Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 27, 1796, Image 3

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    , , " ; t
of ;hy ingenuity, thy original style, genuine wit, me, lis
p.-cafe-it# of manner, apt quotation, and pure lim- wnath
u'.i.hy, will not lightly pass away, but continue an
i,<jiio;a'ble monument to the credit of thy country.
A uibute, forced by the intrinsic worth of the tmmm
Sermons of " the Lay Preacher," from, —
RICHMOND, July 20. In t
-On Friday lad, Mr. SAML. J. SYKES, a farms
gentleman of refpeftability, and but a (hort time T 793,
an inhabitant of this city. He left England some ble an
time last fnmmer.
Also—On Monday evening last, iuddenly !! ! Jon
lit late Attorney of the United States Sai
•for this dilhift. , Sat
NORFOLK, July 18. A.
This dAy arrived 'he Hoop Shepherded, Captain Isa
Dean, 18 days From St. Bartholomews, who is- Ja<
foims, that the iflanHs of St. Vincent's and Grena- Tii
da were entirely subdued ; that Admiral Harvey, Gi
with a 98 gun (hip, four 74's, large frigate,
with 1200 troops, arrived there on the 27th June,
in 30 days from Europe; they were momently ex
pc£ling a large fleet with 10,000 men. |
lIIIIH 1 l»ilii »I 1 ?•
BOSTON, July 19.
ExlraS ef a Idler, dated June 18, 1796.
"We have just made the iflaad of.Antigiw, and ot ta
having some hopes of meeting an American vefle.l so 1,1
bound home, as we are running down to Sfc Croix, ttone
1 wi(h to acquaint you as soon as possible oP our pas- dlic «
lage thus far. On- the 27th of May, we met with perfo
a Brig in diilrefs,. which had been upset three days tp°t
before, and carried away her mainmalt, boat, decK, _—
hatches, caboose, foretop-maft, and considerable ot
her rising. The brig's name Venncrne, belonging
to StT Thomas, from N. Carolina, commanded by
John Ofijorn, who, with his crew we took on board, bhg!
The fcas were washing over the b;jgs deck ; and V
I suppose, nothing but the lumber in her hold, pre
vented her from finking. The captain and crew were
7 in-number, which occafipned us togo on allowance 1
of water. On the 14th of we fnet with a that
veflel on fire, burned down to her w;,le ; soon afrer at tl
we came to her (he went down and left a few bales ted,
of cotton floating with parts of the deck on fire. tize
Yours, &c. addi
NEW-YORK, July 26. fi( . ej
[Continuation of foreign advices received by the j ern
ihip Brifeis, Capt. Breath, from Bonrdeaux.J j cat ,
Tranjlated for the Daily Ai'yertifcr. • (
PARIS, Bth Prairial, May 27. anc<
It is aflerted that when the Emperor sent from
Vienna to rentfw the hostilities 011 th:.* Rhine, he ( | ie
was ignorant of the recent loffcs fuilained by his j ( j (
army in Italy. On the 2d Praii i=>l his generals no ( ; on
tified to ours the ce(T«tion of the armistice, w'tich k vc
has been granted to Austria, in order to induce ber t>n
to accept a peace no more necefl.iry to her thaN to opj
us. ; Dot
The arch-duke Charles, wishing to conceal from s
his army the entire defeat of that of Italy, caused
the bells to ring, and the te deutn to be lung on
the other bank of the Rhine, as if to celebrate a
viftoty ; but artifice could not long here succeed,
and i feemsthat he has been compelled to conlefs
the reverse ; never-thelefs, he lill endeavored to pal- j n £
liale it by stating the loss but at 4000 men. an( i
Extract of a Letter. wo
From the "Courier du Corps Legiflatif". j iev
27th Floreal, 16.h May. j-
Council of Five Hundred, 26th Floreal, 15th Mjjy. rf(
The Council having received from the Directory j ( j
thitty-fix pieces relative to Drouet, met in a private j.
committee to hear the reading thereof. Two let
ters addrefied to Drouet, from de Saiffe, counter- u[i
signed by Baker, secretary of the French Legation,
art delivered to'the President of the Council. jji
Council of Elders, 26th Floreal, May 15.
After reading of the proces-vubal, a resolution
it read, which puts at the disposal of the minilter
of jultice, a sum of 6,821,649 livres, fixed value,
to betaken out of the fix hundred millions menti-
oned in the law of the 28th Ventofe.
EOURDEAUX, 19th Floreal.
A juflii e of the peace proceeded, day before ye- ■
flerday until 11 o'clock in the evening, in taking
off the fails fiom on board the Danifli (hip L'Eli
f. ..eih-Chn.tene, from Cucanetey. ai
'I. e Comrr.iffary of tl*e Directory of the Com- cl
muni of Poniive, to the Minister of the Police. w
Citizen Minister,
General Hoche appeared in our department and ;
im-nediately madcfeveral chiefs of the Chog r.s fall j
to thegrotr 1 ; air.ongll these is the emigrant Can
t; wbofe death has caused great sens aions. {>
is On the 30th Germinal in the Commnne of a
' '". lerean, wheie the council of the royal army, ,-
inilrad of achofen company of i.ifantry and a ca- r <
- Iryof 460 men, held a fitting. a
• give you an account of it because their delibe- si
rzi 11 is connected with the events that arc to take *
piacc in Paris, and the a&ors are already at their g
•. .... 0
J It is said that there exists in Paris a prince of the t
r.! d, whose name I coulc' not learn. He is at 11
r. «l ead of a party preparing to aft, and whose c
•' iiv is to be generally felt, particularly in those *
p-d ; in infune&ion, with which it is aliened the v
p: i e holds a corrcfpoudcnce. f
ere cxifts also, in the departmeut of Mortena, J
i « vant fameux, thought to be the prince of I
aivnte. He has been ordered to depart, he and '
■ fe : it is to be feared that he will go and join 1
i re jels. i
T it commotion which they wait for with im '
...«<re ij soon to buiti out, and wdl be supported
"■ department, by 4U the efforts of Chouanifm
><ao the emigrants who intend to effect a dcfcent
o , flie weilcin coalts.
- uizen Minister, these warnings are not to be
rallied,-they fpiing from a good source i and the
• h'j'iaQ whu has Uufcd them to be tranfmittcd to
, me, has never yet deceived me. I tvery day fee
what he announces realize !*fclf.
1 Sa'.ut and refpefk.
1 Sehoor
For the Gazette of th: lUnitebStatss j
— ' i School
In the counties of Buck* and Montgomery a- 1 g rl g (
bout 18 miles from Philadelphia there aie twelve • q
a farms adjoining e?.ch other, which were in the year Schos
e j yQj, owned and occupied by the following vencra- . » j
e ble and tefpedablc citizens. -\
age: in 1793. frejoit age.
! John Irwin 90 years.. 93 ' . v
y Herman Yerkifj 87 90 ScVr
is Sam. Shoemaker 70 73 j
Sam. Irwin 69 72 ]
And. Buflciik 73 7$ ' 1
In Isaac Bellew 74 77 ]
i- Jacob Fry 71 74 B r ; g
a- Tiios. Craven 78 8i
y, Giles Craven 75 1
, Total 7.4 Ship.
K . Average near oo
Vf" Anthony Scoot 94 •
Jacob Gilbert 93 j e „ q(
I. (. Charles Garrison 76
Total 950 j u i
Average near 80 years. -Moh:
Thc« are Jeveral other veif old gentlemen,heads (
nc j of families, in the fame neighbourhood, but as they
f s J do not immediately join estates they arc r.ot ca
[ x> tioned —Few parts of the world however can pro-
a fl duce 12 perfonj residing four fifths of a eent,ury in ou[ |-
; t h perfect harmony within two miles of one central o jj
,ys spot. f or f (
:k, , C;
of ult. !
Meflrs. Willet and O'Connor, e(1 U]
h v Plcafe to putjlifli the following remarks, and o- p rQV
rd, blige, A SUBSCRIBER. w ; t h
nd Williamftiurg, July 8, 1796. BUte ,
re- — cargi
ere From a Correspondent.
Ie« There are Well grounded reasons for expefiing A
1 a that the President of the United States will relign days
rer a t the expiration of the term for which he was elec- Phil;
'!es ted, that is in March next, and that his fellow ci- J
" tizens will bit informed of his determination by an Effti
address, in the couvfe of a few weeks. It is expeftcd fchr.
that he will be solicited to continue longer in of. ca.
(ice, but surely if the President announces his de- fiom
l ' le termination to resign, no hing could be more indcl- 81
icate, or ((t is presumed) more otfenfiye to the feel niola
ings of the President, than to rcqurtt his coutinu- and office. In short, it is impofllble that such B
om felicitation* can proceed from the real filends ofr 29,
the honor, peace, and happiness of Wulhington. Si.
s It is possible that there are men so devoted to lac- '1
"° tion and party, w.ho from an apprehension that lone teer
,ct i favorite of their own might not be eleiSed Preli- Uiis
er dent, or to prevent the election of some person of fate
t0 opaolite political fentimcnt* to themselves, would Ji
not hefitatc. to (olicit the Pr^tidcnt to continue in Leii
om his office ; but would nny man who widied welUto Pan
' re<l the fame of the President aflt him to a& a part 65,
on which would liken him to that hypocritical tyrant f,on
c a Anguftus, who constantly made of his plei
;o< '' willies and intentions to resign, yet always had his 1
s minions and tools at hand to fnlicit his continuance fine
f a '" in office ?to those foiicitaiionj he always yielded, ton
and died in the office he had usurped—os such un- vre
worthy motives no friend of Washington can be- Cad
lieve him a£luate<j, and it would an insult to Col
suppose it. If it is the with of that great man to icrs
retire from office, may the bleffingi of his fellow son,
tory citizens follow him, they will not cease to venerate ner.
v . ate hie virtues, though he may cease 10 serve them. Gal
Who the successor of Wiifhington may be, it is met
" ,er " uncertain—different opinions and withes will direst Cat
110n ' diffeient men—such is the nature of a government Lo
like ours, and to suppose that the office can only be Stc
filled by but oce man, is a libel on the constitution
I J '' J " —it is a libel on all republican government. Such for
nl ) * cr an opinion (hould be treated as a degree of folly j
approximating to insanity, because it can only be to
lenti- f U ppy r teJ by a belief that one maa will live forever.
; . — * =- vr «
Philadelphia, July 27. fte
re ye- • 1 th.
.'Eli- Capt. St. Baihe's capture published as three fep- !ca
aratc articles and numbered accordingly. The lull ;
article in Tuesday's paper is No. 93, the fir 11 aiti- J a
Com- cle in Wednetday's is No, 95 —what kind of ariih- si
ce. «netic is this! ' I
, ..j Extnrfl of a letter from a Mercantile Jloufe in Li&on ;
;,af m y! . !„
Can- " Wtadfife yon that 1 rapid decline lias taken f c
place in England, in the price of American wheat h
ine of and fl"ur, the former had fallen so low as 6s. per , b
armv, bushel, and the latter to 30a. per barrel, this great : g
a ca . reduction seem. not to be confined to that country b
alone, for in France prices have also given way con f,
lelibe fiderably, in so ranch that fcveral American vessels f
; take with fl6ur, not being able to difpofc of their car- fc
their goes, have proceeded to Falmouth in search of a |
market, and would gladly dispose of the fame at j fc
of the the firil coll, and be content to fink the freight and ; |
is at insurance ; our friends at Falmouth expedl many ,
whose cargoes from America, to give-them a call for ad- t
those vice, and have written to us, to furnilh them by c- t
ed the very Packet, with the (late of our market, for their (
government, being anxious to fend some of them [
jrtena, here. In politics all hopes of a pacification taking j ,
nee of place with France seems to be abandoned, and there
he and is every probability that Europe will experience the |
:d join horroisof a war another campaign, at Paris pirty
feuds begin again to (hew themselves, and indicate
th im another revolution in their Government."
iported ~-
uanifm Exchange on London 731-1 per ioco ds. ,
dcfcent American Wheat ... 620
'Do. Indian Corn - - • 320
Flour .... 8,000 per barrel,
tto be pitch, Tar, Uufin, abundant, flow sale.
ind the New-York or Albany Pipe slave» 96 per thousand.
itlcd to liarrrel do. - 35 pet do.
»' — "«■«-; — 111 the
July 27. the M>fc
Arrivals. Forty I
1 Schooner Sincerity, Copia, Port-au-Prince, 10 And*
1 Schooner Helena Plutnftiad, Green, . HifpJtniota
I Ship Ceres, Planden, Havanna
" 1 Brig Ctarfja, DuCofto, Hifpanioh Afibe
Courtney, Living (lop, * Not folk.
r Schooner Polly,Ober, St. Andrews
" • ' Rachel, Nefcit, Bolton J" 1 / '
Ttjal, Hand, Alrxancria ufjlTE]
The folk, !«g vessels had arrived at Kindlon, p«nh
j Jim. viz. 1W .XI
Sch'r Prrfcverance, Addington Baltimore June 21
Link Peg Almond do. 19 Bj
Bet fey, IS-»i I Charleston 17
Eliz ibsth, Moors Philadelphia 24 A
Ruby, Whitney Norfolk 22
Brig Kilty, Dillon ' Charleston 22-
Seven Brothers, Heron Philadelphia 2J f/ l^c
, ' Columbia, Moody Alexandria 23 judicial
Bell, Smith N. Carolina 24 ulternat
Ship SnocCfn, Gordon [Philadelphia 2 1 Peunfy;
Dominick Terry ' do. 21 purpolc
The above account was brought by Capt. Dup- Atl
lex of the Ship Old Tom. delphia
■ seventh
Portland, July 18. nine y-
July 15. —Arrived at Pepperelborough, the (hip " in
-Mohawk, 25 day 9 from Martha brae, in Jamaica. —
Off the Havanna, spoke the schooner Hawk, of t h e c
"J Philadelphia, Capt. James Gerrifh, oat of Jamai- towi
it ca 9 days.—Likewise spoke the schooner Lively, Sect
3 " of Wareham (Cape-Cod) Benjamin Gibbs, mailer, prefem
out fix months a whaling, having 170 barrels of
a oil on board, all well bound to the Bahama banks t h e 'ur
for four weeks, and thencc home. circuit
Capt. Retts, of the (loop Randolph, on the 17th en at
ult. after he was four hours out trom Jciemie, pT?T -
ed up the crew of the schooner Brothers, Capt.
°" Brown, of Baltimore, jail as ihe had been struck f ai j"^ o
with lightning. The schooner funk in fifteen mi- to be 1
nutes after Ike had received the stroke. Vessel and rized 1
carifo, confining entirely of coffee, loft. them t
8 * 9..
ng Arrived (hip Magnet, Hodge, Liverpool, 64 in^
days. Spoke the Adriana, from Londonderry for i Ults
c- Philadelphia, with 500 passengers. find ci
ci- July 21.—Schooner Jenny, Miller, Leghorn, eleven
an Effequibo, 23 days. July 11, lat. 29,39, spoke
ed fcht. Vv illiam, 10 days from Norfolk for Jamai- w ; tnel
as- ca. July 17,'lat. 40, 34, spoke a -rig 4 days the an
ie- from Rhade 1 fland for ihe Weft-Indies. tridl ii
el- Seitr. Ranker, Atwood, Petit Guave, Hifpa- clama!
el niola. Left thci.e, capt. Conway, of Baltimore :
iu- «nd capt. Coekrane, of Boston. Spoke no vessels.
ch Brig Nancy, Skinner, Lisbon, 55 days. In long,
"of 29, 5, spoke brig Hope, Toftrup, 30 days from Ap
in. Si. Croix, for Copenhagen.
Ac- The Betsey, .(loop, prize to the French priva
rr.e teer L'Amore, de la Pairi, has, we believe, left men f'
;li- (his port, in conltqueuce of the inlerdiftion of the
of sale nf pi i/ts.
tild July 2 I.—SchoonerThomas, Croix, 13 days. I
in Left there, (hip Rich, of Boston ; and schooner proce
.to Patty, Spafford, of do. July 10, lat. 29, long.
art 65, spoke schooner Phoenix, Robertfon, 21 days t j ie u
nit fiom Portland for Jamaica. The Thomas hascotn- delj>ti
his pitted her voyage Irom Boston, in 51 days. tlcven
his The following vessels have been nlhore at Cadiz, proce
nee since Sept. 20, 1795 : (hip Chafe, Johnson, of Bos x °™
ed, ton ; (loop Pclly, French, from London, for Ha
uti* vre ; brig Affunninfj, Halm, from Hamburg for take
be- Cadiz ; Galliot Maltha, Simpfon ; five English
to Colliers ; three large Enghfll transports ; Two Sif
to ters, L'Eclair, national vessels ; , Hendrick
low son, from Bremen, for Newry } brig Nancy, Skin
ate ner, of Boston ; (hip Jacohus, Boire, of Alu»na ;
Galliot Anna Elizabeth, Newenftead, from Bre
t is men, for France ; (hip Catharine, Denneker, for
reft Cadiz; (hip Falmouth, Foyake, from Shields for _
lent London j (hip Star, Beanick, from St. Übes for
ybe Stockholm.
tion The Diana, Brown, of Boston, left the Downs
inch for Lisbon, May 15. extt
: olly ; The Dolphin, Pavfons, 6 days from Wifcaffet, tiye
ybe to Li vet pool, was spoke in long. 62, 3°- frar
:ver. The Two Friends, 8 days from Norfolk, to Ha- a h
__ vre was spoke in long. 66, 3 0
The Rulhy, Kempton, of Boftop, arrived atAm
fterdam, May 2, bound to St. Petersburg. Also tuf(
i the Camilla, of .do. for do. _ Sea
! The Leopard, Putr.ey, of Balem, was at Jamai- Car
f tf P" ca lately. cc "j
e liill 1 The Ad'ive, Paifons, of Newbury Port, was at
aiti- Jamaica, June 18 Also, the Betsey, Sturgifs, of J
irith- Boston, to fail in 8 days.
PORTLAND, July 18. i
ifcon On the 7th or Bth inft. •»' a Mr. Trueman of W
Boston, was pafftng from Mr. Stacy's, at Wifeaf- j£j
taken where he had put up, to a Mr. Clarke's, where
wheat he was invited to dine, he was suddenly attacl»ed ne
»• P er |by five men in disguise, having their faces blacked, 1,0
great ! & c . One of the foot-pads presenting a gun to his
mntry breast, bade him Hand. They then carried him a
1 con f ev¥ TO ds from the road, into the bushes, and took
vessels from him all the money which he had about him,
r car- being upwatdiof 200 dollars, a silver watch, (hoe : A '
b of a buckles and a pocket book containing ma<iy valua
me at j ble papers. After which, they (tripped him near
lit and ; )y naked, beating and mangling him iii a (hocking
many manner, cutting his ears, &c. They then piopof
or ad- et J niuidering him, or at least doing further violence
Iby e- t 0 his body ; but they forbore. We hear that the
r their fuft'erer knew three of the villains, so as to have
them been able to lwear to them r the further partitulafs
aking we have nut yet learn«d „
J there;
ice the 1 7> „ t
p lr ; v By an Artifl. resident at Mr. Oellers s Hotel,
ARE taken and executed in that elegant anil delicate
ltilc, which is so neeeffary to render a Miniature Pic-
an interirftiug jewel.
He will a strong and indifputalile resem
blance ; and he the liberty to lay before the public
irrel. of thi* place hid molt carneft intentioa to deicrve their pa-
tronage by hia best endeavors to please.
oufand. N. B. Specimcnt are to hefesn.
May la. - 5
iii .■« LJ ijjifcijiJt - --- ' - - JLLL-JLigllJL-g
---juii Arrived
In the orig Betlcy, from jereniie, and for Tr .e bj
the fuhfcriWets. v ~
Forty thousand \Vt. oFvery prime Coh^e
in hogtheadJaftibagi \
) ■ And, in the schooner Hope, flrom lic-u
' A credit *iB he jiven for Not?:.
1 Richard and James Potter.
! *7- .. . , . aF ~
a UNITED STAriiS, ") q
> Pennsvlvajiia linrmcT, J
Murfhil of thi: Pennsylvania Uift'riA, —
2 TT THERI£AS tlae Congref» of the 'United States', at
2 . VV the firflfeffip* of the fourthCoiigrefs, to wit, cji
ihe twelfth day of May lad pift, pafl'id an ad, to rcp;-(
' so much of an act, intituled "*n to etlabhOt t,m
: 3 Judicial Courts of the United States", as direSs that the
!4 alternatelelfions ot the Circuit Court for the Dirtrid of
[ | Pennfjlvania, shall be holdch at Yorktowu ; and for other
2, purpoles, in the follow ing words, to wit.
Fourth Cocgrefs of tha United States :
P" At the firll fcfiion, begun and held at the city of Phila
delphia, in the Stat? of Pemifylvaria. on Monday, the
seventh of December, one tboUfand seven hundred and
nine y-five.
• An Act to repeal fomucb of an afl, intituled "an a<st to
eftabliih the judicialcourU of the United States", as di
~ reiti that alternatefcffiohs of the fsid circuit Court !or
the diklriA of Pennfy W..nia 'hall he holdcu at York
ai- town ; and for other pur ; ofes.
ly, Sect. I. BE it cna&ed by the Scnat« and House of Re-
g t prefentatives of the United States of America, in Con
r grefs assembled, That so inuch of &lth feClion of the
act, intitu ed " an act to cftailiih the judicial courts of
the United States", asdircds that alternate fefrions of the
circuit coutt lor the dillrxil of Pcnnfylvania lhall be hold
rth en at Yorktown, be, and the fame is hereby repealed J
aud that all the Cllionsoi the laid circuit court ihail, from
and after the paihng of this aft, be holdeft a: the city of
p • Pliiiadelphia, excepting only, when at any felfion of thi
'ck f d ij court, tlm judges thereof (halloiredt the next itfliun
ni- to be holden at Yorktown , which they are hereby autho
md rized and cmyowered to do, whenever it (hall appear to
them to be neeeffary.
Sect. 11. And be it further cnaited, That all fc-'u pro
cess of the l'iid court, as may have ilfued before the pass
"4 ing of this ait, and all recognizances returnable, and all
for lu ts and other proceedings that were continued to the
said circuit court ior the dillrift of Pennfylvauia, on the
irn eleventh of October next, in Yorktown, ihali now be re
i ' turned, and held continucO, to the fame court, on the
fame day, at Philadelphia. And to Lhe end that suitors,
lai " witnesses, and ail other 6 concerned, may have no:ice of
ays the alteration hereby made, the Maiilial of the said <lii
tridt is hereby required te make the fame known, by pro
pa. claniation, on or b.fbretlie firll day of Augufu next.
' _ Jonathan Dayton,
: Speaker *f the House of P eprefentativcs.
£lS - Samuel Livermqri-,
ng. Prefnlent of the Senate, pro tempore,
om Approved, May the twelfth,
GEiiRGE Washington,
j va _ ■ Pr.cfident of the United StaU-s.
Deposited among the Rolls, in the Office of the Departs
, ment of State,
Timothy Pickering,
Secretary of State.
ays. IDO HEREBY MAKE KNOWN, that all such
>ner procefa of the said court as has, or may be issued, and all
ncr recognizances returnable at Tcrho-wn aforefaid, 011 rhe ch-
J veutb daytf OcMcr next, will be returned to the Circui- of
' a )' s the Umted States, at the City Hall, in the city of Phila
om- delphia, onTuefday, the el,ninth day of OAoker next, at
tlruen o'clock in the forenooa, Ar:d that all huts and other
diz proceedings that were c jntinued to the said court at or.k-
g o r' town, will be held and continued at the said Circuit
tj Court, at Philadelphia, on the fame EU-.trJb day of Ode
,a ber next, of which all persons concerned are desired to
or take notice, and give their attendance thereat.
glifh GIV£N under my hand, at my office, ill the Diflricfc
Sis. of'Pennfylvania, the twenty-seventh day of July,
.• t in the year of our Lord one thousand leven hun-
Y". dred and ninety-fix, and of our Independence the
it W!
8 fur A Country Scat to be fold.
JWOS A BOUT seven acres and a half of land near the three '
x\- mile (lone on the road leading to Gray's gardens and
extending witlingentle declivity fromthe said road to the
a " et » river Schuylkill—on which are eredted, a convenient
frame house fuitablefor a tenant, a frame barn andTtabiC,
1 Ha- a large Brick House forty eight,, feet frortt, two ft or its
high, a very elegant piaizafronting the river, the whole
a breadtlvof the house supported with turned pillars, floor
; a??" ed with cedar plank, commandi«g an extensive and pic-
Alio t urefque view of the Middle Bridge. Gray s Gardens, the
Seat of Wm. Hamilton, Esq. the Turnpike ROad and
amai- Canal. The improvements arc all new—and the ground
conveniently divided and inclosed by new cedar fences.
„t For terms apply at No. Ijl Market-street.
V3B 3l _ , 4n¥
I*3, of J"* 17 1L
For Sale,
v-"l— The Schooner
an of Mmij Dispatch,
Wifcaf- "OURTHEN about twelve hundred barrels,
w heic i Ij a (launch, good vessel, two years eld, is
acWed new ly flieathed, and in compleat order to proceed on a
*rl«-c< voyage.—For unr.s apply to
t hi! Jofipb AnthmyV Cc,
him a J a 'r*7- fl_
t hint This Day commenced Landing,
(hoe- At ' itflins wharf, the cargo of the Brig Lucy and Sloop
' , St. Jago, from St. JagodeCuba—confidingof
3 " White avd Brown Box SUGAR.
1 near- MOLASSEB, 0 f an excellent quality.
icking COFFEIT.
jiopof- HIDES and HONEY. Also,
iolenee For Sale or Chstter. ,
l l3 ' l^c The brig ,
0 \ flout,' llrong v«.ffel, will carry a
titulafs boiit laoo barrels and may go t»
- sea with a very small expense.
The above will be fold for calh or approved notes.
Samuel Emery,
tel, No. 64, fouthSecond-flreet.
1S E S July 17, .796- dtf '
delicate T
turePic- To be LET,
A large convenient story Brick House, pleasantly
rC v!r" fixated, on the weft fide of Second-Street, opposite to the
e public now in the occupation -f Henry Clym«r
thelr P a - Efq Apply t. n ,
William Bingham.
S J" 1 / »7<