Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 10, 1796, Image 1

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    / ; • ... a 7 P ~
oj the %
& Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Y , If WEDNESDAT EVENING, AUGUST to, 3796. [Volvm* X.
— ; : ; ~ T-.a , UNITED STATES, ") nr
Jamaica pints.
JU3T arrived, will be landei on Tuesday n xi, at
Stamper's wharf, a' few puhcheocs high'p'roof Jamaica
■Spirits. F° r Sale b y ®
James Brown, A
4 No. 119 South SecooH-ftreet. y*
Who offers for Sale or Charter, thi
r*""[V_ "i'i.c Brig po
M A R 2, «
fc* / '-£j, BURTHBN about 800 .barrelv-ia- months- '
old •vil' 4t __
For Madeira,^
James Wickham. Matter,. ||j
Expc«sled t.O fail in all next week, J
WIl L take a tew barrels on freight. Apply to she mas- bo
ter 00 board at Stamper*s wh*rf, or to foi
John Donnaldfon,
No. 2? Walnut-ftrect.
* ~ ~ " —
• For Boston,
SbST Friendftiip,
Joseph Mathe«s, Matter,
A stout, (launch vessel—will positively fail on ?atur,
day nert, and will take freight on very low terms. %
Enquire of the matter on board at Hodge s wharf.
Aug;- 8 ... —.— —— J
A well-finiftied, commodious q
house . fe 0 *
1 For Sale, and immediate pojfejion -given, ™
SITUATED the north fide of Spruce-ftsjcet, No. vtt,
between Fourth and fifth streets. Thelwufe, piarra
and back buildings are three (lories in height, end pet fedtj
ly well adapted for the accommodation of a large family,
as they contain twelve good rooms, exclusive of two ciel
ed garrets. In (he yard, which is neatly paved, there are
two pumps ; one in a rain cittern, the other of as good
water as any in the city i The cellars are dry and large.
The terms of payment will be easy : a great part ol tire —
purchase-money in all probability may lay for years Qn n>
tereft. Apply at No. 109, next deor eattw ard.
July 3° s^--—-
Philaaelphia, Weft-Che far, Strajburgh,
LancaHer, fork and Frederick-town
THE proprietors of (he sbove Stages, return their best
JL thanks to Uieir friends and the public in general, for |
the encouragement received in this line of bufinefs.andbeg
y leave to inform the public, that they are determined to run -
their stages through from Philadelphia to Lancaster in (o
one day, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July mttant, v;
in tl)e following manner, —vix. A JJtage willfet out on
that day at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house ol
George Weed, Market-street, Philadelphia, and run by
the way of Weftcnefter and Strafburgh, arrive in Lancas
ter the fame evening, on Friday morning run to Wright's -
terry and exchange pzffengars with the York and Fredej
ick-town stage, return and arrive in Philadelphia on Sat
urdav, antkon Monday mormyjjallOwinff. at 4 o'clock, _
said Sue willfet TuTfrofiithelwdOeorgeWteir*, rtrtta-■ 5
delphia, and arrive at I-aucader the fame evening, on <w
Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack wUI set out from thc house
*0f Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, and arrive 111 Philadelphia
the fame evening, and will commence again oil Thsrfday
morning following, and continue every week—The price
for each passenger from Philadelphia to Lancaster » three
dollars and a half, to York, fptir dollars find three quar
ters, to Frederick town eight dollars, the like sums for
I to'weight baggage, with thi usual allowance of T4 lb. „
gratis to each passenger, and 5 pence a mile for all way oi
, passengers. 30-§4W F '
John R eilly,
George Weed. A
elephan 1.
7'his Animal is to be seen in High-Street, between
the Tenth and the Eleventh-Street.
HE will positively leave Philadelphia the tenth of Sep
tember, for Baltimore, in his Way to Charleston,
where he will win'er.
ADMI CTANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar
' for Children.
'I he PANORAMA, or the. VIEW of the CITIES of ■
Is to be open till the roth of September, and the fuh
jea will then be removed to Baltimore With die ELE
One quarter of a Dollar.
August 3. _ H
P<£nns ri va nia Dismicr, 5
Notice is hereby given,
THAT pursuant to a Writfo me direfled, from the ho- .
iiorable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the Di-'
stria Court of the United States in and far the Pennfylva- £
nia Diitria, 3
. ' Will be exposed to Sale,
at the Custom-House, on Monday, the 15th day of Au
gust, ) 3 Bags of COFFEE
1 Half do. do.
% Kegs do.
« • a Bags of Sugar and
, 3 Do. Coffee
Th? fame having beta libelled against. profeeuted, and
condemned as forfeited, in thefaid court*
Marshal's Office, 30th July, 1796. '
-T-.HAT application u ill be rpade for thr renew»l<of 1 f
X the following certificates, iffired by Joftph Nourfe,
Kegifter of the Treofury, iu the name ot" Roger O/il
wold, Esq. of Norwich, ConneiSicUt—
1 certificate, fix per cent domestic (lock, No. 13,907
—dated the 17th December, 1795, bearing interest from
the firft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 65-'°° dol
-1 ditto, thre« per cent, domestic flock, No. 10,68)
r-d itad December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the
firft day of January, 179J, for 994 30-100 dollars.
1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166 —dated the 17th
December, 1795, bearing interest from the firft Janu
ary, ißol> for 798 83-100 dollars.
Said certificates are fuppoied to liave been loft or
fto'en in this otv some time in December or January
No. 59, North Front-street.
' Philadelphia, July 21, 1796- ,
For Rotterdam,
t The ftip I 'h
1 Catharine, f
John Fahraday, Mafitr,
v'-yfirft T'WO thirds of her cargo Will be on |
board this week. The remaining I
third.wi!l be taken on freight if offered soon, as she will 1
positively fail in all next week. A few passengers can be j
well accommodated. For terms of freight" of patfage, 1
apply to the captain on board at Mr. Thaddle's wftarf, or I
> to , i JOHN CRAIG,
AUgi 8 § No. 12 Dock-llreet. 1
For Sale,' Freight, or Charter,
The Scho«ncr I
hundred and twenty tons burthen — I
Jjp£|gsyj £l x old, a staunch, faithfully- I
- built, vessel, handsomely finilhed off, and Well I
found in every particular. terms apply to I
w , B. RHODES, } c
On board said schooner, lying at Bickley and Bohjcn's 1
•wharf, the firft above Market-street.
Where there are for sal*,.
A few half -bbls. Prime Mess Beef,
34 _ _ §_
For Sale, ;i
Or for Charter tothe WeH-lndies,
c k h k"e s,
Philadelphia Built,
g Live Oak and Red Cedar, burthen about 3500 bar- J
rels, now discharging at Latimer's wharf, rhisver-l
' (elis in excellent repair, wellfouud-and will bear a tlw>- I
rough examination, and as soon as difchafged wiH be tea- I
' «ly to take in a cargo. For terms apply to J
!' t John Vaughan.
tg July 18 §_
?• For JEREMIE, |,
S The schooner Hope, ,
» Brig Bet ley. |
THEY are fall-failing veflels, and have elegant accommo- I c
dations. For paflage only, apply t® j >
~ Richard & James Potter, 1
Aug. 5 § No. 8 north Front-llreet. I .
For Sale or Charter,
•ft the snow
in , | f
BURTHEN about 1000 Bbls. of flour—lke may be tent I ;
111 to sea at a small erpetice, her fails and rigging being in I j
very good order—apply to i
o" fames Campbell, or '
>y George Latiiher.
i' s April 29, § I
j- Juil Arrived,
In the Ihip Molly, John F'Oft, Matter, from Liverpool. I
5000. Hnrti<?la Best fine ftoved SALT,
,n 600 HOU"iE COAL, 1
fe And r»BCrates of QUEENS WARE afforif <:.,
»y Philip Nicklin & Co.
" -v - N. B. THE SAID
- Shi P MOLLY,
or TS for SALE or CHARTER, (he is 5
tb. A years old, Philadelphia built, of Mfhite I
ay oak, was well failed »-nd carries about 4800 barrels of Flour. I
For'terms apply as above.
July 83 dtf I
This Day commenced Landing,
_ At V ifflins wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy and Sloop I
St. JagO.fromSt. JagodeCuba—confining of
White and Brown Box SUGAR.
en MpLASSpS, of an excellent quality.
■p- HIDES and H6NEY. Also,
, For Sale or Charter.
lar The brig LUC Y, . I
A ft°ut, strong vessel, will carry a- I
xV- bout HCO barrels, and may go to j
r 1 with a very small expense.
J V lite above will be fold for calh or approved notes.
,E " Samuel Emery,
■ No. 64, south Second-street. I
July ay, 796. dtf.
f -jTyi^y'Robert Jackson, Mailer, I
' lo " To fail in fifteen days,
Di-' *"^^ k -*^* two-thirds of her cargo en- I
va- • gaged and ready to j-o on board. For freight or paflage I
apply to the matter oir board at Wain's wharf, or to
John Donnaldfon,
u " No. 24 Walnut-lhcet.
July it. ■ §Scots
For Sale,
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut 1
street, between Front and Second streets, in which
Meffls. James G»lbraith & Co. have for many year» (and
now dp) carried on business.
811 PoflefUon will be given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
_ April 21. 5
rfe, No. 76 High Street,
}j-ij TTAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and
XJL the East Indies, a well feledled affortmcnt of S.'k
o 0 - Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdalhery Goods; which
•om he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowed terms ;
(•o Some sins India muslins embroidered with gold and fiiver
f | lc Superfine Book, Jacnnet, and Mulmul ditto
Do do do do Handkerchiefs
' 1 Someextrablack taffetiee,lut«ftringsand colored Persians
' Bandano Handkerchiefs
lliu " Loug and (hort Nankeens
Englilh Mantuas of the firft qnahty
? r Damaflc table linen and naphins, very fine
ia -y Silk Hofitry, an elegant aflbrtmsnt
The*'' and cotton do
Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth
French cambrics, very fine
v. IrUb Linens, do. &c. Sic. June 14 §
Just Arrived | U p'
In th brig Betsey, from Jeremie, and for sale by in
the fvblcriWers. * 1
Forty thousand wt. of very prime Coffee
in hoglhead&and bags
And, in the fchoener Hope, from New Orleans.
IUDES and ..'
h liberal credit will be given fier Approved Notes. 1 j u jj
Richard and James Potter. 1 I altel
I*r»- ■ : ; OL p p s;
Just Arrived,
In the Snow BoftUn, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li- I
vis pool, [/ |
<000 Bulheli SALT ; ' I .
100 Crates MTEENS WARE ; and
An Aflbitment of SHIP CHANDLERY i e]
F O R S A L E | r(
On board, at Pind-ftreet wharf. Apply to I t)
fames Campbell, or | t<
George Latimer. J pr ®
April »9- * I pre!
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, I '
in pipes and hogffleads I en
Claret, genuine old, in cases I an( j
Gin, in pipes, from Holland sn( )
Earthen Ware, iterates I phi
Basket Salt, in hoglheads said
Shot, Nos. 6, 7,' 1 and 9 I to 1
Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead j riz<
Steel, German and Russia, in barrels J the
Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpfthn canvas, I £
Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by | cef
Jiei - r —„ S
Twenty Dollars Reward.
WAS STOLEN, lad evening, from the pasture of the
fubrcriber, a black Rockingham GELDING, 15 I
1-2 hands high, has a star, and some white under his j
throat, (the part being formerly chafed) ;has a leather on I
his neck, the mane on the near fide, his foot-locks fretted I .
with a 1 clog, and i* a horse of much bone and size. Who- 1
ever secures him with the thief, Ihall have the above re- I
ward, or for the Horse alone a very generous compenfa- I
Inly 7 eo * w I
Notice is hereby Given,
agreeably- to ao aft of Coogrefa of the U/»rcd
Stales of America, palled at Philadelphia, the «Brb day I
of Mav, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, far the convey- J
ance of perlons, and repealing the former acts for that pur- I
oofe.—That ihere fhalt be levied, collected and paid, upon I pn
all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which (hall be I rec
kept by or for tny person, for his or her owl die, or to let I vn
out to hire, or for the conveying of paffengeri, the several du- I
ties and rates following, to wit. | de
For and upon every Coach, 15 dols. I e / £ •
upon every Chariot, 12 dols. I p r
upon every Poll Chariot, 11 dolt< I » Q ,
upon every Post Chaise, ildols. I"p f
nprt" riuc (jj) v wiik .vr w iiKout lop, 90°" I
upon every Coachee, 9 doss. I
upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work aobve, I
with blinds, glaffesor curtains, '9 dols. j
upon four wheel carriages, having framed polls artd I
top 3 with steel springs, 6 dols. !
upon four wheel top Carriages, with w.oden or uon I
springs or jacks, j dols.
Upon curricles with tops, 3 dols*
4 upon chaises with lops, 3 dols. f
upon chair* with tops, 3 dols.
ujon talkies with tops, 3 dels.
upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. I —
upon two wheel tarriagej, with steel or iron springs, I
3 dols.
For and,,upon all other two wheel carriages, » ool», n I _
upon every four wheel carriage, naviog framed poits I I
and tops, an<J refliug upon wooden spars, a dftls. I 1
The Collcftors of the Revenue of the firft survey 01 the w
Dillriftof PennfyWania, will attend daily, until the 30th day I a
of September next, for the purpose of receiving the duties on X
Carriages, at No. Race or Saffafrai street, in the City I
tff Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, Efq in the j -p
County of Montgomery; and at the house of Abraham Du- R
bois, Esq. in the County of Bucks; of which all persons pol • j
felled of such Carriages are desired to take notice.
Notice is also given, j
TO aM retail dealers in Wines 'nd foreign diflilled spin- I
t6ous liquors, that licentes will b? granted to them ; one ll I
cence for carrying on the business of retailing of Wines, in a I
lef| quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallons—and one I
licence for carrying on the bufiuels of retailing Spirituous ll- j /
qaors in less quantities than ao gallons, at the fame time and I
at the fame p the officers legally authorized to grant
such licences, I 11
Infpeflor of the Revenue of the firft survey I -
of the diflrift of Pennsylvania.
Office of Infpefltoii, at ?
Pbila3elphia, sift July, 1796. > . I
Bank btock.
: A number «f Shares of- the 6tock of the Bank of the t
United Sttttes, for sale. I a
Enquire of the Cafcier of the said Bank. . j t
AUg-9 2L- j
A Partner with a small capital to unite in the business j
of a Mill and Diftillerj in Virginia. Inquire of
1 the Printer. Aug. 9 § IW I
1 Landing
From on board the Nancy, William Belcher, maf-1
ter, from Bourdeaox, a cargo, confining of— I
.232 Cafe# of 14 bottles each CLARET,
286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE,
t For Sale by j
* ,F. Coppinger.
July 23. dtf- I
RAN away frorrt the fubferibet living near Church I
Hill.Qu''en 4ftns'County in the State of Maryland' I
about the firit of January laft,ablack negro man, named I
Sam, about thirty years of age, .; feet 8 or 9 inches high, j
has a crooked finger on one hand, and one leg'and foot I
fmallerthan the other, fomcwhat rOund-fhbuldered, his I
cloathing unknown. Any person who will secure «r |
bring said fellow home, so that 1 may get him again lhall I
have the above reward with reifonable charges. 1
I June 4. "la-.ram, 1
Pennsv LVANiA'DimucT, J
Marshal of the Pennsylvania Diftrifi, —
XTTHEREAS the Cengrcfs of the United States, at
VV the firfl session of the fourtj Congrtfs, to wit, on
I ihe twelfth rfaj of May last pail, piffini an ail, to repeal
[so much of M} aft, inti'aled " an a$ to eftabliffi th«
I judicial Coorts ef the Uhitea Sfate»", as di're& 9 that the
alternate sessions of the Circuit Court for the Diltri& q£
Pennsylvania, (hall be holden at Yorktown ; and for ether
purposes, in the follov ing words, to wit.
Fourth Corigrefs of the United States :
I At the firfl feffioh, begun and held at the city of Phila
-1 delphia, in the State of Pennsylvania. on Monday, the
I feverith W December, ons thousand seven hundred and
I ninety-five.
I An A& to repeal so mucb of an a ft, intituled " an a<ft t»
I eftablifli the judicialcourts of the United States", asdi-
I rests that alternate sessions of the said circuit court ior
the diftriit of Pennsylvania (hall lis holden at Y»rk-
I town ; and for other pur, ofes.
Sed. I. BE it enabled by the Senate and House of Re-
I prefentatives of the United States of America, in C6»-
I grefs assembled, That so much of the fifth fedtion of the
1 a<S, intituled "an adl to establish the judicial courts of
I the United States", asdirefts that alternate sessions of the
I circuit court for the diftrid of Pennsylvania lhail be hold-
I en at Yorktown, be, and the fame is hereby repealed ;
1 and that all the sessions of the laid circuit court fha.ll, from
I and after the palling of this a<st, be holden at the city of
I Philadelphia, excepting? only, when at any session of the
I said court, the judges thereof (hall direil th« next session
I to be holden at Yorktown , which thdy are hereby autfto
j rized and empowered to do, whenever it (hall apptar t«
I thenvro heneceffary.
I SeA, 11. And be it further enafled, That all such pro
[ cess of the said court, as may have issued before the pass-
I ing of this &<X, and all recognizances returnable, and all
I fitstft ami other proceeding!) that were continued to ,th« • 1
I said circuit court for the diftriA of Pennsylvania, on the
I eleventh of October next, in Yorktown, Ihall now bere-
I turned, and held continued, to the fame court, on the
I fame day, at Philadelphia. And to the end that suitors,
I witnesses, and all others concerned, may have notice of
I the alteration hereby made, the Mailhal of the said dip-
I tridl is hereby required te make the fame known, by pre-
I clam at ion, on or before the firft day of Aiguft next.
Jonathan Dayton,
Speaker »f the House of R eprefelitatives.
Samuel Livermore,
President of the Senate, pro tempore.
I Approved, May the twelfth, 1796,
Gforoe Washington,
President of the United States'.
I Deposited air,org the Rolls, in the Office of the Dcpaifr
-1 I meet of State,
< I Timothy Pickering,
■ I Secretary of Stite.
I DO HEREBY MAKE KNOWN, that all iuch
* I process of the said court as has, or may be issued, and ..11
" L recognizances retcYiraJle at Yorhwn afori&id, on the eU
-1 I ventb day of Otttier next, will be returned to the Circuit of
• [ theljpited States, atthiCity Hall, in the city of Jhila- •
I dolphin, onTuefday, the eleventh day of O&ober next, Ft
I tl.-veno'clock in the forenoon, "And that all l'aits and oilier
| proceedings that w. continued iu ihenCafd court at York-
I town, will be held and centinoed at the said Circuit
LZCourt, at Philadelphia, on the fame ElneiJt day of Oilo
| tcer of wHich all persons concenlj'd art JfirrtcTTa
■ • 1 tajte notice, and give their attendance thereat.
GIVEN under niy hand, at my office, in the District
i I of Psriufylvania, the twenty-seventh day of July,
I ih the year of our Lord one thousand seven hifn
n I dred and ninety-fix, and of our Independence the
■ twtnty-firft.
I July 27 Siw
5 ' Asjheton and James Humphreys
Is TTAVE removed their office to No. 61, Walnut-llreet,
1. I IX next door but two to the"porner of Deck-llreet,
«e where all INSTRUMENTS IN WRITING are drawn at
iy I a moderate charge, with care, accuracy and dispatch.—
in They likewise boy and fell Resfl Estates upon commif
lY I fions, and procure Money upon Loan on good fecuritv.
,e I The bufmefs of an ATTORNEY AT LAW and NOTA
i' RY PUBLIC is also tranfadled at the said office as usual
| N.B. Good Notes discounted.
I July 5- eo6w
U Prime Rice.
M j One- Hundred Tierces of Prime Rice,
nt I Just arrived in the brig Welcome Return, from Savan-
I nah, far sale by FOOTMAN & CO.
Aug. 6 c
ey :
Waflungton Canal Lottery,
N°, I.
I 'TTrHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
I VV the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
I two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
I a Canal through the City of Waffiington, from th tPo ;
I tomac to theEaftern Brlnch Haruour.
— I The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
I Viz -I Prize of 20,000 dollars, 10,000
I 1 ditto 10,000 10,000
£ f s I 7 last drawn ">
°f j Tickets, each j 35»0°0
6 ditto 1,000 6,00 a
jo ditto 400 4,000
I 40 ditto, xoo a,oo®
I JJ ditto jo 1,750
J J 750 ditto l» 69,008
To be raised for the Canal, 26,150
5850 Prizes, I7Ji°oo
I J1650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17J00 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
j The Commissioners have taken the Securities r»J
I paired by the aforefaid aS for the puniSual payment of
I the frizes,
f. 1 The drawing of this Lottery will commence, withouE
— | delay, as soon as the Tickets ace fold, of which timely
, . I notice will be given.
rch 1 Suchprizes 'as are not demanded in fix months after th*
|]( j, j drawing is finilh'ed, (hall Be confidercd a» relinquished for
j I the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
v i 6 ] LEWIS D£BLO!S,
I City of Washington, Feb. 11.