of the Bnttetl States, % Philadelphia. Daily Advertiser. *«»■.»»•] MONDAr *' ■ For HAMBURGH, J O H N, & Robert Jackson, Matter, ;£p, To fail in fifteen days, " two-thirds of her cargo en- built •aged and ready to go on board. For freight or pafiage foun apply to the matter on board at Wain's wharf, or to John Donnaldfon, wK ° No. i 4 Walr.ut-Oiect. J»iv 56e0,r ■ - For Jl James Wickham, Mailer, gpj^ — Expend to fail in all next week, WILL take a lew barrels on freight. Apply to, the mas ter on board at Stamper's wharf, or to John Donnaldion, No. »5 Walnut-street. « Aug. 4 —iZ_ Sales of India Goods. J5 The Cargo ef the (hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- Jcutta and Bengal, CONSISTING OF A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras jf\ COTTON and SILKGOODS. -J AMONG WHICH ARE Vjj A variety fine worked and plain Mitjlins, jS t>oreas, *t3*c. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, fcl; In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, r<)U , For Sale by dy i W tilings %£-Jrancis, No. rt Pen a Street. ~ ~~~ j feme 8 i_ ~ ELEPHANT. , This Animal is to be seen in High-Street, between I the Tenth and the Eleventh-Street. STTE will pofxtively leave Philadelphia the tenth of Sep- Jl tember. for Baltimere, in his way to Charleston, , fH where he will win er. ADMITTANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar ' The C pANORAMA, or the VIEW of the CITIES of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, Is to be open till the ioth of September, and the fub jeft will then be removed to Baltimore with the ELE- , PHANT. I ADMITTANCE for the PANORAMA, \ One quarter of a Dollar. 3- —i_ ™ A well-finifhed, commodious fer HOUSE For Sale, and immediate pojjejjion given, SITUATE on the north fide of Spruce-street. Ne. 111, — between Fourth and Fifthilrects. 'The house, piazza and back buildings are three stories in height, and pet iettg (n h well adapted for the accommodation of a large fanu.y, as thrr _..-Ui;nt\<'ilyc good rori > n3 > exclusive of twociel- ea (jarrets. In the yard, which is neatly paved, there are bo ' two pumps ; one in a rain cistern, the other of as good At water as any in the city i The cellars are dry and huge. The terms of payment will be easy : a great part ot the purchase-money in all probability may lay for years on in tcrei- Mercury, Linen Drapery and Habertialherv Goods; which >'lva- he w ;n wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; AMONGST WHICH ARE, Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and (fiver . Ah- Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto jj 0 do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black taffctiesjuteftringsand colored Pcrfians Bandano Handkerchiefs Long and Ihort Nanketns English Mantuas of the firft quality Damaflc table linen and napkins, very fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant assortment , and Thead and cotton do Umbrellas —gre«i iilk, oil'ddo. and do cloth a!. French cambrics, very fine lri(h Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § Just Arrived P£N> Inth brig Betsey, from Jeremie, and for sale. by IN T the fubicriweis. » w n- Forty thousand wt. of very prune Lottee b in hogibeadsanrlbiigs And, in &.s schooner Hope, from New Orleans. A I BEEF r j COTTON W 1111 and i*:c twe LOGWOOD. f:. mu. A Witral credit will be given for Approved Not«s. j u^iciß and ; James Potter. i? T ;% Just Arrived, Att , In the Snow Boftou, James Kivkpatrick,"mafter from Li- « vtrpool, f event l 5000 Rufhels SALT ; nine'Y Ido Crates QUEENS WARE; and r An A pr^ , s April V). ' grefs a DUTY ON CARRIAGES. Notice is hereby Given, en at THAT agreeably to an afl of Cocgtefs of the Umlcd and th States of Amcrica, passed at Philadelphia, the 281b day. , n d as of May, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, fer the convey- ance of peTloris, and repeating the'former acts for that pin- said cc pose.—That there Ihall be levied, collected and paid, upon, tQ be r- all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which lhad be 1 r j zg( j f. kept by or for any person, for his or her own ute, or to st them , 0 _ out to hire, or for ihc conveying of passengers, the feveial du j. ties and rates following, to wit. cess o For and upon every Coach, 15 dols. 0 J upon every Chariot, 12 dols. r . s opon every Poll Chariot, n dolii run _ , ism c «oon every Ph»e»on, with or without top, 9 dols ekver upor) every Coachee, 9 dols. tdrne upon other Carriages, having panne i work above,, lame * witb blinds, glasses or curtjins, 9 dols. witne upon four wheel carriages, having iramed pods and til.: al top) with llsel fpiings, 6 dols. triCt upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron t \ anxi springs or jacks, 3 dots. °" upon curricles with tops, 3 dols. upon chaifcs with fops, 3 dols. upon chairs with tops, 3 dolS. upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols. A . — upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. t upon two tfheel cartiage.-, with ftcel of ifOn fprtngs, 3 do,s- j 1 ru For and upon all other two wheel carnages, 2-oo.s. upon every four wheel carriage, having Iramed po is meat and tops, and reltiug upon wooden spars, 2 4°» The Colhftors of the Revenue of the nrft survey ot the ;nt Di.lnct of Pennsylvania, will attend daih ( until the 30th day j in of September next, for the purpose of.reci ing ibe duties on Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or Saffafraa street, in the City ~e c ot Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clatr, E(q in the County of Montgomery! and at the house of Abraham Du. the T bois, Esq. in the County of Bucks; ot which all persons pot fcifed ot such Carriages are defued to vake notice. c/«*p Notice is also given, J proc< I TO all retail dealers in Wir.es, and foreign diddled (pin- town tupus liquors, that licences will be granted to them i one li Cout 1 , ccnc lor carrying or. the business ot retailing of mes, in a her tc oto T'HAT application will be made for the renewal of J_ J. the following certificates, issued by Jofepb Nourft, Register of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Grit wold, Esq. of Norwich, Conneflicut— 1 certificate, fix per cent domestic stock, No. 13,907 f dated the 17th December, 1795, bearing interest from V —- the firft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 65-100 dol- ] 1 ditto, tWe's per cent, dameftic stock, No. 10,682 nal r —dated December 16, I79i> bearing interest from the firft dav of January, 1791, for 994 30-100 dollars. — 1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,l66—dated the. 17th 1 December, 1795, bearing interest from the firft Jann- j ary, 1801, for 798 83-100 dollars. Said certificates are fuppoled to hive been lolt or T stolen m this eitv fotne time in December or Janua;y I V 1 " tw JOSEPH THOMAS, » 1 N0.59, North Front-street. j tOl . Philadelphia, July 21, 1796. d6w. I — A Country Seat to be fold ABOUT t'even acres and a half of land near the three I mile ftoneon the road leading to Gray's gardens and 1 vhich extending witfiagentle declivity from the said road to the I (and r i V er Schuylkill^—on which are ere&ed, a convenient I frame house suitable for a tenant, a frafne barn and stable, I a large Brick House forty-eight feet front, two.stories high, a very elegant piazza fronting the river, the whole j H. breadth of the house supported with turned pillars, floor- I § ed with cedar plank, commanding an extensive and pic- I turelque view of the MidJle tiridge, Gray s Gardens, the 1 j Seat of Wm. Hamilton, Esq. the ; Turnpike Road and I Canal. The improvements are all new—and the ground 1 j coaveniently divided and inclofcd by new cedar fences. I C SHk or terms a pp!y I S I Market-street. which J»'y *7. e— - 7 — I ns ; ' FOR SALE, T WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, I d f * VCr in pipes and-hoglheads 1 111 Clat-et, genuine old, in cases rfians Gin, in pipes, ftom Holland I d Earthen Ware, in crates j t Balket Salt, in hoglheads Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 Ear Lead, Red and white dry lead Steel, German and Rufiia, inbarreh Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, I Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. I § July ?9 I s S fcf ■ • UNITED STATES, \ PiNNir.kvAKIA DISTRICT, J IN THE NAME ANli 14 Y THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES, By Ur IL Llsi M NICHOLS, Mirlhal of the Pennfylvaaia Diiiriit, — AFROCLA M A T I O N. WHERKA3 tke Congrtfs qf the United States, at the firflljeiiipn of the fouj tk CongrtiV, to wit, on foe twelfth day of May Life past, pA'ffcd an a& v to rc£££t To much of an s-H, intituled " Mtu& to eftei/'ifti-*/•« Judicial Courts of die Unii.od &a directs tfcat tbi aitsmatefefliors 01 the Circuit. tfovi* J»r.th*UU:u<& , PenEi"; Ivania, ihaii beWdtn at Yorluowu,; and for . purpofcs, ill foikwing-words, to wit. Fj>cfth Qocgrsf* of the United States ( At thef.rll ftffion, begun and held at the city of PhiTa ddphia, in thi Stale Of P'enuMviaia. on Monday, the seventh of December, «ne thuuiarid feyen hundred and nine' y five. An A sand Tickets, each j *> 000 35,000 a the I 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 nient 1 10 ditto 400 4,000 able, I io ditto XOO 4,c00 ories J5 ditto JO 3,75 a fhole I J7JO ditto 12 69,008 loor- I •To be raised for the Canal, 26,2,50 s/tht I jßjo Prizes, 17J,0c0 , and I ii6jo*Blanks, not two to a prize. ound I —• :es. I 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 I «3p The Contmiffioners have taken the Securities ra> *7t I quired by the aforefaid ad for the pun&ual payment of I the prizes. I The drawing ef this Lottery will commence, without s eld, I delay, as soon as the Tickets ar/ fold, of which timely I notice will be given. j prizes-as are not demanded in fix monthsafter tin | drawing is finilhed, (hall be considered as relinquilhcd for j tha benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accoifii.igly. (Signed J NO'I LEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, cfD. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEOKGE WALKER, mvaS) 1 W M. M. DUNCANtiON, THOMAS LAW, *D. I JAMES BARRY. ij j City of Wa!hir£ton, Feb. 11. 5