#a?ette t t? c r~ DUTY ON"CARRIAGESI T To be Let. M«" J _ For HAMBURGH, . Ta* s*i» JOHN, Robert Jackson, Master, July iKqYfPffiyjg To f»il in fifteen days, J /3SSEL; HAVING two-thirds of her cargo en . ,„i re2J . v t0 E0 on board- For freight pr passage apply to the master on |>oard»t Waln'vwharf, or to . John Der.naldfon, tj Ms. 14 Walnut-fttcet. li 56e«tf Mer Tiily at. — h&v For Barbados, S( The Brigantine s , A F A in E, I Francis Knox, Maf'er, | g TTAS good accommodation for pal- L fengers, and is expend to fail on £ Thurfdarnntt For freight of a few barrels or passage, D , Knex at Hamilton « wharf, or g) ' KEARNY WH'.RTON. T For Freight, _ THE BRIO Ir Benjamin Glasikr, tTROM Uverpool. Now diftharging at P. Care's wharf, ( r and will immediately afterwards take m Freight for NEWBURY PORT and BOSTON. To fail in all next week. For freight or passage, apply to cajit. Glafier, on board, or to . So 1« Isaac Harvey, jun. t>v No. J South Water Street. Mo 7 mo. *7 . J IW - Jfc For Sale, Freight, oFegf c£, — The Schooner gw ML ANGELICA, ujroSL&'L hundred and twenty tons burthen — 1 Age vj fix months old, a (launch, faithf illy- _J vefTcl, handsomely finiihed off, and weli found in every particular. For terms apply to 7 r B. RHODES, On Board said schooner, If try. at Bickley and Bohldn's T(j wharf, the firft above Market-street. WHERE THERE ARE FOR SALE, A few half-bbls. Prime Mejs Beef. \ July 44 §_ For Sale, A Or for Charter tothe Well-Indies, >. C E*R E S, jHtSMSr- Philadelphia Built, r-vf Live Oak and Rid Cedar, burthen about 3500 bar reb, now discharging at Latimer's wharf. I'his vef- 1 fel is in excellent repair, well fouad-and wni bear a tho- rough examination, andas soon as difchartjed will be tea- Ay to take in a cargo. For terms apply to John Vanghan- - » ' . —§ ] att J ' ■ ten For Sale or Charter, , THE SNOW BOSTON, « iooo Bbls. of flour—(he may be lent t* sea at a small eXpenee, her fa'ds and rigging being in | del very good order—apply to fames Campbell, or — Geerge Latimer. April 19, § J This Day commenced Landing, At V ifflint wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy and Sloop St. Jago, from St JagodeCuba —confiding of th White Sid Brown Box SUGAR. le: MOLASSES, of an excellent quality. I th COFFEE. or HIDES and HONEY. Also, in For Sale or Charter. j \ (lout, strong veflel, will carry a- j t« ■ig? '. 4 A bout 1 too barrels, and may go to fe 1 >W}y' i fca with a very small expense. ic The above will be fold for cash or approved notes. u: Samuel Emery, K 0 No. 64, fouthSecond-ftreet. L July 27, 796. dtf " o Just Arrived, „ In the (bio Molly, John Frofl, Master, from Liverpool, f, 5000 Bushels Best fine ftoved SALT,j y cent, from ift January, 1796, in the | -i-me of David [..nderdale & Co. of Leeds, in York (hi'-e, merchants. The fame is supposed to have been 101 l J on its way to New undtf cover to Blceeker & I March, of tltatplace, p n the 6th of January last- 1 v Thomas M'Euen. Philadelphia, 2zd June 1 §w ' ' ' v.• J j CABLES, Fiom v 6 to 9 j inches, for sale by yeremiab Warder, I^h July 11 S No ia northThird-flreet. of — ance a Wm. HOLDERNESSE, C; No. "]6 Strcetj , ...» HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and 10 the East Indies, a well feleiftcd assortment of S.lk Mercery Linen Drapery and Haberdalhery Goods; which he- will fell, Wholcfale and Retail, on the lowed terms ; amongst which ase, Some fine India mufiias embroidered with gold and friver Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad Mulmul ditto Do r do do do Handkerchiefs j Some extrablack taffetie 9 ,lut«ftringsand colored Pcrfians ! Bandano Handkerchiefs. Long and (hort Nankeens Englilh Mantuas of the firft quality Damalk table linen and napkins, very fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant affortmint Thead and cotton do Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth French cambrics, very fine Irilh Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § " THE SALE OF For a, The TOWN, and OUT LOTS of the TOWNS of ERIE, WATERFORD, FRANKLIN T hi and WARREN. . u . D /«» \ DVERTISED for sale by the State Agents, in the Fula- ot sej Lx aelphia Gazette and Univerial Daily Advcrli^-' Sold'in the City of Poiladelphia; will commence • '«> Tavern orCoifee-Houfe in Second-Street, in the he ; Mondav the 23th day of July inft. at 7 o'clock, iii < ing. and becontinued by adjournment Irom day ic.- r» u'-lotK «' noon, until two o'ciocK.and from 7 o'clock, ib pvyning, whole of the ford lAJ OU rLOTsare"difpofedof. The conditions of sale v. iii made known, and the plans of the said LOIS anv, OJI 5 LOT S be (hewn at the time and place of sale. By order of William Irvine, Andrea/ Ellic. ttand TVitfm , ■ . EDWARD FOX, AuSiorttr. j J"'y at th Sales of India Goods. ' The Cargo of the (hip Ganges, capt. Ting«y, from Cal cutta and Bengal, P CONSISTING OF A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE In t A variety fine worked and plain Muslins, Doreas, 15"c. Also, 5 A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, ; Iu boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, For Sale by ' 0 n Willings Francis, No. XI Penn Street. June 8' $ >- — - Public Notice is given, — 1"0 the merchants and others concerned in the (hipping .« 1,-mrtit.f Jnifailti. if . fh.it a will j attend evety morning, sundays excepte37"Tront nine to „ ten o'clock," at the Healthoflice, No. 31 Wninut-ftreet, to convey proviTions or other Refrelhmcnts to the Hospital, and for the use of the crews. It is expefled that tjie Bags, Baskets, or other packag es with supplies, willbc direifted with'thn name of the ves sel and captain they are intended for, to prevent midakes at delivery. it By order of the Board of Health for the port of Phila in delphla, LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH, Chairman. „ J u 'y 13 § 1 — ——— * Ke Philadelphia, Weft-Che tier, Strajburgb, w0 Lane after, Tork and Frederick-town STAGES. Z ' I 'HE proprietor! of the ■above Stages, retufn their best 1 op 1 thanks to their friends and the public in general, for —, the encouragement received in this line of business, and beg leave to inform the public, that they arc determined to run I their [Uges through from Philadelphia to Lancaster in jj £ I one day, commencing on Tuesday, the 14th July instant, in the following manner, —viz. A Stage will ftt out on , tbat dav at 4 o'clock in the morning, front the house o( - i George Weed, Market-street, Philadelphia, a.. \ the way of Weftcnefter and Strafburgh, arrive =r.I :c?f- . a- ter the fame evening, l on Friday morning run to ». r:pv to ferry and exchange passengers with the York and . ■ 'i. ick-town ftagc, return and arrive in Philadelphia urday, and on Monday morning following, at 4 oVioc said stage willfet out from the said George Wee' : . delphia, and arrive at Lancaster the (arn« aveiii Tuesday morning at 4 o'clack will set out ftr Mc I los Mrs. Edwards, Lancaster, and arrive in Philaddphia ' ex , the fame evening, and will commence again on Thtirfday j rlv morning following, and continue «very week—The price i f ra '» for each passenger from Philadelphia to Lancaster is three 1 F ] dollars and a half, to York, four dollars and three qaar- , jj ' tei s, to Frederick town eight dollars, the like funs for | 150 weight baggage, with the usual allowance of 14 lb. e( j I gratis to each passenger, and 5 pence a ir.i'e for all way tu passengers. 30— §4W Sc John Reilly, ci George Weed. hull T0 L eT, " - A Large Cellar, . Under the Meeting-House in Walr.ut-ftreet j Enquire at No. 5i Sccond-llreet, corner of Chefnut»ftreet. July 30 3t » f 'j The FLEPHANT. I ' | 'HIS surprising animal is arrived in this city en his way J. to Charleston. He is to be seen in High-street be tween Tenth and Eleventh streets, from fix o'clock in the morning to Sunset. Admittance—Half a Dollar—Children, a quarter of a Dollar. July 30 §6eotf A well-finiflied, commodious rf. HOUSE — Eor Sale, and immediate possession given, I OVTUATE on the north fide of Spruce llreet, Ne 111, ' lica- | between Fourth and Fifth streets. The house, piazza I 609, an d back buildinjrs ?re three (lories in height, andpeife&i rinp ly well adapted for the accommodation of a large family, the j as they conta a twelve good rooms, exclullve of two ciel 8i k- |ed garrets. In the yard, which is neatly paved, there are i loft j two pumps ; one in a rain cistern, the other of as good r & ! water as any in the city : The cellars are dry and lu' ge. The terms of payment will be easy : a great part of the I purchaff-money in all probability may lay for years on in -1 ter-'l. Apply at No. 109, i.est d»or eastward. w July 3 & slw DUTY ON CARRIAGES. Notice is hereby Given, TMAT agreeably to ati aof oi the Lniced j^ ew . Siateiol America, paifcd ac PhilacJeJphia, the «BiK day of May, 1796 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the convey* ance of pcrlons, and repealing the forme* acis for that pui pose. .t- Thai there (hall be levied, colicfted aud paid, Jul ail fur tive cooveyancc of pcrfont, which inail b' ktpf u, ot'ior «i*y foi bis or her owu ule, or to i«-< out to bire, pr forxhe conveving of palfcagcrs, ihs fcvcral du ties anc! rates following, to wit. For upon every Coach, 15 dols. A upon every Chariot, 12,d0!5. *- ** upon tvery Post Cbajiot, 12 dol's. Meffr upon every Po»t Chaise, 12 dols. bow . upon every Phaeton, >vitb ot without top, gdols Pol upon every Coachee, 9 dols. ] u]43f» other Carriages, iaaving panne 1 work above, with blinds, glafies or curtains, qtiols. / A p upon four wheel carriages, having Tramed posts. and tops with Heel springs, 6 dols, -r — upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iron ipnugs or jacks, 3 dois. p E upon curricles with tops, 3 dols. upon chaises with tops, 3 dols, , . IN upon chairs with U>ps. 3 dols. upon sulkies with tops, 3 dols. upon other two wherl top carriages, 3 dols.f upon two wised carriage, wi:h flccl or iiou fpringfc, 3 dols. For and upon all otf»cr two wheel caniages, 2 dols. upon every four wheel carriage, having framed posts AV and tops, aad-reftiug upon wooden sparS, 2 dols > v The CoIIc&ots of the Revenue ot the firft lurvpy ot the ihe t Diftrift of Pennsylvania, will attend daily, until the 30th da\ 1q n of September next, tot the purpofc of rece " tng the duties on Jud'h ** V<% %x 7, in Rice or Saffafrai street, in the Cuv alter .he house of Daniel S. Clair, Efq irt the p eM ;y ; and at the house of Abraham Du- purs of Bucks of w ich all personS pol * -re desired to take notice. is alio given, dei P cr-- in Wines, and foreign distilled fpiri- 1W: ceg will be granted to them ; one li be business of retailing of Wines, in a An . icisqtiaincy, oi iu *tls quantities than 30 gallons—and one ei licencc or carrying on the business of retailing Spirituous In jj qucrs lefsauantities than 20 gallons, at the lame time and th at the {.me places, by the ofHcer» legally authorized to grant tc fucb licnices. St WILLI M NICHOLS, pre f Infpeftor of the Revenue ot the firft survey g Te { of the ot Pcnnfylvania. ac^ Offic j 3° the Philade.pni*, 21ft July, 1796 J A civd Just Arrived, I and In the Snow Boftan, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li- and verpool, ' Phi: 5000 Bulhels SALT : iaut 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and to t An Assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY 5 r z. FOt SALE [h 1 On board, at Piitt-llreet wharf. Apply to fames Campbell, or George Latimer. ; u .t April J9. 5 ' aid _ . ele\ J_ 1 m ■ n c- a —— —— the Merchants' coffec house, in Second ftreetj the 1, One thousand shares of the stock of the North America Land Company. If not previoully disposed of. s Philadelphia, aothjuly. ts >- TAKE NOTICE,- application will be made for the renewal of the following certificates, ifiued by Joseph Noiirfe, 1 Register of the Treasury, in thf name of Roger Gril me '» wold, Esq. of Norwich, Conne9°7 —datejthe 17thDecember, 179J, bearing interest from I the firt day of January, 1791. for 1.597 dol- F ft 1 ditto, three per cent, domestic stock, No. 10,6X2 >r —date! December 16, 1795. bearing interest from the ™ ; g firft day of January, 1791, for 994 30-100 dollars. in 1 ditto, deferred stock, No. 9,166— dated the 17th in December, 1795, bearing interest from the firft Janu ary., 1801, for 798 83-100 dollars. , 0 , Said certificates are fuppoled to hive been loft or p ( ■ jitv-foine time in December or Janua y g e 71 : 'Iryp" t»i VH THOMAS, No. J9, North Front-street. SI, 1796. d6w. J ■ 1■ — . - ii m ' 1 ' ■ I ? Seat to be 1' Id : 5 . and a half of land near the three I I mue lioiieon the road leading lo Gray's gardens ind ia ! extending wituagentle declivity from the said road to the 1 ; r ; ver Schuylkill—on which are ereflsd, a convenient ce j frame house l'uitable for a tenant, a frame bara and ftabje, I ee : a large Brick House forty-eight feet front, two (loriet : r " < high, a very elegant piazza fronting the river, the whole j or breadth of the house supported with turned pillars, floor- 1 ed with cedar plank, cemmandißg an exter.five and pic- -y turefque view of the Middle Bndge, Gray s Gardens, the I Seat of Wm. Hamilton, Esq. the Turnpike Road and Canal. The improvements are all new—and the ground I a conveniently divided and inclosed by new cedar fences. 1 For urms apply at No. Ijl Market-street. I July 17 *7' I FOR SALE, ~~ WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, J in pipes and hogsheads :et " * Claret, genuine old, in cafe 3 L Gin, in pipes, -from Holland Earthen Ware, in crates Basket Salt, in hog [heads "»y Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 ,)C Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead the Steel, German and Russia, in barrels Anchor , cables, junk, bunting, tacpolin canvas, I >f a Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by ■L. THOMAS * JOHN KETLAND, us J»'r L. Just Arrived In the brig Betsey, from Jeremie, and for sale by I the fobferi' ers. | lzza ' Forty thousand wt. of very prime Coffee "edti in hogftieads and bags lilt. And, in the schooner Hope, from New Orleans. ciel- BEEF t : are COTTON | rood HIDES and i'ge- LOGWOOD. the A liberal credit will be given for Approved Notes. Richard and James P6tter. W July 17. . its J( ( To be Let, A large conventjmt three (lory Br'ck-Houfc, pi ifanr'y situated, on the weft fide of vppo&e ■ * the Mew-Marker.; nirtv m the occupation of Henry Ctymur Ai>i»lyto Wtlftam Bingham. July sy. 6ti — ——, —j -ft • For Sale, A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut facet, betw xa Ftont and Second Otrv'tfs,';n which Messrs. Janeea Calbraith & Co. h'atfe fqi many years (and now do) carried on hofineft. Poffeflion will lit given in one month, or foonri, ' . For terms apply to WILLIAM EELL or HECTOR ! April tt. j united states, fj- Pennsvlvania Distjuct, j IN THE NaME ANTJ-BY i rtE OF THE UNITED Si ATES, By IVILLI A M A* ICHO LS, Marshal of the Fennfyfvanja DiArist, — APROCLAiMATIO u T . WHEREAS the Congress of the United it res at the firflfeflion of the fourth Cpngrcfs, to wit} on ihe tjvclfthday of May laftpaft, pallid an ail, to r-yai so much of an ail, intituled •' an ad. to cftubliin ,h« 1 Judkia I. ourts of the United States", a? direitv that the alternate lefiions o( the Circuit Court for the DiVirVti of ; Peimfyivaliia, lhalJbe holden afYorktown ; andfor other purposes, in »he follov ing wore?, to wit. Fourth -Con°;iv{s of the United States • At thefirt ftffloa. beguo. and b« Id a*-thcsilsiff Phila delphia, »u the "V'cniif. iv«rta/on Mc.ndVy, the seventh of December, one thuufand seven hunch ea and i nine y-fiye a An Act to repeal so mucb of an a-ii intituled "an a■ , ir[ . Tr^,r . | „ nnf . rn .^ | ma y l iayc ~,, ; ce 0 { the alteration hereby made, the Maifhal of the said dif- T triiit is hereby required ta make the lime known, by pro -0 lain at ion, on or before the fit P. day of Atlgufl next r, Jonathan Dayton, Speaker of the House of P tprvfer.c. ives. SaMVPA- LIVbRMORE, President of the Senate, pro tempore. Approved, May the twelfth, 1^96, GfokGE W.i*iHNGTON, of President of the United States. ' !e, Deposited among the Rolls, in the Olliceof the Depart rii' meai of State, Timothy Pickering, 37 Secretary of St^te. ,m IDO HEREBY MAKE KNOWN that ail such process of the laid court as has, or may be iflued, and all gj recognizances returnable at Ivritmvn aforefaid, on the tie- J, e ncntb djyuf QSlaicr next, will he returned to the Circui of the United States,, at the City Hall, in the eity of l'hila delphia, onTuefday the tUv.-rrtb day of Oilober pext, at lu eleven o'clock in the forenoon, And that all ftiits and o>her proceedings that w> re continued to the said court at York town, will be held and continued at the said Circuit or Court, at Philadelphia, on the fame Ele evil' day of Oc.o ---1 y ber next, of which all persons concerned are desired to take notice, and give their attendance thereat. GIVEN under my hand, at my office, in the Di"r el of Pcnnfylvania, the twenty-fev.-nth day of July, 1 in the year of our Lord one thoufaiid lev.ll hun« — I dred and ninety-fix, and of our Independence the [J I twer.ty-finl. WILLIAM NICHOLS, -nd j Marjhal. the I July'a 7 §iw ient I bje, t — - ioie W Canal Lottery, >°r\ nO. 1. P', c " I ■*TTHEREAS th? State of Maryland has authorised 'j I * ' the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thoufaftd, all< ! 1 two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting lUn I a Canal through the City of Walhington, from the Paj I tomacto tht Eastern Branch H?roour. The following; is the SCHEME of No. I. LL- I Viz -I Prize of 20,000 dollars, 10,000 x ditto 10,000 10,000 7 lafl drawn") J>ooo 3J 000 old; | Tickets, each J 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 J 10 ditto 40s 4,000 ao ditto 100 a,OOO SS ditto 50 4,7,50 1 J7J° d' tto 11 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, 46,250 58$0 Priz«s, lysfioo I 11650 Blanks, not two to a prise.' ivasj I n j 17500 Tickets, atTen Dollars, - 175,000 A I ' ,£ Commissioners have taken the Securities re ' _v j quired by the aforefaid aft for the punctual payment of I the prizes. t I The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without .e by J delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely I notice will be given. >ffee I Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after th« I drawing is finifhed, shall be consider das relinquis"ed for I the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. ns * I (Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG, t DANIEL CARROLL, e/D. 1 LEWI* DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm. M. DUNCANSON, Btei - I THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. its 1 Cit® of Fe ll *. tt a'