• x % ?V ' V ' c . , S / i/ '• * *- ;'j . b> Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. ...30 ate*gmfPSl. ,7?i- J%gg4i 1 . IMH Clin » •— - ,J J • - For Boston, ~ *0 < —1| i i CAPTAIN COFFI* T TTIIX rail on Sunday "ext. For freight or pafcaje ap- W ply to . . X* Edward Stow, jun. j® For HAMBURGH, J* . - -_ THE SHI* john, Robdit Jackson, Matter, j f-To fail in fifteen days, 1 $S . ,';J*S^iii3efe«3 HAVI j^ G . W o-th:rdj of her car jo en (oEcd and ready, to go on hoard: For freight or passage | JgZ apply to the matter on board at Wain's whr.rf, or to newl Johh • TO P Na. »4 Walnut-street. July it. - § 6catf For Freight, THC B,UG * Q 1 Benjamin Glasier, Mojft', A^d FROM Liverpool. Now discharging at P. Care's wharf, and will immediately afterwards take in Freight for NEWBURY-PORT and BOSTON. To fail in all next week. For freight or passage, apply to eapt. Glafier, on board, or to _ I Isaac Harvey, jttn. W No. 5 South Water Street. Rtnr oak, yo. ay for Adveitilement. On Saturday the 30th inft. will be fjld at public auc- , tion __ The new (hit) At Jpgh*. LIBERTY, v -OURTHEN 310 tons, with her 13 masts and spars as delivered by c tie carper, ter, food judget have pronounced that; (he j. is a faithfully built vcflfcl, of goo. 1 , and well feiioneti materials, one thoufaod dollars will be required of the purchaser at the time of Tale, and fir the remainder a credit will be given of 3, 6, 9, and 11 months, the pay ments to he secured by notes negotiable at the Bank or Alexandria, with approved endorsers. JJ JOHN MANDEVILLE, J Tr „ f „ tie '■> GEORGECLEMERSTON, & [ ' creditors of Jns. | ELISHA C. DICK. J Hiciaan Ct. XT, d t 30th. — _j For Barbados, The Brigantine ■ fcghg- F A fvl E, i Francis Knox, Matter, inn TJAS good accommodations for pas- fingers, ants is cxpcil;d to fail on Thtrfiay nm For'fMfcht -of * few buttk or passage, on For Sale, Freight, or Charter, J The Scho incr ML ANGELICA, hundred and twenty tons burthen— y \ / fix months old, a (launch,, faithfilly- j" tnliU, faft-failingr vclTel, handsomely linifticd off, and weft found inevety particular. For term*apply to l c B. RHODES, On board said febooner, lying, at Bickley and Bohlen's wharf, the firfl above Market street. WHERE THERE ARE FOR SALE, A few half-bbls. Prime Me/s Beef. July 24 § For Sale or Charter, THESNOW BOSTON, XtJRTHEN about aooo Bbl*. as flonr—fhe mary he fe*nt to sea at a fniall expence, her fails and being in "" vcty good order—apply to fames Campbell, or George Latimer. at ■Apiil 19, § te " ■ — cc For Sale, Or for Charter to the We ft-Indies, « C E TH R'k S, . Philadelphia Built, OF Live Oa*t'?nd Red Cedar, burthen about 350 c) bar rels, now ciifcharging at Latimer's wharf. J*his ves sel is in excellent repair, well fouud and wilLbeara tho rough examinatkm, and as soon as discharged will be ie&- r j dy to take in a-cargo. For terms apply to John Vaughan. Jtaly 2? ' § : ■ i CABLES, i From 16 to 9 i inches, for file by Jeremiah Warder ~ ! July it § No 11 northThird-ftreet. ; ' —- r Landing 1 -From on board the Nancy, William Belcher, mas- , ter, from Boiirdeawx, a cargo, conlifting of— 360 Hfuls. CHOICE CLARET, 2J2 Cases of 24 bottles each CLARET, 286 do. of 24 do. WHITE WINE, BRANDY, SWEET OIL, and 1 TRUNK of RIBBONS, For Sale by F. Coppingei. July 23. dt f. Just arrived, 220 boxes be ft Claret. ' j.itatr.ing lw« "dozen each, for Tale, 'Vholefale £r Retail, by William Sheaff , •d 6 Julys?. No, 168 ili^li-tirtet. fe" Schooner LITTLE JOHN. f F 0 R -S A I. F; . , r ; : . The ScriQo*'R LITTLE J O " {s, C APT AIN BOYD, of Ma -gM-t \ SOtJT 18 trioniha old, a very fact ,ncc ° A fiil'mg vessel, on Virginia Pilot bo;;t' now laying at South ftreat whar:, - aCa^,!y t o PBTER BLIGHT. y'."'" July 19. joteod • For Sale, | Tl> e Schooner I Dispatch, TJURTHEN hundred barrels, • c ' a— -D a (launch, gobd vessel, two years old, is newiy ihcathed, and in com pleat orJ.».'r to proceed on a * voyage.—For terms apply to ' Joseph Anthony <£? Co July 27. \ 4 r - Just Arrived, la the (bin MoJIy, John Frolf, Master, from Liverpool, | ,5000 Bu(hels Beftfine ftovedSALT, F79 6 - , witi Take Notice, --pHAT the S'.bfcriber intends to mate ipplica- uo[ J. tiort for the renewal of a Certificate, No. 1609, j for 4000 dollars, dated the 14th December, 179 s,branny - _ . ineereft at 5 i per cent, from tft Jartuary, 1796, « •"* name of David Dunderdale Jc Co of Le«l , ;:i *crk on {hire, merchants. The fame isfuppdfed to h.-.ve beenloji ? e ' on its way to New York, under cover- to Bi. cdcer t- March, of thai ptacc, on the 6th of January last- J _ • Thomas M4i.uen. PhilacMphia, aid June, 1796- S w n — ,Q n Wm. HOLDERNBSSE, No. 76 Will Street, 1 — TT AS received, by the latcft arrivals from Europe and "y- LL the East Indies, a well feledcd assortment of Silk — * cH Mercury, Linen Drapery and Habcrdafhery Goods; which he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lc we ft terms ; AMOMOST which are, :n * Some fine India muffins embroidered with gold and frivdr Superfine Book, Jacriuct, aad Mulmul ditto O Do do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra Mack taffetie.,hi tarings and colored PcrGans til § Bandana Handkerchiefs Long and short Nankeens Englifc Mintuas of the firft quality — Damaik table linen and napkins, very fine Silk Hosiery, an elegant affortnunt Tliead and cotton de Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth J French cambrics, vefy fifle Ri sent Irifii l.'.nrtis, do. &c. 3cc. June 14 » Wi s in Public Notice is given, _ the merchants and others concerned in the shipping at State lfund, under quarantine, that a Cart will attend every mo. ning, fumiays excepted, from nine to _ § ten o'clock, at the Health office, No. 34 Walnut-areet ,to convey provisions or other Refrefhments to the Hospital, and for the use of the crews. _ It iscipeded that the Bags, Baflcets, or other packay- u e; with supplies, will be with thr« name of the vef- M fel and captain they are intended for, to prevent miftawes at delivery. By order of the Board of Health for the port of Phila- la delphla, LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH, Chairman. bar. J" '.t THE SALE OF tea- The TOWN, and OUT LOTS of the TOWNS of ERIE, WATERFORD, FRANKLIN and WARREN. ' § A DVERTISED for falcby the State Agents, m the Phila ■ l\ delphia Gazei'cand Universal Daily Advertiser, to be Sold in the City of Philadelphia-; will cammed « the City Tavern or Coffee-Houfe in Second-Street, in the said city, on I Monday the 25th day of July inft. at 7 o'clock in the even -1 ing.and becominued fey adjournment from day today, from, il2 o'clock at noon, un 4 ] two o'clock, and from 7 uAtil g ct. o'clock in the evening, until the whole of the said LOTS and OUT LOTS are difpofcd of. The conditions of sale will be 1 made known, and the plans of the said LOTS and OUT LO 1S be Ibewn at the time and place of sale. Rv order of William Irvine, Andrew FJlic ft and George Wiljtn 2 mas- AgtKt.. EDWARD FOX, Aucliontcr. _ i July 22. - ales of India Goods. % ■■ , The Cargo ©f the fttij* Ganges, capt. Tingsy, from Cal- g « cutta and Bengal, ( CONSISTING OF t A Large, arrd general aifortmcrrt of Bengal an duties on Carriages, tor tno^convey-* a nee or t>c ; ons, nnd rt the for pur .—-That iViere fha'l be ries an 4 Tates following, to wit. . Fotand j'-:on every Coach, i t .; dols. JiX .' ti»v>o every Chario', 12 dois. Pr MejTrs u>j«v every Post Chariot, 1 / - Jg now d upon every Pott Chaise, 12 dtfls. PoH us J.) every Phaeton, withor vv uhout top, gdols* i»on every Coachee, 9 dols. * • , yuon other Carriages, having panne i woik Vith blinds, glasses or curtains, 9 dols. j - , 1 pon four wheel carriages, having framed posts and j ; / tapj with steel fpiings, 6 UtjK, J L r ipop. four whetfl top Carriages, with wooden or iron j ) dots " , ' the lu witn tops, 3 dols. t 1 with tops, 3 dolsi j fOfl upon chairs with tops, 3 dols. t ifou tulkies with *ops, 3 tUls. j jpon other two wheel top 3 doU.T , jpon two wheel carriages, with ftccl or iron springs, j 3 s « ) For and upon all qrtitr two whefcl can iages, 2 dols. J upon every lour wheel carriage, having Iramrd polls 1 and tops, and relliilg upon wooden spars, 2 dols. J A The Collc&ors of the Revenue of the "tirjt survey ot the J Dirtri&of Pcnnfylvanu* attend daily, until the 30 th day j of September next, Cor the purpose of rcGeuing the duties on | J u Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or Saffairai Urtet, in the City J - of Philadelphia, at the house of Daniel & Clzit » £.1q in rbe j County of Montgomery; and at the houle of Abraham Da- 1 bois, Esq. m the County of RucKs; of whicli all pcrfons pol J e feffed of such Carriage s are deftred to take notice. J cxtei Notite is also given, J rivel TO all retail dealers in Wines, an 4so distilled fpiri- 1 fram tuous liquors, that licences wilt be granted to them ; one li j a lai cence for carrying on the business ot retailing ot Wines, in a J high '.6fsquantity, or in lets Quantities than 30 gallons—and one j br£a P iiceuce for carrvinß on the bufuicfs of retailing Spirituous li- I e( j v quars in lefsquan.iiics tlian 20 gallons, at the fame time and I turc] at the fame pljces, by tiic officers legally auihoiired to grant j q cat iich licences. | Can; WILLIAM NICHOLS, J cftn> Inipeftor of tlie Revenue of the firtk fuivcy j p of the dillrid of Pcnni ; lvania. J * Office of Infpe6;ion, at ? | Philadelp"i<», 21 ft JuK', 1796. ) Sr t 3° j Twenty Dollars Reward. WAS gjTOLEM, tail eveniiip, from the pafturt of the I fablerlher, A black Rotkihgham GELDING, 15 I j ,-v hmdi hat a star, and i'ome white under, his j £, 011 throat, (the ;>»rt being formerly ch»ftd) ;has a leather on I hi. neck,.thc ijiaite <>41 the near fide, his foot-locka fretted J - ivitha (.lojf.aad isa horse e£ much boneand size. Who- J[ n ever fteures I,lm wi'.h'tlie tKief, fiiall have the afcove rv- t Wiird, or for the Hotfe »lone a very generous compepfa- I , a " t ion JOHN LAWRENCE. tof , % JUIT? ■_ -_c 4 - _v to * w « Just Arrived, . J^'c j; In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, mafteTfrom La- I I vsrpool, | tha jooo Ilridiel. SALT ; J alfc 3co WARE j arwl 1 j - AmAllorttMut of SHI? CHANDLERY; | the FORSALE f hm Oir board, at Pine-ilrtet wharf. Apply tft • I th^ James Campbell, or George Latimer. j pi; nd April 19. 5 1 ' ilk — ■ - cdl £3- N O T I C E. ' • There will be fold on Tliuriday the 4th of Apgnft, it ait j£[ ib e Merchants'eo&t house, ui Second itneet/ j One thousand fharesof the stock of _ ins the North America Land Company. If not previously disposed of. Philadelphia, a oil. July. <1" IJ. TAKE NOTICE, P TKATb"pfication vrill he made for the renewal of xl tlie ifTued by Joseph Ndurfe, fio Register of the Trelfury, in the name of Roger Gnl Tf > woM, Esq. of Norwich, Conneflicut— R' 1 certificate, fix per cent ctoineftic stock, No. 13,907 by —dated the 17th December, 1795, bearing interest from the- firft djy of Janojry, 1791. for 1,597 6/-ioo dol -1 ditto, thre* per cent, domestic stock, 10,68s 10 —dated December 16, 179J, bearing interest from the firft day of January. 179'' for 994 30-100 dollars. ' ' I ditto, $tfetr€<\ stock, No. 9,166 dited the 17th | ao . December, 1795> bearing intertft from the firll Jatiu- vcf. ar/, 1801, for 79" 83-100 dollars. , . afl ikes certificates are supposed to have been 101 l or stolen in this city Tome time in December or Janua:y lila- last. , M JOSEPH THOMASi § No. 59, North Frorit-ftreet. — Philadelphia, J«ty ai, 179*- J6w - ' N3 Lottery ' ? IN T?OR raising fix thousand fix hundred and sixty-seven tt r dollars and fifty cents, by a deduSion of fifteen per cent from the prizes, and not two blanks to a prize, viz. hlla - j Prize of jooo dollars is dollars 5000 0 , be . 1000 1000 G "y , «oo s°o '• c JOO I4J° By order of the D:rcdor» of the Society for eftablilh mg Ufeful ManuiaSures, the fiiperintendant* of the Pat- ' Cal " erfon Lottery hive requested the Managers to offer the I foregoing Ssheme to the public, and have dire&ed them to refund the money to those pcrfons who have 1 adras j n f oPmcr Lottery, or exchange the tickets tor tickets 1 in this Lottery. I'he lottery has aflually commenced drawing, and will 'ins, • continue until finifiied. A lift of the Blanks atid Prizes .may be seen at tin' office ol WiHiam Blackburn, Nt#. 64 south Second street, who will give information where tick ets may be procr. 1* "i. Dated this 17th day of June, 1796. J. N- CUMMING, JACOB R. HARDENHERG, V Managers, ■et. JQtfATit AN RHEA, J June 18 eo ; — ; ; » - - r , To ek Lr.t, A large convenient thrc* (>oTy liricV House, plcifinr't Stnated, onthi t of Sccohd'-Stfcct, b'-ppofiTtc to tlV* 48fc*y.--Market; -occupation of Henry Clyin.#- App0 I July 17- dtf 2 A Country Seat to be fold. f* I s even acres and a half of land near the three I I\ mile ft one on the foad leading to Gray's gardeHs and j extending witlingentle declivity from the falfi foad to the I river Schuylkill—on which ,arc erctSed, a convenient i- I &inu house fuitahle for a tenant, a frame bam and stay?, li I a large Brick House forty-eight feet front, two stories a I high, a very elegant piazza fronting the Hvcr, the whole nt j breadth of the house supported with turned piHafs, fioor- I ed with cedar plank, 1 commanding an cit en five aod pic* noa aooo I ro ditto 400 4,000 49501 ao ditto 100 afioo 50001 55 ditto 50 a,75° 0,000 i7J