Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 04, 1796, Image 1

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SLv- •' J f K ' .<»
: ;#.afette of the 6 s Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Nombe* ijiP 1 THURSO AT EVENING, AUGUST 4, 1796. * . X.
■ — ■ . _ « -r r\ s • 1 rT-1 "V
jo H N,
Rob*rt J*CK«ow. Matter, J» !
!"• To f* i fifcorfe 'ay.'. •
HAVING ".wo-thini* ni h » e rp> «-
gapcd nd reaiy to go on boarJ. F >.* fr i;'t or pl'Tsgt
apply to the matter on board at Wslk% w ri, or to
John Donna'dfon,. £
No. 14 Walnut-.'* iff. M(
I J- J y *»• * scots >c
Brig LUCY at Auction* ■
ON Friday ne*t, the sth instant. at the Merchants' j
Coffce-Houfe, in S-cond flrett, '
IVill be fold by AuS'nn, j
At 8 o'clock in the evening,
\ S:out, strong veiTel, wi!l carry
about 1200 barrels, and may go ,
9atxjiitr^ssi iQ fta wit jj a ver y fHiali expense. ]
Footman & Co. Auctioneers. J
For Freight, t*
FROM Liverpool. New discharging at P. Care's wharf, Sol
and will immediately afterwards take in T'ttjghi for * a '
To fail in all next week. ( For freight or paflage, apply to
capt. Glafier, onboard, or to _ o>t:0 > t :
Isaac Harvey, jun. 01
S *?» 5 South Water'Jfceet. ™
7 mo. *7
For Sale, Freight, or Chartej, A ' ] \
The Schooner
SBl angelica,
ujgfiS®>£ hundred and twenty tons burth:n— * h
\ J fix months old, a (launch, faithfilly
•built, fact-failing velfel, handsomely finifhed off, and well
found in eve™ particular. For terms apply to ZJ
J r B. RHODES, -<■
On said fchooncr, lying at Bickley and Bohlen s
wkarf, the "firft above Market street. A
A feid half-bbls. Prims Mess Beef.
July 34 :
For Sale,
Or for Charter tothe Wefl-lndies,
C E K. d s,
K~. Philadelphia Built,
OF Live Oak and Red burthen about JSOO bar- j
rels, now discharging at Latimer's wharf. This v. f-
fel is in excellent repair well fouud-and will beer a tho
rough examination, and as soon as discharged will be tea-
<tf to tiKe In % eaigc. Tor terms appl- to
John Vaughan.
Tuly »8 § es
- J - ; ■ — f e |
For Sale or Charter, at
v TH E SNo W
bTIRTHENaboot 2000 Bbls. of flour—(lie may be sent. P
to sea At a fmajl eipeuce, her fails and rigging being in
Hexy good order—apply to
James Campbell, ar
Gesrge Latimer.
1 April 19, § th
This Day commenced Lanjding,
At ifflin, wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy and Sloop QB
St. Jago, from St. Jag&deCuba—confining of ; n
White and Brown Box SUGAR. .
MOLASSES, excellent quality. G
COFFEE. t ],
HIDES and HONEY. Also, te
For Sale or Charter.
A ft but, strong veflcl, will carry a- fa
bout 1100 barrel*, and may go to j,
lea with a very small exptnie. -j-
Ffte above wili be fold for cath or approved notes. „l
Samuel Emery, th
No 64, fouthSecond-ftreet-
July 79 6 - dtf-
Just Arrived, te
!p 'be Ihip Molly, John F-oft, Rider, from Uverpoel, jI.
5000 Bushels Best fine llovedSALT, §;
Coo'BulheU HOUSE CO-^L,
And j,B Crates of QUEENS WARE afforta'„,
Philip Nicklin & Co.
, . B. THE S.t ID
" Ship MOLLY, 1
ys for SALE or CHARTER, she is $ '
1 years old, Philadelphia built, of white -j
ojUj was well faked and carries about 4100 barrels of Floor. J
Foe tei;ms apply a| above. w
_ _- dit -- |
From on boatii the Nancy, WOliam Belcher, maF
tet, from Bourileaux, a cargo, of—
360 Hhdt. CHQ.ICE CLARE 1,
Cases of 24 bottles each CL.A RET, I
286 <30. of 2* do. WHITE WINE,
1 TRUNX of KT boons,
Fcj Sale b>
Valy 23- * " d'fi j
" Take Notice, <
r-piH 'T the Subscriber intends to mue 1
I tiv, for the renewal of a Certificate. No. ifiy, a
for 4GOP\>SaSL dated the 14th December, 1795> ear '"?'
intereO. at., V «r cent, from ift January, 179.6. '£e |
rarr.e of £jv ? idDunderdale & Co. of Leeds,
fmrc, merch.,;j. I'he lame is fuppoCed to have been loft
onitswpy York, under cover -o BUecker &.
Mircfc, <4 tliat iacc, oa the 6th of January last
Thomas M'Euen.
»sd June, nyS- 5 6w .
Tfr*feinMßi, -«!■-> in i njrtnhi'f 9HHH—Via
C A B L £ S,
From 16 to 9 V inches for file by ,
Jeremiah Warder,
. u iy lt { ~ No ii northThird-flreet.
No. 76 Street,
HAB receive J, by the lat'- ar'ivals from Europe ar.d
the East Indies, a Well, f»le<slcd alTortment of Silk
Mercavy, Linen Drapery ao.l Hahtrdaffierj Goods; which
Jic wiii ieii, falcaud w./il, u.i theieweft terttt ;
Son* fine India muflbis embroidered with gold and IHver —
Superfine feocik, Jaconet, aadMulmul ditto
jjo do do do Handktfrchiefs j n
Some extra black taffeties,lut«flringsafad colored Persians
Bandano Handkerchiefs
Long aud short Nankeens
Englilh Mantuas of the firft quality
Damalk table linen and napkins, very fine
Silk Hosiery, an elegant affortmsnt fy
Thead and cotton do
Umbrellas —green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth
French cambrics, very fine
Irilh' Linens do. &c. &c. June 14 $
TheTOWN, and OUT LOTS of the TOWNS
and WARREN. 't
ADVERTISED for sale by the State Agents, in the Phila- 1
delphia Gazette and Universal Daily Advertiser, to be 0 f
Sold in the City of Pniladelphia ; wiilc«»mmcnce at Ciiy an(
'favern or Coffce-Houfe in S<rcoud-l>t/eet, in the said city, on p U
Mocdiy the 25th day of July inft. at 7 o'clock in the even
ing, and beconticucd by adjournment from day today, tron>,
12 o'clock at <»oon, until two o'clock, aud from 7 urnil 9 ou ,
o'tfock in the evening, uptil the whole of the said LOTS and jig.
OUT LOI Sare disposed of. The conditions of fade will be p 0
made koo*vn, and the plams of the said LOT 3 and OCT
-LQ.IS be ft»ewu at the time and place of sale.
July tl.
Sa es of India Goods.
The Cargo of the (hip G .nges, capt. Tingey, from Cal
cutta and Bengal,
A Large and general afTortment of Bengal and Madras
A variety fine worked and plain Muslins,
Doreas, &c. Also,
A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, F _
In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPEH,
For Sale by
Willings Sff Francis,
No. 2; Pcnn Street. (
June 8
Public Notice is given, c,
the merchants and others concerned in the (hipping be
1 at State-Ifl/nd, under quarantine, that a Cart -.vill fc'
attend every mo.ning, sundays excepted, from nine to
ten o'cl«ck, at the Health office, No. jl Walnut-ftrect, to
convey provisions or other Refrefhments to the Hoipital, Ju
and for the use of the crews. £t
It isexpefled that the Bags, Balkets, or other packag- | c
es with supplies, , will be directed with th« name of the vef- j;,
fel and captain they are intended for, to prevent q,
at deliyery. N at
By order of the Board of Heahh for the port of Phila- fvi
idelphla. LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH, Chairman.
I July n §
t .Philadelphia, Weft-Cbefter, Strafburgb,
Lancaster, Tork and Frederick-town _
proprietors of the above Stages, return their best
X thanks to their friends and the public in general, for
the encouragement received in this line of business, and beg
le.tve to inform the public, that they are determined to run L
their stages through from Philadelphia to Lancaster in
P one day, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July inilant,
in the following manner, —viz. A Stage will set out ou
that day at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house ot
George Weed, Market-flreet, Philadelphia, and run by
the way of Weftcnefter and Strafburgh, arrive in Lancas
ter the fame evening, on Friday morning run to Wright's
ferry and exchange paflcngers with the York and Fredtj
ick-town fl age, return and arrive in Philadelphia on Sat* ■
: urday, and on Monday morning following, at 4 o'clock, "
l " said stage will set out from the said George Weed'*, Phila- v
0 delphia, and arrive at Lancaster the fame evening, on
Tuefclay morning at 4 o'clack will set out from the house —
of Mrs. Cdwards, Lancaster, and arrive in Philadelphia tl
the fame evening, and will continence again on Thursday .
morning following, and continue every week—-The price -
for eacK from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three
- dollars and a half, to York, four dollars and three quar
ter*; to Frederick town eight dollars, the like sums for j
; 130 weight baggage, with the usual allowance of 14 lb. a
* 1 gratis to each pafTenger, and 5 pence a mile for all way
' paiTengers. 3°~§4W f
John Reilly, 1
George Weed.
| This Animal is ti be seen in High.Street, between .
5 ' the Tenth and the Eleventh-Street.
te TIE will positively leave Philadelphia the tenthof Sep
ir' Li. tembcr.for Baltimore, in his way to Charleston, t
| where he will win'er, t
_ ADMI sTANCE Half a Dollar—quarter of a Dollar f
! for Children ;
r The PANORAMA, or the VIEW of the CITIES of }
Ir. to be open till the loth of September, and the fub
jecl will then be removed to Baltimore with the ELE
One quarter of a Dollar.
August 3. 1
A well-finifhed- commodious
H O U S- E
1 For Sals, and immediate poffcjfion given,
SITUATE on the north tide of Spruce ftrcet, No. 111;
between Fourth and Fifth streets. The house, piazza
■>, 1 and back buildings are three stories in hpight, andpeifeclp
well adapted for the accommodation of a large family,
the ~jhey contain twelve good rooms, exclusive of two ciol
k- e S"- ts. In the yard, which is neatly paved, there are
left two ; one in a rain cistern, the other of as good
6 £* ter as a 'vn the city : The.cellars are dry and 1 irge.
1C e^ mS ° b 'ment will be easy : a great part of the
pur *a c^ n j ° probability may lay for years on iri
tere . pp y a . deor eastward.
J ul r 3° si-.v
Just Arrived
In the' brig Betsey, from Jeremie, and for sale by j
the fubfc«i >ers. {j; u:
Forty thousand wt. of very prime Coffee
in hogiheid- ana bag-,
And, in the schooner Hope, from New Orleans.
A lihjral credit will be jjiven for Approved Notes. .
and James Potter. n
July 27. - dtf
i—l ; —: — nov
Just Arrived, r
In the Snow Boften, Jafnes Kirkpatrick, master from Li
$000 Bnlhtli SALT ;
jco Crltes QUEENS WARE; and
Oa board, at Pi«e-ftreet wharf. Apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer. \
April 29. §
Notice is hereby Given, ih * e
TH \T agreeably to an aft of Congre's of the United
Statesof America, patted at Philadelphia, the aßth day j
of May, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriigel, for lie convey
ance of per lons, and the former a&s for that pur- _
pose there (hallbe levied, coileftcd And paid, upon
all carriages f<>r the conveyance of persons, which lhall be P ur
kept by or for any jSerfon, for his or her own use, or to let
out to hire, ortor the conveying of passengers, the several du
ties and rates following, to wit.
For and upou every Coacl), dob. •
spoil every Chariot, 12 dols. °ij
'Mr 1 __ _ An
iJotTevery Phieion, witb or w'ubouL u'p, y
lipcu every Goachee, 9 dols. t
uyon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above t
w'uh blinds, glalTcs or curtains, 9 dols, <
upoi four wheel carriages, having framed posts and r€
toiiVvrithfteel fpiings, 6 dols. .
unori four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron
fpriugs or jacks, 3 dols. t
upon curricle* with tops, 3 aolj. c - f
upon chaiies with tops, 3 dols. en
upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. * an<
uf«n sulkies with tops, 3 dols.
upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. '
upon two wheel carnage*, with steel or iron springs,
3 dok « 4 , n
For and upon all other two wheel carnages, a dols. 10
upon every four wheel carriage, having IrJmed poits r;z
and tops, and reitiug upon w.ooderl rpars, 2 dols. tht
The C of the Revtnur of the firft furvev the
Diftt of Pcnnfylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th day ce |
of September next, sot the purpole of receiving duties on
Carnages, at No. 117, in Race or SaJLfrao ftrect, in ihe Citv u _
of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Clair, t q ,n J. l'ai
Countv ot Montgomery ; and at the house of Abraham Du-
bo is, El'q. in the County of Rucks; of which all persons pol ,
felL-d oi such Carriages arc defued totakenotiee. j far
Not'ce is also given, jwi
TO all retail d«lei» in Wine#, and foreign uiflilled fpiri- the
tuous liquors, that iicencej will be granted to them ; one 11 tn
ctu% sac marrying on ths bufinelVof retailing ot Wines, in a c la
le s quantity, or in !efs Quantities than 30 gallons—and one :
liwencc ftK carryir'; on the business of ictailing Spirituous 11-
i qaori in ieff quantities than 20 galkir»s,at the tame time a.i
at the lame places, by; the officers iegally authoiized to grant s
(v»ch iicenccs.
Infpeftor of the Revenue of the full survey
of the di.aitlof Pennf)lvania.
Officcof Infpeflioiiiat ) * 3°
Philadelphia, 21ft July, 1796. {
j? NOT I C E.
There will, be fold on Thursday the 4th of Anguft, at pr
the Merchants' coffee house, in Second fti eet, re
One thousand fhafeff of the stock of
the North America Land Company. &
If not previously disposed of.
Philadelphia, jj«th July. ts . 0
TAKE ) 1 b<
THAT application will be made for the renewal of "
the following certificates, iffuetl by Joseph Nourfe,
Regiiler of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Grif
wold, Esq. of Norwich, Conneflicut —
1 certificate, fix percent domestic stock, No. 13,907
—dated the 17thDecember, 1795, bearing interell from
the suit day of January, 1791* for 1,597 6s-ioo dol
-1 ditto, thre? per cent, domestic stock, No. 10,682
—dated December 16, 1795, bearing interest from the
firft day of January, ijgJ, for 994 30-100 dollars.
i dittO| deferred stock, No. 9,166 dated the 17th
December, 1795, bearing intercll from the firft Janu
ary, 1801, for 798 Bj-i©o dollars.
Said certificates are ftippofed to have been loft or 4#
llo!en in this city some time in December or Janua y
No. 59, North Front-street. a
Philadelphia, JOly al/1796- * • d6w. ti
> A Country Seat to be fold
ABOUT seven acres and a half of land near die three
mile Hone fin the road leading to Gray's gardens and
, extending declivity said road to the
river Schuylkill—on which are cre&ed, a convenient
r frame house fuitablc for a tenant, a frame ham and Hahle,
a large Brick House forty-eight feet front, two (lories
f high, a very elegant piazza fronting the river, the whole
bitadth of the liouff supported with turned pillars, floor
- ed with cedar plank, commanding an extensive and pic
turesque yiew of the Xlidille Bridge, Gray s Gardens, the
Seat of Wm. Hamilton, Esq. the Turnpike Road and
Canal. The improvements are all new—and the ground
conveniently divided and inclosed by new ccdar fences.
For terms apply at No. 151 Marke*-ftr 1 9et.
, *7 * ?t ,
WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old,
' in pipes and hogsheads
Claret, genuine old, in cases
Gin, in pipes, from Holland
Earthen Ware, in crates
J_' Rafk-Jt Silt, in hogflieads
c Shot, Noe. 6, 7, I and 9
Bar Lead, Red and whitejlry lead
0 Steel, German and Roffia, in barrels
i e Anchors, cables, junk, bunting* tarpolin canvas,
1- Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by
July -J
• To be Let,
A large convenient tbrc» {lory Brick House, plCifcntly
situated, on tlie vreft fide of Second-Street, oppoGtc to the
New-Market; now ifl ;he occupation of Henry
Apply to
William Bingham.
Ju'.y 17. Gt.
For Sale,
A Three flory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnot
ftrect, between Front md Second (Wacts, in which
SrCv. I —rr ft r irnri)
now do) carried on lnjfinpis.
PoiCiiSoa wiil iie given in one month, or fonijer.
For termi appi) to 1 WILLIAM BELL, cr'
April 11. §
Pennsylvania District, j
op the united stales,
Marlhal of the Pennsylvania Diftridf^-
WHEREAS the Congrcfs of the United States, at
the fu-ft lefjion of the fourtltCongrcfs. to wit, on
ihe twelfth day of May lift palt, palTcd an ail, to repeal
1 so much of an act, intituled "an ad to eftabhih th*
Judicial Courts of the United States", as dir*d» that the
alternate ftflions of the Circuit Conrt for the Diftrid ctf
( Pennsylvania, ftiaUhe holdtn at Yorktown ; and for, other
purpoies, in »he follow ing words, to wit.
t Fourth Cpngrefs of" the United States :
At the firlt feffioii, begun and held at the city of Phila
delphia, in the State of Ptnufylvaaia. on Monday, thS
fevenih of December, one thousand feren hundred and
nine y-five.
An Acl to repeal foaiucb of an aft, intituled " an ail to
recu ifi
the diUriA of ■Pnmfylmnia fliall be hoMen at York
town; and for other purports.
Se<9. I. BE it traded by the Senate and House of Re
presentatives of the United States of America, in Con
gress assembled, That to much ol th* fifth fedion of the
n ail, intitu'ed "an ail to eflaMifix the judicial couTts of
the United States", asdired* that alternate sessions of the
circuit court Cor the dfftrid of Pennsylvania lhall be hold
en at Yorktown, be, and the fame is hereby repeated;
and that all the fefliensot the said circuit court lhall, from
and after the passing of this a<sl, be holiew at the city of
s, Philadelphia, excepting only, when at any feflion of the
laid court, the judges thereof fliall dired the next feffioii
to be holden at Yorktown , which they are hereby autho-
Is rized and empowered to do, whenever it lhall appear to
>• them to be neceflary.
IC Sed. 11. And be it further enafled, That all such pro
> ccfs of the said court, as may have iffiied before the pass
" ;ng of this ad, and ai| recognizances returnable, and all
v futs and other proceedings that were continued to the
e laid circuit court for the diffxid of Pennsylvania, or the
■ eleventh of Odober next, in Yorktown, fc;.ll now be re
; turned, and held coiltinucd, to the fame court, on thS
[fame day, at Philadelphia. Ani to the end that fiiitors,
j witiyiffes, and all others concerned, may have notice o?
i- the alteration hereby made, the Marlhal of the said dif
i trjd is hereby required teniake the fame known, by pro.
> carnation, an or before the firft day of Augaft next,
'<■ 1 Jonathan Dayton,
}-• Speaker of the House of R eprcfentatives,
d Samuel Livermosh,
lU President of the Senate, pro tempore.
Approved, May the twelfth, 17>6,
Gboro; Washington,
President of the United States.
Deposited among the Rolls, in the Office of the Depart
ment of State,
Timothy Picxering,
Secretary ot State.
1 DO HEREBY MAKE KNOWN that all such
at process of the said court as has, or may be iflucd, and all
rev V;nizancos returnable ai YurkUwn aforefaid, on the ele
.f vetilb Jay of Oliver next, will be returned to the Circuit of
1 the United States, attheCity Hall, in the city of Fhila-
r t delphia, on'l'nefday, the eleventh day of Odober nc*t. at
eleven o'clock in the forenoon, And that all fuitsand other
proceedings that w re c jntinued to the fajd court at York
town, will be held and continued at the said Circuit
— Court, at Philadelphia, onthefame Blei-mtb day of Odo
;'ber next, of-which all persons concerned a;e dt-fired to
Q f take notice, and give their attendance thereat.
fe> GIVJiN under my hand, at my oftico, ih the Diftrid
rif of Pannfylvania, the twenty-lev ntii day of July,
in the year of our Lord one thousand leven hun- ~
37 ■. dred and ninety-fix, and of our Independence tbo
m twepty-firft.
e July »7 §iw
th — 1 ■- . —
Waftiington Canal Lottery,
or.. NO. r.
y "t T rHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorifeJ
VV the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through th City of Washington, from the Pj;
tomac to the Eastern Branch Haruour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
1 Viz -I Prize of 10,000 dollars, 10,000
ree " r ditto 10,000 10,000
~j 7 lad drawn 7
£ Tickets, each j *'°°° 35,000
» nt 6 ditto 1,000 6,000
,j e> 10 ditto 400 4,000
■j e s i »o ditto 100 1,000
ole SS ditto SO 1.7J0
or- 575° ditto 12 69,008
,; c . To be raised for the Canal, 16,250
the - ~ —— "
ind 5850 Pnz«s, • 175 poo
Hu ( 1 i6jo Blanks, not two to a prize,!
17500 Tickets, atTen Dollars,N - 175,000
t gj" The Commissioners have taken the Securities re
— quired by the aforefaid ad for the pundual payment of
the prizes.
The drawing ef this Lottery will commence, without
delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after tlx
drawing is finifhed, drill be consider. d as relinquished for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
$ City of Washington, Feb. 11, $