Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 04, 1796, Image 3

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    To his Excellency the Right GUY aroii
LORD nqRCHESTER, Captain General, dd
and Governor in Chief, oce. &c. &c»
May it pleaft your LordJ'bip, " lt .
The inhabitants of Montreal penetrated with t(*ri
gratitude for the happiness enjoyed by them under C
your lordrtiipYadminillration of the government of the
this province, dnring a great number of year*. part
brace the present oppohunity of your intended de- efie<
mrture for Great Britain, to entreat you to receive cite
jheir humble acknowledgments, and to accept their thoi
mod sincere wiihes for a favorable paflage, for your that
health and prbfperity, and for that bf all your fa- wot
The prudence and moderation which dilUngriifh- tl<e
ed your conduct in this province, internal lira
peace and tranquility ; and in reflecting infinite n.fir
honor »p.« /our tonHhip, have Wf joft.fied the oug
confidence reposed in you by our lovereign, obit
and secured to you the affe&ions of the inhabitants.
We beseech you, my lord, to carry our moll ar dec;
dent vews to the foot of the throne, for the hap- I
pmefs of our gracious monarch, to afftire him ol lurt
our attachment to his facrcd pfcrfon and to the nap- 2
nv government under which it is our glory to live ; det<
and we fervently pray that his maj.lty's app.oba- tion
tion may continue to diftioguilh and reward your to I:
virtues, and your merit. 3
His Lordship returned to both Addresses the sol
lowing Answer : wit
Gentlemen, S UI
lam obliged by this testimony of your regard i
for me and my family. It is unnecessary for meto
assure you, that your welfare, and the general hap- giv
pinefs and prosperity of this province, in which 1 pro
have pafled so gieat a part of my life, will ever in- and
terrefl me in the mod fcnltble manner. bet
1 (hall with the utrnoft pleasure embrace every ing
occasion of reprefentiivg to his inajelty the loyal'y
oT bis fubjefta in Lower Canada, and the ir attach- fro
ment to his person and government. of
Your veneration for a m»»arcli who may Jullfjr fee
be styled the father of his people, is a proof that jou
you hold in proper ellimation the excellent confti- joy
tution he has given to this country, and which, I ths
. have no doubt, will rapidly advance it to be of the int
firft importance among the British provinces. wli
ii r —— q u
Brig Sophia, Shinley, Jamaica
Schooner Phoebe, Frazei;, Cape Nichola-Mole
Minerva, Perkins, ditto.
Mercury, Laboyteaux, Martinique
' Minetva, Chapman, Jamaica
Brig Fanny, Hopkins, Aux Cayes
Schooner Mary, Vibert, Demarara „j,
Polly, Dennis, Salem
Sloop Sterling, Maxwell, Mariirrico
I r Polly. Hall, . Port-aii-Prioce
Nancy, Efbeck, Antigua
NEW-YORK, Augull 3.
Extract of a letter from a merchant i» Liverpool, to
his Correfpoudent in this City, dated 26th May,
J 79 6 - . : / ' ar
II All kinds of g-rain are much lower ; good .
wheat s now felling at 10s. per 7010. Indian
corn 3s. per Wincbefter bushel. I now hold the
remainderof your pearl alhes at 60s. and have no
doubt but I (hall fooo obtain it.
ARRIVED at this PORT. fa
BAYS, t'l
Brig Baron de Carondolet, M'Call, Leghorn 82 so
Schooner Chatham, Lovcit, Leogane, 17 c<
Sloop Venus, Squires, Jamaica 23
From Capt. M'Call, of the brig Baron de Ca- fu
rondalet, in 82 days from Leghorn, and 45 from r«
Gibraltar, we learn that a Bermudian Privateer,
mounting (ixteen tz's, has been captured by the c
French frigate the Scipto, which lay here refitting S
(o me while fine*. „ c
We are informed that Capt. M'Call, has brought o
rfifpatches from the American Canful at Gibraltar, tl
to the executive of the United States.
Tranjlated for the New York Gazette.
Extract of a letter from Franckfort, Miy 18. »
" Yesterday morning all the troops which were
here f set off for Alzey. Trains of artillery, with
their baggages, are continually paffwg, who take
the Limbourg route. The Imperial cayalry, who j
were encamped in our environs, are also on the , f
inarch. Never were any movements mors alert or I ]
preparations stronger. r
" The movements on the fide of the Upper a
Rhine are not less considerable. Advice has been
received from Worms, on the 12th, for'the troops v
to pass th Rhine without interruption, and to go
towards Hoppcnheim and Lautern : a bridge is a
going to be thrown up from the fide of Bcngsn."
A 1 X, sth Prairial. 1
It is not without reason, in announcing to us
the confpiraey of Babeuf j you anticipated, that I
his accomplices would not delay trying aloud for
i re-action. The-vfollowin|T account juftifies how
rriich your suspicions were founded. t
Dt-ree ps the Municipal Adjpinift.r a t| o0 f lorn [|, £
Canton of Aix, 3d Prairia\.
Cohering, that since the discovery of con
fpiracyoi the infamous Babeuf, the enemies of v\ .
lepublicantjovernment, avowing against the decrees 1
of the sth\d 15th Fruftidor, the partigans of
s the revolt of the organizeis from the
company of th Sun and Jesus at length th- re
promoters of Fire?l, deceived by the borrowed
- colours by those l a te coufpiratei s, afiembled i»•
crowds in the pubU; placcs, uniting together in
the coffee houses, ft-ding up the exasperation of
the mind, flirrjng up t, e flames of civil war by de-
Cgned atrocities and inetndiaries.
• Viewing, tiat since th*t period, ma«-flaughter
arointed again and is fpreSd about—the *illaino-,re
del-rtersj from the requ frioi, date /hew themfclves A
—the dillurbing priefls re assume their audacity^— gio,
the fa 'aties their prepo{Teffi>) is, and the hypocrites
fnnguinaiy plan ot detiruilion. A
O'ifervint: that all those fynptoms joined with chin,
the affi'ination of the criminal tribune of the de
partment, in its decree of the 29th last, A
effectively announce, that the late commotions ex- regie
cited at Parts, have an evident eonne&ion with
those which threatened the public tranquillity, and A
th3t B tbeuf has either accomplices or persons who of S
would continue difturbance3 in our countiies.
O* serving, at length, that it is neither the duty, A
the dignity, ot even the good faith of an admini- "affiin
tlration. to rid itfelf of its responsibility by infig- by I
nifirant and sterile discoveries } but on ths contrary,
ought to despise every murmur, and brave every A
ojjftacle, to infurc rcfpedt to persons and property:
The comrpiffary from the Executive Directory A
' decrces—
1. Every coffee-houfe/hall be (hut up until a A
further order.
2. Repeated orders /hall be given for the prompt 1
detention of deserters and youth from the requifi- Proi
jion ; the commiflary of the Executive Directory
to be charged therewith. beer
3. Patroles thill paradtt the (Ireets and disperse at F
all riotous meetings. \ The
4. Every i«»divi ual is forbid to walk out atmed foil
with pistols, swords or sticks (the military national ■}
guards in fervicv and public functionaries excepted.
The tranquillity which reigns in the city has,
given cause for a general surprise, in beholding this
proclamation published amid the found of drums Ext
and.trumpets, which was occasioned by rage, to I
behold the public fatijfaftion that appeared by find- t'
ing out the discovery of the conspiracy.
The alarm has not spread abroad, the youth
from the requifuion have not returned, the assertion I
of the commune is falfe and calumnious ; the cos oft
fee-houles ate open for the Multitude to read the lie*
journals upon the arrival of the couriers; and the the
joy which appeared expecting the messages from it h
the Directory, would drive the municipal terrorists ho*
into desperation ; whose wifhis weie, that those was
who did not receive the journals, /hould be ac- -
quainttd with the events. wh
Fresh proofs of the correspondence frofn the cob- tha
fpirarors with the departments. wai
MONTAUBAN, ift Prairial. jj^
An hour before the - courier arrived, whi«h an
nounced a discovery of the conspiracy, the alarm
befl was founded here, the alarmed citizens halten Wa
in crowds to the municipality ; the mayor tells them
he is utterly ignorant from what authority the or
der was ifTued ; the jail keeper allures them, he
has no knowledge of it. The courier at length j".
arrives, our exclujifs furrouud the poft-office, and ,
pjffefs th'mfelves of the news; but it would be
difficult to pi&ure to you their dcTpair, when they a
discovered that the conspiracy had been a trick.
1 They now endeavor to perfnade themfclves that this '
conspiracy is only chimerical, as a proof of which tr < "
they give the minutes of Louvet, whom they call
the iTefender of oppressed patriots.
One Pages, a (locking mannfaflurer, a member
of the former revolutionary cAuniitee, lately ar- P' 1
( rived at Paris, is fufpefled of having been the
courier from the infurreiilion committee. .
' Through all the small neighboring villages, the
1 arrival of the express Was been preced»»' by meet- . '
ings at the houses of the ringleaders of the terror*
' ifts< he
, DINANT, 4th Prairial. m;
The discovery of the hidecfl'.s plot of Drouet, te ,
Babceuf, &c. has been the topic of every conver
fation hce within eight days pad. Evely friend to wc
. the constitution, order and pcace, Rejoice at this Wl
2 fortunate event, which appear to have daikened f u
1 certain countenances hut newly radient.
3 Many of our cxclufifs had adopted the dubious th
plan of their patron, Ch. Duval; we are now as- t y
i. fured they at last begin to think something of the na
n reality of this confpirary.
r, News are circulated, that two envoys of the fell w
,e created directory of Public fafety, were arrived at f a
g Sr. Malo ; aad that after finding the mine had been
counter worked at Paris, they fled. I cannot fay up- [ t
it on what grounds this rumour is founded ; the aU tc
r, thenticity of which I do not vouch for cl
Lil of articles of arts and sciences which have
been carried off, to be cqnveyed to Paris, by !
order of the commander in Chief of the French i
% army in Italy, and the commissioners of the said
re army, viz.
h From the Library of St. Ajnbrofe.
A carton, school of Athens, by Raphael. A' 1 ai
>0 picture, a virgin, by Luilini. Do. a virgin with a
j flowers, bu Rubens. Da. a concert, by Giorgiou. o
ar j Do. a virgin, by Lutas d'Olande. Do. a wo- c
man's head, by Leonardo de Vinci. Do. a soldier .is
e. r and old man, by Calabreffe. w
:n An Etruscan Vase, representing divers figures a
?« with ornaments. a
[" A manuscript written oil the Papyrus of Egypt ; t
" about 1 too years old, on the antiquities of Joseph 1 p
' by Ruffin,
A manuscript Virgil, formerly belonging to Pe- v
traich, with notes in his hand writing. 1;
"8 A meft curious manuscript on the hi/tory of the I
at Popes. • •
■" From Alle Grazzie.
w A picture, the crown of thorns, by Titian. Do. I
St. Paul, by Gondenzo Ferraire. c
ie . From Alia Vittoria. f
A picture, the assumption, by Salvator Rosa. c
n From the Academy of Parma. i
A picture, the Virgin and St. Jerome, by Cor* :
~ ei ,v rio. Do. .by Sabidone. lio. an ado
of ratio,.. by Majolla.
From the Capuchins. r
IC j 1 r* 3 ' Tr'- H °K> by Ouerchin. Do. a Virgin
-ed and fcveral Cifracchi .
!" . .. t f FrO, Paul's.
w A picture, Jcfus Chnu. gt p au , and g|> Ca .
or tharine, by Kaphael.
de- From Le Stenata. i
A picture, the maniage of the vir K . ■ p ro . '
iter cacchini. '
From St. Gio's.
A picture, the defeent from the croft, by Corre
From the Capiuh.nV
A picture, the virgin and St. Francis, by Cuer- C!
chin. . . Mot
From St. Sepulchre's. vnti
A picture, la Madonna della Scodellas, by Cor- 1 1
regio. .
From St. Roche's.
A picture, several faint 3, by Spagmolletti. Do. J a y»
of St. Roche, by Paul Veronese. ,a *
From St. Quintin's. m ' n
A picture, a baptiftn, by Flamingo. Dn. an °fh.
"affiimption, by Spagniolletti. Do. of St. Y '
by L*d franc. . 1
From St. Andrew's. J? ml
A picture, , by Spagniolletti. iinct
From St. Michael's. Un '
A picture, a"virgin, by a difeiple of Correggio. £°°'
From St. Paulas. tl,el "
i A picture, a virgin, by Au<;u(line Carrautie. c < >m
. From la Plaifance. ''"J 1
Two j»iftures, of Louis Cart autie, and one of '
. Procaccitii. e ' ev
The pictures and manuscripts of Milan have She
been sent to Paris by the agent for the arts.—Those 00
: at Parma and Plaifance were only felefted by a y
Thefommander in chief has charged another per- '
I son with conveying them tci Paris. zetl
! "(Signed) : TINET. *"1
* * - • • - SALICETTI. Jhc
19th Prairial (7th June) 1796. u "'
, , plic
s Extract of a letter from the Commiflary of the '
> Executive Directory, near the army of Italy, to wo '
the Directory. are
10th Prairial, 4th year. '
\ Citizen Direftor3, mai
•1 The army, on entering Lombardy. 00 account
of the defeat of the Auflrianf, had no catrte to be-
e liev-B it would be forced to suppress the tumults of '' ,a
e the people ; because, from the joy they have (hewn,
nit had every reason to fuppofc the contrary—l g'A
a however feel happy to inform you, that the result b"
e was as favorable as it was fuddenlv efFefted. nut
1 was informed, on the jth, by Gen. Defpitioy,
who commanded at Milan, that in the suburbs of the
1- that city, on the fide towards Pavia, some danger affs
was appreheeded by reason of the assembling of ver
the people. Troops were sent to disperse them, but pt'
the rebels endeavoicd to disarm them. Several K r <
1_ were killed or wounded, the others flew and order brc
II was again restored. P' l
n In the course of the night I was told that in&ir- tin
11 eeftious had also taken place at Vateza, as well ac .d«
r " at Pavia and at Lody, and tliattVe tocsin was rung ant
', C in the country, in order to alarm the people—that pr<
! this (edition, which beyond doubt was fomented by J» r f
nobles and prieils, was raised for the purpofc of as- 'Wo
>e faffiuating the French; that the garrison of Pavia am
was dif armed, and that the countrymen had mtir- frc
V dered the men employed by government for the Tl
transport of artillery and military stores. A 1
* I didnot hefitateto put a ftopjto this ferment. 1 Ti
1 ordered several suspicious persons under arrest, and! th
these means backed by the exertions of Ges. Dcs I <ltl
er pinoy, restored peace to Milan.
r * 1 immediately informed Gen. Buonaparte of all I
' C those circumstances, he immediately arrived at Mi- jFi
lan, and we set off for Pavia, the feat of the rebellion. I dc
16 On our coming to Berafco, General of Brigade de I M
1 Lafne, who commanded, the van guard, perceived aI ne
number of armed men to the number of 7or 800,1 f"
he fell on them and killed upwards of too, the re
mainder took to flight, and our troops juitly inita-1
:t > ted. set site to the village.
:r We continued our march to Pavia, whose gates I 1
to we found (hut, and the inhabitants in arms—W. m
'is were informed the French garrison were made pri- I
foners of war.
General Buonaparte summoned the rebels ; but I P'
,u « the summons not being antwered, attacked the ci-1 Sty
ty : We cannonaded fa/ some time, but the gre-1
he nadiers breaking dovjn the gates with axes, the re
bels were either killed or dispersed, and the city ?'
elf wgs t^ken —we might be juftified in faying by as- "
at fault. The Ooverndr was liberated.
:cn J (Jifmiffed the municipality—and have replaced 111
■P" it. 1 have caused a number of nobles and priests 1
• u to be arretted j some of whom, tried by a military
commiflion, have been fhot—Peaee is now entirely 1
restored. • . ■
Contributions are coming in, in profufion.
by ! (Signed) SALICETTI. I
tch | PARIS, 23d Prairial. k
aid Vadier, late member of the Convention, has
i been arretted at Toulouze. (
Gen. Klcber, commanding the lift wing of the
A s ' army of the Sambrc and the Meufe, has addrefled
ith a proclamation t« the inhabitants of the right bank $
ou. of the Rhine, by which he promises fafety and fe- -
wo- curity if they remain in the country. All he alks (
Her . is, that they will not quit their homes. All those '
who, not acting up to the invitation, will follow J
ires and join the enemy, will be considered as having (
j acted as such, and looked upon as having under- ■
pt ; taken their cause and their defence, and their pro-1
eph pcrty (hall either be burnt or given up to pillage. I
We are alTured that the Pretender is always |
Pe- with the army of Conde. Letters frtfm Zwitzer- J
land inform us, that he was there on the 31ft of I
the Mat. I ,
MADRID, April 20. I
Perignon, ambafTador of the French!
Do. Republic near the king of Spain, has just rectiv- I
ed a prcfent from the fovereign,a mod superb coach, I
horfts and rich harness, besides two handsome fad- j.
t. die horses.— He is pieparing to be presented to the I
king at Aranjuez.
Dor- I
FOR SALE or HIRIE, a Coachee, Chair, and Har
ness, without Horses. Ebqu' re at No - 10 3 Arcll et> 1
rgin Augsft 4 * [t
Board & Lodging in the Country. I
Ca- A Single Gentleman may b« accompiodated with l-o-rd
xA- and lodging naar Germantown, with the uic °f a I
stable, -Aid grass for one or two fcorfes : a* an agreeable J
society is the chief objed, the terms will be madeperie&-
Pro- ly tafy. Enquire cf the Printer of the Gazette. |
(O* The Death of Mrs. Mary Ciaypools,
Mother to the Printers of the si met lean DmHj A<l
- will prevent the publication of that paper
To-morrow. 7inrfday, jlugnjl 4.
*„* The George-Town paper due per post thii
Jay, was not fe.-e'jtcd by the Editor.—Sit'ce tlu
drawing of the Wafliiiifrton Lottery No. 2 com
menced, bnt cMeTiFthofe papers containing the lilt
, of blanks and prizes ha* been received in due co'urfc
( by ilte mail.
Th. paflengers ill the brjg Ma«y, Captain Ben
jamui Eau, from Hamburgh, return I'iim their t
finctre thpnHs for his kind and humane ufuge whi'.ll
on bosrd said brig, and for a plentiful allowance of
good wholesome provifiom, and they recommend to
their friends remaining in Germany who mean to
come to this country (if fud briyr Mary fhuuld con
tinue in that trade) to take paflaye in her.
f The (hip Hariiot has arrived off Wilmington, in
eleven weeks from Londonderry, in great dtllrefs.
. She had on board 450 passengers, 45 of whom died
e on tlw paflage, 36 were pressed by a frigate a few
days ago,and ijarefick onboard.
Tbe feftival of the Corpus Chrifti, fays the Ga
zette Francaifeof May 27, was celebrated at Paris
with unofnal solemnity. All the shops were shut ;
the public walks were crouded and the churches
full. Had Hebert, Chaumette and oihet accom
plices been alive, tliey would have been convinced
tha the public opinion, in religious matters, is not
? so easily subdued as they imagined ; and ftrangera
0 would have done the French justice to believe they
are not atheists.
A letter from Broil states that great effort*are
made to restore the marine to a refpeftable ftatc j
it hut, in the late organization, many old officers have
been neglected, and some among ihcm, are those
,f that fuffcred under the reign of ttrror.
The tribunalof Annulment reported to the Le
-1 giflitture of France, 7th Prairial, that there had
It- been rendered civil and criminal judgments, to the
number of 2679.
r , The confpfiracy of the Jacobins iu France, which
} f the Aurora has (tat .d to have been a very triflin
;r affair, is said in the Paris Gazettes to havs been
if very emenfive, and to have embraced molt of the
it ptriots of '89, or, in other words, the clubs-. In a
a l great number of cities, these anarchifis armed and
cr broke out into open revolt about the 26 and 28
Floreal, the time thej expected the execution of
r . their projefls in Paris. At Marseilles, the oretcn
ai ,d«d patriots wereliberated from prison.—- At Troyeg
ig and at Nagent or Leine, the municipalities, under
ai pretext of lendering the national guards oftive, had
jy armed the remains of the Jacobins and the revolti
if. tlonary committees. Othcrpeople weie difarmeil,
•ia and it was openly said that orders were expe&ed
ir- from Paris to exterminate tfiofe called chouani
he The houses destined to pillage weie marked out.
At Bougesy the jurifJidtion was fupprelTed—at
I Tatrefcon all good-citizens were forced to abandon
nd 1 the brigands became mailers and in-
L-f I dulged in all kinds of exccfs. (Minerva.)
all! The alatam at Turin, on'he approach of the
li-1 French, was such, as that the wife of the Pretcn
,n. I Jer, the daughter of the King Sardinia, and
de I Madame d'Artois fl;d from the city. On the
is I newsof the Armifljse, they returned ; but not be
>0,1 fuffered to remain there after the Treaty.
re- I _ ———
ta _ J A eitizen of Toulon was condemned to several
I days imprisonment for singing li re-veil du f tuple.
tr6 The tribunal of Caflation li:.w annulled the iafa-
y t meus fcntcnce.
iri- I ——
An account from Naples of April 30, lays, the
>Ut j arretted and impriioned, in Naples and
C J. I Sicily, amojint to comprehending ma&
re . I of the men of letters, monks and rcclefialtics.
re . I The French government has sent to Italy to
; t y I colled monuments of the arts, Labillardiere, Thou
af. jin -the elder, naturalifts—Barthelemy, painter—
I Moite,fculptot—Bsrtholet, chymift—Monge Geo
cec t I metiieian.
efts I . "
ar y I ARRIVED. 4 ■ day*
re jy Biig Friend/hip, Trott, Liverpool 73
1 Molly, Medlin, Port-au-Prince 16
Six Brothets. Waters, Port-de Paix 16
I P° r g a > Arnold, Maftha-Brx 31
J Schooner Ululia, Wheeler, L'Anfevesu 18
j, a 8 Ann, Brown, Jeremie 14
Winthrop, Allen, New-York 6
the Sloop Rebeeca, Boyle, Alexandria 16
(f e j j Fanny, Mitchell, New.York 6
ank CLEARED. '
I fe-1 Ship Andromacly, Kingston, Cadiz^
aflts I Ocean, Vredenburgh, Teneriffe & W. Indie*
iiofe I Ship Ganges, Green, Calcutta
How ! Brig Susanna, Fitzpatrick, Bourdeaux
r J Henry and George, Ropers, Hamburgh
dev. I Schooner Catherine, Stey, Hifpaniola
p fo . I lfabella, Drifcol, Jamaica
g Ci I Fanny, Venn, New-Yoik
va y, I Polly, Wilson, Currituck,
zer- I Hope, Rogers, \ do.
t 0 f I Sloop Hiram, Ryan, Havre-de Grace
I Crpt. Arnold, on nth July, the Coxeomb,
I bearing S. E. by E. distant 12 leagues, spoke the
rnch I brig Success, from Martha-Brae, to Newport, R;
C^JV , 11.12 days out; her captain died in port.
, ac b, I Arrived at the Fort,
fad-1 .Schooner lfabella, Clifton, St. Bartholomews
> the I The ichooner Succefe, Capt. Willfams, from
I Philadelphia, arrived at Port-de-Paix July 14.
= ■■ 1 ay.., ...v,.. .'.■tttst.
I Reftdent at Mr. Qellers's Hotel, -
II I ARE taken and executed in that el«gant and delicatc
— I /l stile, which is so necessary to render a Miniature Pic
'• I ture an interesting jewel.
L-o-rd I He will warrant a strong and indisputable refem
of a 1 blance; and he takes the liberty to lay before the public
:eable 1 of this place his most earned intention to deserve their fß
riedt- I rronage by his best endeavors to pWfe.
I N. B. Specimens arc to b« seen.