INFORMATION TS (riven daily of the'drawing of tbe WASHING TO i :lll j (he J. LOTTERY, at the Office Wester No. 147 Chefnutfirtet, by the between Fourth and Fiith ftreete. Alio, where Tickets may yet be had. Aug. J. co elarms | £3" The Ninth day'* ('rawing is arrived. the tin Jamaica Spirits TUST arrived, and will be landed on Monday next, a ct- J f ew puncheons high proof Jamaica Spirits. Wait For Sale by ,f, . James Brown, c " ei ,' tj No. Tl9 South Second-street. -r an y Who offers for Sak or Charter, purch MAR > dlt d iv BURTHEN about 800 barrels, 10 months media old and well found. A »g- 3 * ,1: For JEREMIE, 'Thefchooner Hope,. Brig Betiey. * THEY arc fact fai'' n S! vessels, and have elegant accommo J 0 datious. For passage Wy, apply to p " Richard & James Poster, j__ £ No. 8 north Front-street. ' jfGreat varietyof elegant Globe and Vaje lamps. ■COR halls and entries, of.hrbeftLondon ritfi Fpullies, balance weights, and eve.y" e "' pp f dage, of (izes fuiuble -.0 accommodate bailing di Trfo, n an aflortment of Lamps, adapted, for M of'pirloms, chirr.ben, count,ng hoofe., wuh pa.eut burners, wick, piaffes. &c. •7u// Importer), and For Sale "J ■ •W. P o Y N T ELL, ■Mo -jo Chefnut, between Second and Third Streets. ALso. j ahandf,me alTortmentof roahogany { - Just Published, BY THOMAS DOBSON, At the Stone House.* No. j'l ®"**» neatly printed in one Toltimf quarto, price lix dollars the fine paper, or five dollats'the com »on: r 1 The Four Gospels, TRANLdTEO P OM THE GREEKt With preliminary Differta ions, and Notes critical and ex ptanatory. 1 ' By GEORGE CAMPBELL, D. D. F. R. 5. Principal of Marital College, Aberdeen. * « The character of the Authprfor aentenefs and etndftion has Hecn eftabliVd by his essay on Oracles in answer to P,v.d Huu ' the greatest masterpiece of the Wnd ever publ.fhed, and by « Philosophy of Rhetoric," and to the merit of the prefer* wo*, the result of nearly forty year, ftudv and application, and the fubilanc.e of hi. course of leaurei in his _ the count,however honorable to the wotk, i» too lont; I for a place in this advert if.ment, the work howev er is now presented in an American edition at not mo'C than half the price of the London copy. Tuly 2> PROPOSALS FOR CAIIVIN'C IHI j Mails of the United State*, On the following route*, will he refined bv the foianflei at Savannah, uniirthe fir« day of September ne*N 1 From Savannah by Sunbury to Vevport Budge, once a. W Receive the Mail « Savannah everv Sr urdav bv 9 AM, ar rive at Sunburv by 6 P M,'and at Newport Bridce on Sun day by 10 4 M. Returning. Leave Newpoit Badge on Sun j dav bv ? P M. and arr,ve at Sunbury in the evening, and at Savann'V. on Mondav bv6 P M.. a. From Newport Bridge by Darienand Brunfwick to M. Mary's once i* two axekx , | Pec'-ivethr Mail a- Newport Bride? everv other Sunday ■o-n and arrive at St Mary's the next Werfr.efdav bv 5 PM. Return'"? Leave St. Mi-v's a\ m tahe encre.,fed or iimikjked, it, trotxirticn tothtManu entreafa) or dimivfhed hy fuck jlU>alio«. Not 2 the Control i*"to he in operation en thr prfl dayoj Ocloiet next, andto continue for Jou' \e foo'ner fcld, in the manner, ™d on the term., and con ditjonsherein after mentioned, to wit; « id. The said fed ions or.lots shall be fold under the di .ft& ion ef the Governor or Secretary of the Wester.'l T r ritcry, and such J.etfon as the President of the United Stages may specially appoint for that ( urpofe. id. The said fefiions thall be fold t,o the hit'heft bidder,but no lale can be made for Iffs than two dollars per acre of tha quanu:y of land contained in such let or feilion. j. -'fhehigheft bidder as before mentioned, mftll depo rt at the time of sale, one twentieth pai t ps the pure afj money in the hands of such person asthe Vrefidtnt of the United States Jhall appoint to attend the fa!fci for that pur rofe, which will Wl<.rf«ited,if a moiety of the sum bid, iuciudingthefaid twentieth part, lhall not be paid wjt&o. thirtvd.ivs from t! e time of sale. , 4 th. U F « PfT» iat w! I'Ve " &-I* in the manner before men tinned, moiety; ra I paper entitled to one year's credit for th- rma r anJ shall receive from the Gover,nor w bt.«* J r Western Territory, anc the person who . by the Pi efident of '| ; de certific.te defcribm K the »ot or 1 p a,ie, clarinor the sam paid on account, ve- — that T0 the time when Lh ,al,nce become. TO the whole land therein shall said balance is not then pai- :, T ;a r urer 0 f , I• ' l bedulydifchargedbvraymg thefa. of Am the United States, the purtbafa Mfor the Congic legal reprefentativej fiiall » tleJ w. F» a . > fJd lands, 0:1 his producing ,0 the secra ? . g, u ceiyt for such balance endorsed u-.on. the td nor if aiy purchaser {hallmake payinen. 0. t„r t he 'horife purchaft money, at firft moiety w direcfed to be jnade, -le a i° S nd his patent fnall * *«- there r 5 mediately issued. . oi.ilo.U-ihia the clay and Il> C"V Given under my hand at PhnautfJtua, t. ' j some 8 year abjvt mentioned. qUVER WO LCOTT. am bt Secretary «C the Treasury - j as fa! ' I Schedule of feßion, of to-wnfhips, or parts Ue U> erf tovnfhips, to be fJd at Pittjburgh, upurfuance _ of the 6th feflU* of an afl of Congress, 0:1 0 f t !„ \ J ... white j the 18th day of May,±79 6 : j tdjlly IT - i O • I 5 • « lon ill ,2 U i 81 z I -5 I thouf te \ I" 11-I 2' u - 2d op " 1 I -g 1_ --- u •!i ra»crs» P - msds'-ss si iVa 3 6 640 each 3ai4| A 4oeachi li- U7 4' id 1 ownfhip ijaio 64° eac hj »♦ H the , :,S ' 11 170 76 1 ,Sa. c Iff i -ai- . TSl i j ' \y< a .^- 6 -A c 1 5 J 4 gß 8o xaa (640 each 2dlowr.ihip. lor a I j6ai7 640 each J 116 I limi 18 560 | 17110 640 each j 44a j 20 55160 23136164° eack 3 44' i , eet,\ 3 o 564 isthTownflii|£ 4 45« he r' 31.36 640 each xai 4 64c each 5 464 a l.» 4thTownfhlp. 17120 640 each 6 472 r ,m * I 19 164 13336164" 7< y ' sXnT»\vnlhip. tof *3 4JC 75 ,3 ,3, . r rt-ari, 1 14 '40 / : his I 29 184 i/a:c '.4c .-id 1 11 lb A 30 640 o 2 3»i >40 i'jcl' \ m <)( -4 "5 l\i jg -Ji-jo,i,n v j aiadei 4 th 1 ownlhip. 12313 64oeac; £ IJj f 11 a,' 40 18aio 640 eac/ . \ , f „ 11 1J y /* 7at4j4oeach tv M 12 ,9750 m 640 1 ty M syo I* 1 Sun j *5 25° , F jtHTownfhiw. „S„n 16 :9 -o .an^eac-i andat \7 •24 1 7 a2O 64t.,eac, , ( fc m iS 4 4 r 0 ,oM ' *9 i Q 'lA W n ilfcTownfhip. b( t'jndav I 2U lII4|-40Ca r PM 11 Jl . '7"°f4oeac if y 8 A i , 336640 eac I'M. sth 1 ownlhip. < ,?th fnwilih) '< UeconA 5 -5' la# ',4 leaeh S ration J 6*7 64c - ,<.n 17 ~a I?a; , ' )4 - e , vh 'ted. in % 3 ay 04'- each j , 4G u , >7318 04 eich JtUa . AN6I ;,l,Townlhip. al ,!f c ift l'ownliiip' ia 141640 each r " I 7thTow,,ih.p , g 2M , 40 :7a20 ! 640 e , rh 11 1 87 50 z 336 64. eacl J « 1 1 zdTowhlhip / u v r 13314 4c acb 3 , 8o [ 0 103x2 64 each , ' . 1 1932 c 44. each ,14 -3» :ra j 2333 4C each 17118 640eaeh z ,vS,v 5 456 [I a m t T rr ip ; - n, 16 i 6oc 8 ,26 37 64: each , e 1 ?th a ° 'I' 7 i°, 4thTown(hip. g"for 2iait 64-.---.h '7 - 4 • jaj 4 j64oleach c •errito- |6°9 '-3 a 36 640 eacl, M Mfh h With or 25»36C,40.'3Ch 4th, n wnftnp ■deferi- ' 3d Township. ' 3 l4| 64o|eac h ' 6 . h Town(hlp< nge,of ' 9 6 ° »3»4)649jeach n ordi- 10 344 *3336|04de3cn A* | , May, ' 11 267 6lhToun(h.p lrh c ty-five 12 15'- SthTownftiip. I ,wn ol 14 2C: 50 I732C»4c.bach .~t , i f day of - , 5 jSjc 732 ] M lea.'h c -Hi) j L . > 4th TowiiJhip. jivtlj 1 owpflup | Jia 6 | : ach , r.i iJ- j 1 **0 I * 4 C -St-'h - 1-j r • I United ' , 7 ai 4b iaih I (ow»Cup. ' jo" »3« 3 6«wiaci | ,al^ 4 ' highest , 3i" L 3 t i 3 ; ow „lhip. '73HV 'ach dollnrs 4 v I ni , (S-'-ieach '4C 1 klctor 6 640 '1732 Mc eacb 'l ownfh.p. t depo- 7 :63 j*3 a 36 . 7a2 4 «6^"^ h i lire a'fe 8a .9 ' 4 ° e * c '' |'T! j23 336 64c each t of the -40 80 j Jai4MOe.4 r6tl|Towrft : lat pur- 11 7° 1314,540 each , , am bid, nai4 640 each -4C each I . slc ! 64nmh lwi:j>b xj#2o 640 each I i3ai6'6 4 o ;acl} 640 each 1 ' -: - ~Z*~n-rinfrvc. ani * C" u tbepMuatio'. o, . ; t ,■; w . faUovt ixg mmh , ralfaperi r S a " l:er ■ is from a correal copy. I TREASURY D£PA 511 MEN ~ JULY ig ?T, > • T"l (CIRC U L .i R.J * * t TO THE COLLECTORS OF TH- CUSTOMS. cf fa „Jl i : THE incl,fe4 *et W thj ef o" By r of seamen. P' da ! ,h so( de Pa i ' e Congress, h^ » l 'J' eehuhhr afv^ rtl f gen ce •- citizenlfcip fhaU .be i» any cafe 4 .iemea Bor * norW iuc!. proof Ihall fc, 3 u Kn.p dto ;i thorifc of ZvS& The F u in that aft preferred, the 1 en d, that (hort £ r- s u ■ d iS :-p-f bo S V as follows : Pcrfon, of the f0110w,., r „- arc to be re-jittered and furmfhed *«» certificates | . '« within the S.h. UjP „f ,h e United States, or any of them, fiee L white per.W born vt any |S»r«ign country, but » c ." = tually feuN vokhm the limit >of the United on til third day of Septcmter/ in the year one Do® thonfand seven hundred and eighty three. 2 d Ps-ifons naturalized pursuant to the laws oj I . utu any of the United States, prior 10 the twenty-mnth — day of January, i;i ihe yeai one ihoufftpd seven bundled and ninety five. ,d. Pcrfons naturalized pursuant to the law of the United States, passed on the twenty-l.xth day toll of March, in the year one seven hundie and ninety, wh'le it was in force. f 1 j Alb. Terfons naturalized pursuant to the hwsof the United States passed on the lw<>n,y.mnth day Kg , of Jantiuv, in the year one seven hundred I jtfe. Children of Citizen* of the United States, | ot I .' V or any one of (hem born at any place out of the I and limits of the United States. tll< 6th. Children of naturalized citizens, dwelling in 1 ot the United and u .der twenty. one years of 1 abo a; It at the time of such naturalization. J vre Proofs of ikiienlfcip in the fevcral cases before-1 Th • mentioned, to be produced to the colleaors refpec- J Bal h tively, prior to their iflfuing certificates of cittlen 1 the h (hip, are ta be ot the kind, and to be auihentica- I ing II ted as follows: _ _ I r ' l: ifti Every petfonclaiming citisenfhip, as a na-I the tive of the United States, is to produce an extract J Re from the regider of births or baptifms,.where such J is kept, in th« civil or religious society, to which j the applicant belongs, certified by the proper | of such focie'y, in the uftial manner, and supported I by the affidavit ef at lead one credible witnefs.tef- j can tifying that the applicant was horn within the li I res j. mitt of the United States, and defcribiag the jof gcunvy and date in \vhich he W33 born. j am 2d. Every perfp'n claiming citizenship, by virtue I j ' qf an afluai feW lenient within the United States, j wfc .. . — ■ .'I j- .. r oaptumuu, 111 ny : " thor.fand fe'reu hundred an!-! eighty-three, (hall pro- ex; ch duce the affidavit of at leall one credible wituefs, of oil :eilifying that th* applicant was actually fettled fer •<■o within the United States, on the third day of Sep- th. ?• temhev, in the year one thousand seven hundred and a't< eighty three, and deferring the,town or county, cc and llatr in which lie was then fettled. * , a 3d. In cases where citizcnfhip is claimed by virtue of any uiuiializaiion, pursuant to the laws ps any one of tjie United States, prior to thetivtn- te ich ty-ninth day ot January, In the year one thousand IC J* seven hundied and nine y five, of pursuant to' the fli j C ' laws of the United Stales, the fame fhsli be pro- th lc jj* ved by a copy of the law or record, (as the cafe ich may bt) • certified under the !m <0 of the proper I ;£< ach Officer ; :n '. ifi cafe of ;i record ot acouit, if iato I m lip. be. atf'hcoticated also und?r the seal of the Court, lli if any f.'al is used. W ' 4th. In cases were citisc. nfliip is claimed by per- e< pp' lons as being children of citiaens ps the Unite' hi StStes, or any of them, bora out of the limits of •Vh the United States, the citizenfiiip of the parents L aeh under whom the applicants claim, (hall he proved ai M P- as before prescribed, in like manner as if the citi- e» zenlllip w?.i claimed by the parents therjifelves ;and aeh further, ii mud' be proved by ;In- affidavit of at fe lead 011 c credible ivilnrfs, that they are reputed tl ,E- and believed to be the children oft !if pet sons un- P' der whom they de-ive their citizendiip. L sth. In cases were citizenlhip ij claimed hy ip. persons in virtue of the naturalization of their pa- tl rents, fuuh naturalization (hall be proved in the ai manner before diie&ed, and in addition thereto, ;lc h the applicants arc to (troduce refpeClively ihe affida- ir ■aeh vits ot one credible witness in each cafe, tedifying S that they arc reputed childten of naturalized citi I ;aeh zens of the United States, or of some one of them, and did reside within the United States, and were n under twenty one years of age at the time their pa- n eac h rents refpe£Vively were naturalized. k ,e affidavits before mentioned, may be taken I Tup. before, and certified by any judge, magidrate, or each other officer of the United States, duly autho.ifed t earh by law to-admtnider an path 01 atfiimaiion. I each —»» .iiiiriuS'iT 11 — FREDERICKSBURG, July 27. "a'Ji The.following truly melancholy and distressing circumdance, was obligingty communicated to us S snip. bv a friendly ootrcfp»od;nt : About three yer.l3 each since, William Clift, a rclident of King-Qcorge county, was unfortunately bit by a rnad-dpg, as also federal dogs, cattle, hogs, &c. which in a i; each I ° ,t I ' ine l ' c unfortunate man never until leach within a few days'pad, when he was seized with | ach 'he firll symptoms, which rncreafed and afiedled Grip. him in a mull diltreffing trtanner. A fight per- S ach haps more horrid could not present itfelf to the hu ath man imagination, than to fee him, with savage ra h P_'eity, unfeelingly dissever his own fleffi like a can- ( nibal, and howl like the poor brute that dung liim, t each um '' r epeated convulsions terminated his exillence. ( each At cliifi-rent times in the interval fiace he was bit, iVp. until his lalt attack, he has (h«wn some (igns <>f each niclancholy. ° , :«ch The above is a lamentable proof how 1083 litis 1 horrid infe&ion of canine madness will lay dcrpiant |' ift the huwan cGtiftitutiofl, am. at .ait DreaK. out and dertrcy th* unhappy viftira. |j| * Philadelphia FRIDAY EVENING. Aucusi s. * # The Prices Current will l c intened 10-mofiow. Trarjlated from the Couuei>. Franca ls cf ills Morning. By the brig S'x -BriSlbers in i 6 < iays from x*»it I de Paix, we have received the following mtelh , gence Bomparde is evacuated by the Enjfhfh, and a cpi , don,is iince formed from that pott to Port de I ais. ! The French frig ite the Mednfa lias taken during * t (hort cniife 8 priz;3, among which is atranfport with e 4JO troops bound frnrrvtlfe Mote to Pot; au-Prfmifc q with a full etal-major, and another velTel with 60 I horfts. [. The frigate Infurgente has returned and made c several prizes in her voyage flora New-York to the :S i Two ship* and » frigate have, failed, (their def- I tinatio.i unknown) having on hoard 150 of the ts J troops which a. rived from France. I Payect, appointed General of Division is gone c . I with Rochambeau General in Chief of the Spatiifti e ' s D art of Hiipaniola to take the command at Santo ne D oqsiago. of I Future- progref» of the French in Germany, from t j, I the Aurora. en I As Gen. Kleber advances towards the river J Mein, the Republican troops ftatioued on the left, of bank of the Rhine, will cross the latter river, and lay follow the vidoiious advanced guard into the heart , e d of tlie Qerman Empire. The 3000 men quartered I between Cologne and Coblentz had already crossed ;of 'he Rhine al Bonne and Neuwied 5 the 30,000 Jay J Republicans potted between Coblentz and Bingea, red! will have cruffed the Rhine at Caub between Bin- ants part centre les I of the 'Republican army composed of 90,000 men the I a "d led on by Jourdan, and Marceau will follow 1 the fame road ; the intrepid Moreau, at the head r mi J of 80,000 men, will force the passage of the Rhine sos ibove Manheim, near Keltfh j and by this manoeu -1 vie he will bring the Aullriai>6 between two fires, ore-! The Republican aimy assembled in the vicinity of pec- Basle, will attempt to invade Suabia by eroding Ecn j the Rhine under the cannon of the fortrefs of Hui ica- [ inguen ; and the important result of all these ope- I rations will be peace with the German Empire and na- I the Emperor, on the terms dictated b) the French raft I Republic. 'uch J . • hich I Mr. Fknko, 1 rted I IN this lying period, ii may be important to the , tef-! caufc of truth and the intcrejls of oar country, to e li» I refiefh the memories of the 0 idefatigaHe enemeis the I of both, with some falls which are recorded in the j anna!? of Congress. rtiie I In this point of view, I consider the following, ates, which appeared in a late Kentti Uy paper, 'If some vim j 4-f y-or-o pro- examine the public ncorps dui:..g the early (lane* nef6, of the Revolution, they would be able to furjiifh a ttled series of trjnfafli'on*- that wCuld serve to u, mafic Sep- the chara&eis of thofc "exciofivc fa/riots", who land ate inceffently maligning the real patriots cf our jnty, country.' C, 1 by From the- Kentucky Gazette. laws 27th September, 177 c*-, M-- Jay, wa» appoia wtn- ted as minilici to the court »0,l X put it. lfand 4'h-and 17th If So, Mi. Jay was in )' the fli-ufted exclude the taken Flfherics and MilTifippi fiom the ultimatum. te, or Bth June, 1781, Virginia piopofed the Ohio as lo.ifed the N. W. boundary of the United States. New England Hates againlt it, ar.d question loft. ARRIVED at this PORT. refling t>A*l. I to us Schooner Industry, M'Kean, Gonaives n V -, 13 Barque, Mars, Fowler, Au.t-Cayes 12 Jorge CLEANED. Ship Catharine, Starbnck, Dublin " s .'* Brig New-York Packet, Strong, Charleston ln * Virginia, Culhing, Port-au-Paince until Ditto, Oneil, Pafqnotank I with Colledor, Milby, do. fledled ,1 Concord, Mitchell, Alexandria t per- Sloop Nancy, Howard,- St. Domniga he hu- Sally, Sebi ing, New-York aue ra- Abigail, Johnfton, Alexandria The Snow Adolphe,'Welder, of this Port, arrived at a can- Cork on the 20th April from Norfulk. Brig Two Sif g nim, ters, Eaglefon, is arrived at flifpanioia, from Phila- Jlence. delphia. * 'as bit, Arrivals at Bojlon, 'July 29. gns of Brig Defiance, Pcarce, 15 days from St. Bar tholeaiews. Spoke brig—, of Salem, from BJ ig litis tavi?., 4 months and a half out ; l'chr. Deborah, -fmant jTildcn, St, Barthclemcw s, 17 days; Black