• , - of the &tlitoTj & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. , SATURDAY* EVENING, AUGUST 6, .'796. X. tfIiMBEK 1220.] -— * — -. ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■!■■■' "•" /-» 1 • 1 . /"*!_ _ .... I T../1 A !.. 1 P n * Take Notice, THAT the Subferiber intends to rnace applies tion For the renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609, / tor 4poal dollars, dated the I 4& Detember, 1795 .tearing interest at j A per cent from rft January, 179?> '** £ 'jarneof Df.vid Dunderdale & Co. of Leeds, m York- , ihire, merchants. The fame isfappofed to have been kW - u on its way to New Vorlf, under cover to Bbecker & so Much, of that placc, pnthe 6tn of January lalt- Thomas M'-Euan. - wl Philadelphia, aid Tune. !Tt;6.; 6vv ■- bates of India Goods. The Cargo »f thelhip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, CO NSTSTIN O OF T A Large and general afiTortment of Bengal and Madras J COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH A*E A variety fine worked and plain Mu/lins, Doreas, t?fe. Alio, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, yJ Willings Francis, .3 No. II Penn Street. ™ June 8 £_ E L E P H, A N T. This Ar.imal if to be seen in High-Street, between the T, nth and ths Eleventh-Street. " HE will positively leave Philadelphia the tenth of Sep- 5 tembcr, for Baltimore, in his way to Charlei'ton, J ■where he will win'er. ADMi ITANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar V. The PANORAMA, or th« VIEW of the CfTfES cf m LONDON apd WESTMINSTER, dy Is to be open till the loth of September, and the fub je& will then be removed to Baltimore with the ELE PHANT. ADMITTANCE for the FANORAMA, One quarter of a Dollar. August 3- 1_ A well-finiftied, commodious i HOUSE * For Sale, and immediate possession given, j, SITUATE on the north fide of Spruce-street, Na. 111, between Fourth and Fifth ftreeU. The house, piazza and back buildings are three (lories in height, and pet s eAs ly well adapted for the accommodation of a Urge family, as they contain twelve good rooms, exchifive of twoc;el ed garrets. In the yard, which is neatly paved, there art a two pumps | one in a rain ciilem, the other o. as good ■. water as any in the city 1 The cellars are dry and large. The terms of payment will be easy : a greac part of tin g" ■urchafe-money in all probabilitj may lay for years on in- ( ■> tereft. Apply at No. 109, next deor eastward. Vl July 3° _JlT f Philadelphia, WeQ-Chefter, Strajburgh. Lane after, Tork and Frederick-town ■ STAGES. THE proprietors of the above Stages, return their best ■ Ie thanks to their friends and the publi; in general for . tfee encouragement received in this line of business, andbeg J leave to inform the public, that they arc determined to run 6< their stages through from Philadelphia to Lancajte; in A 0110 AT pu rfuant'to a Writ to me directed, from the ho • norable Richard Peters, Efqnirc, Judge of the Di ftriil Court ol the United States in and for the Pennsylva nia Diftridt, Will be ezpofed to Sale, at the Custom-House, on Monday, the 15th day of Au -3 Bags of COFFEE 1 Bhl. SUGAR J Half do. do; 2 Do. dtv TAMARINDS 3 K«jjs do.. 3 Bags of Sngar and 3 Do. Coffee The fame having beca libelkd against. prosecuted, and condemned as forleited, in the said court- WILLI/VM NICHOLS, Marshal. Marthal's Office, 30th July, 1796. Plans of the city of Philadelphia, Including the Northisn Libkhtips and d:ftri For Sale or Charter. ' y The hri Z LUCY ' \ (lout, strong vessel, will carry a- hout 1200 barrels, and may goto "" 1 1 s ea with a very fmallexp nfe. The above will be fold for cash or approved notes, ft f Samuel Emery, u No. 64, fotith Second-street. July a;, 796. > dtf - t] J - Landing Dr From on board tht Nancy, William Belcher, mas- th ter, from Boutdeaux, a cargo, confiftir.jr of— 360 Hhds. CHOICE CLARET, j 232 Cases of 24 bottles each CLARET, a 286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE, BRANDY, SWEET OIL, and f 1 TRUNK of RIBBONS, ' For Sale by F. Coppinger. 0- J"'y *3- ±L For Sale, 1 \ Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut J~\- street, between Flint and Second flrsets, in which e MefTrs. James Calbraith 6c Co. have for many years (and t '** now do) carried on business. f Poffeflien will be given in one month, or sooner. ; For terms apply to WILLIAM .BELL, or ] HECTOR CALBRAITH. 1 April %l. ._§ < Wm. HOLDERNKSSH, ! nd No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and ( tbe'Eaft Indies, a well fele«slcd aflortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Habere!afiiery Goods; which — he will fell, Wholcfale and Retail, on the lowest terms ; AMONGST WHICH ARE, of Some fine India with gold and fHver Sv.perfineßook, Jaconet, and Mulmul'ditto Do do do ' do Handkerchiefs Sortie extra black tafFetics,lut.efl:ringsand colored Pcrfians • Bandano Handkerchiefs 1.0n<7 and lhort Nankeens Mantu.is of the firft quality Damask table linen and napkins, very fine ate Silk Hosiery, an elegant affortnunt ro Thead and cotton do the • Umbrellas—green silk, oil*d do. and do cloth French cambrics, vqry fine f Irlfh Linens, do. &c. scc. June 14 § 1 I 111 ■ ■ , ■ Just Arrived Inth brig Betsey, from Jeremie, and for sale by the-f'jbicdl-iers. j; t j Forty thousand wt. of ver)- prime Coffee Ne , i7 . dtf i: Just Arrived, . 1 In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick>mafter from Li verpool, "T" 5000 Bnfbels SALT ; V 100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and tw An Afibrtment of SHIP CHANDLERY; ' a l F O R S A L E tor On board, at Pine-llreet wharf. Apjily to James Campbell, or George Latimer. s April 19. r f DUTY OH CARRIAGES. Notice is hereby Given, THAT agreeably to an aft of Congress of the United Slates of America, palled at Philadelphia, the «Bih day of Mav» 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey ance of perlons, anH repealing the former acts for that pur« pose.—That there ftiall be levied, collected and paid, udojh all carriages for the conveyanec of persons, which shall be . kept by or for any person, for his or her own use, 01 to let „ out to hire, or for the convey ing of l he fevgralidu upon eve»y Cbariot, 12 dols. t^l< oponevery Post Chariot, it dols< upon every Post Chaise, 12 dols. Q ' upon Phaeton, with or withotlt top, gdols no upon every Coachee, 9 dols. upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above, dr. , with blinds, glafles or curtains, 9 dols. th< upon four wheei carriages, having framed polls and topi with fleet springs, 6 dols. Upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron ' fpriugt or jacks, 3 dols. upon curriclcs tops, 3 dols. upon chaises with tops, 3 dols. upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. upon fulkie> withtqps, 3 dols. upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. upon two wheel carriage*, with steel or iron springs, _ S dols. U] For and upon all oiher two wheel carriages, 2 dols. upon c-vcry four wheel carriage, having framed polls j and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dois. The Cojle&Or* of the Rcvcnut ot the firil turvev of the I Diflriftof Pennsylvania, attend: daily, Until the 30th day 1 of'Septembcr next, for the purpose of receHnng the duties on Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or SafTafra® street, in the City ot Philadelphia', at the house of Daniel S. Clair, Etq in the County of Montgomery ; and at the of Abraham Du- 1 hois, E'Cq. in the County of Bucks; of which all pertpns pbtf * fcfi'ed ot such Carriages are defued to take notiee. i"' " . Notice is also given,, TO all rrfail dealers in Wmes, and foreign diftiUed fpiri- aj tuous liquors,that licences will be granted to thern ; one li p ( , oenct for carrying on the business ol retailing of Wines, in a IcfiCjuaAtity, or iu lef» quantities ihar go gallons—-and one ieeoce foi carrying on the btifinels of retailing Spirituous li qwrs :n Icfs rjuaikities than so gallons, at the fame lime arid ir ihe lame placcs, b ( y the officers legally authorized to grant L ucli licences. WILLIAM NICHOLS, W 1 Infpcftor of the Revenue of the firft lurvey A of the Pennf) lvania. h Office of lnfpcfiion,at ) e , 3° e Philadelphia,. 21 ft July, 1796 ) Twenty Dollars Reward. WAS STOLEN, last evening, fromHhc pasture of the fubferiber, a black Rockingham GKLDINfJ, 15 r ,p l-a hands high, has a- star, and iome white under his throat, (the part being formerly chafed) ;has a leather on his neck, the mane on the near fide, his foot-locks fretted with a clog, and is a horse of much bone and size. Who- ever secures him with the thief, shall have the above rc- ward, or for the Horse alone a very generous compenfa- _ tion. JOHN LAWRENCE. July 7 , eo ** t , TAKE NOTICE, - "-pHAT application will be made for the renewal of 1 X the following certificates, ifliied by Joseph Nourfe, Rpgifter of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Grif wold, Esq.. of IVorwich, Conneilicut— 1 certificate, fix per cent domestic flock, No. 13,907 f| —dated the 17th December, 1795, bearing interest from e - the firft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 65-100ddo- t I ditto, three per cent, domestic flock, No. 10,682 f. r —dated December 16, 1795. bearing interest from the v firft day of January, 1791, for 994 30-100 dollars. t 1 ditto, deferred flock, No. 9,166 —dated the 17th t December, 1795, bearing interest from the firft Janu- c ary, 1801, for 798 83-100 dollars. Said certificates are fuppoled to hive been loft or fto'.en in this cltv some time in December or January last. JOSEPH THOMAS, No. 59, North Fror.t-ftreet. Philadelphia, July al, 1796. d6w. — A Country Seat to be lold > ABOUT seven acres and a half of land near the three mile (lone on the road leading to Gray's gardens and ich extending withagentle declivity fromthe said road to the nd river Schuylkill—on which are ereifted, a convenient frame house suitable for a tenant, a frame barn and liable, a large Brick House forty-eight, feet front, two stories high, a very elegant piazza fronting the river, the whole breadth of the house supported with turned pillars, floor i ed with cedar plank, commanding an exteftfive and pic turesque view of the Middle Bridge, Gray's Oardens, the Seat of Wm. Hamilton, Esq. the Turnpike Road and Canal. The improvements are all the .ground , conveniently divided and inclosed by new cedar fences. !?jf For terms apply at No. iji Market-street, ich J ut >' V — *A±- ; FOR SALE, WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 yeariold, vel in pipes and hogsheads Claret, genuine old, in cases Gin, 111 pipes, from Holland Earthen Ware, in crates Basket Salt, in hoglheads Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead Steel, Germar and Ruflia, in barrels Anchor', cables, junk, bunting, tarpolia canvas, Tin piates—All invoice Stationary, by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. § July 79 S To BE Lft, A large convenient Are- story Brtck-Houfe, pkafantly situated, on the weft fide of Second-Street, eppofite to the New-Market; now in the occupation ofilenry Clvmer Apply to William Bin?bam. T I O July *7- »t. ' ■{ CABLES, . Fromi6 to 9 J inches, for sale by Jeremiah Warmer, J»lyi2 | Mo ia north Third-ilrect. VVafhmgton Canal Lottery, No. I. J WHEREAS the State of Maryland has luthcrifed the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpefe of cut-ins' a Canal through the City of Washington, from th iPo tomacto theEaftern Blanch Haruour. The following is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz ■-I Prize ot ac.oco dollars, jo coo I ditto 10.000 . io'qoq 7 latk drawn 7 Tickets, each j 5,000 35.c00 6 ditto 1,000 6000 10 t. tta 400 4>coo ao ditto 100 5 cco jj ditto to 3 7f# j?jo ditto ia 6 " g To be raised for the Canal, a 6,250 "" _ > 5 Bjo Prizes, irj,ooo il6jo Blanks, not two to a prize. , ■ 'I-? 00 tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 17y , Q00 qyired by the aforefaid aft for the punctual payment of' the prizes. The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without dalay, as loon- as the Tickets are fold, of which timely nQtice will be given. Such prizes -as are not demanded in fix months after th* drawing is finifhed, shall be confidercd as relinquilhed for the benefit of the Canai, and appropriated accordingly:: (Signed j NO.TLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, ofEk LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm M. ISUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City of Waihingtoh, Feb. 11. § ' UNITED STATES, Pennsylvania District, j ! IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY : OF THE UNITED STATES, By IrILLIAM NICHOLS, 1 Marfbal of the Pennsylvania DiHrift,— : APROCLAMATIO.N. , WHEREAS the Congress of the United States, at the ftrflfefKon of the fourtk Congress, to wit, on ihe twelfth day of Maylaftpaft, pafled an aft, to r peal so much of an Aft, intituled " an aft to efiabhfh the Judicial Courts oi the United the alternate fefiion g of the Circuit Court for the Diftrift of a Pennsylvania, flull be holden at Yorktown ; and for other purposes, in the follow ing voids, to w.t. _ Fourth Congress of the United States : j At the firft fefiion, begun an ' !.Ud at the city of Phila t delphia, in the State of Pennf/lvania. on Monday, the Teventh of December, one thousand seven hundred and nine y-five. 1 yr An Aft to repeal so mucb of an aft, intituled "an aft to efl rtblifh the judicial courts of tin; United States", asdi fefts that alternate fed!oils of the said circuit court (or the diftrift of Pennsylvania. (hall be holden at York town ; and for other pur; ofes. Sect. I. BE it enacted- by the.Senate and House of Re presentatives of the United States of America, in Con gress assembled, That so much of the £fth feftiorrof the ? aft, intituled "an aft to eftabliQi the judicial courts of-' n the United States", as directs tliat alternate feffians of tlie d circuit court for the diftrift of Pennsylvania (ball be hold- ' ert at Yorktown, be, and the fame is hereby repealed; • and that all the feffior.s of the said circuit court shall, from and after the passing of this aft, be holden a: the city o£ Philadelphia, excepting only, when at any fefiion of the - said court, the judges thereof shall direst the next fefiion — to be holden at Yorktown ; which they arefeereby authn-> rized and empowered to do, whenever it fball appear to 3 f them to be necessary. e Ssft. 11. And be it further enacted, That all such pro cess of the said court, as may have ilTued before the pas»- - ing of this aft,, and all.recognizances returnable, and all suits and other proceedings that were continued to the - said circuit court for the diftrift of Pennsylvania, on-the - "P eleventh of October next, in Yorktown, (hall now here ' tsrned, and held continued, to the fame court, cn the • 2 fame day, at Philadelphia. An A Single Gentleman may be aeeommodatsd with bo"r, and lodging nsar GerraantoWn, with the use of liable, and grufs for one or two ht>rfes : as an bl* society is the chief object, the terms will h. made petlcftr ly easy. Enquire »f the Printer as tbe Gaffettj. Aujuft 4 jt