Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 03, 1796, Image 1
<Sa«tte «/<fc mrntta States,& Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. W £ J <- TVold Mr. X. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, V 7Q 6 - .— — _ Numbex i 2170 —— ~ ~ « I - Tuft Arrived I 1o BE Let, - # —« || , For HAMBURGH, _ _ the ship jJQ- 1 O H N. Robirt Jackson, Mafler, J-ij l " l. To Tallin fifteen days, —- AVING two-thirds of her cargo e - V\, ■?=^=irwri»^ apply to the mailer on boa ' Q Donnald fon, TTAS »&"***& Sen July it. : he will For Barbados, Some The Brigantine Supe< .feSvr F A ivi E, Francis Knox, Master, Band T TAS eood accommodations for pal- Long j~l fcngers, and is expend to fail on Engl ; U <•' nrrf For freight of a few barrel, or paffige, Dam Thurfoaf „ xat Hamilton's wharf, or Sllk] apply t°capt. Knox, at rJ RNY WHARTON. Thea J U .Y»3- 6] — Umb For Freight, *» THE BRIG Benjamin Glasier, Majfer, Thel Now discharging at P. Care's wharf, of F and wUI immediately take .n for I«£WBURY-PORT and BOSTON. d . To fail in all next week. For treight or passage, apply to capt. Glafier, on board, or to . Sold ii Isaac Harvey, jun. Taw™ No. 1 South Water Street. Mond, J §iw ' n g.» n 7 rao. 17 ' o'<-l For Sale, Freight, or Chartej, The Schooncr OUT tjgL ANGELICA, /~iNE hundred and twenty tons burthen Agents \ J fix months old, a {launch, faithfully- Jul built, fall-failing vefTel, handsomely finifhed off, and well found in aveiy particular. For terms apply to B. RHOUt-bj On board said schooner, lying at Bickley and Bohlen's The < wharf, the firft above Market-flreet. WHERE THERE ARE FOR SALE, A few half-bbls. Prime Mess Beef. \ July 14 § For Sale, . " l Or for Charter totbe Weft-Indies, j» 'J THE SHIP C E R A S, Philadelphia Built, Oak and Red Cedar, burthen about 3.500 bar- U rels, now discharging at Latimer's wharf, lliisvef- j u fel is in excellent repair, well fouud-aml will bear a tho- __ rough examination, andasfoon as discharged will be rea dy to take in a cargo. For terms apply to John Vaughan. 1 , , . & attci I"'y 1% _ ten i For Sale or Charter, BOSTON,' gi^RTHENabout 0000 Bbls. of flour—fhe may be sent B te sea at a small expence,' her fails and rigging being in delj very good order—apply to J James Campbell, or —- George Latimer. April 29' This Day commenced Landing, rr At N ifflins wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy and Sloop 1 St. Jago, from St. Jago de Cuba—confiding of the "White and Brown Box SUGAR. lea MOLASSES, of an excellent quality. the COFFEE. ° n HIDES and HONEY. Also, in For Sale or Charter. A flout, flrong vessel, will carry a- tei jf\ bout iioo bairels, and may go to fei _sea with a very small expense. icl Throve will be fold for calh or approved notes. ur Samuel Emery, £ No. 6*, south Second-flreet. T July 17, 79 6 - tltf '— ot Tuft Arrived, „ In the fhi P Molly, John Frost, Matter, from fc 5000 Bushels Best fine ftoved SAL 1, * % 6oc Bushels HOU<E CO .L, j And 118 Crate, of QUEENS WARE affowcl,, FOR SALE BY s Philip Nicklin & Co. F . jf. B. THE S4ID Ship MOLLY, for SALE or CHARTER, (he is J years old, Philadelphia, of white oak, was well salted and carries about 4900 barrels of Flour, for terms apply as above. .My 2 3 -— j Landing r ro . M e Nincy, William Belcher, mas- Ui, (torn Bourdeau*, a cargo, consisting of— - r; : DICE CLARET, oj 24 bottles each CLARET, t f 24 -Jo, WHITE WINE, WEET OIL, and f RIBBONS, G ile by F. Coppinger. July 23- Take Notice, ""HAT the Subfefiber intends to maice applica ». tion for the renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609, for 4000 dollars, dated the 14th December, 1795, bearing interest at 5 t per cent, from ill January, 1796, in the name of David Dunderdale & Co. of Leeds, in Yerk fhirc, merchants. The fame isfappofed to have been 101 l on its way to New York, under cover to Bleecker & March, of that place, on the 6th of January lail- Thomas M'Euen. Philadelphia, iidjuac, 1796- §w CABLES, lht , From 16 to 9 5 inches, for f4e by fi,bfcri feremiab IVorder., Forty tl . c No 12 northTl.lrd-ttreet. July 12 5 J ' . And, 11 Wm. HOLDERNESSE, ffo. 76 High Street, HA<si-creived bv the latcil arrivals from Europe and the East Indies, a well Mefted assortment of Silk A l.ber Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; winch R he will feU, Wholctile and Retail, on the lowest terms , j^ y AMONGSf WHICH A»E, : Some fine Indiamuflins embroidered witfißold and fHver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and <" the" Sn, Some extra black colored Pcrfians { Bandano Handkerchiefs IQO ( Long and short Nankeens . Afl English Mantuas of the firft quality Damask table linen and napkins, very fine , . Silk Hosiery, an elegant affortmsnt ° n b< Thead and cotton do Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth French iambrics, very fine A Irifli Linens, do. &c. See. J uncl4 3 l __ THE SALE OF j D The TOWN, and OUT LOTS of the TOWNS I f - of ERIE, WATERFORD, FRANKLIN r and WARREN. . L Stat., ADVERTISED for faleby the S»ete Agents, m the Phila- c f Ma v , delphia Gazette and Universal Daily Advertrfer, to be I ance Q f ,< Sold in the City of Philadelphia ; will commence atthe City po f e ._T Tavern or Coffee-Houfe in Second-Street,ln the said city, 00 j all carna Monday the 25th day of July i»H. at 7 o'clock in the even- kept by , ine and be continued ky adjournment from day today,from, outto hi - , 2 o'clock at noon, until two o'clock, and from J until 9 ,nd , o'clock in the evening, until the whole of the said LOTS and Fot and OUT LOT Sire disposed of. The conditions of f 9 le will be made known, and the plans «f the said LOTS and OU J LO IS be (hewn at the time and place of &le. « By order of William Irvine, Andrew ElltaU and George tVilfim 1 _ A/ , enUt EDWARD FOX, AMimetr. I y- luly z2. " ' I ell # - Sales of India Goods. ns l The Cargo #f the ship Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- I cutta and Bengal, CONSISTING or A Large and general assortment of Bt'ngal and Madras I COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH A*E I A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, Doreas, SsV. Also, [For and , A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER., I For Sale by I ' " c ( Willings fc? Francis, | ( ? f tpt iar- No. 21 Penn Street. Carnag re f- to § ot Phil; ho- J!2L 8 —r—^ —— |p—: «- Public Notice is given, fc c |""0 the merchants and others concerned in the shipping 1 I at State-lfland, under quarantine, that a Cart will S attend every mo.ning, sundays excepted, from nine to TO 1_ ten o'clock, at the Health office, No. 32 Walnut-ftfeet, to i UO us I convey provisions or other Refrefhments to the Hospital, cencc t ' and for the use of the crews. j" It is expefied that the Bags, Baikets, or other packa s - Ucwce es with supplies, will be direded with th« name of the vef- q»or» • fe'l and captain they are intended for, to prevent mistakes W at delivery. , sent By order of the Board of Heahh for the port of Phila gin delphia, LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH, Chairman July 13 " § Offi — ~r~ : Philac Philadelphia, We ft- Che Her, Strajburgh, « LancaHei, York and Frederick-town — STAGES. The, I, r "T'HE proprietors of the above Stages, return their befl 1 ►loop X thanks to their friends and the public in general, lor (Jn< the encouragement received in this line of bufinefs,andbeg ~ _ leave to inform the public, that they are determined to run UIC their stages through from Philadelphia to Lancaster in one day, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July instant, Ph in the following manner, —viz. A Stage will set out on that day at 4 o'clock in the morning, from the house of George Weed, Market-street, Philadelphia, and run by the way of Weftcnefter and Straiburgh, arrive in Lancaf ry a- ter the fame evening, on Friday morning run to Wright's go to ferry and exchange pafTcngers with the York and Fredez- Reg ick-tcvrn stage, return and arrive in Philadelphia on Sat- wolc 1. urday, and on Monday morning following, at 4 o'clock, 1 said stage will set out from the said George Weed's, Phila- —d; delphia, and arrive at I.aocafter the fame evening, on the : : j f Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack will set out from the house 1 of Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, and arrive in Philadelphia —j the fame evening, and will coramence again on Thursday , morning following, and continue every week—The price T 3001, f or cac h passenger from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three p c[ LT dollars and a half, to York, four dollars and three aaar- as ' ters, to Frederick town eight dollars, the like sums for g 150 weight baggage, with the usual allowance of 14 lb. gratis to each passenger, and 5 pence a mi'e for all way paiTen?;er9. 3° —§4 W John Reilly, f George Weed. :'li TO LET, A fFiour. A,Large Cellar, r dtf Under the Meeting-House in Walr.ut-flreet Enquire at No. 52 Second-ttreet, corner of Chefnut-ttreet. " v July 30 i± f ;^ as - The ELEPHANT. THIS surprising animal is arrived in this city «n his way e( j to Charleston. He is to be seen in High-street be tu 1 ' twecn Tenth and Eleventh flreets, from fix.o'clock in the g e ■» morning to Sunset. (j. Admittance-—Half a Dollar—Children, a quarter of a' co Dollar. July 50 §6eotf A well-finifhecU commodions _ er^ tf HOUSE j Eor Sale, and immediate poffcjfion given, . SITUATE on the north fide of Spruce ilreet, Ne. hi, in between FourtK and Fifth ftreet6. The house, piazza •>. 1609, hack buildings are three stories in height, andpeife&o bearing ly well adapted for the accommodation oJ: a large family, in the as they contain twelve good rooms, exclusive of two ciel -1 York- ed garrets. In the yard, whichis neatly paved, there are been loft tw o pumps ; one in a rain cistern, the other of as good ecker & water as any in the city : The cellars are dry and large. The terms of payment will be easy : a great part of the purchase-money in all probability may lay for years on in terest. Apply at No. 109, next d«or eastward. $ w July 30 §aw Just Arrived In the bSg Betsey, from Jereniie, and for sale by a large the fobferi ers. _ situated, o Forty thousand wt. of very prime Cottee New->fcn in hogflaeads and bags And, inthe schooner Hope, from New Orleans. beef I J u 'y *7. COTTON , I HIDES and LOGWOOD. A liberal credit will be given for Approved Notes. I . Thr Richard and James Potter. ■ , — ——— I now do) i Just Arrived tS In the' Snow Boston, James Kirkpatnck, matter from Li- . verpool, j Apri i 2 cooo Bnflyels SALT ; 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and —^ An Assortment ot SHIP CHANDLERY; ONITEE FOR. SALE I PENNS On board, at Pine-flreet wharf.-—-Aprly to JN TH James Campbell, or • George Latimer. j j April 29. j i DUTY ON CARRIAGES. I Notice is hereby Given, I ihe twel HTHAr agreeably to an aft of Congress of At Umi«d so muc l I Stat« of America, paired at Jodkial los Mav, 1706 ; laying duties on Carriages, far the c y 1 a [ ternat( * ance of ,erlons, and repealing the fo ' m " * J"":/ u P pr)n I Pennfyl y pufe. —That there shall be levied, collefled P, purpose « I all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which ttia I be 3- [ kept by or for any perfoo, for his or her own ue, I j t j, OUUO for the conveying of passenger,, the several du- At t^ 9 ties and ntes following, to wit. seventh ,d ! For and ipon every Coach, 15 dols. nine y be I u?(> n every Chariot, 12 dols. I ' 'T I upon every Pott Chariot, doln I " , I > upon every Pott Chaise, 12 dols. I e ® in upon every Phaeton, wfth or without top, 9 dols recti upon every Coachee, 9 dols. I thc c upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above, towl with blinds, glasses or curtains, 9 dols. I fiedl upon four wheel carriages, having framed polts ai 1 p re f en i I top» with steel springs, 6 dols. . I grefs a I upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron aa> in I springs or jacks,) dolsi I the Ui upon curricles with tops, 3 dolsrf 1 c if c uit upon chaises with tops, 3 doll. I en at ras j upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. I upon (ulkies with tops, 3 dels. I nd as upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols. JS) upon two wheel carriages, with steel or iron springs, Phuad For and up u » all*other two wheel carriages, » doll. to be urKin every fohr wheel carriage, having ramed potts rized and tops, and cetliug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. j them 1 I The Colleflors of the Revenue of the firft furvev o e 1 Se» DiftriS of Pcnnfylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th V cess 0 of September next, for the purpofeof receivlrlghedutiesor ng o( ICarriages, at No. »i 7 .Race or ftrcet, la theCuv luit , § ot Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel S. C ' a ' r J D laid c I Couniv ol Montgomery ; and at the house oIF A r elevei ' be,is, Elq. m the County of Bucks iof which all persons pol turnc seised of such Carriages are desired to take notice. 1 fame w"n 1 Notice is also given, witm •to TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign dittoed spirt- the al t, to tuous liquors, that hreflce, will be granted 10 t iem 1. " ! ; >l " ital, ccnce for carryingt.n the business ol retailing of Wmes, in dam. less quantity, or in less quantities than 30 g? llo "» * j u c jc c seT Carrying tfn the business of retailing Spirituous li % inTefaqlvitie. than*2o gallqns, at de fame time and a ke ß at the fame places, by the officers legally authored U> grant such licences. WILLIAM NICHOLS, A 1 al ' a " InT'peflor of thc Revenue of the firft survey "• of *he dillrift of Pennfjlvania. D( 5 Office of Infpeftion,at, ) S3 0 mcE| Philadelphia, aitt July, 1796 S f ' CJ NOT ICE. I There will be lold on Thursday the 4th of August, at P roc . the Merchants' coffee house, in Second street, rcco , for One thousand shares of the stock of ™ } S the North America Land Company, deip er in If not previously disposed of. pro( ftant, Philadelphia, aothjuly. ts 1 tow Jt on T~T" Cou fe of TAKE NOTICE, ber incaf- T'HAT application will be made forth* renewal of tak< i g ht's I the following certificates, issued by Joseph Noiirfe, •edej- Register of the Treasury, in the name of Roger Oril Sat- wold, Esq. of Norwich, Connea.cut— clock, 1 certificate, fix percent domestic flock, 0.13,907 Phila- —dated the iythDecember, 1795> bearing interelt trom I g. on the firft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 65-100 dol houfe 1 ditto* thre« per cent, domestic stock, IN o. 10,002 j elphia —dated December i 6, 1795> bearing interest from the I irfday £ r ft day of January, 1791, for 994 30-100 dollars. I : P rice 1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166— dated the 17th .three December, 1795, bearing interest from the lirlt Jauu- I ary, 1801, for 798 83-100 dollars. Ms ( ° T Sahl certificates ave supposed to have been loft or f 4 lb ' fto'an in this eitv some time in December or January r 1 way last ' * " JOSEPH THOMAS, - tw No. 59, North Front-street. a Philadelphia, July M» 179 6 - d6w ' | to ' A Country Seat to be fold ABOUT seven acre* and a half of land near the tjiree I mile (lone on the road leading to Gray's gardens and I extending withagentle declivity fromthe said road to the 1 .street river Schuylkill—on which are crested, a convenient frame house suitable for a tenant, a frarne ham and fUble, j — a large Brick House forty-eight feet front, two stories I high, a very elegant piazza fronting the river, the whole I breadth of the house fupportcd with turned pillars, floor- I his way C( j w j t jj ce dar plank, commanding an extensive and pic- 1 reet he turefque view of the Middle Bridge, Gray's Gardens, the I i in the Seat „f Wm. Hamilton, Esq. the Turnpike Road and I Canal. The improvements are all new—and the ground j ter of a' conveniently divided and inclosed by new cedar I •6eotf For terms apply at No. 151 Market-flreet. ions _>!!! — h FOR SALE, liven WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, c 'in pipes and liogfheads j 1 Na. 111, Claret, genuine old, in cases j ~ P'J z^ a Q; n ; n pipes, ffom Holland • 1 1 Earthen Ware, in crate, two C.el Salt; in hogsheads | there are Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 J, cog,. Ear Lead, Red and white dry lead nd laro-e. Steel, German and Russia, in barrels rt of the Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, I irs 011 in- -Tin ulates—An invoice Stationary, by I THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. §lw July 19. I • To be Let, A large convenient three {lory Brick House, pleifantY situated, on the weft fide of Second-Street, opposite to the Ncw-Mr.rket; now 111 the occupation of Henry Clyr.'.ar Apply to William Bingbam. July »?•- ' 6t " I For Sale, " ; x Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut t l\ street, between Front and Second flreets, in which Messrs. Jahies Calbraith Ac Co. have for man) years (and I now Jo) Carried on business. j Poffeflion will be given in one month, or sooner. I « For ternas apj»l)'to WILI-lAM BELL, or H'EC'IVJR CALBRAITH. April al. _ ■ 5 UNITED ST AXES, 7 {T Pennsvlvania District, J * IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES, By IV ILL IA M NICHOLS, Marshal of the Pennsylvania Diftricft, — " A PROCLAMATION. 1 \\ /"HEREAS tke Congress of the United States, at I W the firft session of the fourtfe Congress, to wit, on I ihe twelfth day of May Uft past, passed an to repeal ; d 1 muc h of an ail, intituled "an ail to eftabhfh tha Judicial Courts of the United States", as direxjts that the T I alternate feflions of the Circuit Court for the DiftriS of r I Pennsylvania, shall be lioldenat Yorktown ; oiher ?" I purposes, in the follav ing words, to wit. t ■ I e ( I Fourth Congress of the United States : u. I At the firft session, begun and held at the city of Phila ' I delphia, in the State of Penufjlvaaia. on Monday, the I seventh of. December, one thousand seven hundred and I nine-y-five. I An AS to repeal fomucb of an a&, intituled " an afl t« ettablifh the judicial courts of thc United States ,asdi refH that alternate feflions of the said circuit court for 1 thediftriil of Pennsylvania shall be holden at York- v ve > I town ; and for other pur; ofes. I I. BE it enabled by the Senate and House as Re ind I prefentatives of the of America, in Con ! grefs assembled, That so much of ths filth fed ion of the ron ad, intituled "an act to eflablifh the judicial court? of the United States", asdiredsthat alternate sessions of the I circuit court for the diflrid of Pennsylvania shall be hold- I en at Yorktown, be, Slid the fame is hereby repealed; I and that all the sessions ot the said circuit court lhall, from I and after the palling of this adl, be holden at the city of ngs, 1 Philadelphia, excepting only, when at any leflion qf the I said court, the judges thereof shall direct the next feflion I to be holden at Yorktown , which they are hereffy autho« lotts I rized and empowered y> do, whenever it shall appear t» lols. I them to beneceffary. thc I Sefl. 11. And be it further ena&ed\ That all such pro day I ce s s 0 f the said court, as may have issued before the pafs s on I n g 0 £ an( i all recognizances returnable, and all Cuv I luits and other proceedings that Were continued to the 'j. h< * said circuit court for the diilriil of Pennsylvania, on the ?' 1 eleventh of October next, in Yorktown, shall now be re- P ° turned, and hi Id continued, to the fame court, on the 1 fame day, at Philadelphia. And to the end that suitors, I witnesses, and all others concerned, may have noti.e of 'pin- I the alteration hereby made, the Marshal of the.said dif cli trid is hereby required tsmakc the fame known, by pre in 1 elamation, ou or before the firft day of August next, one Jonathan Davton, us li- Speaker of the House of F eprefentativej. = and SAMUEL LIVfRMORE, g t4llt President of the Senate, pro tempore. - Approved, May the twelfth, 1796, George Washjngton, urve y President of the United States. Deposited among the Roljs, in the Office of the Depart ment of State, Timothy Pickering, Secretary of State. I DO HEREBY MAKE KNDWN that all such ft, at process of the fair} court as has, or may be issued, and all recognizances returnable at Yoritotm aforefaid, on the tie. ! f ventb day of Offoier next, returned to the Circuit o£ ' the United States, at the City Hall, in the city of Phila my. delphia, on Tuesday, the eleventh day of Odoher next, it eleven o'clock in the forenoon, And that all fnitsand other proceedings that wt re c jntinued to the said court at York town, will be held find continued at the said Circuit Court, at Philadelphia, on the fame Ele .entb day of Odo be r next, of which all persons concerned are desired to ival of take notice, and give their attendance thereat. • ourfe, GIVEN under my hand, at my office, in the District r Grif of Pennsylvania, the twenty-Seventh day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun ■3,9o7 I dred and ninety-fix, and of our Independence the. I from I twenty-firft. ,0 dol- WILLIAM NICHOLS, i 0,68» j Marjhal. am the .j §JW ars. I e 17th j J Jauu " Wafhmgton Canal Lottery, loft or 1 N0 . I. anua :y -T"r THERE AS the State of Maryland has authorised I V » the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, I two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting I a Canal through the City of Walhington, from the Pa; i6w. I tomacto theEattern Branch Haruour. . 1 , j The following is the SCHEME of No. I. Olfl I Viz I Prize of %opoo dollars, 20,000 lie tjiree I I ditto 10,000 10,000 lens and I 7UH drawn 7 3poo 35,000 d to the Tickets, each j ivenient j 6 ditto i,oop 6,000 d liable, I? dltto *°° *> 000 ' 0 stories d: "° 100 4,000 e whole 55 ditto jo a,7JO - floor- I 575° ltto 12 69,005 a ' nd p - c _ J To be raised for thc Canal, 26,250 dens, the | ~ oad and 585° Prizes, . *7Sfioo : ground 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.] w ' v ° 1 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 *7t I The Commissioners have taken the Securities r» I__ I quired by the aforefaid ad for the pundual payment as ' I the prizes. • The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without rears old, delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely | notice will be given. Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after th« 1 drawing is finifhed, sKill be confidervd as relinquilhed for 1 tha benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signedj NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL,«/D. | LEWIS DEBLOIS, j GEORGE WALKER, n canvas, 1 Wm. M. DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, ,AND. j JAMES BARRY. § I City of Waftiingtoß, Feb. 11. f