Just Published, HY THOMAS DOBSON? At the Stone House, No. 41, fduth Second flrcct, ' nently printed in one volume quarto, price fix dollars the fine paper, or five dollats the com- < mon: • , The Four Gospels, TRANSLATEDfrotn the GREEK, with PRE. 1 •LIMINARY DISSERTATIONS, and notes ' CRITICAL and EXPLANATORY, By GEORGE CAMPBELL, D. D. F. R. S. &e. Principal of Marifchnl College, Aberdeen. *#* Th» character of the Author for acutenefs and emdition has been eftabVirtied by his efTay on miracles in answer to David Hume," the grqatcft masterpiece of the kind ever puhltfhed, and by his " Philosophy of Rhetoric," and to the merit of the present work, the result of nearly forty year* :iudy and application, and the fublUncc of his course of le&ures in his official capacity, the reviewers have grren ample teftirnony, but their ac count, however honorable U> the work, is too long for a place in this advertisement, the woik howev er is übw presented in an American edition at not mure than half the price of the London copy. July 20. 4w2w uniisd states, 1 •>,*. : . Tr , PINNSYLVAmA DItTRTCT, j «• IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES, By WILLIAM NICHOLS, MsrQial of; the Rennfyhrania DiftricSt, — A PROGLAMAT I-O N. WHEREAS the C'ongreft of the United States, at the fir ft icffioH of the fourth Congress, toWit, on ihe twelfth day of May last past, passed an 4<S, "to repeal so much of an a&, intituled " an a& to establish the judicial Courts of the United States", as that the alternate feflions of the Circuit Court for Hie i)ifiriA of Petinfylvahia, (hallbeholden at Yorktown ; andforother purposes, in the follow ing words, to wit. Fourth Congress of tfce United States : At the firft fefiion, beguß and held at the city of Phila delphia, in the State of Peniifylvania. on Monday, the seventh of December, one thoufafld few en hundred and nine y-five. An A<2 to repeal fomucb of an aft, intituled "an aift to eftablith the judicial courts of the United States"', as dj reAs that alternate feflions of the laid circuit court for the ditfriift of Pennsylvania shall b« ho Id en at York town ; and for other pufpofet. Sect. I. BE it ena&cf by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the United States of America,"in CoJl grefs assembled, That so much of the fffth fe&ion of tie a<ft, intituled " an acS to establish the judicial eoarts of. t*tie United States", as direAt that alternate felons of the circuit court for the diftrirft of Pennsylvania shall be hold- M at Yorktown, be, and the fame is hereby repealed; and that all the feflions of the said circuit court (hall, from and after the paffihgof tfiis aift, be holden at the city df Philadelphia, excepting only, when at any session of the fludcMrf, th« judges thereoflfhall di/e<st the neirt'feflion to be holden at YorVtow* J which they are hereby autho rized a«l empowered to do, whenever it shall appear to diefo to'benecelfarjr. Sea. 11. And be it further enaAed, That all fych pro «efi of the said court, as may have iifued before tfiepafs itig of this aft, and aU recognizances returnable, and all < ftrts aad other proc'oefings that were continued to the , said circuit court for the dillriiS of Pennsylvania,' on the eleventh of October next, in VorktoTYii, Pi\!l now be re turned, and held continued, to the fame' co'vrt, on tKi fame day, at Philadelphia. And to the end tKat suitors, witnefTes, arid all others concerned, may have notice of the alteration hereby made, the MarftaJ of the said dif trrift h'hereby required to make the' fame known, by pro clamation, on or before the firft day of Afguft next. Jonathan Dayton, Speaker of , the House of P eprefcntatiVes. SAMUEL LIVERMORi,' " President of the Senate, {>ro tempore. Approved, May the twelfth, 1796, Georos Washington, President of the United States. Deposited among the Rolls, in the Office of the Depart ment of State,"" Tjmothy Pickering, Secretary of State. I. DO HEREBY MAKE KtfOWN, that all fu?h procefs'of the said court at has, or may be issued, and all tecognizancet returnable at Yurknm aforefaid, on the tie vtntb day if Qfltiet next, will be returned to the Circuit of the United States, at the City Hall, in the city of Phila delphia, onTucfduy, the eUtiiutb day of O&ober next, at t eleven o'clock in the forenoon, And that all fnits and other proceedings that wcte=t jntinued to the said court at York town, will be held and continuid at the said Circuit Court, at Philadelphia, dn'the fame Eleventh day of O&o- ■ ber next, «f V*Vnth all perfotis ioaacrhed are desired tp ' take notice, and give their attendance thereat. " : I CIVEN under my hand/ at mV officii, in'the Diftrid of P*nttfyh-ania, day"of July,' ( in the year'of our Lord one thousand seven hun- 1 dred and ninety-Ex, arid of our Independence the 1 . rtirenty-firft. " - VAv~ - .v . WILLIAM NICHOLS^ MarJhaU \ ;^ 7 .. J • -"fQ; Kl S A £/'JSj • I A very. Valuable feftate, CALLED TWITTENHA M, situate in" the townffllip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware," f s-2 miles fr«m PbiiidelphiaJ'and half a rnlle frbiif'the new Weftcrnroidi containifeg-ajoacfWof excellent lan'j, 06 are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wo6d- Jarid, and the reft arable of the firft quality. There are on the premifeSa good two story brick h«ufe, with 4 rooms on a floor, and cellars under the whole, Vrth a pump-Well of excellent water in front; a lirge frame barn, ftabks, and other convenient buildings ; a fmokc-houfe and stone, fpwrig'-boftfe j two good apple orchards, and one of peach es. The fields are allln croVer, cxcept immedrately iiiwjer tillsge,- arid are so laid 'out as to have the advantage of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con venient for grazing." - The situation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high enltivation of the land, the : good neighbourhood, and thv vicinity to the city, it is Very fait able for a gentleman's country feat. The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman, .. deceased, and offered for falc bv ' , Mordecai Lewis, Q<sl. 9. ea.] Surviving Executor. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN away from the' fubferiber living near Church Hill. Qu'-en Anns County in the State of Maryland*- abcut the fir!t of January last, a black negro man, named Sam, about thirty years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, has a crooked finger on one hand, and one leg and foof smaller than the other, somewhat rpund-flwjuldered, His clcathing unknown. Any person who wilt secure ms bring said fellow home, so that I may get him again lhall have the above reward with reasonable charges. - WILLIAM JACOBS. June 4. "lawsm. Mr. FRANCIS, [Of the New Theatre ) TAKES this opportunity of returning thapks to his scholars and to the public; Mr. Franc's inte»3s : on his return from Maryland, to open a public aca demy for dancing, upon a plan entirely new. He flatters bimfelf that his attention to- his pupils hi therto renders any promises of conducting h'u future schemes on the molt liberal a/icfllridlell terms, of pro priety, tot illy unnecefTary. A r . B. Private tuition as ulual. June 3 law Plans of the city of Philadelphia, Including the Liberties and diftriil of Southwark ; 'V- . '.! Published, and fold-by -BENJAMIN DAVIES, _ ...., No. 68, High street, (Price one dollac.) THIS plan is 16 inches square, and has been en graved by one of (he firft artists In the city, from a late and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled to a pam phlet with each plan, giving — some account of the cSy, its population) trade, government, &c. July 19 tn&ftf For Sale, A LARGE ELECANT AND FINISHED Three-story Brick House, (The late residence of General Walter Stewart), WITH a LOT of GROUND thereunto belonging, the weft fide of Third-ftreei, near Union-street containing in front 31 feet, and in depth too feet, to an alley leading into Union-ftrce{. The house it 37 feet front and so fe'et deep ; the several rooips contained in it are large, commodious, and completely finiflicd; the two firft stories are each 13 feet high ; there are 20 mahogany doors in,the house ; a geometrical staircase, with mahoga ny rails and a g*o<l iky-light. The Kitchen it in the ceH ar, which is spacious and convenient, and finiftied, with an oven, stew-holes and pantries, a fei"v»nts' hall and large wine-cellar adjoinhtg the kitchen, in front of which is an area in which thirt Is a 'pump. The yard is vaulted. Communicating with the said building is a neat tbrce-ftory brick ho«fe, on the nprth fide «f Union-street, contain ing 30 feet front by 10 feet deep; the fewer part of which is at present occupicd as a compting-houfe, and the upper part divided into wsll-finiffiei large chambers: Thishoiife may at a fmati expense be converted ilrtn a convenient 4welling : Th.e ftjreet door is very hindfe/me; and the front * n <i back have Venetian window-shutters. Adjoiningtlp: last houfc, upon the lot belonging to the firft, are creAed bathing-rooms, &c. There are likewise very good coach hfttofe afcd fl&bles finifhed equal (or nearly so) with any in the city, on alot containing on Union street Jo feet, and in depth Oil tbc waft fide of Taid alley 51 fdet. There are good cellars under the whole of the buildings, and a wine room over jtfirt of theftable, with a hay-loft over the re mainder. For further particulars enquire of " " EDWA&D BONSaLL & Co. At their Ogee No. €4 Dock-street. Between Walnut & Pear co. " ' flreits. 6th month 24th, 17(56, : —: ———: GEOJi G E BSON, BEGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers" in Town aod ! CountfV, that hit removed from to N Q " 2's, south' Third-street, where he ii opening a Large and Elegant Assortment of the undermentioned articles—lrii. " * Superfine LofcioriClothiani Kerfeymeret, Yorltfhire feeond Do. Do. EUftie do. do. Mix'd and Blue Coatings Flannells, ice. j Sliidheftfcr Printed Callieoet, London Chintz ditto, Blue ind ditto Furnitures, India ditto. Long Cloths, Baftis, Eattillasi Conievrems, 4-4 9"® 6"4 SBp&fin< India Book M«t!ini, 4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Mjjflint, 4-4 & 6-4Britifb Jaconets,' 6-4 British Checks and sfri pes, 4-4 India do.' do. d«. ' 4-4 ditt«i.€hiHoes, Madrat Handkerchiefs, &e. A large altortmcnt of .figur'd arid plain M'uflintA, Quilrings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy WaiftcoatingS, Ginghams of the firft Qjiality, fubjeft to Drawback, India Warikeens, Men's'WHite and coloured Silk (lockings. ,9 Samuel Richardet, D. EiSPECTFULLY informs the Gcntlimen , Merchants, that he hasihis day opened the CTI?Y TAVERN and MERCHANTS OOFFEp HOUSE in Ae city of Philadelyhia: r be Subscription Room will be furnilhfd witb all the daily papers publiflied in Philadelphia, Naw-York, Bos- . t«n, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com- . mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed arid none permitted to be taken away on any account. Tea, Coffee, Soupes,'Jelliet, lit Cfcutis, and a variety of French Liquors; together with the Ofual r'cfrefhmentsf , ! will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with ' the choiccft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the roll approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries. The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earKeft • produfUons of tho Season. Large and fnsall Parties, or fingleGentlemsn, may be j accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at ' hours most convenient to themselves—a Cold Cdllation is regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had ' at tho bar. The Lodging Rqcujis wiU be completely furnifced, and ! the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and every other requisite. ® Richarket will be hippv to receive, and execute the commands of his Friend:, the Public at Wi£h S«titude for their favours, he pledget ' himfelf that nothing on his part shall be wanting *0 pre fepte that patronage with which he his been f Q diftbguifh ingly Honored. , , ' Philadelphia, April 19. eo For Sate, A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill, IN New Jersey, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour. The Gfift Mill it sixty by fertj feet, two water wheels, and calculated for four run of Stones, with screen, fans' and boulting-cloths, &c. The Saw-Mill has two capable ofcuttingfiveto 6 100 thousand feet of Boards per year. A valuable piece of Cedar Swamp, within a mile ahd a half oT the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile of a Landing. The Lumber,*icc. may be taken by water from the mill tail. '• Atso rOR SALS, Several Valuable Tracts of Land, In Pennsylvania, for all of which payment will be rec-iv edin"the notes of MefTrs. Morris and Nicholfon, or in Cafli."' ' ■■■>•■ For further information apply to tht Printer May 17- '• - ' ' aaw I Philip Nicklin & Co. 'have FOR- sale,\ Souchong ' liyfon Skin / Young Hyson i s-AS Hyi'on and \ Imperial : Yellou-Nank;ei:s China Ware, afForted-fti Boxes md Chelts Quicksilver Bandan&o Handkerchiefs of excellent quality Sa cheils London Market "J> MADEIRA WINE London particular' >ia ]sipes, hogfni-aiJjj & New-York Market J quarter calks f Teneriffe Wine in pipes and ho£tie i ads •I - Sugar Candy by the Bex Saii Canvas No. I a 8 Le4d ih fttetj ' *' ' . ** j Cllks of Cutlery affcrted A fewrheftsof IVJanchefter Good*, aiTofttd thitk fets, cords, striped Nankeens, &c. 3 Small packages o!f black fewiog-fijki 8 Tj<rces Virginia Snake-foot. ' Nails aflbrted iti calks July 18 mwAf JOHN PAUL JONES. INFORMATION is hereby given, that the late John Paul Jotfes. was a proprietor of fire (hares (amount ing to ahout 5867 leres) in atraS of land purchased by the Ohio Company, in the territory of tht; United. States of America,'north-weft of tlje river Ohio ; and that hjy heirs, er legal 011 application. to direc tors of laid company, at Marietta in the territory afore n said, will receive a deed of the said 'five {hares, or' rights t of land. e The b« madcpcrfonally or by an agent, Ji but proper documents mull be prod)Jj:edi to prpT?, tlje. jr claimant dr claimants the legal heirs or of - the ftrj'jones.' ji'.a. As it is nor known in what country the person j 1 or pjirfbes interfiledrcfide,'it will be an ofbenevolerti 2 in every Printer in aqs Xaropg, wfyp flifill infect \ this advertisement in his p^jer. ;. In behalf of tie dire&ors of the Ohio Company. r f T KUFt)S PUTNAM. Marietta, May 20,1796. 1 3iwtjw l ! . -iJU — Law Book-Store, No, 313, High Street. c /"I EORQEDAVIS begs to inform hj?.prpfe® a njl ; j V-X friendf, that per the arrived from Lon _ don, he has received the following scarce and valuable y books. State Trials, ir vol* in 6 and 11 vol. R'yfF -1 head's Statutes at large, 16 vol. Woods' Inftitutesj e Coke's Entries, Kartell's do. Browne's do. flearnes t pleader, Coke's id, 3d, and 4th Institutes, % vol. Roll's - Abridgment, Brooke'* do. Bulllrode's Reports, Koll's do. 2 vol. in 1, Fioyers Pi;<uJlor's pra&ice, Clarke's Admiralty, Rutherford's Institutes, Deinoiogy, or the ' Eloquence and togic of the Bar. Thefc with his very large' collecftion from Dublin now on hand, will enable him to supply an entire library Or a lihgle book, it gentlesaen may have o»cafion 011 their immediate ap- o;.i£. ,T,T- ' ■ v > . " 1 July 14- ?» 2wlw | ( «... j ....... , . . City cf Wa(hington. : SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent ) 20,000 dollars, &} j . dWelling-house, 5 cafli '30,000, are ) i°' ooo r ditto 15,000 & cast 25,000 40,000 I ditto 1 j,OOO &'ca(h 15,000 30,000 1 dhto 10,000 ft cafli io,Octo 20,000 I ditto SjSQO &'ca(h 5,000 10,000 I ditto jjooo & cash 5,000 10,000 I tafti prize of 10,000 1 do. 5,000 each, are, • 10,000 to do. 1,000 - • 10,090 ao do. 500 - - 10,000 oO do. 100 - - 10,00 a *00 d»; - . 16,000 400 do. 25 - 10,000 I) 000 do. ao - 20,000 15,000 do* lo • • Jjy,ooo 1 ®>739 Prizes. 3i>»6i Blanks. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 40,0000 N. B ; To favour those who may take a quantity of Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the Last drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one : And approved notes, securing payment in either money .B r JP"zpV "in ten days aher drawing, will be received for any number not less than 30 ticket*. Tlus Lottery wiU afford an elegant specimen of the pri- 1 vate buildings to be ere&ed in the City of' Walhinrton— Two beautiful designs are already felefted for the entire . fronts on t#o of the public fquates; from tliefe prawin&s' It ispropofed to ered two centre and four corner buildings, , " soon »' pof'ble after this lottery is fold, and to convey t era, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduclion.of five per cent, will be made to defrky the necessary expenses of printing, Sic. and the ftirplus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National University, to be within the city of Washington. r u wi '* commc,, ce as soon as the tickets are fold off.--.The money prizes will be payable in thirty days after it is fim(h.>d ; aYid any prizes Tor which' fortunate numbers ate not produced within twelve months after the J i r "T m ! J" C 'f d A arC Wbe confiJcrcd given toward, the ftinJ for the University ; itT>eing determined to fettle the whole business in a year from the elding of the draw iii|j,and to take up the bpnds given as security. for th « payment of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Directors of the Bank ' ot Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a mount ol the lottery. .I, l i hc eBt T f°"r gentlemen who by appointment of Ae late Commiflioners aflifled in the management of the Hotel Lottery are requeued to undertake this arduous talk Whaff ofthepublic; a fuffiriem num. ber 01 these hiving kindly accepted, it is hoped that the fijends to a National Umvrrf.ty ami the otj, X jeers may continue to the deiign. By accounts received from the different parts of the • Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets Jj aTe been ftnt for fali, the public are attired that the drawing will speedily commeaie, and that the care and r T?l Mna I roldably nfceffal 7 insure a fafe disposal of . tickets, has rendered the Jhort fufpenlion indilpenfable. I .„. , L , SAMUEL BLODGET. r T * § * J'. l at the of Columbia ;of " J° f PetCT Gilm ' n , Lofton ; Cooler's Ferry! n,, nd 5 ° f Richard Wslls ' • FOR SALE* A d«"weirh? R f VIE - R,LaUw ° rn; 4 ' ) oat fourhiui r l . ,S t- Enquire at the Office of the of the United u 9 Chefnut-ftreet. • S 1 n 1. . * t X To be Sold, At No. 128, North Second-Street, aid by several ,f the. Apothecaries in this City. rR \N T SFERS of the right 10 remove p a i ns and iuflamma. tion« from the human bady. aj secured to Dr ELtS~)/\ PERKINS, by parent, with inftru intents and dire&ions n e . ceffary for the pra&ice. This mode of treatment it oirticu. !arly ufeful in pjiinj in the head, lace, teethibreall fide, ftomsch, back, rheum.itifms, recent gouts, &c. Ac. ' Notvkhftanding the utility of this praffice, it is not pre sumed but there are cases iii which Litis and every other : n remedy rniy, foretimes fail. June 18, „ w PRO P O S A L fOll CARRYtNO T«! Mails of the United States, On the following routes, will be received by the Pallraidcr at Savannah, until the lirfl day of September next. ,-t) i--From Savannah by Sun bur v J»rj_rirr L -. s tVttK. "" j Receive the Mai] at Savannaheverv Saturday by <1 VM ri»e atSunbury by 6 P M, and at Newport Bridge on Sun* day by ioA«, Returning. Leave Newport BrUgeon Sun! day by 3 P M, a«d arrive at Sundry it} the eveoinc, and at Savannah o» Monday by 6 P M, at 1. From Newport Rri/igcby Darienand Brunfyrick to St ; Mary's, once m tmo week >. Re/etve the Mail at Newport Bridge every other Sunday »o*i, and.arrive at St. Mary's t)ic next Wednefdavhy , p V f Returning Leave St. Mary's rhe next day, Thursday by Bfi M, and arrive at Newport Bridge the next Sunday by to \ M. ' . No,C '• H fkrof theses are altered bylaw, during the con - of, the Contracts* the Contraflor is to o6f, refuch durations f in cartying the mail, andhupayis tobe encreafed or dimhilhcd, in s proportion to the Jjh nee enaeafed or dinini/hed iy fiuch alteration. ' n Ji° te 2 " 7/ " Cj " tr " dl " e "> bc '» operation on the fir aday of ■ WtWi.""/? "*&** ft'Jrnyedis until the 30 th Sebtim . for, 1800, incM[tit: , Note 3. TheTPofi MafierGeneral mayalt^rthe time\ of arrival and departure at tny timciuringthc continuance of the Centos he' prfouffitfltfinlaUng. an adefuatcconpenfaiioii for any extra ixbenH' , ; thft may be occa filmed thereby. i . N - ot ;' 1- /theen min-ate! for opting andelofing the mai at alUfficcs uhere no particular time is Ipectficf. Vn\r. & . For every hour's detityJunavoiiaUe accidents excepted! . '"'Tr' i "r g "ff,"" time;, prefc/ibed in any contrad, the contr'aSi fra'* JmJcil one dollar And if the delay continue until the depart - Uteof any pending mail, uhereby for such, J*. 4 <** i _ 'JOSEPH HABERSHAM, -fert-Maftsr Gmcrat; — GENERAL P?ST Offtck, Philadelphia, June 28, t7Q6, ijwSv r Lottery and, Broker's Office, T_ fY$- SoiitJ)Sftpr)dfiret;t, I S K Sr S > ~ , n Lottery No. 11, are ajWWOh , Wc.aCheckßsok kept/of, theex of Tickets, and Prizes paid, without dedu<sion. ; The Subscriber solicits the application'of the Public or any of his friends who wish to purch fc or fell Bank Stock ; Certificates, Bills or Notes, Houses, Lands', 1 l.otts or Merchandize of any obtain Money ; on deposit of property. • WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Late Agent for the Cartel Lottery Company. •S3" Shares an 1 Tickets in the late Newport Long harf, Hotel and Public School Lottery examined; a complete lift of all the prizes having been received at this •dice. if 151' June 6. . w&s Forfale by the fubfertbers, IN P£NN-STRE£T| 130 quarter Chcfts frefh Hyson Tea; leo ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea; 300 _Boxei China, containing small tea fetti of 4» pieces; —- ,jJr' , 400 pieces Bindanoes. Willing f Francis. January 30 3 taw. To be fold, A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, conn* ty ©f Gloucester, and (late of New-Jersey, contain* ingaiout ofte hundred and fifty acres ; a suitable propor tion of which is woodland and improved meadow. A great part of the arable land is in a high state of'cultiva tion, and very natural to the produ&ion of Red Clover;' On said plantation there is a genteel two-dory brick house, with four rooms on a, floor, and a good dry cellar under the whole ; together with a barn, corn-cribs and carriage houfe. The garden is large, and contains a good collec tion of the bell kinds of grafted and inoculated fruit trees. the orchard confiits of about three hundred grttfted apple trees. Any person inclined to purchase said premises, may be informed ef the terms by applying to ' Andrew Hunter. J"'y 29 ' On Monday next, ajthinft. (TulyT Will be landed at South (Ireet wharf, the cargoes of Superb, V* eft Indian and Isabella, frOm Jamaica and Haranna, c6n» lifting of , u * *— ..wrv Molafles in Hogsheads, Coffee in hogsheads, barrels & ba??, FCR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT Who has also for fait, ' A quantity of Jamaica GINGER* Pimento & 7 T „ Cocoa, } In Ba ? 8 ' And i s o boxes Hambro' WINDOW GLASS. }by o, wUI ''" ' be fold cheip. J u 'y 2® ~ diot & tuth & s lot ' _ No. 138. Dijlrifl of Pennsylvania : to %uit, BE it remembered, that on the twenty-fourth day of Juqe r in the (wentiath year of the Independence of the United States of America, John Ormrod, of the Dillrift hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words followingi to wit : * 4 (hort and candid Enquiry into the proofs of Christ'? 41 divinity; in which Doctor Priestley's opinion cdncerniug '* Christ is occasionally considered. In a letter" to a fn«ii3*. " By Charles H. Wharton, D. D. and Member of rt)e Philefophieal Society of Philadelphia. & 11 Wmjfoever drnicth the Son the fame hath not the Fath- Let that therefore abide in you whuii ye have heard •Mrom the beginning ; if thar which yc <4 beginning ftiall remain in y6»i, yc also shall continue in 44 the ion and in the father. St. John, iftEpift. c. ii. v«>3» «i M in conformity to the aft of the Congress of the United State* intituled 44 An aft for the encouragement of learning, by ' r -, curing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the authors • and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned.' SAMUEL CALDWELL, Cleik of the DiflriS of Pen*fyWai.ia. i June2g > PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, —No. ixg— CHESN VT-STREET. [Pri«c Eight Dollars per ATLsam-j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers