Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 10, 1796, Image 2
J *' -■ c ' .V - , ' .% • »• •'». Auction Sales. This Evening, ? At 7 o'clock, £ WlLfc BE SOl.rf BY AUCTION, at the Coffee- u House, the following "> > Building Lots, in the City. |J No. I. A Lot ojj the north fide of Filbert-street, at the tr , * v — dift'nce of about 180 feet from the North-Haft cor- N < tier of Tenth and Filbart-ftreet, and extending north wardly 140 feet, to where an 18 feet allc? is intended to br opened. No. 2. A lot East of and idling lot No. I, 10 feet front on Filhert-ftreec, and extending 140 feet, to the T said intended alley. • Nn. 3. A lor Eail of and adjoininj No s, and. ot the •< fame dirtienfiohs. w No, 4. A lot East of and adjoining No. 3, a»d of the ur sam« dimensions. , , No. 5. A lot East of and adjoining No. 4, and of the fame dimensions. • . No. 6. A capital lot, on the north-eift c»rn«r of Tenth and Filbert street*, being 20' feet on Tenth and 100 feet 011 Filbert-street. , No. 7. A'lot north" of and adjoining No. 6, and of the fame dimensions No. 3, 9 & 10.-Three lots, north of and adjoining No. 10, each 20 feet, making 6»feet front on Tenth-street, aad 140 feet deep to the said intended alley. No.ll. Alot north of and adjoining No. 10, having 20 Ffeet front on Tenth-street, and 140 feet depth to the said intended illey. No. t». A lot north of and Adjoining No. 11, and of the feme dimensions. Edward Fox, Audt'r. Aug. 9. ' ' Cargo of the ftiip Union Fraterna, 'from Leghorn. ON Friday nest, at. 10 o'clock in the morning, 011 Messrs. Rofs & SimfonS whatf, will be fold by auc tion, (and continued from day to day, till the whole is fold) the cargo of the Venetian Ihlp UniomFratera, from -| Leghorn, confiftijig of the following articles. J Florence OjJ in cases of 12 bottles, and flafks of 50 a Caflile Soap iri cases-• a Tallow Candles , c Anchovies . I ■ ■ Caiero • ■ \ Olives ( ' I _ Juniper Berries id bale* 1 Mama, Flakey Ditto,, in forts ' Almoijds Perme'an Cheese • Frenth in calks ' Ditto, in bottles i r Twine - ' ■ Hair-Powder Pomatum. The conditions of sale will bt—all sums under 50CI. to be paid in calh : frotiVsoo to in approved notes at 60 diys: from 1000 dollars upwards, in ap? proved endorsed notes at 90 and 120 days. Edward Fox, Au&ioneer. **' X Aisguft 9 • • ' y A Great variety of elegant Globe and Vase LAMPS. TpOR halls and entries, of the best London glass, with J- pullies, balance weights, and every neceiTary appen dage, of fizcrfuualjU'ft accommodate buildings w all • C dimensions. Also, an aflortmentof Lamps, adspted for the use . -at pirlours, thambers, counting-houfee, with patent burners, wick, glasses, &c. Jufl Imparted, and Far Sale by W. P O Y N T E L L, ' 'Jfo. 7®, Chefnut, between Second and Third Street 3. T Also, a handsome alfortment of mahogany knife ca ses for fide hpards. ♦ August 4- fmw3t. Philip Nicklin & Co. HAVE FOR SALE, Souchong -v Hyson Skin / Young Ilyibn S* FRESH TEAS Hyson and N % , * Imperial Yellow Nankeens China Ware, assorted in Boxes and Chefls Quicksilver Bandaimo Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in chefls ' ■Lo.don Market } MADEIRA WINE London particular >in pipes, hoglheads, & New-York Market J ' quarter efflts Teneriffe Wine in pipes and hogfteads , Sugar Candy by the Box Sail Canvas No. 1 a 8 Lead in (heets 3 Casks of Cutlery assorted m A few chests of Manchester Goods, assorted thick sets, cords, striped Nankeens, &c. 3 Small packages of black sewing-silks S Tierces Virginia Snake-root. Natls allbrted in calks July 18 Lottery and Broker's Office, 64 South Second street, TICKETS ;n the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the examination of Tickets, and Prizes paid, without dedudtion. The Subscriber solicits the application of the Public or any ot his friends who Nvifli to purch/fe or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands, Lott» or Merchandize of any'kind, er to obtain Money ondepofitof property. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Late jf?efl for the Canal Lottery .Company. Shares an Tickets in the late Newport Lfcng Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery examined ; a ' complete lift of'all the prizes having-been received at ■» jTjnC 6. , On Monday next, asthlnft. (July,) Will be landed ai South (Irfct Wha. f, t)»e cargoes of Superb, Vv, i> In ian a*d Habilla, from Jamaica anil Havanna, coo fifting of . - 4 Mobfles in Hogflitads, % .GdiPte in togiheads, barrels. & bags, ' . .1 * r?R SALE BY .* \ • PETER BLIGHT, , 1 Whtf has also foriale, « id i'A quantity of Jamaica GINGER, « ' "7 In '. B Cocoa, ) • .' And 1 ,0 boitrjHarnbro' WINDOW GLASS, 7 by 9, will ' * ' be foid chcap. liily.«o ■« dlot & la'h & 1 jot « si' AN AX?SST, , i.- Refiner.', at Mr. Oiltcfs r s Hold, JVC I N I A T U R F, LIKENESSES \ RE taken f.ld executed in that eleEant and dehcat, l\. stile, which is so ncceffary to render a Miniature Pic ture an interesting jewel. rd'em- 1 He will warrant a strong and mdifputable reje blance; and he takes the liberty to lay before the OS this place his moil earnest intention to defcrvc their p - i tronage by his best endeavors to please. c N. B. Specimens are to be seen. f May 12. " 1 George Dobson, | BEGS leave to inform the Store. Keepers in Town and 1 Countrv, that he has removed from Marlv-Slrcit to N°- 25, south Third-street, where be is opening a Large and Elegant Aiforiment <)f the undermentioned articles.—viz. Superfine LondonClotbsand Kerfeymcret,' ■ ' ! Yorkthire second Do. Do. | Elastic do. do. Mix'd and Blue Coatipgs ' ( Flannelis, Ac. Manchester Printed Callicoes, 1 London Chintz ditto, i Blueand ditto Furnitufes, , India ditto. Long Cloths, ColTaes, Baftas, Battillas& Conjevremi, 4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6.-4 Superfine India Book Muslins, 4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 &6-4 plain do. Muslins, 4-4 & 6-4 Britilh Jaconets, 6-4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, 1 4-4 India'do. do. do. 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs. &c. A large assortment of figur'd and plain Mullinets, Quiltings. Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy Waiftcoatirlgs, Ginghams of the firft Quality, (übjeCt to Drawback, India Nankeens, Men's White and coloured Silkjlockiags. May 9 Twenty Dollars Reward. * RAN away this morning from the Subscriber, living in the county of Monmouth, New-Jersey, remark ably black Negro Man; named BEN—about 4® years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inclits high, stout niade, bald on the crown of his head; had on and took with hipragtey ho'mefpun coating coat and jacket, a brown clcth coat, with a black collar, homespun tow lhirts and irowfers, with other fhirU and small cloaths wbich cannot be enu meraf ed. He is a complaisant, artful and deceitfal fellow. Whoever will take up and secure the said Runaway, so that his owner m.iy him again, ftiall have the above re ward, and rcafonable # charges paid if brought home. Elijha Laiurance. July 18—Aug. 1 §2w For Sale, A LARGE ELEGANT AND WELL FIN-I3HED Three-story Briek House, (The late residence of General Walttr Stewart) ' .XTTITH a'LO I' of GRQDND thereuntobelof ing, <1\ the weft fide as Thirfl-ftreet, near Uhion-flrect containing in front 31 feet, and in depth »oo feet, to an alley leading into Unjpn-ftrcet. The houfs is 32 feetfront and 50 feet deeps; the several rooms contained in it are ' large, commodious, andcompletfly finifhed; thetwofirft stories are each 13 feet high; there are 10 mahogany doors in the house ; a geometrical staircase, with mahoga -1 ny rails and a geod Iky-light. The kitchen is in the cell - ar, which is spacious andconvenicnt, and finifhed with'aH 1 I oven, stew-holes and pantries, hall and large wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in frent of which is an ; area in which there is a punm The yard is vuil"*l»- t Commtinicattng whtr the f»id tuiliflng is a neat ttirel-ilory brick house, on the north fide of Union-street, contain ing 30 feet front by 20 feet deep; the lower part of which is at present occupied as a compting-houfe, and the upper part divided into wall-finilhed large chambers. This house • may at a small expense be tonverted into a convenient - dwelling: The street door is very handsome, and and back have Venetian window-shutters. Adjoining the last house, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are ere&ed bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewise very good coach honfe and flables.finifhed equal (or nearly so) with " any in the city, on alot containing on Union street 30 ftet, and in depth 011 the weft, fide of said alley 52 feet. There are good cellars unde, the whole of the buildings, and a wine room over part of thejlable, with a hay-loft ov>r the re mainder. For further particulars enquire of EDWARD BONS.'iLL & Co. At their Office No. 64 Dock-street. between Walnut & Pear eo .streets. 6ih month 24th,' 1796. n For Sale, A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill, IN New Jersey, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour. The Grift Millis.fiity by fort) feet, two water wheels, and calculated for four ruYi of Stones, with screen, fans and boulting-cloths, &c. TheSaw'Millhastwofaws,and capable ofcuttingfiveto 6 100 thousand feet of Boards per year. A valuable piece ef Cedar Swamp, witjiin a rnilel and a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile of a Landing The Lumber, &c. ma»be taken by water . from the mill tail. v ALSO TOR SALE™ Several Valuable Tra£ts of Land, In Pennsylvania, for all of which pigment will be receiv ed in tlie notes of MelTrs Morris and Nicholfon, or in Cash. For further information apply to thfe Printer. May 17. law - JOHN. PAUL JONES. n TNFORMATION is hereby given, that the late John 1 Paul Jones was a proprietor of fWe lhares (amount r ing to about 5867 icres) in a trail of land purchased by the Ohio Coirlpany, in the territory ef the Uilited States s ' of America, north-weft of J;he river Ohio ; and that his heirs, or legal reprefent;ative, on application to the direc tors of said company,3t Marietta in the territory afore faid, will receive a deed ef the laid five-fhares, or riehts' of land.. The application maybe made personally or agent, " but proper documents must be produced, to prove tlie' • claimant or claimants the legal hei»6 ov "of tb{ said Jonei" ■"n.b. As it is n«t known in what country the £erfon or perfonsinterefted refidg, it will be an ail of benevolence • in every Printer in America and Europe, who - - (i " 'In behalf thediredo*of theObio Company,' )- ' " ItIJFUS PUTNAM.'- Marietta, May 20,1796- Quae .J < 3awgw To be difpiofed of, ~ . THE time of a healthy WOMAN, who has between four and five Jear« to ferv» : She be recommended for her sobriety and honelly. 'For enqtiire at No. 132,-Chefnul-ftrtet. Am. mi ll ). , «. • tf. OniviSrluy of Fenafylvania, ' July 16, J7q6 •yHE Summer Vacation will take place on Monday ~c xt t!rc-ißth,iidl. and continue for Four weeks.—-Thediffer- II ent Schools withth: several Tutors will accordingly re! alfemblc on Monday, the 15th day of Aauitt b • By ihc fruity, Wat, E.o<. llttj S«c'y, '• • » v ■ %1C";• Foreign Jnicliigi-ii^' LONDON, May 21. - Wcbear, that it is at length finally concluded that tlx; Princess Royal is to give her hsnd to the Prince of Wirtemberg. Count Z ppcli it is said has been the fuectfsful suitor for his prince on the occasion. _ The Autfrian general Argenteau, second ill com mand, has been arretted ona charge of mifcondutt during the late campaign in Itidy, mio is to be brought to a court martial. He is a priiofier ai Mautua. The report of peace is again very prevalent in London, and the return of Mr. Netmai/ from Pa ri* is anxiously expected. This gentleman has been associated with M, Charretier, as agent for French prifonens in this country, and approved of as filch by our Ministry. He was formerly under M. Bar thelami," in the service of .the French Ambaflador in London ; and was sent off on Monday fe'night express to Paris, supposed to be charged with a mission of importance. An express was sent off to Dover 12 hows before Mr, Nctman left London, with a letter from the,. Duke of Portland to the Mayor, to let this gentleman meet with no delay, and that a packet mighf be in readiness to receive him. He failed from Dover to Calais under a flag oftrueeand was only two hours and a haif on his paflage. Mr. Charretier accompanied him to Do ver, but not to France. Scarce any thing of the events which have occur red in the progress of the French revolution arc more extraordinary than those of the present day. Al most in the fame fitting of their k«giflative bodies, theyconfult on the firft movements towards peace, made by Mr. Wiekham to Mr. Barthelemi, they receive news of victories decisive of the fate of Italy and the submissive proposals for peace from Sardi nia and Naples, aod in the fame breath they an nounce to the. people that a conspiracy has been just discovered in the perpetration, headed by men of the firft abilities, ibme of them of the legislative bo dy, threatening the mafiacrc of all the conftitutcd authorities, and the re-establishment of the bloody fyttem of 1793. The conspirators accuse the present powers of intending to restore the monarchy they retort the charge on the conspirators and urge the nation to oppose the reftoratiori of the conltituticro of 1793 to the utmost, as the o<ily means of ettablifhing the Republic and the liberty of France. L 0 N D O N, May 30. A letter from the Hague, of the 18th inft fays, that the Committee of Union having communica ted to the National Assembly the contents of a note from Gen. Btouinonville, in which he infills, that a commander in chief of the army of the State (hall be appointed without delay, the Affcmbly nomina ted Gen. Bournonville to that office, and invested him with full power. The Louis d'Or fold at Paris, on the 18th infti for the>enovmouß price of 8,400 livres in Affig nats 1 ; and Rescripts or Promises of Mandates, r *ben bore a discount of 88 per cent. At the close of the. Poll for Weftmiofter, on 1 Friday, Mr. Fox and Home Tooke addrefled the " mob, in pretty long speeches :—that of the former ; Gentleman was the molt inflamatory we aver heard. t He said (among other strong thinga)- he re : mcmbered but two Wars in which this country lias 1 been engaged—the one directed against the Liber. ty of America, the other against the Liberty of j France—both caused by the despotic principles of . the existing the present War a was nothing more nor less than a combination of - despots to overturn the liberties of Europe. That a constitution was good, exadUy in proportion to r the (hare that the people" had in tjie government of the country—that the sovereignty was in th»peo- P le - . , He cautioned the people against entertaining the fantaiiic notion—that ail exiftingconftitution might not be destroyed. He spoke of Mr. H. Tooke as a gentleman >. whom he refpeded, and whom he «onfidered as the I injured and perfected man alive ; this speech r might be called a canvass for Mr. Tooke. s. Mr. H. 1 ooke said, I uat he would o6t conti c nu,e a candidate, if heconceived, that by so doing, r he would endanger Mr. Fox's eleaion. He agreed in every finglc fenliment that Mr. Fox had ut tered. Is there not then a coalition in principles atvow i ed between Mr, Fox a«d the Chief of the Cor responding Society. Extract of a letter from Cadiz, April 29, 1796.' 1 give you «n abftiaft of a letter, dated Alii cant, April 10. „ "On the 10th inft. an American brig came in - three days from Algiers to this place ; reports, that T the Moors had just carried 9 Danish veffcls into that » port they were all loaded, one had Sicilly a(h for London, some others wine and brandy. The S rol,ud ° f ,his unexpeaed hostility seems to be , this :_Some time ago, a Dane, bringing , 00 Moors from Conftam.nople going to Algiers, l as . (topped by a Tuscan man-os war, and carried into f i.iples, where the Moors are detained. The Dev ot Algiers makes Denmark answerable for them • „ and, we understand, that he. ha, intimated ,0 the. i, . ( r on{ ° l t * lat ! he y mull be returned within a inuudtime j tWat if they wrre, he would conti-' nye a friendl to Denmark, -and release the vcffels d?iained, and if they were not, they would be fold a j Screws made slave, ; the Danini flag- decla . red enemy, anfcthe Co ß ful turned out of Algiers , •"Asit is so.Be timelinre the Consul ha/been e writing for cornp.omifing the master at Naples, it r may oe hoped he w,« be able to pacify the Dey. in which, cafe the Prizes would be restored _ " This intelligence "may be depended upon, btH however it is not improbable that you may, ere th.s leaches, be .informed of this circumstance." rl rj he - Treaty with the Airlines, it _ seems „ „ great forwardnefs, and .he ex pcaed to depart da,ly f rom Algiers. Mr. Donnald fon, it was likely, would be *bk tQ a;ceffinod^t matters on a permanent footing tei'tlt the Rcjeney of Tunis and Trpoli—and when . this tak<« [lace, the Americans will have nothing more to appre. hend'from the Barbary jjfii wrei s. From the (Bklfafi) Northern Star, COUNCIL OF I JVE HUNDRED. % PARIS, MAY 19. The Council of five hundred.had conn tp no rcfjlution relative to the treaty.ctecludcd-be* la twcen the French republic and the King of Sard!-' ilia. A 'coniTiffion was appointed to ex-arriine it,. ? and to deliver in their report this day. ■ The com. miflioners are Boiflfy d'Anglas, Leftierer, Syeyes, J Jean Debri, and EfchniTeiieaux.—The Council again to day will fotm itfeif into a secret «aimmit- « tee to receive the 1 report May 20. , Dumas is the member who presented to the 1 Council «f. Elders, the report in the name of ihe qonamiffion appointed to examine the treaty of with Sardinia. His speech, tho' studied in a'few hours, was-a work of a coniidera fele extent, and a well drawn picture of the prefcnt situ at ion of Europe, and of the new relations of the republic with refpefl to the other powers. Of the war, Dumas fpeke with profefiional know ledge. The plans of the campaign he praised in the highest terms, and was liberal in his praifeof -those who concerted them, and of those also who put them in execution. He appreciated the merit due to the political dexterity of thnfe who condu&ed our negociatiqns ; and paid a tribute of applause to our generals, to the 'heroes of the North and of Italy ; to Buonaparte, to Berthier, and those who emulate their glory. He exprefied his wilhes and his hopes for a speedy, wife, and ho norable peace ; a peace such as it becoMn France to ' grant to Europe, that now loudly calls for a return of its blefiings. > Buonaparte Commander in chiif of the arm* of Italy. 4 .„TO'HIS BRETHREN IN ARMS. HiuH'Quarters, Cherafco, April 26. " Soldiers, " You have iu a forfnight gained Six victories, taken 21 stand of colours, 71 pieees of cannon, se veral tlrong phces, conquered the richest part of Piedmont ; you have made' 15000 prisoners, and killed or jvounded more than 10,000 men. " You had hitherto fought only for fterite Vocks, rendeied illustrious by your courage, buc useless to the country j you have equalled by your services the victorious army of Holland and the Rhine. Deprived of dvery thing, you, have suppli ed everything, you have won battles without can non, made forced marches without shoes, watched without brandy, and often without bread The Re publican phalanxes, the foldieis of Liberty were alone capable of fuffering haye fuffered. " Thanks be to you, Soldiers;the grateful coun try will, in part be indebted to you-for her pwpfpe rity ; and if when viCtors at Toulon, you predicted the immortal campaign of 1794, your nrefetit vie tories will be the presages of more brilliant victo ries, The two armies which attacked you wi h audacity fly difhrartened before you. Men wLo ' failed at your roifsry and rejoicoLlii thought at tie idea oFthe triumphs of your enemies, are con founded and appalled—But it mufl nqt, Soldiers, be concealed from you, that you have nothing, since fometliing remains yet to be awe. Neither Turin nor Milan are in your power. The athesof the conquerors of the Tarquins are dill disgraced, by the«fiafliiv» of. Bafleville. At the commence ment of the campaign you werf dellitute of everyt thing, now you are amply provided ; the magazines taken from your enemies are numerous, the artille- ry for the field and for besieging is arrived. " 'Soldiers, the country has a right to expedl great things from' you { juftify her expeflajions. The greatest obstacles are undoubtedly overcome, . but yon have still battles to fight, cities to take, jivers to pafs.—ls there one among you whose courage it dimiuifhed i Is there one who would prefer returning to the summits of the Alps ajid the Apennines ? No, there is not one amongst the conquerors of Montenotte, Millelimo, Dego, Mon davi. All burn with the desire ef extending the glory of the French. All wish to humble tile proud kings who dare to meditate putting us again in chains j all wish to dictate a peace that shall be and that shall indemnify the country for the imtnenfe facrifices which she has made ; all of you burn with a desire to fay on your return to your home, 1 belonged to the victorious army of Italy, " Friends, I promise this eonqueft (o you, but there is one condition which' you must swear to fulfil, it is to respeCt the people whom you deliver, to repress the horrid pillage, which some wretches mitigated by our enemies, praetifed ; tinlefS yoti do this you will be no longer the friends bat the scourges of the human race ; you will no longer form the honor of the French people, they will disavow you ; your vi<3ories, your fileceiles, .the bl6od of brethren who died in battle, all, even ho nor and glory will'be loflf. With frefpeCt to myfelf, to the Generals who poflefs your confidence, we (hall blush to command an army without discipline, and who admi,t no other law than that of force. " People of Italy, the French army comes to break your chains. The French people are the friends of all people, come \pith confidence to them, your property, religion, and culloms shall be ■ refpedted. '* We make war as gcnerMis enemies ; W»m' only to make war against the Tyrants who oppref3 you." (Signed) ' Buonaparte. Plans of the city of Philadelphia, Including the NgrthkrM Libirties and diltriiSt of SOVTHWARK i Published, and fold by BENJAMIN DAVIES, No. 68, High ftrett, » , (Price one dollar.) THIS plan is 16 inrhe square, and has been en graved by one of the firft artille In the city, from a lat« and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a " phlm with cacji pian, giving " some account of the city, its popufatiau, trade j c';v;ra«aeiK, fee- July iy :« & f rf