Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 05, 1796, Image 1

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of the llttittf) |btftt?o 9 6 s Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Nvmbsm 1219.] , FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 5> [Volums X.
k'frar JOHN, j;
Robert jAjCKsoN,*Ma(Ur, Jlle
'■& - ;■?•• To fail in fifteen days jj C
k^"i_ " = * 3s HAVlNG 'wo-thirds of her cargo en
gaged and ready to to on hoard- For freight or paflage {
apply to the matter on board at Wain's wharf, or to c
John Donnaldfbn, 1
!• 24 Walrit-^ieet.'
July l» ' • \
Brig LUCY at Au&ion. ( p x
ON Friday next, the sth iuftant. at the Merchants s
Coffee-Houfe, in Second ftrett, . 1
Will be fold Ly stallion, J-
At 8 o'ilach in the evening,
A ® tout > ft ron s vc "«'« Wl " carr y A
at .-nit IJOO ft arrets, and may go ±1
SL*S&£&ZS^~-- to j ea t h a. very small expenie. Me
Footman & Co. AuEfioneers-* 10 j
ugult —
For Freight, ~
1 ' '
Bf.kjamin Glas'ier, Majler, Th<
FROM Liverpool. Now difeharging at P. Care's wharf,
and will immediately afterwards take in F'reighi for
To fail in all next week. For freight or paffagc, apply to /]
capt. Glajier, on board, or to
Isaac Harvey, jun. A
»*■» j-«nntl> -
7 mo. n - f -* lw
For Sale, Freight, or Charter,
The Scho*ncr
hundred and twenty tons burthen — j J
V } fix months old, a fbtunch, fuithfilly-
vessel, hindfomely finifocd off, and weh
found In every particular. For terms apply to (
3 * B. RHODES,
On board said schooner, lyipg at Eickley and Bohien s attc
wharf, the firfl above Marfcet street. tc n
A few half-bbls. Prime Mess Beef. an J
Ji'y *4 L, e £ ,
For Sale, lA
Or for Charter'tothe Weft-Indies, at j
CE"Rni S, j
PbdbdAphia Built, P1
OF Live Oak and Red Cedar, burthen ahcut 3500 bar
rels, now difchsrging at Latimer's wharf. This ves
sel is in excellent repair, well fouud and will bear a tho
rough examination, andasfoon as discharged will be rea- r-r
5 <iy so ufceln hxtrgar-T<rirti**" ,7 , " 1
John Vaughan. | ht
J°'y L- tJu
For Sale or Charter, on
. _ in
THE • th;
JJURTHEN about l r oo Bbls. 6f flour—fke may be sent
to feaat a small expeuee, her fails and rigging being hi
very good order—apply to 1 ur
James Campbell, or f J;
George Latimer. a jf
April V), § J
This Day commenced Landing, th
At li" Hilins wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy and M00J) j} 1
St. Jago, from St. Jago de Cuba—consisting of 0
White and Brow« Box SUGAR.
MOLASSES, of an excellent quality.
COFFEE. : '•
IMS and HONEY. Also, ' IS'
For Sale or Charter. j p '
The brig LUC\ ,
A (lout, strong vcflel, will carry a
f\_ tout 1200 barrels, and may go to
„sea with a very small expenls.
The above will be fold for calh or approved notes. -j
Samuel Emery,
No. 64, louth Second-r.reet. -1
July 37. atf " 1
Just Arrived,
In the fhipMolly, John Ftoit, Mailer, from Liverpool, f
5000 Bufhels'Beft fine ftoved SALT, i
Bufhfls CO.iL,
And nS Craiesof QUEENS WARE afTortrC,, ,
Philip Nicklin & Co. 1
IS for SALE or CHARTER, (he is f,
•. yMiiold, Philadelphia built, of white
cak, v.25 well lifted and carries about 4200 barrels of Flour,
for terms apply as above.
July 23 dl \ -
From on bozrd the Nancy, William Belcher, mas- |
ter, from Bijurdeaux, a cargo, consisting of— j
fil Cases of 24 bottles each CLA RET,
zB6 &>. of 24 tlo. WHITE WINE,
For Sale by
F. Coppinger.
Jniy 2?- dtf "
Take Notice,
THAT the Subfcribrr intends to mane applica
tion for the renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609,
for 4CC9 dollarii, dated the 14th December, I79s,bearirg
inter eil at 5 & percent, from ift Jaijuary, 1796, in the
name of I?>vid Dundterdale & Co. oi Le 'tLs, in orlt
fhirc, merchants. The fame isfappofed to have been left
on its way to New York, under cover to Birecker &
March, of thatpUcc, 011 the 6th of January last-
Thomas M'Euen.
Ptiladelphia, old June, 1796. §6w
No. 76 High S'.Tf-/, (hi ,.
HAS received, by the latest njiivals from Europe .-®<!
the East Indies, a well feleiSted assortment of SLik '
Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberttaftery Goods: which
he will fell, V'hoSefale and Retail, on the loweG, terms ; A
: Some fiue India muslins embroUefcd with gold and iflver
Super§ne Book, Jaconet,- Mulmul ditto
Do 'do do do Handkerchief?
. Some extr»blacktaffieticsJateft;"ing«ari A colored i crifea- _A
Eamiano Handi-erthi!.-)s and Ihort Nan'irens
Engjllh Mantuas of the firfl;quality
F Da"i(!t table linen and napkins, very fine
Silk Hosiery, an elegant assortment
Thead and cotton do In ti
• Umbrellas—green lit!:, oil'd do. and do cloth
French cambrics, v:ry fine 51
Irish Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 §
For Male,
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut On i
street, between Front and Second (Ireets, in which
Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for man} years {and
now do) carricd on
PoiTeflion will b': given in one month, or sooner. 1
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
nrjipri! ai. s^"
Sa es of India Goods.
————————— I <
The Cargo of the ship G. nges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- u s ,
, cntta and Bengal, ance
A Large and general affortmeDt of Bengal and Madras S ll C 2
A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, ' :
Jn boxes ;iiid bags—an<f BLACK PEPPER,
F|sr Sale by
Willi rigs Ssf Francis,
No. II Pe::n Street.
June 8
\ Public Notice is given,
i-O the merchants and others concerned in the shipping ;
at State I (land, under quarantine, that a Cart will
s attend every mo ning, sundays excepted, from nine-to
ten o'clock, at the Health office, No. Walnut-street, to
con', ey provjfions or other I efrelhments to the Hofpifal,
and for theufeof the crews.
It is that the Bags, Eafkets, or other packag
. es with supplies, will be diretSed with, the name of th vef- for:
I feland captain they are intended for, to prev»::t millakes
at delivery. T ,
By order of theßoardof Health fortheport of Phila
delphla, LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH, Chairman. "' s '
T"ly r 1 L C.n
Philadelphia, West-Chester, Strafburgb,
Lancaster, Tirk and Frederick-town W
: s, 1 j a k s.
- rpHE proprietors of the ufco-re Stages, returr their bef
i -V- ,1.. ftsKf. •„
the encouragemenrrecj# v-ed in this line ot huiinefs, auu oep
leave to inform the public, that they are determined to ru;i (
their stages through from Philadelphia to Lanqafie; it! | I<t
one day. commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July intent, _ ,
in the following manner, —via. A Stage will set out 011 ,
that day at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the houie ci
George Weed, Market-street, Philadelphia, and run by
the v ay of Weftcneftcr ar.d Strafburgh. arrive in l anc?.l
ter the fame evening, on Friday morning run to Wright's
U exchange paitenjers with the York and C
" ick-town fiage, return and arrive in Philadelphia or. Sat
tfrday, and on Monday morning at 4 o'clock,
said stage willfet out from the said George Weed's, Philac
deiphia, and arrive at Lancaster the feme evening, oti pj,
Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack will set out from the house
— of Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, ami arrive in Philadelphia
the fame evening, and will commence again on Thurfoay ''
morning following, and continue every week—The price |
for each paffeng r from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three
dollars and a half, to York, four dollars and three qaar
teis,. to Frederick town eight dollars, the like films for *
150 weight baggage, with the ufu&l allowance 14 lb.
gratis to each palTenger, and 5 pence a nu'e for all way
paffeegers. 3° —§4 W r-r
John Reilly, I
a . | G e ° r g e Weed.
This Animal is to It fcen in High-Street, between , th<
the Tenth and the Eleventh-Street.
HE will positively leave Philadelphia the tenth of Sep*- ' —
tember, for Baltim«re, in his way to Charleftorr, fir
_ where he will wln'er
ADMITTANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar D
'• for Childreti ' ar
r. The PANORAMA, or the VIEW of the CITIES of
Is to be open till the loth of September, and the fab- j a
jeil will then be remove/a to Baltimore with the ELE
One quarter of a Dollar. • _
August 3.
hue A well-iiniflied, commodious j
_ For Sale, and immediate possession given, , r
SITtJATE on the north fide of Spruce ilreet, N©. ill, a
between Fourth and Fifth "Greets. piaiza h
iai and V buildings are three flories in he and pet fetsto b'
ly well adapted for the accommodation of a large family, e <
as.they contain twelve good rooms, cxclufiv.e of twociel- ti
ed garrets. In the yard, which is neatly paved, there are S
two pumps ; one in a rain cistern, the other of as good J C
• water as, any in the city ; The cellars are dry and q
The terms of payment wjll be easy : a great part of the
purchafc-money in all probability may lay for vears or in
terest. Apply at No. 109, next daor eaft^ard.
July 30 Saw
ReJidetU at Mr. Oeliert's Hotel,
li-a- miniature likenesses
rine- A taken and executed in that elegant and delicate
f XX stile, wl iich is so to rer>der a Miniature Pic-
Br ].„ ture sinUnterefting jewel.
1 101 l warrant a flrong and indisputable refem
•r & 1 laiice; au 4 he the liberty to lay beicrc the public
of this place his most earned icteniion to deferfe their
tron age by his be li endeavors to pieafc.
N. B. Spccuiiens arc to be fcen.
>w May IZ' 5
■ *—— » — " ■ _
Just'A -Tired • :
In the br'-g B :(ey, tVoni Jcrcnsir, ar.d for Tale by i j
the ] f:tu
Forty thousand wt. of very prime GofFee \ Ko
in ■
And, in the fciiooner H ?pe, from New Orleans.
■ " ■. j
tfCxTTON . -
VllDCr: an.!
t p : will !> •«. ven for Approvetl Notes. I
Richard and jtrtbes Potter.
July . _. dtf J ;
■ Arrivetl, ~ 3
ly th<. Snow Kivkpatrick, master from Li
-soco SALT ; \
ico Crates QUKENS V/ARE ; nnd. twe
" An Afibitnient of Sliir CIIANDLEU Y ; a G
FOK SALE * A torn
On Jfoanl, at Pine-flrect v. hart. Apply to
fames Campbell, or
George Ltitimer.
April 5
Notice is hereby Given,
AT agreeably to ar» act of Congre r s of the United
A States oi passed at Philadelphia, the 28th day
of Mav, 1796 laying duties 00 Carriages, for ine convey
ance ot periods, -and the former' acts for that pur-;
pofe',r—ThatVbere lha!l be levied, collected and paid, uoon
* all carriages for the conveyance of persons, wjjich (hall he
i kept by or lor .any perfoo, for his or her own ule, or to let
oat to hire, or for the conveying ot paiTcngcrs, the several dU.
ties and rates foUovvinz, to wit.
For and upon eviry Coaclj, 15 uols. t^c
" pvery Charior, 12 iiojs. j
I upon everV Post Chaise, iji dojt. not
upon every Phae.on, wi;h or without top, g dok
upon every Coaclief. 9 cols.
upon cher having panne 1 above, -
.vj'h b'.ir.ds, gizilftiGt curtains, 9 dols. u
uoon lour wheei carnages, having tramed posts and
top: with Heel fpiiogs, 6 jdojs,
uoon four wheel .top Carriages, with wooden or iron
fpvings crjacfesl 3 dols.
upon curricTcs with tops, 3 dols.
up'in cftiai-eSiWiih tops, 3 Jols.
upon chairs wjth tops. 3 dols.
uj oa fulkici with toes, 3 dais.
upon oilier two whee lop (^rr»ag r ? ? 3 dols.
upon two wheeloarriagci, wi;h ftcel or.iron springs, "
3 dois. ' • \y*
For and upon ali o' her two witecl cariiages, 2 dols. 1
upon tveiy ioor wheoi carriage., having framed poHi II
end tops, and reiHug upon woo.icn spars, 2 dols.
The Collectors of the Revenue of t*»e 4irft .urvey of thf.
Diilr cot \ isi attend daily, imlUthegpth da\
of September next, for ihe purpose o? receiving the duties 00
1 C.images, at No. Race or Saf&fras lUtet, trt iheCiiy
o- Philadelphia, at- the houfc of Daniel jS. Clair, Efq in the -*i
C ounty of ; ar.d at the hoofc of Abraham Du ; y
Esq. in the County of Hacks; ot w, ; ich alt. perfous pot:
fciTcd ot such Carriages arc defi«ed to take notice*
Not'-ce is alio given, ju«
15.-u» fiqu-...,ih.. •i-f-T--' wJB t-e gMOtMto Hem. one TT a.
r t act foi rsrryirt? oo jhe Minets ot unaUing.o. W met, in ? pw
' , quanlity, ot in fete wuiiitilies tliaa 8= onj
luxnte f.)i rarrtis* or the bufiacia of ictailiog Spint)»cb» h- .
' q u r. in leijotia.'i ii s titan *&galteßs,at the fame time and del
! 1: ,e la,::e pieces, by tbc oncers legally aulhor.zcd to grartt fcv
: ■eA licences. . n i r
Infpsclor of tht Revenue of tbe fiift lurrey
j of t!,e (iiltf.flof Pennf;'vaaia. j
Olßreof Inf(>eOion, at ? i 3°
. PbilndeWmiii. gilt julv. 1706 S
: O T I c E. Pr
1 There will be fold on Thurftlay the 4th of August, at gr
e the Merchants'coffee house, in Second street, aa
" Y One thousand (hares of the stock of
I the North America Land Company. ™
If not previously disposed of. an
, r Phikidelphia, lothjuly. dtJ pl
y " TAKE NOtTce7 t
THAT applitation will be made for the renewal of r«
the f< Howing certificates, ifiued by Joseph Nonrfe, t
Register of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Grtl _
wotti, Esq. of Norwich, Connedlicut—
1 certificate, fix per cent domestic ttock, No. 13,907 fu
—dated the 17thDecember, 1795, bearing roterefi from
■n , the firfl day of January, i;Qi, for 1,597 65-100 dol-
i 1 ditto, thre* per cent, domestic stock, No. 10,682 u
p-. ! —dated December 16, i? 95. bearing interest from the {?
ir, firft day of January, 179 J > - or 994 0-100 dollars. vv
I-ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166 dated tiie 17th t j
ar December, 17951 bearing intcrcll from the firft Jaiiu- t ,
ary, jgoi, for 798 Bj-ioo dollars. e!
of Said certificates are fuppoicu to hare been !olt or
Tio'.en in this city some tim: in December or Janua:y
b " bit.
No. 59, North Front-street.
Philadelphia, July si, d6w.
I * * ■
A Country Seat to be fold
(- A BOUT feveri acres and a half of land near the three
1 s jr\ mile Cone 011 the road leading to Gray[s gardens and
extending withagentle declivity fremthe laid road to the
river Schuylkill—-on which arc ere&ed, a convenient
frame house suitable soi 1 a tenant, a batn and ftahjc, _
n, a large Brick House forty-eight feet front, two stories
tza high, a very elegsnt piaxzafronting the l'tver, Jie whole ,
breadth of the house supported with turned pillars, floor- (
ilr, ed with cedar plank, commanding an txtenfivc and pic
;el- view of the Middls Bridge, GYay 5 Gardens, the
are Seat of Wm. Hamilton, Esq. the Turnpik-e Road and
Kid J Canals. The improvements ail new—aad the ground
ge. couvenientiy divided and inclosed by new ccdor fences,
the For terms apply at No. 151 Marken-ftr«et.
in- July 17 4
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 ysarsold,
in pipes and fecglheads
Claret, genuine old, in cases
£ S Gin. in pipes, from Holland
Earthen Ware, ir, crates
p lc _ Balket Salt, in hogflieads
Shof, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9
cm _ Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead
blic Steel, Gefiuai' an '• Rufiia, in barrels
pa. Anchors cables, Junk, bunting, tarpphn canvas,
Tin 1 iates—An invoice Stationary- by
§ July -.9
j To be Let,
I A large convenient thre- flory Brick Keuf?, plcaf.uit'y
i f:tuate<!, on the weft fide cf cnpofite to thq
! Ktw-Ivlirket; now in the -of npiry Clymar
Apply to
Wi'iinim Bing!ar>. '
1 July 2*. * 6t.
C A U L r. S,
From it t.i 9 I inches, for file-by
'Jerartab l¥arJer v " '
July »* 5 N.* 12 no: ::-. 1 ■ ird-f.rect.
Wajhulgton Canal Lottery,
N 3.
WHF.REAS the St£te cf Maryland has authorised
(-the underwritten, to raise twenty-si* tKnqfeqd}
tuo hundred, ar.dfifty dollars, for the pilipofe of cutting
a Gapal through the City oi Washington, from Ih iPu
tomacto theEaftern Branch Harbour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. I, ,
Viz -I Pri?e,ot 20,ce0 dollars, 20,000
I ditto iO,;X>o [pfiCQ
7 lad drawn 7 .
Tickets, each j J "3si°°°
6 ditto I,cco 6,c00
10 ditto 4,-co
20 ditto ICO »,000
55 :to 50 2,750
5 7jo ditto 12 69,00s
To be raised tor the Canal, 26,250
5850 Prizes, ** 17 51 pi g
11650 Blanks, not two to 3 prize.
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
£/■ The Coinmi Sinner, have taken the Securities r«i
quired hy the hforefaid ail for the pana-kl payment of
ihe prires. ...
The drawing of will commence, without
notice will ue given. — - 1 -"—»—* —>_
S\\h prizes :vs are not demanded in fix months after th»
drawing is finilhed, fliall he coufide-ed as rehnquiihed for
ths benefit of lEc Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
r City of Waldington, Feb. u. 5
Marlhal of th: Penhfj'lvuma Oirfr'icft,—
WHEREAS the CongreXs o{ the Unjted States, at
the firdfeffion of the 'fourth Ctmgrcfs, to wit, on
ihe twelfth day of May laic past, palfed an act, to f repeal
so much of an a*sl, intituled" " an afi to. cllabiifh th«
Judicia! Cotfrts 0/ the United £tvc»', as dife&s the
alternate icffioiisjnl ihe .Circuit' Ccurt for thy q£
1 purposes, in ilie (ollov ing words, to wit.
Ft u'rth tongreis of the United States ;
At the firit felficn, begun ana held at the city of PhiU-
I delphia, in the State of Pcruifvlv'ania. on Monday, the
1 seventh of iDec;mber, one, thousand seven hundred apd
nine y ; five.
An A3 to repeal fomucb of an afl, intituled "an ad to
' efublife the judicial courts of the United States", as di-.
reifta that alternate felfions of the faui circuit court 'cr
thediftriA of Penpfylvania shall he holdeh at York«
to.wii ; and for qther pur ofes.
Se&. I. BE it enadted by the Senate and House of Re«
pre-fentatives of the United States of America, in Ccn-.
t grefs aiTembled, That so much of ths fifth fedtion of ;he
aift, intitu ed " a.l a<sl to eftablilh the judicial courts of
f the United States", as direiU that alternate sessions of tha
circuit court for the diflrifl of- PenElylvuiia Ihall be hold-*
en at Yorheown, be, and the fame is hereby repealed}
and tHat all the fefliofiiof the said circuit court Jhali, from
and after the passing of this a&, be hoUea at the city of
Philadelphia, excepting only, when at any fefiian of the
said court, the"lijSges thereof shall dired the tiext feflion
to be holden at Yprktown ; which they are hereby autho
jf rized and empowered to do, whenever it lhall appear to
.. th»m to be iieceffary.
•j" Se3. 11. And be it further ecaAed, That all such prq
cefs o£ the said court, as may have ilfued before the pass
ing of this and recognizances returnable, and all ,
suits and other proceedings th- t wejc continued to the
J 1 said circuit court foe the diftrid of Pennsylvania, ea the
, eleventh of October nest, in Yorktown, shall now be re
>Z turned, and held continued, to the fame court, on the
fame day, at Philadelphia. And to the end that suitors,
witnesses, knd all others concerned, may Jhave notice of
l '' the alteration hereby made, the Marftal of the said 'dif.
"* trift 'thereby required'te make the fame known, by pro-.
clailtation, on or before the firft day of August next,
or Jonathan Dayton,
:y ' Speaker of the House of Reprefer.tatives,
, Samuel Livermore,
Prefidentcf the Senate, pro tempore.
Approved, May the twelfth, 1796,
Gforge Washington,
— Prefidcut of the United States,
Deported among the Rolls A intjie Office of the Depart.
meet of State,
ree Timothy Pickering,
,K ' : Secretary of State.
; he IDO HEREBY MAKE KNOWN, that all such
process of the 6idcourt a« has, or may be iffusd, - ! 'd all
' recognizances retticiable at Toritavn aforefaid, on the rff
ventb iaytf 03d:r next, will be returned to the Circuit of
°" the United States, attheCity Hall, in the city of Fhila
"r" delphia, onTusfday, the drvtrtb day of October next, at
L " clrven o'clodc in the forenoon, Aad that,all fioitsaoi! other
ur ': proceedings that wre c jntir.ued to the said court at York
town, will be held and continued at the said Circuit
111 Court, at Philadelphia, on the fame Elcientb day of Octo
ber next, of which all persons concerned are Jefired to
notice, and give their attendance thereat.
GIVSN under my hand, at my office, in the Diflriii
of Pennsylvania, the twenty-fewenth day of July,
in the year of our Lord one thoufar.d seven hur.«
3 ; C J ) dred and ninety-fix, and of our Independence ths
July 2- j f.?-'
Board & Lodging in the Country.
A Single Gentleman may be accommodated with bo-rd
and Udging nsar Gernnaatown, with the use ot -4
•'as, stable, and grass for oiie or two horses : as an agreeable
society is the chief object, theterei; will be made perl'eiU
3, ly f afy. Enquire of the Printjr of th; Gazette*.
J Augnfil 3t