f "• —' * Treasury of the United States. is hereby given to all per forts who are Cf jjjjfos JL% may be Creditors of the Untie! States, for?./ funis | p au j of th". Funded Debt, or Slock, baring a present inttrcjl of jix tQ a ] fr centum per a-nurr. the Ohk i ft, That pursuant to an At ot flock will be reimbursed and paid, in manner following. to wit. " First, by dividends yf Ka " to be made on the lay days of March, June and Sej'teni " Iter for the present year, and from the year one thou faud c [ a j man " seven hundred and ft.nety-feven, to the year one thou- said •' sand eight hundred & eighteen in lufive.at the rate ol ' ? " one and one half per centum upon the original.capita:. " Secondly, by dividends to be made on the lafl day r.f i n t -viT ' December lor the prefect year, aUd-from the yearore thisa(i , " thousand seven hurtdred and nuiety-fevcn, to the year ] a be one thousand eight hundred and Seventeen inclufiv*, at 1 the rate of three and one half per centum upon the ori- vlar " v.inal capital ;and by a dividend 10 he na eon the 1 aft " <)ay of December, in the yearor.e thouf .nd eight liun- _^., T . " drcd and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then ade- Uj. i " (juate, according to the contrast, for the final redemp-, J)j " tioa of th f iiJ flock." id. AU dii'ti'i lion payments on account of In!ercd sr. 1 Principal being that abo'lifhed by the cftablifti- -T»H mer.t of the permanent rule of reimburfer.tent abov» de- | „ scribed, it lias become tieceffary to vary accordingly 'he py u * ( powers of attorney for receiving dividends; th. public n ia Di! creditors will therefore observe that tne following 4 -rm is eftablifce'd for all powers of Worney which may be at ,|, e granted after the due prontnlgatibn o! tKi< notice, viz. „ u s, KNQtV ALL MEN BT THESE PRESENTS, that J °f do ptaie, conf.\tute and appoint my true and lawful At torney, fur rt; s Ciidin try name, to receive, the dividends ivbxh are, orjbatt he pa.ah'e according to te-.u, on the (here defcribinj the flock) Jtm:-.rin* in my nam* in tie tech of (here describing 1 lie The book- of the Treasury or the: Commissioner of Loans, condel ■where the flock is credited) frpa (here mfert the com mencement and expiration of time for which the power of attorney is to continue) with fatter also a-, attorney or alter- . Kiel under hia,f»r that pitrpfe to male an.' n filiate, and to do an lawful alii requijitefir eJUftng tbt premifa, hereby ratify, lig.and confirming all that my said Attorney or hufulflituie,Jhail lawful ly riv, I? virtue hereof. J,l IVitnifi hereof, 1 lave hercunti set my Hard and Seal the day of in the year ' Scaled and Delivered ' \\/ cj prifencc of, BE I'T Kh'blVN, that on tie day of conUj before mepcrf::ully came a. xoitbi&jiamed and ncbuvleigcd the abarae fetter of attorney to be and 5 bis act and died. l arge., In te/iimony ivbereof J have hereunto fit my Hand and ajjix- i zotiC e & Seal the day and year-la fl aforefaid. doors p Given under my Hand at Philadelphia, this twen- ny ra tieth day of July 1796, pvrfuant to directions w from the Secretary of the Treasury oven, SAMUEL MEREDITH, wine ' 2 rcafurer of th# United States. area July 2%. ' -w&itlj. Com J J / brick Plans of the city of Philadelphia, i Including the Northern Liberties and diftrift of p act SOUTHWARK; may Publilhed, and fold by dwel BENJAMIN DAVIES, ' No. 68, High street, , 3 ( Price one dollar.) j )o^ THIS plan is 16 inche fqnare, and ha 3 been en- ( graved by one of the firfl artists fn the city, from a lati Jn and accurate survey. Purchafei s are entitled to apam- j goo; phlet with each plan, giving " fotne account of the rool] city, its population, trade, government, &c. ma i, July i 9 . ' tu & f tf —1— — — At 1 Samuel Richardet, e, RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has thi- day openei the CITY TAVJRN aid MER.CHANTS COIJIiE HOUSE in the city of l'hiladel;hia. • The buWcript'ion Room will be furnifhed with aU the f . daily papers publiflied in Philadelphia, N:\v-Yoik, Bcf ton," Baltimore, together with thole of the princip >1 Com- 7 1 ctercial citiss of Europe—They will be regularly filed and none permitted to be taken away on anfraccount. 1 Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, l>e Creams, and a variety an ' of French Lkiuors; together wfth the usual refrefhmeiits, ■ wiil at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with OI , the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the moll j!" . epprcrved Malj Liquors frorr.London and o'her brev. eries. f" The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest , cs ' productions of tho Season. ; , Large and small Farties, or single Gentlemen, may %e accommodated with' Breahfails, Dinners, or Suppers, at hours nroft conv nient to themselves—a cold Collatien is i regularly kept for ccmveniency, the Bill of 1 are to be had : eu at the bar. J ' *' L ' The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifiied, aiid the utmoll attention paid to cleanliness, and every Other , iequilits. ' . | s ' Samuel Richardet will be happy to'receive, and eierute the tommands of his Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges — himfel; that nothing on his part Jhali be wanting to pre fcrve tV.it patronage with which he has been lb diitinguifli ingly ■'lonored. ' ! Philadelphia. Ar'U T ') eo . ] Phiii 1 : Nicklin 10. H-AVt FOR SALE, »• gouchonc ; , *- / Hyson Skin / Young liyfori FRESH TEAS ol ' Hyson and \ Imperial J yellow Nantens China Ware, assorted in Boxes and Cherts Y Quickli'.ver c Bandanno Handkerchiefs o£ excellent quality in t ; ckefts London Market ~) MADEIRA WINE London particular >in pipes, hoglheads, & New-York Market J quarter calks Tener (Fe Wine in pipes and hogfkeads Svpsr Candlr by the Box ' j Sail Canvas No. I a 8 1 Lead i;\ fiieets, ; 3 Caiks of Cutleryaflbrted , A few cheftsof Mirlchefter Goods, aflorted thick- ; ftts, cords, ftfiped Kanktcrs; &c. ■J Sr.iali packages of black fewing-G'iks I>T icices Virginia Snake-rcot. Nails sH'oftctj - July • TTlwflf r Dollars Reward. WAS STOLEN, l::ft evening, from the piß.urc <.ft fuM:riber,*p. black* Roct :.j;ti..ii GEI.LING, I 1-2 hands has a stir, at.ll i.hitc under hi throat, (tfic ]..art*being formerty chafed) ;has a leather on j hi>neci:.the maue on the near |sde, his foot-locks fretted villi a clcj, and>a hoii'c xj( much l.cue aud fi?e. Who eva fecurcs him with the thief, (hall hive above r<- v ard. a-£or the Hoi fe a'.eue ?. very generous eomptnfa ticn J®HN LAWRENCE. J i ecMW ' ]OHN PAUL JOHES. | - h c", ' i.: g toalint^;6 7 -r -ir a ol land by _ ' the Ohio Company, in the territory' of the- tlnuu. ■ whrtc nc " of America, nOrthWt of the river Ohio ; mdt/ir.t !:.» ui.knr.-, 1 heir-, or lepal reprefu.tatiye, on app&eation tc. the tlir.c- S Ui >e.-. ' tors of laid c.mpanv,-.t Marietta in tb»t.-rntor/a : «rc ' said, will receive a decC cf the said fitTe 'ffiares, or V&f o' land * ' i 5 ° The application mavbe madeperfonaily or by at. agert, but proper ddcuu.ents mud be producid to prove Utc / claimant or claimants the legal heirs or o '* the said Jones . r 1 s.B. Asit is not known in what country th-t perlon " c or will be-all r.il <> j B'ol SUGAR M 1 Half do. do. 2 Do. do. TAMARINDS « ; °n o l Ksgsdo. j.n.a. p. "*• 2 Bags of Sugar and " he , f ,jr On said 3 ' 1 ' iCe * . i,. lue The fame having-beea.libelled a\£p.iaft. profecute-i, ~nd ' 1;l n8 ' condemned as forfeited, rn tfiefaid court- v ( m- WILLIAM NICHOLS; MarfliaU j ,f-. Marflial's Off.-p. Th'v. : [hc'oKl and ' F ° r f u l, A LAItCE ELEOAN-T AHU WELL fINISHED Three-story Brick Houfp, juty fThfe late residence of General Walter Ste .vart) " WITH a LOT of GROUND thereunto belo«t;ing, Ol • the well fide of Third-street, n.'ar Umo:i:/!rttr \vji|be containing in froijt 7,1 feet, and in deptli 100 feet, to an Weiili alley leading into Unionvlrcet. i'he l.oui is 32 feel front {jfti,-,. i obc and $0 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it are ,y; J large, commodious, andcom] l acly iimfhed; the two firfl ' ' {Jix- stories are e«ch 13 feet high; 'here are 20 mahogany Co'ff doors inthe house ; a geometrical with ntahoga-' •en- ny rails and a geod iky-light. The kitchen is in tine -.ell ions ar, which is spacious ar.d convenient, and fmilhed with an oven, ftew-holcl and pantries, a fei'vauts' hall and la/ire Wine-cellar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which i =11 , •s. area in which there is a pump The yard 1- vaulted. p J. Communicating with the said building i* a neat 1 brick house, on the north fids of Union-street, contain- j ing 30 feet front by 20 feet deep; the lower part of which ' !is tit present occupied as a compting-houfe, and the upper And 1 t of pact divided into wtll-finifhed large chambers. This house j may at a small eipenfe be converted into a convenient J dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the front _ . and back have Venetian wlndow-lhutters. Adjoining the p, la!t hf>u£e, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are treifteu y s bathing-rooms, Set. There are likewise very good coach- |\ htrtife and ftablesfir.iiheu equal for nearly so) willi ally in ; a u out ' , en " the city, on a lot containing on Union street 30 feet, and I '"' e in depth on the we& fide o' said alley 52 feet. There are I j ias ' a ,aI ?" ; good cellars unde. the whole of the buddings, and a wine j jmjjj, t ' le room over part of the liable, with a hay-loft over the re- 1 | mainder. For further pa-ticulars enquire of I \r tf LOW ARU BON'S-LL & Co. At their Office No. 64 Dock-ilrect. between Walnut & Pcii eo ftrecls. 6ih month 24th, 1796 TTY _ " FOR SALE, nthe very Valuable Eft ate, Nc r "the x^'LEn TIV ITT EN H A XA, situate in the l D f j. Vjl townihip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware, Com" 7 1 " z htrles from Fliiiad lphia, and hall a miie from the or fil-d new Weftcrnroad: containing 430 acres ol Cicellent land, 45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood land, and the reft arable of the firft quality. There are fror on thepreniifesagood two story brick house, with 4 looms on a fioor, and cellars under the whole, with a puinp-wet' Qi ■.1 of excellcnswater in front; a large frame tarn, liablei, Ob m'oft and ather convenient buildings'; 3 smoke-house and itone th- 1 fpring-hbufe ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach- num r lief' CSi fields are all in clover, except those immediately each under tillage, and are so laid out aj to have the advantage quai j of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con- nv q r» at veftient for «rE2i'tg. son, itr. : s i '1 he fitu'ation i .'lcafant andhealthy, and from the high p — 'TICKETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea % 1 dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the examination of Tickets, and l*ri2w» paid, \yithout tledU&ion. _ Tlie Subfcrjber folicrts the application bf the Public or | any ot his friendswho wish to purch fc or i'eli Bank Stock, Certificates, of Exchange, or Notes, House*, Land*, ° } n Lotts 01 Merchandise of any kind, or to obtain Money ( ' el on deposit of ptroperty. " at WILLIAM BLACKBURN, S Late Afgenl for the Canal' Lottery Company. ptf gj* Shares an Tickets in the lafe Ne\v|port Long Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery examined; a complete lifl of all the prizes having been received at — ihty in thi-sefiice; , June (u - . ads', & Jsjheton arid James Hvmphr cys y I' ;s CONVEYANCERS, ab HAVE removed their office to Wo' 61, Walnut-street, RMt door but two to the corny- of Dsck-llrcet, C 1 where all INST RUMENTb IN WRITING aretirawiyat I' c a moderate c'large, with care, accuracy and w They likewise boy and fell Real upon con.nlif. w d thick- f lull s, and procure Money upon Loan 011 good security.— ni The hufinefs of an ATTORNEY AT LAW" and NOTA RY I'UBI.IC is also tranfadlcd at the ftiid office s« usual tl by ASSHETON HUMVMREVS. v. N. B. Good Nates discounted. twflf yfr'f 5 : • eo6w rc j < lnl'urancecornp. ofthpftatcof " Pennsylvania. inde'r hi The Oircaorshave declared a dividend of fixtcen dol ea-hcr on !a " s on each '® are of lhc ca P' tal of said company, f„ t (he ( k- fretwd lalt fix months which will be paid to the ftockholt for t Who- thei ' lc ° ai rep.-eientat.yes on every day after the joth 1 hove re- inCUr-i ---otnpt- S. IV. E'ljktr, i * Secretary. a Atguft 1 dloc t ' 3CH N 3 - 25, -south rn.rd- u-eci, * whrte he i, owr.in- » t».-;c «.d '-»•**• of the AIT 3 ] ui.dcnr.su article --viz. dw'Cil - Su KI i;.* Lo:»?»;*• ; 4 4-. do Mmrnr, ~0 J'*;;"-*.. . - j 6-,j CunUiC/m-iC i l S;ripcs, — .-a, iit.iia 'io. 4°- . . • -Ilitto Chilli"-*- STadra* Hardkcfdirrts, Sea. 16,7 AlaiKcaiT'tM Q which «<• wp amf i-nproweji meadow. Aj- wo , rcac part of t'h. arable Wd > »•> :t hi-.i» fnitej;o-crib*v»i c-rri I h ,ufc lhe,g ; rdcn i» large, MS& 1 ?»<¥} C Pet ! ;i,, n of the best ftinui of. grafted and moc'ub.ted fruiftrees ; " I the orch.!r.-Konf:!ts gf 'ahout ihrei hundred grufte'd a;.p v- V»iU a I Any ii. r'.i..-. to far.l preiiiilvaj niay . Ibe uiforiwi oi the teraa by ipplyiog to ■■ I r.i' .. Andrew Hunter. iJ, July 29 J r.ti.iib —'' draw. On Mqnday next, 355th inft. (July,) 'the n •« Will be landed atSoij.h Urce-. v/hail, ifie cifgoc» ol ■••upti b, f V an W«li Indian a;.-d U.bUia, from Jamaiea and Havaflr.a, ton- m S- ' ont Mirtji "1 | ,„ . i\iolaflTes in Hogfhcads, i o 'f c »ny Coffee in hog(head&, barrels & bajjs, '!«*«« fCRSALRUV I'. " PETER 'BLIGHT, t , e Who h.>s alio lor falc. a fee •=ri A quantity of Jamaica GINGER, >r < ted- ' c J -j , frien ' Pimento & I r B 3J Cocoa, J ° ' _ ; c „„ m-.pt- And io boxes Hi»mbro'lK DOW •) by-g, will bave ' be fold cheap dr uv. ienti July a° diot & tuih & $ .ot caut ; font I "* ! thi* tJ 'thel FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD, i 'Set! j away from living near Church } ac '. l " ! !v nus County in the. J^ n J ( •y ,n about thef.ru of .January la,ft»a black negro man.named ot J' antl 1 dim, about thirty yer.fi of age, 5 fiet 8 or' 9 inchci high, : art | has a crooked finger on one hand, aud one Teg and foot * inc j smaller than the other, fomcvilvct round fliouldered, his • ere " eloftbiitg unknown- who-ill faym-e ct ! ri:ig luidfellow hotne,fo tjiat I r.yy get liiiH again lha.ll r|-ie the price will be advanced. .rciau, . * of afi'rs throughout id United State,' luho.ivbuld luijb to ♦. sauruge this undertaking by S, rece'n-hg fu'-fcriptior.s wilt pieafe ad-.Krtifr thiiin their a tor. rrfpcß.-.epapers and. tiutifmit tket.ui,.ber \ffiibjcribers 1D "" eu or before the itjth S.p'.eiiwer. Augu'i 1. niw&fjt. *' re -- Mr. F R ANC IS, 40 .tmton (Of i!,e New Theatre) blic or ' [ 'AICES this opportunity of returning thakks to his | Stock, scholars and lo the public. Mr. I'raucis inttnds, 1 Land*' on • tturn i>oni Maryland, to open a public aca- ;m; Money ta T f lir dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He flatters hittifelf that his attention to his pupils hi ,7 tlici to rendei 5 any prariiil'es of conducing his future ° f fchein'es on the it) til liberal and liriiUcll terms, of pro iy. ptiety, totally unnecessary. * Long A'. £. Private tuition at usual. nedi a J ur . c 3 law :tved it - Twenty Dollars Reward. e ; O AK away this morning from the Subscriber, living -J *- in the county of Monniouth, New-Jcriey, a remark ably black Negro Man. named BfiN—ab.ut 40 years of t-ftreet, a gi». 5 feet 9or 10 inches high, ft out made, bald on the k-flrcet, crown of his Ixiad ; had on and took with him a grey rawiy at tomiifpiin coating coat and jicket* a brown cloth coat, ■ ■ 3tch,— witi: a hlarfciollar, tow shirts and t.-owfers, cpmnlif- with ether fp.irts and fina'J cloaths wb-ch cannot be ei;u urity.— merited. He is a complaisant, artful and deceitful fellow. NOTA- Whoever will take up and fccure the said Runaway, so « usual thai his owner m him again, shaM have the above re- 1 REVS. v.ard, andrcafonable chargcspaid if brought home. Elijba Lawrance. ' July 18— A ng.. §2W ' tco! "forty dollars reward. , j, Ivan away, teen del- >T i , , •, , J ,f. r the O T A , pnl last ' a NEGko M AN. named oic or VJ Jack,, aged about 36 years—about 5 feet 6 inches the 10th \ s ' the 011 Ollc of Ws hands Very cantraa ed. fr . Whoever will return said nepro to the fuhfcnbrr, liv * l "K ,n Su(r « county,gL»t« of Delaware, ihall tectiv.- the retary. above reward. RALPH ROISIN3ON diot. Aug. 1 v . City cf Wa'hia ~;ton. .f| -SCHEME of the W r No.II, fc& rm i&huviu&w s'xt FIiD'E&AL Ci r-i. A magiiiEcc it £.2 ?»?-•' "• I s:>,t>os dwelKng-Houiej ) eiiii x'c poA, ire ) 1 ditto 15,00.1 & -* '.M? 40,00:, I aiwo i :, >oi> <-> i-a'h w ;o.j»o I (litta lO,Oyl> dt CI!V lO,»0 ' SO/JOO I ditto s,omt> i C.ISI <>">" 1' ditto. s,,t.t:o 10 do. r,ot*> - - in,ojK> io do. 500 - - z-.j.oiio - 1 -)o do. to :<>, >03 4:0 i). a; - - i"- 1 "" 5 1,00-3 d,uo.l Ulok s .will Scccrrdiogly re aiCnnbie 011 Moi day. 'he Iji.lt day of Au-;uit. — liy the Faayily, Vv m ltuii t as, Scc'y, ;n - For sale by the fubferibers, L . 15 IX % E-Nri-ST >, i: El'j 13d quartci* Ch€ils fi'tfOi lea; a ** i©o ditto do. ftdh Souchnr.g Tea; 300 Boxes China, coinaiuiug finall tea setts of 4% pieces; rc- 400 pieccs B«:ndano Managers, n the JONATHAN RHEA, > 1 grey J une 18 Cd coat, — —. i—• ——' wfers, ~ euu- 10 be Sold, ellow. At No. i»8, North Second-St rtet, arid by fevefttt ef a y> the Apothecaries in tbii^Giijt ive re- r I 'RANSFERS of the right to remove pains arid ioflanimi* from the human badv, as fecurcd to D'r tbISH A ' PERKINS, by patent, With mfl.umerusand diieSi 'Bl ne . ceffaiy tor the prafiice. This mode of treatment i< ;j-- A - w Isrly ufcfiil in relievinj; pains in the head, f*ce, teeth, brca;l/, ~~ tide, stomach, back, rh