf. j *3t_ CABLES, r s From 16 to 9 J inches, for sale by e e yeremiah Warder, 1, July J » § No 12 north Third-street, J Treasury Department, Augujl 3, 1796. Public Norice is hereby Given, s > IJS-purfuancejftfin ail of Congreft, passed on tke . l£ih. k A day May, 1796, entitled "An adt m-oviding " for a tile sale of the lands of the United States, m the Territo ry north weft of the riyer Ohio, and above the. mouth of of Kentucky river," that the feftiohs or lots of land defcri htd ia the annexed fehedule, lying in the feveo ranges of flc townfcips, which were furveyediq pursuance of an ordi b- nance «f Congress, pafled on the twentieth day of May, tie in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five b- will be*xpofed forfaie at Public vendue, in the town ol Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, on the twenty-fourth day of iie O>ftober next, and thenceforward, from day to day until :ts the fe-ft day of December enfumg, unless the said lots fliall he be sooner fold, in the manner, and on the terms and con. nd ditions herein after mentioned, to wit: or lots aII be fold under the di le. region «f the Governor or Secretarv of the Western Ter ritory, and such perflSn as the Prefio'ent of the United of States may specially app«int for that purpose. M I ,' he fl!d fe . aions or lots ftiall be fold to the hleheft Us, bidder, but no sale can be made for less than two dollars _ acre of the quantity of land contained in such lot or lection. 3. The highest bidder as before mentioned, must depo sit at the time of sale, one twentieth part of the purcl jife the the j?? nds of such P erfoa President of the re United States Ihail appoint to attend the sales for that pur thc P 0 ,' whlo ' 1 W1 " bo forfeited, if a moiety of the fnm bid, nd, we said twentieth part, fliall not be paid witr.iu < thirty days From the time of sale. are . U F oa of a moiety.of. tie parciiafe money ims m 1 , ™ arincr I><for(: mentjoned, the purchaser wi.l be fell Cnt flf „° one y e " 8 crcdit for the remaining moiety : las, ?"* (hiil " Ceive fTom the Governor «r Secretary of the me, Jr e r r " T «iitory, ana the person who fliall be appointed ch- 7 r c Ptefident of the United States, to direct the sales, a el certificate describing th« lot or fidion purchased, and de age V ai lcethe f um P a 'donaccount, the balance remaining due, ■° n - t "?!i W , , rU L Ct blU,lce hecomes payable, and that ?'jT 1 » em mentJO " ed . will be forfeited, if the ligl. no '' l,cn -, but if the said balance (hall thc TT •Jo rge '^ 5 ' t!,e fame to tie Treasurer of an's , y mtcd States, the purchaser or his aflignce or other Tentative, Shall J, e entitled to a 'patent for the nan, I:u . d °" J llß , prodscing to the Secretary of State n re ,72 r cndorfed U P°» the certificate. But any purchaser fliall make payment of the whole of the . '' c mone y, at the time when the payment of the r. firft moiety is direfiod t<f bcmjde, he will he sntitled to a » deduiti»n of ten per centum on the part for which a. ' dit is authorizod to-be gives; and his patent (hall be mediately iflbed. Given under my'hand it Philadelphia, the day tear above mentioned Or.IVFR woLCorr. Scci' tar v of the Trca^tuv Schfdule of fe Slant of townjlips, or frattijnai < • of toiunjhipi, to be fuU at Pi:tjburgh,-i*purfiu.. of the 6th feSian of an aft of Lopgrcfs, pjfid ■ the 18th day of May, i 796. *Z I oil. i . !s £ 1«: i!i °i| § 6 . Hll ° -<: s. j 1 1 •" 1 jgf 1 ■ 1 id Range. 6[hTownihip. 6th Range. lit TowYifftrp. Ran 640 each iftTdwnfnlp. 28 « 65 14 1 7 3 »° 29 256 95 17310640 each xB, 270 30 250 75 25336 6 4 oeach 21 gSO 34 240 90 gthTownlhip. 22 166 40 each 3314:640 ?ach 23 427 2d Township. i7ajio 64oeach 24 64c 19 140 23 |640 27 151 So 20 170 70 25a30i640each zßajo64oegch „ 21 185 3.?a36,64o|each' jj <r8 22 2 30 iothTawnfhip. 34336 64oeach 25 488 80 ia2 1640 tach 2d Town (hip. 26227 64oe3ch 53i464oeach x 126 28 560 17 a2o 64c each 2 440 29 551 60 13-336:640 each 3 448 jq 564 xithrfownfhip. 4 456 31-36 640 each iai4 640 each 5 464 4thTowufi)ip. 17320 640 each 6 472 19' 64 233361640 each 7 340 6 f , 4 thRrNGE. 640 each *6 38760 lftTownnii i 7 a»o 640 each a 7 36 > > £ 23336 640 each 31 a 32 6(40 each 4 r,,6 -o 3dXovnfl,ip.. 33 616 30 4o 1 l 4 34 445 .20 J 2 1478 « "V{° 3533? S4O each 3 4*6 3, ' „.° adT ownfhip. 4 \ *' 4 jthTowiifhip. 5 J0» 6 l »l»° 3a6 4-each 6 '{ IO ■ 12 479 3o J 6 zo 7.314 640 eieh 17 3°4 15 g " each 18 6^B ;° 9 ai2 Uo each each S3, 45 o 7,5 T , •• jthTownfbip. 24 fr '4 '40 1 < 18 l 30 640 «7«c HO -3cj, * g »„ 2333- > J 16 64a f 3dTown(bip. I 4 " . —r iai4j64oeach ? 54° ad Range. 17320 iftTownfhip. i3a3.fii( 7214.4' eath 18 I 7| so sth Town fl>ip4 ' )4 eac^ 34 161 50 1214640! each !fif-p ' 4 V :a ' ' 3fiTownlhip. each ' ownihip. ®4a26 640 each 23336 640 each 1 ' 28 499 16 7th'i'own(hip. 1 40 29 '64c ia» 64©e3fh 3 3*. each 537 64oeach 4 -'J 1 6° 4th I'ownfhip. 12313 6»,0 eafh b 11 26 40. i£ai9 640 each . , 12 39; 5 C 25- 64b 7a 14 j 4 c «ach 13 5 J 5° 30*36 64oeach encb 15 27 50 Oth'l ownftip. '3 a v?o each. 16 250 20 1 ji £tl 1 owr.fhip. ij 524 17320 64cieach i aI 4 640 each 18 64c 13 '7«o64=:eack |,1J 63, 1 Jtli.Townfllip. J 3 a 3® 640 each ' 20 58, 80 n.4 .',4?ea ( *r. *' on* nfmp. 21 |1536 21 17320 640 each J "4*64- each S2a3664cjeath 640 each , 7 a 640 each sthTown(hip.' nthTownlhip. *3 *36 640.each 5 'iai 4 64o|ea<h 637 fuc .ach 17320640 each 1 ai4 43325 64c. each 23 .ach '7>2e 17 atß 64c each ~'= 1 3 HO each 3233664 c ach n tsthTo ; vn p : : JlhTownlhip. 1*14640.0^ |6 40 j 18 2 74 4© 17MC 640 eacii BthTownWp " 87 *3»36 64o|rach ias 64o|each 427 5° 7 th R.iNGf. 6 44c 4 ift Tew'nfhip. 7a 14 640 car! ' 30 I 4:20 17*20 640 each 3V 36 I 132! 50 *3'3« 640^ h 29a>01640each 2dTowrifti ? . 9 ? T , ap- 31 18 3 z 3s 6 640 co 4 8 312 30 4 °t, 5a6 <"'4oeack r „ c.r ■ 33.336640cach •> , . 2<lTowi)fnip. . J3ai4 64c each n ,** 10311 64c eadi , ,2 100 20 if a2O 64c rach 14 30 »j336 64o;ach I7ais 640 each 3d Range. 5 456 'J i ad Township. 6 464 80 ? h " 15 «4ot 7 %»> 16 6co 8 618 , a V i ISC . ao 557 jo 9 ai4 640 each l a^ o 4 °4 J ; aiaai 640 each 17 320 64c each _ , 23 M° 9 'Vi 6 640 " Ch 1" A4O each aj a3fii4oeach 4th owninipf. 6 | 6 ach SdTown/lup. 13 M 640 each Townlhi 9 18860 i7*ao 640 each 10 344 23*36 . .?LT 11 267 fithTownftipji J»ogo|each 12 152 I ai^64 9 each | Qmn(k - Y, j 16218 640 each SlTownlbifi.J'JJJ jJ t>rfl ! 19 217 JO iai4 6 4 30 616 7J 64c *ach j r (h 41 336 640 each 2333664 c each j 6 , c leach 4th Townihip. lothTownfhip. 1 540.Lch# I 170 ■ Townlhlp . : 1 544 [ 7a»c » 4 0-ach;. 6 K 3 320 j 3 a 3 6lD4cleaclijl - 6 J e ach 1 4 4jo iathTownfh.p.j| 1 66 L C h «. 5 IM> W«4|64e eacV,^ Towl laip. 64c n«heH| allfi 64oe3ch 7 J<>3 23a36|6 4 c|e3ch! ch Ba 9 64c each uthTownlh.p? - 6 6 ;aeh 10 54c 80 13T4 11.51, 70 1732 c Meach, ach f iaa#4 64© ach 23»3^64«|ea t h -L e3[h ! 233301640 each 1 NOTE. a THE quantities of Lands in the several townlhips be • _ fore mentioned, are exchifive of the Lotsrcfervedby the United States and also of thofc formerly fold.—The ag t gregate quantities in the several townfhirs or frailina " e parts of townships, have been ascertained by aiftual fuv [| vey ; the quantities in particular lots or iedliots, hav ,f been 110 other wife ascertained than by calculation. r •" ,1,1,, 1 mil" - £■ ' " " ; ■" PRINTED BY JOHN FBNN' % —No. Ix 9— LC CHtSKUT-SIRItT. a fPrke Eight Dolkis per :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers