Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 30, 1796, Image 1
. of the BnttetJ States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. n SATURDAT EVENING, JULT 30, 5706. ! X ' r LITTLE TOHN. I DUTY ON CARRIAGES. , To be Let, l T or Boston, THE SCHOONEfc \jptaim corny, T TTILL fail on SuJoday next. For freight or ap \\ ply to J Edward Stow, j un. % No. 761 Nojth Front-tlreet- fc) July ** : . ■ t !L. a U ToTKAMBURGH, • JOHN, , "Rosdrt Jac*son, Mafjer, ft fJrlYcr To fail in fifteen days, ,5 two-thirds of hrr ear 8° A • . J V t0 ~<> on hqard, Fojr. ftfMjft or paflage ai - No. »4 Walnut-fttcet. • §6eotf n —. ""For Freight, I • THE BRIO ' n MV SWAN, £ Binjamin GLASIER, Mitflfr, A , TOROM Liverpool. Nowdifcharging at P. Care's wharf, rani Will immedUt«! T af^w«d s take for NEWBURY PORT anpB.OSTQN- To fail S n«t week. For freight or parage, apply to capt. 6lafier, onboard, or to , Isaac Harvey, jun. \ '' No. ? South Water Street. ■-* ' §lw « 7 mo. iy .. fe Advcrtiiement. wiilbe £-« — -* tion The new ship A, MWW XJUHTHPN 310 ton j, with her masts and spars as delivered hy iSe Mrpent". judges have pronounced that lhe is a faU«Wfr built v e®l» of g oGtl And well fcar ° ntd ia»rfial«. one thousand dollars will beßequired of the purchafcr at the time of fait, and for "the remainder' a credit will be given of 5, 6, 9, and 11 ipontbs, the pay mentsto be (ecured by notes negotiable at thp Bank or Alexandria, with approved endorsers. JOHti MANDEVILLE, Jr. for Ite GEORGiE CLEMERSTON, % V creditors of Jn*. J ELISHA C. DlCs.' | V c °- ij d 130 th. For Barbados, ' The Brigantine F A ivi 5, j. Francis Knox, M after, jn TTas good accommodations for pas- JfjL fencers, and is eipefite (jf to fail on Thursday next For freight of a few barrels or passage, o] I S " For Sale, Freight, or Charter, The Scho»ner » ANGELICA, hundred ants twenty tons burthen— , jMWW* *' fi x months old, a staunch, faithfally builtj faft-fiiling vessel, handfomcfy finiftied off, and well fqund in every particular. ?pr. terms apply to . B. RHODE 9, ; On board said schooner, lying at Bickley and fiohlen's , wharf, the firft above Market street. WHERE THERE ARK TOR SALE, A few half-bbls. Prime Mess Beef. July 14 § For Sale or Charter, * T^ E SNOW BOSTON, BURXHEN about 1000 sJ)ls. of flour—fee may be lent to sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in VcrV good order—apply to Janief CatfflbeU, c«f. George i/fltinwr. A W I 2 9>. 5_ ; **r»n . . »«'» *•»-♦»"* j For ?ale, Or for Charter to the Weft-Indies, c e'r k s, JgSfiPt Philadelphia Built, /"\f Li'vo'Oak and Red Qedar, burthen aljout 3500 bar- U rels, now discharging a:t Latimer's wbaVf! llus vrf fel is in excellent repair, well fcrtiud»and will bear 4 tho rougli examination, andai soon as discharged will 1 be re'a* 4y to take in a cargo. For terms apply to John Vaughan. J«ily 28 § CABLES, F»?m 16 to 9 i inches, for sale by Jeremiah Warder, July if 5 No ia northThird-ftreet. . «" Landing From on board the Nancy, William Belcher, mas ter, from BourJeaux, a cargo, consisting of— 360 HH«!srCHOICE CLARET, 232 Cases of 24 bottles each CLARET, 286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE, BRANDY, SWEET OIL, and i TRUNK of RIBBONS, For Sale by % Coppingjei. July 23. dtf. Just arrived, 220 boxes be ft Claret, Cenlaiuing twojdozen each, for sale, Wholesale tc Retail, by William Sheaff, *d 6 July 2c. N©, i6JS Hi^h-itreet. Schooner LITTLE JOHN. FOR SALE, THE LITTLF. JOHN, 1 CAPTAIN BOYD, of * —» \ BOUT 18 months old, a very fact a^ce jEjS&cV J\ failing veflel, on Virginia Pilot boat Pj* e okßßß*l plan, now laying at South street wharf, near 900 barrels, is ready to take a cargo ; a liberal treciit will be ■ For Sale, The Schooner Dispatch, "RURTHEN aV>ut twelve hundred barrels, 3fss££23-I} a staunch, good vessel, t»»'o years eld, is newly sheathed, and in compleat order t» proceed •» a voyage^—For terms apply to Joseph Anthony Ss* Co. July ly. 4t. Just In the ship Molly, John Frost, Matter, from Liverpool, 5000 Buftiels Best fine ftoved SALT, Fot 600 Bushels HOUSE COAL, And «18 Crates of QUEENS WARE affortcri., r , FOR SALE BY ? Philip Nicklin & Co. ™ M n. B. THE SAID Ca. jfefcv Ship MOLLY, ® f J TS for SALE or CHARTER, she boi l years old, Philadelphia built, of wh;ie ff{l oak, wi well faked and carries about 4*o© Barrel® of Fiour. For terms apply as above. t 1 dtf •?, t i July 23 r" — ■ ■ «— '■ • —— 1 tuc This Day commenced Leading, At tyiflfins wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lncy and Sloop I ii ct St, Jago, from 6t. Jago de Cuba—con Citing of J q^ut WhW and Brown Box SUGAR. I at t r MOLASSES, of an excellent quality. I fuc y COFFEE. ' HIOES and HONEjY. Also, e For Sale or Charter. I , a The brig LUCY, I?h \ flout, strong vessel, will carry a- | _ boutizoo barrels, and may go to I sea with a very small erpenfe. y The abov. W»1 be fold for cash or approved notes. lln Samud Emery, { 0. No. 64, south Seeond-fl/eet. _ July 17. 79*- iL- j Take Notice, k rriHAT the Subscriber intends to mue applica- j 1 tion for '\he renewal of a Certificate, No. i6b9, I for 4000 dollars, dated the 14th December, 179?, bearing , interest at 5 i per cent, from ift January, 179 6 . \ name of David Dunderdale & Co. of Leeds, in Yerk- I shire, merchants. The fame isfuppofed to have been lolt e ' on its way to New York, under cover to Bleecker & \tarch? of that'placc, onthe lSth of January lad- • 1\ Thomas M'Euen. | T Philadelphia, »2djune, 1796. § w Wm. HOLDERNESSE, U i N«. 76 High Street, j ~ TTAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and i ',* 1 rt the East Indies, a well felccSed assortment of Silk I - Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which I hi Witt fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms; I 'AMONGST WHICH ARE, I f s I Some fine India muslins embfoideted with gold and fllver I . Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto 1 R ffio do do do Handkerchiefs w Some extra black taffeties.luteftrings and colored Pcrfians I Bantfano Handkerchiefs | — — liorig and short Nankeens It! * : English Mantuas of the firft quality Damask table linen and napkins, very fine I _ Silk Hosiery, an elegant aifortmsnt I g Thead and cotton do Umbrellas —green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth I j- French cambrics, very fine ait Irish Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 5 s I Public Notice is given, \ ...< n rO the merchants and others concerned in the shipping I '» atState-Ifland, under quarantine, that a Cart Will I attend every ni6rning, ftindays excepted, from nine to I J ten o'cUck, at the Health office, No. 31 Walnut-street, to I — convey provisions or other Refrelhments to the Hospital, I - and for theufeof thecrews. . :-/cE I It is expeiled that the Bags, Bafeets, or other packag- I r et With fup'plies, will be wi'th th« riarrte of the vy- I fel and captain they are intended for, to prevent mift«kes I v at delivery. I By order of the Board of Heahh for the port of Phila- I delphla, LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH, Chairman. 1- ,a r - J ul y '3 § L f : THE SALE OF j C *K The TOWN, and OUT LOTS of the TOWN? 6F ERIE, WATERFORD, FRANKLIN and WARREN § A DVE RTISED for sale by the State Agents, in the Pfiila- I 1 —" ft delphia Gazette and Umverfal Daily Advertiser, to be I Sold in the City of Philadelphia ; will commence at the City I Tavern or Coffjcc-Houfe in Second-btreet, in the said cfity, on I Monday the 23th dav of July inft. tft 7 o'cloek in the even- I becontinued by adjournment from day today, from, I 12 o'clock at noon, until tW6 : o'clock, and frdm 7 until 9 1 o'clock in the evening, until the whole of the said LOTS and I ____ OUT LOTS are difpoied of.. The conditions of sale will be I made known, and the plana «f the said LOlS'and OUT J LOT S be shewn at the time and place of sale. I By order of William Irvine, Andrew Ellictt and George PVtlfon I nai- Agent.. EDWARD FOX, Auctioneer. I July «a. . j ales of India Goods. Tie Cargo of ;tbslhip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- I cutta and Bengal, consisting or A Large and general afTortment of Bengal and Madras I COTTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG wuicu ARE 1 tf. A variety fine worked arid plain Mujlins, ' Doreas, X&i, ' Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, - In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER, » ' " (For Sale by ! ,by Willings Ssf Francis, 1 ' No. 21 Penn Street, et. June t 5 I DUTY ON CARRIAGES. Notice is hereby Given, sit * t THAT agreeably to an aft of Congtels of the United j f)ew _ Stateaof America, passed at Philadelphia, the 28th uav of Mav, i?g6 ; laying duii'-s on Carriages, for trie convey-j aree of ptrions, and repeaiilhe tormer acl» for thai yur- | pose. —ibPL cVtere lhail be levied, collected and paifi, upoh Ju a'l cm r . J r the conveyance of .perlons, which lhall be I — krpt by or for any perfou, sot his or her own use, m to lit out tu>liift,oi wwdic con eying of passengers, inefcveral cu- | ti« liesfodoA'iun, 10 wit. \ ft* * - doh. M - 1 £\ r * . Mp'vrv everv vTlianat, I % liWWii -ni Mell >•. ; upon eveiy PHI Chanot, a dols.- j flow. ujjon Port Chaise, 12 ciols. Pc es upon every Phacon, with or wiihouttnp, gaols J • upon every CoaChce, 9 dols. 1 „ j' upon other Cirnajjei, having^panne/ work above, J with blirids glalTes or cuitains, 9 dols. ' 1 upon four wluel canlages, hWiag framed aa *# top>with ltc:l fp!U\gß, 6 riols. J upon four wheel iop Carnages, with wooden or iroo j springs orjatks, 3 dols. I t^e j upon curricle® vith to|)s, 3 dols. 1 y, upon ehaifea with tops, 3 dolt. v I T O] upon chairs w th tops, 3 dols. ypon (ulkies with tops, 3 dols. . A upon other two wheel top Carriages, 3 dols.| J upon two wbcel caniagei, with steel or iron springs, I 3 dols. For and upon all other two wheel carriages, 2 ools. 1 upon every four wheel carriage, having fraimd polls I and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. j The Cdteftors of tie Revenue of the ftril furvev of the j Diftriftof Pcnnfylvana, wxii attend daily 1 , urtiUtne 30th day I of September next, for the purpose of receiving ihe duties on I Carriages, at No. 117,10 Race or Saffafrai street, in the City | a of Philadelphia, at che house of Dariid S. Cj.air, Efq »n the 1 County of Montgomery ; and at iht houfc of Abraham Du- \ hois, Ej&j. in the Co-auty of Bucks; of wlrieh ali pirfons pol I £] feffed flf 'iudi Carriages are desired to take ootree. J Notice is also given, *£■ TO all retail driers i» Wines, and foreign distilled fpiri- I * ( '"re w a I hlg] fiefs quantity, or in less Quantities (han 30 gallons—and one I brc; 1 I licence for carrying 00 die business of letailmg Spirituous li- I ed j.qaors in 4efsquautities than eo gallons, at the lame time and I tur< j'at the fame places, by the officers legally authoiized to grant I 'Sea I such licences. " 1 Cat 1; J WILLIAM NICHOLS, 1 C o?i infpeflor of the Revenue of th« fijft survey I j of the dilfriftof Pennf;lvania. J j I Office of Itrfpefiion, at ) 3° C I — rPhiladtlphia, aift July, 1796 J Just Arrived, J j In the Snow Bofjon, JamesKirkpatrick, master from Li- 1 verpool, J Co I 5000 Bafhels SALT ; j 1 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and I An AJfortment of SHIP CHANDLERY ; jma FOR SAL E I t }, I On board, at l'ine-fircet wharf.——Apply to I tie fames Campbell, or of IJ George Latimer. I tb : 1 April 19. $ Ikn c 3* N O X I C E. air There-will .oitl «Mt '1 burfday the 4th of Ajieruft, at 1' ihcMtfclnHts.' cotiee houle, in Second street, j One thousand shares of the ltock of t h, the North America Land Company. P C J If not previouily difjioftd of. ! p e Philadelphia, 20th July. dts J d - CO TAKE NOTICE, application will be made for the renewal of J aiS •r Jt the following certificates, illhed by Jdfeph Noiirfe, ] j Register of the Treifiiry, in th- namt of Roger Gril | ; _ wold, Esq., of Norwich, Conned icut— is I 1 certfficate, fix per cent domeitic flock, No. 13,907 I j —dated the 17thDecember, f i795, bearing interest from the firft day of January, 1791, for 1,597 65-100 dol- L I 1 ditu, three per cent, domestic Hock, r.o. i0,68i 1 1 —dattd December 16, IW$, bearing'intereft from the 1 ™ 1 firft day of Jaiiuiry, 179T, for 994 30-100 dollars. 1 1 ditto,,deferred stock, No. 9,166— dated the 17th j [December, ljg 5, bearing interest from the firft Janti-1 T I ary, 1801, for 798 83-100 dollars. I R Said certificates are fuppofedto have been loft or %( I flolen in this citv some time in December or Janua .y I I I I .. JOSEPH THOMAS, t0 I No. J9, North Front-street. I to I Philadelphia, July *1, >796- d6\v. J it, I — —— —— 1 I r . TO SE DISPOSED Of, r- I 'T'HRtime of, a.strong, healthy NEGRO MAN, who I ei J. I 1 hap from Bto 9 years to serve. is asquainted lai es I with farming and hoilfe-'work. I Enquire at this Of&e. a " I July % 9 I — 1 ! " I • A collection of Papers, i j rvN the fobjed of kiliotis Fevers, prevalent in th.Uni ,n lij ted States for a few years pafl I 1 15 I Compiled by NOAH WEBSTER, N I Is this day comfc to hand, price One Dollar. Sold by jt W. YOUNG, MILLS & SON, la- 1 Boakfellers and Stationers, No. 5 a Sccood-llrcet, the cor- j Ke I - nsr o'f Chefnut-flreet. I ity I July 19 I FOR SALE, ™' I WINE, London particulir Madeira, 4 years old, j in? I'% pit" I * anil hogsheads . j b e I Claret, genuine old, «cases UT I Gin, in pipes, from Holland I Earthen Ware, in crates 'f m I Basket Salt, in hogsheads • I Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 ; j Bar I.< lcl r Red and white dry lead I &eel, Tiermiri and RufTu, in barrels 1 Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, J , , I Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by ' al - THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. July l ? $ Iras I Twenty Dollars Reward. I TT TAS STOLEN, lafl evening, from the pasture of the I J W subscriber.a black Rockingham GELDING, 15 j I i-a hands high, has a star, and l'ome white under his I I threat, (the part being formerly chafed) ;hasa leatherjon 1 I liiineck, the mime ori the rear fide, his foot-locks fretted I I wifil a clog, and it a horse of much bone and size. Who- I J ever secures him with the thief, shall have th j above re- I 1 ward, or for the Horfs alone a very generous compenfa- j t. I tion JOHN LAWRENCE. § 1 J*ly 7 eo s w _ j To be Let, A large convenient thret (lory Brick House, plcafant'v ! Gtuated, on the weft ii'Ve Second-Street, oppoiite to tie I Mew-Market; liow in the oiajpatiju of Henry Cl)itij|r ' I Apply to I William Bingham. 1 July 17. tt. e j ' ! For Sale, j A Three <:ory BRICK HOUSt as,l hot, in Chefnut 1 jt\ lireet, between and Secp-id ts, in which j Meffrv jwti it Co. ha we- for many years (and I dow Jo) carried oil bulinefs. I Polfefllon will be given in one month, Tooner. 1 • For terms apply to ~ WILLIAM uiiLL, or" . J. HECTOR CALSRAITH. J April 21. § , | — d J 11ft Arrived 10 In tlje brig Betsey, from Jcrcniic, and for sale by 1 the fpbferiUers. Forty thousand wt. of very prime Coffee in hogflicads an J bags I And, In the schooner Hope, from New Orleans. BEgF s ' CQTtON IHOES and d, j LOGWOOD. Is. I A liberal credit will be given for Approved Note?. Richard and James Potter. oh J"'y 37- ritf ht A Country Seat to be fold. r I A "BOUT, seven acres and a half of land near the three I xTI mile itone on the road leading ro Gray's gardens and I extending with a gentle declivity from the faidroad to the I river Schuylkill—on which are crt&ed, a convenient r ;. I frame houte fultable for a tenant, a frame barn and ftahla, 1, j a large Brick House forty-eight feet front, two ftdnes 1 a j high, » very ele£aiitpia*i9 fronting the V?vir", tke .w"hole ne I breadth of tlie house fopported with turned pillars, floor h: I ed with cedar plank, commanding an extensive and pic nd I tureftjue view of the Middle Bridge, Gray's Gardens, the Hit I Seat of Wm. Hamilton," Ki'q. the Turnpike Road and I Canal. The improvements are all new—and the ground j conveniently divided and mclofed by new cedar fentes. c y I For terms apply at No. 151 Market-ftrect. - j 17 *Jt War-Office, of the United States, May 4th, 179 '). I ' ■ 'HE following Rules, explanatory of thofc pubi'ilhed I L the 15th February, 1 are to be obfervec. by alt " liperfons entitled to Lands, in purfttneeof resolves of 1 Congress I Every certificate of the acknowledgment of a deeu or I power of attorney, erther before a notary public or other I magiflrale, 'mtift, in addition to what is usual, set forth j thu tiie ptrl'on making the acknowledgment it-known t* I the notary or other magiflrate ; for which pc.rpofc words I of the following import mutt be infected in the Certificate. " And I do moreover certify that the faia A B making | this acknowledgment has been for perlonally * I isnown to me." — I If the notary or other magiflrate has roafon to believe I that he is th person he repitfents himfelf to be, he wit I alio certify -t, at I Audi ft he proof be made by a witnefsor witnelTesJi" or r J Inm, which matter mnft be set forth in the certificate ; and Of I thie notary public, or Other raagiflrate, before whom tjjj Y I acknowledgment is made, mail also set forth that the Wit" J' I neisorwitncfleshas or have been for upwards of I perionally known to him. 3 I If a justice of the peace is employed, the clerk of the I court of the corporation or county must certify that such I person is a justice of the peace of the county or corpora- I tion as the cafe may be, and that full faith is due to hit |0f a£ts as such. JAMES M'HENRY, r f e 1 Secretary of War. jrii : Mjheton and, James Humphreys, ■ ot n\ CONVEYANCERS, 10l- I T TAVE jemoved their office to No. 61, Walnut-street, /o, 111 next door but two to the corner of Dsck-flreet, the where aII'INSTRUMENTS IN WRITING are drawn at l a moderate charge, with care, accuracy anddifpatch.— th I Thi?y : likewise buy and fell Real Eflates upon comniif- I fions, and procure Money upon Loan on good fecutity.— lnu ' I The business of an ATTORNEY AT LAW ( RY PUBLIC is ilfo'tranfa<Sled at the said office as usual ; or [by • ASSHETON HUMPHREYS. la : y I N. B. Good Notes difconnted. July 5. ' ' '' eaSw I Univexfity of Pcnnfylvania, v. I - July 16, 1796, I THE Summer Vacation will take place on Monday next, I ' the j&b infl. and continue for Fou* weeks. —Thediffer. who 1 ent Schoo<-» with the several Tutors will accordingly re* inted I afTemblc on Monday, the 15th day of August. By the Faculty, Wm, Rogers, Sec'y. 3 Washington Canal Lottery, N°. 1. I "IT WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised Uni- W the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, I two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting I a Canal through the City of Wafliingtoii, from the Po ) by 1 tomacto theEaflern Branch Hafuour.' The following is the SCHEME of No. I. . cor . I Viz -I Prize of io;ooo dollars, 20,000 I ditto 10,000 10,000 *. r&ST} '»» 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 , , I 10 ditto 400 4,000 s ° ' I SO ditto 100 a,OOO 55 ditto JO 1,750 5750 ditto 12 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, 26,256 I 5850 Prizes, ijsfloo 11650 Blanks, not twe to a prize.] <7jOO Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 nvas, I 0- The Commissioners have taken the Securities re I quired by the aforefaid a<ft for the punilual payment of [D. I the prizes. S I The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without I delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of Which timely . I notice will b£ given. Q • 1 Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the of the j drawing is finilhed, lhall be considered as relinquished for I the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. '! J, ( Signed J NOtLEY YOUNG, herton 1 DANIEL CARROLL, o/JX Fretted LEWIS DEBLOIS, who . 1 GEORGE WALKER, vere . j Wm. M.DUNCANSQN, ipenfa- j THOMAS LAW, CE. j JAMES BARRY. D4w ,1 City of Feb.. $,